Academic Catalog 2011-2012 | Concordia Seminary, St. Louis

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CONCORDIA HISTORICAL INSTITUTE Concordia Historical Institute (CHI) is the Department of Archives and History of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. Its collections are devoted to American Lutheran history, with a particular emphasis on the Missouri Synod. The synodical and seminary archives, research facilities, special exhibit galleries, and administrative offices are located at 804 Seminary Place on the seminary campus. CHI’s museum of Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod history is located in the synod’s headquarters at 1333 S. Kirkwood Rd. in Kirkwood. The Missouri Synod provided for a synodical archives at its founding in 1847. CHI was established as a membership corporation in 1927. In 1928 the Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly was founded as the only journal devoted to American Lutheran history. A subscription to the Quarterly, the newsletter Historical Footnotes, and reduced research fees are the primary benefits of CHI membership. Student memberships are available at $17.50 per year. The daily research fee is waived for CHI members and for students with a valid ID. The Institute’s research facilities and special exhibit galleries at 804 Seminary Place are open to the public Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The Institute’s museum of LCMS history at the Synod headquarters in Kirkwood is open to the public Monday through Friday, from 8:15 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

CONCORDIA ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY The Concordia Archaeological Society is sponsored by Concordia Seminary, with support from the Klinck Biblical and Archaeological Museum Endowment Fund. Institutional memberships are held by universities and seminaries associated with The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod and Lutheran Church—Canada (LCC). The society seeks to promote interest and coordinate projects in Biblical archaeology, especially within the LCMS and LCC. Its work includes a newsletter, lectureships, and support for participation in field archaeology. It maintains the Klinck Biblical and Archaeological Exhibit, as well as other museum artifacts.



CHS also sponsors the Annual Lecture in Hispanic/Latino Theology and Missions, which brings to campus some of the best emergent and seasoned scholars in the Latin American and U.S. Latino world. It organizes worship services in Spanish in the Seminary’s undercroft Chapel. The Center offers on-campus workshops and theological consultations in Spanish or English for Latino workers and the church at large, as well as movie nights and En Conjunto (Together) table talks where faculty and/or guest practitioners facilitate discussion from a Lutheran perspective on critical cultural and missiological issues in Hispanic theology and missions.

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