Digital First Magazine – February 2024 – Most Innovative Company in 2024

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Celebrating Innovation: How Visionary Companies Enhance Our Lives

In the hustle and bustle of our fast-paced world, there are these remarkable companies quietly changing the game for the better. While their names may not be plastered across billboards or trending on social media, their influence permeates our daily lives, enriching our experiences and propelling society forward.

Think about it. Have you ever ordered food delivery, streamed your favorite show, or hopped in a ride-share? Chances are, you have. And those conveniences? They’re brought to you by innovative companies constantly dreaming up new ways to make our lives more convenient.

But it’s not just about convenience. These companies are also tackling some of our biggest challenges head-on. Take climate change, for example. While it might seem like an insurmountable problem, innovative companies are rolling up their

sleeves and getting to work. They’re coming up with cleaner energy solutions, reducing waste, and thinking up ways to make our planet greener for generations to come.

At Digital First Magazine, we stand as your steadfast companion on this exhilarating journey of transformation. In our latest issue, we invite you to immerse yourself in the captivating narratives of innovation, leadership, and the dynamic interplay between technology and business. Welcome to a future sculpted by audacious visionaries who dare to redefine the boundaries of what’s achievable.

Gracing the cover of this special edition is Dr. Rosaria Silipo, VP of data science evangelism at KNIME, whose illustrious career spans over 25 years in applied AI, predictive analytics, and machine learning. Drawing from her extensive expertise across diverse industries—including IoT, financial services, and cybersecurity—Dr. Silipo shares invaluable insights gleaned from her myriad deployments, underscoring the transformative power of intelligent data science.

Additionally, we shine a spotlight on the Most Innovative Companies of 2024, showcasing a pantheon of tech-driven trailblazers whose commitment to excellence continues to shape our collective future. As you navigate the bustling landscape of modernity, take a moment to acknowledge and appreciate these unsung heroes. Behind every convenience, every breakthrough, and every positive change, there exists a dedicated team of innovators tirelessly endeavoring to make the world a better place—one bold idea at a time. We invite you to savor the enriching content within these pages and join us in celebrating the boundless potential of human ingenuity. Enjoy Reading.

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Digital First Magazine February 2024
7 Digital First Magazine February 2024 MOST INNOVATIVE COMPANY TO WATCH 2024 MOST INNOVATIVE COMPANY TO WATCH IN 2024 MOST INNOVATIVE SOLAR COMPANY IN CANADA & USA TO WATCH IN 2024 SanTan Solar Whitney Lawrence, Vice President of Sales and Marketing, SanTan Solar Pioneering Sustainability and Empowering Energy Futures 82 MOST INNOVATIVE SOLAR COMPANY IN CANADA & USA TO WATCH IN 2024 MOST INSPIRING WOMEN LEADER 2024 MOST INSPIRING WOMEN LEADER 2024 Courtney Kehl President & CEO of Expert Marketing Advisors (eMa) Pioneering Growth in the Tech Realm with Expertise and Passion 50 Advanta Seeds Bhupen Dubey, Global CEO Advanta Nurturing Resilience in Farming Communities with Climate-Smart Seeds 32 Atunis Consultancy Mr. Can Suntay, Managing Director of Atunis Consultancy Pioneering Growth, Personalization, and Global Impact in HR and Management Consulting 64



Leading Efforts Towards Building a Safer & More Resilient Digital World

Mark Lynd, Global Thought Leader, Author, and Keynote Speaker for Cybersecurity, Cloud, and AI


Robots and Lego

Adv. Jackie Donner, CEO & Co-founder, LawFlex



Leadership Intelligence: Three Keys to Leading Effectively in the Age of AI

Bashir Agboola, Vice President and Chief Technology Officer at Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS)

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Fostering the Next Generation of Leaders

Eileen Vidrine, Chief Data and Artificial Intelligence Officer, Department of the Air Force Chief Data and AI Office



A Results-Driven Leader with a Passion to Deliver Excellence


Promoting Behavioural Wellness to Create Healthy Communities Around the World

Megan Lam, Co-Founder & CEO, Neurum Health


9 Digital First Magazine February 2024
Carolyn Parent, President and CEO, Conveyer





Rosaria Silipo, PhD, now VP of data science evangelism at KNIME, has spent 25+ years in applied AI, predictive analytics and machine learning at Siemens, Viseca, Nuance Communications, and private consulting. Sharing her practical experience in a broad range of industries and deployments, including IoT, customer intelligence, financial services, social media, and cybersecurity, Rosaria has authored 50+ technical publications, including her recent books: “Guide to Intelligent Data Science” (Springer) and “Codeless Deep Learning with KNIME” (Packt).

Recently, in an exclusive interview with Digital First Magazine, Rosaria shared her professional trajectory, roles and responsibilities as Head of Data Science Evangelism at KNIME, insights on the future of data science, personal hobbies and interest, future plans, pearls of wisdom, and much more. The following excerpts are taken from the interview.

Digital First Magazine February 2024
Digital First Magazine February 2024

Hi Rosaria. Please shed some light on your career path and how you started your career in data science and grew to your current role of Head of Data Science Evangelism at KNIME.

My career in data science started many years ago. I graduated with a master thesis on neural networks for the analysis of biomedical signals. Since then, I have worked often on data projects, either data engineering, data analysis or more properly data science projects, in a number of different industries, like healthcare, banking, finance, cybersecurity, marketing, and more. Multiply this for many years (my graduation took place in 1992) et voilà …I have built a quite large technical expertise in all that is data related. To that, add a pinch of passion for teaching and in general human interactions and I became a data science evangelist. Over the last year I built a whole group of data science evangelists, and I became the VP of data science evangelism at KNIME. Our group takes care of education and upskilling around data science and KNIME software - including instructorled courses, self-paced courses, and certifications -, relationships with the education institutions, bits and pieces of data science educational content on social media – see our “Data Science Pronto!” series on the KNIME TV channel on YouTube -, and of course we also take care of the current large KNIME community.

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Often, I am asked if I started this career conscious of my passion for data or just by chance. At the time of my master thesis, data science was not really a profession, yet. Some people were experts in some domains, had a thing for numbers and data, and somewhat ended up in the data path. I cannot really say that I consciously chose this path. I did like numbers, and I did like to find out what those numbers meant. So, yes, it was a choice dictated by my passion for math and numbers. However, how much of a career plan I had in mind at the time I really cannot say.

What does the future of Data Science look like?

A question that I hear more and more often these days is: “Is data science dead?”. I mean, with the new rampant AI engines, is it still necessary to train models? It is a legitimate question. In my opinion, with the introduction of AI, the approach to data

science has become much easier. So, in that sense more people will adopt and consume data science-based solutions. However, we will still need expert implementers, not only to build AI engines, but also to extract insights from company data, build dashboards, and especially store large, clean, and usable amount of data to feed self-developed or AI based data science applications. We will have more generalist data scientists, leveraging what AI has to offer, and less, but still present, more specialized data scientists of the “old” school.

What types of career opportunities are available in the field of data science? Could you please share some insights?

Among the many things that my job entails there is also hiring. Usually, companies search for three categories of data professionals: data analysts, data engineers, and data scientists. In my group,

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since we work so much with education, we also look for teachers of data techniques.

In general, a data engineer’s job is to make the data available to applications, algorithms, and users in the form and shape that is needed. This means, data engineers are responsible for collecting the data over time and from multiple data sources, then storing it, cleaning it, transforming it, and finally making it available to external users and applications. All of that must be done according to the country’s law and the company’s governance, efficiently, and correctly.

A data analyst on the opposite is responsible for extracting information from the data and submitting it in front of the stakeholders in the form of reports, dashboards, and data apps. They are responsible for the creation, update, and maintenance of such reports, dashboards, and data apps.

A data scientist capitalizes on the data structure created by the data engineers and uses it to train, optimize, and deploy machine learning algorithms. The professional figure of the data scientist in the past was responsible for all data operations. But recently, other two specialized professional figures emerged: the data analysts and the data engineers.

Data engineers are surely the most requested profession on the job market at the moment. All of these AI models, with tons of parameters, must be trained and updated with myriads of data. The data engineers are the ones who take care that this is possible.

With 10+ years of industry experience, according to you, what skills or characteristics make someone a seasoned data scientist?

Technical Experience, of course. There are two dimensions to becoming a seasoned data scientist,

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both related to experience. One is the extent of the data techniques and algorithms we have worked on; the other one is the depth of experience in one or maybe a few areas. For example, an experienced data engineer could be specialized in just a few databases or have the know-how to operate many databases at a superficial level. Also, a neural network specialized data scientist and a more generic data scientist using a variety of machine learning algorithms, both qualify for the title of seasoned data scientist, in my opinion.

Interpersonal skill is definitely another feature of a seasoned data scientist. It might seem that data science is an exclusively technical domain, but the capability of communicating results, explaining the importance of a project, and negotiating resources often decides your career in the long run. To progress in this career, you need as much technical experience as much communication skills. Producing the best results, but not being able to explain them to a less technical audience is a recipe for disaster.

How do you keep yourself skilled and relevant in terms of knowledge?

To keep up to date is indeed a challenge. You need to reserve time during the week, during the month, to read about and to apply hands-on the new techniques. A trick could be to get assigned to a project that uses them. But, as the head of the group, I might not always get what I want. So, I must make sure I still set some time aside to keep up to date.

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To keep being relevant is easier. Though the techniques change, some features that make you an expert do not. Whatever is being built, it still needs to be efficient, scalable, fast, correct, … and this is true now as it was true then. The requirements do not change as much also for the new techniques.

In your academic or work career, were there any mentors who have helped you grow along the way? What’s the best piece of advice you have ever received? There have been many mentors over the years, even now that I am definitely “seasoned”. Some mentors have been mainly technical,

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but the best piece of advice I got was on how to assemble a group of data professionals. Technical skills are important, of course, but sometimes when hiring you can compromise on seniority in exchange for a positive attitude. Many so-called geniuses (often selfproclaimed) are a nightmare to work with. On the other hand, sometimes you want to have that person in your group, maybe not even the smartest one, but who is able to keep the group together. These people are priceless when running a group. I learned that in a conversation with my ex-boss twenty years ago. She used to be my boss, and we still meet from time to time to exchange precious advice on leadership and work.

Which technology are you investing in now to prepare for the future?

Of course, like everybody else out there, we are trying to increase our skills and experience in AI engines. It is not too complicated, but we need to keep up to date on the chances that the new technology offers.

Another parallel track involves verticals. We need to teach ourselves but also our users about new technologies. Our users are often highly specialized professionals in some data field. Thus, at the moment, we are researching new techniques for users working in finance.

What are your passions outside of work?

I am a quiet person, you know. One of the things I like the most is to make my own olive oil. I have a little garden in the middle of nowhere with 7 small trees. Every

November I make my 8-10 liters of olive oil. I collect the olives, bring them to the mill, and then collect the oil. It is incredibly satisfying. The best part is to collect the olives from the trees. You are outside for a few days, relatively nice weather, moderate physical activity, quiet, no internet, no emails, no slack messages, lots of time to think. And then of course the smell of the fresh olive oil.

Where would you like to be in the next 5 years?

The company I work for, KNIME, has a bunch of offices around the world. In the next 5 years I would like to open a new office in Italy (we do not have that yet) and then become the head of the Italian branch of KNIME. The KNIME community in Italy is one of the most vibrant communities we have. It is a lot of fun to take part in the Data Connect events (the events organized locally by KNIME community members) in Bologna or in Palermo. It would be really cool to run an office there!

What is the one piece of advice that you can share with other professionals in your industry?

For all data scientists, remain curious! The technical skills in our profession change quickly. You need a curious attitude to remain up to date with the least effort.

For the heads of a data science group, hire smart collaborative people! A group, whose members work well together, make for half your job and allows you to dedicate more time to more interesting tasks.

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Leading Efforts Towards Building a Safer & More Resilient Digital World

What are your thoughts on where the cybersecurity industry is heading?

On the bright side, the increasing emphasis on cybersecurity by organizations, governments, and the public underscores the critical nature of this issue in our digitally driven world. This increased awareness and emphasis have governments and organizations worldwide prioritizing it and increasing their cybersecurity investments. Technological advancements such as automation,

biometrics, and artificial intelligence are helping enhance security. For instance, automation can enforce policies and orchestrate swiftly, biometrics can enhance authentication and identity, and AI can identify anomalies and emerging threats much faster and more efficiently than a team of cybersecurity employees. Also, there is some light at the end of the tunnel regarding the cybersecurity talent shortage, as it is improving a bit, with more training programs

With vigilance, carefulness, and cooperation, there is more hope that the cybersecurity community can meet future digital demands
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MarkLyndisa4xCIOandCISOforseveral global organizations. He is currently the Head of Executive Advisory and Corporate Strategy at Netsync. Mark has been ranked among the top 5 Global Security Thought Leaders for several years and was a finalist for Ernst & Young’s “Entrepreneur of the Year - Southwest Region. An in-demand speaker, he covers topics like cybersecurity and AI for organizations like Intel, Dell, Cisco, Oracle, etc. He served honorably in the US Army’s 3rd Ranger Battalion & 82nd Airborne. Mark holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Tulsa and attended The Wharton School.

