MCJ Mandela Edition Dec 11, 2013

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INSIDE: Special Mandela Tribute•Black Chamber head says voters must demand more of candidates


JOURNAL 25 Cents

VOL. XXXVIII Number 20 December 11, 2013

The Milwaukee



World Mourns Loss of a Freedom Fighter and Peacemaker

Article by Christopher Torchia and Marcus Eliason, courtesy of Associated Press

JOHANNESBURG (AP) -- Nelson Mandela was a master of forgiveness. South Africa's first black president spent nearly a third of his life as a prisoner of apartheid, yet he sought to win over its defeated guardians in a relatively peaceful transition of power that inspired the world. As head of state, the former boxer, lawyer and inmate lunched with the prosecutor who argued successfully for his incarceration. He sang the apartheid-era Afrikaans anthem at his inauguration and traveled hundreds of miles to have tea with the widow of the prime minister in power at the time he was sent to prison. It was this generosity of spirit that made Mandela, who died Thursday at the age of 95, a global symbol of sacrifice and reconciliation in a world often jarred by conflict and division. Mandela's stature as a fighter against apartheid - the system of white racist rule he called evil - and a seeker of peace with his enemies was on a par with that of other men he admired: American civil rights activist Martin Luther King Jr. and Indian independence leader Mohandas K. Gandhi, both of whom were assassinated while actively engaged in their callings. Mandela's death deprived the world of one of one of the great figures of modern history and set the stage for days of mourning and reflection about a colossus of the 20th century who projected astonishing grace, resolve and good humor. Dressed in black, South African President Jacob Zuma made the announcement on television. He said Mandela died "peacefully," surrounded by family, at around 8:50 p.m. "We've lost our greatest son. Our nation has lost its greatest son. Our people have lost a father," Zuma said. "Although we knew that this day would come, nothing can diminish our sense of a profound and enduring loss." At times, Mandela embraced his iconic status, appearing before a rapturous crowd in London's Wembley Stadium soon after his 1990 release from prison. Sometimes, he sought to downplay it, uneasy about the perils of being put on a pedestal. In an unpublished manuscript, written while in prison, Mandela acknowledged that leaders of the anti-apartheid movement dominated the spotlight but said they were "only part of the story," and every activist was "like a brick which makes up our organization." He pondered the cost to his family of his dedication to the fight against the racist system of government that jailed him for 27 years and refused him permission to attend the funeral of his mother and of a son who was killed in a car crash. In court, he described himself as "the loneliest man" during his mid-1990s divorce from Winnie Mandela. As president, he could not forge lasting solutions to poverty, unemployment and other social ills that still plague today's South Africa, which has struggled to live up to its rosy depiction as the "Rainbow Nation." He secured near-mythical status in his country and beyond. Last year, the South African central bank released new bank notes showing his face, a robust, smiling image of a man who was meticulous about his appearance and routinely exercised while in prison. South Africa erected statues of him and named buildings and other places after him. He shared the 1993 Nobel Peace Prize with F.W. de Klerk, the country's last white president. He was the subject of books, films and songs and a magnet for celebrities.


“During my lifetime, I have dedicated myself to the struggle of the African people. I have fought against white domination, and I have fought against Black domination. I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to achieve. But if needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die.”

Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela 18 July 1918 to 5 December 2013

--Nelson Mandela

In 2010, Mandela waved to the crowd at the Soccer City stadium at the closing ceremony of the World Cup, whose staging in South Africa allowed the country, and the continent, to shine internationally. It was the last public appearance for the former president and prisoner, who smiled broadly and was bundled up against the cold. One of the most memorable of his gestures toward racial harmony was the day in 1995 when he strode onto the field before the Rugby World Cup final in Johannesburg, and then again after the game, when he congratulated the home team for its victory over a tough New Zealand team. Mandela was wearing South African colors and the overwhelmingly white crowd of 63,000 was on its feet, chanting "Nelson! Nelson! Nelson!" It was typical of Mandela to march headlong into a bastion of white Afrikanerdom - in this case the temple of South African rugby - and make its followers feel they belonged in the new South Africa. The moment was portrayed in "Invictus," Clint Eastwood's movie telling the story of South Africa's transformation through the prism of sport. It was a moment half a century in the making. In the 1950s, Mandela sought universal rights through peaceful means but was sentenced to life imprison-

ment in 1964 for leading a campaign of sabotage against the government. The speech he gave during that trial outlined his vision and resolve. "During my lifetime I have dedicated myself to this struggle of the African people," Mandela said. "I have fought against white domination, and I have fought against black domination. I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to achieve. But if needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die." He was confined to the harsh Robben Island prison near Cape Town for most of his time behind bars, then moved to jails on the mainland. It was forbidden to quote him or publish his photo, yet he and other jailed members of his banned African National Congress were able to smuggle out messages of guidance to the anti-apartheid movement, and in the final stages of his confinement, he negotiated secretly with the apartheid leaders who recognized change was inevitable. Thousands died, or were tortured or imprisoned in the decades-long struggle against apartheid, which deprived the black majority of the vote, the right (continued on page 3)

Northwest Funeral Chapel owners start new Holiday tradition

Victoria (far left) and J.C. (far right) Frazier, owners of Northwest Funeral Chapel and the new Northwest Family Activity and Events Center joined Santa Claus in kicking off the inaugural “Mrs. O’Bee’s Toy House.” The Toy House was created to honor one of Milwaukee’s iconic legends, Mrs. Ernestine O’Bee, the late founder and president of Northwest Funeral Chapel. Children met Santa and told him what they wanted for Christmas and were able to select a toy. The event was held at the Northwest Family Acitivity Center, which is located at 4034 W. Good Hope Road. (Photo by Yvonne Kemp)

Photo and question by Yvonne Kemp

QUESTION OF THE WEEK: “What do you think will be the lasting impact of Nelson Mandela’s legacy?”

MICHAEL SMITH (AKA SANTA CLAUS AT THE NORTHWEST FUNERAL CHAPEL’S EVENT): “He triumphed over adversity and apartheid. He did it with grace and came out victorious.”

CHERYL CLAYTON: “Nelson Mandela will always be remembered for bringing Black and White together in unity for his country.”

LORRETTA KINGSBY: “His legacy will be remembered for getting South Africans-Black and White--to live together in unity. No matter what the opposition was, he did it with grace.”

DEONYSIUS JOHNSON: “Nelson Mandela will be forever remembered as a champion against apartheid. We all could learn something from him. (We must) stand against injustices and uphold his legacy.

Legislators Ask for Hearing on Minimum Wage Bill

Sen. Nikiya Harris

MADISON - Senators Nikiya Harris (D-Milwaukee) and Robert Wirch (D-Racine), along with several of

their colleagues, held a press conference Tuesday, requesting a public hearing on Senate Bill 4, which would increase Wisconsin's minimum wage to $7.60 an hour while indexing it to inflation. During the press conference, Senator Harris spoke out about how an increase in the minimum wage can help boost Wisconsin's economy: "It is unacceptable that individuals that work full time cannot support their families and are forced to rely on public tax dollars in order to get by. Research shows that the over-

whelming share of employers of low wage workers are extremely profitable corporations with large numbers of employed workers. Raising the minimum wage helps build an economy that works for everyone, instead of just the richest 1%. Instead of forcing taxpayers to subsidize these profitable corporations who pay poverty wages, we should invest in common-sense solutions like raising the minimum wage in order to help workers get off of public assistance. Holding a public hearing would

allow everyone to come to the table and have the conversation of how we can move Wisconsin's economy forward together." Senate Bill 4 has been referred to the Senate Committee on Judiciary and Labor, which is chaired by Senator Glenn Grothman. After the press conference, Senator Harris hand-delivered a letter to Senator Grothman's office. The letter, signed by Senator Harris, Senator Wirch, and twenty-four of their Democratic colleagues, asks Senator Grothman to hold a public hearing on the minimum wage bill.

The Milwaukee Community Journal December 11, 2013 Page 2

Special Tribute Section From Your Community Journal

NELSON MANDELA “For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.”

NAACP Statement on Nelson Mandela’s Passing

“I am honored to have encountered Nelson Mandela on several occasions. He changed human history and taught activists around the world that in order to legitimately further what is noble, you must actually be a noble person. Nelson Mandela personified someone that non-violently changed the course of world history with the democratization of South Africa. Everything humanly possible that could be done to someone other than killing them was done to him, yet he maintained his dignity and his determination. It is almost unthinkable what he endured and yet forgave. He taught us that you have to keep your eye on the prize, and that nothing you suffer is as important as the goals that you are fighting for. He showed us that you can change the course of human history without lowering yourself to human depravity.” -Rev. Al Sharpton

“Today the world lost a hero, and a champion for equality and justice. His message of peace has not only forever changed South Africa, but enhanced world diplomacy, and been an inspiration for millions around the planet, including myself. “I want to extend my deepest condolences to Mandela’s family, friends, and to the entire South African community. Though we’ve known for some time that his health was fragile, nothing could have prepared us for the enormous loss the world has suffered today. The spirit of Nelson Mandela will live throughout the world for an eternity. “It wasn’t until I was a young adult that I truly realized the significance of the namesake that my parents had given me. To this day, a particular quote of Mandela’s continues gives me inspiration; ‘It always seems impossible until it’s done.’” -Wisconsin State Rep. Mandela Barnes

“Today we have lost a visionary leader and hero for human rights. Nelson Mandela broke the chains of oppression in South Africa and opened the hearts and minds of millions. His life’s journey serves as an inspiration to all those who strive to create a more just world. He reaffirmed to all that hope and a steadfast dream of freedom will prevail over hatred and fear. “His courage and strength freed a nation and reshaped our history. In 2005, I had the honor and blessing of meeting this remarkable man. It was a powerful moment that left an indelible mark.”--U.S. Congresswoman Gwen Moore “As Honorary Consul to the Republic of South Africa from the State of Wisconsin, I am deeply saddened to hear of President Nelson Mandela’s passing today. My thoughts and prayers are with his family, and I send my deepest regrets to the people of South Africa, who today lost their greatest leader. “ President Mandela was a man whose convictions were tested beyond the bounds of comprehension, and he emerged from his trials more resolute where lesser men— many men—would have given up hope. He was a shining example to us all, not only as an inspiring beacon of courage, but as a lesson in forgiveness as well. His like will not be seen again for some time, and he will be sorely missed. Rest in peace, Madiba.” --Milwaukee Ald. Joe Davis, Sr.

