Computer News Middle East June 2020

Page 34




CNME Editor Mark Forker spoke to senior representatives from the University of Sharjah, to find out how the deployment of Ivanti’s Service Manager solution has transformed their IT services at the academic institution.



r. Hussein Elmehdi,

architecting and implementing

with the IT department and

Dean of Academic

IT Service Management

that there is a single point of

Support Services,

processes and to re-establish

contact for all their requests.

Omar Harara,

the Service Desk and make it

It has enabled the end-users

Service Desk Manager, and

much more effective for the

to build trust in the support

Anissa Bettayeb, Head of

end-users,” said Omar.

services provided by the IT

Academic Computing Service

department as there is complete

Section at University of Sharjah,

manager at University of

transparency on our IT

articulated the impact the

Sharjah also highlighted how

performance,” said Omar.

solution has had in terms of

they determined that they

enhancing the IT services it

also needed to implement ITIL

documented the benefits

provides for faculty, students

processes such as (service

her section got from the

and staff.

catalogue, service agreement,

implementation and confirmed

incident, request, problem and

the significant benefits gained

18 months the University of

change management) and how

after implementing Ivanti

Sharjah began implementing an

these processes showed the

Service Desk.

overhaul of service management

value of the IT department to

in their IT department.

the stakeholders.

Harara said that in the last

“The first decision we took

“We were providing a lot

His colleague Anissa Bettayeb

“The IT Service Management really empowered us with the capabilities to evaluate and

was to re-establish the Service

of services to the end users,

monitor the performance of

Desk. We did previously have a

but ultimately we had no

our staff and processes through

Service Desk, but it was largely

classification of our services or

the dashboards and reporting

ineffective and inefficient. There

the incidents that were flagged,

services. It also allowed us to

was no IT Service Management

so we couldn’t categorise them

better diagnose, categorise,

framework (ITIL), monitoring

or evaluate the performance of

prioritise and flag incident,

of IT performance, user

our services in terms of incidents

service and changes requests.

requests or tracking. I joined

and service requests,” said Omar.

However, now we have a

the University of Sharjah 18

JUNE 2020

The dynamic Service Desk

He added, “The end-

dashboard and system in place

months ago, and I was tasked

users feel that they can now

that monitors and records all of

with the responsibility of both

communicate much better

this automatically,” said Anissa.

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