CA 221104

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Select Board approves licenses for Subaru dealership

A sweet time Trick or Treating

WESTBOROUGH - Families got a head start to Halloween with the annual Trick or Treat, which is sponsored by the Recreation Department.

Ghosts, goblins and Wonder Wom en by the score, along with superheroes and Disney characters, prowled Main Street and vicinity in search of sweets on Oct. 25.

The dealership is currently located at 247 Boston Turnpike.

SHREWSBURY - A Subaru dealership is one step closer to opening in Shrewsbury. There is currently a Patrick Subaru located at 247 Boston Turnpike. The new site, which spans approximately 14 acres, is near the intersection of Route 9 and South Street, which is about two miles away from its current dealership.

“It’s very good; it’s very busy,” said Melissa Hickman, one of the co-direc tors at Miss Tanya’s Nursery School at the Unitarian Universalist Church. “We’re seeing a lot of great costumes.”

Trick-or-treaters got to visit Town Hall and the Forbes Municipal Build ing, along with the library, police and fire department and local businesses.

Inside Orlando Builders on South Street, two members of the Orlando family experienced their first Trick or Treat — dad Brian and daughter

Trick or Treat | 15

Bike lanes among Complete Streets projects

NORTHBOROUGH - From adding bike racks to constructing new sidewalks, the Board of Selectmen got a first glance at proposed Complete Streets projects dur ing their Oct. 17 meeting.

Megan McDevitt, who is a project manager with Woodard and Curran, said a “complete street” is when a road has been designed and operates to encom pass all alternative modes of transporta tion for all ages and abilities.

“These are streets that are designed to

Shrewsbury · Westborough · Northborough · Southborough · Marlborough · Hudson · Grafton Your community. Your news. Your paper. Locally owned and operated since 1974 Vol. 48 | No. 44 | November 4, 2022 Subaru | 15
Voters to decide on adopting Community Preservation Act Westborough | 26 Zach Newbould
“The Voice”
Health Dept. closes Casa Vallarta Northborough | 12 Northborough | 13
Complete Streets | 14 sports | 27 Westborough falls to Marlborough 100% local content 100% FREE
Connor Durfee, 3, selects some candy in front of the Community Advocate office during the Trick or Treat on Oct. 25.
Proudly serving you since 1996 Home Improvement Professionals ® All Types of Home Repair & Remodeling Odd Jobs, Maintenance & Much More! MA CS #107504 | MA HIC #146014 (508) 366-3690 www.mrhandyman. com Licensed Bonded Insured WE’RE HIRING!


Vulcano for State Represen tative

to the editor

When my neighbor, Mike Vulcano an nounced that he was running for State Repre sentative, I thought he was crazy.

Mike has a great life. His chil dren graduated from college and are successfully employed and married, with a new grand child. His wife is nearing retire ment from decades of teaching in Northborough schools. He was busy enough coaching football at Holy Cross and his Subway franchise was thriv ing. I wondered why would he

even consider taking on such a responsibility just as things were beginning to quiet down for him?

I asked him. This is what he said, “Since my kids were born, everything I have done has been with their best in terest in mind. I have had a great life and have experienced the American dream, and al


ways expected that my kids would have the same. But as I watched the past few years unfold, I started to become extremely concerned about the way this country and state were headed — economically, culturally, socially, politically, and that my kids and theirs would be left with a huge mess to clean up. I realized I couldn’t

Endorsed byTheGlobeBoston

sit there and complain. I had to put some things on hold (retirement) and try to right the ship.”

Mike has lived in North borough for over 30 years, where he has gotten to know a lot of children whom he coached, and their parents. He is confident that his way of thinking and dealing with issues is very similar to most people in our community. His business is in the south side of Worcester, where the demo graphic presents a contrast to Northborough. Mike success fully employs and services that community and goes above and beyond in supporting his neighbors in Worcester and Northborough.

The proponents of Question 3 are a grassroots group of liquor stores, supermarkets, and convenience store owners and employees trying to get the word out on a limited budget. Your help and support are greatly appreciated and needed.

Grassroots vs Mega Corp

The opposition to Question 3 is funded by just one out-of-state big box retailer to the tune of 2.25 million dollars!

Massachusetts Fine Wine & Spirits LLC = Total Wine & More

Total Wine has over 220 superstores in 27 states. Don’t be fooled by their ads; they are not trying to save your local store!

Question 3 expands the number of Beer & Wine Licenses and caps the number of Full Liquor Licenses an individual can own. It does not create any new licenses that are available locally. The new configuration would still represent the most licenses allowed amongst the 23 similar three-tier states.

Question 3 would prohibit self-checkout of alcohol at supermarkets and other stores. It’s not just about carding but identifying intoxicated people and stopping 2nd party sales. You can’t buy cigarettes,

prescription drugs, or cannabis at a self-checkout station, nor should alcohol be allowed.

Question 3 will increase fines and penalties if a store sells alcohol to minors or for other infractions. These penalties are based on gross sales, which will result in higher fines for multi-channel box retail that are comparable to those of a single-channel alcohol retailer. The fines should be just as punitive for big box stores as they are for small stores. These higher fines will signal to box store retail how important it is to accept responsibility when selling alcohol.

