Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty UK Newsletter #45

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Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty


Newsletter 45 Feb/March 2007 Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty c/o FRIEND, 89 Bush Road, East Peckham, Tonbridge, Kent TN12 5LJ. “ We never give in and we always win.”

Also inside full details on the NYSE Euronext, Global demos, The Italian Job, Me old Dutch and latest liberations





The SHAC Financial campaign so far Many of the most important parts of the SHAC campaign have been the financial ones. In turn in many instances it has been this part of the campaign that has done Huntingdon the most damage. The first blow was struck in early January 2000, when the Sunday Telegraph ran a front page story that the Labour Party pension fund had shares in HLS. Within days of this they sold all their shares. On the list we had been leaked were lots of other companies like Camden Council Pension Fund and Rover Cars Pension Fund to name just two. We started to hold demos all over the country outside these companies. In early March 2000, the holding company of the shares, Phil Drew Nominees, put 31 million HLS shares on the London Stock Exchange for just 1p and Huntingdon’s share price went into freefall. Throughout 2000 shareholders left in droves, keeping the share price at just a few pennies. Some of these shareholders who dropped HLS were HSBC (the world’s second largest bank), CitiGroup (the world’s largest financial institution), UBS (the world’s largest private bank) and many more. The Natwest bank were also a target as they had loaned HLS £12 million in 1998 when they were taken over by Andrew Baker and Brian Cass. In August 2000, the Natwest bank were taken over by the Royal Bank of Scotland so the demos started to include them as well. The RBS clearly wanted out, and in early December they gave HLS an ultimatum to either find a new lender within a few weeks or they would foreclose on the loan.

In Dec 2000, The NYSE kicked HLS off the New York Stock Exchange because their share price was too low. On Jan 20th 2001, with hours to go, the UK government brokered a deal with the american Stephens Bank to take on the loan from the RBS who wrote off a 12 million pound loan in their desperation to get away from HLS. In March 2001, we targetted Huntingdon’s two Market Makers, Winterflood and Dresdner Wasserstein. After an intense 10 days of demos, Winterflood pulled out and the next day Wasserstein went as well. The London Stock Exchange rules state that to be on the exchange you need at least one market maker, and so HLS were kicked off the LSE . Later in 2001 the RBS also closed Huntingdon’s bank account and the British government were forced to step in as Huntingdon’s banker. A few months later an article appeared in the FT saying that the British Bankers Association were close to securing HLS a high street bank account so we contacted them all. Within 5 hours Barclays bank, Lloyds TSB, HSBC and RBS/Natwest all contacted us saying they would never give Huntingdon a bank account. In late 2001, Huntingdon ceased to become a British company as they were forced to domicile themselves in the US because of the financial devastation caused in the U.K. In Jan 2002, Stephens backed out of their 5 year loan agreement stating: “We knew about the activists but we didn’t realise the lengths they would go to.”

In Dec 2002, Huntingdon’s insurance company Marsh (the world’s largest insurance broker) pulled out and with no company willing to step in, the British Government now became Huntingdon’s insurance company. In Feb 2003, Huntingdon’s auditor Deloitte & Touche dropped them and HLS have never been able to find another UK auditor, so in 4 years HLS still haven’t filed accounts at Companies House in the U.K. In Sept 2005, HLS were denied a prestigious listing on the NYSE with just 45 minutes to go, causing them worldwide embarrassment. In 2006, Huntingdon’s only US Market Maker Legacy Trading dropped HLS, causing them to drop from the Over the Counter Bulletin Board (OTCBB) to the Pink Sheets. Throughout 2006, there was further pressure added to Huntingdon’s Market Makers on the Pink Sheets who all dropped HLS, seeing them fall to the lowest point, the Grey Markets. Also in 2006 we were leaked the details of Huntingdon’s US auditor who had been allowed up to that point by the US Government to give a false name and their details were uncovered. So what next? The article on your left and the following pages show just where we are and where we are going with the financial part of the campaign to close HLS.

2007: The year to sort out Huntingdon’s financials once and for all On Dec 22nd 2006, the New York Stock Exchange tried to quietly slip HLS on to the newly formed NYSE Arca exchange. The NYSE had just merged with Archipelago and created a new exchange under the main trading floor that was completely electronic and supposedly anonymous. The NYSE had come under intense pressure since the Sept 2005 postponement from Huntingdon’s customers and the US and UK Governments. HLS and their shareholders were also threatening legal action. In Sept 2005 there had been a huge fanfare coming up to their ill fated listing. On Dec 22nd 2006 it couldn’t have been more different. The only press release was sent out at 4am on the morning of trading which by no coincidence was the Friday before Christmas Day. I can see Huntingdon’s glee: “We’ve got them this time as we are on a wholly anonymous exchange so no more trouble with market makers as we don’t need them.” What the fools at Huntingdon and the NYSE did not see was the big picture. This is a much bigger fight than market makers who could just rotate if they wanted to. As one drops out another comes on and so forth, leaving us chasing our tails. No, the battle is with the NYSE itself. Again what they did not see was the fact that a few days earlier all the shareholders of Euronext and the NYSE had agreed to a merger of equals. Euronext is the combined exchanges of Amsterdam, Brussels and Paris. The NYSE are as we speak striving to become the world’s first truly global exchange and in early 2007 have agreed friendly terms of trading with the Tokyo Stock Exchange. In 2007 the NYSE are looking for a merger with the major exchange in China. The merger with Euronext for the first time ever gives us the same financial target that US activists can hit and so can we here in the UK and across Europe. By the time you read this the merger of the NYSE and Euronext will be almost complete. They have cynically chosen to list Huntingdon knowing full well just what goes on inside the horror labs at Huntingdon.

