MCJ April 29, 2015 Edition

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COMMUNITY VOL. XXXIX Number 39 April 29, 2015

The Milwaukee

JOURNAL 25 Cents


W I S C O N S I N ’ S L A R G E S T A F R I C A N A M E R I C A N N E W S PA P E R


National best-selling author ReShonda TateBillingsley is flanked by scholarship recipients at the 39th annual Delta Sigma Theta Literacy Luncheon, held Saturday at the Italian Conference Center in the Third Ward. Tate-Billingsley was the keynote speaker of the event. She is the author of 35 books. Her newest novel, “What’s Done in the Dark,” is now in bookstores and her second novel, “Let the Church Say Amen,” has been made into a movie. The Delta Memorial Endowment Fund 2015 Scholarship recipients pictured are (in no particular order): Brianna Langs, Victoria Millet, Ruhongeka Ntabala, Sydnei Parker, Brielle Richmond, Nhia Vang, and Jazmin Vargas. (Photo by Yvonne Kemp)


North Division High School unveiled its new welding class and students recently. North Division’s principal, Stanley McWilliams (far left), proudly stands with student welders (left to right): Herman Paige, Devonta Tharp, Anthony Norris, Darrell Thompson, Exavier Sandifer, Arkee Kirk, and Shemar Moore. Standing between Kirk and Moore is the class’ teacher, Darrel Iwanski. The class will give the students training and exposure to a sought after (and lucrative) trade. Also on hand were North Division alumni who joined the students in a symbolic “ribbon cutting” ceremony. (Photo by Yvonne Kemp)

As her father Lorenzo Lynch and husband Stephen Hargrove look on, U.S. Vice President Joe Biden administers the oath to Loretta Lynch, making her the 83rd and first Black female U.S. Attorney General in the nation’s history. Photo courtesy of Mark Wilson of Getty Images.

Loretta Lynch Sworn InAs First African American Woman United States Attorney General In Moving Ceremony By Lynette Holloway, courtesy of

KUDOS is Back!


What better way to bring back our “KUDOS!” photos honoring people and events that show the positives of our community then with this impressive story of three young men learning to be constructive by being...well, “constructive.” Eddie Knox (second from left) of A Star Home Improvement, is showing Rickey Ragiano, Jerrell Pearson-Huff, and Rishon Ragland (from left to right) how to rebuild a porch at a home in the 2000 block of 11th Street in the North Division neighborhood. According to Knox, the boys are learning a skill that will last them a lifetime and empower them to perhaps start their own construction business one day. (Photo by Yvonne Kemp)

PULSE OF THE COMMUNITY Photos and question by Yvonne Kemp


Loretta Lynch was recently confirmed and sworn in as the first African American woman U.S. Attorney General. Do you think she can do the job? Why or why not?


Milwaukee Brewers Outfielder Elian Herrera (facing camera) is congratulated by teammates (left to right): Infielder Jean Segura, Catcher Martin Maldonado, and Infielder Aramis Ramirez, after Herrera hit his first career grand slam in a game against the Cincinnati Reds at Miller Park. However, it wasn’t enough to put the Brew Crew in the win column. The team lost a slug fest by a 16 to 10 score. (Photo by Yvonne Kemp)

