Concrete Skateboarding Issue 125

Page 44

“The skater’s skater. Someone you could watch at a park for hours and never get bored. In fact, I find myself watching him more than actually skating when he’s around because I don’t want to miss anything. Everything Paul does looks the way it should, it’s like he was programmed to skate. King Of The Road 2006 sold me on his undeniable skills, having to work on tricks he’d never tried or even heard of before. I couldn’t imagine how good it would feel to be able to skate like him for just one day. A true legend!” —Paul Machnau

It seems like you were flying under the radar for a bit recently. Is it safe to say you’ve been on a mission lately? Yeah, there was a recent Red Star Seattle trip with [Brian] Caissie, [Dan] Opyc, and Machnau. That Jordan [Zazula] kid came and killed it, too. Seattle is full of awesome spots and it’s really close, so it’s rad to get out of Vancouver and go down there. When you hit new spots it’s just cool ‘cause you can think of something different. In Vancouver you can get a little lazy sometimes [laughs].

Is the Vancouver Plaza still your home base nowadays? For sure, pretty much all my homies chill there. Like Wade Desarmo and Spencer Hamilton…

Sounds like all the Ottawa kids! What’s up with the Red Star video slated to come out? Are you going to have a full part? It’s coming out in July. I’ve got about two minutes so far. I still need to go get a few tricks, but I’m not stressing. Just have to get out whenever it’s sunny!

How does it feel to finally turn Pro? Are you nervous or do you feel it’s time? I am totally ready, that shit is motivating! My plan is to go even harder with a Pro board. I feel like there is a standard I’ll have to reach to be happy with knowing I’m Pro. So instead of chilling on sunny days, I’ll make sure I’m out skating and getting stuff done! I think if you have a board you should put in more work, even if it’s just going out to the park and skating with some homies I haven’t seen in awhile; at least I’m out working on shit, you know? No days off [laughs].

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