This will not be an easy fight but it is one we must win. You have got to ask yourself if the NYSE humiliated them in Sept 2005, why would Huntingdon want to list their shares on there at all? The simple answer is that they have to for their very survival. All listed companies want to list on the NYSE, just like all football teams want to be in the Premiership, because it means prestige and more importantly it means money for HLS as it shows that they have financial stability. This cannot and will not be allowed to happen. HLS are in the last chance saloon here as if they get kicked off the NYSE then they are in the financial wilderness forever. Brian Cass and Andrew Baker are not scientists, they are both trained accountants, and they are both fast approaching 60. They bought Huntingdon to be the new Covance and if HLS are kicked off the NYSE they will have spent the last 10 years for nothing and all their plans will be in ruins. We will not back down from this fight no matter how long it takes. As I said earlier this will be no quick victory but win we will and win we must. Over the page you will find the details of companies split into 2 categories. The first is the NYSE Euronext and their shareholders. NYSE Euronext have blood on their hands pure and simple. Their shareholders are not in the same category as the NYSE but as shareholders they own the NYSE Euronext so have a hell of a lot of influence on the decisions of the NYSE Euronext. Please contact them and urge them to use this influence. The second category is NYSE members. To be a member of the NYSE you have to give at least $1 million and this allows you to trade on the trading floor (pictured right). Again, if enough members agitate, then this makes for a very unhappy exchange so please contact them and ask them to put pressure on the NYSE Euronext. Also the final ones in this category are the NYSE specialists. There are only 7 of them across the world and they are specialist NYSE brokers so again they have a lot of influence. Please contact them. If HLS are kicked off the NYSE they are in serious, serious trouble and they know it. They thought they were being smart but this could turn out to be their downfall and that is no understatement. No HLS means no 500 animals dead on their cage floors every day. Don’t forget that. We will not fail them.


NYSE EURONEXT NYSE, 3 Old Burlington Street, London W1S 3AE Tel: 020 7025 7882

AXA UK 5 Old Broad Street London EC2N 1AD Tel: 0207 920 5900

NYSE Arca Europe 25 Old Broad Street Level 7, Tower 42 London, EC2N 1HN UK Tel: 0207 877 2160

AXA Insurance 1, Aldgate London EC3N 1RE Tel: 0207 702 3109 GENERAL ATLANTIC PARTNERS, LLC 83 Pall Mall, Fourth Floor London SW1Y 5ES, U.K. Tel: 020 7484-3200

Euronext.liffe Cannon Bridge House 1 Cousin Lane London EC4R 3XX Tel: 020 7623 0444 Tel: 0207 379 2184 Tel: 020 7379 2392

NYSE Members Credit Suisse (UK) Limited Five Cabot Square London E14 4QR Tel: 0207 888 1000

NYSE Shareholders GANDHARA ADVISORS EUROPE LLP 6TH FLOOR 65 CURZON STREET, LONDON, W1J8PE Tel: 0207 491 6100 Goldman Sachs International Peterborough Court 133 Fleet St London EC4A 2BB Tel: 0207 774 2002 Fax: 0207 552 2278 AXA 7 Newgate Street, London EC1A 7NX Tel: 0207 003 1000 AllianceBernstein L.P Devonshire House 1, Mayfair Place London W1J 8AJ Tel: 0207 470 0100 (part of Axa)

EVERYONE HATES THE NYSE AllianceBernstein L.P Devonshire House 1, Mayfair Place London W1J 8AJ Tel: 0207 470 0100 AXA Rosenberg 9A, Devonshire Square London EC2M 4YY Tel: 0207 895 6666 AXA ART Furness House 106, Fenchurch Street London EC3M 5JE Tel: 0207 265 4600

Cowen and Company 1 Snowden Street - 11th Floor London EC2A 2DQ Tel: 020 7071 7500 CIBC World Markets Corp Cottons Centre Cottons Lane London SE1 2QL Tel: 0207 234 6000 Electronic Brokerage Systems 75 Cannon Street, Suite 212 London EC4N 5BN Tel: 0207 556 7695 NYSE Member First Albany Capital Inc. 10th fl, One Hammersmith Grove London W6 0BN Tel: 0208 995 0909


the campaign in 5 minutes Huntingdon Life Sciences are Europe’s largest animal testing lab. HLS kill, maim and mutilate 500 animals every single day. Huntingdon are the most exposed animal testing lab in the world, with 6 undercover investigations spanning from 1989 to 2006. It is legal in a UK laboratory to burn, electrocute, starve, shoot and poison animals. Your MP & the RSPCA have no right of access to any UK lab and section 24 of the Animal Scientific Procedures Act 1986 states that if anyone publicises what they have seen inside any UK lab they can be imprisoned for up to 2 years. Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty was formed in 1999 to close Huntingdon Life Sciences with the focus on Huntingdon’s finances. Because of the successes SHAC have had against Huntingdon’s financial backers, HLS at present do not have a banker or an insurance company. The UK government with taxpayers’ money acts as both. Huntingdon are $91 million in debt and many global companies have dropped HLS including HSBC (the world’s second largest bank), Lloyds TSB, Barclays, Royal Bank of Scotland/Natwest, UBS (the world’s largest private bank), Marsh (the world’s largest insurance broker) and Citigroup (the world’s largest financial institution) to name just a few of the many hundreds of companies who have severed links with Huntingdon.


