Milwaulkee community journal october 30, 2013

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ACA enrollment and family health fair set

Individuals and families are encouraged to attend a Milwaukee Affordable Care Act (ACA) Enrollment and Family Health Fair Tuesday, November 12, from noon until 6 p.m. This event will be held at the offices of Wisconsin Jobs Now, located at 1862 W. Fond du Lac Ave. The ACA Enrollment and Family Health Fair is being sponsored by the Black Health Coalition, the City of Milwaukee Health Department, and Wisconsin Jobs Now. The healthfair will include health and resource booths, as well as healthy snacks and a kids’ books giveaway.

COMMUNITY VOL. XXXVIII Number 14 October 30, 2013

The Milwaukee


JOURNAL 25 Cents

Gallup: Support for death penalty at 40-year low


“With attention focused on the severity of injuries in the National Football League--especially head injuries (concussions)--what do you think the League should do to reduce them?”

CIERA SUTTON: “One way to reduce the amount of major injuries in the NFL is to improve the equipment they use. They should also practice proper “cool-down” exercises after each game.”

AMBER RIDGEWAY: “I think the way that the (NFL) could reduce injuries is to rotate more players (in and out of the game). Let some of the other players get a chance to show their skills. Football is a tough sport and hard on the body. They (players) need a chance to heal from past injuries. You never know, they might find hidden talent on the bench.”

MONTE MABRA: “We could start by better protecting our quarterback (Green Bay Packer Quarterback Aaron Rodgers), giving him more time to make better decisions and safe plays.”


W I S C O N S I N ’ S L A R G E S T A F R I C A N A M E R I C A N N E W S PA P E R

Photo and question by Yvonne Kemp

BEN GREENE: “This may sound counter-intuitive, but one way to reduce injuries would be to reduce the padding players wear. If defenders have smaller shoulder pads, chances are they will not hit opposing player quite as hard, as they will likely fear hurting themselves. However, the padding reduction should be moderate, so that it does not cause more injuries than it prevents.”

Attendees will get assistance with signing up for health insurance for the Insurance Marketplace Exchange: • See if you qualify for BadgerCarePlus • If not, examine the available insurance options through the Qualified Health Plans (QHPs) to see which is best for you • Find out how much financial assistance you will qualify for to help cover insurance premiums • Make your choice of what plan works best for you and they will assist you with completing the online application

Article courtesy of

Mayo hosts sleepover for the homeless

Milwaukee County Supervisor Michael Mayo (pictured Center with beard) accepts a donation from a concerned citizen during Mayo’s “Sleepover for the Homeless” event Tuesday, October 29, at Dineen Park near the park’s golf shack, located at 6520 W. Keefe Ave. The overnight event helped raise awareness of homelessness in the community and encouraged donations for Milwaukee County’s homeless population. Participants were asked to donate items such as scarves, blankets, jackets and toiletries. Mayo is surrounded by representatives of organizations who helped sponsor the sleepover and made donations. (Photo by Yvonne Kemp)

MPS, developers reveal phase one of Malcolm X Redevelopment Plan would include special middle school and housing By Black Media Alliance

The Milwaukee Public Schools and 2760 Holdings, LLC will develop a robust public/private partnership that will bring new opportunities for educational excellence and residential housing options to the Harambee neighborhood of Milwaukee. Under this partnership, the former Malcolm X building will be built out in two phases. The first phase will create affordable housing for area residents and a school. The school will be an International Baccalaureate middle school for 600 students, providing a high-quality middle school option for the area. IB, a rigorous college-preparatory curriculum, is offered at five MPS schools and is one of the most popular programs in MPS. The site will also serve as a community asset with access to the gymnasium and auditorium for community members and groups. A collaborative community planning session conducted last summer

Dr. Gregory Thornton

by the UWM School of Architecture and Urban Planning and the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive Economic Development Corp., reaffirmed an earlier call by the MPS Board of School Directors for the site to have community usage. With a purchase price and renovations totaling $4.2 million, 2760 Holdings, LLC plans to complete the educational component of Phase One by Fall 2014. MPS will lease the educational portion of the building from the developer for $4.2 million with the option to buy the educa-

Trayvon’s mom Sybrina Fulton: Clarify ‘Stand Your Ground’ laws

tional portion of the building for $1. This allows MPS to have educational space that will be ready to be occupied by a high-quality educational program and the community will have access to recreational space and needed, affordable housing. “This partnership gives the community a chance to reap the benefits of the experience of the major partners in 2760 Holdings, LLC, James Phelps of JCP Construction and Dennis Klein of KBS Construction,” said MPS Superintendent Gregory E. Thornton. “Together these two organizations have been major players in the construction of key Milwaukee projects including Kenilworth Square Apartments, Cambridge Commons and Riverview Terrace at UW Milwaukee, the Journey House addition to Longfellow Elementary, Marquette University’s Law School and School of Engineering and renovations of Mitchell Hall at UW Milwaukee, the MPS Juneau Complex and the Medical College.”

Trayvon Martin, 17, and the acquittal of George Zimmerman this year provided evidence that “stand your ground” laws can be confusing and applied inconsistently, she said. “By being unclear in when and how it is applied, stand your ground in its current form is far too open to abuse,” Fulton said in prepared testimony for the Senate Judiciary Article by Laurie Kellman, Committee. Associated Press via Sybrina Fulton The Democratic-led Senate was WASHINGTON— Sybrina Fulton, the mother of holding the hearing even though no congressional action Trayvon Martin, is telling a Senate panel Tuesday that is expected on the state policies. states must clarify their “stand your ground” self-defense Even in the states, Martin’s killing, Zimmerman’s polaws. litically charged acquittal on manslaughter charges and The laws, adopted in some form by at least 22 states, encouragement from the Obama administration seem ungenerally cancel a person’s duty to retreat in the face of a likely to spur changes in “stand your ground” laws. Most serious physical threat. states with such laws are conservative and lean toward But the 2012 shooting of Fulton’s unarmed son, (continued on page 7)


upport for the death penalty has hit a 40-year low, according to a new poll released by Gallup.

And while a majority, 60 percent, still favor capital punishment, over the last twenty years there has been a slow but steady erosion in that number.

In 1994 the pro-death penalty number hit a high of 80 percent and it was as high as 69 percent just six years ago. “The current era of lower support may be tied to death penalty moratoriums in several states beginning around 2000 after several death-row inmates were later proven innocent of the crimes of which they were convicted,” Gallup managing editor Jeffrey M. Jones wrote. “More recently, since 2006, six states have repealed death penalty laws outright, including Maryland this year.” Only once since Gallup began tracking these numbers back in 1937 have the anti-death penalty numbers surpassed the pro. That was in 1966, interestingly the same the year Miranda rights were instituted. Back then 47 percent of Americans opposed executions, while 42 (continued on page 5)

State lawmakers introduce bill helping Human Trafficking victims

MADISON—Wisconsin State Reps. Leon D. Young and LaTonya Johnson of Milwaukee introduced Tuesday a bill (LRB 3309) for cosponsorship that will benefit victims of human trafficking by allowing them the opportunity to petition the courts and have their records expunged when the charges brought against them are directly linked to them being trafficked. The following statement was released after announcing this newly Rep. Leon Young proposed legislation: “Human trafficking is a growing concern in the state and it is time to start rethinking the issue and providing some relief to those who are unfortunately forced into this servitude,” Young said in a statement. “Our proposal is modeled after legislation recently passed in Florida and signed into law by Governor Rick Scott who labeled human trafficking a form of ‘modern day slavery.’ Young said Wisconsin recognizes the urgency with human trafficking and the need to tackle the issue from every angle possible. Senator Harris and Representative LaTonya Johnson have also circulated a bill (LRB 3168) for co-sponsorship, which seeks to change the definition of human trafficking. The state legislator added, under current law, prosecutors have too often fallen short of convicting traffickers due to the condition that prosecutors must prove the trafficking was done without the victim’s consent. “This is clearly problematic because there is often a substantial level of mental manipulation on behalf of the trafficker,” Young said. “With the successful passage of LRB 3309 and LRB 3168, I believe we will be in a better position to confront the practice of human trafficking. We can hold more traffickers accountable while deterring others, and we can also help rebuild the integrity of those trafficked, putting them in a position to help other victims.”


The Milwaukee Community Journal October 30, 2013 Page 2

Quote of the Week:

“Until the lion writes his own story, the tale of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.”--African Proverb

Why a bad start does not doom Obamacare

The first four weeks of the Affordable Care Act’s rollout have been ugly. I spent Monday at Southside Medical Center in downtown Atlanta, a community health care clinic where nearly all of the employees and patients are black, and many openly praise President Obama. The patients, most of whom are uninsured, constantly ask center officials about signing up for “Obamacare,” which they have heard about through the media and are eager to benefit from. The center’s employees told me how most of the days over the last month have been disappointing, as they constantly have to tell patients to come back another time to try to enroll, because is down. A computer lab at the center, designed for patients to use to enroll in the new health care system after getting treatment, was empty on Monday, as the clinic employees didn’t feel confident enough that the website would work to send any patients there. The current challenges of the Affordable Care Act are not just a media obsession. I’ve talked to strong Obama supporters with pre-existing conditions who are desperate to get health insurance and simply can’t get through the website process. The officials at Southside want to be able to log on to and scan through the health insurance options online directly with their patients, many of whom don’t have computers at home. They can’t do that right now, as the site nearly always locks them out at some point before they can finish the enrollment process. At an Affordable Care Act event at a public library in Clarkston, an Atlanta suburb, later that Monday, co-sponsored by the pro-ACA group Enroll America, I watched as health care officials, also unable to use, went to a calculator on the website of the Kaiser Family Foundation that gives general estimates of how much people will pay for health insurance under the new law, quoted the unofficial rate using that site, which does not have any information about which health care companies or plans are operating in each state, and then handed people paper applications to mail in to formally enroll.


“The fact that people aren’t signed up now is not at all interesting or important,” Gruber said. “The success of health care reform has to be measured in months and years, not days and weeks.”

The federal government will tell them in a few weeks, via mail, what insurance options they are eligible for. It was far from buying airline tickets on, as President Obama had suggested this process would resemble. And what President Obama promised, an easy-to-enroll system that would give benefits to many of the uninsured but not disrupt insurance for those who already have it, has instead turned into a bewildering experience for those without insurance and chaotic for some who are currently in health care plans that their insurance companies are now canceling. But all is not lost for “Obamacare.” A complicated process for buying insurance is not a deal-breaker for the uninsured. Many of them are old or have a pre-existing condition; buying health insurance before the rollout of the Affordable Care Act was often both complicated and extremely expensive, and the law addresses the latter if not the former. If mailing in a form instead of enrolling online ensures they will still get health insurance, they are fine with that outcome. “I’m appreciative of my government,” said Mohamed Hussein, an Atlanta man who left the public library event after meeting with a health care

adviser. Hussein, who works at a rental car service, did not formally enroll in health insurance, but was told he would get heavily subsidized insurance if he mailed in the ACA application form. In addition, while Obama has spent little time speaking about the millions of Americans who are now eligible for Medicaid under the law, they are enrolling. The Advisory Board Company, a consulting firm tracking enrollment under the law, estimates that more than 115,000 Americans now have health insurance who didn’t before, including more than 80,000 now on Medicaid. The biggest worry, even from some Democrats who back the health insurance law, is that the website problems will turn off young people, who will then not enroll in the new health care options. Without younger, healthier customers, insurance companies could next year opt to raise prices if they believe only people who are elderly or have illnesses are likely to enroll under the health care law. Insurance could eventually become unaffordable for people who need it most, like the preACA system. That could happen, but it’s not a forgone conclusion simply because of the bumpy Obamacare rollout. Jonathan Gruber, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor who helped design the Massachusetts law that the Affordable Care Act was based on and later served as informal adviser to the health care team for the Obama administration, says that young, healthy people are likely to enroll close to the deadline for getting insurance or being forced to pay a penalty under that law. That date is March 31 of next year. Obsessing over the number of people who enroll in the healthcare options in November or December, Gruber argued in a conference call set up by White House officials on Tuesday, is not that useful. “The fact that people aren’t signed up now is not at all interesting or important,” Gruber said. “The success of health care reform has to be measured in months and years, not days and weeks.”