“To all of our partners in South Africa, today we lost a great man. But we really didn’t lose him, because we know that to be absent in the body is to be present with the Lord. Iit was the passing of a great man, Nelson Mandela, who I refer to as the father of democracy. Our prayers go out with a nation, our prayers go out for a nation, our prayers go out for a people who had the opportunity to reap the benefits of a great man of God. “We are grateful and thankful for the results of this man’s life. In the love, in the unity, in just the faith that the people of South Africa could walk in as a result of what he demonstrated. We celebrate his life, and we celebrate his legacy. “ --Televangelist Pastor Creflo Dollar

“With the passing of Nelson Mandela, we have lost an individual who not only freed his home of South Africa from racial hatred, but inspired the world to peacefully resist injustice and intolerance. We will forever remember Nelson Mandela as the wonderful man and courageous leader who ended apartheid at home and changed the course of human history for all. Unbowed by racial animosity and decades behind bars, Nelson Mandela was a revolutionary force for nonviolence and justice,” said Conyers. “I still remember the humble man that visited Detroit, just months following his release from prison, to organize for his political movement in South Africa and speak with Rosa Parks. And I will always treasure the memories I have, just four short years later, of the voyage I made with President Clinton and Harry Belafonte to attend Nelson Mandela’s installation as President of South Africa. “While we mourn his passage, we know that Madiba’s legacy of fighting for freedom and independence will live on.”--Michigan Congressman John Conyers, Jr.

“Nelson Mandela’s legacy lives on in all public servants who try to emulate his courage, leadership, and compassion. He inspired generations of people to work together to achieve solutions to problems people thought were unsolvable only a short time ago. I pray for him and offer my sincerest condolences to his family and those who had the privilege of knowing him.”-State Rep. Jon Richards

Roslyn Brock, Chairman of the NAACP Board of Directors: “The Honorable Nelson Mandela embodied the hopes, dreams, aspirations and values of all who seek justice against tremendous odds. He responded to unfathomable violence with peace and courage, and in doing so he forever changed the world.” Dr. David Emmanuel Goatley, Chairman of the International Affairs Committee of the NAACP Board of Directors: “Nelson Mandela’s legacy remains an inspiration for the work of the NAACP. In Mandela’s name we must continue to bring attention to all aspects of global apartheid characterized by poverty, inequality, discrimination, and prejudice of all kind.” Bill Lucy, member of the NAACP National Board of Directors and labor leader: “The world has lost one of the great statesmen of our time – a man who spent 27 years in prison because he believed in the cause of equality. His loss should set an example for political leaders still here, that there is a need to lead and govern in a manner that is equitable to all people.” Lorraine Miller, Interim NAACP President and CEO: “President Mandela was humanity’s greatest living hero. His unwavering sense of justice and peace transformed a nation and inspired the world.”

HONORING A GREAT STATESMAN Noted local, national and international figures pay respects to former South African President and Nobel Peace Prize winner

Full Text of Eulogy:

President Barack Obama Remembers Nelson Mandela


o Graça Machel and the Mandela family; to President Zuma and members of the government; to heads of state and government, past and present; distinguished guests – it is a singular honour to be with you today, to celebrate a life unlike any other.

To the people of South Africa – people of every race and walk of life – the world thanks you for sharing Nelson Mandela with us. His struggle was your struggle. His triumph was your triumph. Your dignity and hope found expression in his life, and your freedom, your democracy is his cherished legacy. It is hard to eulogise any man – to capture in words not just the facts and the dates that make a life, but the essential truth of a person – their private joys and sorrows; the quiet moments and unique qualities that illuminate someone’s soul. How much harder to do so for a giant of history, who moved a nation toward justice, and in the process moved billions around the world. Born during world war one, far from the corridors of power, a boy raised herding cattle and tutored by elders of his Thembu tribe – Madiba would emerge as the last great liberator of the 20th century. Like Gandhi, he would lead a resistance movement – a movement that at its start held little prospect of success. Like King, he would give potent voice to the claims of the oppressed, and the moral necessity of racial justice. He would endure a brutal imprisonment that began in the time of Kennedy and Khrushchev, and reached the final days of the Cold War. Emerging from prison, without force of arms, he would – like Lincoln – hold his country together when it threatened to break apart. Like America’s founding fathers, he would erect a constitutional order to preserve freedom for future generations – a commitment to democracy and rule of law ratified not only by his election, but by his willingness to step down from power. Given the sweep of his life, and the adoration that he so rightly earned, it is tempting then to remember Nelson Mandela as an icon, smiling and serene, detached from the tawdry affairs of lesser men. But Madiba himself strongly resisted such a lifeless portrait. Instead, he insisted on sharing with us his doubts and fears; his miscalculations along with his victories. “I’m not a saint,” he said, “unless you think of a saint as a sinner who keeps on trying.” It was precisely because he could admit to imperfection – because he could be so full of good humour, even mischief, despite the heavy burdens he carried – that we loved him so. He was not a bust made of marble; he was a man of flesh and blood – a son and husband, a father and a friend. That is why we learned so much from him; that is why we can learn from him still. For nothing he achieved was inevitable. In the arc of his life, we see a man who earned his place in history through struggle and shrewdness; per(continued on page 5)

“I am deeply saddened by the passing of Nelson Mandela, and my thoughts and prayers go out to his friends, family, and the people of South Africa. His legacy will live on forever in how we live our lives and fight for freedom and justice in a multi-racial society. We must pause and remember Madiba in his greatness; he used his life not for himself, but for the good of his country and the good of the world, and his spirit will live on. “Even throughout his 27 years of incarceration and brutal treatment, his spirit was never broken and this stands as a testament to the power of reconciliation. Not only is Nelson Mandela the father of the liberation movement in South Africa, but he also laid the framework for modern liberation movements throughout the world. With a dignified defiance, Nelson Mandela never compromised his political principles or the mission of the anti-apartheid movement, fighting the global AIDS pandemic, ending poverty and preserving human rights. “During Mr. Mandela’s trip to the United States in 1990, it was a great honor to be a member of the host committee that welcomed him to my district of Oakland, California. One of my proudest moments as a member of Congress was when I led the effort to remove Mr. Mandela and the ANC from the U.S. Terrorist Watch list in time for his 90th birthday. I served as an official election observer for the 1994 South African elections when President Mandela was first elected, and it was a magnificent reminder that perhaps one day my own country would elect an African American president. “Mr. Mandela exuded a larger-than-life presence and a humble spirit that was remarkable; he is my hero and an inspiration to us all. While this earth will miss the physical presence of Nelson Mandela, his indomitable nature, his gentle spirit, and overwhelming smile will remain with us all. My heart is heavy as we mourn the loss and celebrate the life of this great warrior.” --Calif. Congresswoman Barbara Lee

“Throughout his life, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela met the purveyors of injustice, intolerance, and racism with an unyielding determination to forge a better and fairer future for his beloved nation. From joining the anti-apartheid movement, the African National Congress, and serving 27 years behind the bars of Robben Island as a political prisoner to his groundbreaking tenure in office and later advocacy on behalf of victims of HIV/AIDS, President Mandela stood ever firm for the principles of justice, democracy, equal rights, and peaceful co-existence. Embracing a strategy of non-violent mass resistance, he helped ushered South Africa out from the shadows of apartheid into a new day of freedom, democracy, and hope. “He will be missed not only by the people of South Africa, with whom I join in mourning their beloved Madiba, but by Americans of every color and faith, including the many who worked tirelessly from afar to call attention to the injustice and brutality of apartheid, to protest his unjust imprisonment, and to boycott the evil system he struggled to overturn. President Mandela’s legacy will be not only one of toppling apartheid but ensuring that it was replaced not by bitterness and division but by reconciliation and a shared commitment to the rights of all South Africans. Our world will surely be a lesser one without President Mandela walking among us, but our future has been made ever greater by the legacy he leaves indelibly printed in our hearts.” -- House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer of Maryland “Today, as we mourn the loss of of one of history's most transformational leaders, let us also pay tribute to his life and legacy. Let us dedicate ourselves to remembering his lessons and continue his efforts to spread Democracy, freedom and equality across the globe. “Nelson Mandela was a civil rights activist, teacher, freedom fighter, "Father of the Nation," political prisoner, father, husband and an inspiration to the entire global community. He fought for Democracy, not only in his own home of South Africa, but across the world. He explained: "To be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.” “Years after organizing against Apartheid in front of the South African Embassy in Washington, I first had the honor of meeting Mr. Mandela in 1993 when I escorted him to President Clinton's Inaugural event at the D.C. Armory. A year later, I went to South Africa to help train election workers and had the privilege of meeting him again. “Like so many others fighting for progress, I have drawn inspiration from Nelson Mandela. He showed us that it was possible to create lasting change, peace and stability even in the most formidable weapon which you can use to change the world.” “President Obama and the First Lady said it best, "Nelson Mandela's personal story is one of unbreakable will, unwavering integrity and abiding humility." He has, "changed the arc of history, transforming his country, continent and the world. “Madiba, today and forever, we will remember you — and your legacy will live on.” --Donna Brazile, Democratic National Committee vice chairperson

“The Black Alliance for Educational Options (BAEO) celebrates the life and legacy of Nelson Mandela, a true warrior and freedom fighter for the liberation of African people. His commitment to change was unwavering. BAEO will strive to honor the legacy of Nelson Mandela by fighting harder to enable our children to engage in the practice of freedom. As we think about Nelson Mandela’s life, we reaffirm that we have no right NOT to fight harder every day for our children! On this day and forever more, we honor the unyielding and never compromising Nelson Mandela.”

