American Health Care Academy Is Offering Online CPR/AED And First Aid Training Programs

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American Health Care Academy Is Offering Online CPR/AED And First Aid Training Programs

The mission of American Health Care Academy is to promote, preserve and improve the health and good samaritan well-being of individuals and communities by providing professional, quality online health training. Their goal is to prepare individuals to save lives. At AHCA, They aim to build upon educational and experiential bases of healthcare professionals and the public at large by developing a curriculum that has the theoretical background, practical hands-on skills, and knowledge in the sector. They plan to continue to develop health programs that are accurate, easy-to-understand and important to the public. Their training is free to access and available on the web. They value continuing education and training for all individuals to provide for a healthier, responsible and better-educated community. In a recent press briefing, the Chief Doctor said, “Cardiovascular disease is the single greatest cause of death in the US. Every year more than 480,000 adult Americans die of a heart attack or related complications. The victim of an emergency such as a heart attack, stroke, cardiac arrest, or choking may be saved if people at the scene have had lifesaving skills and techniques. First Aid & CPR Course Topics Include: Recognizing emergencies, deciding to act, key important factors, check-call-care, responding to an unconscious adult and First Aid burns treatment.�

Their instructors have passed courses by the American Heart Association (AHA), and their course curriculum follows AHA guidelines. American Health Care Academy training meets and nationally accepted requirements set by Emergency Cardiovascular Care (ECC) and OSHA. Even though they pride themselves in providing the quality course, they suggest people check with their organization, institution, or employer to ensure that their course(s) fulfills the specific set of requirements. American Health Care Academy will be more than happy to provide additional info about their excellent online certification courses. Speaking about online First Aid and CPR certification, she said, “The American Health Care Academy offers online First Aid certification. Our online First Aid class is ideal for those who are receiving First Aid training for the first time, or for those who are seeking First Aid recertification. The online First Aid course includes video and literature that is nationally accepted.� National emergency response organizations certify their online course instructors. American Health Care Academy online CPR/AED and First Aid training programs meet the UPDATED 2015 and accepted guidelines established by national emergency response organizations, including the latest ECC Guidelines. Their online CPR class and online CPR/AED class are ideal for those who are receiving CPR training or CPR/AED training for the first time, or those who are seeking CPR recertification or CPR/AED recertification. The online CPR course and online CPR/AED course includes video and literature that is nationally accepted.

About American Health Care Academy Nationally-approved health training, such as CPR and First Aid, are developed to enhance theory development, and provide continuing education and practice for individuals enrolled in our courses. Their course curriculum is continuously monitored and updated to adhere to changing national standards and research. Additionally, their instructors are trained by American Heart Association and OSHA and include Nurse Planners who have attained their BSN and are current, practicing health care professionals. They've recently launched a mobile app that people can download and take the course. They are also hoping to release the courses in Spanish soon.

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