Annual Report 2011 Social Balance sheet

Page 277

BrasilCap Capitalização Brasilcap believes that it may contribute actively

These contributions arise from part of the gross

for diffusing the culture of sustainability and

income earned by the sale of some products of

corporate governance and, therefore, it includes

the company. The partnership with FBB amounted

the Social and Environmental Responsibility

to an investment of almost R$1.3 million in 2011

actions in its daily routine. In 2011, the company

and a sum of R$6.6 million over the years.

got the Citizen Company Certificate, granted

In 2011, Brasilcap also defined its strategic

by the Regional Accounting Council in Rio de

for distributing the investment in social and

Janeiro (CRCJR).

environmental projects, addressing more than







R$2 million, according to the funds sources

environment by means of solid and lasting

appropriated to SER, namely: Private Incentive,

partnerships. By acting in connection with the

Tax Incentive and Incentive arose from the sale

Brazilian Bank Foundation (FBB), Brasilcap has

of Products.

been supporting for 9 years, the BB Educar

Other progresses deserve to be highlighted

programme that promotes the literacy of young

throughout the year: the application of a new

and adult people from all regions of the Country.

Social Responsibility Policy; the launch of the

More than 5 thousand people are alphabetized

Corporate Volunteers Programme (PVE) intended

every year.

for its employees; and the partnership entered

The environmental issue also deserves to be

into to act in the social actions with the Instituto

highlighted in this partnership, with the support

da Criança. With the volunteers present in the

given to the Água project that protects the waters

daily routine of the employees, a number of social

as a common element, resulting in multiple

initiatives and also of citizenship gained strength

actions in the field of sustainability, encompassing

in Brasilcap. The total investment in SRE achieved

all over the Brazilian territory.

R$2.1 million in 2011.


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