Nelson Mandela dead at age 95

The Milwaukee Community Journal December 11, 2013 Page 3

(continued from page 1) to choose where to live and travel, and other basic freedoms. So when inmate No. 46664 went free after 27 years, walking hand-in-hand with his then wife, Winnie, out of a prison on the South African mainland, people worldwide rejoiced. Mandela raised his right fist in triumph, and in his autobiography, "Long Walk to Freedom," he would write: "As I finally walked through those gates ... I felt - even at the age of seventy-one - that my life was beginning anew." Mandela's release, rivaled the fall of the Berlin Wall just a few months earlier as a symbol of humanity's yearning for freedom, and his graying hair, raspy voice and colorful shirts made him a globally known figure. Life, however, imposed new challenges on Mandela. South Africa's white rulers had portrayed him as the spearhead of a communist revolution and insisted that black majority rule would usher in bloody chaos. Thousands died in factional fighting in the run-up to democratic elections in 1994, and Mandela accused the government of collusion in the bloodshed. But voting day, when long lines of voters waited patiently to cast ballots, passed peacefully, as did Mandela's inauguration as president "Never, never and never again shall it be that this beautiful land will again experience the oppression of one by another and suffer the indignity of being the skunk of the world," the new president said. "Let freedom reign. The sun shall never set on so glorious a human achievement! God bless Africa! Thank you." Mandela also stood hand on heart, saluted by white generals as he sang along to two anthems, now one: the apartheid-era Afrikaans "Die Stem," ("The Voice") and the African "Nkosi Sikelel' iAfrika" ("Lord Bless Africa"). Since apartheid ended, South Africa has held four parliamentary elections and elected three presidents, always peacefully, setting an example on a continent where democracy is still new and fragile. However, corruption scandals and other missteps under the ruling African National Congress, the liberation group once led by Mandela, have undercut some of the early promise. Zuma periodically observes that the South African white minority is far wealthier than the black majority, an imbalance that he regards as a vestige of the apartheid system that bestowed most economic benefits on whites. When Mandela came to power, black South Africans anticipated quick fixes after being denied proper housing, schools and health care under apartheid. The new government, however, embraced free-market policies to keep white-dominated big business on its side and attract foreign investment. The policy averted the kind of economic deterioration that occurred in Zimbabwe after independence; South Africa, though, has one of the world's biggest gaps between rich and poor.

Mandela and his then wife Winnie Mandela march triumphantly after his historic release from prison in the early 1990s. (Photo courtesy of Associated Press)

Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was born on July 18, 1918, the son of a tribal chief in Transkei, a Xhosa homeland that later became one of the "Bantustans" set up as independent republics by the apartheid regime to cement the separation of whites and blacks. Mandela's royal upbringing gave him a regal bearing that became his hallmark. Many South Africans of all races would later call him by his clan name, Madiba, as a token of affection and respect. Growing up at a time when virtually all of Africa was under European colonial rule, Mandela attended Methodist schools before being admitted to the black University of Fort Hare in 1938. He was expelled two years later for his role in a student strike. He moved to Johannesburg and worked as a policeman at a gold mine, boxed as an amateur heavyweight and studied law. His first wife, nurse Evelyn Mase, bore him four children. A daughter died in infancy, a son was killed in a car crash in 1970 and another son died of AIDS in 2005. The couple divorced in 1957 and Evelyn died in 2004. Mandela began his rise through the anti-apartheid movement in 1944, when he helped form the ANC Youth League. He organized a campaign in 1952 to encourage defiance of laws that segregated schools, marriage, housing and job opportunities. The government retaliated by barring him from attending gatherings and leaving Johannesburg, the first of many "banning" orders he was to endure. After a two-day nationwide strike was crushed by police, he and a small group of ANC colleagues decided on military action and Mandela pushed to form the movement's guerrilla wing, Umkhonto we Sizwe, or Spear of the Nation. He was arrested in 1962 and sentenced to five years'

The Wisdom of “Madiba”

“A wise old owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke; The less he spoke, the more he heard. Why aren’t we like that wise old bird?”

hard labor for leaving the country illegally and inciting blacks to strike. A year later, police uncovered the ANC's underground headquarters on a farm near Johannesburg and seized documents outlining plans for a guerrilla campaign. At a time when African colonies were one by one becoming independent states, Mandela and seven co-defendants were sentenced to life in prison. The ANC's armed wing was later involved in a series of high-profile bombings that killed civilians, and many in the white minority viewed the imprisoned Mandela as a terrorist. The apartheid government, meanwhile, was denounced globally for its campaign of beatings, assassinations and other violent attacks on opponents. Even in numbing confinement, Mandela sought to flourish. "Incidentally, you may find that the cell is an ideal place to learn to know yourself, to search realistically and regularly the process of your own mind and feelings," he wrote in 1975 to Winnie Mandela, a prominent activist in her own right who was in a separate jail at that time. Mandela turned down conditional offers of freedom during his decades in prison. In 1989, P.W. Botha, South Africa's hard-line president, was replaced by de Klerk, who recognized apartheid's end was near. Mandela continued, even in his last weeks in prison, to advocate nationalizing banks, mines and monopoly industries - a stance that frightened the white business community. But talks were already underway, with Mandela being spirited out of prison to meet white government leaders. After his release, he took charge of the ANC, and was elected president in a landslide in South Africa's first allrace election. Perceived successes during Mandela's tenure include the introduction of a constitution with robust protections

“When a man is denied the right to live the life he believes in, he has no choice but to become an outlaw.”

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.”

“There is no passion to be found playing small; in settling for a life “Education is the most powerful weapon that is less than the which you can use to change the world.” one you are cabable of living.” “The greatest glory in living lies not in never

for individual rights, and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, which he established with fellow Nobel laureate Archbishop Desmond Tutu. It allowed human rights offenders of all races to admit their crimes publicly in return for lenient treatment. Though not regarded as wholly successful, it proved to be a kind of national therapy that would become a model for other countries emerging from prolonged strife. Despite his saintly image, Mandela was sometimes a harsh critic. When black journalists mildly criticized his government, he painted them as stooges of the whites who owned the media. Some whites with complaints were dismissed as pining for their old privileges. In the buildup to the Iraq War, Mandela harshly rebuked President George W. Bush. "Why is the United States behaving so arrogantly?" he asked in a speech. "All that (Bush) wants is Iraqi oil." He suggested Bush and then British Prime Minister Tony Blair were racists, and claimed America, "which has committed unspeakable atrocities in the world," had no moral standing. Until Bush repealed the order in 2008, Mandela could not visit the U.S. without the secretary of state certifying that he was not a terrorist. To critics of his closeness to Fidel Castro and Moammar Gadhafi despite human rights violations in the countries they ruled, Mandela explained that he wouldn't forsake supporters of the anti-apartheid struggle. To the disappointment of many South Africans, he increasingly left the governing to Deputy President Thabo Mbeki, who won the next presidential election and took over when Mandela's term ended in 1999. "I must step down while there are one or two people who admire me," Mandela joked at the time. When he retired, he said he was going to stand on a street with a sign that said: "Unemployed, no job. New wife and large family to support." His marriage to Winnie Mandela had fallen apart after his release and he married Graca Machel, the widowed former first lady of neighboring Mozambique. With apartheid vanquished, Mandela turned to peacemaking efforts in other parts of Africa and the world and eventually to fighting AIDS, publicly acknowledging that his own son, Makgatho, had died of the disease. Mandela's final years were marked by frequent hospitalizations as he struggled with respiratory problems that had bothered him since he contracted tuberculosis in prison. He stayed in his rural home in Qunu in Eastern Cape province, where Hillary Clinton, then U.S. secretary of state, visited him in 2012, but then moved full-time to his home in Johannesburg so he could be close to medical care in Pretoria, the capital. His three surviving children are daughter Makaziwe by his first marriage, and daughters Zindzi and Zenani by his second. Eliason has worked for the AP in South Africa and reported from New York. Donna Bryson, former AP bureau chief in Johannesburg, contributed to this report.

“”No one is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin or his background or his religion. People learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.”

“We can change the world and make it a better place. It is in your hands to make a difference.”

“I DREAM OF AN AFRICA falling, but in rising every time we fall.” “A good head and a good WHICH IS IN “I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, heart are always a PEACE WITH but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that formidable combination.” ITSELF.” fear.” The Movement to Free Mandela in Milwaukee


he fight to free Nelson Mandala and bring down the walls of South African apartheid reached across th ocean.

Here in America, thousands raised up in protest, demanding the federal government issue sanctions against South Africa. Two primary targets were the South African gold coin currency called Kruggerands, and the DeBears (sp) diamonds. Both were important sources of revenue for the aparthied government.

The Community Journal learned that one bank in Milwaukee--M&I--sold the coins. The newspaper not only waged demonstrations against the bank, but also editorialized and encouaged people to withdraw their funds from that financial institution. Twenty yeas later, the bank still refused to advertise in the Black Press, citing our stance in the 1970s. But our efforts were noted when then Congressman Tom Barrett invited MIkel Holt, the MCJ editor at the time, to join him in the official greeting of Mandala at the White House during the leader’s first world thank you tour.


The Milwaukee Community Journal December 11, 2013 page 4

Church elder celebrates birthday

Parklawn Assembly of God presents: “Hope for the World” The Live Nativity

Elder Jeffery Rideout (seated left holding his two-year-old niece, Lydon) recently celebrated his 50th birthday with family, friends and fellow clergymen at Holy Redeemer GOGIC's Genesis Hall, located at 3500 W. Mother Daniels Way. Pictured with the elder are his mother, Mary Smith (seated next to him); (standing left to right): Kathy Cloyd (his sister), Alexis Simmons (niece), Theresa Rideout (sister-in-law), and Jerry Rideout (brother).

Prepare yourself for the real reason for the Christmas season by visiting Parklawn Assembly of God’s live nativity scene Friday, December 13th and Saturday, December 14, 2013! The nativity scene will feature live animals, actors and actresses, dancing angels and a wonderful festive atmosphere for the entire family! This dramatic presentation will be presented in front of the church located at 3725 North Sherman Blvd. There will be four showings beginning at 6:00 p.m., 6:45 p.m., 7:30 p.m. and 8:15 p.m. Immediately following each showing guests are welcomed to come inside and warm up and enjoy light holiday refreshments, including muffins, an assortment of cookies, cakes and candies along with hot chocolate! During this time of fellowship our children’s choir will serenade our guests with some of their favorite Christmas songs! This event is free and for the entire family to enjoy! Come witness the gospel message of our Messiah and His birth!

All People to host Asante Children’s Choir The Asante Children’s Choir will perform at All Peoples Church on December 18 at 5:30 p.m.“Asante” is a Swahili word translated “Thank You” in English. The Asante Children’s Choir is made up of children from East Africa, a region recovering from years of civil war and genocide that have claimed millions of lives leaving thousands of children and women as orphans and widows. The Choir is dedicated to spreading love, hope and joy while raising awareness for the desperate plight of orphans and other vulnerable children. Their colorful clothing, pounding drums and sweet voices demonstrate their hope and dream for a brighter future. Their inspirational stories of resilience have instilled hope in the hearts of all those who have seen them perform. The children who have been rescued from some of life’s most difficult circumstances take pride in expressing gratitude through their music. Their performances are the true testimonies. This event is being co-sponsored by St. John's Lutheran, Brookfield, WI About All Peoples Church: All Peoples Church is a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Rooted in the Harambee neighborhood of Milwaukee, the congregation is racially, culturally and economically diverse. Its commitment to environmental sustainability and food justice has earned it awards and recognition. For more information about All Peoples Church, visit

St. Mark AME to Host Annual Canata Dec. 22 The public is invited to attend a morning of dance, music and the spoken word on Sunday, December 22 at St. Mark AME Church, 1616 W. Atkinson Ave. The morning of community praise and worship begins at 10:00 a.m. “We’re here to celebrate the life of Jesus with everyone. Our hope is to share the gospel with our congregation, family, friends and members of the community. We live beyond the walls of St. Mark, our music ministry is key to bringing together people from all walks of life. We believe it’s critical to expand the word to reach young people and families and invite them to worship together with us. What better time of year than during the season we celebrate and remember the birth of Christ,” said St. Mark AME Pastor Darryl Williams. The Christmas Canata is free and to the public. For more information call 414-562-8030. About St. Mark AME Church: St. Mark African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church is the first African American church built in Wisconsin in 1886.

