Computational Design Portfolio

Page 52

Analysing Data - Closest Point Now that the particle points are imported into rhino the relationshiop between the two sets of particles emitted from different sources can be examined in various ways. In the following two exercises the results of the digital simulations are analysed, illustrating the cohesive forces between the water particles. The first exercise is an attempt to map and illustrate the cohesive forces between the water particles emitted by connecting points that are close to eah other with lines. A highest concentration of lines indicates a higher cohesive force between particles. Data and list management principles are used in the grasshopper script below (Fig. 9.12). Step 1: Each set of points generated using the script above (Fig. 9.11) is connected to a cull pattern component. A True-False pattern is used to reduce the number of points to half in order to increase the speed of the solution.

Step 2: As the two lists have a different number of items, a short list component is used to match the length of both lists to the length of the shortest one. Step 3: A point component is linked to the ouptut of each list making the lists into collections of points. A closest point component is then connected to a line component creating lines between the particles that are closest together. The second set of points is grafted, creating a separate list for each point so that the closest point component can compare each one of them individually to the collection of points of the first list. This results to the points of each emitting source to be compared. Step 4: A proximity 3D component is linked to each collection of points, illustrating the cohesive forces btween the particles of each emitter source, individually. A minimum and a maximum radius is set using the number slider, indicating the radius of the 3D sphere of points to be compared.

Step 5: A pipe component is then linked to each procimity 3D component making the 2D lines into 3D geometries that are more visible. Step 6: The movement of the particles can be illustrated by creating a polyline through all of the points of each particle emitter source. An interpolate cirve component is linkied to each collection of points. Curves are created through all of the points. However they do not show a clear path of the particles and therefore another step is necessary. Step 7: A divide curve component is used creating a number of points on each interpolated curve. A polyline is then used to link the points of the two interpolated curves together, in an attempt to illustrate the particles position within model space, for this specific frame of the simulation.

Step 4

Step 5 Step 1

Step 3 Step 2

Step 7 Step 6

Fig. 9.12: Mapping the closest points Grasshopper script

Constantina Avraamides _w1598407 [4ARC654]


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