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Is an NGO working since 2010. The services are provided for different target groups: victims of violence, (ex) offenders, social risk families, youth, volunteers, social workers, social partners, disabled people, etc.






The company has been at the forefront of introducing new, interesting, and innovative teaching and training methods in the field of adult education and entrepreneurship.

RISEBA University of Applied Sciences is a private university with more than 27 years of experience, which offers competitive education and prepares high-level specialists and managers in business and creative industries for work in an international environment.

Layout and design by com&train. All pictures are take from the Babbat Project (Erasmus+ Project 2019-1-IS01-KA204-051131)


European Institute for Local Development (EILD) is an active. EILD was founded in 2009 as an independent non-governmental organization whose members are European citizens, entities and organizations devoted on supporting regional development activities and transnational collaboration.


The school's history dates back to 1993, when the first two classes of the four-year study program opened at the Poděbrady castle. For the first two years, the school operated as a branch of the Prague EKO Gymnasium and, from 1995, as an independent gymnasium.

The project is funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ program. The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the content, which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Tenerife Job Training was founded in 2010 and has been working on Educational Tourism providing experiences related to #travelingtolearn and #learningtotravel.

Eesti People to People is a non-governmental and non-profit organisation registered in Estonia in 1997 and with activities since 1993 as a chapter of People to People International NGO. EUROPEAN INSTITUTE FOR LOCAL DEVELOPMENT (EILD)

The Icelandic coordinator (Skref Fyrir Skref/ Step by Step Hansina B. Einarsdóttir) applied for the Erasmus+ Partnership project, which should motivate adults and low-skilled workers in life-long learning. The project partner countries were sure to work on the tool. The tool will indulge in studying whatever age they are and restart their careers. We couldn’t know that the covid-19 pandemic was on the move. After two years, when all of us have had less success in our businesses, families, and communities because of the impact of the virus, there is one fact for sure, the BABBAT project gained unexpected importance and has received a big focus from labour offices and authorities. First, during the pandemic, those who lost their jobs lost their trust in restarting new self-education and lacked the courage to start their careers and businesses. Second, they need more motivation and encouragement from those brave enough to step into the unknown, learn, requalify, and restart their careers. BABBAT developed the previous Erasmus+ project Minds into Matters

Better Adult Training – BABBAT 1 BAT Training Textbook 2

For BABBAT Output 2, we collect short stories from company owners and entrepreneurs who have started their businesses for various reasons. Their stories reflect their life-changing experience, losses and gains, and increasing self-confidence.

One of the outputs was the Book of Business (BoB), a simple manual for training newly recruited staff in a brief, concise, clearly arranged way. The examples of BoBs are available at

Introduction Book of Business Lágafell 2016 1 IS01 KA202 017090

BABBAT – Better Adult Training 2 BAB Training Textbook 2 1 The importance of entrepreneurial thinking 3 2 Failings in business to avoid 6 3 BoB in our lives 13 4 The role of a trainer and BoB as the tool in business 17 5 Personal BoB in Business 19 6 Target groups in Business & Marketing 20 7 BoB as my product 23 Czech partner created Books of Business 24 Estonian partner created Books of Business 24 Icelandic partner created Books of Business 24 Lithuanian partner created Books of Business 24 Polish partner created Books of Business 24 Spanish partner created Books of Business 24 8 Summary of feedback from adult learners 25 9 Summary of views from focus groups of low-skilled learners 32 10 Comments from a focus group of adult trainers and experts 35 Contents

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The importance of entrepreneurial thinking

Successful business people have two central cores "Belief" and Courage". Each of us has something that comes out of nowhere—some events, situations, encounters, and divorces. But there is also something in our lives that comes from a specific source. That is the content. Content for who you are. Certain regularities determine a person's beliefs and courage: Skills of idea But not only that. Even though you lack the feeling of faith or dare in yourself right now, that doesn't mean you can't have it.

• Knowledge • Clarity

• Experience •

It is also important to realise that you already have courage if you are reading this book. Courage to change something in Your life, to achieve Your dreams, courage to act. All that remains is to gain "Faith" - what can be acquired by learning new skills, knowledge, experience, and support. What will give You confidence in dreams, ideas, and their content? Through research, interviews and identifying people's needs in terms of education, the most fantastic fact which belongs to good practice is that every individual and every personality wants to grow and see the future as a different, better.

Book of Business (BoB) as a


• Identity - fear of being a personality, ignorance, inability to apply ideas and recognise strengths and weaknesses, identity traumas acquired over time, etc.

What, then, are the reasons that create hindrance?

Resources - can be very different - from money, time, opportunities to move, responsibilities, internal resources and their lack.

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• Existence - very often, the choice is determined by existential factors – public attitude, rejection, non-acceptance, family views and opinions, and fear.

• Support - lack of support, self-contempt, inability to listen to the voice of the heart

• Vision – Sometimes, people have complex life experiences, and the result of this is that they have a fear of dreaming and, disappointing, building ideas or plans for the future. They often come to terms with what they have.

• Environment – Social inclusion and how I feel as one cell of society. How much I know myself as a part of society, my place in it, meaning, sense, significance on purpose.

• Background - people have endured emotional or mental violence and are afraid to express opinions or share knowledge or experience. They don't see the sense of education because they already know that they will not be able to use it.

Support – Find people who think like You and be with them, share with them Your fears and go ahead.

What creates belief and courage?

Existence – start with small things, and discuss them with family. Do something they can accept. If you explain to them your vision and release their fear, you can reach their support. Set your goal, and don't look around. What one can reject, others can accept.

Environment – find networks which support your idea. Get some strength from them. If you want to start something new, someone will always need it. Find those networks that are related to your idea and share your vision. With this book, we aim to inspire you by sharing the experience and stories of others. We hope it helps you build self-confidence and guide you in the right direction, and empowers achievements so that the acquired knowledge is supported on your path and holds you when you need strength.

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Identity – Everyone at the beginning is frighten, it's normal. Being a strong personality doesn't mean that people don't have fears. Take your worries into account and respect them, but don't let them impact you as a personality and don't consider their weaknesses and inability to apply ideas. Give your idea a chance.

Background – Ask for help, gain new knowledge, and find opportunities to expand your experience.

Nowadays, there are many options for everyone to gain further understanding, even for free. The only thing that you need is courage and action. Vision – Dream big, and do small things, but all those things must be related to your Big Dream. Our life comes from small steps, and our dreams have the same path. If you can step out of bed in the morning, do it toward your dream.

Resources – sometimes, you are limited not in resources but in visualising them. If you look closely, you always find them – in your capacity, the people surrounding you, skills and knowledge. Sometimes few resources can create big things if you keep striving to gain new knowledge and skills and keep educating yourself.