Women in the Bible we need today

By Oretha Winston, The History Channel The Bible Miniseries is leading people to think more about scripture and its meaning than anything else. The famous Bible women dealt with identical situations that we face today. They knew grief, loss, suffering, stress, infertility, growing old and dying. There are stories or honorable mentions of nearly 180 great women in the Bible. Some we now well, Some are overlooked. Here is a chance to take a look at women that would be great in our lives today. Sarah Sarah’s life was one depicting immense faith as she was asked to deny herself, as she faced famine, and as she feared growing old. Her life teaches us to wait on the Lord and reveals a miracle of God. Isaac was distraught at her death and only consoled by meeting Rebekah, whom he married. But it wasn’t all good. Impatient for a child in her earlier years, Sarah forced her husband on Haggai, their maid, who conceived Ishmael and later was banished from Abraham’s employ. She can be found in Genesis chapters 11 through 25; Isaiah 51:2; Romans 4:19, 9:9; Hebrews 11:11; and 1 Peter 3:6. Bathsheba Bathsheba was a faithful wife to David. She was especially loyal to her son Solomon, making sure he followed David as king, even though Solomon was not David’s firstborn son. Bathsheba was wise and protective. Women had few rights in ancient times. Often circumstances seem stacked against us, but if we keep our faith in God, we can find meaning in life. God makes sense when nothing else does. She can be found in: 2 Samuel 11:1-3, 12:24; 1 Kings 1:11-31, 2:13-19; 1 Chronicles 3:5; Psalm 51:1. Rebekah Rebekkah’s life exemplifies the virtue of a single woman in terms of purity, holiness and patience. It shows how to step out on faith. Rebekah was assertive and fought for what she believed was right She can be found in Genesis 22:23: Chapter 24; 25:20-28; 26:7-8, 35; 27:5-15, 42-46; 28:5; 29:12; 35:8; 49:31; Romans 9:10. Rahab Rahab was truly an example of courage and faith as she hid two spies and saved her family. In her society she was considered the lowest of low. Rahab was one of those unexpected characters in the Bible. Even though she made her living as a prostitute, she was smart, cunning and a woman of survival. Rahab was loyal to Israel and faithful to her word. She was resourceful in an emergency. She can be found in Joshua 2:1-21; 6:17, 22, 23, 25; Matthew 1:5; Hebrews 11:31; James 2:25. Ruth Ruth is amongst the shortest books in the bible. It displays an important lesson. It shows how God uses people in amazing ways. The story opens in Moab, a pagan country east of Judah and the Dead Sea. Naomi and her husband Elimelek fled there during a famine. After Elimelek and Naomi’s two sons died, she decided to return to Israel. Faithfulness is one of the key themes of this book. We see Ruth’s faithfulness to Naomi, Boaz’s faithfulness to Ruth, and everyone’s faithfulness to God. God, in return, rewards them with great blessings. These characters’ faithfulness led to kindness toward each other. Kindness is an outpouring of love. Everyone in this book showed the type of selfless love toward others that God expects from his followers. She can be found. The Book of Ruth depicts her journey. Ruth and her husband Boaz had a child they named Obed, who became the grandfather of David. From David’s line came Jesus of Nazareth, Savior of the world. Mary Magdalene In movies and books, Mary Magdalene is often portrayed as a prostitute, but nowhere does the Bible make that claim. Mary stayed with Jesus during his crucifixion when others fled in fear. Mary Magdalene was honored by being the first person Jesus appeared to after his resurrection. Mary Magdalene was loyal and generous. She can found in Matthew 27:56, 61; 28:1; Mark 15:40, 47, 16:1, 9; Luke 8:2, 24:10; John 19:25, 20:1, 11, 18. Jochebed was the mother of Moses, one of the major characters in the Old Testament. Her appearance is short and we are not told much about her, but one trait stands out: trust in God. It is also a lesson to pray without ceasing. Jochebed’s story is found in chapter two of Exodus, Exodus 6:20, and Numbers 26:59.

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Services scheduled for December 12 - 16, 2013 Zolicoffer, Florida J.

Age 81 yrs. December 4, 2013. Funeral services will be held on Thursday 11AM at Ebenezer COGIC 3132 N. MLK Dr. Visitation Wednesday 37PM (Family will receive guest from 6-7PM) at: Northwest Funeral Chapel O'Bee, Ford & Frazier, 6630 W. Hampton Ave.

Winston, Tony R.

Age 54 yrs. December 5, 2013. Funeral services will be held on Thursday 11AM. Visitation Thursday 10AM until time of services at: Northwest Funeral Chapel O'Bee, Ford & Frazier, 6630 W. Hampton Ave.

Owens, Willie L.

Age 82 yrs. December 6, 2013. Funeral services will be held on Friday 11AM at Zion Hill Baptist Church 1825 W. Hampton Ave. Visitation Friday 10AM at the CHURCH until time of services.

Carson, Derry L

Age 52 yrs. December 7, 2013. A Memorial Service will be held on Friday 11AM at: Northwest Funeral Chapel O'Bee, Ford & Frazier, 6630 W. Hampton Ave.

Currie, Mattie L. Age 76 yrs. December 8, 2013. Funeral services will be held on Saturday 11AM at Metropolitan Baptist Church 1345 W. Burleigh St. Visitation Saturday 10AM at the CHURCH until time of services.

Burks, Lynn J. Age 67 yrs. December 8, 2013. Funeral services Monday 11AM. Visitation Monday 10AM until time of services at: Northwest Funeral Chapel O'Bee, Ford & Frazier, 6630 W. Hampton Ave.

Attaway, Louis

Age 77 yrs. December 7, 2013. A Memorial Service will be held on Monday 11AM at: Northwest Funeral Chapel O'Bee, Ford & Frazier , 6630

W. Hampton Ave.

Families served by:

Northwest Funeral Chapel O’Bee, Ford & Frazier

Milwaukee 6630 W. Hampton Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53218 Telephone: (414) 462-6020 Fax: (414) 462-9937

Racine 800 Barker St. Racine, WI 53402 Telephone: (262) 637-6400 Fax: (262) 637-6416

The Milwaukee Community Journal December 11, 2013 Page 5

President Barack Obama Remembers Nelson Mandela

(continued from page 3) sistence and faith. He tells us what’s possible not just in the pages of dusty history books, but in our own lives as well. Mandela showed us the power of action; of taking risks on behalf of our ideals. Perhaps Madiba was right that he inherited, “a proud rebelliousness, a stubborn sense of fairness” from his father. Certainly he shared with millions of black and coloured South Africans the anger born of, “a thousand slights, a thousand indignities, a thousand unremembered moments … a desire to fight the system that imprisoned my people”. But like other early giants of the ANC – the Sisulus and Tambos – Madiba disciplined his anger; and channelled his desire to fight into organisation, and platforms, and strategies for action, so men and women could stand-up for their dignity. Moreover, he accepted the consequences of his actions, knowing that standing up to powerful interests and injustice carries a price. “I have fought against white domination and I have fought against black domination,” he said at his 1964 trial. “I’ve cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to achieve. But if needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die.” Mandela taught us the power of action, but also ideas; the importance of reason and arguments; the need to study not only those you agree with, but those who you don’t. He understood that ideas cannot be contained by prison walls, or extinguished by a sniper’s bullet. He turned his trial into an indictment of apartheid because of his eloquence and passion, but also his training as an advocate. He used decades in prison to sharpen his arguments, but also to spread his thirst for knowledge to others in the movement. And he learned the language and customs of his oppressor so that one day he might better convey to them how their own freedom depended upon his. Mandela demonstrated that action and ideas are not enough; no matter how right, they must be chiselled into laws and institutions. He was practical, testing his beliefs against the hard surface of circumstance and history. On core principles he was unyielding, which is why he could rebuff offers of conditional release, reminding the Apartheid regime that, “prisoners cannot enter into contracts”. But as he showed in painstaking negotiations to transfer power and draft new laws, he was not afraid to compromise for the sake of a larger goal. And because he was not only a leader of a movement, but a skilful politi-

cian, the Constitution that emerged was worthy of this multiracial democracy; true to his vision of laws that protect minority as well as majority rights, and the precious freedoms of every South African. Finally, Mandela understood the ties that bind the human spirit. There is a word in South Africa – Ubuntu – that describes his greatest gift: his recognition that we are all bound together in ways that can be invisible to the eye; that there is a oneness to humanity; that we achieve ourselves by sharing ourselves with others, and caring for those around us. We can never know how much of this was innate in him, or how much of was shaped and burnished in a dark, solitary cell. But we remember the gestures, large and small – introducing his jailors as honoured guests at his inauguration; taking the pitch in a Springbok uniform; turning his family’s heartbreak into a call to confront HIV/AIDS – that revealed the depth of his empathy and understanding. He not only embodied Ubuntu; he taught millions to find that truth within themselves. It took a man like Madiba to free not just the prisoner, but the jailor as well; to show that you must trust others so that they may trust you; to teach that reconciliation is not a matter of ignoring a cruel past, but a means of confronting it with inclusion, generosity and truth. He changed laws, but also hearts. For the people of South Africa, for those he inspired around the globe – Madiba’s passing is rightly a time of mourning, and a time to celebrate his heroic life. But I believe it should also prompt in each of us a time for selfreflection. With honesty, regardless of our station or circumstance, we must ask: how well have I applied his lessons in my own life? It is a question I ask myself – as a man and as a president. We know that like South Africa, the United States had to overcome centuries of racial subjugation. As was true here, it took the sacrifice of countless people – known and unknown – to see the dawn of a new day. Michelle and I are the beneficiaries of that struggle. But in America and South Africa, and countries around the globe, we cannot allow our progress to cloud the fact that our work is not done. The struggles that follow the victory of formal equality and universal franchise may not be as filled with drama and moral clarity as those that came before, but they are no less important. For around the world today, we still see children suffering from hunger, and disease; run-down schools, and few prospects for the future. Around the world today, men and women are still imprisoned for their political beliefs; and are still persecuted for what they look like, or how they worship,