Black college student arrested for buying expensive belt: Why racial profiling shoppers is ineffective, immoral


By Kibwe Chase-Marshall his week’s racial profiling allegations by New York City college student, Trayon Christian, have provoked me to take a long hard look at the manner in which blackness is consistently criminalized within retail environments.

In the case of Christian, things may have gone even further than is usual, as the 19-year-old claims that he was not only falsely accused of debit card fraud by a sales associate at a high-end department store last April, but arrested and detained for two hours by the NYPD as a result. Those of us who share Mr. Christian’s racial and socio-economic identities know well the suspicion with which we are met when we walk through the doors of far too many retailers. We know what it’s like to try, in every way possible, to clearly exhibit our law abiding intentions, but are still rendered “criminal” by the prejudicial eyes of “loss prevention” strategies ostensibly aimed at saving retailers money. These degrading practices, such as being arrested for buying an expensive belt with your own money, as Christian experienced, are more often thinly veiled instances of the same sort of profiling that has perpetuated the “stop and frisk” culture of law enforcement in locales such as New York City. Trying valiantly to avoid suspicion So we do our best to never shop with large backpacks, or oversized outerwear. We attempt never to linger too long away from other shoppers and retail associates, and balk at the notion of running errands for family members

Trayvon Christian (Photo courtesy of Facebook)

who request that we use their credit cards without proper identification. We know that we will not only be denied the benefit of the doubt if questioned, we will often risk not being able to prove our innocence upon accusation. This ongoing compromise of one’s basic civil liberties and integrity is at the core of Trayon Christian’s allegations, as he is now suing the NYPD and the luxury retailer Barneys for violating his rights. (Barneys has posted a response to the allegations on its Facebook page.) The factors reflected in Christian’s scenario feature centrally as re-occurring themes in this writer’s life narrative. I am a fashion professional who has worked for a decade designing apparel, and now works writing about apparel industries. Often I’m in stores to flush out a piece I’m researching, or to see how accurately certain

Is Jay Z being hypocritical with his Barneys deal?


“So we do our best to never shop with large backpacks, or oversized outerwear. We attempt never to linger too long away from other shoppers and retail associates, and balk at the notion of running errands for family members who request that we use their credit cards without proper identification.”

runway trends are being translated at mass market retailers. I’m not just in stores to score a retail fix and rack up credit card debt (though, I must admit that I end up making endless personal purchases as a result of my work). A consummate shopper — treated criminally I must stress: I pay for everything that I leave a store with. Yet, I’ve learned that my possession of receipts and adherence to by-the-book behavior are regularly undermined by the fact that I fit the racially-informed profile of a shoplifter “to a tee.” Zara on lower Broadway in New York City, Intermix near the Flatiron building on Fifth Ave., Trader Joe’s near George Washington University in Washington, D.C., and most recently The Home Depot on Manhattan’s Upper East Side are among the stores in which I have endured humiliating accusations of shoplifting, or worse.

Rapper Jay Z

Jay Z once encouraged all of his fans and colleagues to boycott Cristal after an executive at the high-end champagne purveyor said he didn’t want the brand associated with hip-hop. In the second verse of his hit single “99 Problems,” Jay Z related a compelling first-person narrative of being stopped by the police for being “young and black with his hat real low” and also being very aware of his rights. (That verse, by the way, was analyzed by a legal scholar to determine if Jay Z’s assessment of his rights was correct. Hov did pretty well.)


(continued on page 5)

Published twice weekly, Wednesday & Friday

By Demetria Irwin--Article courtesy of

arneys is not the first or the last establishment to be accused of racial profiling, but the famous name attached to recent incidents ensures another round of national conversations on the topic. What can we reasonably expect from celebrities on this issue?

(TheGrio has reached out to the stores named above for comment. Only Home Depot responded by publication time with the following statement. “Respect for the diversity of our customers, as well as our associates and communities is a core value,” wrote Home Depot representative Stephen Holmes in an email to theGrio. “The Home Depot takes extremely seriously, and we have clear procedures in place, to ensure one’s race has nothing to do with whether an individual is stopped and accused of shoplifting. “Additionally, our policy specifically states that ‘surveillance should not be based on individual characteristics such as age, gender, race, sexual orientation, disability, national origin or relgion.’”) Judged: Not by the contents of one’s character I offer up myself as an example of how one’s assessment under the inequitable eye of profiling can drastically differ — for the worse — from one’s reality. I am an Ivy League-educated professional, with no criminal record, who has never stolen. I have held endless retail positions as an adolescent and make every effort to respect and acknowledge the work of retail associates. Those may be my realities, but they seldom factor into my treatment in stores. I’ve learned that I don’t have to commit illegal acts to be seen as criminal. My mere presence is criminalized. I know what it felt like to be Trayon Christian at the incredulous moment that he was detained for simply buying something he wanted. Reality check: Thieves come in all races I once asked a guard, as he physically removed me from a store under the premise that I had been de-magnatizing sensors: “You have assumed I’m shoplifting because I’m a black young man wearing a cap, and somebody fitting that description has shoplifted in your store before, but don’t you think a blond woman with a

3612 North Martin Luther King Drive, Milwaukee, WI 53212

He held a multi-million-dollar campaign fundraiser for President Obama and Jay Z and his superstar wife Beyoncé attended a rally in support of slain teen Trayvon Martin. Mr. Shawn Carter is no stranger to politics, institutional racism or civil rights. Given that track record, some people expected Jay Z to have something substantial to say after Barneys (a luxury department store with which he has a clothing and accessories contract inked and soon to be executed) was recently twice accused of racial profiling at its flagship store in Manhattan. Both accusers were young, black people who made purchases for relatively large sums using legitimate debit cards, but were still questioned (and in one instance detained in a holding cell) by plain-clothed police officers. Unflattering headlines, countless blog posts and at least one online petition demanded that Jay Z rip apart his contract with Barneys and stand firm with (continued on page 5)

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MCJ STAFF: Classified Advertising Patricia O’Flynn -Pattillo Jimmy V. Johnson, Sales Rep. Publisher, CEO Joan Hollingsworth, Sales Rep. Robert J. Thomas CONTRIBUTING WRITERS: Assoc. Publisher Taki S. Raton, Todd Thomas, Vice Pres. Rev. Roxanne Cardenas, Mikel Holt, Assoc. Publisher Troy A. Sparks, Thomas E. Mitchell, Jr., Editor Sports Editor Kia Marie Green, Mang. Editor PHOTOGRAPHER: Yvonne Kemp Teretha Martin, Technical Consultant/Billing Dept./ Publisher’s Admin. Assist. Colleen Newsom, Opinion and comments expressed on the Perspectives page do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher or management of the MCJ. Letters and “other perspectives” are accepted but may be edited for content and length.

The Milwaukee Community Journal October 30, 2013 Page 3



W h a t

Y o u

S h o u l d

K n o w

A b o u t

A p p l y i n g

Information for this special page courtesy of the United States Department of Health and Human Services

Get Ready to Enroll in “The Marketplace”

On October 1, Americans started applying and enrolling in health coverage Through the Marketplace, you can apply, compare all your options, and find out through the Health Insurance “Marketplace” at Health coverage if you can get lower costs on monthly premiums or get free or low-cost coverage. When you’re re ready to enroll, you’ll decide how you pay your premiums or get starts as early as January 1, 2014, and open enrollment ends on March 31, 2014. The purpose of this special page in your Community Journal is to help education help signing up for Medicaid or CHIP if you’re eligible. Before open enrollment begins, you can explore your options, prepare to apply, and inform you about the Marketplace, the new health care frontier provided by and sign up for Marketplace updates. the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

Things to Think About When Choosing a Health Plan

Explore your options if you have job-based health insurance you like, you can keep it. You may be able to change to Marketplace coverage if you want to. You can ask your employer if it plans to offer health insurance. If not, you may need to get insurance through the Marketplace or from other sources in 2014. If you don’t have coverage, you may have to pay a fee.

The Health Insurance Marketplace will offer different types of health plans to meet a variety of needs and budgets. You’ll get a clear picture of what premiums you’d pay and what benefits and protections you’d get before you enroll. Compare plans based on what’s important to you, and choose the combination of price and coverage that fits your needs and budget. As you shop for a plan, here are some things you should know:

When you visit, you can find out if your state runs its own Marketplace. If it does, you’ll use its website instead of to apply, compare your options, and enroll in coverage. If you run a small business, you can go to the Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP) Marketplace to find out about providing coverage for your employees. If you have Medicare, you’re already covered and don’t need to make any changes.

Prepare to apply The Marketplace offers different types of health plans to meet a variety of needs and budgets. You’ll need to figure out how much you want to spend on health coverage each month. Most people using the Marketplace will qualify to save money. To find out how much you’re eligible for when you apply, it will help to have these things close by: • Social Security numbers (or document numbers for legal immigrants) • Birth dates • Pay stubs, W-2 forms, or “Wage and Tax Statements” • Policy numbers for any current health insurance • Information about any health insurance you or your family could get from your jobs

All plans in the Marketplace offer the same set of essential health benefits These are many of the benefits that people need when getting care. They cover things like doctor’s visits, prescriptions, hospitalizations, pregnancy and more.

How the New Marketplace Works

Marketplace resources to help you now There are resources available right now to help you learn about types of health coverage, research your questions, and get ready to choose a health plan that gives you the right balance of costs and coverage.

Plans are put into four (4) categories When you compare plans in the Marketplace, they’re put into four categories based on how you and the plan can expect to share the costs for health care:

• Visit (locally, and subscribe to learn about key dates, news, and updates; or chat online with a Marketplace Call Center representative. • Call the Marketplace Call Center at 1-800-3182596. TTY users should call 1-855-889-4325. • Like

Shared Responsibility Provision Q&A

Q: Will any individual who enrolls in coverage through the Marketplace by the end of the open enrollment period for 2014 have to make a shared responsibility payment in 2015 for the months prior to the effective date of the individual’s coverage? A: Starting in 2014, the individual shared responsibility provision requires each individual to maintain health coverage (known as minimum essential coverage), qualify for an exemption from the requirement to maintain minimum essential coverage, or make a shared responsibility payment when filing a federal income tax return. To help make coverage affordable for millions of individuals and families, the Affordable Care Act provides, among other things, a premium tax credit to eligible individuals and families to help pay for the cost of health insurance coverage purchased through Health Insurance Marketplaces. The shared responsibility payment generally applies to people who have access to affordable coverage during a taxable year but who choose to spend a substantial portion of that year uninsured. The Affordable Care Act gives the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) the authority to establish hardship exemptions from the shared responsibility payment for individuals who “have suffered a hardship with respect to the capability to obtain coverage under a qualified health plan [QHP].”1 Under this authority, HHS has enumerated several situations that constitute such a hardship.2 Furthermore, the Affordable Care Act provides the Secretary of HHS the authority to determine the initial open enrollment period for individuals to enroll in coverage through the Marketplaces for 2014.3 Pursuant to this authority, the final rule entitled “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act; Establishment of Exchanges and Qualified Health Plans; Exchange Standards for Employers” and published on March 27, 2012, at 45 CFR 155.410(b) (“Exchange Final Rule”) specifies that the initial open enrollment period for individuals begins on October 1, 2013, and extends into 2014. The Exchange Final Rule also provides the coverage effective dates for individuals enrolling in coverage through the Marketplaces during the initial open enrollment period.4 For plan selections made between the 1st and the 15th of a given month, the coverage effective date is the first day of the immediately following month, and for plan selections made between the 16th and end of a given month, the coverage effective date is the first day of the second following month. To ensure that the shared responsibility payment generally applies only to the limited group of people who have access to affordable coverage during a year but who nonetheless choose to spend a substantial portion of that year uninsured, the Affordable Care Act provides nine statutory exemptions relating to the individual shared responsibility provision within the Internal Revenue Code.5 The short coverage gap exemption specifies that an individual is exempt for “[any] month the last day of which occurred during a period in which the applicable individual was not covered by minimum essential coverage for a continuous period of less than 3 months.”6 The length of the initial open enrollment period and the coverage effective dates, in tandem with the terms of the short coverage gap exemption, created the possibility that an individual who enrolled in coverage through a Marketplace during the initial open enrollment period could nonetheless be liable for a shared responsibility payment for months prior to the effective date of that coverage, if the individual were not otherwise exempt. More specifically, under this structure, an individual who enrolls between February 16, 2014 and the close of the initial open enrollment period will have coverage effective as of April 1 or later. As a result, such an individual would not be eligible for the short coverage gap exemption, which applies only when the coverage gap is less than (but not equal to) 3 months. HHS recognizes that the duration of the initial open enrollment period implies that individuals have until the end of the initial open enrollment period to enroll in coverage through the new Marketplaces while avoiding liability for the shared responsibility payment. Yet, unless a hardship exemption is established, individuals who purchase insurance through the Marketplaces towards the end of the initial open enrollment period could be required to make a shared responsibility payment when filing their federal income tax returns in 2015. HHS has determined that it would be unfair to require individuals in this situation to make a payment. Accordingly, HHS is exercising its authority to establish an additional hardship exemption in order to provide relief for individuals in this situation.