recent liberations Feb 4th, Italy Hundreds of mink released Jan 28th, Italy 2,000 mink released Jan 27th, France Ducks & pheasants released Jan 15th, UK 100 chickens rescued from factory farm Jan 14th, NZ 25 chickens rescued from factory farm Jan 8th, Sweden 800 mink released Jan 5th, UK 22 chicks rescued from factory farm

Jan 2nd, UK John Parkers Poultry in Hampshire has finally closed after a sustained campaign of liberations. The actions taken included: 08/03/06 - 50 hens liberated 04/10/03 - 1024 hens liberated

The targets in this newsletter are in 3 categories. The first is the NYSE Euronext who have recently begun trading Huntingdon’s shares. The second is Huntingdon’s customers who contract experiments at Huntingdon. The third is companies who supply Huntingdon with goods and services. The best way of keeping up to date with all the demos against Huntingdon is on our website In the first 6 weeks of 2007, there has been over 50 demos so far against HLS worldwide. Full lists of Huntingdon’s customers & suppliers are also on the website as are all the details and video footage from the 6 exposes mentioned at the top. So want to help the animals? Then help SHAC.

22nd Dec, Austria 5 hens rescued from factory farm Dec 15th, Sweden 1,000 mink released Dec 13th, Germany 11 beagles rescued from lab animal supplier Harlan Dec 1st, Italy 18 monkeys and 1,000 mice liberated from lab animal supplier Harlan

Hey don’t forget our address has changed to: Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty c/o FRIEND, 89 Bush Road, East Peckham, Tonbridge, Kent TN12 5LJ.


A Closer look at 12 Companies The companies listed here are each and every one vital to HLS’s existence. The customers listed

Spotlight on Novartis Novartis are a big target for the campaign in 2007. They have a long and sordid history of using Huntingdon. This is the same Novartis who between 1995 - 2000 carried out xenotransplantation experiments at HLS where many hundreds of wild caught baboons from Africa died on the operating table. In addition many hundreds of cynomolgus monkeys and genetically modified piglets also died in these disgusting experiments.

are giving HLS significant amounts of work and the courier companies are their key ones. Contact

Customers 1 NOVARTIS Novartis Sandoz Limited Unit 37, Woolmer Way Bordon, Hants GU35 9QE Phone: 01420 478301 Novartis Novartis Animal Vaccines Limited 4 Warner Drive Springwood Industrial Estate Braintree, Essex CM7 2YW Phone: 01376 551222 CIBA Vision CV Manufacturing and Supply (UK) Limited Guildford Road Trading Estate Farnham, Surrey GU9 9PZ Phone: 01252 712222

This is the same Novartis who ordered beagles to die inside HLS for a flea collar experiment (fax at bottom). Many thousands of animals have died inside HLS because of Novartis who should look across to Basel, Switzerland and ask themselves why all demos worldwide against their neighbour Roche have stopped. Simple, they stopped using HLS. Now it’s your turn Novartis.

Novartis Pharmaceuticals UK Limited Frimley Business Park Frimley, Camberley, Surrey GU16 7SR Phone: 01276 692255 Novartis Grimsby Limited Pyewipe, Grimsby, N.E. Lincolnshire DN31 2SR Phone: 01472 355221 Novartis Horsham Research Centre Wimblehurst Road Horsham, West Sussex RH12 5AB Phone: 01403 272827 Novartis Animal Health UK Limited New Cambridge House Littlington, Royston, Herts SG8 0SS Phone: 01763 850500

MYERS 2 BRISTOL SQUIBB Bristol-Myers Squibb House Uxbridge Business Park Sanderson Road Uxbridge Middlesex UB8 1DH Tel:01895 523 000 Fax: 01895 523 010

them all politely and ask them how they can justify dealing with HLS.



GlaxoSmithKline, Glaxo Wellcome UK Ltd., Stockley Park West Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB11 1BT General Enquiries: Tel: 020 8990 9000 Customer Contact Centre: Tel: 0800 221441 GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare, GlaxoSmithKline UK Limited GLOBAL HQ 980 Great West Road, Brentford, Middlesex, TW8 9GS Tel: 020 8047 5000 GSK The Frythe. The Frythe, Welwyn, Hertfordshire, AL6 9AR GlaxoSmithKline. Tonbridge. Old Powder Mills, Near Leigh, Tonbridge, Kent, TN11 9AN GSK New Frontiers Science Park, Third Avenue, Harlow, Essex CM19 5AW GSK Gunnels Wood Road, Stevenage, Herts, SG1 2NY

