Cape Resorts Concierge Magazine 2019 - 2020

Page 140

America’s Oldest Seaside Hotel

This illustration, believed to be the earliest existing image of Congress Hall, is from 1838 and shows what is likely the 1818 hotel (with pillars). This building, which replaced the burned-down 1816 original, remained until 1870, when it was replaced by a huge extension — then THAT building was destroyed by fire in 1878. The current building was erected in the spring of 1879.

Did you know that Congress Hall is the oldest seaside hotel in America? Or that four sitting presidents have stayed there? And that one of those presidents set up office in the hotel’s ground floor, establishing the first Summer White House? There’s a whole lot of history in this old place, which is why we published a book about it. Discover stories about the inferno that destroyed much of beachfront Cape May, the night America’s most famous gambler lost $900,000 on one game of poker — and how the grand old hotel lay rotting for more than a decade after a stand-off between owner Annie Knight and the city council.

Four sitting presidents have stayed at Congress Hall so far (hey, you never know!). They are, from left: Franklin Pierce, James Buchanan, Ulysses Grant and Benjamin Harrison. 138

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