Concordia Lutheran College - Strategic Plan

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Strategic Plan Learning is at the heart of everything we do.


Concordia Lutheran College | Strategic Plan

Chair of Council and Head of College

We are delighted to present to all members of the Concordia Lutheran College community a plan for the future. The plan is deliberate in its intent to develop a vibrant and dynamic Christian learning community that is focused on the attributes required to ensure that our 21st century students are well prepared for a changing landscape. Our foundation is immersed in the Word of God and the gospel of Christ Jesus, and this enables us as Christians to live and share freely a life of grace and service. These beliefs are at the very core of who we are and what we stand for and, as such, remain absolute. As we work with our young people, we know that this good news makes a difference in their lives, and in the lives of all within our College community. The Strategic Plan Concordia Lutheran College Council and Concordia Lutheran College Leadership have engaged with the College community to develop a strategic direction that will shape Concordia’s future. The strategy has been developed to be dynamic, and the Plan is subject to constant review. This process of deliberate and considered review is one that recognises the ‘quickly moving’ world that we live in. As Brent Davies emphasises in his book ‘Leading the Strategically Focused School: Success and Sustainability’:

Contents Chair of Council and Head of College


Our Philosophy, Purpose and Values


Our History


Strategic Vision


Christian Ministry and Care


Learning and Teaching


A Broad Curriculum


Our Community


“A strategically focused school is one that is educationally effective in the short term but has a clear framework and processes to translate core moral purpose and vision into excellent educational provision that is challenging and sustainable in the medium to long-term.” As an initial step, and in consultation with stakeholders from across the College community, we intend to develop financial plans and a resource masterplan that support our Strategic Plan. In carrying out this important work, we will be cognisant of any future changes to government funding and we are fully aware of parental capacity to pay for an education of excellence. On behalf of the Concordia Lutheran College Council, we commend this Strategic Plan to you and look forward to you engaging in an exciting, future oriented Concordia Lutheran College. As the apostle Paul writes: ‘Speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ. From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.’ (Ephesians 4:15-16).

Mr Kyal Osborne Chair - Concordia Lutheran College Council

Mr Adrian Wiles Head of College



Philosophy, Purpose and Values

At Concordia Lutheran College, a vibrant community comes together to offer an outstanding education for each individual child. Our College is coeducational, inclusive, welcoming and friendly. Our Philosophy Concordia Lutheran College is a Christian coeducational day and boarding school that provides a holistic approach to shape and prepare students to be confident, informed and equipped to make a difference in an ever changing world. We offer a rigorous and quality education where students strive for excellence, and set high expectations in a safe, Christ-centred, grace-filled learning environment. Our Purpose Our purpose is to deliver to our students inspiring, relevant and engaging learning opportunities in a welcoming and caring Christian environment. Our Values • Learning We value learning: where students demonstrate resilience and persistence as creative, adept learners who are not afraid to take risks as they learn and grow. • Compassion We value compassion: where students develop their hearts and minds as they care for, respect, support and nurture one another. • Courage We value courage: where students become risk-takers who take ownership of their learning, set high expectations and are not afraid to speak up for others and themselves.


• Service We value service: where students reflect on their place in the world as they desire to reach out and support people and groups on a local and global level. • Excellence We value excellence: where students continually strive for excellence as they set and exceed their own goals in their learning. • Respect We value respect: where every member of the College community respects themselves, others, and creation as they demonstrate stewardship and care for God’s earth and all who live on it.

Concordia Lutheran College | Strategic Plan



Concordia Lutheran College | Strategic Plan

Our History Our Firm Foundation Concordia Lutheran College’s three beautiful campuses combine a rich and varied history spanning more than 70 years in the Toowoomba community. The College officially opened its doors for teaching on 13 February 1946 under the leadership of Professor Rudolph Altus as the first Principal welcoming 27 scholars, 23 of whom were boarding students. The historic Redlands Building and surrounding lands were purchased to serve as the home for the College. The idea of establishing a Lutheran coeducational boarding school in Queensland had been pursued with vigour and enthusiasm for many years with the purpose of preservation of the Christian faith for future generations. Concordia has been community focused since its inception. Local Lutheran congregations worked tirelessly to raise the funds that were integral in gaining approval to move forward with development of the College. Toowoomba provided the perfect location to draw boarding students from rural families around Queensland while also attracting day students living in the city. In the decades that followed, students from Papua New Guinea, northern Queensland and other overseas destinations joined the boarding community, forming the demographic that is in place today. Music as a tradition of the school had its beginnings from day one with three pianos in constant use and several students being awarded major prizes in the Toowoomba Eisteddfod. Other activities quickly found their place into the College’s culture with the first athletics day and speech night held before the end of the first year. Academic results continued to improve to a point where the founding fathers were humbled by the goodness of the Lord in this ‘leap of faith’.

Motto, Nisi Dominus Frustra – “Unless the Lord builds it, it is built in vain.” No matter what the activity, the principles of Christian Education still applies. This is what makes Concordia Lutheran College distinctive and unique. Over the years, considerable development of facilities took place along with the expansion of the student population into the wider Christian community. This growth eventually saw the number of enrolled day students outgrow the boarding numbers. By the end of the 20th century, the College was respected culturally and academically by the wider community on the Downs, while still managing to retain its firm commitments to Christian beliefs and values. Concordia College expanded with the addition of our Warwick Street Campus, which dates back to 1961, and Hume Street Campus established in 1977. Concordia Lutheran College K-12 became a reality on 30 January 2007 through the amalgamation of all three campuses. Over the years, Concordia Lutheran College has grown to epitomise the word ‘Concordia’ – agreement, unity and harmony. Together we stand united with our hearts and minds open to the myriad opportunities before us. Our firm foundation established by the early planners still remains in place today. Our purpose is to inspire students to strive for academic excellence and to nurture their aspirations in a caring and vibrant educational setting.