I read through a survey among 144 participants that had joined this type of seminar for the past ten years. One of the significant findings I could not relate to in the beginning was the answer to the question," After the seminar, have you started up your own business? More than 70% of the participants answered NO. Why? Because during the workshops, they learned that it was much work and more aspects to consider than they had ever imagined.

And yes, this is an alternative, an exciting possibility that is worth thinking about, learning and exploring.

This result was excellent in serving its purpose; the participants had learned about the business environment, and it kept them from jumping in with both feet and getting hurt. Little did I know. Today, one of the essential components in our "Start-up business training" is learning from others, mainly those who jumped in and failed. Learning from failure and mistakes is very important for success. To gather first hands information from those who have gone through that kind of experience is not easy; this is not the type of experience that people like to convey. It is sad but understandable because this usually involves feelings and sometimes fear of being looked upon as a failure.

For some people, this has always been ideal based on the belief that being our boss means that we can choose the working time, salary and usually work with or around our interest field. Being independent becomes more intruding now that many have lost their jobs due to the pandemic and all the changes we are discovering in our environment today.

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2 Failings in business to avoid

Unfortunately, this is a valuable learning field; we should give those who have this experience credit for having the guts and nerve to share and explain to others as a learning platform.

When I started 30 years ago with the idea of creating and teaching seminars on "How to start up your own business" and "Be your boss", my mentor then thought this was perfect. It is tempting for many of us to be our boss, which usually involves starting up a business in one form or another.

In this chapter, we have selected some good and hopefully learning examples with the main point of encouraging discussion and evaluation for your private purposes. The stories and examples are taken from personal interviews over the past seven years with people who had this enriching experience, of cause with no names, but with their premises to use for a learning process.

"I never had any particular intention of running my own business or building a restaurant… I just needed something to do". I was sure it might be a great idea to open something for tourism since this was a growing sector. We lived in a small town with 1200 inhabitants in the centre of south Iceland. South Iceland is a popular tourist destination, but building something here is still challenging. I just rented a house and started collecting stuff to set up the place to create and open. In the beginning, I did not have a concept - at this time, I didn't even know what a concept meant. We were going to be open to all kinds of clientele.

I'm a professional cook, and this work was exciting. I started to build this up with my whole family. We got to know some other people working in the tourist sector as tour operators, and the summer times were great, and we managed to build up an exciting place for tourists to visit and eat, even though we were not on the main road - this just worked.

“I stopped answering the phone."

Better Adult Training – BABBAT 7 BAT Training Textbook 2 The Restaurant

I understand the importance of having some marketing material to visit tourist affairs and build up the business and network. I'm a people person, and this was particularly good in the beginning. But this costs a lot of money and takes a lot of time. But the winters were brutal. There were many days when nobody came in, and we had a small local market. I was trying to do all the jobs myself, and I did not understand what was needed to run a business like this yearly. As I said, I did most of the work myself, cooking, cleaning, service, marketing, stock managing, shopping, and training for the summer season. These first three years went just fine, and I told myself that this was working, I'm young, effective and responsible - but this was not enough.

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Looking back there - I would still say that in the beginning, this was exciting; being and working in the tourist area is fun, never a dull time - always something new going on, and working with some great people. But now I am not sure that I would do this again, but there is some advice I can give it would be this:• Have a plan and concept, and know what you want – don't just do – think ahead.

• Build up an entire network - (not just the family members). Making sure that you get advice sound advice or even be able to talk to somebody is essential.

Then I lost the place I had rented for the restaurant, and we decided to start building a new house for the business; it meant new funding, new loans, and more time for the building process while running the business and staying open for customers. Things started to get nasty, and my family suffered - I had no spare time for them. I did not have time for any of this, plus building up my place in the market. I did not cope with the competition, didn't do anything for myself - I simply burned out - in the end, I was utterly worn out.

I see now that I did not have a strong enough network, did not understand how the market worked and didn't have anybody to turn to, consult with, talk to, etc. My usual working hours were about 16 hours per day, and I didn't sleep, and my health was terrible. Things escalated. I could not pay the bills, and suppliers did no longer deliver. I stopped answering the phone, changed phone numbers, stopped talking to people, and went into depression. We could not live in this place anymore, and we lost everything. We finally moved. I felt like I had cheated on everybody who had trusted me.

• Do not do everything by yourself - get some help professional help - It's going to be cheaper in the end.

• Have a backup plan – there is always something that might go wrong.

When I think back - I still get a cold chill and goosebumps - this was a hard time, and my whole family and I suffered. The recovery has taken over ten years for me to pay back and get back on my feet. We did not get personally bankrupt, but we lost a lot, and other people that had trusted me - sighyeah, they also lost a lot. I still dream about the phone ringing.

During the preparation time, we encountered several issues we discussed, like the opening hours and who will work there. We shared the idea of what we would like to open: a place where people would like to chill out and have a good time, serve coffee and homemade cakes, play, and relax. We discussed our clientele and how much money we like to make. But these were still a "faraway issue", and the project, the preparations and the work were too exciting, so we just forgot about this.

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"The social media hunted us."

We talked about doing something together as a team for a couple of years. One of the ideas we liked to play with was to open a library & game coffee shop or a place where it would be nice to hang out for mothers and kids or families or students, chill out, have a good time, play board games and read.

We are a family of four. I am the mother and my three kids, ages 16 - 23. We live in a town of around 15.000 people, and no authentic coffeehouse exists. I have always loved good coffee shops.

The first year - after we opened - this was much fun and interesting, we got great comments and people came in, and we were pretty busy during the half of the year. The kids loved the place and were proud of what we had accomplished together as a family. But then the reality of business life just started to hit us. How are we honestly doing? Are the guests paying real money or just killing time there?

Game & Coffee

One day I saw a great place downtown, an excellent location, and I thought this was very suitable for our idea; before I knew it - I had rented the business, and we started renovating it. We all worked there in our spare time for more than a year, and I used some of my savings to do this work and then we took some loans. We had a great family time while doing this, and everybody contributed with their ideas. Only my youngest was still in school, but the two older ones had a job while we were preparing this project and opening the place. We even got excellent publicity during our preparation time and the opportunities to create expectations and excitement among the people in town.

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I lost the overview - if I ever had one - and the authorities came and sealed the business one day. So, my advice would be this: commitment - even running a small business is a lot of work making clear and understandable search the market – is idea – product sellable? culture small towns, both positive negative

Most of our guests during the daytime were just hanging out - students, young mothers, and tourists, and this group was not spending any real money. We need to expand the business and get some new target groups. Keep the place open during the evening, selling wine, liquor and some food, if we are going to make it.

