Amberen Reviews - Does It Work Menopause?

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Amberen Reviews - Does It Work Menopause? Amberen is an herbal remedy for menopause which is sold as a dietary supplement and can be purchased without a prescription as it is not a pharmaceutical drug. Amberen is made from ingredients that work to regulate the hormone system in the body and not replace with synthetic hormones. HRT or synthetic hormones are known to have the side effect that cause ovarian, uterine or breast cancer in the majority of the cases. Hormone production reduces gradually at different stages in a woman’s life cycle. Menopause (phase where the ovaries stop producing eggs and estrogen), perimenopause (begins before menopause where the production of estrogen reduces gradually) or hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) produces symptoms that cause uneasiness. The symptoms include mood swings, extreme tiredness, irritability, hot flushes, itchy eyes or irregular bleeding. A 3 month dosage of Amberen is known to alleviate these symptoms as it has been clinically tested under supervision of researchers.

Amberen offers relief from all these symptoms without any side effects of hormone replacement as it does not replace hormones but regulates the body’s hormonal system effectively for women. David Stoeber of North County Wellness has over 30000 hours of clinical experience says he has not seen anything more effective and safer than Amberen to treat menopausal symptoms and which is tried and tested by so many women across the world. Amberen Reviews : It has been clinically tested and studied for over thirty years. Women who have used it love it as it is a non-hormonal treatment that has to be taken for three months to alleviate the symptoms. Depending on the severity of the symptoms, two or four pills are to be swallowed. Give a break of three months and treatment can be started again if the symptoms persist.

Being a completely natural product with ingredients that are approved by the FDA, there are no known side effects though some women do complain about rashes, headaches or interaction with any other medication. Being allergic to the ingredients it may cause a reaction so that must be checked before starting upon this course of treatment.

Benefits of Amberen: •

It is clinically tested to reduce menopausal symptoms without affecting your health

Can be used at the time of perimenopause or after hysterectomy

Known to alleviate over 35 symptoms of menopause giving relief within four weeks

Special offers are available on Amberen regularly

Money back guarantee is offered by the manufacturer if not satisfied after four weeks of taking the recommended dose For more information visit:

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