Plans can offer other benefits, like vision, dental or medical management programs for a specific disease or condition. Hoever, specific benefits may be different in each state. Even within the same state, there can be small differences between plans. As you compare plans, you’ll see what benefits each plan covers. This will be helpful if you have specific health care needs.

1. Bronze 2. Silver 3. Gold 4. Platinum

Where to sign up for Health Insurance

Black Health Coalition of Wisconsin 3020 W. Vliet Street (414) 933-0064 Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.- 5 p.m.

Legal Action of Wisconsin, Inc. 230 W. Wells Street, Room 800 (414) 274-3455 Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Spanish language assistance available

Central Library Computer Training Lab, second floor 814 W. Wisconsin Avenue (414) 286-8620 (City of Milwaukee Health Dept.) Wednesdays until March 26, 2014 3-5:30 p.m.

Lisbon Avenue Health Center 3522 W. Lisbon Avenue (414) 935-8000 Monday-Thursday, 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Department of Health Services (DHS) Milwaukee Enrollment Services (MilES) 1220 W. Vliet Street 1-(888)-947-6583 Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m.- 5 p.m.

Northwest Health Center 7630 W. Mill Road (414) 286-8620 Mon., Tues., third Thursdays and Fri., 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Tuesday and all other Thursdays, 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Hillside Family Health Center 1452 N. 7th Street, second floor (414) 935-8000 Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.- 5 p.m.

Outreach Community Health Centers Outpatient Clinic 210 W. Capitol Drive (414) 727-6320 Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Keenan Health Center 3200 N. 36th Street (414) 286-8620 Mon., Wed., and Fri., 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. third Thursdays, 12 p.m.- 6 p.m. All other Thursdays, 12 p.m.- 4 p.m.

Southside Health Center 1639 South 23rd Street (414) 286-8620 Monday, 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. Tues., Wed., and Fri., 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Thursday, 8 a.m. - 5:45 p.m.

The category you choose affects how much your premium costs each month and what portion of the bill you pay for things like hospital visits or prescriptions. It also affects your total out-of-pocket costs--the total amount you’ll spend for the year if you need lots of care. The categories don’t reflect the quality or amount of care the plans provide. Balancing monthly premiums with out-of-pocket costs As with all health plans, you’ll have to pay a monthly premium. But it’s also important to know how much you have to pay out-of-pocket for services when you get care. • Premiums are usually higher for plans that pay more of your out-of-pocket medical costs when you get care. For example, if you have a Gold plan, you’ll likely pay a higher premium, but may have lower costs when you go to the doctor or use another medical service. • With a Bronze plan, you’ll likely pay a lower premium, but pay a higher share of the costs when you get care. • Platinum plans will likely have the highest monthly premiums and lowest out-of-pocket costs. The plans will pay more of the costs if you need a lot of medical care. In general, when choosing your health plan keep this in mind: The lower the premium, the higher the out-ofpocket costs. The higher the premium, the lower the out-of-pocket costs. Do you expect a lot of doctor visits or need regular prescriptions? If you do, you may want a Gold or Platinum plan. They likely have higher premiums, but you could pay lower out-of-pocket costs for each visit, prescription, or other medical service. If you don’t, you may prefer a Bronze or Silver plan. Your monthly premiums will likely be lower, but you’ll likely pay more of the cost when you see a doctor. You may be able to get lower costs on your health coverage After you fill out a Marketplace application, you’ll learn if you’re eligible for lower costs on your monthly premiums. Learn more about how to get lower costs in the Marketplace at


The Milwaukee Community Journal October 30, 2013 Page 4

FIRST PERSON By Latasha Jones

Yeshua or Jesus?

The name ‘Jesus’ is a greek translation of the Hebrew name for Jesus. The Hebrew name for Jesus is Yeshua. Jesus means Yeshua. Therefore, whether you call him by his Hebrew name Yeshua, or by his Greek name Jesus, he is the same. Let’s say your English name is Keyshawn. Your Greek name will not be Keyshawn, it will be something different. It will be a greek translation of Keyshawn. Just like Jesus is a greek translation of Yeshua. So whether you say Jesus or whether you say Yeshua, God knows whom you are referring to. But many people are claiming that ‘Jesus’ is a false pagan god. In so doing, they are attempting to do away with the New Testament, particularily the gospels. What they don’t realize is that their actions are yet another form of the anti-christ schemes that are popping up everywhere. 1Timothy 4:6 says: ‘Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the last days, some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils’. To denounce the name of Jesus is to denounce the name of Yeshua, because they are the same person. To be antichrist means you are anti-Yeshua. Yeshua is the Jesus of the New Testament. Yeshua died on a cross for your sins. If you accept Yeshua as your Lord

and savior and repent and turn from your wicked ways, you will go to heaven, not hell. John 3:16 ‘For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish (hell) but have everlasting life (in heaven)’. Romans 3:23 ‘For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God, being justified by his grace through the redemption that is in Jesus (Yeshua), whom God hath set forth to be a propitiaton through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forebearance of God’. It is by the blood of Jesus/Yeshua that we are saved from eternity in hell. Romans 10:9 ‘That if you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus(Yeshua) and shall believe in your heart that God have raised him from the dead, you shall be saved’. Therefore, whether you call him by his Hebrew name Yeshua, or by his Greek name Jesus, he is the same. Let’s say your English name is Keyshawn. Your Greek name will not be Keyshawn, it will be something different. It will be a greek translation of Keyshawn. Just like Jesus is a greek translation of Yeshua.

“God didn’t promise days without Pain, laughter without Sorrow, nor sun without Rain; but he did promise Strength for the day, Comfort for the tears, and Light for their way.” For publication in the Milwaukee Community Journal, send your religious announcements to Notices must be received at least two weeks prior to your event for publication consideration. BIG, BEAUTIFUL & BLESSED Big, Beautiful & Blessed will host their Premier event, (free and open to the public) the release of the 2014 Big Beautiful & Blessed 12-Month Calendar, launched by a fashion show, highlighting local plus-sized women – at the El-Bethel Church of God in Christ, November 3rd, 2013 from 4pm to 7pm, 5401 West Good Hope. Big, Beautiful & Blessed Supports Teen Girls and Women. The new Milwaukee group provides assistance to teen girls and women with weighty issues of creating stronger self-esteem, healthy living and empowerment. Recognize beautiful women, from all over the Metropolitan Milwaukee Area, as they share their faith testimonies in the 2014 Calendar, which can be reserved immediately. Visit the website, or email Laneice McGee ( for further information. HARVEST TIME EVENT Shared Knowledge Is Power Ministries, Inc. will host a special harvest time ministry event Saturday, Nov. 9 from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. at the Wisconsin African American Women’s Center, 3020 W. Vliet St. It’s harvest season and it’s time to put in more work and harvest souls for the Kingdom! The seeds we plant are the seeds we sow for Jesus! Matthew 9: 37 – 38 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Come out for spiritual knowledge, spirit filled power, food and some good old fashion fun! The event costs $10 and includes continental breakfast, silent auction and giveaways. For more information, contact the Rev. Ruby J. Brooks at St. Mark community bazaar St. Mark A.M.E. Church, 1616 W. Atkinson Ave., will host their annual community business bazaar on Saturday, November 9 from 9:00-3:00 p.m. Vendors will showcase for sale household items, jewelry, scarves, holiday decorations, homemade cookies, pies and cakes. Nothing would be more complete than a visit to the gift shop, complete your holiday shopping list with homemade canned jams and preserves. The annual community bazaar will also include a free health fair and screenings for blood pressure, blood sugar and BMI (Body Mass Index) and will include a presentation about the Affordable Health Care Plan. For more information visit our website at

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Services scheduled for November 4 to November 9, 2013 Spencer-Stubbs, Evangelist Brenda Age 59 yrs. October 15, 2013. Funeral services will be held on Monday 11AM at Abundant Faith Church of Integrity 6737 N. Teutonia Ave. Visitation Monday 10AM at the CHURCH until time of services. The family is served by: Northwest Funeral Chapel O'Bee, Ford & Frazier 6630 W. Hampton Ave. (414)462-6020 Cole, Ronald G. Age 72 yrs. October 16, 2013. Funeral services will be held on Tuesday 11AM. Visitation Tuesday 10AM until time of services at: Northwest Funeral Chapel O'Bee, Ford & Frazier 6630 W. Hampton Ave. (414)462-6020 Harris, Nellie M. (pictured at left) Age 83 yrs. October 17, 2013. Funeral services will be held on Saturday 11AM at Allen Ebenezer CME Church 2669 N. 19th St. Visitation Saturday 10AM at the CHURCH until time of services at: Northwest Funeral Chapel O'Bee, Ford & Frazier 6630 W. Hampton Ave. (414)462-6020 Malone, Irene Age 81 yrs. October 17, 2013. Funeral services will be held on Saturday 11AM at Community Baptist Church 2249 N. Sherman Blvd. Instate Saturday 10AM at the CHURCH until time of services. Visitation Friday 3-7PM (Family will be receive guest from 6-7PM) at: Northwest Funeral Chapel O'Bee, Ford & Frazier 6630 W. Hampton Ave. (414)462-6020 Johnson, Sierra Age 13 yrs. October 16, 2013. Funeral services will be held on Friday 11AM at Canaan Baptist Church 2975 N. 11th St. Visitation Friday 10AM at the CHURCH until time of services. The family is served by: Northwest Funeral Chapel O'Bee, Ford & Frazier 6630 W. Hampton Ave. (414)462-6020 Armstrong, Ronald H. Age 55 yrs. October 17, 2013. Funeral services will be held on Friday 11AM. Visitation Friday 10AM until time of serv-

ices at: Northwest Funeral Chapel O'Bee, Ford & Frazier 6630 W. Hampton Ave. (414)462-6020 Triplett, Lena A. Age 77 yrs. October 17, 2013. Funeral services will be held on Thursday 11AM. Visitation Thursday 10AM until time of services at: Northwest Funeral Chapel O'Bee, Ford & Frazier 6630 W. Hampton Ave. (414) 462-6020 Smith, Zyamere M. Age 4 months. October 17, 2013. Funeral Thursday 1pm. Visitation Thursday 12noon at: Northwest Funeral Chapel O'Bee , Ford & Frazier 6630 W. Hampton Ave. 414-462-6020 Kiff, Elliott Age 66 yrs. October 19, 2013. Funeral services will be held on Friday, November 8 at 11AM. Visitation Friday 10AM until time of services at: Northwest Funeral Chapel O'Bee, Ford & Frazier 6630 W. Hampton Ave. (414)462-6020 Jones, Mabel Age 78 yrs. October 29, 2013. Beloved mother of Henry Jr.(Melda) Jones, Tony(Sylvia)Jones, Maurice Jones and Kenny Jones. Loving sister of Henderson King. Also survived by 3 grandchildren and a host of other loving relatives and friends. Funeral services will be held on Saturday 11AM at Wisconsin Memorial Park "Chapel of Chimes" 13235 W. Capitol Dr. Visitation Saturday 10AM at the "Chapel of Chimes" until time of services. The family is served by: Northwest Funeral Chapel O'Bee, Ford & Frazier 6630 W. Hampton Ave. (414)462-6020 Brookens, Ruthia M Age 85 yrs. October 26, 2013. Funeral services will be held on Saturday 11AM at St. Mark AME Church 1616 W. Atkinson Ave. Visitation Saturday 10AM at the CHURCH until time of services. The family is served by: Northwest Funeral Chapel O'Bee, Ford & Frazier 6630 W. Hampton Ave. (414)462-6020