I didn't pay any actual salary, insurance or proper taxes for any of us, this was to be only temporary, but it dragged on. After some time, one of my kids wanted to return to school, and another got engaged and moved to London. My youngest was having problems in school, and I burned out. We found ourselves in a bad situation. Then, on top of our personal and private problems, we got hunted on social media by one person who declared that we owed him a lot of money for prior work during the preparation time while we were opening the business. He had helped us with the extensive outdoor marketing billboard, and he helped us with the logo, webpages, and some other marketing stuff. These allegations from him were wrong - we did not owe him all this money - but he as a person had strong images and fine influences. Therefore his accusations and this negative publicity, finally with all the other explanations I gave, finished the business and twisted my family.

contract • Know what you will do -

Then things started to change. We did not have any fundamental business ideas or budget plans, and we ran out of money. We did not know the actual balance of the business.


• Never involve family members without

• Think about the power of Social Media • Don't underestimate the power and the


• Try to understand the


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Leisure shop

"I've always been very interested in design, creativity and craftsmanship. I also always wanted to create and operate my private shop, and I was quite willing to use the verge of time to make it a reality. I had an excellent personal situation and felt that I had the support of my family. I started by creating a collection of artifacts that I had worked on myself and designed, and I reached out to dealerships and entities that could sell me products I wanted to have in store. I learned how to start and operate companies, attended numerous marketing and online processing courses and put together a fine business idea. I used my private savings and got a bank loan, which family members guaranteed, to start my business. The goal was to sell handmade, eco-friendly products that would be special and unique. Additionally, I wanted to offer various craft products where you could buy different components to create your products and art. I knew there was a friendly home market for this and besides, I had rented a fancy facility at the famous attractional street full of life and tourist. I thought I had a safe rental for a few years, but the rest came during the day. The store went well for some time, but then I suddenly got the news that I needed to move due to official changes in the main street. I was shocked when I learned there was no transparent and sufficient agreement under which the owners could terminate the leasing contract. I had to either close the shop or find a new place. It was hard to find something comparable, but after a certain period, I found a location that I thought would be useful.

"Almost ruined my health and family."

If I were to advise something concerning the establishment and operation of your business, I would say the parties should look at this.

• Do your surrounding homework, talk to the neighbours, and make the connection.


Considerable costs went into moving and redesigning a new place. As this was in a different area, I needed to do all the marketing from the start. I hadn't anticipated these costs, which started my difficulty. I later discovered that in the new premises, it was not allowed to stay open for longer than 6 pm during the week and not allowed to have open at all during the weekends. In addition, it turned out that the other parties, shops and offices around my new locations, did not allow me to use the place outside the store at all, but I had always put certain items out of my front line outside the store, and it had always worked best as a marketing tool. These new premises then proved to be much more expensive to operate as it was public bodies. Other rules were valid there, such as not being allowed to use big advertising signs outdoors and the obligation to decorate before Christmas and New Year. At the same time, we were not allowed to be open after 6.00 in the afternoon. On top of all this extra cost and other restrictions, I discovered that the person operating at this location had created a rather bad image, not delivering payments or keeping his word in other contracts. When I set up my business, it was as if I had overtaken this negative image. When I needed help from someone and announced where I was, I felt people judged me in the same category as the former shop owner.

• out the rules and regulations in the area you aim to rent, set up your business, nearest future there.

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Little by little, I lost all my energy and struggled with adverse conditions, a negative image and a much more expensive business than I had realised. My finances collapsed, I couldn't deliver my payment, and I put all my family in a difficult situation. It took me years to work my way out of this, but I can reasonably say that I learned things that I have later been able to use to my advantage.

anticipate • Always

and plan for the



• the unforeseen. a good time to use analyses like SVOT or something similar by using this tool lest you might start to think about what might happen and start to doing a ripple introduction, studying the environmental situation, is the company's location marketable seen as reasonable? In a pedestrian street, good to find out,

BoB in our lives

Better Adult Training – BABBAT 13 BAT Training Textbook 2

My response was No – I said we are creating positive memories in a tranquil nature area ".

On top of that, I searched for material on marketing help and for what matters in marketing. I learned that all I found was not enough for us; my material had to be "tailored" to our business anyway". To create a concept like this – I understood that I had to find, like Frankie boy- my way.


When I opened a boutique hotel some years ago, I learned that I used significant time telling, explaining, and training my staff about our concept. Most of the knowledge and ideas were in my head, teaching about the surroundings, the area's history and the hotel's story. I had to teach all typical working procedures in hotels, bars, receptions, restaurants, etc. I, of course, tried to find good training material for running a hotel. I searched for manuals and training material on maintenance, cleaning procedures and products, and customer service. I looked for everything from basic guest service, customer care, how to fold the laundry, how to use cleaning material, and how to work on safety matters.

My way "My Way" is a song popularised in 1969 by Frank Sinatra.

To save time and to ensure stability, quality, and common consensus in our business, I created the book of business, my own personal business Bob. This work was a time safer, and in time this became easy to add on to, to changes, and in time our Bob became the best and the most valuable tool in our boutique hotel.

When I started my staff training, I usually opened the session with the question, "What are we selling in this boutique hotel? The typical answer was accommodation, good rooms, food and a place to stay.

Bob has now, 15 years later, proved to be an excellent transparent tool in all kinds of businesses. All business has some things in common, and all of them have some uniqueness about them as well. That's the same with us as individuals; we all have things in common and other things that make us unique.

The book of business – Bob

BABBAT – Better Adult Training 14 BAB Training Textbook 2

Creating your personal Bob for personal use in the future

Step by step has developed the concept of Bob with several other partners for the past ten years. The main idea of writing your own Bob in your business is that you have in one place the central vision, the primary purposes, the main function and the main working procedures of your business. By doing so, we believe your business's management, marketing, selling, training, and evaluations will be more visual, straightforward, and flexible. Spending some time creating your own Bob has proven to be an easy and accessible tool.

If your personal business Bob is well written and precise, you should have an excellent resource to help you measure and run your business. Through the different projects using Bob in our works, we have found that companies that have spent some time creating their own Bob's, indicate quality, sustainability, and ambitious work. This work has changed their business image, and their working style strengthened their competition and increased their absolute business values.

Bob, which stands for the book of business, should describe, in a clear, clever, and simple way, what your business is all about. It should define your vision, values, and ethics, why you are running your business, what exactly you do, how you work, and what you aim for. The book is the "Blueprint "of your private and personal work, ensuring uniqueness and quality.

Best before or Always relevant like "My Way."

A "Best before" stamp is only a letter, date, and nothing more.

Your personal Bob is something entirely different, and you must prove that, that is why you must work on it.