or who they love. We, too, must act on behalf of justice. We, too, must act on behalf of peace. There are too many of us who happily embrace Madiba’s legacy of racial reconciliation, but passionately resist even modest reforms that would challenge chronic poverty and growing inequality. There are too many leaders who claim solidarity with Madiba’s struggle for freedom, but do not tolerate dissent from their own people. And there are too many of us who stand on the sidelines, comfortable in complacency or cynicism when our voices must be heard. The questions we face today – how to promote equality and justice; to uphold freedom and human rights; to end conflict and sectarian war – do not have easy answers. But there were no easy answers in front of that child in Qunu. Nelson Mandela reminds us that it always seems impossible until it is done. South Africa shows us that is true. South Africa shows us we can change. We can choose to live in a world defined not by our differences, but by our common hopes. We can choose a world defined not by conflict, but by peace and justice and opportunity. We will never see the likes of Nelson Mandela again. But let me say to the young people of Africa, and young people around the world – you can make his life’s work your own. Over thirty years ago, while still a student, I learned of Mandela and the struggles in this land. It stirred something in me. It woke me up to my responsibilities – to others, and to myself – and set me on an improbable journey that finds me here today. And while I will always fall short of Madiba’s example, he makes me want to be better. He speaks to what is best inside us. After this great liberator is laid to rest; when we have returned to our cities and villages, and rejoined our daily routines, let us search then for his strength – for his largeness of spirit – somewhere inside ourselves. And when the night grows dark, when injustice weighs heavy on our hearts, or our best laid plans seem beyond our reach – think of Madiba, and the words that brought him comfort within the four walls of a cell: It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul. What a great soul it was. We will miss him deeply. May God bless the memory of Nelson Mandela. May God bless the people of South Africa.

Growing Power Celebrates Milestone Black Chamber head says voters must demand more of candidates

Will Allen (center), the founder of Growing Power, received honors recently from both the city and state during the urban farm’s 20th anniversary celebration held recently at its Community Food Center at 5500 W. Silver Spring Drive. Growing Power is a revolutionary urban agribusiness that Allen founded to increase natural and sustainable food sources within low-income communities, what he calls “Good Food Systems.” Presenting the proclamations to Allen are State Sen. Lena Taylor (far left) and Mayor Tom Barrett (far right). (Photo by Yvonne Kemp)

WBCC’s Reuben Hopkins lists 10 questions to gauge candidates willingness to truly address Black issues Compiled by MCJ Staff

EDITOR’S NOTE: In last week’s front page Election Watch Story (December 4 edition) we forgot to continue the story to page 2 as noted. We apologize to our readers and Mr. Hopkins for this oversight. We are thus printing the entire story below. The head of the Wisconsin Black Chamber of Commerceof (WBCC) says no elective office holder or candidate should be invited to speak to Reuben Hopkins churches, clubs or groups, and family members if they’re unwilling to address issues directly impacting the Black community. “You will not get the Black community’s vote if you do not serve the Black community’s interests,” declared Reuben Hopkins, chair-man/CEO of the Wisconsin Black Chamber of Commerce in a statement released Wednesday aimed at incumbent lawmakers and office seekers who have their eyes set on the coming spring primary and general elections scheduled for February 18 and April 1 resepctively. The focus of the Wisconsin Black Chamber of Commerce is Black business development and quality of life issues in areas where Black people live, work and play. Hopkins is of the belief political leaders who represent district’s within the Black community--and those who want to replace them--must go beyond “articulating the issues.” They must have doable, realistic plans and the commitment to push them to improve the economic, educational, health and social outcomes of the community. To that end, Hopkins suggests Black organizations, churches and other entities doing their best to improve conditions within the community send--with an invite to speak to them--a list of 10 questions he said every candidate should be able to answer if they want the Black vote (including incumbents). The 10 questions are: 1) What will you do to increase Black Business development in the places where Black people live, work and play? 2) Do you believe that Black people should be the largest employer of Black people? What will you do to help? 3) Where do you stand on the City of Milwaukee fully funding an effective Equal Rights Commission? 4) Where do you stand on the County of Milwaukee fully funding an effective Commission on Human Rights? 5) What Civil Rights legislation enforcement have you pushed and what happened to it? 6) The State of Wisconsin has failed to meet it's Minority participation goals year after year. How can the state do a better job and be held more accountable? 7) It was recently revealed that the City of Milwaukee's Housing Authority failed to comply with federal regulations on hiring low income workers for the $82 million Westlawn renovation project. Should someone be fired for this failure? Who is responsible for this failure? 8) Both Democrats and Republicans continue to fail the Black community. What political party do you think best servers the Black Community? What proof do you have? 9) Why is there no black organization that does micro lending in the black community? 10) (Add your additional questions here.) “Make sure these questions are part of any candidates forums or debates,” Hopkins said. “And make sure the candidate who is asking for your vote address these issues (if they are elected or reelected to office). But Hopkins stressed candidates just answering these questions in public or at a forum is not enough. He said voters should make the candidate commit to solving the issues the community faces in writing for the record. “Force them to answer these questions,” Hopkins said. Go to their websites and look at where they stand. Attend forums and ask questions.”

Memorial service set for former Alderman E. Fay Anderson

A celebration of life service will be held Saturday, Dec. 21 at St. Michael Catholic Church for former Milwaukee Common Council Ald. E. Fay Anderson, who served in office from 1992 to 1995. Anderson died Nov. 24 of Alzheimer’s disease according to her daughter. Anderson was 78. Common Council President, Ald. Willie Hines, who defeated Anderson in her reelection bid in 1996, praised the alderman, call-

ing her “a dedicated public servant who worked diligently to make neighborhoods stronger and safer and her efflorts benefited the 15th district. “I will always be mindful of her positive contributions and service to our city,” Hines said. One of 10 children from Rob Roy, Ark., Anderson reportedly came to Milwaukee in 1971, after meeting former State Legislator Dismis Becker in Kansas City, Kan.

City rallies major community players at Charette to spark projects in Bronzeville

A charette for the King Drive corridor in June brought together key development players and sparked five new projects in the area. Now the City of Milwaukee’s Department of City Development (DCD) is looking to replicate this success with a charette for the nearby Bronzeville neighborhood. On December 16, DCD and City Alderwoman Milele A. Coggs will bring together key community players—including architects, developers, funders, and community residents—for a full day of intense collaboration aimed at identifying and advancing several catalytic projects in the neighborhood. This charette will be held from 8:15am to 4pm at the UWM School of Architecture & Urban Planning, 2131 East Hartford Avenue on December 16. “Now is the perfect time for this charette because we have momentum on our side,” said Rocky Marcoux, Commissioner of DCD. “Several seasoned developers have recently shown interest in doing projects in the area, and the King Drive charette has demonstrated that real, tangible progress can be made when we get everyone around the table at the same time.” Melissa Goins, an experienced urban developer and president of Maures Development Group, recently announced a proposed mixed-use development for the area. Several developers are considering redeveloping the former Garfield School building into a mixed-use amenity for the neighborhood, including housing and a cultural center. Also, five nearby projects are moving forward because of the King Drive charette, including the redevelopment of the Malcolm X School. In the past decade, the area has seen nearly $40 million in new investments, (continued on page 7)

The two married in 1975 and helped raise four of Anderson’s children from a previous marriage. Becker encouraged Anderson to run for alderman. During her campaign and in office, Anderson reportedly focused on championing self-sufficient and viable neighborhoods in her district and throughout the Black community. She was also reportedly concerned about the crack epidemic,


E. Fay Anderson

joblessness, and the community’s relationshop with the Milwaukee Police Department. --Compiled by MCJ Staff

Published twice weekly, Wednesday & Friday

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MCJ STAFF: Classified Advertising Patricia O’Flynn -Pattillo Jimmy V. Johnson, Sales Rep. Publisher, CEO Joan Hollingsworth, Sales Rep. Robert J. Thomas CONTRIBUTING WRITERS: Assoc. Publisher Taki S. Raton, Todd Thomas, Vice Pres. Rev. Roxanne Cardenas, Mikel Holt, Assoc. Publisher Troy A. Sparks, Thomas E. Mitchell, Jr., Editor Sports Editor Kia Marie Green, Mang. Editor PHOTOGRAPHER: Yvonne Kemp Teretha Martin, Technical Consultant/Billing Dept./ Publisher’s Admin. Assist. Colleen Newsom, Opinion and comments expressed on the Perspectives page do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher or management of the MCJ. Letters and “other perspectives” are accepted but may be edited for content and length.

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YOUTH/EDUCATION The Milwaukee Community Journal December 11, 2013 page 6

It’s for a bear-y good cause Boston Store holiday bears benefit local Boys & Girls Clubs

Boston Store invites local customers to join it in supporting Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Milwaukee (BGCGM) with the purchase of plush , 7" holiday bears. Proceeds from the bears benefit the Clubs' year-round programs. Since 1990, The Bon-Ton Stores Inc., which includes Boston Store, has supported holiday fundraising initiatives that have raised money for local Boys & Girls Clubs. In past years of its holiday program that featured the sale of plush teddy bears, approximately $100,000 was raised annually for Boys & Girls Clubs across the nation. For 2013, the bears retail for $7 each. Every bear purchase generates a minimum donation of $2.75 for local Boys & Girls Clubs. In addition to the bears, now through December 24, Boston Store customers can donate $3 at the register and receive a $10 off coupon that's good for purchases of $25 and more. The coupon can be used at-time or for future purchases. Customers can also donate online and receive a 25 percent off coupon. Another way Boston Store customers can support Boys & Girls Clubs is through Facebook. Each time Boston Store followers on Facebook use the retailer's holiday card generator, $1 will be donated to Boys & Girls Clubs up to $15,000 total. Also this year, the connection between Bon-Ton Stores and Boys & Girls Clubs extends to providing

Warm appreciation... Sherman Multicultural Arts School staff and students handed out hot chocolate and pastries to parents in November as they dropped off their children at school. Located in the heart of the Sherman Park neighborhood, the K4-8 school is led by Principal Lonnie Anderson.