Recently, in an exclusive interview with Digital First Magazine, Mark shared his insights on the future of cybersecurity landscape, his professional journey, key recommendations for CISOs on how to make informed decisions, success mantras, words of wisdom, and much more. The following excerpts are taken from the interview.

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and diversity initiatives bringing new people into the field.

However, the threat landscape is becoming increasingly sophisticated. Skilled cybercriminal groups and nation-state actors with ample resources have demonstrated their ability to carry out breaches across a broad spectrum of private and public sector organizations. As more essential systems like vehicles, medical devices, and industrial control systems become interconnected online, the attack surface grows, and the potential for devastating attacks broadens. Moreover, rapid technological developments introduce vulnerabilities faster than many organizations can keep up with, which taxes their ability to respond and/or recover. Because of the increasing frequency and sophistication, it is to envision future attacks with potentially global ramifications.

Despite these daunting challenges, many organizations are getting the importance of continuous cybersecurity awareness and training while adopting a proactive defense strategy and working towards a strong and tested response and recovery capability. Fostering collaboration between the public and private sectors is also crucial in addressing these issues collectively. With vigilance, carefulness, and cooperation, there is more hope that the cybersecurity community can meet future digital demands. However, achieving this

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goal will require our combined effort and unwavering dedication.

Mark, tell us a little bit about your journey into cybersecurity, and how you ultimately became a CISO. My journey started in a fairly unusual way, as I was in the United States Army as a paratrooper and mortar Sergeant and was asked to attend a computer school for several weeks to learn fire control for the mortars, which determines the

deflection and elevation of the rounds as they leave the mortar tube. Up until that time, I had very little computer access or interest. But, once I started learning and working with those computers, I was bitten by the computer bug in a major way. It was all the push I needed; as soon as I finished my time in the military, I returned to college and received my Bachelor of Science with a major in Business Administration and a minor in Management Information Systems.

Somewhere along that journey, my efforts and thought leadership content sharing caused me to become one of the top three global cybersecurity thought leaders by several of the rankings organizations

From there, I went into industry and worked as a programmer, network engineer, and then management. I often joke a little bit that I was promoted quickly because I had a big mouth and liked to socialize, while most of the techies were more reclusive. As I moved up the ladder working at companies like Amerada Hess, CPS, Metromedia, and Lone Star Funds, I continually re-invested in myself and spoke at events, achieved certifications, and mentored others looking to get into cybersecurity.

Somewhere along that journey, my efforts and thought leadership content sharing caused me to become one of the top three global cybersecurity thought leaders by several of the rankings organizations. I have used this elevation to get the message out to others about the need for cybersecurity and career opportunities within the cybersecurity space.

At this stage in my career, giving back and helping others is a primary consideration for any speaking and thought leadership engagements. It is great that so many larger tech firms are very open or approached with these types of engagements. So talking about STEM, AI, cybersecurity, to veteran’s groups, and a heavy focus on assisting public sector organizations like cities, counties, K12s, and higher education

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that serve whole communities and provide for those at risk, in need or vulnerable.

It was these kinds of concerns that led me to write the book “Cybersecurity Life Skills for Teens” and finish up another book to be released this Fall regarding cybersecurity for seniors and active adults, as the scams, cyber threats, and other cyber issues are causing real damage to those that are at risk.

Your book “Cybersecurity Life Skills for Teens” was the #1 Release in Teen & Young Adult Nonfiction on Cyberbullying. Can you please brief us about your book and its importance in today’s digital era?

First, I strongly believe cybersecurity is an essential skill everyone should have in today’s digital era. With the rise of cyber threats such as hacking, identity theft, and cyberbullying, It is just crucial to be aware of the cyber risks and know how to protect yourself, your reputation, and your data. Cybersecurity skills are especially important for teenagers who are

more vulnerable to cyber issues due to their lack of experience and knowledge in this field.

So, my book “Cybersecurity Life Skills for Teens” is intended to be a powerful resource that can help provide teenagers with the necessary skills and knowledge to stay safe online. It’s great to see that it was the #1 Release in Teen & Young Adult Nonfiction on Cyberbullying on Amazon in May of this year. As a father to several teens, I strongly believe that by teaching teenagers about cybersecurity, you’re helping them protect themselves and empowering them to become responsible digital citizens.

What would you tell organizations that are looking to rejuvenate or build a new security program? What three or four areas would you tell an organization to focus on?

Here are a few key areas, some of which may not be intuitive, but I regularly see as areas for improvement in my daily interactions with customers. I would recommend that organizations focus on the following thoughts

As a father to several teens, I strongly believe that by teaching teenagers about cybersecurity, you’re helping them protect themselves and empowering them to become responsible digital citizens
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and objectives when building or rejuvenating their cybersecurity program:

Invest early in Risk assessment and management. Conduct a thorough assessment of your organization’s cyber risks based on your data and systems, your industry, relevant threats (use threat intelligence or threat hunting to help guide you), and compliance requirements. Use this to guide and bolster your security priorities, strategy, and posture. Ensure you have a reliable risk management process to evaluate, plan for, and address evolving risks continuously.

Keep staffing and training near the top of your ongoing list. Cybersecurity is still a peopleled activity. So, hire skilled cybersecurity staff or those transitioning into cybersecurity with potential and provide ongoing training to build and maintain their expertise over time. Focus on technical and soft skills like communication and collaboration and provide mentorship and empathy to ensure a strong team dynamic. Effective security requires the right expertise, collaboration, and a security-first mindset.

Establish clear procedures to implement policies throughout the organization. Then implement these policies and associated technical controls across devices, networks, data, identities, etc. Leverage and use modern security technologies like AI and automation as force multipliers to enhance defenses and capabilities. Remember to review and update policies, procedures, and controls periodically.

This is one of my highest recommendations, as when a cyber-attack occurs, and it is only a matter of time, you will only be remembered for one thing and one thing only… How you responded and recovered. If you respond well, then leadership and your pers will be impressed, and your team

will have better job satisfaction; if you do not respond well via an incident response plan, then you will likely end up in the press or on television in a very unflattering way and may lose your job.

It is the delicate position we find ourselves in as security leaders. So, ensure you have a regularly tested and actionable incident response plan that includes stakeholders from important business areas within your organization so that you can respond effectively to cyber-attacks. Focus on detection, analysis, containment, eradication, and recovery capabilities. Practice with tabletop exercises given internally and also provided by outside partners.

What are your recommendations to professionals who want to build a career like yours, what are the best practices to adopt, where should they start, what should they practice?

Well, that is a loaded question, but here are some tips, thoughts, and best practices from my perspective to help others that want to build, thrive and enjoy a career in cybersecurity.

By continually investing in yourself, focusing on learning, and staying updated on the latest threats and technologies. This field evolves rapidly, so it’s important to be a learner. Attend conferences take courses, and read blogs regularly to make learning a part of your daily routine.

It is important to obtain certifications that validate and demonstrate your skills, such as CISSP or CEH. These credentials can open doors for you. They will help provide credibility in the industry, and often times due to the shortage of cybersecurity professionals, certifications are often more important than a formalized higher education.

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If you enter the workforce or the cybersecurity industry, you can gain experience by volunteering, taking internships, or creating home labs to get hands-on practice with realworld scenarios. Technical expertise is highly valuable in this field.

Invest in and continue to develop business acumen, communication, and writing skills. Remember that cybersecurity is not just a technical matter but also a business issue that requires collaboration, empathy, diligence, and drive. Learn about concepts you might be interested in focusing on, like risk management and incident response. Understand how to communicate technical ideas to non-technical people and executives effectively. Share your knowledge and expertise with others through writing, presenting, or mentoring.

Networking with professionals in the industry through platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter. Connect with others who share your interests and goals and seek mentors early on who can provide guidance and support during the early parts of your career journey.

Remember, if you receive, then give back, as there is no ceiling on doing right. Consider specializing in areas of cybersecurity rather than being a generalist. By focusing on being highly proficient and becoming an expert in areas like cloud security, threat intelligence, or incident response you can carve out a niche for yourself, which often leads to additional opportunities for growth and advancement. Investing in yourself and developing your expertise is a wise investment that can yield strong returns in the long run.

How do you think we can attract more young people to this field?

Great question and one which I talk about often with others and at events. Here are a few of my thoughts and recommendations. To ensure a secure digital future, it is important, if not crucial to attract young talent to the field of cybersecurity. To inspire the younger generations, our first step needs to be making cybersecurity more accessible. Unfortunately, it is often perceived as a domain reserved exclusively for genius

Leverage and use modern security technologies like AI and automation as force multipliers to enhance defenses and capabilities
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programmers, engineers or someone technical in nature, we must emphasize that cybersecurity offers opportunities for individuals with diverse backgrounds, skillsets and ways of thinking. There is a place for you in this creative, dynamic and exciting field.

Additionally, it is essential to be able to provide cybersecurity education to all, not only those attending universities or community colleges. By offering online courses, certifications and even helping establish cyber clubs in high schools, we can open doors wider and make education

more inclusive and accessible. Moreover, widely available mentorship programs can provide exposure and encouragement from experienced professionals in the industry.

Another important point is we must convey that cybersecurity goes beyond earning a paycheck, as it represents profoundly meaningful work that impacts so many. It is one of the very few professions holds the potential to shape our world and empower people more than cybersecurity does. While brilliant technologists play a role in this field, it also requires ethical

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advisors who can guide decision-making processes effectively, creative policymakers who can shape regulations, and diversity advocates who champion inclusivity. Cybersecurity is for those who want to safeguard the future of our revolution – a revolution that has already transformed civilization as we know it. Hence our focus should be on inspiring minds by instilling a sense of purpose rather than just imparting skills.

If we can effectively communicate the influence and impact of this endeavor, I believe strongly that we can attract younger, diverse and skilled individuals to this field now and for future generations.

What is anything you wish you knew when you first went into this career?

That like in nearly all careers and businesses, cybersecurity is largely a people business. You protect people, interact with people, collaborate with people, and protect yourself and others from people, so knowing and understanding that provides a unique and powerful perspective with which to align yourself with now and in the future.

I came into the industry attracted to the more technical aspects and thought it was primarily about engineering and zeros and ones. But really thrived in cybersecurity when I realized it is about people, along with process and technology with a strong emphasis on people.

How can CISOs make informed decisions about which information risks to accept and which ones to mitigate?

One of the most crucial and challenging aspects of a CISOs role is to make well-informed decisions regarding risks. There are no formulas that fit every situation, as each organization has its own

unique priorities, threats, and risk tolerance levels. Humbly and transparently, here are a few principles that CISOs can follow.

Begin by considering the organization’s business objectives. Risk decisions cannot be made in isolation; they should align with and support the business’s overall goals. For example, a business cannot operate if the security controls are so restrictive that salespeople cannot sell and operations people cannot operate, so a delicate balance must be used, and that requires perspective and understanding of the business objectives in which to align with and support. So, engaging in discussions with and collaborating with other business leaders within the organization so you understand their most critical assets, processes, and risk tolerances is a must. A comprehensive and clear perspective is vital to have any chance of successfully protecting the organization.

Utilize data effectively. Combine financial impact and likelihood metrics with qualitative insights derived from threat intelligence and threat hunting. Data-driven risk models offer contextual information for making informed decisions. However, it is important to remember that data alone may not be sufficient... Strive for a full 360-degree view!

Pay attention to risk factors. No control measure can completely eliminate all risks; there will always be some remaining level of risk after implementing controls. It is important to address this fact, establish risk tolerances, and continuously monitor them. There are opportunities to account for any remaining or residual risk as well, using cyber insurance or having an outside incident response team on retainer.

Document decision-making processes thoroughly for future reference purposes. This

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By offering online courses, certifications and even helping establish cyber clubs in high schools, we can open doors wider and make education more inclusive and accessible

is so important in a business like cybersecurity, where many of the actions and outcomes can have a restrictive or invasive nature to those internally and externally, so document and align your strategies and efforts with the business goals. Sometimes, by simply explaining the context, behind decisions made today, it becomes easier to revisit and reassess them in light of evolving threats, shifting priorities, or drama.

In my humble opinion, by following these guidelines, Chief Information Security Officers can make decisions regarding risks without disregarding significant threats or succumbing to unnecessary security measures. Striking an equilibrium between data analysis, resources, discussions, and proper documentation helps build trust and alignment within an organization.

It’s important to remember that managing risk is a dynamic process involving people, processes, and technology rather than a fixed endpoint or destination.

It is a fact that the role of the CISO is highly dynamic. Given that, what is (are) the most critical success factor(s) that a CISO must show to succeed?