Families served by:

Northwest Funeral Chapel O’Bee, Ford & Frazier

Milwaukee 6630 W. Hampton Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53218 Telephone: (414) 462-6020 Fax: (414) 462-9937

Racine 800 Barker St. Racine, WI 53402 Telephone: (262) 637-6400 Fax: (262) 637-6416

The Milwaukee Community Journal October 30, 2013 Page 5

Why racial profiling shoppers is ineffective, immoral

Bowen Holds Fundraiser at Coffee Makes U Black Cafe

Tenth District Milwaukee County Supervisor David Bowen held a “Champions for Change” fundraiser recently at Coffee Makes U Black Cafe, 2803 N. Teutonia Ave. During the event, which drew many notable individuals in politics and business, Bowen talked about his efforts to improve conditions in the district and the county overall, which includes leveling the playing field for disadvantaged businesses, the House of Corrections and the Affordable Care Act. (Photos by Yvonne Kemp)

Support for death penalty at 40-year low, poll reveals

(continued from page 1) percent backed them. Perhaps not surprisingly, Republicans overwhelming support the death penalty at 81 percent. Independents match the national average at 60 percent approval. While Democrats are the least enthusiastic at 47 percent. Also, Americans by only a relatively close margin believe the death penalty is applied fairly. Fifty-two percent say yes and 40 percent say no. Meanwhile, 44 percent of the country says the death

penalty is not imposed enough, 26 percent say its used the right amount, and 22 percent say it’s used too often. What do these results mean? According to Gallup, “18 states do not allow the death penalty, and six of those bans have occurred since 2006.” Their findings suggest that the anti-death penalty trend is continuing to pick up steam and “could be part of a broader shift to more politically liberal positions on social issues, including legal gay marriage and legal marijuana use.”

(continued from page 3) the two young people behind the latest racial profile allegations. After a few days, Jay Z released a statement, but that statement still left his detractors wanting more. In the statement, he said he wanted everyone to know that he will not earn a penny from the Barneys deal. Percentages of the proceeds will go to his Shawn Carter Foundation to assist with college scholarships. He also said that “he moves and speaks based on facts not emotion” and that he is simply waiting for more facts to emerge before making any final decisions. He noted that he himself has been a victim of racial profiling and empathizes with anyone who has endured that. Representatives from Barneys will be meeting with community leaders this week, so perhaps Jay Z will have all the facts he needs decide what to do with his Barneys contract. My guess would be that Barneys will issue a carefully worded statement (that will not admit guilt) noting that they are reviewing security procedures, employee training and their relationship with the NYPD and as a show of good faith, they will be donating X amount of dollars to a civil rights organization or two. The headlines will fade away, updates on the cases might pop up months later, racial profiling will still exist and everyone can go back to making money. Jay Z is not a rapping Malcolm X and there is no reason to expect him to be that. Sure he has donated to politics and he turned his back on a brand he used to shout out for free after it turned its back on him, but let’s not forget who we are talking about here. This is the man who in the midst of a public tiff with activist/legend/entertainer Harry Belafonte, said that his presence is charity. It would be great if a former-drug-dealing, public-housing-living black man who became a multi-millionaire entertainer and legitimate businessman used his influence and newly acquired wealth to chip away at institutional racism and point out the layers and intersections of discrimination that create incidents of racial profiling. To his credit, Jay Z is a smart guy who has poured money into various worthy causes, but do we really expect him to be a civil rights activist? It would be nice if he were an ardent civil rights activist

“It would be great if a former-drugdealing, public-housing-living black man who became a multi-millionaire entertainer and legitimate businessman used his influence and newly acquired wealth to chip away at institutional racism and point out the layers and intersections of discrimination that create incidents of racial profiling.”

(continued from page 2) ponytail has shoplifted in this store, too? “Are you asking everybody that fits that description to leave your store?” Probably not, because I recall a certain “waspy” friend of mine who marveled about how she always got her favorite hair accessories at J.Crew via just picking the ones she wanted, and wearing them out of the store. Another white, female friend of mine who shopped (and shoplifted) a great deal at J.Crew. each spring would dutifully go to the Washington, D.C. flagship store on M Street, put on upwards of five swimsuits under her street clothes, and walk right out of the door. No police officer accosted her after leaving, as happened to Trayon Christian after legally paying for his item. (TheGrio has reached out to J.Crew for comment on these allegations, but calls were not returned by publication time.) Yes, there was the time in 2001 when Winona Ryder got caught trying to head for her car with upwards of $5,000 of unpurchased designer merchandise. But would her black, female counterpart have even gotten that far? Retailers are not assuming that white Americans could be sticky-fingered, clepto-boosters at the rate that they are making that assumption about me and people that look like me. Solutions to avoid racial profiling in shops And that my friends, is the issue: people of all colors steal — but only some of us are made to carry the stigma associated with doing so. And these stigmata carry over into our broader lives. We often unfairly wear these stigmata of dishonesty and untrustworthiness in the classroom, boardroom, and (most frighteningly) within the courtroom. Too often, we are deemed guilty of lies and deceit before any substantiated evidence would indicate so. What’s the answer? To retailers I offer: train employees to monitor all shoppers for suspicious behavior, because those who are successful career shoplifters rarely fit the outmoded profiles of troubled teens of color. Yes, this means that you are going to have to accuse white women (and men) of shoplifting more often. But trust: if they are shoplifting and caught on camera, they are prosecutable. Their tears and indignation will not absolve them of their crimes. A few of these arrests will send a strong message to those thinking about shoplifting from your store, and you will in turn see less shoplifters of any color trying their tricks. To people of color I offer: DO NOT SHOPLIFT. Not only are you putting yourself at risk of incurring the sort of criminal record that makes it incredibly difficult to secure full-time employment, you are also making it difficult for those of us people of color who don’t shoplift

to merely live our day-to-day lives. It’s a lose-lose situation. Unfortunately, as Trayon Christian’s story shows, as a group we don’t have the luxury of taking silly risks for minor thrills that members of other groups enjoy. I will also add that we can and should utilize digital recording devices to our advantage when dealing with the phenomenon of profiling. In other words, pull out that camera phone. The moment you are asked to have your bag searched, or are told that you look suspicious, pull out your phone and start recording. Ask probative questions such as, “What exactly indicates to you that I am stealing?” and “Do you have a sign that clearly states that you have the right to the check bags of all who enter this store?” Ask, “I didn’t set off an alarm, but that person did. Are you going to search his/her bag as well?” Record all of this for two reasons. One, retail associates are less likely to compromise your rights when they know that they are being recorded. And two, if they do, having the entire experience video-documented may provide you with the grounds for successful legal action. An incentive for racial soul-searching What happened to Trayon Christian has been described on social media as “shopping while black,” echoing the familiar phenomenon many African-Americans experience when getting stopped while driving by police for no other reason than having a nice car. The police in these instances cannot conceive that a black person can afford that automobile without being a drug dealer, just as the police and Barneys associate in Christian’s case could not comprehend that he possessed $350 to buy a belt. Well, times have changed, and so must people’s perspectives. Just as there are white and other non-black thieves and criminals, there are of course millions of African-Americans with the means and right to possess objects of quality. It is a violation of our rights to project criminality onto those persons because their “type” does not fit a sadly persistent stereotype. One begins to wonder: From Trayon Christian, to Forest Whitaker, who was wrongfully accused of shoplifting on the Upper West Side of Manhattan – among the countless others who continue to meet undue criminalization through profiling — when will American communities will wake up and take an active role in assessing the insidious ways in which racism still operates so actively in our lives? Those of us who bare the burden of these injustices have been rendered wide awake regardless of whether we want to be. We must commit ourselves to sounding the alarms that will shake the rest of the nation out of its complicit slumber.

Is Jay Z being hypocritical with his Barneys deal?

— music is very powerful after all — but let’s hand the torch to someone who wants it, can’t get rid of it, feels compelled to hold it. However, informing someone of the obvious is important, too. Sometimes people forget what life was like before the invisible shield of an overflowing bank account kept out some of life’s everyday insults. Why would you patronize a company whose actions seem to suggest it wants the money from, but not the presence of, people who look like you? Conducting business via multi-million dollar contracts or $25 keychains or $2 pizza slices to businesses with such practices is insane. Yet so many of us do just that. Almost every adult of color I know has been racially profiled whether it was at Barneys, a bodega or a bookstore. Reactions to such treatment vary. Sometimes there’s a one-person boycott (which is usually temporary) or a strongly worded letter to management or a social media rant or the most common—nothing more than a story to add to the frequent conversations about racial profiling incidents. It’s no secret that many retailers, big and small, utilize racial profiling. Whether you are a famous actor like Forest Whitaker or Rob Brown, who both endured racial profiling this year in separate incidents, or if you are one of the nameless many who go through it on a regular basis— racial profiling is rampant. Is boycotting every establishment the answer? Do we force celebrities to cut ties with every company with known/suspected cases? How do we move forward?

Construction bid information provided during AACC “Members Only” event

Dr. Eve Hall, president and CEO of the African American Chamber of Commerce discusses Milwaukee’s upcomiing construction projects and how to prepare for bid opportunities with members of the AACC during a Member’s Forum at its office located at 660 W. Mason St. (at the northwest corner of East Mason St. and North Van Buren St.) Information was also shared related to construction and professional service contract opportunities will be discussed for upcoming projects. Following the meeting was a tour of the new Northwestern Mutual Van Burean Office Building. The tour was hosted by Northwestern Mutual and the forum was hosted by Mortenson Construction. (Photo by Yvonne Kemp)


The Milwaukee Community Journal October 30, 2013 Page 6

UW-Milwaukee Scholarship program helps students afford a great education

Pictured from left to right: Alethia Tilford; Gary Miller, Serve Marketing; Diana Gutierrez; Bevan K. Baker, Commissioner of Health; Valeria Muñoz; Brett Fuller, Milwaukee Public Schools; and Nicole Angresano, United Way of Greater Milwaukee

Teen Birth Rate for Blacks in city Drops 55 Percent in Six Years Dramatic drop led to an overall 50 percent decrease

In early 2008, Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, United Way of Greater Milwaukee, the City of Milwaukee Health Department, and the Center for Urban Population Health set an ambitious goal: To reduce the teen birth rate in the city of Milwaukee 46 percent by 2015. On October 23, 2013, Mayor Barrett and the city’s Teen Pregnancy Prevention Initiative, led by United Way, announced that it has met – and surpassed – its goal, three years early. “What these rates mean today is that fewer young women in Milwaukee are getting pregnant and more teens are going to have a better chance of finishing high school and achieving their life goals,” said Commissioner of Health Bevan K. Baker, co-chair of the United Way of Greater Milwaukee Teen Pregnancy Prevention Oversight Committee alongside Elizabeth Brenner, president and publisher of the Milwaukee