Club members with internships as part of a national pilot program for the holiday season. Club members in 10 pilot cities, including Milwaukee, are working at Bon-Ton's various nameplate stores on the busiest shopping days during the months of November and December. BGCGM has 40 Club members interning, with pay, at Boston Stores locations at Bayshore Town Center, Brookfield Mall, the Shops of Grand Avenue, Mayfair Mall and Southridge Mall. The program's aim is to provide teens with exposure to the retail industry and its career opportunities. Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Milwaukee celebrates more than 126 years as the oldest and largest youth-serving agency in Milwaukee. The Clubs offers high quality after-school and summer programming for children ages 5-18, focusing on those who have major life obstacles, most often poverty. The Clubs operates 38 sites, which include six primary locations, 30 school sites and Camp Whitcomb/Mason in Hartland. Membership to the Clubs is only $5 per year, per child, but no one is ever turned away based on inability to pay. For all the latest Club news, visit; or Twitter @bgcmilwaukee.

Computers: An afterschool necessity for many young students

MPS announces sponsorship of Child and Adult Care Food Program Milwaukee Public Schools announces the sponsorship of the Child and Adult Care Food Program beginning September 25, 2013 at the following sites: Allen-Field, Bethune, Brown Street, Browning, Carson, Cass, Clarke, 81st, Engleburg, 53rd, Forest Home, Gaenslen, Greenfield, Hopkins/Lloyd, Kagel, Keefe Ave, King Elem, La Causa, LaFollette, Lincoln Elem, Longfellow, Maple Tree, Metcalfe, Mitchell Street, Parkside, Pierce, Riley, Rogers, Sherman, Siefert, Story, Thoreau, Thurston Woods, Townsend, Vieau, Vincent, Wedgewood Park, and Zablocki. These schools will provide dinner meal for children enrolled in after school activities at these locations. The Child and Adult Care Food Program receive funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and is administered by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. The Program provides financial assistance to child care centers so that nutritious meals can be integrated with nonresidential child care services. The goal of the Program is to improve the diets of young children and increase the opportunity for children to eat a variety of nutritious foods. The meals and snacks served meet standards set by USDA. The amount of reimbursement received by the Child and Adult Care Food Program Sponsor is based upon the household incomes of the children enrolled for care. A larger reimbursement is paid for meals served to children from low income households.

NewsUSA - Shopping for school supplies isn't what it used to be. Sure, kids still need notebooks, binders and pens -- but they won't survive without the latest technology either, namely a computer. According to a recent survey commissioned by HP and conducted by Wakefield Research, computers become a significant part of homework assignments for children as young as 10 years old and students aged 6 to 17 spend at least three hours a day on devices with Internet access. However, that much computer use at such a young age raises some concerns among parents. "If your child is about to hit double digits, computers are going to be a routine part of their afterschool homework," explains Kevin Frost, Vice President, Volume Business Unit, HP. "HP shares parents' online safety concerns and offers a variety of desktop and notebook PCs with some exclusive offers and deals for students getting ready to go back to school." Can kids have fun and be safe online? Most parents want to guarantee safety instead of hoping for it. The survey reported that more than 28 percent of parents have more faith in giving their child a credit card at the mall than leaving them home

alone on a computer. In fact, over a third of parents surveyed believe children cruising the Internet unsupervised have more potential for danger than kids staying at a friend's house without parental supervision.

Despite these fears -- and the reality that prolonged computer usage is the norm for many students -- 66 percent of parents don't take simple steps to protect their children online, such as using parental control software, and 67 percent don't block websites they deem inappropriate. To keep your children safe while making sure they're able to complete their school work, consider the following from HP: * Select the right computer. To keep an eye on young children's computer use, consider a family desktop PC that you can keep in a centralized location in your home. For example, HP has two desktops with student-friendly features and a 60-day Norton Internet Security trial -- the Pavilion 23 All-in-One and TouchSmart 320 All-in-One ( * Use parental control software. Be aware of what your kids are doing online, by setting time limits and restricting inappropriate websites. Select HP PCs come with up to two years of Norton Internet Security at no charge. * Talk to your kids. Your kids may be "digitally savvy," but that doesn't mean they don't need to learn some Internet safety lessons from Mom and Dad. Talk to them about not sharing personal information or clicking on suspicious links.

Play and learn at your local library Imaginative play for families with young children The Yule Cat is Coming! with Mary Tooley. Who is the Yule Cat? Will he come to the library? Can we find the Yule Cat? After our search we will be painting, drawing and printing wrapping paper. Saturday, Dec. 14, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Washington Park Library, 2121 N. Sherman Blvd. Small Business Resources 101 Learn how to find the right information to help you start your own business. Central Library Business staff will offer a free short program on the most useful print and electronic resources for small business planning. Thursday, Dec. 12, 12-1 p.m. Central Library, 814 W. Wisconsin Ave. 2nd floor, Krikelas Room Health Insurance Marketplace Lab A healthcare marketplace lab will be offered by staff from the Milwaukee Health Department to assist patrons with questions regarding healthcare. This program is in addition to regularly scheduled programs on Wednesdays from 3-5:30 p.m. at Central Library. Saturday, Dec. 14, 9 a.m.-12 noon Central Library, 814 W. Wisconsin Ave., 2nd floor, Computer Lab Black Cinema Film Series In collaboration with Blk-Art, History & Culture, the Washington Park Library will present a Fall Film Series. Award-winning documentaries highlighting African-American history and achievement will be presented with discussion sessions. Screenings are free and open to the public. Strange Fruit - An examination of the anti-lynching protest song made famous by Billie Holiday. Reviews the historical events, contexts and incidents of racial hatred that the song’s title represents. The film also follows the underlying problem of racism that continues into contemporary culture. Wednesday, Dec. 18, 6 p.m. Washington Park Library, 2121 N. Sherman Blvd.


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The Milwaukee Community Journal December 11, 2013 Page 7

the MCJ lifestyle & entertainment section



MEEK MILL Meek Mill, once known as Meek Millz, a Philadelphia native, is known for hits such as "Tupac Back", "Ima Boss", "Young & Gettin' It", "Amen", etc. From battle rapping in Philly as a youth to brushes with the law that landed him in jail, how did Meek Mill's life change? As a young man in the streets battle rapping to make a name for himself, Meek Mill spoke on his struggles in the streets after his parents die when he was five-years-old to what he would observe. He was once a part of a very short-lived group called the "BloodHoundz.” After the group disbanded, Meek continued to press forward, chasing his dreams. As he began to make noise on the underground rap scene, Meek captured the attention of rapper T.I. and his label Grand Hustle Records. Meek was signed to Grand Hustle for a brief moment. But because he and T.I. were behind bars around the same time, the business deal never manifested into something noteable, record-wise. After his release from Grand Hustle, Meek signed with Rick Ross's Maybach Music Group. Upon signing to Maybach Music, Meek became arguably one of the most noted members of the record label due to the amount of success he quickly experienced. But the success came with controversy and allegations of a conspiracy. The controversy came in the form of Rev. Jomo K. Johnson, who called for a boycott of a song by Meek that Rev. Johnson called blasphemous to Christians who believe in Jesus Christ. Wikipedia cites Rev. Johnson saying: "As a hip-hop fan, I want to encourage every rap fan in Philadelphia who is a believer in Jesus Christ, to boycott Meek Mill

Charette to help spark projects in Bronzeville

(continued from page 5) such as the additions of a new Walgreens, the Growing Power Café, and the multi-phase, mixed-use King Drive Commons project, which itself brought more than $24 million in investments to the neighborhood. DCD collaborated with Alderwoman Coggs and Community Design Solutions, an initiative of UW-Milwaukee’s School of Architecture & Urban Planning, to work with several community stakeholder groups—including the King Drive BID, the Martin Luther King Economic Development Corp, local developers, local lenders, the recently formed Friends of Bronzeville organization, and local artists—to identify the six sites that will be considered during the charette. Five of the sites are on W. North Ave. between N. King Drive and Interstate 43.

until he acknowledges this blatant disrespect." A heated interaction ensued between the two men on a radio show where Meek stated: "Let's talk about reality," and "Your wrong isn't my right; and my right isn't your wrong.” The conspiracy aspect comes from Meek’s own mouth in these lyrics: "Illuminati wanted my mind, soul, and body / They ask me would I trade it for all Maseretti / I told him ‘naw’ and he said ‘100 mil (100 Million)’ and I said, ‘probably.’ Plus a Phantom, Panamera and a Bugatti. “We can work a deal. I put my mom up on the hill. I'll go to hell and burn it down. They hatin’ every time I turn around..." "They want my soul and my body for a little chain. I'm dancing with the Illuminati call it Soul Train." Even the music video for his more recent street anthem titled "Levels" has Masonic imagery and lyrics like: "Cuz its levels to this s**t, levels to this s**t. Can't f*** my h* cuz its levels to this b***. And I be rocking Prada like a devil in this b*** And a

Birkin bag like a gold medal to this b***... Lord..." As well as lyrics like these…"I'm getting money, must be Illuminati They think I signed up cause I just bought a new Ferrari. And when I make a hundred I'ma buy a new Bugatti I be with some Philly n****, they just trying to shoot somebody." From the aforementioned lyrics, Meeks’ main topic and preoccupation is money. He is godless. He puts his faith in his money. So I ask you a question: Where do you place your faith? Is it in God or in the piece of paper (money) that "rules" many of us in this life? Hebrews 13:5 says: "Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, ‘Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.’” For the sake of money, Meek Mill has released a book as well as started his own record label called, Dream Chasers Records. Next artist to be decoded, Rick Ross, owner of Maybach Music Group.

Sista Speak...Speak Lord!


That Fix… That hustle… That flow… That paper make you want mo… That man with that get right… That woman with that act right… That thang that keep you up all night… That whip... That bling… That dice game make you lose everything… That slot machine in the casino… That hype on the corner we act like we don’t know… That pie… That steak… That make it rain that make her shake… That game… That swag… That God sweet as cake mix… That right to tell me or not… What truly be yo fix??? “Sonya Marie”

OBSESSED I am Addicted to prayer I am Addicted to big dreams I am Addicted to taking action I am Addicted to progression I am Addicted to living my life purpose I am Addicted to using my time wisely I am Addicted to doors opening I am Addicted to creating many opportunities I am Addicted to being obedient to the Universe I am Addicted to developing others I am Addicted to praise I am Addicted to achieving the impossible I am Obsessed with LEAPING OUT ON FAITH Zelda Corona


WAUWATOSA--The Salvation Army of Milwaukee County will host the annual Christmas Family Feast at the Wisconsin Center District, 400 W. Wisconsin Avenue from 11:00 to 2:30 p.m. on Christmas Day. A tradition in Milwaukee for 24 years, the Christmas Family Feast is free and open to the entire community. “What started as a dinner to feed those in need has evolved into an important holiday event where a great meal serves as the focal point for a wonderful day of fellowship, fun and community,” said Major Dan Jennings, Salvation Army Divisional Commander for Wisconsin & Upper Michigan., who added they will feed some 8,000 to 10,000. The 24th Annual Christmas Family Feast is sponsored by the Forest County Potawatomi Foundation, Brewers Community Foundation, Wisconsin Energy Foundation, Wells Fargo, AT&T, Universal Family of Schools, Wisconsin Center District, Levy Restaurants, Hunger Task Force, Milwaukee County Transit System, Cedar Crest Ice Cream, Brownberry Bread, Molina Healthcare, Milwaukee Times, Milwaukee Courier, Milwaukee Community Journal, WNOV 860 AM, WJMR 98.3 FM, Feeding America, the Spice House, Roundy’s Supermarkets Inc., and the Hyatt. This year’s meal will consist of ham, turkey and dressing, mashed potatoes, yams, green beans, dinner rolls, an assortment of desserts and beverages. Guests will receive complimentary gifts while supplies last.