I believe that to excel in the role of a CISO, one must possess a unique combination of qualities, decisiveness, collaboration, creativity, and empathy.

Decisiveness is important. Given the emergence of new and more advanced threats, CISOs must swiftly assess risks and make informed judgments. However, it’s essential to avoid becoming isolated due to decisiveness. Effective CISOs collaborate and work alongside stakeholders from other departments and disciplines to develop comprehensive security plans that align business requirements with technical realities. They foster agreement through

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listening, transparency, empathy, and building strong relationships.

Equally crucial is problem-solving. As adversaries constantly evolve, their attack methods CISOs must exhibit imagination and resourcefulness when fortifying defenses. It’s not enough to rely on standard procedures; they must devise innovative solutions and garner the resources to operate and support these solutions. Nonetheless, creativity should be balanced with business reality to ensure practicality. Many of the exceptional CISOs I engage with and respect empathize with end users’ perspectives and do their best to incorporate these perspectives, along with the business goals, to achieve stronger outcomes. In other words, develop and employ security measures that empower and facilitate their work rather than impede it.

Ultimately succeeding as a CISO boils down to mindset. It demands the courage to make decisions under great pressure and social skills to rally their teams made up of individuals from diverse viewpoints. intellectual agility is needed so they may think outside the box in an ever-

changing landscape and have the emotional intelligence to understand users’ needs deeply.

In my travels and numerous C-level engagements regarding cybersecurity, I have observed that leaders possessing these attributes can assist and empower CISOs to overcome challenges while steering their organizations toward a secure digital future.

Over the years, you have been a recipient of multiple prestigious awards and accolades. What is the secret sauce behind your success?

I’m truly grateful for the recognition I’ve received throughout the years, even though my main drive has always been to contribute towards securing a digital world and helping those that provide critical services to their communities rather than seeking praise. That being said, reflecting on what has fueled my success would likely boil down to these few crucial factors that inspire me daily.

Maintaining an unwavering sense of curiosity. In this evolving field, I make it a daily practice

I believe that to excel in the role of a CISO, one must possess a unique combination of qualities, decisiveness, collaboration, creativity, and empathy
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to learn and grow. There’s always something to explore: emerging technologies, potential threats, or innovative ideas.

I surround myself with quality individuals. Candidly, having brilliant and diverse teams of collaborators and teammates makes all the difference in the world. I firmly believe in fostering an environment where unique perspectives are welcomed and highly valued.

Prioritizing real-world impact is something I think about often. While awards hold value if they don’t translate into meaningful work. One of my continuing goals is to make practical contributions that empower organizations to become more resilient and secure. For example, I have been evangelizing incident response planning for the last few months, as our customer’s CIOs and CIOs will be remembered for how they respond and recover, not for how much they invested in protecting and detecting, even though those are necessary and smart investments.

Embracing persistence. The journey toward a reliable security posture is a process of gradual enhancements. When progress feels sluggish, one must keep pushing forward. If a goal seems too large or unattainable in a reasonable amount of time and impacts your team’s job satisfaction, then break it into several smaller goals, so achievement and satisfaction may persevere.

Ultimately, my personal success stems from the work itself and a genuine passion for solving problems; the opportunity to innovate, give back, and leave even a small mark on the world makes all the effort worthwhile. There are always challenges waiting to be tackled alongside talented colleagues.

Do you have advice for someone looking to start a career in cybersecurity?

Embarking on a career in cybersecurity presents an opportunity to have a tangible impact in our rapidly advancing digital world and the safety of others. If you’re starting out on this journey, I advise embracing it as a learning process rather than considering it a fixed destination. Stay openminded and curious, exploring technologies, diverse perspectives, and evolving threats. To stay ahead of adversaries, bring creativity and critical thinking into play. While focusing on developing your expertise over time, exploring roles within the field is beneficial to gain a comprehensive understanding of the many opportunities available.

Enhance your skills by engaging in handson lab work participating in bug bounties, and pursuing personal projects. Immerse yourself in the cybersecurity community by seeking mentors attending events, and building connections with minded individuals. By doing, you’ll begin to comprehend the human impact of cybersecurity –how it encourages innovation, safeguards liberties, and enables everyone to reap the benefits of our digital revolution safely.

Always remember that your contributions will be significant; through securing systems protecting data integrity and providing guidance to leaders, you are making a difference. Cybersecurity is an evolving field that poses challenges but offers profound purposefulness and can be financially rewarding too. Approach it with a mindset for continuous learning and with an unwavering passion for creating a safer world. It will give a stronger sense of purpose.

Remember and embrace that cybersecurity is a journey, not a destination, and the rest will naturally fall into place – believe in yourself!

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Advanta Seeds

Nurturing Resilience in Farming Communities with Climate-Smart Seeds

In today’s world, we face many challenges, from the effects of climate change to food insecurity. Farmers worldwide face unprecedented difficulties, such as unpredictable droughts and devastating floods. However, we can’t afford to sit around and do nothing. That’s where Advanta Seeds comes in - it’s a global leader in seed technology that’s ready to take on the challenges of climate change and food insecurity. As an integral part of the UPL Group, Advanta Seeds is committed to providing farmers with innovative tools and technologies to navigate the complexities of modern agriculture.

Bhupen Dubey, Global CEO of Advanta Seeds, says, “At Advanta, we understand the challenges that farmers face, such as the ravages of climate change, scarcity of water, and limited access to technology.” These challenges can lead to soil erosion and hunger, which is why Advanta Seeds is pioneering a new era of sustainability by using cutting-edge seed technologies to cultivate climate-smart crops that boast enhanced nutrition, increased productivity, and optimal resource efficiency. The company’s operations span over 80 countries and include a diverse array of crops, including corn, sorghum, sunflower, canola, rice, and vegetables.

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Bhupen Dubey, Global CEO Advanta

Advanta Seeds has a rich legacy of over six decades in plant genetics and is more than just a seed company. It’s a beacon of hope for farmers worldwide. “Our mission is clear: to equip farmers with the tools, technologies, and knowledge needed to thrive sustainably,” says Bhupen Dubey. Advanta Seeds is committed to

environmental stewardship and is spearheading collaborative initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote water conservation across all geographies.

Advanta Seeds is driving positive change at every level, from partnering with industry leaders to support farmers in measuring and

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mitigating their environmental impact to contributing to government-driven programs like the “Zero Carbon Argentine Program.” The company is leading the charge toward a more sustainable future for agriculture by certifying and minimizing the carbon footprint in seed production and pioneering initiatives like the ‘Carbon Zero’ sorghum seeds.

Continuing the Legacy of Innovation

Advanta Seeds, a member of the UPL Group, has a rich agricultural legacy and is committed to sustainable farming and ecological harmony. For over sixty years, Advanta has been known for its excellence in plant genetics, reflecting the mindset of a farmer. Advanta Seeds is not only focused on sowing seeds, but it is also committed to combating climate change and improving global nutrition. “Our mission is to create seed technologies with sustainable actions that fight climate change, add value

to farmer lives, and enhance nutrition for the world,” says Bhupen Dubey.

Advanta’s philosophy is based on OpenAg™, an innovative approach to agricultural innovation that transcends borders and encourages global collaboration. Bhupen Dubey affirms, “We believe in ‘Open Access to Agriculture Network Around the Globe’ without limits and borders. This approach allows us to address the current food industry challenges with an open mind and creative solutions to develop faster and better technologies to keep up with the changing scenarios.”

Advanta’s success is due to its collaborative partnerships with world-renowned research institutions such as the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), HarvestPlus, and the World Vegetable Center. Through these partnerships, Advanta can tailor agricultural solutions to local environments by leveraging the expertise of leading scientists

Advanta Seeds is committed to environmental stewardship and is spearheading collaborative initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote water conservation across all geographies
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Advanta Seeds has developed many proprietary technologies that have improved a wide range of crops, including high oleic sunflower, sub-tropical and tropical corn, sorghum, and canola

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and agronomists. This ensures that farmers have access to seeds optimized for their specific soil and climatic conditions.

Advanta’s strategically located network of research and development (R&D) and breeding sites enables it to conduct rigorous evaluations of genetic traits across diverse geographies. This meticulous approach ensures the production of high-performing seeds and cultivates resilience in the face of environmental stressors, with traits designed to withstand disease, pests, and adverse weather conditions.

Pioneering the Future

Advanta Seeds is passionate about using innovation to improve agriculture. The company has research and development centers all over the world, and they believe that their work is not just a business imperative, but also a moral obligation. Advanta Seeds has developed many proprietary technologies that have improved a wide range of crops, including high oleic sunflower, sub-tropical and tropical corn, sorghum, and canola. One of their most impressive innovations is igrowth®, which is the world’s first commercial herbicide-tolerant technology for sorghum. This technology empowers growers to produce crops while minimizing environmental impact.

“Many farmers do not have access to quality seeds. It is important to work with channel partners to provide access to quality products to all farmers. By providing access to highquality seeds, we increase food production and farmers’ prosperity. We are collaborating with many research organizations, NGOs, and food value chain partners to develop new products and provide access to the market for farmers,” shares Bhupen Dubey. Advanta Seeds has gained recognition from the World Benchmarking Alliance in the Access to Seed Index sustainability ranking for its exceptional efforts. The company was named the fifth best in the world in the Access to Seeds Index 2019 for contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals by providing access to quality seeds and enhancing the productivity of smallholder farmers. In the latest Access to Seeds Index 2021, Advanta Seeds was ranked second in South and Southeast Asia and fourth in West Central Africa, Southern and East Africa for their remarkable contributions.

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Advanta Seeds has gained recognition from the World Benchmarking Alliance in the Access to Seed Index sustainability ranking for its exceptional efforts

Advanta Seeds is dedicated to addressing pressing challenges such as food and nutrition security and climate change. They invest in climate-smart crops like sorghum and high oleic sunflower and embrace innovative technologies such as precision agriculture, drone technology, artificial intelligence, and datadriven farming to achieve a more sustainable and resilient future. “The key to the future is

innovation and the appropriate use of science and technology to meet the growing food demand. The way forward is sustainable and innovative agriculture,” concludes Bhupen Dubey. Advanta Seeds’ commitment to innovation in agriculture has never been stronger. They are ready to lead the charge toward a brighter tomorrow by unlocking the potential of agriculture and making it accessible to all farmers.

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Want to Sell or find Investor for your Business?

39 Digital First Magazine February 2024 Digital First Magazine August 2021

Fostering the Next Generation of Leaders

Eileen, can you walk us through your journey into technology and what drew you into the AI space?

My journey into technology started when I enlisted in the U.S. Army in 1986. As a Transportation Officer, I became familiar with the importance of technology in supporting logistics operations. Later in my Army career, I was selected into the U.S. Army Acquisition Corps, working on complex technology acquisition programs. My civilian career began at the Joint Military Intelligence College, where

I led the college’s technology transformation effort as the Center for Educational Technologies director. This experience sparked my interest in data and technology innovation. As I progressed into more senior roles, I became increasingly interested in the potential of AI to transform the government’s ability to deliver services, secure the nation, and support our warfighters. I am passionate about ensuring that AI is used responsibly and ethically and that its potential is fully realized to support our missions.

I am passionate about ensuring that AI is used responsibly and ethically and that its potential is fully realized to support our missions
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Ms. Eileen Vidrine, a member of the Senior Executive Service, currently serves as the Department of the Air Force Chief Data and Artificial Intelligence Officer. She develops and implements strategies for enterprise data management, analytics, digital transformation, and responsible and ethical artificial intelligence to optimize performance and drive innovation in and across all missions and operations.

Recently, in an exclusive interview with Digital First Magazine, Ms. Vidrine shared her career trajectory, insights on diversity and inclusion, significant career milestones, personal role model, future plans, pearls of wisdom, and much more. The following excerpts are taken from the interview.

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Tell us about your current roles and responsibilities as Chief Data and Artificial Intelligence Officer at the United States Department of the Air Force.

As Chief Data and Artificial Intelligence Officer for the Department of the Air Force, my primary roles and responsibilities are to develop and implement strategies for enterprise data management, analytics, digital transformation, and responsible/ethical artificial intelligence. My team works closely with our Air Force and Space Force leadership, industry partners, and other government agencies in this capacity. Our team is laser focused on opportunities to optimize performance, drive innovation, and ensure that we leverage the latest technology to support our missions. I am committed to continue to foster a culture of data-driven decision-making across the organization.

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In your current role, what kind of challenges do you face and how do you overcome them?

One of the main challenges we face is balancing the need for innovation and agility with the need for security and risk management. We must find ways to harness emerging technologies like AI while ensuring that they are being used responsibly and ethically. To overcome these challenges, I work closely with our security leaders across our enterprise to identify potential risks and develop strategies to mitigate them. Our CDAO Team also collaborates with industry partners and government agencies to stay informed about emerging best practices and approaches.

