DTT August Training 2020

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Discrete Trial Training By Dylan James M.S.Ed, BCBA, LBS, Clinical Director Connect Plus Therapy, Pennsylvania

What is Discrete Trial Training (DTT)? ●

Discrete trial training is a technique used by practitioners of applied behavior analysis that was developed by Ivar Lovaas at the University of California, Los Angeles.

DTT is a structured ABA technique that breaks down skills into small, “discrete” components.

Systematically, the trainer teaches these skills one by one.

Along the way, trainers use tangible reinforcements for desired behavior. For a child, this might include a candy or small toy, verbal praise, or free play.

What is Discrete Trial Training (DTT)?, Con’t.

For example, a trainer teaching colors to a child might begin by teaching red. She would ask the child to point to red and then reward the behavior.

She would then move on to teaching yellow by itself, reinforce that skill, and then ask about both colors.

After the child learns all his colors, the trainer might teach the child to say each color’s name.

Many therapists have found DTT to be particularly effective for teaching skills to children with autism.

DTT was one of the very first interventions developed for autism and has extensive research supporting it.

DTT – 3 Distinct Parts 1.

Antecedent: A clear, simple instruction provided to the learner (Sd)


Specific Behavior that we expect the learner to perform in response to our instruction


Consequence: Either positive reinforcement for the correct response or a correction for incorrect responses

Techniques Used in DTT ● Breaking skills into smaller components ● Teaching until mastery is achieved ● Intensive teaching sessions ● Use of prompts in the introduction of skills and then prompts are systematically faded as required ● Reinforcement strategies are used for motivation ● Data collection

Benefits of DTT ●

Development of communication, play, cognition, social, and self-help skills

Tasks are initially short

There is an obvious start and finish to each trial

Teaches new for of behaviors

Stimulus control is clear and consistent, which provides opportunity for repetition. Less confusing for the learner

Limitations of DTT ●

Prompt dependency

Generalization must be programmed – Skills learned during DTT are NOT automatically transferred to other environments.

Labor intensive – Demands a great deal of time and effort from the teacher.

Criticisms of DTT ●


Doesn’t teach language

Turns learners into robots

Doesn’t look natural

DTT in Action ●


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Autism Prevalence

To learn more about our ABA services Please go to our website www.connectplustherapy.com

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