4 ABBOTT LABS Abbott labs Vanwall Business Park Maidenhead Berkshire SL6 4UD Telephone: 01628 678900 Abbott Animal Health Queenborough Kent ME11 5EL

s that matter to Huntingdon 5


Sanoi Aventis UK HQ One Onslow Street Guildford Surrey GU1 4YS Tel 01483 505 515 Fax 01483 535 432 Sanoi Aventis Willowburn Avenue Alnwick NE66 2JH Tel: 01665 608 300 Fax: 01665 608 315 (Research site) Sanoi Aventis Edgeield Avenue Fawdon Newcastle upon Tyne NE3 3TT Tel 0191 213 3419 Fax 0191 213 3101 (Manufacturing site) Sanoi Aventis London Road Holmes Chapel Cheshire CW4 8BE Tel 01477 537 112 Fax 01477 537 097 (Manufacturing site) Sanoi Aventis 51 Cart Road Chapeltown S35 2PF Tel 0114 346 4359 Fax 0114 240 2583 (Distribution site) Sanoi Aventis Rainham Road South Dagenham Essex RM10 7XS Tel 020 8919 3060 Fax 020 8919 2140 (Manufacturing site) Sanoi Pasteur MSD Mallards Reach Bridge Avenue Maidenhead Berkshire SL6 1QP Tel. : +44 1628 785 291


10 PDP

Arpida Ltd Headquarters, Research and Development Duggingerstrasse 23 CH-4153 Reinach Switzerland Phone: +41 61 417 96 60 Fax: +41 61 417 96 61 Email:

P D P Freight Services Ltd Unit 10, Ashford Industrial Estate, Shield Road, Ashford, Middlesex TW15 1AU. Tel: 01784 420 466 Fax: 01784 424 300



Actelion Pharmaceuticals UK Ltd BSI Building 13th Floor 389 Chiswick High Road Chiswick London W4 4AL Phone: 020 89 87 33 33 Fax: 020 89 87 33 22

Suppliers 8

Dangerous Goods Management

Dangerous Goods Management Unit 23 - Heston Industrial Mall Church road - Heston TW5 0LD Middlesex United Kingdom Tel 020 8577 8566 Fax 020 8577 8588 For global sites see http://www.dgmsupport. com/salesofices.asp This company made a statement but they lied. In November 2006 they shipped 1020 slides of monkey parts to Korea for HLS.



Sartorius Ltd. Longmead Business Park Blenheim Road Epsom Surrey, KT19 9QQ Phone: 01372.737100 Fax: 01372.720799 E-mail: This disgusting company manufacture laboratory equipment and have supplied large amounts to Huntingdon. They have some good global sites.

PDP are Huntingdon’s main worldwide courier company.

11 Hubnet Express Hubnet Express Ltd 8 Southampton Place London WC1A 2EA, UK Tel: 020 3116 0111 Hubnet Express Ltd Unit 5 Devonshire Court Victoria Road Feltham TW13 7LU 020 8890 5111 This company deal with HLS’s japanese customers on a regular basis, shipping to HLS for them. A key HLS supplier.



Thermo Fisher Unit 5, Ringway Centre, Edison Rd, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 6YH Tel: 01256 817282 Thermo Electron 01223 345 410 or 0870 609 9203 (Basingstoke) They supply HLS with lab equipment. Thermo Fisher Swift Park, Unit 2A Old Leicester Road Rugby, Warwickshire, CV21 1DZ Tel: 01788 820300 Thermo Fisher 93 - 96 Chadwick Road, Astmoor Runcorn, Cheshire WA7 1PR Tel: 01928 562600 Thermo Fisher Bath Road, Reading Berkshire, RG5 7PR Tel: 07787 568038 Labmedics Ltd. Telegraphic House Waterfront Quay, Salford Manchester, M5 2XW Tel: 0161 869 0420




The photos of the beagles on the right were taken inside HLS. The ones on the left are of a dog rescued by brave activists. Look at the difference in the expressions on their faces. If these pictures don’t spur you on to fight harder and stronger than you have ever done then nothing will. HLS slowly poisoned and killed the beagles on the right. Human beings planned to systematically destroy the saved beagle and cause him pain that we could never imagine. To see him looking so contented and serene on the beach brings me to tears of joy for him and sadness for all those we’ve not saved. Take a good look at these pictures and let them drive you to bring an end to this sadistic barbarity. Freedom for all of the animals inside HLS is within our reach. It is up to all of us to secure that freedom. We will not let them down. Remember when you are demonstrating at NYSE Euronext you may feel far removed from these dogs but you are at the heart of the battle and accelerating the process of closing HLS for good. Cut out these photos and put them where you can see them every day. Look them in the eye at night knowing you did all you could to see the dogs on the right become the dog on the left.

Paranoid at Perkinelmer This is one of many demos that have happened in the U.K. in the last few months. You always need to remember that the pictures you are looking at are only a fraction of all the demos that happen. We cannot print them all. The strip of photos below was taken at

Perkinelmer at their UK HQ in Bucks. We arrived at 4-45pm to greet the workers out. The first workers should have been leaving then but the first ones left at 6-15pm in convoys and every single one had their number plates covered up as pictured. About 100 cars went past us like this. Paranoid or what?

even the cops love shac in holland

hls primate supplier exposed The BUAV (British Union against Vivisection) recently exposed the Nafovanny primate farm in Vietnam. They filmed inside the farm showing the usual appalling conditions and the fact that they were using wild caught primates (like they all do).

