Constuction Manager February 2016

Page 45

The Global Student Challenge is now open for entries. Register teams before 29 February. The games begin in March with finalists heading to Hong Kong for a showdown in July. Visit


news in brief

Logistics need a rethink, says CIOB past president


As construction activity increases, the skills shortage takes affect and city centres become more congested, the construction industry will have to look at how it may improve productivity. This was the message from Peter Jacobs, past president and MD of Wilson James’ Construction Logistics, to CIOB members in Essex in a presentation on how the use of consolidation centres can improve construction output and programme certainty. One suggestion Jacobs made, is that the industry looks again at the supply chain and in particular the way it delivers material to site. Site logistics have improved on many sites in the past 10 years, with many industries adopting ‘just in time’ product delivery techniques, but, in general, construction has not followed suit. Developed by the Japanese car industry in the 1950s and then refined with improvements in technology, Just in Time has been used by manufacturing, retail and a whole host of other organisations including the Armed Forces and Humanitarian Aid, to improve efficiency, reduce their carbon foot print and create better margin. Wilson James is Heathrow’s logistics integrator, providing consolidation advice and services to a variety of projects and organisations in the construction industry.

Adopting a ‘just in time’ approach and using consolidation centres could improve logistics issues

Jacob’s presentation demonstrated how a consolidation centre could create improvement in the delivery of the right materials, right place, right time from 40% accuracy to 98%. The presentation also outlined how reduction in vehicles to site could be dramatically reduced by as much as 60% by consolidation loads and using the empty trucks to remove recyclable waste from site on return journeys. Whilst acknowledging the industry has built many great structures successfully, Peter went on to explain the demands from clients are on the increase. In both the public and private sector, clients are concerned with their reputation, their brand and their responsibility not just to

shareholders, but also to the wider community. There is a hard headed approach to commercials too; it has been often said that construction in the UK is more expensive. It was argued that if the process is started early enough and that procurement is informed by, and in conjunction with, a logistics plan designed with experts in consolidation, it could produce a 5% cost saving. Peter was joined by Gary Sullivan OBE executive chairman and joint founder of Wilson James. Gary is an acknowledged expert in construction and military logistics. Jacobs concluded that CIOB members manage the process of construction and advanced logistics must become an integral part of their professional expertise.


CIOB West Midlands held two events in one in Birmingham recently at the Fazeley Studios. Nigel Dunand from Sandler Training challenged the room to think about their career planning and networking skills by giving a talk to the newest Chartered Members of the West Midlands CIOB on career progression, mentoring, Linked In and networking. The West Midlands Board then introduced themselves to the attendees explaining how the CIOB had help to drive their careers. Afterwards Welcome Packs, in CIOB leather folders, were presented by the WM chair Mark Ramessa to the people who had recently passed their Professional Review. Networking over refreshments completed a successful evening.

south east


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prestigious guests will attend to celebrate this milestone and surprises are in store for the students. The event is run in a ‘University Challenge’ style format and involves 12–16 teams of students

from construction-related courses from around the region competing in lively and interactive heats, followed by a fiercely fought final. Sponsorship opportunities are available: main sponsor at

£700 (+VAT) or a general sponsor for £350 (+VAT). For more information about the event or details of sponsorship opportunities please email: SEStudent


Chessington Safari Hotel, the setting for this year’s Student Challenge

The South East branch of the CIOB is holding its annual Student Challenge Competition on 9 March at the Chessington Safari Hotel. It will be the 25th Anniversary of this popular event and


18/01/2016 12:31

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