Journal Sentinel. For the sixth year in a row Milwaukee has recorded a decrease in the teen birth rate. City of Milwaukee Health Department data show that in 2012 there were 25.7 births per 1,000 females ages 15 to 17, a decrease from 52.0 in 2006. The 2012 rate bested the 2015 goal of 30 births per 1,000 females ages 15 to 17. Compared to 2006, the 2012 birth rate for 15- to 17-year-olds in Milwaukee has dropped by 50 percent overall, by 55 percent for Blacks, by 56 percent for Hispanics, and by 47 percent for Whites. Although Hispanic girls and Black girls remain three to four times more likely than White girls to give birth as teens, 2012 showed significant declines in both the Hispanic and the Black groups. A particularly bright spot in the trends is the teen pregnancy rate for Black 15- to 17-year-olds in Milwaukee, which decreased by a remarkable 31 percent from 2011 to 2012. The City’s decline in teen preg-


The Green Bay Packers will host a Youth Football Outreach Camp on Friday, Nov. 1 for students at Brown Deer Elementary School in Brown Deer, Wis. Approximately 300 kids are scheduled to participate. The Green Bay Packers Youth Football Outreach Camp program, coordinated in conjunction with the NFL Play 60 program, is complimentary and provides boys and girls the opportunity to test their football skills in various drills and obstacle courses. Participants rotate through five drill stations (a relay race, kicking a ball, throwing a pass, leaping for a catch, and diving for a touchdown) that last approximately 45 minutes. The NFL PLAY 60 campaign is designed to tackle childhood obesity by getting kids active through in-school, afterschool, and team-based programs.


nancy rates is proceeding at a more rapid rate than the decline nationally, according to the latest figures available. Between 2009 and 2010, the national 15- to 17-year-old teen birth rate decreased 11.7 percent; during that same period, Milwaukee’s rate decreased 13.2 percent. “This news is about so much more than a number,” said Nicole Angresano, vice president of community impact at United Way of Greater Milwaukee. “This number represents all the young people who have chosen to forgo parenthood until adulthood. The decline is attributed to the continuation of an unprecedented, allhands-on-deck approach adopted by the Milwaukee community since the goal of 30 births per 1,000 by 2015 was set. The effort is led by the United Way of Greater Milwaukee’s Teen Pregnancy Prevention Initiative, which brought together a diverse collaborative of community stakeholders that included local businesses, media outlets, health care providers, Milwaukee Public Schools, and communityand faith-based organizations. Cutline: Members of the United Way led Teen Pregnancy Prevention Initiative gather to celebrate the announcement.


Keyimani West discussing financial aid with

eyimani Alford took a work study job to help pay for his university education, and it turned into a career.

“I enjoy the interaction with the students and their families, helping them with the logistics of getting financial aid,” says Alford, who is now an assistant director in the Department of Financial Aid, Student Employment and Military Education Benefits at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.

Maria Solis received financial aid for college that turned her life in a totally different direction. “I was from a low-income, first generation immigrant family, headed by a single parent and I didn’t have a stellar high school grade point average,” says Solis, assistant director of UWM’s scholarship program. A social worker helped her find a way to go to college. “College was an experience that changed my life. Because of that I wanted to help others see the value of post-secondary educa-

tion.” As the first in their own families to attend college, both Alford and Solis are deeply committed to helping students find the financial means to attend UWM. “The financial aid process is not as difficult as it may seem,” says Alford. “Being the first in your family to go to college can be a bigger barrier than finances,” adds Solis. Alford, born in California and raised in Milwaukee by his aunt, graduated from UWM with a criminal justice degree in 2002. He earned part of the money for his education through a three-year workstudy job as a peer advisor in the Department of Financial Aid, Student Employment, and Military Education Benefits. a student. He liked the work and the office so much that when he was offered a position as a full-time advisor after graduation, he was quick to accept. Counting his student years, he’s been with UWM’s Department of Financial Aid, Student Employment, and Military Education Benefits for nearly 15 years. Solis grew up in Waukesha, started college at UW-Whitewater, and graduated from Ottawa University. She worked in pre-college programs before coming to UWM for a position in multicultural recruitment. She joined the scholarship office because it was such a good fit with her passion to help students succeed. “It was a great opportunity to help students understand the college enrollment process and take advantage of the opportunities that exist for scholarships,” she says. Alford and Solis have a number of suggestions for students and parents planning for university finances. Since 80 percent of UWM students work, Alford advises students to look for an on-campus job first. “The schools and departments here know academics come first and they can be more flexible with the schedule than other employers.”

(continued on page 7)


the MCJ lifestyle & entertainment section


Sasha Fierce Code


Choices of Forgiveness

I show Pity verses I have Mercy I am Tolerant verses I Understand I will Pardon verses I will have Compassion I present with Moderation verses I have given Absolution I am Sorry verses I am Regretful I Recognize verses I Appreciate I Realize verses I am Conscious I will Try verses I will Make it Happen

I am no longer Restricted verses I have Released I have Let Go verses I am Liberated I am Available verses I am Open I am not Narrow Minded verses I am Free I Except verses I FORGIVE Zelda Corona

Please Forgive Me…

If I have hurt anyone unknowinglyThe times that I harbored a grudgeWhen I kept on talking too muchWhen I did not listen enoughThose times when I “mean mugged” folks and I should have been smiling insteadAll those times I did not love back… Because somebody already broke my heartFor being a heartbreakerWhen I overreacted to small thingsIf I took certain situations for grantedFor being impatient-

eyoncé Knowles, also known as Mrs. Carter (she is married to rapper Jay-Z--real name Shawn Carter), is arguably the most famous woman in contemporary music, as well as one of the highest paid artists.

The times that I strayed and did not prayFor not calling those I love moreFor letting people that hated on me, preyed upon me, get the better of mePlease forgive me...For not forgiving Sonya. Sonya Marie Bowman


We always hear someone say, “LIFE IS TOO SHORT………….” And we all add what we feel is a NEED at that time in our lives to finish off this statement. There is a lot going on around the world and in our personal lives where some of us are bit cloudy on what Our Needs are. God helps to maintain our focus if you call upon Him. I would like to share a short list of Needs In Life for me at this time – I will start with: LIFE IS TOO SHORT………….TO PROCRASTINATE LIFE IS TOO SHORT…………………………………….TO SUCCUMB TO NEGAVITY LIFE IS TOO SHORT………………………………………………TO STAY IN ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT LIFE IS TOO SHORT……………………………………………………..TO DWELL ON THE PAST LIFE IS TOO SHORT………………………………..TO NOT FORGIVE I would love for you to share and/or make a list of your NEEDS IN LIFE at this time – let’s do some soul searching and let’s be serious about this. ALWAYS KEEPING IT SIMPLE, Tara R. Pulley

UWM Scholarship program

(continued from page 6)

Military education benefits can also help some students. UWM has the largest population of student veterans in Wisconsin, and the Military Education Benefits Office can help students apply those benefits to further their education. Incoming students are rightfully concerned about loan debt, says Alford. If student loans are necessary, he advises them: “Don’t borrow money that you don’t have to, and budget your money.” UWM offers a Financial Literacy 101 course to help make students smart borrowers. “I’d encourage all students to attend that,” says Alford, “because it will help them with their life overall.” Students shouldn’t overlook scholarships, says Solis. In 2012-13, the university awarded $3.7 million worth of scholarships. UWM has numerous scholarships available through the university and individual departments. “That’s a lot of money,” says Solis. Her advice to high school

students looking to earn some of it: “Do well academically and be involved at your school and in the community.” It’s normal for first-generation students to worry about how they’ll afford college, or if they’ll have enough academic support, says Alford. “But we have great structures in place on the UWM campus to help students succeed. If they really want a university degree, it’s achievable.” And for those students who graduate and are successful, Solis reminds them to do as she does and encourage other students, students who were like them, with words of support and donations to scholarship funds when possible. “There’s no better gift you can give than the gift of education.” For more information, visit or Follow UWM on or Veterans and their dependents can email or visit

Trayvon’s mom wants Clarification of ‘Stand Your Ground’ laws

(continued from page 1) policies that defend gun owners’ rights. In the shadow of the 2014 midterm elections, Illinois Democrat Dick Durbin called two panels of witnesses to the hearing room Tuesday to air the issue. Also testifying were Rep. Louie Gohmert, a Texas Republican and a staunch supporter of stand-your-ground laws, and Lucia Holman McBath. McBath is the mother of Jordan Russell Davis, the 17year old killed nearly a year ago when Michael David Dunn, 46, allegedly opened fire on a Dodge Durango with four teenagers inside after complaining of their loud music and saying he saw a gun. Authorities never found a gun in the vehicle, the Florida Times-Union reported. “That man was empowered by the ‘stand your ground’ statute,” McBath said in prepared testimony. “I am here to tell you there was no ground to stand. There was no threat. No one was trying to invade his home, his vehicle, nor threatened him or his family.” Dunn’s trial has been delayed until next year, according

to the newspaper. According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, 22 states have laws that allow that “there is no duty to retreat (from) an attacker in any place in which one is lawfully present.” The states are Alabama, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah and West Virginia, according to the NCSL. At least nine of those state laws include language stating one may “stand his or her ground”: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania and South Carolina, according to the NCSL. Gun rights groups such as the National Rifle Association say “stand your ground” laws are about self-defense. “Self-defense is not a concept, it’s a fundamental human right,” said Chris W. Cox, executive director of the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action.

The Milwaukee Community Journal October 30, 2013 Page 7

Professionally active in the music industry since 1997 as the lead singer in the group Destiny’s Child--before going onto a massively successful solo career, Beyoncé’s marriage to Jay-Z makes her net worth $1 billion dollars while her net worth by herself is about $450 million dollars. Unbeknownest to many, something happened to Beyoncé during the time her solo album, “Dangerously In Love” was released. You’re probably asking yourself how did this attractive and talented young lady who began her music career like most popular singers--in a Houston church--become the subject of this recent installment of “Code Cuts”? And what does her marriage to Jay-Z have to do with what I’ve revealed about the mega-rapper and his music thus far? Let's explore this now and cut the codes. Being a part of one of the world's all-time best-selling girl groups created an obstacle for Beyoncé other artists wanting to break free of the group identity are faced with and few overcome: Could Beyoncé be able to stand alone? "I remember, right before I performed, I raised my hands up, and it was kind of the first time I felt something else come into me, recalled Beyonce during an interview in which she talked about her alter-ego, Sasha Fierce. “I knew that was going to be my coming out night" at the BET Awards, where she was to perform her hit, "Crazy In Love," which was released in 2003. As Beyoncé’s career took off and bloomed as a result of “Crazy In Love,” a transformation took place as the Rolling Stone mentioned in a 2004 cover story on the singing star titled: “A Woman Possessed--Beyonce is gripped by a spirit so powerful, it even has a name: Sasha!" As Beyoncé toured and created more music, talk of her 'alter ego' arose. Beyoncé began to get more lustful, passionate and consequently richer. In 2008, she not only married Jay-Z, she released an album titled: "I Am.... Sasha Fierce," where she explains the album had two sounds. "Sasha Fierce is the fun, more sen-

Sekhmet is illustrated as a lioness idol with a sun disc on her head who feasts on the blood of her enemies. Also known as the “guardian of mankind,” Sekhmet is among one of the oldest known Egyptian deities. Her name is derived from the Egyptian word "sekhem,” meaning "power" or "might.” The name "Sasha" itself literally means "Guardian of Mankind.”