It turned out that quite a few of the primates there were destined for Huntingdon which is a surprise as they were almost exclusively obtaining primates from Mauritius during the past few years. The primates from Vietnam were flown into Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris (because no airline will fly primates directly into the UK) where they were custom cleared and then brought over in vans via Dover. You can see the footage shot inside Nafovanny plus photos and the report of what they found at As always the UK Home Office look the other way and do nothing.


s for Merck in America. Here she This is Clare Perdaluse who work e. You would think if you looked hom her ide outs is on a home demo dn’t you? woul ors, indo like this you would stay


MY SHOUT: KEITH MANN If you don’t remember the Animals Film then you never saw it. It was one of my first experiences of the unspeakable world of the animal abuser and it disturbed me so much that I vowed then that nothing would stop me stopping them doing terrible things to animals. Sure, the seven years they locked me up for slowed me down a little but it didn’t stop me! Three torturous hours of indescribable horrors is The Animals Film and few will sit through it, least of all those who decry what we do in our efforts to stem the extremists’ use of violence. One scene lives with me, that of a cousin of mine with pained eyes and a contraption screwed to his skull. No good explanation was forthcoming from whoever did this terrible thing to that animal and none would help. It is a despicable thing to do and there is no justification. My life changed the moment I looked into that youngster’s eyes. That was in 1982 and thanks to Channel 4. You’d think, 25 years on, such savagery would have been long since outlawed. In fact things have got worse, not for the individuals being experimented on, for them suffering is suffering whatever country they are in and whatever lab, but today such footage and images are not only hidden from the TV screens but every effort is being made to remove such scenes from the High St. Today, overworked, understaffed police teams patrol the streets looking for leaflets and posters to confiscate from stalls and even threaten protestors for carrying placards depicting ‘offensive’ material, i.e. the animals they encourage others to abuse. Even outside the gates of the labs where the animals are dying it is scorned upon by police to show the images to the perpetrators! In 1882 it could be argued there was some need to test things on animals to prove it doesn’t work. It’s not an argument I would ever use nor do I agree it’s right to abuse others for personal gain but it’s understandable why some people would agree with the need to see whether humanity could be saved with the help of a few rodents. Today people are still happy to test this theory - stupid, selfish, ignorant people in my view – but their argument has long since fallen foul of the facts. We have never been in a better position to prove the terrible failings of vivisection and prove it we must. I don’t believe the human animal is necessarily a cruel one but there are those who will defend their right to do with other animals as they wish. Only as long as the rest of society believes they are benefiting from vivisection will they support it. Once that façade has been broken down the vivisection empire will crumble. The official line is a big fat lie. The truth would of course change things. One way of addressing this has become a project of mine. Behind The Mask is probably the best film ever made on the subject. Unlike The Animals Film and so many others of the sort this is truly watchable, gripping in fact! I’ve heard it said so many times, Behind The Mask is changing lives. Like the campaign raging against HLS its time has come; it’s professional, compelling and successful and there’s nothing they can do to stop it! HLS is a gross contradiction of everything decent, honest, sensible and civilised and it will be no more. They know it and we know it. The only question is when and for every individual heading there this is hugely significant. Significantly the responsibility for this lies with each and every one of us and one way of getting this message across is through this eye-opening movie. Watch the film and then have a read through this newsletter again. See if you can still put off until later the urgent actions highlighted. The time to act is now. Keith Mann


O.K It’s show time...


Demo in London outside the offices of NYSE shareholder Goldman Sachs who hold $600 million worth of shares in the NYSE

Demo in Italy outside HLS customer Sanofi Aventis

Demo outisde Astra Zeneca in Belgium as the workers were leaving

GSK demo in Zagreb, Croatia

Demo in the U.K outside the offices of newly discovered HLS supporter MDS Pharma

NY activists across the road from Andrew Baker’s (HLS CEO) appartment

Outside the entrance of HLS cus Pfizer’s site at Walton Oaks, Su

Demo outside the NYSE offices in London (Tower 42 - also known as the Natwest Tower)

Pfizer demo in Croatia Activists outside the entrance of HLS supplier Perkinelmer in Bucks

Demo outside the massive GSK research site GSK are so paranoid they built all the labs her


stomer urrey

e at Stevenage. re underground.

Demo outside the Mauritian Embassy in London

Demo in Holland outside the massive manufacturing site of HLS customer Astellas (formerly Yamanouchi)

Outside the entrance to PDP Couriers in Middlesex. PDP do most of Huntingdon’s logistics.


YOU WANT Police do a good job of blocking the entrance of Perkinelmer with 5 cars

Activists in Belgium outside 2006 HLS customer Astra Zeneca

Demo outside GSK in Germany

Dangerous shutters up on

Italian activists outside Novartis

Demo outside GSK in Hollan as the workers arrive for wor

1 Day IN L.A. The two photos above and the 5 below were taken during a day of demos in L.A. against HLS supplier Phenomenex whose HQ is in L.A. More than 40 activists took part in these demos.


s Goods Management’s ne second, down the next!

nd rk

Home demo in the U.S.