The Milwaukee Community Journal December 11, 2013 Page 8

Former Bucks Star Branndon Jennings Rodgers itches to play, Flynn seeks returns to Milwaukee redemption, all-time great Robinson honored for Hall of Fame induction

Aaron Rodgers Matt Flynn By Troy Sparks--MCJ Sports Editor


REEN BAY – At this point, the Green Bay Packers are still alive in the playoff hunt. With four games left, before their Dec. 8 game against the Atlanta Falcons at Lambeau Field, any chance of the Pack making the playoffs almost went out the window the last two weeks with the tie to Minnesota and the loss on Thanksgiving Day at Detroit.

By Troy Sparks

Injured quarterback Aaron Rodgers couldn’t help the team during their five-game winless streak. The tie was like another loss and the 40-10 beatdown to the Lions deflated Green Bay’s playoff hopes at that time. It will take a miracle for the green and gold to win the division, but they need Detroit to lose their remaining games and they have to win at Chicago on Dec. 29. At the beginning of the season, the Packers were picked to win the NFC North. After Rodgers injured his shoulder in the Nov. 4 home game against the Bears, panic set off in Packer Nation. One major Milwaukee sportswriter who covers the Packers wrote in his column that the team can win without Rodgers. And then almost a week after that, he got hurt. Seneca Wallace and Scott Tolzien tried to lead the Packers to victory, but neither guy is Aaron Rodgers. It’s understandable that No. 12 wants to get out there and play again. His shoulder feels better but not fully recovered from a fractured collarbone. If Green Bay is all but eliminated from the postseason, then it makes no sense to play him the rest of the season. Rodgers has the itch to play. With so much money invested in him, the organization won’t trot their franchise QB out on the field to be gobbled up again this year if the playoffs are out of reach. One good hit to the left shoulder area – Rodgers’ non-throwing shoulder – and head coach Mike McCarthy and the team medical staff would have to explain why they put him at risk on the field

with nothing at stake. Some Packer fans kept one eye on the game and the other on the Philadelphia game with Detroit. The Green Bay players had to take care of business on the field against the Falcons and then worry about trying to stay alive for the playoffs. “We knew going into this game that we needed to win and keep on winning thereafter,” backup quarterback Matt Flynn said. “We also knew that we needed some help from somewhere. But, we can’t worry about that. We weren’t scoreboard watching or anything like that. We needed to take care of our job.” Flynn finally got his win as a backup QB by leading the Packers to a slim 22-21 win. It felt good to him, given that he made other stops when he left Green Bay as a free agent. Before coming back to Titletown, Flynn was released by Seattle, Oakland and Buffalo. Since he was available to any team, the Packers snatched him up, gave him the chance to redeem himself and try to save his disappointing career. “That kind of win is awesome because you overcome some adversity,” Flynn said. “You overcome some things that are out of your control. You find a way to win. “We got to give it up to our defense at the end. They did an awesome job and really won it for us down the stretch. It’s just nice to get the win.” After the win over Atlanta, the mood in the locker room was positive and upbeat. It was a long time coming for a team that was in a bad mood the last month. “Good win,” McCarthy said. “It’s been

Dave Robinson

a while. I forgot what it felt like.” The Packers can inch one step closer to the Lions and take over second place in the division if Dallas rolls into Chicago and take care of the Bears on Dec. 9. “I like our opportunity in Dallas (next opponent, Dec. 15), and that’s really where my mind is,” McCarthy said. “And I can clearly understand how the (NFC) rankings go and it’s great that the Lions lost. I’m real happy about that. It’s about stacking success. “It’s tough to win in this league. We were reminded of it again. We were reminded of that our last five opportunities. It’s great the Lions lost, but we’ll worry about the Dallas Cowboys. We hope (Dallas and Chicago) just beat the heck out of each other and we’ll go forth from there. We’re going to get ready for the Dallas Cowboys.” Not lost in the game was a special halftime ceremony honoring former Packer great Dave Robinson. He was inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame this year and has nothing but great memories as a member of the Green Bay championship teams of the 1960s. “To get this (Hall of Fame) ring and see your name up there at Lambeau Field, it’s a little special thing,” he said. “There’s nothing special than having your name up there at Lambeau Field. That’s a big, big plus. Joining the Hall of Fame (in Canton, OH), I’m on the same team as Vince Lombardi. And when you look around at the stadium, I’m close to being immortalized as possible. My name is next to Forrest Gregg. “You had to have played in Green Bay. You had to have blood in Lambeau Field. You had to have sweated and sometimes cried. There were blood, sweat and a few tears. And part of you is Lambeau Field. Part of you is there forever. And just to be enshrined in Lambeau Field, just to get this ring at Lambeau Field, it’s the greatest thing in the world.” Maybe the Packers need to bring in more of their own Hall of Famers to motivate the team on how to rise from the bottom and finish on top. Now the $64,000 question for the organization is very dicey. Do they let Rodgers play the final three games of the regular season and move Flynn to the sideline holding a clipboard or do they ride the hot hand and let Flynn start again?

Gee’s Clippers holds grand “Re-Opening” in Bronzeville

Alderwoman Milele A. Coggs were among the dignitaries and community members attended the grand re-opening of Gee’s Clippers & Hair Design, 2215 N. Dr. Martin Luther King Dr., in Bronzeville (Milwaukee’s African American Arts Cultural & Entertainment District). Attendees were be able to see (and use) the newly paved parking lot adjacent to the barber shop. The alderwoman, Gaulien Smith, the owner of Gee’s Clippers and staff pose in the reopened barbershop. (Photo by Yvonne Kemp)

Former Milwaukee Bucks star Brandon Jennings (top photo) returned to the BMO Bradley Center as a member of the Detroit Pistons recently where his team beat the Bucks. Here he’s seen trying to defend Bucks Guard Brandon Knight as he drove to the basket. Bucks Rookie Giannis Antetokounmpo lays one up and in over Piston’s forward Kyle Singler (center photo). Bucks Center John Henson prepares to land after slamming home two points. (Photos by Bill Tennessen)

The Milwaukee Community Journal December 4, 2013 page 9



NOTICE IS GIVEN: A petition was filed asking to change the name of the person listed above: From: BRIANI KIERRA FRANKLIN To: BRIANI KIERRA ISABELLA HERNANDEZ Birth Certificate BRIANI KIERRA FRANKLIN IT IS ORDERED This petition will be heard in the Circuit Court of Milwaukee County, State of Wisconsin. Judge’s Name:HON.DANIEL A NOONAN ROOM 414 PLACE: 901 N. 9th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 53233 DATE: December 20, 2013, TIME 9:30 A.M. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED: Notice of this hearing shall be given by publication as a Class 3 notice for three (3) weeks in a row prior to the date of the hearing in the Milwaukee Community Journal, a newspaper published in Milwaukee County, State of Wisconsin. Dated: 10-4-2013 BY THE COURT: HON.DANIEL A NOONAN Circuit Court Judge 013-199/11-27/12-4-11-2013 SUMMO!S (PUBLICATIO!) STATE OF WISCO!SI! CIRCUIT COURT MILWAUKEE COU!TY DIVORCE-40101 Case !o. 13FA007443 In Re: The marriage of MARIA G CEFALU, PetitionerandIGNAZIO NICOLOSI, Respondent THE STATE OF WISCONSIN, TO THE PERSON NAMED ABOVE AS RESPONDENT You are notified that the petitioner named above has filed a Petition for divorce or legal separation against you. You must respond with a written demand for a copy of the Petition within 40 days from the day after the first date of publication. The demand must be sent or delivered to the court at: Clerk of CourtMilwaukee County Courthouse 901 N. 9th St. ROOM 104 Milwaukee WI 53233 and to MARIA G CEFALU 4160 S 1stSt Milwaukee WI 53207 It is recommended, but not required, that you haveattorney help or represent you. If you do not demand a copy of the Petition within 45 days, the court may grant judgment against you for the award of money or other legal action requested in the Petition and you may lose your right to object anything that is or may be incorrect in the Petition.

dren, violation of 948.31, Wis. Stats., (Interference with custody by parent or others) is punishable by fines and/or imprisonment.

If you and the petitioner have minor children, documents setting forth the percentage standard for child support established by the department under 49.22(9), Wis. Stats., and the factors that a court may consider for modification of that standard under 767.511(1m), Wis. Stats., are available upon your request from the Clerk of Court. You are notified of the availability of information from the Circuit Court Commissioner as set forth in 767.105,Wis. Stats. 767.105 Information from Circuit Court Commissioner. (2) Upon the request of a party to an action affecting the family, including a revision of judgment or order under sec. 767.59 or 767.451: (a) The Circuit Court Commissioner shall, with or without charge provide the party with written information on the following, as appropriate to the action commenced: 1. The procedure for obtaining a judgment or order in the action. 2. The major issues usually addressed in such an action. 3. Community resources and family court counseling services available to assist the parties. 4. The procedure for setting modifying, and enforcing child support awards, or modifying and enforcing legal custody or physical placement judgments or orders. (b) The Circuit Court Commissioner shall provide a party, for inspection or purchase with a copy of the statutory provisions in this chapter generally pertinent to the action. Date: 11-19-2013 By: MARIA G CEFALU 013-198/11-27/12-4-11-2013 SUMMO!S (PUBLICATIO!) STATE OF WISCO!SI! CIRCUIT COURT MILWAUKEE COU!TY !OTICE A!D ORDER FOR !AME CHA!GE HEARI!G Case !o. 13CV010599 In the matter of the name change of: JARED MARTIN GSCHEIDMEIER NOTICE IS GIVEN: A petition was filed asking to change the name of the person listed above: From: JARED MARTIN GSCHEIDMEIERTo:JARED MARTIN DRUMMOND Birth Certificate:JARED MARTIN GSCHEIDMEIER IT IS ORDERED This petition will be heard in the Circuit Court of Milwaukee County, State of Wisconsin. Judge’s Name:HON.JEFFREY A CONENROOM 413 PLACE: 901 N. 9th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 53233 DATE: January 13, 2014, TIME 9:30 A.M.