sual, more aggressive, more outspoken side and more glamorous side that comes out when I'm working and when I'm on the stage," Beyonce said in a October 2008 interview with Marie Claire magazine. "I’ve created an alter ego. Things I do when performing I would never do normally. I reveal things about myself that I wouldn’t do in an interview. I have out-of-body experiences [on stage]. If I cut my leg, if I fall, I don’t even feel it. I’m so fearless! I’m not aware of my face or my body." Beyonce, Marie Claire interview, October 2008. In the magazine interview, Beyoncé seem to admit she become posessed when performing. But as the Bible states in James 1:8, "A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways." Man cannot serve two masters. It seems as though Beyoncé has made her choice, preferring to showcase a lifestyle of sin to her massive audience. As a consequence, she’s being driven deeper into darkness by her

love for her husband. How can two walk together unless they agree? Mr. and Mrs. Carter are often seen placing curses over all of their fans by holding their hands up in a pyramid framing their left eye to display the all-seeing eye of Horus, as illustrated by the symbol on the back of the One Dollar bill. In Egypt, pharaohs were considered gods, the direct descendants of the Sun-god Horus/Ra. The Eye of Horus is a reminder that Horus/Ra watches over mankind. The Eye of Horus also refers to an Egyptian spirit named "Sekhmet.” On a personal note, I personally saw and felt the power of Sekhmet via a Medium I knew who channeled this spirit through others. But thanks be to God for repentance through Jesus Christ. Sekhmet is illustrated as a lioness idol with a sun disc on her head who feasts on the blood of her enemies. Also known as the “guardian of mankind,” Sekhmet is among one of the oldest known Egyptian deities. Her name is derived from the Egyptian word "sekhem,” meaning "power" or "might.” According to legend, Sekhmet's very breath supposedly created the Sahara Desert. Interestingly, Sekhmet is also known as a “fierce” hunter. The name "Sasha" itself literally means "Guardian of Mankind.” Beyoncé knows about the occult, secret esoteric knowledge as coded in this image where “Sasha Fierce” has a breastplate that looks like devil horns and the goat of Menes, which is found in satanic pentagrams. Sasha is driven by the devil. As the Bible says in Ephesians 6:12: “...We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” I challenge you to do your own research and try to disprove the findings I’ve revealed in this article. As we have touched on the Jezebel spirit being fed to your young daughters and women, we will continue next week with Rihanna, followed by Young Money's Nicki Minaj. Until then, may the Most High bless you, keep you and protect you. Shalom.

The Milwaukee Community Journal October 30, 2013 Page 10

The Milwaukee Community Journal October 30, 2013 page 8

The Sports Page

How Jock Culture Supports Rape Culture By Dave Zirin

Your 14-year-old daughter is dumped on your freezing front lawn in a state of chemically induced incoherence with her shoes off and frost stuck in her hair. She tells you she was raped. You hear her 13-year-old best friend was also raped that same night. Your daughter is then bullied as a tape of the incident passes around her high school. You wait for the indictments and some semblance of justice, but they dissipate, as one of the accused is a football star from one of the area’s most prominent and politically connected families. The county prosecutor drops the charges, stating that your family is refusing to cooperate even though you are begging to be heard. Then it gets worse. You are fired from your job without warning and the violent threats against your family through social media increase. You have to pick up your family and leave town. After your departure, your house is burned to the ground. But you refuse to be intimidated. A public outcry develops, spurred by the decision of your family to come forward and speak out. Now, eighteen months after the incident, a special prosecutor is looking into the case. This is the story of Melinda Coleman, her daughter, Daisy, her friend Paige,

and Daisy Coleman's alleged rapist, Matthew Barnett, the grandson of a longtime member of Missouri’s House of Representatives. There are other young men as well who are under scrutiny: athlete Jordan Zech, who allegedly filmed the assaults, and a 15-year-old whose name we do not know—who admitted to police that 13-year-old Paige “said no” several times, yet he refused to stop. I do not know how Melinda Coleman has had the wherewithal to go public, be strong, and even have to serenity to say, in advance of a demonstration called for her family, “I do not condone violence in our defense I don’t want others terrorized as we have been.” I am amazed by the composure of the now 16-year-old Daisy Coleman, choosing to go public, standing up for herself and writing essays online where she shares: I sat alone in my room, most days, pondering the worth of my life.{… I burned and carved the ugly I saw into my arms, wrists, legs and anywhere I could find room. On Twitter and Facebook, I was called a skank and a liar and people encouraged me to kill myself. Twice, I did try to take my own life. Yet I am most stunned that here we are, six months after a similar case in Steubenville, Ohio, and still not talking openly about the connective tissue between jock culture and rape culture. According to the Campus Safety Magazine website, in their statistical analysis: College men who participated in aggressive sports (including football, basketball, wrestling and soccer) in high school used more sexual coercion (along with physical and psychological aggression) in their college dating relationships than men who had not. This group also scored higher on attitudinal measures thought to be associated with sexual coercion, such as sexism, acceptance of violence, hostility toward women and rape myth acceptance.

But forget the studies. The jock culture/rape culture dynamic should be obvious to anyone with any connection to organized sports. I saw it on the teams on which I played and I saw it on the team’s I’ve covered. I’ve heard the stories from athletes I’ve interviewed and from women with detailed descriptions of rape that go unpunished if someone with sports-related status is accused. I have seen it in the story of Lizzie Seeberg and the ways people still pretend that Notre Dame football is a bastion of morality. The fact is that too many young male athletes are taught to see women as the spoils of being a jock. These young men are treated like gods by the adults who are supposed to be mentoring them—like cash cows by administrators who use their on-field exploits to extract money from politicians and alums. No, I am not arguing that a majority of young men who play sports become people who engage in sexual assault. But hell, yes, I am arguing that in most male team sports, athletes are conditioned to look the other way if they see an assault about to take place. It is the exception when a teammate stands up at a party and says, “This cannot happen.” To take it even further, it is the exception, for anyone, male or female, at a jock party to do the same. The most distressing detail in the many articles I have read about Maryville was the story of a young girl at the high school who wore a homemade shirt when charges were not filed against Mr. Barnett. It read “Matt—1, Daisy— 0”. To her, it was a sports score, a pep rally and just a big game. It’s time to change the game. Jock culture left to its own devices is rape culture. If you are a coach or parent and not trying to intervene in this culture to teach young men not to rape, then you are doing everyone a grave disservice. Talk to other coaches. Bring in speakers. Seek out curriculum. Be someone who uses sports to actively build a movement against rape culture. To do nothing is to just ensure more Steubenvilles, more Torringtons and more Maryvilles to come.


In re the Marriage of: MERCEDES PINEDA, Confidential Location Milwaukee Wisconsin, Petitioner and TIMOTHY E KINGERY, 3766A E Martin Ave Cudahy, WI 53110 Respondent THE STATE OF WISCONSIN To the person named above as respondent: You are hereby notified that the petitioner named above has filed a petition for divorce against you. Within 45 days after the 14th day of October, 2012 exclusive of the date just stated, you must respond with a written demand for a copy of the petition. The demand must be sent or delivered to this Court, whose address is: Clerk of Circuit Court, Milwaukee County Courthouse, 901 N. 9th St., Milwaukee, WI 53233 and to Centro Legal the petitioner’s attorney, whose address is 614 W. National Ave., Floor 2, Milwaukee, WI 53204. You may have an attorney represent you. If you do not demand a copy within 45 days, the Court may grant a judgment against you for the award of money or other legal action requested in the petition, and you may lose your right to object to anything that is or may be incorrect in the petition. A judgment may be enforced as provided by law. Judgment awarding money may become a lien against any real estate you own now or in the future and may also be enforced by garnishment of wages or seizure of property. You are further hereby notified that if you or the petitioner have minor children, violation of the following criminal statute is punishable by a fine or imprisonment, or both: 948.31 Interference with custody by parent or others. If you and the petitioner have minor children, a document setting forth the percentage standard for child support established by the department of Workforce Development under Wis. Stat. 49.22(9) and listing the factors that a court may consider for modification of that standard under Wis. Stat. 767.511(1m) is available upon your request form the clerk of court. You are further hereby notified of the availability of information set forth in Wis. Stat. 767.105 from the office of family court commissioner. Dated: October 10, 2013 Centro Legal Attorneys for the Petitioner By: SAMANTHA KEGLEY LEVIHN State bar No. 1050410 013-171/10-23-30/11-6-2013 SUMMONS (PUBLICATION) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY NOTICE AND ORDER FOR NAME CHANGE HEARING Case No. 13CV009652 In the matter of the name change of: GWENDOLYN WASHINGTON NOTICE IS GIVEN: A petition was filed asking to change the name of the person listed above: From:GWENDOLYN WASHINGTONTo:GWENDOLYN FORD WASHINGTON Birth Certificate:GWENDOLYN FORD

IT IS ORDERED This petition will be heard in the Circuit Court of Milwaukee County, State of Wisconsin. Judge’s Name:HON. PAUL R VAN GRUNSVENROOM 404 PLACE: 901 N. 9th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 53233 DATE: November 21, 2013, TIME 9:00 A.M. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED: Notice of this hearing shall be given by publication as a Class 3 notice for three (3) weeks in a row prior to the date of the hearing in the Milwaukee Community Journal, a newspaper published in Milwaukee County, State of Wisconsin. Dated: 10-18-2013 BY THE COURT: PAUL R VAN GRUNSVEN Circuit Court Judge 013-173/10-23-30/11-6-2013

SUMMONS (PUBLICATION) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY DIVORCE-40101 Case No. 13FA003687 In Re: The marriage of CHRISTINA L BRASSELL, Petitionerand ANTHONY BRASSELL, Respondent THE STATE OF WISCONSIN, TO THE PERSON NAMED ABOVE AS RESPONDENT You are notified that the petitioner named above has filed a Petition for divorce or legal separation against you. You must respond with a written demand for a copy of the Petition within 40 days from the day after the first date of publication. The demand must be sent or delivered to the court at:Clerk of CourtMilwaukee County Courthouse 901 N. 9th St.ROOM 104 Milwaukee WI 53233and to CHRISTINA BRASSELL 2214 W Center St Milwaukee WI 53206 It is recommended, but not required, that you haveattorney help or represent you.

You are notified of the availability of information from the Circuit Court Commissioner as set forth in 767.105,Wis. Stats.

767.105 Information from Circuit Court Commissioner. (2) Upon the request of a party to an action affecting the family, including a revision of judgment or order under sec. 767.59 or 767.451: (a) The Circuit Court Commissioner shall, with or without charge provide the party with written information on the following, as appropriate to the action commenced: 1. The procedure for obtaining a judgment or order in the action. 2. The major issues usually addressed in such an action. 3. Community resources and family court counseling services available to assist the parties. 4. The procedure for setting modifying, and enforcing child support awards, or modifying and enforcing

legal custody or physical placement judgments or orders. (b) The Circuit Court Commissioner shall provide a party, for inspection or purchase with a copy of the statutory provisions in this chapter generally pertinent to the action. Date: 10-11-2013 By: CHRISTINA BRASSELL 013-166/10-16-23-30-2013 SUMMONS (PUBLICATION) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY WITH MINOR CHILDREN Case No.13FA006402 DIVORCE 40101


You are further notified that if the parties to this action have minor children, violation of 948.31, Wis. Stats., (Interference with custody by parent or others) is punishable by fines and/or imprisonment. If you and the petitioner have minor children, documents setting forth the percentage standard for child support established by the department under 49.22(9), Wis. Stats., and the factors that a court may consider for modification of that standard under 767.511(1m), Wis. Stats., are available upon your request from the Clerk of Court.

THE STATE OF WISCONSIN, to the person named above as respondent: You are notified that your spousehas filed a lawsuit or other legal action against you. The Petition, which is attached, states the nature and basis of the legal action. Within 20 days of receiving this Summons, you must provide a written response, as that term is used in Ch. 802, Wis. Stats., to the Petition. The Court may reject or disregard a response that does not follow the requirements of the statutes. The response must be sent or delivered to the following government office:Clerk of Court Milwaukee County901 North 9th StreetMilwaukee, Wisconsin 53233.

delivered within 20 days to the petitioner at the address above.