We understand that we are in intense competition in our ever-changing world today. Whether you are starting your own business, becoming an entrepreneur, or applying for a job, you will have to ask yourself this question, "who am I, what do I stand for, what are my qualifications for this job? Why would I be a winner and be selected for the position in this situation? It is not enough to have finished education, have many different degrees, have long labour market experience, or be young or too old. The market is tricky and too often seems to be looking for something else, and sometimes we just get lost and lose hope. That's why it might be a good idea to create your own personal Bob. Just like building a different CV, your Blueprint. You should base your Bob on your environment, friends, mates, and relatives views of you as a person. The most crucial point in this work is that this Bob is made by you for you and is not with an official stamp that says "best before". But you must start this work yourself, practising different views and interpretations.

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Sustainability: Have I been learning something new lately, taking care of my thoughts, thinking of my health, whether I am in good physical and mental shape, sleeping well, exercising, smoking, or have some other not well-seen habits? Is it likely that I will maintain a good team player for some time or not? How will others perceive me?

Here is how you start working on your own, Bob.

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Flexibility How flexible are you? How do you deal with changes, work under pressure, and feel about things you cannot be entirely sure about – something you cannot control? It will take some time to start working on your own, Bob, but rest a sure; this will be well spent time. We have done many interviews with employers in the past.

What does a good business need to succeed?

Insurance and Safety Matters: What do you think of when talking about safety? Do you understand that you are the strongest safety pillar in your life? Safety is how you act, think, work and most of all, what you decide. You are your insurance company.

Something like this is vital in every business: A sincere interest, a market, good concept, tools, knowledge, sustainability, insurance and safety matter, and flexibility. Then you think further, how can I adapt this thought for myself? Start with something like this.

Think of some business

A good market: Is there a good market for a person like me, with my type of background, what do I have for this job, why should I be the one that should have this opportunity?

A good concept: Can I see and introduce myself as a good concept, meaning that I have good qualities, good values, good experience, trustworthiness, and a strong team player that I come across as a good investment? Think of an example and practices your answers and thoughts.

Knowledge: What knowledge do I have (with or without some degrees or exams)? Do I have language skills, different cultural experience, understanding of others, good usable It skills, good communications skills, have I dealt with some difficulties, and what kind of knowledge did that provide? Think hard and soft skills.

A sincere interest: How am I mirroring myself? What do I see? I'm proud of myself. Do I know my strength and my weaknesses? Do I value my relevant experiences and those that have been more difficult? Have I learned from that and my mistakes- and how have I digested that knowledge?

Full competency and skills must be developed for any trained individual to perform their work effectively and efficiently.

• define the audience/trainee • be familiar with the workplaces customise the staff (who is the boss?)

A trainer's role becomes, however, outdated. So what kind of new competencies are demanded from the trainer of the 21st century?

The author of training manuals (a Book of Business) must be

The role of a trainer and BoB as a tool in business

The role of a trainer is a well-established one. When you ask a trainer, "What do you do for a living?" then they will answer your question: leading people to change moderating discussions building moments of reflection being an expert and sharing their expertise presenting skills and experience mentoring, etc.

Who plays the critical role in creating training manuals (BoBs, aka Books of Business)?

• know all the details of the service provided or phases of the working process

The trainer should communicate to the trainees what is expected from training simply and professionally. When preparing the manual, the trainer must

• a well-experienced fully qualified professional familiar with the workplace, work team, work process

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• ensure the demanded quality of performed steps pay special attention to HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Points) explain goals and targets

• aware of the consequence of the steps done in training where the rule is the more minor, the better, from the easier to more difficult

• knowing the demanded quality of performed actions and final goal.

• Anyway, encourage the trained staff to ask questions if necessary.

• Trainees must know they have an ally on the way = you!

• In-house training avoids stress during training.

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• Remember that BoB is one-way communicative, not available for dialogues. If needed, contacts with a real coach or a trainer for online consultancy or video-conferencing should be available.

• reduces the costs for training (no travel and accommodation costs, no salary for professional coaches)

• is available to the broad public because presented online

• serve the necessary goal in minimal time and minimal costs

The pandemic and following lockdowns dismissed team building sessions, internal pieces of training, and incentive activities (incentive tourism) as a whole. Apart from confinement and social isolation, it brought distance learning and increased technology dependence. There was no time and space for personal training. Now was the time when BoBs were a must. They as manuals can replace internal training. A well-written BoB can

• Describe the working process step by step.

• Remember, you are an expert who trains experts-to-be.

• trainees can get back to the manual as many times and as often as needed

A little background info in the manual is excellent (why you're doing this, who stands to benefit from the guide, what people need to do to prepare, how much time-consuming preparation and realisation itself, etc.), but keep it short. Most people dislike reading a novel before diving into a guide.

• Use straightforward language, avoiding any confusion and misinterpretation. Be simple in description, not wordy. Any part of the training must be user-friendly.

• Be aware of different learning and practising skills. Be empathetic in potential trainees' shoes: learn what may be easy or difficult for them.

• considerably shortens the time for work performance.

• Avoid using sensitive materials during training which would need shredding.

• train the recruits into fully qualified staff

• Use photos, videos, animations, and schemes to reach the training goals.

Role of BoBs in the pandemic time


We believe that the Book of Business is a tool that can improve the quality of companies in terms of health and peace of mind for clients during these challenging times. Using the tool and sharing it with clients, small companies provide proof of how the company has a structured protocol to offer their clients a healthy and clean environment. We should only add a specific module to describe protocols and ensure the clients can access it easily.

Mariví Gracia, March 2021

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Personal BoB in Business

I think there is a second achievement with our Book of Business, which we wrote and created right after a complete refurbishment of the hotel. We documented the evolution of the hotel so that we could compile the company's before and after. This work is fundamental now after the pandemic times: why? Because we can update the Book of Business with the changes required by the government related to health and safety measures. If we share the information with clients, they will see the improvements we have made thinking about the wellbeing of our visitors during Covid times, which increases the company's quality level.

Pepa Ruiz, manager of Tu Hotel Al Día and Mentor of La Pinta Hotel Book of Business

Pepa Ruiz, March 2021

After creating the Book of Business, we were surprised at how a simple tool that we initially thought would be only a graphic document may turn into such a valuable tool during the daily task at the hotel. The staff has easy, direct instructions about materials, timing and complete information needed for a successful day at work.

Mariví Gracia, Spanish partner coordinator:

If you run a small business, maybe you have an idea of your target market. However, a vague idea is not enough to compete in today's ruthless business environment. Without detailed knowledge of your target market, you could lose business to your competitors or miss out on opportunities to increase sales! Just don’t target your customers with a compound hunting bow. Today's post will look at target markets, how to identify them, examples of target markets, and how to refine and develop target markets by segmentation. There’s a lot of ground to cover, so let’s get started!