Demo in Amsterdam outside the HQ of NYSE specialist Van der Moolen

Demo against Huntingdon’s auditor in America

Demo outside the Marriott Hotel in London where a Euronext director was due to speak at a financial conference. He bottled out of coming when he knew of the demo and sent an underling from Paris instead.

Demo outside GSK in Germany


ME OL In January italian activists carried out a 7 day tour of Italy against Huntingdon customers & suppliers. The activists also visited many shops selling fur along the way. The activists concentrated heavily on Novartis and Sanofi Aventis who are both big HLS custom-

ers. The tour was a huge success with activists ranging from 20-50 on any of the days. Novartis have some very important sites in Italy and all global groups are really hitting all the right targets at the same time.

The activists spent the last 2 days of the tour holding demos outside prisons where prisoners of conscience are being held. As always what you read and see here is just a fraction of the demos in Italy against Huntingdon. Viva Italia!

Result: bad news



SHAC recently held a 5 day tour of Holland. We were meant to go to Switzerland and Paris also but apparently due to a series of home demos against HLS customers Novartis in Switzerland and Sanofi Aventis in Paris (right under the Eiffel Tower apparently) both Governments intervened and banned all the demos. I say, how ghastly! So we had a little cry about the oppression and went home, right? WRONG! We are SHAC so we thought on our feet and organised at very short

notice a 5 day tour of Holland hitting all the main customers and suppliers.

workers and having our photos taken with lots of friendly Dutch cops (UK cops have lots to learn).

Shake ‘em up! and Shake ‘em down! we did with the help of a 10 million candle power lamp that sought out those who thought they could hide.

Don’t worry folks we’ll be back and especially to see the murderers at Novartis.

The highlights were many including a Novartis security guard arrested for throwing bricks off the roof at us (making us even more angry... at him? No, at Novartis.) to many meet and greet the

Brits abroad - shout loud and keep on shouting. The Italian Job or Me old Dutch: who wins? We are all friends against the common enemy HLS. So we win and they lose - as usual.

s for Huntingdon

If it wasn’t for these people these ani Sarah Gisborne (LT5393) HMP Cookham Wood, Rochester, Kent. ME1 3LU

Dr. Joe Harris My name is Dr. Joseph Harris and I’m currently serving a prison sentence for my involvement in three economic sabotage attacks against companies supplying services to Huntingdon Life Sciences. As reported in the papers, the damage included slashed tyres, extensive spray-painting, super-glue put in locks, air conditioning systems destroyed, and in one instance a building was flooded with a hose pipe through a letterbox, causing part of the ceiling to collapse. I was caught and arrested after triggering a motion-sensor activated CCTV camera. Vaulting an eight foot spiked fence, I was then chased by 10 carloads of police who got the better of me and I was brought to the ground under a volley of truncheon blows. I’ve always found it hard vocalising my feelings regarding vivisection, but hopefully my actions will speak louder than any words. Up until my arrest I worked in a laboratory trying to develop a cure for gastrointestinal cancers using humane research. I believe in medical advancement and have presented my work at a number of international conferences and had papers published in peer reviewed journals. My actions also came in the form of £20,000 of damage I helped cause to companies involved in supporting animal experiments carried out by HLS. Experiments I view as wrong on every level. I feel embarrassed when fellow scientists say that the testing of household products, agrochemicals, food colourings, artificial sweeteners etc. on animals can be justified in the name of progress. I hold a PHD in pre-clinical oncology and although I’ve not carried out animal testing myself, I have worked alongside those who have. Because of this I have experienced first hand the inherent flaws of using animals as models of human disease and have also experienced the pressure there is on scientists to get involved with vivisection. I got to the point where, despite my important position, I was not prepared to sit back whilst I knew that two floors above me animals were being needlessly sacrificed on the altar of human greed and curiosity (whilst I have been in prison I have heard the news that a box of rats destined for this lab have been liberated en route!). Because of this in December 2005 I carried out my first attack against what I viewed as a strategic target in the vivisection industry, and two further attacks took place in January 2006. It’s now January 2007 and I’ve already spent a few months in prison. Time is passing quickly and as with all things I’m just keeping my head down, no whining, no moaning, just getting on with it. I’ve gained the respect of other prisoners for what I did and for standing by my drug-free, vegan principles and have made a lot of friends on my wing. I’m in the gym five times a week, I go to pottery and painting classes, am learning Spanish, am doing a course training me up to be a mentor in maths and english lessons and am planning the best way of making use of my scientific skills when I am released. A big thank you to everyone who’s written to me. In prison it’s important to have something to look forward to every day and receiving letters is one of those things. Stand strong, stand proud and do not let the fire of compassion that burns in your heart be quenched. Hold your heads up high, Dr Joe