It is recommended, but not requiredthat you have an attorney help or represent you If youdo not provide a proper response within 20 days, the court may grant judgment against youand youmay lose your right to object to anything that is or maybe incorrect in the Petition. A judgment may be enforced as provided by law.A Judgment may become a lien against any real estate you own now or in the future and may also be enforced by garnishment or seizure of property. Dated: 9-25-2013 By: GEORGE TRAVIS BRITTAIN 013-168/10-16-23-30-2013

The response must also be mailed or OFFICIAL ADVERTISEMENT

PROPOSED MILWAUKEE COUNTY DAS-FM Projects for Advertisement for Bids Name of Project: ZABLOCKI PARK BASKETBALL AND TENNIS COURT RENOVATIONS Project No.: P129-11608-4, P129-11609-3 Bid Due Date: November 20, 2013 See Bid Documents for details Pre-Bid Meeting: November 6, 2013 BID DOCUMENTS FOR THE ABOVE PROJECT ARE AVAILABLE AT: CITY CAMPUS 2711 WEST WELLS STREET 2ND FL Milwaukee, WI 53208 For Further Information contact 414-278-4861 or

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If you do not demand a copy of the Petition within 45 days, the court may grant judgment against you for the award of money or other legal action requested in the Petition and you may lose your right to object anything that is or may be incorrect in the Petition. A judgment may be enforced as provided by law. A judgment awarding money may become a lien against any real estate you own now or in the future, and may also be enforced by garnishment or seizure of property.


Office of the Milwaukee Public Schools, DIVISION OF FACILITIES AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES, 1124 N. 11th St., Milwaukee, Wisconsin, October 28, 2013. Sealed proposals will be received at 1124 N. 11th St., directed to the attention of Ms. Gina M. Spang, P.E., Director of the Division of Facilities and Maintenance Services, pursuant to Section 119.52(3) Wisconsin Statutes, until Tuesday, November 19, 2013 at 1:30 P.M., in accordance with plans and specifications for the following work: All contractor(s) and subcontractor(s) are subject to the prevailing wage rates and hours of labor as prescribed by the Milwaukee Board of School Directors of the City of Milwaukee consistent with provisions of Section 66.0903 of the Wisconsin Statutes. BID GUARANTY TO ACCOMPANY BID: MPS Bid Bond, Certified or Cashier’s Check: 10% of Contractor’s Base Bid. 2014 ELEVATOR CYLINDER/PLUNGER REPLACEMENT Webster School 6850 N. 53rd Street Milwaukee, WI 53223 MPS Property No. 066 MPS Project No. 2718 The HUB requirements for this project are 0% The COIN requirements for this project are 0% The minimum Student Participation requirements for this project are: Paid Employment: 0 Hours Educational Activities: 0 Hours Deposit for Drawings and Specifications: $25.00 MAILING CHARGE: $35.00 The bidding documents may be obtained 7:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Monday through Friday from A/E Graphics, Inc., 4075 North 124th Street, Brookfield, WI 53005; phone (262) 7817744; fax (262) 781-4250. Call A/E Graphics for availability of bid documents for pick up. Plans and specifications will be loaned to a prospective bidder upon receipt of the deposit listed, which deposit will be returned upon surrender of the plans and specifications in good condition. Bid documents must be returned only to A/E Graphics, Inc. Plans and specifications may be examined at the Facilities and Maintenance Services’ office. Bid documents may not be examined at A/E Graphics, Inc.. Plans and specifications may also be viewed online at A/E Graphics, Inc. @ Each proposal shall be for a fixed lump sum. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids or to waive informalities. Upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to accommodate the needs of dis- abled individuals at the bid opening through sign language interpreters or other auxiliary aids. The following TDD number is available for the hearing impaired for questions prior to bid opening, 283-4611. GREGORY E. THORNTON, Ed.D, 10434857/10-28-29-11-5-12 Superintendent of Schools.

Dairy and Livestock Agent, with CALS Specialization (100%) Dodge County

Klemm Tank Lines, a highway subsidiary of the Kenan Advantage Group, is now seeking Mechanics out of Milwaukee, WI. There are many advantages to joining our team: Competitive pay, Excellent benefits, Paid vacations & holidays, 401 K with company match And so much more! Submit your resume to to apply!


This position represents a partnership between Dodge County and Cooperative Extension whereby 80% of the Dairy and Livestock Agent’s appointment will focus on Dodge County programming and 20% will focus on programming in affiliation with UW-Madison’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS). This 20% portion of the appointment is specifically intended to address more regional, state and/or organizational issues and needs. The specific affiliation of the 20% CALS specialization will be determined at the time of hire in collaboration with the UW-Madison CALS Department of Dairy Science, Department of Biological Systems Engineering or the UW-Madison CALS Center for Dairy Profitability, depending on the qualifications, skills and experience of the selected candidate. The responsibilities and expectations for this 20% will be more clearly defined at the time of hire. It is intended that the 20% CALS specialization will further the partners’ Extension mission and may include coordinating professional development for UW-Extension Agriculture Agents. It is further intended that this position will make connections with, and further the mission of the Arlington Agriculture Research Station. Some educational programming will also be directed toward Rock County dairy and livestock educational needs. As a faculty member of the University of Wisconsin-Extension, Cooperative Extension, the Dodge County Dairy and Livestock Agent is an educational leader in teaching, accessing and applying research findings from dairy and animal sciences, agricultural economics, environmental quality and natural resources. The Dairy and Livestock Agent takes a scholarly approach in integrating concerns and issues identified at the county, state and national levels relative to agriculture economic development, agriculture profitability and environmental quality, and in building the capacity of adults, youth, families, organizations, and communities

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The Milwaukee Community Journal October 30, 2013 page 9



THE STATE OF WISCONSIN, to the person named above as respondent: You are notified that your spouse has filed a lawsuit or other legal action against you. The Petition, which is attached, states the nature and basis of the legal action. Within 20 days of receiving this Summons, you must provide a written response, as that term is used in Ch. 802, Wis. Stats., to the Petition. The Court may reject or disregard a response that does not follow the requirements of the statutes. The response must be sent or delivered to the following government office: Clerk of Court Milwaukee County 901 North 9th Street Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233. The response must also be mailed or delivered within 20 days to the petitioner at the address above. It is recommended, but not required that you have an attorney help or represent you If you do not provide a proper response within 20 days, the court may grant judgment against you and you may lose your right to object to anything that is or may be incorrect in the Petition. A judgment may be enforced as provided by law. A Judgment may become a lien against any real estate you own now or in the future and may also be enforced by garnishment or seizure of property. Dated: 7-22-2013 By: EFRAIN DELGADO JR 013-176/10-9-16-23-2013 SUMMONS (PUBLICATION) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY NOTICE AND ORDER FOR NAME CHANGE HEARING Case No. 13CV009979 In the matter of the name change of: KEVIN DALE SAS By (Petitioner) KEVIN DALE SAS NOTICE IS GIVEN: A petition was filed asking to change the name of the person listed above: From: KEVIN DALE SAS To: KEVIN DALE SAS-PEREZ Birth Certificate KEVIN DALE SAS IT IS ORDERED This petition will be heard in the Circuit Court of Milwaukee County, State of Wisconsin. Judge’s Name: HON. MARY KUHNMUENCH ROOM 402 PLACE: 901 N. 9th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 53233 DATE: December 9, 2013, TIME 3:30 P.M. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED: Notice of this hearing shall be given by publication as a Class 3 notice for three (3) weeks in a row prior to the date of the hearing in the Milwaukee Community Journal, a newspaper published in Milwaukee County, State of Wisconsin. Dated: 10-25-2013 BY THE COURT: HON. MARY M KUHNMUENCH Circuit Court Judge 013-178/10-30/11-6-13-2013 SUMMONS (PUBLICATION) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY NOTICE AND ORDER FOR NAME CHANGE HEARING Case No. 13CV009925 In the matter of the name change of: LINDA KAY SWENSON NOTICE IS GIVEN: A petition was filed asking to change the name of the person listed above: From: LINDA KAY SWENSON To: LINDA SWENSON WEINSTEIN Birth Certificate LINDA KAY SWENSON IT IS ORDERED This petition will be heard in the Circuit Court of Milwaukee County, State of Wisconsin. Judge’s Name: HON. DANIEL A

NOONAN ROOM 414 PLACE: 901 N. 9th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 53233 DATE: December 6, 2013, TIME 9:00 A.M. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED: Notice of this hearing shall be given by publication as a Class 3 notice for three (3) weeks in a row prior to the date of the hearing in the Milwaukee Community Journal, a newspaper published in Milwaukee County, State of Wisconsin. Dated: 10-28-2013 BY THE COURT: HON. DANIEL A NOONAN Circuit Court Judge 013-176/10-30/11-6-13-2013

SUMMONS (PUBLICATION) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY Case No. 13FA005420 Divorce-40101 In Re: The marriage of: LISA SIMPSON-SANDERS, Petitioner and Respondent: DIONE LATROY SANDERS THE STATE OF WISCONSIN, TO THE PERSON NAMED ABOVE AS RESPONDENT: You are notified that the petitioner named above has filed a Petition for divorce or legal separation against you. You must respond with a written demand for a copy of the Petition within 45 days from the day after the first day of publication. The demand must be sent or delivered to the court at: Clerk of Court, Milwaukee County Courthouse 901 N 9th St Milwaukee WI 53233 and to LISA SIMPSON-SANDERS 5909 N Teutonia Ave #3 WI Milwaukee WI 53209 It is recommended, but not required that you have an attorney help or represent you. If you do not demand a copy of the Petition within 45 days, the court may grant judgment against you for the award of money or other legal action requested in the Petition, and you may lose your right to object to anything that is or may be incorrect in the Petition. A judgment may be enforced as provided by law. A judgment awarding money may become a lien against any real estate you own now or in the future, and may also be enforced by garnishment or seizure of property. You are further notified that if the parties to this action have minor children, violation of 948.31 Wis. Stats., (Interference with custody by parent or others) is punishable by fines and/or imprisonment: If you and the petitioner have minor children, documents setting forth the percentage standard for child support established by the department under 49.22(9), Wis. Stats., and the factors that a court may consider for modification of that standard under 767.511 (1m). Wis Stats. are available upon your request from the Clerk of Court. You are notified of the availability of information from the Circuit Court Commissioner as set forth in 767.105 WIs.Stats. 767.105 Information from Circuit Court Commissioner. (2)Upon the request of a party to an action affecting the family, including a revision of judgment or order under sec. 767.59 or 767.451: (a)The Circuit Court Commissioner shall, with or without charge, provide the party with written information on the following, as appropriate to the action commenced: 1. The procedure for obtaining a judgment or order in the action 2. The major issues usually addressed in such an action. 3. Community resources and family court counseling services available to assist the parties. 4. The procedure for setting, modifying, and enforcing child support awards, or modifying and enforcing legal custody or physical placement judgments or orders. (b)The Circuit Court Commissioner shall provide a party, for inspection or purchase, with a copy of the statutory provisions in this chapter generally pertinent to the action. Date: 8-28-2013 BY: LISA SIMPSON-SANDERS 013-179/10-30/11-6-13-2013 SUMMONS (PUBLICATION) STATE OF WISCONSIN: CIRCUIT COURT: FAMILY COURT BRANCH MILWAUKEE COUNTY CASE NO. 2013FA005050A In re the marriage of: MIGDALIA

QUINONES, 3051 South 9th PL, Milwaukee WI 53215 Petitioner and JUVENAL GONZALEZ, ADDRESS UNKNOWN Respondent