What are your thoughts on diversity and inclusion? How important is it to have authentic conversations with leaders, professionals, and changemakers to create more acceptance across the globe?

Diversity and inclusion are critical to the success of any organization. It is essential to have authentic conversations with leaders, professionals, and changemakers to create more acceptance across the globe. In the AI space, it is especially important to ensure that we are building fair, transparent, and unbiased systems. To achieve this, we must have diverse perspectives at the table. I work to promote diversity and inclusion across the organization and ensure that we build trustworthy and equitable AI systems.

What is the one thing you have accomplished in your career that you’re extremely proud of and do you have any specific goals for 2024?

Throughout my time in the Department of the Air Force, I have had the privilege of leading the establishment of the Chief Data Office from start-up to full operating capability. This

In the AI space, it is especially important to ensure that we are building fair, transparent, and unbiased systems
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achievement is one of the most impactful accomplishments of my career, and I am incredibly proud of the work my team and I have accomplished.

When I first joined the organization, the Chief Data Office was not even listed on the official organization chart. However, with a lean team of citizen airmen, we worked tirelessly to hit milestone after milestone and provide critical capabilities to empower airmen and guardians at tactical and strategic levels. Our efforts were not only acknowledged by our organization, but also recognized by the Department as a whole.

Looking ahead to the year 2024, my goal is to continue driving innovation in the data and artificial intelligence arenas. With digital transformation taking place at a rapid pace, there is a tremendous runway for the future to take off. I am dedicated to ensuring that the Department of the Air Force remains at the forefront of these critical capabilities, providing airmen and guardians with the data-driven insights they need to make informed decisions and achieve mission success.

I am excited about the expanding responsibilities of the now Chief Data and Artificial Intelligence Office in the portfolio of AI. By leveraging these capabilities, we can unlock new doors and greatly enhance our operational performance. With a focus on innovation and collaboration, I am confident that we will be able to achieve our goals and continue making a positive impact on the Department of the Air Force and the wider defense community.

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With digital transformation taking place at a rapid pace, there is a tremendous runway for the future to take off

Can you name a person who has had a tremendous impact on you as a leader? Maybe someone who has been a mentor to you? Why and how did this person impact your life?

While I have been very fortunate to serve under many amazing leaders throughout my career, there is one person who has had a truly tremendous impact on me as a leadermy father. From a very young age, my father instilled in me a sense of patriotism and taught me to love and value my country. He also taught me the importance of hard work and instilled in me a grit and determination to never give up, no matter how difficult the challenge.

Perhaps most importantly, my father taught me the importance of leading with humility and empathy and valuing diverse perspectives. He challenged me to think creatively and outside

the box, and to constantly strive to be a little bit better, a little bit stronger week to week, month to month. He also stressed the importance of lifelong learning and advocated for education as an opportunity to invest in oneself and stay abreast of emerging technologies and trends.

Thanks to my father’s mentorship and guidance, I have developed a strong commitment to mentorship myself, and to fostering the next generation of leaders. I strive to live up to his high standards in all areas of my life.

Overall, I feel incredibly fortunate to have had such a strong role model and mentor in my life, and I am grateful for the impact that he has had on me as a leader. Thanks to his guidance and lessons, I feel empowered to continue growing as a leader, and to help others do the same.

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What is it that motivates and inspires you in your everyday life?

As the Chief Data and AI Officer for the Department of the Air Force, my work is driven by a deep sense of commitment to our national security and working alongside a team of exceptional individuals who share that same desire. The opportunity to lead an amazing team that dedicates their time, talent, and energy to ensuring that our military capabilities are at their peak fills me with a sense of pride and purpose. It’s an incredible feeling to wake up each day knowing that we are working towards a noble and important cause.

Our team is a group of incredibly talented and passionate individuals who are dedicated to the mission of protecting our country. We work together to develop innovative solutions that leverage data and AI to optimize performance, improve operations, and safeguard those who serve our country. The value of our work is evident and impactful, and we are constantly looking towards the future, striving to make a difference.

Despite the challenges that we face, the hard work and perseverance of our team, and the country, is what keeps us moving forward. We understand that the work we do matters, and that motivates us to continue pushing ourselves to be our best. Honoring the legacy

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As the Chief Data and AI Officer for the Department of the Air Force, my work is driven by a deep sense of commitment to our national security and working alongside a team of exceptional individuals who share that same desire

of excellence that is synonymous with the USAF, we strive to do our part in maintaining the highest standards of performance and service.

It’s an honor to lead such a team, and I feel privileged to be able to apply my skills and expertise towards a cause that is greater than myself.

What is the one lesson learnt that’s unique to being a woman leader?

As a woman leader, the one lesson that I have learned is the importance of being prepared to face challenges and take risks. I have fundamentally learned – as a woman leader and in generalthat leadership requires an unyielding level of readiness and determination, regardless of the circumstances. To lead, you must be seeking to improve your knowledge, competencies, and technical skills continuously, while inspiring and leading your team by example. Leadership is a continuous journey of self-improvement, growth, and learning. Perhaps even more so as a woman, leading involves an uncommon willingness to take risks, challenge the status quo, and be confident enough to lead despite uncertainty or discomfort. I’ve learned as a woman leader to be ready to face challenges head-on, with the knowledge that the road to success is not always smooth.

Which technology are you investing in now to prepare for the future?

As the Department of the Air Force acknowledges the importance of staying ahead of the curve, we have identified several technologies that are pivotal to invest in for preparing towards a better future. One of the most crucial technological advancements that we are focusing on is the development of responsible and ethical artificial intelligence systems.

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Investing in essential training programs is an integral part of our strategy to empower people with the skills and knowledge they need to harness the enormous potential of these advanced systems

In our pursuit of utilizing AI systems, we aim to create systems that can fully support effective decision-making and enhance our operational capabilities in various aspects. Our focus is on developing AI systems that are responsible and ethical to uphold the highest standards and practices. In this regard, we have adopted a forward-leaning approach through experiments, testing, and piloting, leaving no room for assumptions but for solid findings.

We also believe in investing in people as our most valuable asset, both for today and tomorrow. Investing in essential training programs is an integral part of our strategy to empower people with the skills and knowledge they need to harness the enormous potential of these advanced systems.

Ultimately, the Department of the Air Force is investing in a range of technologies, including responsible and ethical artificial intelligence systems, advanced analytics and enterprise data management, and emerging technologies. Our investments are not limited to technology alone, as we also prioritize advancing our people.

If you could give one piece of advice to professionals starting out in the tech industry, what would it be?

If there is one piece of advice that I could give to those beginning their journey in the tech industry, it would be to stay curious and embrace continuous learning. Technology is a field that is constantly changing, and to succeed in it, one must be willing to adapt and learn new skills. With each new technological advancement comes an opportunity to learn something new and explore different areas of expertise.

I realize this goes beyond one piece of advice, but it’s also important to understand that in the tech industry, teamwork is critical. Projects are complex and require different perspectives and experiences to be successful. Collaborating with colleagues, partners, and vendors to develop innovative solutions that meet organizational needs is the way to succeed in the present times --- and future trends suggest this will remain the case for the foreseeable future. So, to succeed in the tech industry, you must embrace continuous learning, build a diverse skillset, network, and work effectively with others.

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Courtney Kehl

President & CEO of Expert Marketing Advisors (eMa)

Pioneering Growth in the Tech Realm with Expertise and Passion

Courtney Kehl is the powerhouse behind Expert Marketing Advisors (eMa), a strategic growth marketing agency that offers complete marketing solutions to clients in the technology sector. With over 15 years of experience in marketing, she has become the go-to person for businesses looking to enhance their marketing strategies.

“I started as an Operations Manager and Executive Assistant, but over time, I began taking on event planning responsibilities, and my skills proved to be an asset to the marketing department. My responsibilities grew until I became the last person standing

in the marketing department, and I loved it!” explains Courtney.

Courtney’s journey has been unconventional, giving her a unique skill set. She focuses on creating smart marketing strategies that build brand awareness and generate genuine interest, resulting in highquality leads that boost company revenue. What sets her apart is her ability to make data-driven decisions. She delved into analytics early on, steering her career toward success. As a demand generation leader, she revolutionized how we look at return on investment (ROI), turning marketing activities into a finely tuned machine.

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From start-ups to large enterprises, Courtney has been instrumental in helping companies grow. Now, as the mastermind behind eMa, she aims to share her wealth of experience. “The idea of eMa came about when I received calls from my network of connections. They were looking for marketing contractors to provide growth advice in their area of expertise. After quite a few of these calls, it was a natural sign to develop the idea of starting this company,” recalls Courtney.

Under Courtney’s leadership, eMa took shape in May 2017, evolving from a concept to a thriving reality. The initial team, carefully curated by Courtney, consisted of high-caliber

marketing professionals with whom she had forged strong collaborations throughout her career. Recognizing the importance of a talented and adaptable team in the fast-paced business world, Courtney ensured eMa’s foundation was built for long-term success.

“As our team has grown over the years, it now consists of over 40 passionate experts representing all areas of marketing. Acting as an extension of our client’s team, we are results-oriented and have a passion for what we do,” shares Courtney. The company, driven by results and a fervent love for its craft, excels in launching startups, executing successful campaigns, driving product launches, and

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assisting companies on their path to exit. “Expert Marketing Advisors is a marketing team that thrives on scaling results and increasing client valuations,” pinpoints Courtney.

The agency’s expertise in digital and social media marketing for startups has been particularly noteworthy. For example, eMa partnered with the tech company Protera, resulting in a 304% increase in impressions, a 593% surge in engagements, and a 20% growth in followers. Courtney states, “We are proud of our ability to help companies go from zero outbound to full campaigns within three months. We can quickly get Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs) by using our triedand-true playbooks.”

Navigating Growth and Impact

Expert Marketing Advisors (eMa), led by Courtney, has played an essential role in advising on transactions totaling over $12 billion in M&A, IPOs, and funding rounds. This

achievement marks a significant milestone in Courtney’s career. Courtney says, “Throughout my journey, I have had the privilege of working for venture-backed high-growth startups, public global enterprises, and private-equity backed companies. I have met many strong leaders and mentors who have shaped me, and I am grateful for their values of transparency, integrity, and clarity in leadership, which I carry through my team at eMa.”

During the early stages of eMa, Courtney was fortunate enough to collaborate with a group of highly skilled professionals in the B2B industry. These individuals consistently delivered value and pushed themselves to achieve exceptional results. This group formed the foundational network that Courtney partnered with when she initiated eMa. “Working closely with C-level executives taught me a lot about what to do and what not to do when running a business,” says Courtney. This insight led her to start

From start-ups to large enterprises, Courtney has been instrumental in helping companies grow. Now, as the mastermind behind eMa, she aims to share her wealth of experience
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Expert Marketing

Advisors (eMa), led by Courtney, has played an essential role in advising on transactions totaling over $12 billion in M&A, IPOs, and funding rounds

eMa with the right talent, whom she knew she could rely on.

eMa stands out from other marketing agencies due to its team of high-caliber experts, healthy working culture, and deep understanding of B2B marketing. The commitment to maximizing marketing ROI for each client is a cornerstone value. By adhering to industry best practices and clear

communication, eMa consistently delivers results. Courtney shares, “Every year, our firm hosts an offsite meeting, where each member shares the previous year’s achievements and future business goals and offers insight on how to get there using best practices that elevate the client experience to enable the success of our company-wide values. We are always improving!”

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At eMa, a culture of continuous learning thrives, underlining the importance of staying ahead in the ever-evolving B2B landscape. Embracing a proactive approach, whenever a new tool emerges, the team eagerly immerses itself in exploring its potential. “We want everyone on our team to use their creativity, and if they naturally gravitate towards something, we encourage delving into it and seeing where it could be useful to us or a client we have. We really believe that together we can make things better and that we can all teach each other,” affirms Courtney

In this era of unprecedented change and unpredictability, where teams are scattered and employees prioritize flexibility, meaning, and purpose in their work, navigating the shifting landscape of business demands a united front, a collective effort where we all “swim together.” Recognizing the significance of teamwork, eMa emphasizes collaboration to optimize work processes and achieve the best outcomes for clients. The approach hinges on leaning on each other, collectively shouldering the responsibility to continually expand knowledge and evolve expertise.

A cornerstone of this collaborative ethos is the weekly stand-up meetings. These sessions serve as a crucial forum for the team to come together, review accounts, and ensure alignment on goals for both eMa and their valued clients. It’s a moment of synergy where individual efforts converge into a cohesive strategy, fostering a shared understanding and commitment to excellence. Through these regular check-ins, eMa ensures that everyone is on the same page, fostering a collaborative spirit that propels

the team forward in the dynamic landscape of modern work.

