Connessioni Magazine - #21 (March 2014)

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DS IN FIERA DS at fair A parte ISE di Amsterdam (, che è sicuramente una delle manifestazioni più importanti nel settore dell'integrazione dei sistemi e che da qualche anno dedica alla comunicazione digitale una bella fetta del RAI, il Digital Signage è protagonista di molti altri eventi; alcuni concentrati proprio su specifici settori verticali, quindi ideali per raggiungere il cliente finale come l'EuroShop di Dusseldorf (; altri invece che si concentrano sui contenuti, come quello organizzato da Media Week a Londra ( E non mancano i premi, come quelli conferiti da Dailydooh sempre a Londra ( industry-awards). Mentre a breve – dal 20 al 23 maggio – si terrà a Monaco l'annuale European Sign Expo (, con lanci di prodotto, esposizioni e un ricco panel di seminari. Inoltre, ogni anno l'associazione OVAB organizza l'OVAB Munich Digital Signage Conference, appuntamento imperidibile che si svolge a settembre e che vuole fare il punto sul mercato, sullo sviluppo tecnologico e sulle possibili strategie di business. Le occasioni non mancano nemmeno oltre confine, a Las Vegas, per esempio si svolge ogni anno il DSE ( con una ricca esposizione, conferenze e appuntamenti per la formazione. E in Italia? A parte alcuni tentativi non ha preso piede, finora, un evento di riferimento per tutta la filiera. "Oltre alla difficoltà" dice Andrianò, "di spiegare ai player l'importanza di lavorare insieme, il motivo principale per cui è difficile realizzare un evento di portata pari a quelli esteri è la distanza che ancora separa il DS dall'utilizzatore finale. I tentativi che sono stati fatti hanno peccato tutti di eccesso di autoreferenzialità; non hanno quindi garantito il business, cioè il primo motivo per cui un'azienda decide di esporre". In addition to ISE in Amsterdam (, surely one of the most important events in the sector of system integration and which has dedicated a large part of RAI to digital communication in recent years, Digital Signage is the protagonist of several other events. Some of them concentrate on specific vertical sectors,

Speaking for Panasonic, Junior Product Manager Italy Daniela Karakaci told us that one of the key technological trends in the market is "definitely higher image quality with bigger and brighter displays to overcome usage limitations in outdoor or very bright spaces. Interactive technology is another important factor in getting consumers more involved: if we add the tactile aspect to the visual, we can help create an emotional connection with the contents of the communication”. However, it's not just screen manufacturers that are part of the process and an interesting point was raised by VIA Technologies, a Taiwanese manufacturer of platforms for processors and hardware components. As Tiziano Albani, EU Business Development Director, explained: “we have control over the technology all the way from the component to the card and from the card to the embedded system, allowing VIA to design and build a combined hardware and software solution that can offer high performance with low costs and the kind of features you'd expect from an industrial product, such as fanless solutions, embedded operating systems or guaranteed life time. Thanks to the growing popularity of Android smartphones and tablets, we are seeing growing interest from specialised integrators in platforms that allow them to develop innovative devices in an industrial context, taking full advantage of the familiarity of the interface and the advanced functions of the operating system”. BUSINESS MODELS The world of DS has now reached a level of maturity allowing it to recognise the mistakes made in the past: the lack of adequate contents, targeted and well calibrated messages capable of reaching a sufficient critical mass. Today, new technology – providing precious real time information on potential buyers – can help contents creators to diversify and renew the messages for more immediate and measurable results. “Apart from the contents”, Andrianò continued, “other errors were made too, in particular the typically Italian fragmentation of the business world, meaning that circuits are smaller; from product design to construction, including approval, detailed analysis, numerous quotes and tenders which then rarely go beyond the pilot level for a lack of courage on behalf of the marketing managers, who prefer to invest in traditional media. Some organisational models, on the other hand – such as installing DS systems in shopping malls or supermarkets with the aim of earning from the advertising sold – failed completely, either because the rental contracts were too short or because of a complete lack of coordination, if not actual competition,


Marzo March 2014

and are thus ideal opportunities to reach final clients, such as the EuroShop at Dusseldorf (www.euroshop. de); others focus on contents, such as the one organised by Media Week in London ( There are also plenty of awards, such as the ones granted by Dailydooh, in London as well (www. And soon, from May 20th to 23rd, Munich will be hosting the yearly European Sign Expo ( euro-sign-expo/home.html), with product launches, exhibitions and a rich panel of seminars. In addition, every year the OVAB association organises the OVAB Munich Digital Signage Conference, a must-attend event about technological development and possible business strategies that takes place in September and that intends to leave its mark in the market. Events galore overseas as well: Las Vegas, for instance, every year is the scenario for the DSE (, with rich exhibitions, conferences and training events. What about Italy? Apart from a few attempts, so far no reference event for the entire chain of production has been successful. "Other than the difficulty in explaining significant players how important it is to work together", says Andrianò, "the main reason why it is difficult to create an event here comparable to those abroad is the distance that still separates DS from its final users. The attempts made so far were all exceedingly selfreferential, and thus failed to ensure business, which is the first and foremost reason why a company decides to take part of such events".

between DS and traditional tools such as promo flyers. Today, also thanks to the work done by associations such as ours, DS is seen as a tool to increase business and sell products and services better. A complete change in approach which can correspond, when done well, to a real increase in turnover, of as much as 35-40%. Of course, there's still a long way to go, including finding a way to explain the need for specialised, qualified in-house staff capable of managing DS correctly for the brands that use it." We learn by trial and error, and today's industry seems willing to reorganise itself; and the business model that’s best suited to get the most out of this potential is collaboration! Emmegi recommends “working together, forming groups of companies that are each highly specialised in their own sector. Apart from creative professionals, application designers and media planners, I would like to emphasise how this also applies to people like us, who work in audio and video rental. When developing a winning model, the firms involved will play a fundamental role, and their communication strategies will need to be customisable to individual people. This is a challenge that requires coordination and collaboration between different types of companies and professionals, who will need to work with a view to integrating their skills”. Even people who are not in direct contact with final clients agree and are setting up this kind of network. Gagliardi explained that “the only business model for us is the channel; we have a limited number of distributors and a selection of certified Gold Partners who know our solutions on a commercial and a technical level and know how to integrate them”.

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