THE STATE OF WISCONSIN To the person named above as respondent: You are hereby notified that the petitioner named above has filed a petition for divorce against you. Within forty days after the 23rd day of October, 2013 exclusive of the date just stated, you must respond with a written demand for a copy of the petition. The demand must be sent or delivered to this Court, whose address is: Clerk of Circuit Court Milwaukee County Courthouse 901 N 9th St. Milwaukee WI 53233 and to MIGDALIA QUINONES whose address is 3051 South 9th PL Milwaukee WI 53215 You may have an attorney represent you. If you do not demand a copy within forty (40) days, the Court may grant a judgment against you for the award of money or other legal action requested in the petition, and you may lose your right to object to anything that is or may be incorrect in the petition. A judgment may be enforced as provided by law. A judgment awarding money may become a lien against any real estate you own now or in the future and may also be enforced by garnishment of wages or seizure of property. You are hereby further notified that the parties to this action are entitled to notification of the availability of the information set forth in sec. 767.081, Stats. The information is available from the family court commissioner. You are further notified that if the parties to this action have minor children violation of the following criminal statutes is punishable by a fine not to exceed $10,000 or imprisonment not to exceed two years or both. 948.31 Interference with custody by parent or others. If you and the petitioner have minor children, a document setting forth the percentage standard for child support established by the Department of Health and Social Services under sec. 46.25(9)(a), Stats, and the listing the factors that a court may consider for modification for that standard under sec. 767.25(1m). Stats, is available upon your request from the clerk of court. Dated this 23rd day of October 2013 By: MIGDALIA QUINONES 013-177/10-9-16-23-2013 SUMMONS (PUBLICATION) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY Case No. 13FA00306 Divorce-40101 In Re: The marriage of: REBECA ACEVEDO, Petitioner and Respondent: RICARDO ZAPATA THE STATE OF WISCONSIN, TO THE PERSON NAMED ABOVE AS RESPONDENT: You are notified that the petitioner named above has filed a Petition for divorce or legal separation against you. You must respond with a written demand for a copy of the Petition within 45 days from the day after the first day of publication. The demand must be sent or delivered to the court at: Clerk of Court, Milwaukee County Courthouse 901 N 9th St Milwaukee WI 53233 and to REBECA ACEVEDO 3009 S. 12th Street WI Milwaukee WI 53215 It is recommended, but not required that you have an attorney help or represent you. If you do not demand a copy of the Petition within 45 days, the court may grant judgment against you for the award of money or other legal action requested in the Petition, and you may lose your right to object to anything that is or may be incorrect in the Petition. A judgment may be enforced as provided by law. A judgment awarding money may become a lien against any real estate you own now or in the future, and may also be enforced by garnishment or seizure of property. You are further notified that if the parties to this action have minor children, violation of 948.31 Wis. Stats., (Interference with custody by parent or others) is punishable by fines and/or imprisonment: If you and the petitioner have minor children, documents setting forth the percentage standard for child support

established by the department under 49.22(9), Wis. Stats., and the factors that a court may consider for modification of that standard under 767.511 (1m). Wis Stats. are available upon your request from the Clerk of Court.

You are notified of the availability of information from the Circuit Court Commissioner as set forth in 767.105 WIs.Stats. 767.105 Information from Circuit Court Commissioner. (2)Upon the request of a party to an action affecting the family, including a revision of judgment or order under sec. 767.59 or 767.451: (a)The Circuit Court Commissioner shall, with or without charge, provide the party with written information on the following, as appropriate to the action commenced: 1. The procedure for obtaining a judgment or order in the action 2. The major issues usually addressed in such an action. 3. Community resources and family court counseling services available to assist the parties. 4. The procedure for setting, modifying, and enforcing child support awards, or modifying and enforcing legal custody or physical placement judgments or orders. (b)The Circuit Court Commissioner shall provide a party, for inspection or purchase, with a copy of the statutory provisions in this chapter generally pertinent to the action. Date: 9-11-2013 BY: REBECA ACEVEDO 013-179/10-30/11-6-13-2013 SUMMONS PUBLICATION STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY FAMILY COURT BRANCH FAMILY: D CASE NO. 13FA006102 In re the Marriage of: AMY NOELLA FLORES-ESPINOSA, 2151 S 24th Street Milwaukee Wisconsin 53215, Petitioner and JOSE ANGEL FLORESESPINOSA, 2251 S 16th Street Milwaukee, WI 53215 Respondent THE STATE OF WISCONSIN To the person named above as respondent: You are hereby notified that the petitioner named above has filed a petition for divorce against you. Within 45 days after the 26thday of September, 2013 exclusive of the date just stated, you must respond with a written demand for a copy of the petition. The demand must be sent or delivered to this Court, whose address is: Clerk of Circuit Court, Milwaukee County Courthouse 901 N. 9th St., Milwaukee, WI 53233 and to Centro Legal the petitioner’s attorney, whose address is 614 W. National Ave., Floor 2, Milwaukee WI 53204. You may have an attorney represent you. If you do not demand a copy within 45 days, the Court may grant a judgment against you for the award of money or other legal action requested in the petition, and you may lose your right to object to anything that is or may be incorrect in the petition. A judgment may be enforced as provided by law. Judgment awarding money may become a lien against any real estate you own now or in the future and may also be enforced by garnishment of wages or seizure of property. You are further hereby notified that if you or the petitioner has minor children, violation of the following criminal statute is punishable by a fine or imprisonment, or both: 948.31 Interference with custody by parent or others. If you and the petitioner have minor children, a document setting forth the percentage standard for child support established by the department of Workforce Development under Wis. Stat. 49.22(9) and listing the factors that a court may consider for modification of that standard under Wis. Stat. 767.511(1m) is available upon your request form the clerk of court. You are further hereby notified of the availability of information set forth in Wis. Stat. 767.105 from the office of family court commissioner. Dated: September 26, 2013 Centro Legal Attorneys for the Petitioner By: SAMANTHA KEGLEY LEVIHN State bar No. 1050410 013-175/10-30/11-6-13-2013 SUMMONS (PUBLICATION) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT


NOTICE IS GIVEN: A petition was filed asking to change the name of the person listed above: From: ABDULRAHMAN OMOTAYO QUADRI HOLLIS To: ABDULRAHMAN OMOTAYO QUADRI Birth Certificate: ABDULRAHMAN OMOTAYO QUADRI HOLLIS IT IS ORDERED This petition will be heard in the Circuit Court of Milwaukee County, State of Wisconsin. Judge’s Name: HON. RICHARD J SANKOVITZ ROOM 500 PLACE: 901 N. 9th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 53233 DATE: November 22, 2013, TIME 9:00 A.M. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED: Notice of this hearing shall be given by publication as a Class 3 notice for three (3) weeks in a row prior to the date of the hearing in the Milwaukee Community Journal, a newspaper published in Milwaukee County, State of Wisconsin. Dated: 10-22-2013 BY THE COURT: HON. RICHARD J SANKOVITZ Circuit Court Judge 013-179/10-30/11-6-13-2013 SUMMONS PUBLICATION STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY FAMILY COURT BRANCH FAMILY: A CASE NO. 13FA005094 In re the Marriage of: DOLORES DUQUE, 1011 W. Washington Street Milwaukee Wisconsin 53204, Petitioner and OCTAVIO ROCHA-SILVA, 2738 S Kinnickinnic Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53207 Respondent THE STATE OF WISCONSIN To the person named above as respondent: You are hereby notified that the petitioner named above has filed a petition for divorce against you. Within 45 days after the 22nd day of August, 2013 exclusive of the date just stated, you must respond with a written demand for a copy of the petition. The demand must be sent or delivered to this Court, whose address is: Clerk of Circuit Court, Milwaukee County Courthouse, 901 N. 9th St., Milwaukee, WI 53233 and to Centro Legal the petitioner’s attorney, whose address is 614 W. National Ave., Floor 2, Milwaukee WI 53204. You may have an attorney represent you. If you do not demand a copy within 45 days, the Court may grant a judgment against you for the award of money or other legal action requested in the petition, and you may lose your right to object to anything that is or may be incorrect in the petition. A judgment may be enforced as provided by law. Judgment awarding money may become a lien against any real estate you own now or in the future and may also be enforced by garnishment of wages or seizure of property. You are further hereby notified that if you or the petitioner has minor children, violation of the following criminal statute is punishable by a fine or imprisonment, or both: 948.31 Interference with custody by parent or others. If you and the petitioner have minor children, a document setting forth the percentage standard for child support established by the department of Workforce Development under Wis. Stat. 49.22(9) and listing the factors that a court may consider for modification of that standard under Wis. Stat. 767.511(1m) is available upon your request form the clerk of court. You are further hereby notified of the availability of information set forth in Wis. Stat. 767.105 from the office of family court commissioner. Dated: August 20, 2013 Centro Legal Attorneys for the Petitioner By: SAMANTHA KEGLEY LEVIHN State bar No. 1050410 013-167/10-16-23-30-2013 SUMMONS (PUBLICATION) STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIRCUIT COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY FAMILY DIVISION ORDER FOR PRETRIAL ORDER TO APPEAR Case NO. 12FA4181C

In re the marriage of: VERONICA SURA, Petitioner and JOSEPH SURA JR,Respondent.

IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the above action is scheduled for a pre-trail hearing before the HonorableJudge MAXINE WHITE, Branch 1. Date: February 10, 2014 Time: 10:00 A.M. Location: Room 514, Milwaukee County Courthouse, 901 North 9th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the attorneys (if any) who will actually try the case and both parties must be present unless appearance is waived BY THE COURT. In the event a stipulation is reached, the matter will be heard and a divorce granted at the time of this pretrial if all required information is on file. If the respondent fails to appear, the Court may proceed with the case. Action that may be taken includes granting the divorce, dividing property, awarding or permanently denying maintenance, assigning responsibility for debts, making orders for the custody and placement of minor children, making or modifying child support orders. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that each party shall provide to the Court and to the other party, at least 14 days prior to the pre-trial, current financial information, including proof of earnings, on a signed financial disclosure statement under oath. The parties shall be prepared to: a. discuss property valuation and whether written appraisals are needed, or if the parties can agree on thevalue of the real and personal property, and pensions; b. agree on appraiser(s), if needed, before or at this pretrial, subject to the Court’s approval (if parties cannot so agree, the Court will appoint needed appraiser(s) a the pretrial); c. advise the Court of any custody or visitation disputes, whether mediation has been attempted, and whether a guardian ad litem may have to be appointed and the parties’ ability to pay the fees of the guardian ad litem; d. indicate what issues the parties have agreed on and those issues that have not been resolved. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the petitioner, not less than 5 days prior to this hearing, serve a copy of this order upon the Department of Child Support Enforcement, Courthouse Room 101 If either party receives any W-2 benefits (including employment positions, work programs, job access loans, education and training, health and/or child care, or transportation assistance), or medical assistance, or if a child of the parties is in foster care. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that no adjournments will be granted without Court approval. Failure to comply with the order of the Court, including failure to provide required information, may cause appropriate sanctions to be imposed pursuant to sec. 802.10(5), Wis. Stats. Dated: 10-14-2013 BY THE COURT: MAXINE WHITE CIRCUIT COURT JUDGE 013-169/10-16-23-30-2013 SUMMONS (PUBLICATION) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY NOTICE AND ORDER FOR NAME CHANGE HEARING Case No. 13CV009321 In the matter of the name change of: GLENDA ELAINE JOHNSON By (Petitioner)GLENDA ELAINE JOHNSON NOTICE IS GIVEN: A petition was filed asking to change the name of the person listed above: From: GLENDA ELAINE JOHNSON To :GLENDA ELAINE CARTER Birth Certificate:GLENDA ELAINE JOHNSON IT IS ORDERED This petition will be heard in the Circuit Court of Milwaukee County, State of Wisconsin. Judge’s Name:HON. PAUL R VAN GRUNSVENROOM 404 PLACE: 901 N. 9th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 53233 DATE: November 14, 2013, TIME 10:30 A.M. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED: Notice of this hearing shall be given by publication as a Class 3 notice for three (3) weeks in a row prior to the date of the hearing in the Milwaukee Community Journal, a newspaper published in Milwaukee County, State of Wisconsin. Dated: 10-16-2013 BY THE COURT: PAUL R VAN GRUNSVEN Circuit Court Judge 013-169/10-16-23-30-2013

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