Birthday: 5 July Serving 5½ years for conspiracy to cause criminal damage in relation to Huntingdon Life Sciences What you can send: self-addressed envelopes (SAEs), writing paper, envelopes, cheques/postal orders payable to THE GOVERNOR - please write inmate number and sender name/address on back. -----------------------Donald Currie (TN4593) HMP Whitemoor Long Road March Cambs PR15 0PR Birthday: 13 April Convicted of arson attacks on PDP and Glaxo and sentenced to 12 years Postal orders/cheques payable to HM Prison Service with Don’s name and number printed on the back -----------------------Joseph Harris (TN5728) HMP Lewes, Brighton Road, East Sussex. BN7 1EA. Birthday: 10 November Serving 2 years for connection with charges relating to damage against suppliers to Huntingdon Life Sciences What you can send: stamps, envelopes, writing paper, Chq’s/postal orders made payable to HMP Service Unlimited please attach a separate sheet of paper with prisoners name and number on it -----------------------Jon Ablewhite (TB4885) HMP Lowdham Grange, Lowdham, Nottingham NG14 7DA Birthday: 27 January Serving 12 years for conspiracy to blackmail the Hall family, who used to run Newchurch guinea pig farm. What you can send: stamps, postal orders/cheques payable to The Governor - include inmate’s number on back and name/address of sender. Will not accept writing paper or packs of envelopes. ------------------------

Madeline Buckler (PR7492) HMP Morton Hall, Swinderby, Lincoln, LN6 9PT Birthday: 23 October Serving two years in connection to charges relating to the former campaign against the Newchurch guinea pig farm What you can send: stamps, writing paper and postal orders/cheques payable to THE GOVERNOR - include inmate’s number on back and name/ address of sender. -----------------------Josephine Mayo (PR6508) HMP Drake Hall, Eccleshall, Staffordshire ST21 6LQ Birthday: 18 February Serving 4 years for conspiracy to blackmail the Hall family, who ran Newchurch guineapig farm. What you can send: stamps, envelopes, gummed tear-off writing paper (not metal ring bound), postal orders/cheques payable to HMP Prison Service with prisoner’s name and prison no on back, also sender’s name/address. -----------------------John Smith (TB4887) HMP Lowdham Grange, Lowdham, Nottingham. NG14 7DA. Birthday: 6 March Serving 12 years for conspiracy to blackmail the Hall family, who ran Newchurch guineapig farm What you can send: stamps, postal orders/cheques payable to The Governer - include inmate’s number on back and name/address of sender. Will not accept writing paper or packs of envelopes. -----------------------Kerry Whitburn (TB4886) HMP Lowdham Grange, Lowdham, Nottingham NG14 7DA Birthday: 18 April Serving 12 years for conspiracy to blackmail the Hall family, who ran Newchurch guineapig farm What you can send: stamps, postal

imals would be dead - So support ‘em! orders/cheques payable to The Governor - include inmate’s number on back and name/address of sender. Will not accept writing paper or packs of envelopes. ------------------------

A.R. Prisoners abroad Kevin Kjonaas #93502-011 FCI Sandstone P.O. Box 1000 Sandstone, MN 55072 Sentence: 6 years for running SHAC USA and supposedly encouraging others to break the law via newsletters and websites. The whole trial and prosecution was a farce, welcome to America! Kevin, Jake, Darius, Lauren, Joshua and Andy (all below ) are all part of the SHAC 7 see for more details Visit Kevin’s support website at: -----------------------Jacob Conroy #93501-011 FCI Victorville Medium I Federal Correctional Institution P.O. Box 5300 Adelanto, CA 92301 Sentence: 4 years Visit Jake’s support website at: -----------------------Darius Fulmer #26397-050 FCI Fort Dix P.O. Box 2000 Fort Dix, NJ 08640 Sentence: 1 year, 1 day Visit Dari’s support website at: -----------------------Lauren Gazzola #93497-011 FCI Danbury Route #37 33 1/2 Pembroke Road Danbury, CT 06811 Sentence: 4 years, 4 months Visit Lauren’s support website at: ------------------------

Joshua Harper #29429-086 FCI Sheridan Federal Correctional Institution P.O. Box 5000 Sheridan, OR 97378

Sentence: 3 years Visit Josh’s support website at: -----------------------Andy Stepanian #26399-050 FCI Butner Medium II Federal Correctional Institution P.O. Box 1500 Butner, NC 27509 Sentence: 3 years Visit Andy’s support website at: -----------------------Josh Demmitt #12314-081 FCI Safford Federal Correctional Institution P.O. Box 9000 Safford, AZ 85548 USA Josh is serving a two and a half year sentence for setting fires at an animal science farm at Brigham Young University. In an earlier action at BYU, six rabbits and seven birds were liberated from the farm. Visit the Support Josh web page for regular updates Note: Josh’s co-defendant, Harrison Burrows, snitched on Josh for a lighter sentence. But in typical fashion, the government sold him out as well, giving him the same sentence as Josh. Goes to show that grassing will get you nowhere, except in jail without outside support. -----------------------Chris McIntosh #30512-013 USP Hazelton U.S. Penitentiary P.O. Box 2000 Bruceton Mills, WV 26525 USA On December 16, 2005, Chris McIntosh was sentenced to eight years in prison relating to a fire at a Seattle McDonald’s in 2003. The action was jointly claimed by the E.L.F. & A.L.F.

USP Hazelton is a high security facility, hundreds of miles away from Chris’ family and friends. Receiving letters of support will mean the world to him.