A vital part of the culture was the attention to Worship which became life-long practices for many students. Many aspects of the College culture changed over the decades, but the most important cornerstone that has never changed is reflected in the College


Christian Ministry and Care We aspire to:

We will:

Recognise the strong Christian and supportive culture within the College

Communicate and live this valued strength in the College and wider community

Continue to build a welcoming Christian environment for all

Continue to build a strong and recognisable ‘school spirit’ across the College

Develop staff understanding of Lutheran ‘distinctives’

Continue to grow the level of support for the Lutheran Church of Australia (LCA) projects such as ‘Australian Lutheran World Service (ALWS) Partner Village’

Develop student involvement in the College Worship program

Care for, and develop wellbeing among our students, staff and community

Develop a clear and articulated staff wellbeing structure that staff create and own

Investigate and implement mental health programs that are age appropriate for all students from K-12

Promote and recognise service to others as an integrated focal point for students

Continue to develop and expand ‘The Rite Journey’ to recognise student service to others

Build a cohesive Service Learning program that is recognised at the highest College level

Connect our Service Learning programs to the wider community

Celebrate our Lutheran identity and support the agencies of the Lutheran Church of Australia


Concordia Lutheran College | Strategic Plan



Concordia Lutheran College | Strategic Plan

Learning and Teaching We aspire to:

We will:

Build a vibrant learning culture centred on an engaging curriculum and engagement of students in their own learning journey

• • • • • •

Explore and develop a ‘state of the art’, research-based Early Learning Centre at the Junior College Explore and develop an alternate, progressive and future focused full year program at Year 9 Develop learning spaces that provide engaging environments to facilitate technology Develop programs that embrace learning using emerging technologies Create programs that stimulate higher order thinking and promote entrepreneurship Support and further develop our outdoor education program

Continue to develop ‘Visible Learning’ as the key framework for pedagogy

Support the implementation of ‘Visible Learning’ in 2019 and 2020 before reviewing progress towards full implementation (P-12) in 2021

Continually expect higher academic standards at all levels

Choose ‘Focus Learning Areas’ across the College and do those well. These are to include: -- Literacy and Numeracy -- Early Childhood Education -- STEM

Establish an ‘after-hours’ tutorial structure to support learning in the Middle and Senior Colleges

Examine learning options and develop academic pathways across the College

Build pathways that are Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) eligible but include Certificate courses that are appropriate

Create learning intervention programs, within the capacity of the College, to support the learning needs of all students

Develop a defined ‘Learning Extension’ model that provides for learning enrichment opportunities from K to 12

Record, analyse and utilise data to inform all aspects of learning and teaching

Implement a Learning Management System across the College by the end of 2020

Build a database that informs decisions relating to quality education and expectations

Build a culture of professional growth and development for all teachers and staff

Develop a culture of ongoing professional learning driven by a staff member’s own initiative and desire for continual learning

Develop staff driven appraisal processes and coaching that reflects best practice and incorporates the values of the College

Broaden subject choices for students


A Broad Curriculum


We aspire to:

We will:

Develop a sporting program that is planned, high quality, sustainable and able to build student interest in physical activity

Review current sporting structures and programs with a view to developing a long-term vision for sports across the College

Align sport offerings with current Health and Physical Education syllabuses

Build strong connections to local club teams through affiliations - where appropriate

Provide for quality ‘in-house’ training opportunities in selected sports

Specialise in a limited number of sports

Strengthen programs and offerings in cocurricular areas

Review current offerings, and continue to lift the profile of ‘The Arts’ in the community

Develop student leaders who have the opportunity of input into College life and society beyond Concordia Lutheran College

Develop a student leadership program that recognises leadership at all levels

Celebrate and acknowledge student engagement with Service Learning

Build leadership capacity at all levels

Encourage and prepare staff for middle and senior level leadership roles

Actively engage staff and students in the College’s strategic planning and decision making processes

Concordia Lutheran College | Strategic Plan



Concordia Lutheran College | Strategic Plan

Our Community We aspire to:

We will:

Build Concordia’s reputation as a leading coeducational school through a growing visibility in the wider community

Engage the community with targeted promotions that highlight the strategic future direction

Promote and communicate with local Pastors and the wider Church regarding developments as they occur within the College

Lift interest in national and international boarding in a coeducational setting

Continue to expand and promote the ‘Learning in Residence’ programs in line with best boarding practice

Work to attract national and international students who will grow through involvement with our Learning in Residence program

Reinvigorate our connections with alumni in order to engage our ‘Old Scholars’ as we head towards the 75th Anniversary of the College

Continue to survey and engage with stakeholders to monitor and gauge community opinions

Develop the Concordia ‘Future Foundation’ to allow for Annual Giving, Major Capital Gifts and Bequests to support the future learning and teaching needs

Engage past students, parents and staff


Lutheran Church of Australia – Queensland District trading as Concordia Lutheran College 154 Stephen Street Toowoomba Qld 4350 (07) 4688 2700 CRICOS Provider No: 00581G

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