BABBAT – Better Adult Training 20 BAB Training Textbook 2 6 Target groups in Business & Marketing What Is a Target Market? TARGET CUSTOMERS • Describe your target market. • Who is buying or most likely to buy your products and services in the future? • Is your market a specific segment of the population or the entire population in general? • What are the size, location, and characteristics of your potential market? • If you have more than one target market, please describe each market. For most tremendous success, you want to focus your marketing efforts on the individuals or organisations that are your best customers. The suggested length is one or two paragraphs for each target market.

Book of Business (BoB) as a BATE

Profile your target markets

Is the market growing or shrinking? This information is essential as, Simply put, a target market is a specific group of people you have decided to target with your products or services. It could be a significant market or a niche market.

• Your main goal in this section is to paint a picture of your ideal customer. Later in the plan, when you discuss marketing channels, having a clear picture of who you are selling to and what makes your products or services different from the competition will help you write your marketing messaging.

• Behaviour - loyalty, attitude, readiness to buy, usage rates

• Sounds simple enough, right? The concept of target markets can become much more complicated if you offer a product or service with broad appeal or a diverse customer base. If you sell to "everybody," how are you supposed to define your target market?

• Describe their general demographic characteristics, and paint a picture of your current customers. How old are they? What sex are they? Where do they live and work, and what is their income level? What other characteristics do they share? What are their lifestyles, interests, and beliefs? Where do they shop? What do they read? What else do they buy?

• Geography – location

• How large is your market? Provide some numerical estimates based on research. How many customers do you expect to serve each week or each month? How often will they buy? How much will they spend?

Marketing tools Research your Market!

For products and services aimed at consumers:

Promoting your product or service to everyone can be costly and ineffective. Grouping or segmenting your potential customers based on specific characteristics will help to focus your marketing efforts.

• Lifestyle – social class, personality, personal values.

• Demographics – age, gender, education level, income, occupation

Market research is a crucial part of developing your market strategy. It is about collecting information that provides insight into your customers' thinking, buying patterns, and location. In addition, market research can also assist you in undertaking an initial sales forecast, monitoring market trends and keeping an eye on what your competition is doing. Learn more about Market Research.

Better Adult Training – BABBAT 21 BAT Training Textbook 2

Targeted advertising and aggressive pricing have enabled McDonald's to capture over 18.5% of the fast-food market share in the U.S. as of 2020.

Target Marketing Case Study: McDonald's

Develop your business brand

BABBAT – Better Adult Training 22 BAB Training Textbook 2

Every business, regardless of size, is likely to need a brand. A brand is more than a logo, colour or tagline. A well-articulated brand emotionally connects with your target customers and conveys who you are, what you stand for and what you can deliver. Set your goals and budget Marketing goals will help you to define what you want to achieve through your marketing activities. Your goals should be SMART: specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-based. You will also need to allocate a budget to your marketing activities. Nurture your loyal customers Your customers are the key to your success, so looking after them is vital and encourages loyalty. Providing exceptional customer service can keep people coming back and set you apart from your competitors. Strategies to build loyalty in customers include: communicating regularly with customers through social media, blogs or e-news providing after-sale follow up delivering on your promises going the 'extra mile and providing benefits that exceed initial expectations using feedback and complaints as an opportunity to improve services listening to customers training staff in customer service and basic sales processes.

A Good Example!

According to QSR magazine's 2019 QRS 50, McDonald's is the largest fast-food chain in the U.S. and one of the most successful examples of demographic target marketing. It aims its products at children, teenagers, and young urban-dwelling families. It offers PlayPlaces & Parties, the Arch Card (reloadable cash card), free Wi-Fi, Happy Meals, toys such as Marvel Studios characters, special promotions, and clever ad campaigns.

Experiences of "Mind into Matter –the "Book of Business" project

The project's main objective was to introduce and try out the Book of Business (BoB) to improve profitability and professionalism in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and build bridges between informal and formal training in academia and business life. The main reason for this work was the need for SMEs, especially in rural tourism, to gain more sustainability, quality and digital competence in entrepreneurship. Another obvious need was the importance of encouraging young people to build their jobs in the future and not least in the rural areas.

The main work in this project was to design and try out a teaching module based on how to use BoB as a tool and how to approach and work with the business owners or the Turbos (Tourist rural business owners). With experienced mentors' support, partners developed the best tourism and hospitality practices tool. Partners intended to improve the knowledge, skills and competencies of the owners and the staff of SMEs and how to increase the business's profit and sustainability in the fast-growing area of European rural tourism. The fundamental goal has been sharing and multiplying the results with other companies upgrading thus the level of provided services.

Better Adult Training – BABBAT 23 BAT Training Textbook 2 7 BoB as my product

The Books of Business were the output of the Erasmus+ (KA2) Strategic Partnership Project "Mind into Matter – the "Book of Business" (2016-1-IS01-KA202-017090). Five partners from the Czech Republic, Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, and Spain participated in a two-year project (2016 – 2018) under the coordination of "Step by Step" NGO from Iceland.

All Books of Business are available at:

BABBAT – Better Adult Training 24 BAB Training Textbook 2

Vitin Crab & Seafood Restaurant pdf : Lágafell pdf Czech partner created Books of Business. In the Czech Republic, we created BoBs for smaller businesses, one that provides everything about weddings and the other for small stylish accommodation. Both firms have permanent professional staff but also helpers and "hands" who change: these are friends of the couple-to-be, students or retired seniors in part-time jobs. They come irregularly and need instructions on how and where to help. What to do? And here, we have BoBs with detailed instructions for locals in Czech and potential foreign workers in English. Photos and videos accompany all. Reading in a few minutes, observing the images, watching the videos - and here we go, we have fully informed, nearly professional staff ready to work in the business Naimmediately!StránceFarm, Zápy file : Castle Guest House (Na Zámku) pdf

Family business Kowalski pdf : Talaria resort SPA pdf Spanish partner created Books of Business. Hovima La Pinta pdf : Casas "Alberto" pdf Eva projectStepEinarsdottir,Hansinacoordinator:CzechSvobodová,partnerTriinuVähi,TaevaskojaHolidayCentermanagerBjarnfriðurStepbydirectorandcoordinator

Estonian partner created Books of Business. We, in Estonia, are happy to have a Book of Business for our newcomers and volunteers who help us organise weddings, birthday parties, and other events. Only three people work daily, but we need many to help during significant events. The Book of Business is instructions on what and how to do, so we save time and energy on training new people.

