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Considerations XX: 4

cause put forward for his death was a cancer that had developed on an old stomach ulcer (afflicted w in f), but the possibility of poisoning, although not really taken seriously, was not entirely eliminated. q at 15° s, afflicted by a i A o squaring “, with r also involved, this whole configuration struck his own y-k-i triangle, at the time of a return of the same natal houses.


5:51 p.m. LMT, 5th May 1821; St Helena: 15S57, 5W42

"Alive, Napoleon marked the world, dead, he owns it" (Chateaubriant.) The man had disappeared as the gilded light of the fantastic historical element began. This transfiguration of the myth needed another y cycle before it cleared away the Bourbon’s scenario of "the usurper,” a bloodthirsty despot who had sacrificed France to his personal ambition. This took place around the time of the y A o and y A i in 1830-1831, as o transited his natal w. The voice of St. Helena rose and his legend undertook a final conquest that took over the whole continent. "... all French, English, Italian, Russian, German poets, Chateaubriand and Victor Hugo, Béranger and Lamartine, Byron and Manzoni, Lermontov and Pouchkine, Stàgemann, Zeddlitz and Henri Heine pay a royal homage to the ghost of St. Helena, this time unbeatable because he is nothing but spirit. Napoleon, nailed by the kings on his Atlantic gibbet, appears like the new Prometheus, the son of the Revolution, the avenger of the people, the soldier of freedom." (Aubry Octave.)


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