Annual Report 2011 Social Balance sheet

Page 84

Board Meeting: Also in San Pedro Sula, Honduras,

• 4th vice president and president of the Centre

held on May 30th, with approval of proposal to

Regional and Caribbean Committee: Gerardo

carry out quarterly Board meetings to discuss

Rivera Corales – Honduras.

the most relevant themes of FIDES, through

During the meeting, were approved the San


Pedro Sula Statements, in which the Ibero-

Annual Meeting and Special Meeting: Also in

American insurance market states its position

San Pedro Sula, Honduras, held on May 31st.

contrary to impose sanctions and punishments

Board Meeting: Meeting held on November 7th, in the principal business office of CNseg, when were appointed the following members of the Board for 2011 / 2013 period: • President: Gonzalo Kauría Alcalá – Venezuela • 1st vice president and president of the Andean Committee: Alejandro Ybarra – Bolivia. • 2nd vice president and president of the South

that are not related to the nature and importance of the insurance for the social and economic development. The Distinguished Insurer Award was granted to the following professionals appointed by the four regions of FIDES : Juan B. Riveroll Weston (Mexico), Rufino Garay (El Salvador), Jorge Enrique Uribde (Colombia) and Roberto Sollitto (Argentina).

Regional Committee: Maria Elena Bidino – Brazil • 3rd vice president and president of the North Regional Committee: Carlos Bolsterli – USA

The Geneva Association CNseg attended the organizer committee of the

the major insurance executives around the world

38 Annual Meeting of The Geneva Association,

and whose purpose is to develop research and

held on the period from May 25

to 27 , in

studies on the insurance economics. This was the

Rio de Janeiro. The Geneva Association is an

first time that a city of Latin America was selected

organization of great visibility that congregates

to be the hostess of this event.




European Insurance and Reinsurance Federation | CEA CNseg took part of the 3rd International Insurance

scope, because of the turbulence of the global

Conference of CEA, held on June 16 , in Athens,

economics. The president of CEA, Sergio Balbinot,

that counted on 350 attendees from the industry.

Generali – Italia, the executive director of CEA,

CEA represents insurance and reinsurance companies

Michaela Koller, the CEO of the French insurer

in charge of 95% of the total premium income


of Europe. The theme of the meeting amongst

president of the Insurance Information Institute,

the private market, insurance regulators and

of the United States, Steve Weisbart, discussed

supervisors was the great number of proposals

the subject matter with the European regulators

for regulatory amendments and the respective

Michel Barnier and Karen Van Hulle, with highlight

impacts on the insurance industry, in international

for the topic on Stability and Systemic Risk.








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