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The Warren: the UEA’s new “organic space”

I write this article in a new setting—UEA’s latest social space, The Warren. Upon entering for the first time, the atmosphere is welcoming. Friends cuddle on brown armchairs with coffees, chatting as they study. Readers curl up in the corner against art from a UEA featured artist. Most importantly, there are a cluster of students avidly making their mark on the already colourful chalkboard.

Immediately, I can see the appeal of a new social space at UEA. As a second year who lives too far from campus to justify going home during the hours in between my lectures, it makes sense for me to stay and get some work done. The Hive is constantly too busy for me to find a seat, let alone focus. The weather is too unforgiving for a lake reading session. The library forbids a hot meal, too strict on their rules for those wanting a more informal study session with friends. Now, students can bring food and drink from anywhere and spend time how they please in a warm room until 11pm. Although lots can be said on the fact that students are resorting to stay on campus for warmth, unable to heat their own homes, I like that UEA have offered The Warren as a small solution.


I am fortunate enough to speak to Alice Ladbrooke, a staff member who spearheaded the opening of The Warren. “We always knew The Warren was going to be social space but how this develops going forwards is really a collaborative process.” she tells me. We have seen a fantastic response to The Warren since it opened, and going forth, we want to encourage student clubs, societies and groups to get in touch to book The Warren for their own needs too! Why not hire a projector from SIZ and book a movie night with your course mates?” However, not every student is on board with this new development. I spoke to a student who wishes to remain anonymous. They comment “It seems a bit lazy, as after all, the library and The Hive are both open until late. I know the motivation is to have a warm space, but it’s ironic that UEA are enticing students to stay late so they’re more likely to spend more on campus. How does that save us money?”

The Warren has been promised spaces for activities and guests, features of more UEA artists and creatives and sales. Personally, I look forward to seeing what how this new space develops over the years. But for now? I’m off to draw on the chalkboard! You can follow the Warren’s development and what they’re doing on Instagram at thewarren_uea.