Jurina Touristic Farm pdf : Taevaskoja Holiday Center pdf : Nelijärve Holiday Center pdf Lithuanian partner created Books of Business. Zaleski valley of recreation and entertainment pdf : Nemunas Tour Guest House pdf Polish partner created Books of Business.

Icelandic partner coordinated Minds into Matters. The basic idea of the M & M project was to improve and extend the offer of highquality learning opportunities by developing the "Book of Business"- BoB and its methods, which were tailored to individual VET learners. The BoB is, therefore, a tool or instrument made jointly by Mentors and Turbos working together to create simple methods to make their businesses more sustainable and profitable. This we tried to achieve by using innovative methods by working inside the business with the business owners, asking and exploring, documenting and describing what they are doing in their businesses to visualise their methodology and involvement in the established business in the rural tourist field. This was the bone structure of BoB.

We prepared a questionnaire in all countries with the same questions and asked low-skilled people to give feedback on the material in Training Textbook 1. We also asked them to watch videos in their language with various hero stories and provide comments. We learned that much said is the same regardless of nationality and chose to present those most common here.

Those who mentioned lack of self-confidence and fear also summed that helping learners to stay motivated is by pairing the learner with a trusted advisor who knows them personally and knows the job or training course in which the learner is interested. The advisor can help the learner cross their barriers and navigate to training.

What did adult learners say about our Training Textbook 1?

Money is often the hurdle when people have started a family, a home to manage, and regular expenses.

In your opinion, what motivates adults to participate in training/courses/projects?

In Spain, the central answers are the need to find similar people in the same situation with the idea of starting again, learning and discovering new motivating opportunities to begin again, and learning new things for a successful professional future. Another of the central answers focused on the need for professional growth after many years of repetitive work and no motivation. And finally also, the lack of knowledge of how to face a new project idea of life change to learn or start a new business.

8 Summary of feedback from adult learners

A standard answer is, “Usually, you do not get paid while studying, and courses happen during working hours.” Some mentioned that shame and fear may also be a part of it if people did not do well in school when they were young, and the fear of failing might be intense, significantly if they had dropped out of school before. Others said, "It could also be a lack of self-confidence; you might need a kick in the ass to leave your comfort zone.”

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All participants, in one way or another, agreed the new era had created the necessity in the business world, new opportunities and new skills. Also, what motivates adults to participate in training projects is to develop their skills, find a job and become better.

Jiří 45 years old waiter from the Chech Republic, and his restaurant closed down. He did not re-open; “if you are unemployed for a longer time and cannot get the job you did before, then you start thinking about doing something different, but you will need new skills, so a requalifying course is inevitable”.

• “I am too old.”

In your opinion, why is it difficult for adults to participate in training/courses?

• “The family needs me, and I do not want to waste the time I can spend with them.”

Ingo a 41-year-old mechanic from Iceland, Participating in work and projects. Because I like “learning by doing”. He also gave new interesting feedback as well “I come from a profession where many people have dyslexia, for example, and sitting in a classroom is quite uncomfortable for them. Of course, there is something that needs to be learned. Simply putting something on the table, and then going and working on/with the topic after you have received the theory is, in my opinion, the best way.”

• “They are usually available in cities, we have to commute, and it costs money.”

• “The result is unsafe, and the course cannot guarantee I will get a job.”

Most participants also mentioned that learning by doing was important; that is how they remember best. Having the theory presented first and then having the possibility to try it out in praxis with others you feel safe with before you take it into the professional world.

Jana is a 58 years old shop assistant from the Czech Republic. She lost her job because the shop owner recruited a younger staff; “it seems I am too old for my boss and too young to retire. I have been a shop assistant all my life. The only motivation for learning something new is the money; we need to pay the rent and energy”.

When asked why they thought it was difficult to participate in training or courses, there were clear statements like:

Marek is a 38 years old taxi driver from the Czech Republic. “After the pandemic, people saved money, and my business was not enough to feed my family. I have to find a new job asap”. What would motivate you to participate in a training course? “Get more self-confidence, better salary and be independent”.

• “Free courses do not offer what I need; I do not have the money to pay for those classes I need.”

The most common difficulties are the lack of time and the cost of courses. Also, people don’t know about it and don’t have easy access to it. Another important reason given, e.g. in Greece, is that people think they will probably lose their unemployment benefits.

BABBAT – Better Adult Training 26 BAB

• “I was attending school and learning tens of years ago.”

Training Textbook 2

• “If you are a single parent, the training you need is challenging, esp. if you live in a small village.”

Many told us that if you already have a job or family to take care of, it reduces the available time to get involved in training. It is also a big step to leave the comfort zone and invest time and effort in training courses. Uncertain of what it will bring us, as benefits.

The consortium has received much positive feedback on our Hero videos. From what we have learned from our interviewees, we take the liberty to conclude that watching others share their stories on how they took matters into their own hands and stepped into uncertainty, seeking new challenges and opportunities is undoubtedly very inspiring.

Undoubtedly, all participants agreed that digital skills are the most important thing to learn today. “If you do not have the knowledge and understanding in this area, you are bound to miss out on what is happening and going on, and I think it is vital for adults to enhance. This skill is one of the most important to learning something new, and I believe this is vital for learning something new. Digital skills build self-confidence.” (Ingo, Iceland).

What do you think is the most important thing to learn today?

They all agreed on “Pay people to take courses, maybe scholarships that are dependent on results.” Ingo from Iceland talked about motivating the team; “Advertisements for education should be simple and exciting. It's helpful to design courses for the whole team or working group, it's motivating and valuable if the group is going together, which is very supportive.”

Better Adult Training – BABBAT 27 BAT Training Textbook 2

What can be done better or more to encourage adults to acquire knowledgetake courses?

Throughout all interviews, it was interesting to learn that what people all have in common is to feel respect and respect. In sum, people need to know what they want to learn and how education can help them succeed. You need to learn to love and respect yourself and help others.

Following are a few of the comments we received from our interviewees on the “Hero Videos”.

“She was dissatisfied with her life, which was not fulfilling her. She trusted in her skills and felt she could do more, not only for herself.” ( Video The Czech Republic).

The video is about Ana Paz, a Revenue Manager at Gran Hotel Bahía del Duque. She tells us about her journey from customer service to revenue manager. “I consider her need for personal growth the primary motivator; it is essential to improve economic benefits from work, gain new professional skills and find motivation during her career.” (Video Spain).

Please watch the videos (the one prepared in your language) and tell us:

a) What was the most significant motivator/ motivating factor for that person to start changes in their life?

