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L as bendiciones que Dios nos da WORDS ANDY ROSALES


IFE IS FULL OF BIG RISKS AND HARD DECISIONS. Seven years ago, I made the most life-changing decision when I left my country, El Salvador. I lived most of my life in the small town of Cuscatancingo, where my mother, who had the misfortune of suffering domestic violence, raised her two children alone with her low-paying job. Consequently, her job could not support our family, so she had to take out loans that increased daily. At times, we survived for weeks without electricity or water service because she couldn’t cover the bills. These circumstances pushed us to view the opportunity of moving to America as the only escape from our situation. The day that I left El Salvador marked the biggest turning point in my life. Those last moments that I experienced with my family before leaving my country were unforgettable. My hardworking grandfather, who wore his first pair of shoes at the age of 16, always told me to appreciate the value of education. I vividly remember how, with a breaking voice and watery eyes, he told me to take full advantage of “la bendicion que Dios te ha dado” —“the blessing that God has given you." He wished that I would take advantage of what not many people are fortunate enough to obtain in my country: a good education. His words still motivate me to strive for the best and to persevere despite any adverse circumstances.


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