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All-in teacher kit

The project may finish with a presentation of the followed path and of the single parts of it, and how they have been designed to reach the target.

Activities listed by age


17. Role play problem solving Goal#1: learners autonomy and self-determination Method#4: train learners’ problem solving skills Advised age group: 14-19 year-old Target: all learners; works better in classes with positive social relationships Subject: humanities, practical subjects, social sciences Requires: search engines, interactive whiteboard (IWB), graphic representation tools Length: S Description Role playing Role play helps learners in making decisions especially when emphasized with others. In this kind of play they have to behave, think, act... as someone else.

And try to understand the reasons for their behaviour. Sometimes they also have to debate and get conclusions. So learners have to defend their opinion, but also to yield to other points of views. This works particularly well when a situation or issue in real life is simulated in class. Chose the situation The situation and the roles can vary depending on the classgroup: choose a generic situation and relationship, such as vendor and customer, boss and worker, trainer and trainee, etc. You might prepare a written set of situations, roles and relationships to be read before starting the role play. Summing up Often, in schools teachers are very worried about discipline, about achieving high study levels, and tend to forget that there are other values that are even more important. Young people live in a society that tends to forget “to walk in other people’s shoes”. It is the responsibility of teachers to develop empathy among the learners.

Erasmus+ project no# 2018-1-IT02-KA201-048385

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