Loretta Lynch was sworn in Monday morning by Vice President Joe Biden as the 83rd U.S. attorney general during a moving ceremony at the U.S. Department of Justice. The long-awaited ceremony followed a rancorous debate over the Republican Senate’s five-month delay to confirm Lynch in a partisan dispute with President Barack Obama. Finally confirmed last week, Lynch, 55, on Monday was flanked by her husband, Stephen Hargrove, and father, Lorenzo, as Biden sang her praises during the ceremony that was broadcast live on CNN and observed by NewsOne. He began by saying she and her predecessor, Eric H. Holder Jr., are cut from the same cloth. “Loretta Lynch will exceed the high standards set for her because she is cut from the exact same cloth as [Holder],” Biden said. “Both she and Eric embody the mantra of one their predecessors [Robert F. Kennedy], a man after whom this building is named who said, ‘The purpose of life is to contribute in some way to making things better.’” Biden also paid homage to Lynch’s 83-year-old father, a Baptist preacher, who has played an important role in her personal and professional life. Lynch, the former U.S. attorney for the Eastern District in New York, graduated from Harvard Law School and Harvard College. “As I’ve read, your dad always taught you to stand up for what’s right, speak out for what’s just, get up when you get knocked down and move on,” Biden said. “And following her father’s example, she excelled in everything she’s done from the time she was a child. She’s never been limited by the lower expectations of others, but has always exceeded those expectations she set for herself. “For 30 years, she has been a fair-minded, independent lawyer and prosecutor as a U.S. attorney and in private practice,” he continued. “She has shown resolve to prosecuting and jailing terrorists, mobsters and gang members. She’s shown fidelity to the law, rooted out public corruption. She’s shown determination to bring down financial fraudsters and child abusers. She’s shown a dogged pursuit to bust human trafficking rings she has encountered. She has shown an unyielding commitment to the law and basic human rights. She has shown us her entire life who she is, so believe her.” With that, Lynch was confirmed by placing her left hand on the Bible and raising the right one. In remarks, given after resounding applause, she even joked about the long delay in her confirmation.

CONG. GWEN MOORE: “Atty. Genera. Lynch’s confirmation is long over due. Her confirmation was held up because Republicans once again insisted upon interfering. This is a victory for our country, the Civil Rights Movement, and our system of law.”

STATE REP. MANDELA BARNES: “I am very confident that she can do the job. It is very unfortunate that it has taken so long to confirm Atty. General Lynch. Her resume speaks to her ability.”

JANIE HATTON: “With strong affirmation: ABSOLUTELY! Mrs. Lynch has confounded the legal system with competence, integrity and a will to have fidelity for justice. Finally, she’s a child of God and a Delta built to serve.”

my father passed away, I was sad. Still, I had a feeling of great contentment that we allowed my father to die with dignity surrounded in a sea of love. Fast forward eight years later, my family noticed my twin boys’ speech was not developing typically. It was the weirdest thing because they were able to read words, but their pronunciation was not discernable to anyone who were not around them on a regular basis. As a former, special education teacher and school psychologist, I was fearful about putting my boys into a system that seemed more counterproductive than productive for ed-

ucational and social growth. However, armed with a family of support we placed our boys in the Birth to Three program. I am pleased to state that the services my boys received from a plethora of sources helped them tremendously. Even with this help, they still needed additional services when they entered in school. Special education is not a place to be navigated alone; but, with dedicated parents armed with a strong support system and exceptional educators and para-professionals who are often overshadowed by their more nefarious colleagues, it can indeed be special and have special re-

sults. If you are still reading, you are probably wondering if this is an autobiography or an article on educational reform. Family, it was the totality of these two experiences that confirmed to me that if we are truly going to help our students, we need to surround them in a cocoon of structure and support from the cradle to the grave; but, it shouldn’t have to be from a deficit and reactive perspective. The care my father received as he exited this world and the care my sons enjoyed as they were just entering the world should be allocated to every sentient being. What if all of

MEN MEN The School System: EMPOWERING MEN MEN Educational Revolution By Dr. Ramel Smith “The Blaquesmith”

In 2003, I was scheduled to defend my dissertation at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. This should have been a great time in my life, but my family was planning the earthly transition for my father. After the cancer occupied more portions of his body than healthy cells, the doctors told us it was only a matter of time before his time on earth would be over. The hospital introduced our family to a palliative care program, as we prepared to place my father into a hospice. Palliative care is a multidisciplinary focus that focuses on the

physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs of those with life ending illnesses. Like most caring families, I was against putting my father into anything that resembled a nursing home setting. However, after the staff showed me the hospice and informed my family someone could be with my father 24 hours a day and what palliative care really encompassed my fears were eased. I remember me, my sister and Aunt all taking the lion share of the shifts to stay with my father. The rest of the family were able to rotate in from all across the city, state and nation at various times. When

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ODELL BALL: “Atty. General Loretta Lynch is more than qualified for this position and much more. I get tired of haters doubting the ability of well qualified people.”

Dr. Ramel Smith

our healthy elders received palliative care before they were on their death bed when they could really appreciate and enjoy it. What if all children received specialized Birth to Three services? The activities and interventions the pro(continued on page 8)

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