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Gillman Hitler & the LSRev

Event 3: Becomes Chancellor of Germany on 30th January 1933 Age = 43.780822 Arcs: 4.6* Age = 201° 24’, 7.0* Age = 306° 28’ Direct RAMC 4.6° rate 7.0° rate 117° 51’ 117° 51’ + 306° 28’ + 201° 24’ = 319° 15’ = 64° 19’

Converse RAMC 4.6° rate 7.0° rate 477° 51’ 477°51’ - 201° 24’ - 306° 28’ = 276° 27’ = 171° 23’

This event involves the directed MC. Table 5a

Ascendant & Descendant to Hitler’s planets at time he became Chancellor by Direct Motion

Direct Aspect

Direct RAMC

a kA e kAq kAt kAr kAo kA“ kSi kSj

b 23.45 28.42 43.54 44.14 58.42 62.42 17.59 18.50

Arc RAMC 117°51’ c 265° 54’ 270° 51’ 286° 03’ 286° 23’ 300° 51’ 304° 51’ 260° 08’ 260° 59’

Annual Rate Arc/43.780822 d 6.07344 ° 6.18650 ° 6.53368 ° 6.54130 ° 6.87173 ° 6.96308 ° 5.94172 ° 5.96113 °

Length of Life 360/Rate e 59.275 yrs 58.191 yrs 55.099 yrs 55.035 yrs 52.389 yrs 51.701 yrs 60.589 yrs 60.391 yrs

To retain the estimate of a length of life to age 78, indicated in Table 5b by Converse k A w, we must also accept Converse j S u for Hitler’s Invasion of Poland. As the invasion was not the act of an uncertain, fearful person, which is how one would expect someone to be when the directed Ascendant comes to conjunct or oppose u, I tend to reject the idea that Hitler was experiencing Converse j S u at that time. Therefore, Converse k A w for becoming Chancellor may also be rejected. This further reduces the likely life expectancy to a range from 51.7 to 67, the LSRev rate ranging from 5.3 to 7.0. The favored rate of 6.4 remains very much in the running due to the Converse k A i.


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