1 minute read


Did you know the typical American spends about 90% of their time indoors? According to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, people who are often most susceptible to the adverse effects of air pollution (e.g., the very young, older adults, and people with cardiovascular or respiratory disease) tend to spend even more time indoors. Cleaning supplies, paints, insecticides, and other commonly used products introduce many chemicals directly into the indoor air, including volatile organic compounds. Building materials are also potential sources (e.g., asbestos fibers released from building insulation) or new materials (e.g., chemical off-gassing from pressed wood products). Other substances in indoor air, such as radon, mold, and pet dander, are of natural origins.

This is why you should regularly change or clean your furnace and A/C filters. Regularly means to mark it on your calendar and stick to the schedule. Depending on usage, these filters should be changed every 1-3 months so that the indoor air is clean and your system is running efficiently. Also, you can invest in an air purifier with a HEPA filter.

Another tip I have come across is to turn off the A/C and open the windows for at least 10-15 minutes each day, especially during warmer months. This can help to circulate the air and reduce the number of toxins inside your home.


Human skin and hair, pet hair, dust, and food particles, and dead bugs accumulate on the floor and other surfaces over time, causing allergies. A fully carpeted house gathers more dust and allergens than a house with a wood, cork, tile, or non-vinyl linoleum surface. If your home is carpeted, be diligent about vacuuming at least twice a week. If it has wood or tile surface, use warm water (with a couple of drops of lemon essential oil for a fresh smell) with a mop, and wipe the surfaces 1-2 times a week. If you have a toddler at home, regularly wiping down the surfaces with a wet sponge or towel is highly effective in cleaning.