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AtInHealth Specialty Pharmacy,

we are big proponents of balancing hormones as a key factor in maintaining optimal health and well-being. To achieve this, we work with a diverse group of providers in our area to dial in hormone supplementation therapy for patients. Direct hormone supplementation is certainly a very important part of this process, but the importance of overall dietary and physical health cannot be overlooked! Nothing in the body works in isolation. Every system in the body is constantly interacting and adjusting, second by second, to its current environment. This certainly applies to hormones, which are our body’s messaging system.

There may be cases where a person’s hormone levels are low so they receive medication to boost those levels. But, if the body does not have the proper tools or the best conditions to respond to that hormone messenger, the therapeutic results might not be all that they could be. This is why it is vital that an overall health and wellness evaluation is crucial to an effective hormone supplementation program. Proper diet and exercise build the foundation for hormone therapy and complement prescription therapy to achieve the best results possible.

Calcium with Vitamin D

(Citrate or Hydroxyapitate forms for easier absorption) )

• Important for bone health


• Invest in a quality multivitamin/multimineral

• Sometimes one tablet daily is not enough!

B Vitamins

• A “B Complex” supplement ensures proper balance of B vitamin supplementation

• Important supplement for women taking birth control or hormone replacement therapy


• Magnesium is involved in the function of over 300 enzymes in the body.

• May promote better sleep when taken at bedtime

• Relaxes muscles which may also provide pain relief

• Look for Magnesium Glycinate form to avoid laxative effect.

Vitamin D

• Aids in the absorption of calcium

• May provide protection against osteoporosis, hypertension, cancer, and autoimmune disease

• Common doses are 1000IU to 5000IU daily, but some people may need more if a blood test says they are deficient.

Co-Enzyme Q10

• Important especially if taking medications such as “statins” or “beta blockers”

Essential Fatty Acids

• Commonly found in fish oil supplements

• An essential nutrient that has been known to reduce body fat and improve cardiovascular and metabolic health

• They are “essential” because the body cannot make these so we need to ingest them.


• Supplements the “good” bacteria in the digestive tract

• Seek out refrigerated products.

• Probiotics may be beneficial for irritable bowel, diarrhea, constipation, lactose intolerance, colon cancer and cholesterol.


• Supports adrenal function/stress response

• Building block for the natural creation of testosterone and estrogen hormones in the body, which supports hormone replacement therapy. [ aw ]