Nurturing Growth, Mentorship, and Sustainable Success

Courtney derives the most satisfaction from watching individuals grow and recognizing her contribution to their development. She acknowledges the impact of her past mentors on her own journey, and she is committed to sharing valuable knowledge and advice with those who are eager to learn. According to her, having the right mentors in life can give one a significant advantage over others, and it’s always great to get a second opinion on any thought or idea. Despite the cutthroat nature of the world, Courtney believes in supporting and helping each other grow in any way possible.

In navigating what may seem like a competitive world, Courtney firmly believes in the importance of mutual support and fostering collective growth. Courtney shares, “There are three goals we currently have: build valuation, establish ourselves as leaders in the B2B marketing industry and become a knowledge base for other marketing professionals. Looking beyond those three goals, we want to scale and exit.” Courtney’s current efforts are focused on setting up the team for sustained growth and job security. Daily endeavors involve refining the business foundation, encompassing aspects from medical benefits to 401k and overall margins. “We just invested in Haiti Volcanic Coal to support their charitable and sustainable growth. In 2024, we are looking to invest in and potentially acquire another company that is like-minded and similar to ours,” concludes Courtney.

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A Results-Driven Leader with a Passion to Deliver Excellence

How has the tech industry evolved over the last decade and where is it heading now?

The tech industry has gone through so many changes over the past ten years, but the biggest I believe is the speed and cost required to deliver innovative new solutions. The ability to develop and launch a product can happen in days, weeks and months as opposed to years. OpenSource, Managed Cloud Service Providers, remote workforce, turnkey hosted business applications and access to global engineering talent have created an innovation

environment that is unprecedented in our lifetime. The recent explosion in AI with the accessibility of ChatGPT has democratized access to faster and new innovations. The fact that we have computers generating code 24/7 compared to exclusively a human workforce is ushering in a new era of speed of solution creation. It wasn’t that long ago that you needed to rent an office, hire a local tech talent team, buy hardware to run your software development, set up HR and implement your own business applications

Today, post-COVID, in a cloud environment, with AI, the speed and acceleration with which we can create new technology is a completely different world than ten years ago. It is an exciting time
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Carolyn Parent is the CEO of Conveyer, an AI platform that helps businesses transform and generate proprietary data. Recently, she served as Entrepreneur in Residence at HearstLab. A recipient of the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award and tech veteran with 25+ years of CEO experience at growth-oriented software companies, Parent has ushered in six profitable exits. Her previous roles include: CEO of LiveSafe, a risk intelligence company acquired by Vector Solutions; Cofounder of Gravy Analytics, a locationbased analytics company recognized as a leader in mobility data; and GM of Deltek, a project management software company that successfully IPO’d.

Recently, in an exclusive interview with Digital First Magazine, Carolyn shared her insights on the evolution of tech industry over the last decade, her professional journey, favorite quote, productivity tip, future plans, words of wisdom, and much more. The following excerpts are taken from the interview.

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Who you are born into is just luck but who you choose to build your life with makes all the difference in the world in how you achieve your professional success
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to run your company. Today, post-COVID, in a cloud environment, with AI, the speed and acceleration with which we can create new technology is a completely different world than ten years ago. It is an exciting time. AI is where the future is headed.

Carolyn, are there any meaningful events in your backstory that helped shape your career path.

My grandfather had a fifth-grade education and went to work on the eastern shore of Maryland in the fields to support his family. He started selling cars as a young man and eventually owned his own dealership. My father started out as a pharmaceutical salesman and became a CEO, and my brother started in sales and is now a CEO of a tech company. We grew up around the dinner table talking about deals, competition, strategy, and the importance of knowing and supporting your customer. When my dad was a Sales Manager, he would often have his reps join us for dinner when they were in town. Sales and customers were in our daily life for as long as I can remember. This influenced me when I started my career and took my first job out of college. Sales wasn’t something to consider as a career choice, it was in our DNA. I was lucky, plain, and simple, to be born to parents who supported me and gave me the confidence to believe I could grow a rewarding career and have a family. Both my parents worked my entire life and through their example I saw what was possible. I was never intimidated by CEOs or senior executives because I knew my father, like everyone else, put his pants on one leg at a time. That made it easier for me

to speak up and engage with senior leaders. I was lucky with my family, and I was smart in the life partner I chose with my husband. We have been married for 30 years and just like my parents, he has been unwaveringly supportive in all I have done in my career. Who you are born into is just luck but who you choose to build your life with makes all the difference in the world in how you achieve your professional success.

Can you please tell us about your roles and responsibilities as the President and CEO at Conveyer?

My role as a CEO is to communicate a clear vision and execution plan to our team, collaborate with everyone that makes our success possible, lead with conviction, and care deeply about our employees and customers. Working with our investors to align capital to grow our business, supporting the employees by empowering them to execute on a clear plan, and adapting to the changes in the market to ensure our customers are successful are where I spend my time and focus.

You are currently an Entrepreneur in Residence at HearstLab. Brief us about this platform and your role in it. Prior to taking my role at Conveyer, I was an EIR at HearstLab. HearstLab is an investment fund that focuses exclusively on female founded startups. My previous company LiveSafe was their first investment and now they have backed over sixty female led companies. After we had our exit at LiveSafe to a PE backed company, they invited me to

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Love the journey as much as the destination, because as soon as you reach one goal, there is another one to set, so your joy needs to come from working with great people to build and accomplish a great company together

join their team to support the female CEOs of these startups. I love HearstLab because they have a unique position in not just investing in female founded companies but truly supporting every aspect of their business to help them grow and succeed. They have a network of over 100 women across all the Hearst businesses that support the CEOs in their companies with their experience in finance, marketing, engineering, sales, and customer support. It’s an amazing group unlike anything I have seen in the investment community. My role as an EIR was to work with the CEOs on their strategy, go to market sales execution and overall leadership development and support. It was incredible.

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What do you believe are the defining qualities of an effective leader?

Empathy, courage, passion, and the ability to communicate and adapt. I was raised with the values that you never ask anyone to do something you don’t do yourself, the harder you work the luckier you get, and it’s important to surround yourself with people who want to achieve something together. No one ever wins alone; it takes a team effort to accomplish anything worth having. Love the journey as much as the destination, because as soon as you reach one goal, there is another one to set, so your joy needs to come from working with great people to build and accomplish a great company together.

Tell us a story of something that happened to you that taught you an important lesson.

I was a Divisional VP at a branch office of a huge company and the SVP planned a day/ night golf dinner event for management (which were all men) and I wasn’t invited even those they were my peers. I called my father devastated, angry, and hurt. The bonding experience and collaboration at this event was important and I wasn’t included even though 9 of the ten people in the group were invited. My father told me to change my thinking about this and look at it as an opportunity. “So, all of the local leadership is gone for the day? Everyone else is at work? So that means

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you are by default in charge as the senior member in the office?” I thought, “Well, yes, that was true, but what did it matter as it was just one day.” He asked me how I could advance the company and team while I was leader for a day. I ran some meetings in the morning to gather feedback on what wasn’t working with supporting some of our customers. I came up with a plan, reached out to corporate for some help, and launched a new Major Accounts Customer Support Initiative for getting more focus on large accounts to help them and open up greater opportunities for upsells. The EVP at corporate called down in the afternoon to ask about it and it got me on his radar in a good way. The next day I shared with my boss what had happened, and he thought it was great. I learned that when you first see something as a negative, it could be viewed completely differently and turned into an opportunity. I was promoted not long after, as that experience showcased to my SVP and EVP my leadership potential. Everything is an opportunity if you have the right mindset, no matter how challenging.

What is your favorite quote?

“Run a Good Race.” I think it embodies the fact that you owe it to yourself and your team to do your best and if you are doing that, then be satisfied, regardless of outcome. All we can all do is try our best.

What does success mean to you?

For work it is helping people achieve goals and stretch and grow and accomplish things they didn’t think were possible. Personal success is to have my friends and family happy, healthy, supported, challenged, and feeling appreciated. Ensuring people know how I feel about them and how much I care is a measure of success for me.

What’s a productivity tip you swear by?

Clear your inbox daily. I had a mentor who taught me the value of not repeating tasks (reading, scanning the same emails in your inbox). There are tools that automate tagging and filing of your inbox, and with so many sources of inbound communications (email, text, social) managing that process can give you hours back in the day. My Sunday night top priority list-making helps me sleep better before the Monday morning work rush as well.

Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?

Continuing to work with amazing people, solving hard challenges in the market, and delivering innovation that continues to evolve and hopefully improve the way business and people operate. Enjoying my eastern shore farm with my husband, traveling to Egypt and Asia, and supporting female tech leaders in growth of their businesses.

What advice do you have for entrepreneurs who are just starting out?

Every person you meet will have a different opinion of what you should or shouldn’t do with your company – believe and trust in yourself. Surround yourself with people who truly care about your success and support you in both good times and in times of failure. Do not let what has happened in the past cloud your thinking about what is possible for the future. Learn from your failures but do not let them define or limit you. Make time to take care for yourself physically and mentally and be very smart about who you choose to build your life with as a partner, as it will have a profound impact on how much you can achieve in your career. Have fun and enjoy the journey and the amazing people you meet along the way.

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Atunis Consultancy Pioneering Growth, Personalization, and Global Impact in HR and Management Consulting

Mr. Can Suntay, the esteemed Managing Director of Atunis Consultancy, is a distinguished professional with a Business Administration degree from Bilkent University and an MBA from Istanbul Bilgi University. His illustrious career commenced in sales at ViennaLife Insurance, followed by an impressive 19-year tenure as an HR Consultant at Mercer Brokerage and Mercer Consulting. A trailblazer in every sense, Mr. Can Suntay has pioneered Flexible Benefits Programs in Turkey, orchestrated software program management, and adeptly

executed version changes for over a decade. His authoritative standing is underscored by recognition from industry bodies, designating him as a BES - DC Pension Plan broker and a technical personnel authority. Notably, Can’s expertise has been featured in esteemed publications such as Hürriyet and Sabah.

In the corporate realm, Mr. Can Suntay stands out as an exceptional People Manager, Coach, and Mentor. His advanced project management skills render him an indispensable asset, while his proactive approach keeps him ahead of the curve, navigating HR trends, legislative changes, and economic shifts with finesse.

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With 22 years of professional experience and a staggering 19 years in global HR management and consulting, Mr. Can Suntay founded Atunis Consulting. His mission: to provide comprehensive services and share his wealth of knowledge with aspiring professionals in the HR field. Today, Atunis has emerged as a distinctive service provider in the Turkish market, aligning HR practices with evolving business methodologies. The company not only champions the individualization of Comp&Ben management but also simplifies administrative processes, emphasizing the significance of tax benefits, social security premiums, and economies of scale. Atunis is committed to assisting clients in transitioning from outdated methods, fostering a greater focus on individualization and its paramount importance.

Mr. Can Suntay articulates Atunis’s vision: “There is a lack of concentration on the local agenda while being connected with global progress, and little or no focus on how to improve that with close partnerships with governments. Atunis’s aim is to bring Turkey closer to European standards, enhance connections with the Turkish world, and simultaneously engage with developing Asian economies and the exemplary engine of creativity and entrepreneurship, the USA.” Atunis places a strategic emphasis on the economic status and business development opportunities of Turkish countries, contributing to the construction of healthy, progressive private sectors.

Services Offered by Atunis Consultancy

In the realm of consultancy, Atunis emerges as a trailblazer, offering an array of transformative

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Atunis places a strategic emphasis on the economic status and business development opportunities of Turkish countries, contributing to the construction of healthy, progressive private sectors

services under the visionary leadership of Mr. Can Suntay. At the core of their offerings is a government-supported Personal Inventory system, heralded as the world’s first smart algorithm personal inventory system, employing the proenneagram methodology. Mr. Can Suntay articulates the mission, “At Atunis, our aim is to assist your family in understanding your children’s professional personality types, strengths, potential risks, and educational needs. We envision seamless integration of major Western-style schools with the government’s educational program, fostering adaptation to Western cultures. For families considering education abroad, our system ensures a smooth integration with the local business landscape in Turkey in the future.”

Moving beyond educational support, Atunis extends its reach to schools, aiding in the identification of suitable teachers for private institutions and facilitating their integration. Mr. Can Suntay expands on this, “We also offer Coaching and Mentoring programs for professionals, guiding them in career management and life strategies. Leveraging our personal inventory system, we play a pivotal role in your company’s recruitment processes, promotion planning, and the formulation of retention and attraction strategies. This enables the harmonization of diverse departments and the creation of a comprehensive SWOT analysis based on personality types.”

Not resting on their laurels, Atunis actively engages with companies, providing expertise in Performance Management and goal-setting processes. Mr. Can Suntay shares, “Our goal is to assist your company in growing sustainably while aligning with the evolving business

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landscape.” Looking ahead, Atunis is in the process of developing an innovative tool designed to streamline benefits administration, manage Flexible Benefits Programs and total Rewards Statements, and calculate specific Social Security Premium Exemptions and Tax Advantages. This tool, as Mr. Can Suntay highlights, will be the latest addition, focusing on the meticulous management of Health-Life and DC Pension Plans, further solidifying Atunis’s commitment to holistic organizational development.