Natasha Avery Hi everyone, Well here I am back out and free again after a most enjoyable stay at Bronzefield holiday camp errr prison. I’m now a qualified gym instructor and fit as hell- cheers HMP. Thank you so much to everybody who wrote to me - the support was just unbelievable, especially at Christmas when I got a big stack of cards every day. The amount of support you get as an animal rights prisoner really marks you apart from everybody else, and generates a lot of interest and many discussions about animal cruelty. I heard from some of the SHAC USA prisoners who have just gone to jail in the States and they received amounts of mail they were completely amazed by - Darius said the amount of post he got was ‘awesome!’. Mail really is the highlight of the day when you are in jail, so never underestimate what a difference you can make to those who have put their liberty on the line with just a few words on a card. Being away from the campaign for a few months really gave me the opportunity to think about what has been achieved since the start of the campaign against HLS. It really is staggering when you think of the roll call of companies that have stopped doing business with them, from banks to insurance companies, auditors to market makers, security firms to suppliers, customers to some of the world’s biggest financial institutions. The SHAC campaign has always been, and continues to be, intelligent, innovative, ground-breaking and daring, a trial ground for new tactics and a training ground for activists worldwide. In 2006 18 different countries across the globe united to fight HLS and those that do business with them. As HLS’s MD Brian Cass stated, ‘the number of activists isn’t enormous but their impact has been incredible.’ Not surprisingly, global financial institutions and multinational companies have not taken kindly to having their links to and involvement in animal cruelty exposed to their clients and the world’s media, and have leant heavily on governments, which has resulted in many extraordinary (and extraordinarily ineffective) steps being taken to attempt to stifle the global animal rights movement. No-one should be surprised by this, but instead welcome it as a sure sign that our tactics and strategy are spot on and having an impact. What I know for certain is that the harder they fight to stop us, the harder we must fight to close down Huntingdon. Now is the test of our mettle, individually and as a movement, and this applies not only to HLS but to every campaign and every victory we set out to achieve for the animals. There is nothing to fear and everything to fight for. We need to push ourselves, to get out on the demos, to play an active role and to show HLS and all those who support them what we are made of. They need to understand that there will be no let up until those gates close, and that for every attempt they make to stop us, for every one of us they imprison, the comeback will be on HLS. We have the power and we have the capability, so let’s get on with it. For all the animals HLS have killed and will continue to kill until we finish them off, for our comrades who have given their freedom to turn the dream of HLS closing into reality, let’s get on with it and get the job done. For animal liberation, Natasha x

Shac Shop Dead puppy A2 poster

Inside HLS report

General HLS lealet

Inside HLS strip lealet

SHAC T Shirt & Hooded top. All sizes.

keep up to date check out our website Disclaimer This newsletter is not intended to encourage illegal activity of any kind. SHAC’s intent is to close down HLS by legitimate means only, spreading information and disseminating the facts relating to HLS’s record of animal cruelty, fraud and incompetence. We believe that there is more than enough evidence for the UK government to withdraw HLS’s licence and close them down. Readers must bear in mind that certain demonstrations eg home demonstrations and ofice occupations are now illegal in the UK although they are perfectly legal in other countries, and the inclusion of reports relating to these demos abroad does in no sense amount to

encouragement to do similar demos in the UK. Company details are listed for the purposes of readers making informative and polite communications with the companies listed. The details are not intended for repetitive, rude or threatening calls. SHAC is a global organisation and so the laws differ from country to country. Sections 145 &146 in the UK make it a speciic offence to target a company involved with the vivisection industry with a view to getting them to sever a contract by illegal means.

Merchandise order form Item


Merchandise is free unless stated. However donations to cover costs are appreciated. Return the order form below to SHAC, c/o FRIEND, 89 Bush Road, East Peckham, Tonbridge, Kent TN12 5LJ.


HLS general lealet A5

Collecting tins

Inside HLS 2005 report


Inside HLS 2005 strip lealet

So does this mean that demonstrations, phone calls and emails are now illegal? No it doesn’t, but what it does mean is that to target a company illegally is. So what does illegally mean? Well to ring a company up or send them an email saying that they shouldn’t be dealing with HLS because of Huntingdon’s appalling record of animal cruelty is perfectly legal. But on the other hand to ring a company up and say they should stop dealing with HLS or else know what I mean? is illegal as it is threatening. It is all about common sense and proportionality. If you are still unsure please consult the legal booklet. You can always contact us about legal issues and also check out

‘Campaign against cruelty’ An activist’s handbook - Covers all the basics, £3

Dead puppy A2 poster

Cruelty free guides - lists what’s tested and what isn’t, 50p

Videos/DVDs (Please state which) 1 Action Video/DVD. This includes Times for Action 1, 2 and 3, the US Strikeback and the all new Hit Em Head On 2006- £2

SHAC Direct Action T Shirt Black only Sizes Skinny Fit, Small, Medium, Large and X Large £10 each inc p&p

2 Cruelty footage. This includes the SHAC Short video and the Documentary Countryside Undercover of footage shot inside HLS. £2 With both these please state whether you want a VHS video or a DVD


SIZE.......................... SHAC Direct Action Hooded Top Black only sizes Small, Medium, Large & X Large £15 each inc p&p SIZE ..........................

Michelle Rokke’s diary of her 9 months working undercover inside HLS, £2



Green Harvest vegan cookbook £5



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