The video is about Katka, a Career & Life Coach for individuals and an Executive Coach for companies. She said about it herself that her story could be a fairy tale of happiness. After a challenging childhood and adolescence, her attitude and values changed. She went through a divorce, sought help from coaches, learned self-love, and in 2005 she completed systemic coaching training.

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Better Adult Training – BABBAT 29 BAT Training Textbook 2

The video is about Kyriaki Frangou, an insurance consultant who has worked in the insurance field since 2000. She tells us how vital lifelong learning and seeking new knowledge are to her. She would be unable to do what she does today without various certifications. It is sometimes a complex process, as she explains, but she feels she is a better person and more empathetic.

The video is about Hafdís Þórðardóttir, who graduated from the University of Iceland in 2007 as a developmental therapist when she was in her late fifties. She tells us about her rocket road to education.

“I think she is a great motivator; she just took the matter into her own hands and did this with the help of her family. Yes, I think she was excellent. It is all about this, having the courage to step out of my comfort zone and accept challenges. I think many people would like to get some education and go back to school, for many reasons like a better job, better salary, having fun, and gaining new friends. All that, she was a great motivator and brave to step forward and show others that this is possible, and in her case, she made a massive step toward comprehensive "Sheeducation."issomebody you can look up to, what a motivator and a role model – You start thinking she can -so can I – we can all do this – she is daring you, and you can all get the education that we desire.” (Video Iceland).

“She is adopting new targets and goals and adjusting her skill to the new era of Covid-19—her willingness for a change and to become better, and to develop her skills”. (Video Greece).

c) In your opinion, what skills/knowledge/competence do people need to succeed in life?

“The main thing has been to learn from difficulties and very well about future professional opportunities in the world of health care, environmental care and education. The attitude of the person speaking transmits a lot of confidence, which gives a lot of personal motivation to the person listening to it.” (Spain).

“Try to improve your skills and develop competence, especially despite your age; try to improve your skills and rebuild your competence. Never give up, and continue developing your skills.” (Greece).

Our participants pointed out that the primary skills they think people need to succeed in life are; “selfconfidence, digital knowledge and perseverance. Also, resilience is significant, especially in these difficult times. A strong opinion is the one of having experience in life, not being too young so you have the experience of life itself.”

“One must be more self-confident, have a vision and believe in their skills to get from being precarious to being prepared.” (The Czech Republic).

BABBAT – Better Adult Training 30 BAB Training Textbook 2 b) What can YOU personally learn from them?

“What she says is encouraging for many considering continuing education in their senior years. Positive testimonials can help. -A video like this does not necessarily do anything for me. I'm not aiming for further study, but if I were in that situation, it would be better to meet my goal.” (Iceland).

More statements from our learners directly related to success in life are; Healthy self-confidence and assertiveness. Trust in efficiency in self-education, esp. seniors. Being communicative is vital for some positions and jobs. Being assertive, decision-making, adaptability and problem-solving. Self-control and empathy. Hard-working. Never give up, be persistent. Knowledge and willingness. Passion and patience.

Better Adult Training – BABBAT 31 BAT Training Textbook 2

Another of the participants pointed out “the need to have central administration offices and information channels that can offer necessary information about how to start a new business.”

Tenerife, Spain provides this service, including funding, paperwork, courses, legal documentation and personal support, and so do other countries. "We would probably see more entrepreneurship and people willing to step out of their comfort zone if it were more public knowledge."

“People should have the right to retraining and financial support as they learn.”

“Many study courses are not designed for low-skilled or manual workers. If I were a waiter, I would appreciate a cooking class, if educated people lose their jobs, it is easier for them to find a new one, and it is more challenging for low-skilled people to adapt. Jobs constantly change, and some jobs disappear during covid. After covid new jobs appeared. To be a waiter seems to be an at-risk job, but this manual job will always be needed. It will not be automated; people always need to be served in restaurants or cafés. I would appreciate some training in critical thinking, problem-solving, and empathy; training in these skills is needed in any job.”

e) Anything else you might like to add?

d) Would you recommend this material for others to use – to see?

We asked our learners if there were something they would like to add or share with us after participating in the interview and after seeing the videos. These are some of the comments and suggestions.

“There are specific requirements to receive training in administrative and managing ideas for entrepreneurs, and having access to such courses, mainly tips and things to take into account to take the first steps as an entrepreneur, would be very valuable.”

Yes, yes, yes and definitely are expressions we got from all.

In general, learners think that it is very motivating and interesting. Not only now but also in the weak moments during entrepreneurship. The fact of learning from other real stories gives the motivation needed to take the first step toward a change in the professional life of anyone.

As before, we had specific questions for participants in all partner countries. Again the purpose was to keep consistency in the material. The questionnaire we used for Training Textbook 2 is the same we used with the experts and trainers focus groups we established in each country at the beginning of the project to see if people could use textbook 2 to motivate and train people.

Presented are personal examples of how to avoid failures and reach one's goals. The stories are emotional, emphatic and convincing, more effective than a written theory.

There are no bland theoretical phrases but practical examples that hint at what not to forget. It is said to be strongly instructive for post-COVID times, providing massive support for those who want to share their stories.

BABBAT – Better Adult Training 32 BAB Training Textbook 2

In the chapter before, we looked at what the different low-skilled learners had to say about our Training Textbook 1 and our Hero Videos from each country. When we received their comments in the consortium, they proved to be very useful and helpful for us to see what was good in the material. We understood better how it affected the learners to see others in the same situation and how it motivates them. We also learned that asking for their opinion gave them more confidence in their skill, and we wanted to extend this work. Therefore we also found it very important to ask if our participants would be willing to comment on Training Textbook 2.

It is a helpful, informative, excellent, motivating tool and material for startups and is more valuable than the classic books — a tremendous motivating textbook.

9 Summary of views from focus groups of low-skilled learners on Training Textbook 2

In this way, the book has a solid motivational effect, a fundamental prerequisite for learning success. Obstacles are described, but under a good trainer's leadership, there must be self-confidence in reaching the goal.

Do you find Training textbook two a good motivational tool for start-ups in postcovid times? The textbook has a positive acceptance, and members of the group find it setting the values that motivate and encourage, particularly now after the pandemic. The book respects the consequence of steps, is clearly and wellarranged and provides advice to lecturers to command upgrading successfully.

Interestingly, there was not such a big difference between learners in each country as we might have thought at the beginning of the project.

Yes, of course, the textbook was clear enough. It provides valuable information for lecturers. It can be used as a guide for training. The textbook has a clear concept and a well-arranged outline. It provides valuable information for lecturers – guides on the way. It shows what and how to do in the form of selftraining, thus being the ideal for training newly recruited staff in post-covid businesses.

The Book of Business - Is this concept clear enough for others to use in their work and training?