A judgment may be enforced as provided by law. A judgment awarding money may become a lien against any real estate you own now or in the future, and may also be enforced by garnishment or seizure of property.

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED: Notice of this hearing shall be given by publication as a Class 3 notice for three (3) weeks in a row prior to the date of the hearing in the Milwaukee Community Journal, a newspaper published in Milwaukee County, State of Wisconsin. Dated: 11-27-2013 BY THE COURT: HON. JEFFREY A CONEN Circuit Court Judge 013-201/12-4-11-18-2013

You are further notified that if the parties to this action have minor chil-


STATE OF WISCO!SI! CIRCUIT COURT MILWAUKEE COU!TY Case !o. 13FA006989 Divorce-40101 In Re: The marriage of: AMANDA E FERGUSON, Petitionerand Respondent: MARIOL E DIXON, SR

(b)The Circuit Court Commissioner shall provide a party, for inspection or purchase, with a copy of the statutory provisions in this chapter generally pertinent to the action.

THE STATE OF WISCONSIN, TO THE PERSON NAMED ABOVE AS RESPONDENT: You are notified that the petitioner named above has filed a Petition for divorce or legal separation against you. You must respond with a written demand for a copy of the Petition within 45 days from the day after the first day of publication.


The demand must be sent or delivered to the court at: Clerk of Court, Milwaukee County Courthouse 901 N 9thStMilwaukee WI 53233 and toAMANDA E FERGUSON 4861 N 46TH STREETMILWAUKEE WI 53218

NOTICE IS GIVEN: A petition was filed asking to change the name of the person listed above: From:DIELLA H KINGTo:DANIELLA H KING Birth Certificate:DIELLA H KING

It is recommended, but not required that you have an attorney help or represent you.

IT IS ORDERED This petition will be heard in the Circuit Court of Milwaukee County, State of Wisconsin. Judge’s Name:HON. PAUL R VAN GRUNSVENROOM 404 PLACE: 901 N. 9th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 53233 DATE: January 14, 2014, TIME 9:45 A.M.

If you do not demand a copy of the Petition within 45 days, the court may grant judgment against you for the award of money or other legal action requested in the Petition, and you may lose your right to object to anything that is or may be incorrect in the Petition. A judgment may be enforced as provided by law. A judgment awarding money may become a lien against any real estate you own now or in the future, and may also be enforced by garnishment or seizure of property. You are further notified that if the parties to this action have minor children, violation of 948.31 Wis. Stats., (Interference with custody by parent or others) is punishable by fines and/or imprisonment: If you and the petitioner have minor children, documents setting forth the percentage standard for child support established by the department under 49.22(9), Wis. Stats., and the factors that a court may consider for modification of that standard under 767.511 (1m). Wis Stats. are available upon your request from the Clerk of Court. You are notified of the availability of information from the Circuit Court Commissioner as set forth in 767.105 WIs.Stats. 767.105 Information from Circuit Court Commissioner. (2)Upon the request of a party to an action affecting the family, including a revision of judgment or order under sec. 767.59 or 767.451: (a)The Circuit Court Commissioner shall, with or without charge, provide the party with written information on the following, as appropriate to the action commenced: 1. The procedure for obtaining a judgment or order in the action 2. The major issues usually addressed in such an action. 3. Community resources and family court counseling services available to assist the parties. 4. The procedure for setting, modifying, and enforcing child support awards, or modifying and enforcing legal custody or physical placement judgments or orders.

Date: 12-4-2013 BY:AMANDA E FERGUSON 013-203/12-11-18-25-2013

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED: Notice of this hearing shall be given by publication as a Class 3 notice for three (3) weeks in a row prior to the date of the hearing in the Milwaukee Community Journal, a newspaper published in Milwaukee County, State of Wisconsin. Dated: 11-26-2013 BY THE COURT: PAUL R VAN GRUNSVEN Circuit Court Judge 013-202/12-11-18-25-2013 SUMMO!S (PUBLICATIO!) STATE OF WISCO!SI! CIRCUIT COURT MILWAUKEE COU!TY !OTICE A!D ORDER FOR !AME CHA!GE HEARI!G Case !o. 13CV0113 In the matter of the name change of: SHIRLEY LYNN CAESAR NOTICE IS GIVEN: A petition was filed asking to change the name of the person listed above: From:SHERRIE LYNN CRISSTo:SHIRLEY LYNN CAESAR Birth Certificate: SHERRIE LYNN CRISS IT IS ORDERED This petition will be heard in the Circuit Court of Milwaukee County, State of Wisconsin. Judge’s Name:HON. DAVID A HANSHER ROOM 412 PLACE: 901 N. 9th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 53233 DATE: January 16,2014, TIME 10:00 A.M. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED: Notice of this hearing shall be given by publication as a Class 3 notice for three (3) weeks in a row prior to the date of the hearing in the Milwaukee Community Journal, a newspaper published in Milwaukee County, State of Wisconsin. Dated: 12-5-2013 BY THE COURT: HON. DAVID A HANSHER Circuit Court Judge 013-203/12-11-18-25-2013

OFFICIAL ADVERTISEMENT Office of the Milwaukee Public Schools, DIVISION OF FACILITIES AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES, 1124 N. 11th St., Milwaukee, Wisconsin, December 6, 2013. Sealed proposals will be received at 1124 N. 11th St., directed to the attention of Ms. Gina M. Spang, P.E., Director of the Division of Facilities and Maintenance Services, pursuant to Section 119.52(3) Wisconsin Statutes, until Thursday, January 9, 2014 at 1:30 P.M., in accordance with plans and specifications for the following work: All contractor(s) and subcontractor(s) are subject to the prevailing wage rates and hours of labor as prescribed by the Milwaukee Board of School Directors of the City of Milwaukee consistent with provisions of Section 66.0903 of the Wisconsin Statutes. BID GUARANTY TO ACCOMPANY BID: MPS Bid Bond, Certified or Cashier’s Check: 10% of Contractor’s Base Bid. NEW TOT LOT Honey Creek School 6701 W. Eden Place Milwaukee, WI 53220 MPS Property No. 334 MPS Project No. 2188 The HUB requirements for this project are 10% The COIN requirements for this project are 10% The minimum Student Participation requirements for this project are: Paid Employment: 100 Hours Educational Activities: 10 Hours Deposit for Drawings and Specifications: $25.00 MAILING CHARGE: $35.00 The bidding documents may be obtained 7:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Monday through Friday from A/E Graphics, Inc., 4075 North 124th Street, Brookfield, WI 53005; phone (262) 781-7744; fax (262) 781-4250. Call A/E Graphics for availability of bid documents for pick up. Plans and specifications will be loaned to a prospective bidder upon receipt of the deposit listed, which deposit will be returned upon surrender of the plans and specifications in good condition. Bid documents must be returned only to A/E Graphics, Inc. Plans and specifications may be examined at the Facilities and Maintenance Services’ office. Bid documents may not be examined at A/E Graphics, Inc.. Plans and specifications may also be viewed online at A/E Graphics, Inc. @ Each proposal shall be for a fixed lump sum. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids or to waive informalities. Upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to accommodate the needs of disabled individuals at the bid opening through sign language interpreters or other auxiliary aids. The following TDD number is available for the hearing impaired for questions prior to bid opening, 283-4611. GREGORY E. THORNTON, Ed.D, 10453403/12-6-12-19-26-1-2 Superintendent of Schools.

Associate Researcher/No Prefix Researcher Full-Time Academic Staff Position POSITION: The Center for Urban Initiatives and Research (CUIR) at the University of WisconsinMilwaukee is seeking a Researcher (Associate/No Prefix) to collaborate with CUIR staff in conducting applied research and program evaluations sponsored by nonprofit organizations, foundations, and local, state and federal government agencies. The person in this position will be highly organized and able to apply research skills to the design and implementation of research tasks, collate and analyze data, prepare high-quality research reports, and present findings to diverse, non-academic audiences. This is a full-time, fixed term academic staff position; appointment is through the university fiscal year (6/30/14) and is annually renewable contingent on funding. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Campus-based and community-based research duties include: • Designing research projects that will generate knowledge sought by project sponsors. • Meet with campus and community sponsors to understand their research needs, create documents that summarize the scope of research services and construct budgets that itemize research costs. • Conduct literature reviews to support research projects. • Design and write evaluation sections for sponsors’ or potential sponsors’ grant applications. • Where appropriate, identify or design research instruments that may include mail, telephone and on-line surveys, as well as focus group and face-to-face interview protocols. • Analyze research data using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (IBM-SPSS). • Design and implement program evaluations that measure the outcomes or achievements of identified programs, organizations or initiatives. • Write high-quality research reports for a general audience, including executive summaries, using research data collected and analyzed for the project. • Where relevant, make oral presentations of research findings, potentially using PowerPoint or Prezi software, to sponsors and other audiences. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: • Master’s degree in a social sciences field (sociology, psychology, political science). A minimum of three (3) years of urban community research experience, with at least one year conducting program evaluation research. Experience performing quantitative data analysis using SPSS or a similar software. PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: • Experience designing program evaluation research for non-profit or public agencies. • Experience conducting qualitative data analysis. • Demonstrated project planning and coordination experience. • Experience presenting research results, both orally and written, to diverse audiences. • Demonstrated ability to work as a member of a team to implement a research project. • Experience conducting interviews and focus groups to support applied research projects. • Excellent writing skills (Finalists will be required to provide a writing sample.). Compensation: Dependent upon skills and experience; excellent fringe benefits. Application: Applicants must apply online to the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee’s Employment webpage and include (a) one (1) letter of application addressing all required and preferred qualifications listed above for the position, (b) resume and (c) list of three professional references with contact information to include telephone number, mailing address and e-mail address. If the Search and Screen Committee is not able to determine if a candidate meets the required qualifications based on application materials submitted, the person will be considered as not meeting those qualifications. Review of applications will begin after December 31, 2013 and continue until the position if filled. Applications received after December 31, 2013 may not receive consideration. All finalists for this position will require a criminal records review consistent with the Wisconsin Fair Employment Act.

UWM is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.

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The Milwaukee Community Journal December 11, 2013 Page 10

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