Revolutionizing Employee Benefits with Atunis Flexible Reward Program

Atunis Consultancy’s commitment to innovation extends to its Flexible Reward program, a transformative approach that surpasses traditional benefits. Going beyond the conventional, this program encompasses not only standard benefits but also includes cash equivalents such as sales and performance premiums. Mr. Can Suntay elucidates, “Our

focus is not solely on benefits but also on the effective management of the Total Rewards Concept. Our system is designed to align benefits with the International Position Evaluation System, making it a pioneering and unique program worldwide.”

Utilizing cutting-edge AI, Atunis simplifies the benefits design process by directly collecting personal information from employees and customizing the program based on their responses. The program generates personalized messages and suggestions for employees, complemented by statistical tracking for admin users to ensure timely reporting of choices. Mr. Can Suntay emphasizes, “Managing Health Insurance selections and automating spouse and children’s choices are simplified for ease, ensuring that the partial financing of certain benefit plans and their management are much more straightforward through our portal.”

A dedicated section within the program calculates tax and social security advantages

Not resting on their laurels, Atunis actively engages with companies, providing expertise in Performance Management and goal-setting processes
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for Health-Life and DC Pension Plan products. Additionally, the program generates suggestions for employees to enhance plan participation and aids clients in conforming to legislative changes in the benefits arena. Mr. Can Suntay outlines future collaborations, “Partnerships with Health and DC Pension companies, along with collaborations with Private Schools and Education Centers, aim to enhance customer satisfaction through our tool. We’re poised to become Turkey’s first to offer such a comprehensive suite of capabilities.”

In parallel with this groundbreaking program, Atunis continues to champion its governmentsupported Personal Inventory system. Mr. Can Suntay reiterates, “Our aim is to assist your family in understanding your children’s professional personality types, strengths, potential risks, and educational needs. For families planning to send their children abroad for education, our system ensures seamless integration with the local business landscape in Turkey in the future.”

Furthermore, Atunis extends its support to schools, aiding in teacher recruitment and integration. Offering Coaching and Mentoring programs for professionals, the company leverages its personal inventory system to assist in recruitment processes, promotion planning, and the development of retention and attraction strategies.

As part of their active involvement with companies, Atunis assists in Performance Management and Goal Setting processes, embodying the goal of guiding companies toward sustainable growth while staying aligned with the evolving business landscape.

Upholding International Labor Standards and Diverse Client Focus

Atunis Consulting operates in strict compliance with the International Labor Organization’s agreement with Turkey, embodying a commitment to fair and just working environments. Mr. Can Suntay affirms, “Our dedication to these principles is not just a compliance measure; it’s a testament to our belief in creating workplaces that prioritize the financial freedom and autonomy of every individual.”

In adherence to the Wage Protection Convention, Atunis ensures that employers refrain from restricting the freedom of employees in utilizing their wages. Mr. Can Suntay elaborates, “Our commitment extends to empowering individuals with the autonomy to use their earnings in a manner that best suits their needs and aspirations. Whether it’s in cash or kind, fairness and reasonability are paramount in our approach.”

Beyond compliance, Atunis Consulting is committed to advancing education and

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human resource development. The company champions open, flexible, and complementary systems related to education. Mr. Can Suntay emphasizes, “Our focus extends beyond the conventional. We aim to advance educational and vocational guidance, ensuring that individuals receive the support they need to thrive in their careers.”

Atunis Consulting’s commitment spans studies covering diverse aspects such as career advancement opportunities, working conditions, safety and hygiene at work, and economic, social, and cultural activities. Mr. Can Suntay articulates, “Our comprehensive approach addresses the varied needs across sectors and all levels of responsibility. It’s a holistic

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strategy aimed at creating workplaces that prioritize the well-being of employees at every level.”

Moving beyond local initiatives, Atunis Consulting aspires to contribute globally. The company seeks to emphasize the principle that every individual should be free to use their earnings as they wish. Mr. Can Suntay envisions, “By championing financial freedom at a global scale, we aim to contribute to a more equitable and empowering working environment worldwide. This is not just about local awareness; it’s a call for a global shift in mindset.”

In the realm of client focus, Atunis Consulting adopts a broad approach. Mr. Can Suntay elucidates, “Our wide focus allows us to serve large conglomerates, ensuring they stay at the forefront of pioneering efforts. Simultaneously, our boutique services are tailored for startups, growing companies, tech firms, and family-owned businesses. This diverse client focus enables us to offer customized solutions across the spectrum of business landscapes, fostering growth and innovation.”

Global Expansion and Comprehensive Support for Operations Abroad

As Atunis Consulting embarks on global operations, the company is committed to providing a seamless experience for clients abroad, rooted in a deep understanding of each country’s unique taxation rules. Mr. Can Suntay asserts, “Our aim is to not only assist employees and employers in navigating the complexities of foreign taxation but also to strategically leverage the Flex Rewards concept, providing exchange possibilities while staying within budgeted costs.”

To facilitate this international endeavor, Atunis Consulting is in the process of developing a specialized tool. This tool will serve as a comprehensive resource, helping clients comprehend the nuances of taxation, payroll, employment practices, and business laws across various countries. Mr. Can Suntay elaborates, “This tool is our commitment to empowering our clients with a profound understanding of different legal and business landscapes. We aim to increase the

Utilizing cutting-edge AI, Atunis simplifies the benefits design process by directly collecting personal information from employees and customizing the program based on their responses
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Atunis Consulting operates in strict compliance with the International Labor Organization’s agreement with Turkey, embodying a commitment to fair and just working environments

commitment of the workforce working in these countries by providing effective designs that align with the law, the general market, and cost considerations, particularly focusing on Total Rewards Management.”

The company’s commitment extends to supporting clients with Global and Regional management responsibilities in Total Reward Management. Mr. Can Suntay emphasizes, “We streamline processes for companies operating globally, facilitating the follow-up and administration of local labor laws, tax-SGK policies, and Total Rewards practices. Our goal is not just to navigate the legal intricacies but also to strategically reduce costs for our clients with operations abroad.”

Innovation, Personalization, and Guiding Philosophy

Ensuring innovation and providing personalized services are paramount for Atunis Consultancy. Mr. Can Suntay sheds light on the approach, “The key to staying innovative lies in staying deeply connected with the rapidly developing economy. We closely follow economic actions, agenda shifts, people issues, income distribution, and expenditure trends, along with monitoring crucial economic indicators. Additionally, our focus extends to understanding the working workforce’s perception of life, their motivation, thinking style, and professional personality types. This multifaceted approach is what sets us apart in the competitive landscape.”

At the core of Atunis Consultancy’s consultancy and training services is a guiding philosophy that places employees and workforce needs alongside employer interests. Mr. Can Suntay articulates, “Our philosophy revolves around striking a balance between the needs of

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employees and the interests of employers. It’s a political stand where we are perceived not only as focusing on employees but also deeply committed to ensuring the sustainability of our client’s business. This equilibrium is our guiding principle in every service we offer.”

To stay abreast of industry trends and assist clients in corporate compliance analysis, Atunis Consultancy adopts a proactive approach. Mr. Can Suntay details, “We collaborate with local best business lawyers and accountants, ensuring that we are wellversed in local practices. Our commitment extends to partnering with local Total Remuneration Surveyors or creating new partnerships to delve into local practices and explore trends in other countries. Additionally, we explore collaborations with the State’s HR Office to promote specific trends and advocate for tailored incentives.”

Professional Development through CTOS Academy

Atunis Consultancy recognizes the pivotal role of continuous learning and professional development in an individual’s success. In collaboration with various highly qualified CTOS Academy coaches, the company aims to empower professionals to excel not only in their careers but also in their personal lives. Mr. Can Suntay emphasizes, “Our focus is on instilling an entrepreneurship perspective that transcends traditional career development. We aspire to guide individuals to navigate their careers with an entrepreneurial mindset, fostering both personal and professional growth.”

Atunis envisions contracting with a diverse pool of quality lecturers to cater to the unique needs of its clients. The goal is to

bring together a team of experts capable of providing specialized coaching services. Mr. Can Suntay details, “Our commitment is to offer a variety of coaching services tailored to individual needs. Whether it’s leadership development, communication skills, problemsolving approaches, or enhancing emotional intelligence, our diverse team of coaches aims to provide comprehensive support.”

Central to Atunis Consultancy’s approach is its advanced Personal Inventory System. This system is not just a tool; it’s a strategic asset capable of providing personalized recommendations for professional development. Mr. Can Suntay highlights, “Our Personal Inventory System delves deep into individual profiles, revealing strong potentials, potential risks, thinking style, communication style, problemsolving approach, development suggestions, leadership style, motivation style, and 21st Century Competencies. This allows us to offer targeted and customized guidance for each individual’s unique needs.”

To ensure the highest quality coaching services, Atunis is committed to investing in its consultants. Mr. Can Suntay asserts, “Our consultants will undergo specialized education to enhance their coaching skills. This ensures that they approach clients with a comprehensive understanding of professional development, enabling them to provide nuanced guidance across various dimensions.”

Vision for the Future - Pioneering the Next Decades

As Atunis Consultancy moves forward, the company envisions a future shaped by a steadfast commitment to client needs and market

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As Atunis Consulting embarks on global operations, the company is committed to providing a seamless experience for clients abroad, rooted in a deep understanding of each country’s unique taxation rules

positioning. Mr. Can Suntay shares, “Our vision is to reach all qualified Compensation and Benefits (C&B) professionals who aspire to invest in their consulting careers. We aim to attract young talents from universities, encouraging them to delve into the economic environments of Turkish countries and the developing world. Our understanding of the economy, coupled with technological applications, propels us to expand into Management Consulting and Effective Sales Management, developing locallytailored software solutions aligned with our clients’ needs.”

Atunis Consultancy is actively engaged in collaborative studies with universities, focusing on helping students conduct research in Flexible Benefits and C&B areas. Mr. Can Suntay outlines, “Our commitment extends beyond the present. In the future, we aspire to take on more responsibilities, providing lectures to help students understand economic environments, HR fields, and the crucial importance of utilizing specific statistics and perspectives in their professional lives. We aim to employ proven techniques to develop essential skills and competencies.”

Over the next five years, Atunis Consultancy sets a compelling trajectory. The company aims to establish itself as the premier consulting entity in the market, representing the fourth Industrial Revolution and its digital footprint through AI. Mr. Can Suntay envisions, “We aspire to be at the forefront of innovative consulting, leveraging AI to enhance our services and stay ahead in the dynamic business landscape. Our services will not only cater to private entities but will extend to political parties and government organizations.”

Looking ahead to the next decade, Atunis Consultancy sets its sights on international prominence. The goal is to amplify impact globally and become the preferred consulting company in the HR and Management field on an international scale. Mr. Can Suntay concludes, “Our ambition is not limited to local success. We aim to make a mark internationally, contributing to the advancement of HR practices and management strategies on a global scale. Atunis Consultancy aspires to be the go-to consultancy firm for organizations seeking innovative solutions and strategic guidance.”

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Promoting Behavioural Wellness to Create Healthy Communities Around the World

In what ways can diverse collaborative efforts between clinicians, engineers, researchers, designers, entrepreneurs, end-users etc. help in making meaningful changes in mind and lifestyle health?

Having a multidisciplinary approach is like having multiple lenses and tools in your arsenal. It helps build elegant solutions for complex problems, such as personalising care journeys that are relevant and useful for our unique minds and lifestyle habits.

This speaks to one of Neurum Health’s core values, which is celebrating diversity

of thought. Therefore, different backgrounds and experiences should also be part of the building process, to truly design a solution that members continuously find easy to use, love, and is inclusive and scientifically validated.

How much responsibility should Corporate leaders take for the wellbeing of their workforce?

Of course, companies have a bigger role in promoting workforce wellbeing because they are the ones who make profit at the end of the day.

Companies have a bigger role in promoting workforce wellbeing because they are the ones who make profit at the end of the day
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Megan Lam is the Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer at Neurum Health. As CEO, she leads Neurum Health’s strategy and ensures that the company achieves its vision of getting people the right care, on their terms, anywhere,anytime.Passionateaboutpromoting behavioural wellness, she also advises organisations on mental health and technology initiatives - including the German government’s international development aid and is a regular speaker on the intersection of mental health, technology, and service design.

In addition to her leadership responsibilities, Megan serves on the board of GIANT Health events, and advised the corporate-founded network, Shared Value Project HK’s mental health initiative. She is a board member of KELY Support Group, a Hong Kong-based nonprofit organisation whose mission since 1991 is to equip young people with the skills, knowledge, and opportunities needed to support themselves and each other.