Chapter 3: The BoB is a very effective training tool though it may cost the trainer/company owner several evenings. But it will save days or even weeks of training theory!

Better Adult Training – BABBAT 33 BAT Training Textbook 2

Chapter 2: Clear and honest stories are the most empowering. Sharing negative experiences is the best way to imagine the real entrepreneur's life, its impact on the family, the importance of competition, the possibility of burnout, and the health impact. Sharing the experience with authentic characters is realistic and convincing.

Chapter 4: A trainer/coach is a must, not only for training but later for navigating and supervising, and the tips in this chapter are more than valuable = accurate, short and concise.

Chapter 5: It is more inspiring than motivational. The most important is Target groups in Business & Marketing. It can be used as an excellent method of entrepreneurship training. All chapters are important and valuable.The most important is the role of a trainer and BoB as the tool in business.

Chapter 1: Yes, it motivates people to believe in themselves, to find their strengths and courage to (re-)build their (maybe lost) self-confidence. This chapter gives a perfect structure of fundamental pillars in personal development. It covers the way of career recovery and restarting to avoid mistakes.

Do you think the material we have written and collected in this textbook can be a good method to use in training for entrepreneurship? Please elaborate on the answers.

• Some information in BoBs may be too abstract, especially to someone who has never been an entrepreneur.

Area of improvement – what can we do differently or change to use this material as a training tool? The balance of age and gender in the stories might be better.

• BoBs mainly focus on tourism; they should also cover other commodities. It should contain more pictures, e.g. of storytellers in their business. Chapter 5 is very short and unbalanced; it could be a subchapter Maybe it should be more extensional for trainers.

• It could maybe be more explicit information for people who are not entrepreneurs.

To share via professional organisations, among the students in andragogy cathedrals, social network groups – LinkedIn, coaching agencies, educational agencies, consulting companies, for seniors the best sharing tool is word-of-mouth. Share the textbook and the training tools in organisations that are working in the adult training field as well as on social media. Disseminate through local meetings to local organisations.

• More extensive guidelines for trainers. There could be more videos for interaction and motivation of people.

What would be the best way to disseminate and share this material among those working in adult training?

BABBAT – Better Adult Training 34 BAB Training Textbook 2

It was an excellent motivating tool because it was using video and personal stories. That practices can have an essential and vast impact on people with a view to motivating them.

From the beginning of the project, we knew we would need professional feedback to improve our output. Partners participating in this project have an extensive network of adult trainers in their countries and have been in low-skilled adult training for decades. We established a team of focus group experts with 15 experienced adult trainers. Those participants were staff members from the partners' organisations, associated organisations, and other adult training centres. This group gave feedback through face-toface training and an online Learning Teaching Training Activity.

Better Adult Training – BABBAT 35 BAT Training Textbook 2

It is important to hear and learn the personal stories of other people because these can motivate you achieve your goals. If you learn about someone who did, you start believing that you can do it also. Written text is useful but not so interesting. Personal stories and short videos were amazing and very good learning tools. O1 handbook is an excellent motivational tool for start-ups in post-crisis times. The written text was attractive, easy to read, and not too long. Honestly, what appealed to me more were the short personal stories that one could empathize with compared to the short video. However, I do believe that short videos might be popular among Generation Z. The material is easy to and very attractive to follow. The personal stories give me confidence to motivate with my project. Motivation is really the most interesting tool here.


Following, we summarised the feedback from these groups in a more visual presentation where our partner ZISBP extracted all comments on both training textbooks around the questions from our questionnaire. from a focus group of adult trainers and experts

Do you find O1 manual as a good motivating tool for start-ups in the post-covid times? And if so – how? The written text – is this interesting and useful? The short personal stories? The short videos – is this a good learning tools?

Stories and examples of good practice are definitely a good motivational tool. However, from an information point of view, the material could also contain options that can show how to overcome some of the obstacles in adult education, such as the financial demands for some groups interested in such education.

The tool is suitable for centres and adult educators facing challenges to increase the number of LLL students, it is good to see European similarities related to barriers for adults to get back to the academic life.

O1 manual is good for Life Long Learning. Very important factors for LLL are: retraining, balance of work and leisure time (bleisure life style), finance, leaders/teachers, IT, language and health (not only physical and mental, but also financial).

I would definitely focus on best practice examples that are real-life and easy to remember. These connections work. Better than hundreds of definitions.

The positive is that through personal stories and videos people can listen and see and get motivated from others personal experience. Is one of the most motivating tool. What are the positive sides of O1 manual? How would you use this material in your training? Please gives us one examples

The manual seems to me to be a good tool. In the time of the COVID-19 pandemic, many young people and mostly older people lost their jobs. They are just used to working and bear it badly if they cannot find a job when they like to work. I believe this manual can help them to regain their lost self-confidence. Do you see the O1 manual as a good navigating tool for LLL – please elaborate

An example of good practice can be not only motivating, but can also be the basis for a discussion with lifelong learning participants, based on which participants can identify obstacles that they perceive in adult education and other ways can be sought - alternative ways to overcome them.

It was a good navigating tool for LLL because after some years you cannot attend and learn with basic ways. You must learn through personal stories and some different ways. Basic training activities are not so interesting for people who working all day.

Lithuanians usually find themselves somehow different than others, they have many false attitudes regarding Western European countries, according to them, in other countries is easier to earn money, people are more happy, more successful, it is good to have a tool to show them how similar are people around Europe and overcome these stereotypes by facts.

A guide to have more experience are short videos and short stories.

It is necessary to more emphasize automatization, digitalization and robotization as an influence on labour market in travel and tourism industry, especially hospitality and gastronomy.

O1 was a good navigating tool for learning because it wasn't as the traditional teaching practices that used by organizations

BABBAT – Better Adult Training 36 BAB Training Textbook 2

Trainers and organizations and through meetings and open calls in social media (share materials and other tools)

Better Adult Training – BABBAT 37 BAT Training Textbook 2

If, for example, the project had its own website, it could be part of it and better searched for all those who are interested in adult education.

What would be the best way to disseminate and share this material among those who are working in adult training ?

SCAN to visit our informative website. Social Media. Communication with trainners. Communication with companies and local Disseminateauthorities.thematerial within a regional network of companies, public authorities, schools, educational institutions, etc. To this end, create a special online environment and distribute a link to it on the websites of companies, authorities, schools and other institutions, including advertising.

BoB as a Bate – better adult training (BABBAT) is a project to develop competence and good methods for adult trainers to motivate low skilled adults for stronger engagement in lifelong learning to enhance their working lives opportunities through entrepreneurial skills.

Communication with organizations and share to a specific site and platform the materials, accesible for everyone.

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