Recently, in an exclusive interview with Digital First Magazine, Megan shared her insights on the need to make diverse collaborative efforts in making meaningful changes in mind and lifestyle health, her professional journey, what sets Neurum Health apart from other market competitors, significant career milestones, future plans, words of wisdom, and much more. The following excerpts are taken from the interview.

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With much gratitude, that led to mentors and champions that wanted to see Neurum Health succeed and grow and are brilliant soundboards at various stages

However, everyone has their own responsibility when it comes to workforce wellbeing. For example, after a company subscribes to Neurum’s service, it comes down to the employees to be actively using the app to practise self-care and self-love.

Good leaders should set their people and their communities up for success. A strong commitment to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles includes prioritising employee mental health and creating a supportive work environment. By fostering a culture of understanding, providing resources, and promoting work-life balance, leaders can positively impact employee wellbeing while contributing to the overall success of the company and its ESG goals.

Megan, please tell us about your background and areas of interest. How did you get into the arena of digital mental health & well-being?

The personal spark was when I lost loved ones to suicide, and experienced struggles in my own care journey. Lived experiences drove to look for answers, which led to a background in neuroscience and behavioural health research.

It gave me a hard look at where the gaps were and saw the difficulty of building something scalable and sustainable that fits into people’s life story outside of the lab or doctor’s office – where health and wellness is happening.

The opportunity for digital health was to put care into people’s hands, in a way that met them where they are, and resonated with them wherever they were on their health journey.

This is why Neurum Health’s vision is bringing our mind’s care to life, in every sense.

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By 2025, Gen Z may comprise more than a quarter of the global workforce. To attract and retain these workers, employers should understand what this generation pursues

Tell us about the mission and vision of Neurum Health. What sets it apart from other market competitors?

We are the first and only mental health app that uses AI to deliver a personalized care journey that truly fits, grows, and adapts with each unique individual.

Here’s how we’re different:

o Our credible, science-backed research and materials that form the basis of the app.

o A personalised experience that really meets people where they are, making the maintenance of wellness easy, engaging, and truly grows with each unique individual.

o The Neurum app is actually the first and only app that uses AI for a personalised health plan -- which includes programs that can maintain behavioural wellness. As a personal wellness companion that looks after the mind and lifestyle for each unique user, the app is also designed to be deployed by enterprises to maintain the wellbeing of any organisation, is empathetic, interactive, personal, and proactive in addressing the needs of busy and dynamic individuals.

o Testament to this, 87.8% of the time people find our recommendations relevant and useful.

Most importantly, we’re committed to raising awareness on behavioural health and through technology, create healthy communities. In addition to the app, we work hard to educate society and promote the broader awareness and understanding of healthy minds and habits.

What has been your most careerdefining moment that you are proud of?

There are several moments that I find rewarding throughout my journey with Neurum Health:

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o Contributing back to our local community through serving as Board Member of youth mental health charity, KELY Support Group.

o Partnering with local NGOs to re-design a sustainable model that could reduce inequalities in care. Our partners can now pledge unused Human Care Credits to be used with our community beneficiaries. A recent example of this – Neurum Health partnered with Bethune House which grants complimentary access to migrant women workers in emotional distress to our platform’s digital programmes and access to human professionals.

o Receiving an honourable global social impact award by Cartier.

o Neurum Health has become one of the 300 recognised Charter signatories by The Equal Opportunities Commission, demonstrating our commitment to equality and diversity in the workplace.

In your academic or work career, were there any mentors who have helped you grow along the way? What’s the best piece of advice you have ever received?

I believe it’s important to build connections, be curious, and be proactive. With much gratitude, that led to mentors and champions that wanted to see Neurum Health succeed and grow and are brilliant soundboards at various stages.

One of the best pieces of advice was to find out what truly motivates people.

What’s a leadership lesson that you’ve learnt that’s unique to being a female leader?

You can write your own story and unsubscribe from narratives others have pre-written for you.

How can we prepare the next generation for the workplace of the future?

Taking a step back, businesses should prepare themselves for the ever-changing demographics.

By 2025, Gen Z may comprise more than a quarter of the global workforce. To attract and retain these workers, employers should understand what this generation pursues. They are tech-savvy and purpose-driven –companies that speak to their purpose tend to have a higher rate of retention and get more business than those who fail to connect with this cohort. Businesses should also invest in what’s good for people and the planet.

Where do you see Neurum Health in the next 5 years?

I see Neurum Health being dedicated to helping as many people as possible with their behavioural health (i.e., mind and lifestyle health and wellness). Like the 5 years before, and the 5 before that.

Central to our approach is the cultivation of strategic partnerships that amplifies the impact of our support. Through purposeful scaling, we empower our partners to authentically serve as wellness advocates and for their wider communities. This collaborative synergy reinforces our belief that authentic well-being flourishes when stakeholders unite, fostering an environment where comprehensive wellness is attainable for all.

What advice would you give to women who want to pursue a career in tech?

Don’t count yourself out. And when you’re there, count others in.

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SanTan Solar Pioneering Sustainability and Empowering Energy Futures

In 2018, entrepreneurs Bob and Minnie Lawrence, co-founders of an electronic reselling venture, discovered a unique opportunity in solar energy. Armed with a batch of meticulously researched used solar panels, they delved into the market, uncovering a demand for refurbished panels. This realization marked the inception of SanTan Solar, a venture whose name draws inspiration from the rugged beauty of SanTan Mountain, nestled amidst Arizona’s picturesque landscape—a region known for its relentless sun and soaring temperatures.

SanTan Solar swiftly outgrew its initial warehouse, propelled by strategic partnerships and an increasing influx of panels. Responding to the escalating demand, Bob and Minnie Lawrence secured expansive acreage to accommodate the burgeoning operations. By 2020, SanTan Solar had evolved from a team of three to a formidable workforce of 43 and from a single warehouse to a triumvirate.

Whitney Lawrence, SanTan Solar’s Vice President of Sales and Marketing, shares, “Our journey commenced with democratizing solar energy accessibility through affordable, used

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From its modest beginnings, SanTan Solar has diversified its product range, now encompassing new modules, batteries, inverters, racking, wiring, controllers, and comprehensive design plan sets

modules. Today, SanTan Solar is dedicated to facilitating a universal transition to solar energy, offering a diverse range of products catering to every budget.” The vision extends beyond commerce; SanTan Solar aspires to contribute to a sustainable world powered by solar energy, simultaneously benefiting the planet and reducing energy costs.

From its modest beginnings, SanTan Solar has diversified its product range, now encompassing new modules, batteries, inverters, racking, wiring, controllers, and comprehensive design plan sets. Whitney emphasizes, “We commenced with used modules and have seamlessly expanded our offerings in tandem with technological advancements.” The company prides itself on

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providing options and variety, ranging from 100W to 500W+ solar panels, categorized meticulously, reflecting its commitment to adaptability.

Whitney elaborates, “SanTan Solar is your one-stop destination, offering everything from racking and mounting solutions to batteries, inverters, and charge controllers. Our inverters are versatile, catering to off-grid, hybrid, and grid-tie applications. Recently, we’ve introduced solar generators and AC units, further enriching our solar selection.” SanTan Solar’s dedication to customer satisfaction is exemplified through its extensive array of products and flexible options. Central to its offerings are the meticulously curated used modules, delivering no less than 80% of their original output at a fraction of the cost.

Whitney Lawrence underscores, “Our bundling options, available in kit form, provide customers with the opportunity to maximize savings while obtaining a complete solar array solution.” Catering to a spectrum of consumers, SanTan Solar prides itself on its inclusive approach. From budget-conscious consumers seeking lower-end panels and accessories to discerning high-end clients demanding toptier quality, the company ensures that every customer finds an optimal fit. “We recognize the importance of aligning with our customers’ budgets,” affirms Whitney. “Whether it’s a modest investment or a premium purchase, SanTan Solar guarantees access to solar components tailored to individual needs.”

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Acknowledging that embarking on the solar journey constitutes a significant financial commitment, SanTan Solar endeavors to facilitate the process. “We are excited to have a great partnership with Affirm, which allows our customers to finance their solar array,” says Whitney, who is passionate about helping everyone transition to solar energy by providing solar products for any budget. Furthermore, SanTan Solar is actively forging alliances with other financial institutions to extend financing opportunities for largerscale solar projects, ensuring accessibility

and affordability remain at the forefront of its mission.

Inside the Customer-Centric Warehouse

In SanTan Solar’s bustling warehouse, a dedicated team of professionals orchestrates a seamless operation. Divided into specialized departments, they meticulously inspect and test each panel upon arrival, ensuring only the highest quality products reach the market. Led by a commitment to excellence, the warehouse staff swiftly sorts panels, categorizing them based on condition and directing those in need of refurbishment to

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the skilled hands of the refurbishing team. Panels beyond repair are responsibly recycled, embodying SanTan Solar’s environmental stewardship.

Utilizing cutting-edge technology, including a custom-built solar panel washing machine and state-of-the-art EL (electroluminescence) and flash testers, the team ensures that every panel meets stringent performance standards before being neatly stacked and prepared for dispatch to eager customers.

Beyond efficiency, SanTan Solar prioritizes customer satisfaction, fostering a welcoming environment where every visitor is greeted with warmth and hospitality. From personalized assistance to expert guidance, the sales and technical teams are dedicated to delivering a seamless purchasing experience. “Our goal is to make solar accessible and understandable for everyone,” emphasizes Whitney Lawrence, Vice President of Sales and Marketing. “Whether customers are seeking guidance on product selection or intricate technical details, our knowledgeable teams are here to assist.”

Recognizing the diverse needs of its clientele, SanTan Solar empowers customers with educational resources, including informative videos and blogs addressing common inquiries.

“We aim to demystify the solar journey,” adds Whitney, “empowering individuals to make informed decisions about their energy future, whether they choose to engage with our team directly or explore our comprehensive online resources.”

In the pursuit of excellence, SanTan Solar invests in continuous training for its sales representatives, equipping them with the knowledge and expertise to address a wide range of customer queries. Supported by a dedicated technical team, they stand ready to guide customers through every step of the solar journey, reaffirming SanTan Solar’s commitment to customer empowerment and satisfaction.

Renewable Revival: Empowering Sustainability

SanTan Solar recognizes the apprehension surrounding the purchase of used solar panels.

Utilizing cutting-edge technology, including a custom-built solar panel washing machine and state-of-the-art EL (electroluminescence) and flash testers, SanTan Solar’s team ensures that every panel meets stringent performance standards before being neatly stacked and prepared for dispatch to eager customers
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Yet, akin to the enduring value found in pre-owned automobiles, these modules offer significant benefits. Designed to withstand over 30 years of operation and typically backed by manufacturer warranties of similar duration, used panels retain substantial energy-producing capacity despite nominal annual degradation. This makes them an attractive option for

individuals seeking cost-effective power solutions without compromising quality.

In response to the rapid pace of technological advancement, SanTan Solar observes a growing trend in repowering projects, where panels are retired after just five years of service to accommodate newer, more efficient models. However, with the potential

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for decades of productive life remaining, these prematurely retired panels present an opportunity for second-chance sustainability. By repurposing and refurbishing these panels, SanTan Solar not only extends their lifespan but also contributes to mitigating

the environmental impact of solar energy production, diverting them from landfills and minimizing waste.

“We are partnered with FabTech Solar Solutions, a company specializing in solar end-of-life solutions. When a panel cannot be

In response to the rapid pace of technological advancement, SanTan Solar observes a growing trend in repowering projects, where panels are retired after just five years of service to accommodate newer, more efficient models

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refurbished or reused, FabTech will handle the recycling process for us to make sure the panel is destroyed properly and not thrown in a landfill,” shares Whitney. Through partnerships with solar manufacturers, recyclers, utilities, and other stakeholders, the company facilitates the seamless integration of reusable modules into the circular economy, furthering

its commitment to sustainable practices within the renewable energy sector.

Driven by a profound sense of purpose, SanTan Solar witnesses firsthand the transformative impact of its products and services on individuals and communities. By offering affordable solar solutions, the company empowers energy-impoverished

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Committed to giving back to society, SanTan Solar actively engages with non-profit organizations and community initiatives through its sister company, EmPower the World

communities, unlocking access to clean, reliable electricity and catalyzing positive change. “We envision a sustainable world powered by solar energy and everything we do is to help fulfill our vision,” says Whitney. In the past year alone, the company’s efforts have contributed to offsetting a staggering 36,770 metric tons of Carbon Dioxide emissions, equivalent to the environmental benefits of numerous conservation initiatives.

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Committed to giving back to society, SanTan Solar actively engages with non-profit organizations and community initiatives through its sister company, EmPower the World. By donating solar panels to schools, charitable organizations, and communities in need, the company demonstrates its unwavering dedication to fostering sustainability and making a positive difference in the world. Recent contributions to Gilbert Fire exemplify SanTan Solar’s commitment to supporting local initiatives and empowering communities through renewable energy solutions.

Illuminating the Future

SanTan Solar’s commitment to empowering customers with knowledge is exemplified

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through its “Learn” series, a comprehensive educational initiative spanning its website and YouTube channel. Recognizing that knowledge is indeed power, the company endeavors to demystify solar energy, elucidating its significance and impact on both individuals and the environment. “Through these series of short videos, we educate people on the intricacies of solar technology, including installation procedures, wattage options, and the distinctions between off-grid, grid-tie, and hybrid systems,” shares Whitney. In an era marked by a proliferation of solar options, SanTan Solar recognizes the potential for confusion and overwhelm among consumers. By equipping them with the necessary tools and insights, the company aims to empower individuals to make informed decisions about their energy future.

SanTan Solar’s commitment to empowering customers with knowledge is exemplified through its “Learn” series, a comprehensive educational initiative spanning its website and YouTube channel
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Embracing change as inherent to its DNA, SanTan Solar remains at the forefront of technological innovation, constantly evolving to meet the evolving needs of its clientele. With a keen eye on industry trends and emerging technologies, the company anticipates a future illuminated by solar power, characterized by higher wattage capacities, all-in-one solar kits, and powerful generators.

“We envision a sustainable world powered by solar energy, and our mission is to help everyone transition to solar energy by providing solar products for any budget,” pinpoints Whitney. Every decision and action undertaken by SanTan Solar is aligned with this mission as the company continues to expand its product offerings, ensuring accessibility to sustainable solutions powered by solar energy.

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Robots and Lego

As I watched my daughter this morning at breakfast fiddling with her Lego castle, I was struck by how this resonates with the legal industry currently.

At the heart of every general counsel forum, one of the main issues is a discussion on how to save costs.

The economic climate is leading CFOs across the board to tighten belts – and the non-

fee earning centers of the company - like legal - come first. Legal budgets are being slashed, but the legal work is only growing.

Two ways that costs may be saved in the near future are an increase in efficiency – which may come from Robots and Lego.

The beauty of Lego is that you can use different shaped and colored blocks to build one holistic final product. You can then take it apart again and use the pieces for other building projects you may have.

More than ever, legal departments will be restructuring to incorporate paralegals and students into the team’s work process – more affordable labor to carry out the many tasks that you do not need to pay a lawyer to do
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Adv. Jackie Donner is the CoFounder and CEO of Lawflex, a global alternative legal service provider. She is an Oxford graduate and has been a lawyer for 15 years at top firms in London and in Israel.

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Legal departments face a particularly daunting challenge – as just when the regulatory market is more demanding than ever, and as the world of legal compliance becomes more and more complicated, general counsels are being asked to downsize

With the rise of contract workers and legal outsourcing as a mainstream practice company – one of the best ways to manage shrinking budgets for 2023 is by tapping into the Lego economy.

Lego lawyers are lawyers of different expertise and experience, used to build one holistic (if fluid) team. Whereas an unlimited budget would allow for a general counsel to hire an employment lawyer, a securities lawyer, an IP lawyer and a tax lawyer (all full time) as integral parts of the team, the contractor model of freelance lawyers allows for a general counsel to hire the same lawyers (all part time) as integral parts of the team.

General counsels are learning to build teams with 20% of one lawyer’s time, 40% of another lawyer’s time, and 30% of a third. They are quickly able to take this apart - just like a Lego castle - and rebuild it according to their changing needs.

A team structure may have 220%, back down to 80% and then up again to 80%. As opposed to sending work to outside counsel, the general counsel is still able to keep this work under her watch, perhaps with these Lego lawyers even coming into the office.

The reason that this works is because work is changing. More and more wellqualified lawyers world-wide are working independently, following the general market trend towards self-employment. This means that talent is available, and talent has more and more tools available to them via the new law companies, to work in this way.

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They are presented with multiple work opportunities, so they too can build their career based on the Lego model – working 20% for a major company, and 50% for a boutique law firm. This translates to more efficiency and a better use of the budget. It also means that by in-sourcing, General Counsels can drastically cut their outside counsel spend.

And while we are on the topic of Lego, another way in which General Counsels are looking to save costs is through re-assigning tasks. More than ever, legal departments will be restructuring to incorporate paralegals and students into the team’s work process – more affordable labor to carry out the many tasks that you do not need to pay a lawyer to do.

What is more is that they are often more efficient, more tech savvy and more motivated than hiring a senior lawyer for the job.

And how are robots connected to the theme? With the explosion of ChatGPT on everyone’s computers and minds, the idea of robot lawyers is closer than ever. The only surprise is that the industry always imagined that the bulk of the low-level work will be done in the future by robots, but that the high-level work will still require the sharp and creative minds of real human lawyers.

Law was set to move in the direction of expertise – where human genius would go towards creative tax planning and structuring, complex transactional work, and high-level IP litigation strategy. The robots would take over bulk work like the e-discovery reviews and the regulatory updates.

ChatGPT changes everything. It is very easy to see how expertise will be replaced

by AI (artificial intelligence). Anyone who has been playing around with it, will quickly realize the huge impact this is going to have on legal.

Although there is lots of noise about the dangers of AI (and yes there are), I am far more excited about the efficiency this is going to bring to legal. A trillion-dollar market will become more efficient. It’s still too early to grasp all of the implications of ChatGPT and similar technologies on our industry – but its definitely a taste of what’s to come, in the not so far off future.

I asked ChatGPT how to incorporate a company in Cyprus, and then specified my question to include the company’s purpose being Forex trading, and it gave me an answer far more sophisticated than something I could find on google. There are certainly going to be ethical issues arising, questions about accuracy, insurance, licensing and far more – but this technology is not going anywhere – so all these issues will be addressed, like it or not.

As the proverb says, “necessity is the mother of invention”. As we have seen from past financial crises, new modes of working emerge out of the need to cut costs. Legal departments face a particularly daunting challenge – as just when the regulatory market is more demanding than ever, and as the world of legal compliance becomes more and more complicated, general counsels are being asked to downsize.

I am sure that out of this crisis, more creative ways of tapping into the Lego economy will emerge. I for one am excited to see how things change.

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Leadership Intelligence: Three Keys to Leading Effectively in the Age of AI

The role of effective leadership in the success or otherwise of organizations is well documented and effective leadership is one of the most written about topics in business literature. Throughout history, we learn how effective leadership propelled lagging organizations to greatness, and how its absence helped erstwhile successful enterprises slide into decline. Certain qualities are recognized as essential to leadership effectiveness and they have been proven to be so for millennia. They

are important in leading today’s organizations as they were a thousand years ago – qualities such as integrity, empathy, resilience, emotional intelligence, trust, adaptability, and strategic foresight, along with influence and persuasion, personal communications, and negotiation skills, amongst others. These are tried and tested qualities and skills that have helped leaders achieve success in leading their organizations (empires, nations, business enterprises, clans, families, teams, etc.) and achieving and sustaining the outcomes that their organizations need or aspire to.

McKinsey predicts that 70% of companies may adopt some form of AI by 2030 and that by that same year, about $13 trillion of economic value will be created as a result of AI
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Bashir Agboola is the Chief Technology Officer and Vice President at the Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS), the global leader in musculoskeletal care. Bashir has an extensive leadership and technology management background, ranging from IT Systems Integration, Consulting, and Healthcare IT. He has spent the last several years of his career serving in various capacities at top-tier academic medical institutions. Bashir is a respected thought leader on various technology and leadership matters and writes and speaks frequently for industry publications and events. He is a multiple award-winning executive, including the winner of the HMG Strategy Global Leadership Institute award for 2021, the Tech Inclusion Conference 2021 Top 100 CIO/CTO award, and the HMG Strategy 2020 Technology Executives Who Matter award. Bashir is a member of the board of Directors of the Center for Family Support and also serves on a number of industry advisory boards. He holds a number of professional certifications, as well as a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science with Economics, a Master’sDegreeinComputerScience,andan MBA degree with a concentration in Finance.

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A key quality of effective leadership is the ability of the leader to use strategic foresight in

solving problems and charting a path toward effectively achieving the group’s objectives

Some leadership skills and qualities assume heightened importance depending on the context in which a leader functions. Leading an organization through an economic downturn, negative market performance, or even a period of military conflict requires a leader to lean more on certain qualities than leading the same organization during a period of ease, growth, and expansion.

Hence, leading an organization through a period of momentous technological change (such as we are beginning to witness with AI) requires a leader to exercise more of those leadership skills necessary to lead an organization through rapid business evolution, fierce and growing competition, and uncertainty in the business and regulatory landscape. The rest of this article will focus on three of those leadership skills that I believe are particularly critical to effectively leading during the AI-enabled transformations that many industries (and society at large) are about to witness. McKinsey predicts that 70% of companies may adopt some form of AI by 2030 and that by that same year, about $13 trillion of economic value will be created as a result of AI. Leaders need to be prepared to adapt to the requirements of leading through this transformation. These three skills are Creative Strategic Thinking, Accelerated and Continuous Learning, and Ethical Leadership. We will briefly explore each one below.

Creative Strategic Thinking

A key quality of effective leadership is the ability of the leader to use strategic foresight in solving problems and charting a path toward effectively achieving the group’s objectives. This is an important quality in a period where AI has the demonstrated potential to fundamentally change

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many established business models, collapse existing business sectors, and create new valuegenerating opportunities. Leading through such rapid and potentially consequential change requires a leader to hone their practice of strategic foresight in leading their organizations to evolve, adapt, and thrive in the new AIshaped business landscape.

There are many well-documented approaches to developing business strategy. One approach that seems well-suited to the highly competitive and rapidly evolving world of AI is to approach strategy creation as a creative exercise, using a framework such as described by Adam Brandenburger and others in their work on creativity as a source of strategy. The framework proposes using the 4 Cs of creativity (Contrast, Combine, Constraint, and Context) in a strategy-making exercise. Leaders can leverage this framework to come up with an “AI-adapted” strategy as they plan for the impact of AI on their business/industry (and even their own professional effectiveness). They can explore taking actions that contrast with what is normally done in that line of business, combine (or decouple) products and services in new or untraditional ways, turn what is seen as a constraint on their business into an advantage, and or change the context in which their business is performed.

An interesting example of creative strategy-making at work is the response of the Stock Content company, Shutterstock, to what appears to be an existential threat posed to its business model by Generative AI. The company has embraced Generative AI and adapted its business model accordingly. It recently expanded its partnership with OpenAI and will receive “Priority Access” to

the latter‘s latest technology, while in return OpenAI licensed data from Shutterstock to train its models. Shutterstock has adapted its content creators’ compensation structure to reward artists for the role their work played in training its Gen AI tech. It also offers an Image Creator tool, powered by Open AI’s DALL-E 2, and has established other AIrelated partnerships with a number of other companies. In contrast, Getty Images is involved in a legal dispute with Stability AI (Stable Diffusion owner) over the latter’s alleged unlawful use of millions of Getty Images.

Continuous and Accelerated Learning

The rapid rate of change in many business sectors and the widening (often on a global scale) of competition requires that leaders and professionals be able to learn about changes and advancements not only in their area of core competence but also in a variety of related topics as well. The need for this is heightened in the age of generative AI. Leaders must learn to learn continuously and fast. On one hand, the information tsunami that the world is facing will be fueled in part by the power of generative AI, but at the same time, that same technology provides a powerful aid in learning quickly and continuously. Failure in this respect will be a source of likely disruption for many businesses and careers. While AI might not take away a leader’s job or cause their business to lose its ascendancy, it is likely that their disruption will come from people who have figured out how to leverage AI for competitive learning advantage and thus are better informed and able to perform at an optimal level.

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To lead effectively in this new age, leaders must be ethically grounded and should tether to their individual and corporate values

Leading with Ethics

Ethical usage is one of the most highlighted challenges of AI. The concern is how to ensure the ethical application of AI in the absence of clear regulatory guardrails (and sometimes lack of clarity about how the AI does what it does), ensuring that this powerful technology is used only in ways that benefit humanity and does not exacerbate or create societal ills (such as all manners of biases). Leaders will sometimes face moral dilemmas in the course of exploring ethically dubious but economically valuable use cases while facing competition that might not share their moral qualms. To lead effectively in this new age, leaders must be ethically grounded and should tether to their individual and corporate values. Keeping their values at the forefront of AI (and indeed general business effort) is key to running an ethically sound program.


The core principles of leadership remain the same throughout the ages but leading in an age of AI requires more focus on certain aspects of leadership. A leader must be purposeful in practicing strategic foresight and can tap into the power of creativity in their strategymaking effort. The rate of change and volume of information that the leader is presented with will grow rapidly, as would the requirement to act in response to the attendant changes in the business environment. Leaders have to learn to learn quickly and continuously. Lastly, business ethics is as important as ever since AI will lead to many uncharted territories and present tremendous competitive pressures on leaders. Mooring to one’s and the business’s core values provides some safeguards from unethical use of AI.

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