Question 3 would allow out-of-state IDs to be used when purchasing alcohol, which will help our tourism industry. It may sound unbelievable, but a retailer, restaurant, or bar is not legally allowed to accept an out-of-state driver’s license for the purchase of alcohol. We are the ONLY state in the United States that does not allow this. BTW Cannabis dispensaries can accept out-of-state IDs.

That’s it, nothing more.

This initiative was designed to be a commonsense compromise that updates Massachusetts Liquor Laws in a manner that everyone will have an even playing field to compete! Question 3 is a win-win.

local retailer asks you to VOTE YES

When I moved to North borough, I was fortunate to move next door to Mike. His selfless energy personifies why my wife and I chose to move to this area of hardworking, compassionate Americans. As challenges around us seem to be increasing, I trust Mike implicitly both with my family and in representing our com munity.

CPA: A brand new tax on Westborough taxpayers

Question 5 on the Nov 8 bal lot asks if Westborough should adopt the Community Preser vation Act (CPA), which raises money from Westborough taxpayers with a surcharge on their property tax bill to get a small percent of it “matched” from the state, and which can only be spent on certain types of projects.

Westborough already has very high property taxes, in cluding a significant FY23 in crease, and will likely continue to increase from the “many projects and infrastructure needs on the near horizon” (Advisory Finance Commit tee). Also, an 8%+ inflation rate and skyrocketing electricity, gas, and oil prices will mean higher costs to the town — in creasing property taxes even higher in the future — and higher costs to families’ bud gets. CPA would add a new tax on top of all of that. It would start with a .5% surcharge on property taxes but can rise to

2 • COMMUNITY ADVOCATE • Friday, November 4, 2022
Paid for by 21st Century Alcohol Retail Reform Committee Your
on 3
Letters | 3 letters

3%. Given the propensity of Town Meeting to approve al most all spending, it wouldn’t take long for it to approve in creasing the surcharge.

On first look, it might seem prudent to receive money from the state for projects we would do, anyway. However, CPA says that the state already takes $5 from us, and to get that $5 back, the town must take ap proximately $17 *more* from us. This is an incentive to raise taxes to in crease spending. Spending will increase because the mindset of viewing projects switches from, “we have a need to do Project X, how much will it cost”, to, “we have this money, what project should we do”. This leads not only to doing the projects we would do anyway, but we would do many *more* projects and therefore would end up spending much more money with CPA.

own merits, and not viewed from the perspective that “we have a pot of money, so which project should we do”. That way, only the most essential projects would be approved, and avoid adding to our everescalating property taxes.

I recommend vote No on Question 5.

letters to the editor

To the Editor:

All eligible voters who do not have access to a computer should be aware that there are four questions on the Novem ber 2022 ballot not three as stated in the “information for voters” booklet which every one received in the mail. The fourth question was added after the booklets were mailed. There will be no notice sent by mail to voters of this change. The only place you can view this question is on line.

Instead, each project should be evaluated and funded on its

Question #4 is a vote to keep or repeal the law the legislature has already passed on giving Massachusetts drivers’ license

Versatile Red Blends

Usually red wine drinkers have a favorite among the popular vari etals: Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Noir, and Merlot. Each of these varietals can be used as the predominant grape in a blended red wine that is less complex. Cabernet Sauvignon blends tend to be rich and full-bodied with fewer mouthpuckering tannins. Try pairing these wines with grilled or roasted beef. Merlot blends are full-bodied and fruity with notes of chocolate and cherries. They pair surprisingly well with pasta dishes and fast-food options such as pizza and burgers. Pinot Noir blends are light to medium-bodied, fruit-forward, and very low in tannins. These versatile wines complement salmon, game, and veal. Explore pairings with red wine blends to discover new flavor favorites.

Red wine blends have become quite popu lar as many wine lovers like inexpensive, fruit-forward, low acidity, easy drink ing wines. In many wine regions, there are laws that require that wine be made of specific grape varieties and be a blend. If the wine is not blended in accordance with these specifications, it can be labeled more generically as “table wine.” To learn more about the wines we have on stock at JULIO’S LIQUORS, stop by 140 Turnpike Rd., Rt. 9 East, or call 508-366-1942

HINT: Many well-known Old World wines are red blends including red Bordeaux, Rioja, Lambrusco, and Chianti.



The Liquor Talking Live show every Saturday, 11 am on WCRN AM830

Or catch rebroadcasts on WCRN AM830 every weekday at 7 pm after Howie Carr!

You can also pick and choose episodes on Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts.

COMMUNITY ADVOCATE • Friday, November 4, 2022 • 3
The Community Advocate is a weekly periodical, (U.S.P.S. # 014-423), published by Bagdon Advertising, Inc., with of fices located at 32 South Street, Westborough, MA 01581. Periodicals postage is paid at Westborough, MA 01581 and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Please send address changes to: Community Advocate, 32 South Street, Westborough, MA 01581. Publication date is Friday. Deadline for R.O.P. advertising, local community news and classified advertising is Friday, noon, seven days prior to publication. Not liable for typographical errors, however, we will reprint that portion of the ad wherein error occurred if notified in writing within three working days of the publication date. All material included is the property of The Community Advocate and may include material produced under copyright or a syndicated ad service. Permission must be obtained in writing before reproducing any material from any issue of the Community Advocate. 32 South Street • Westborough, MA 01581 (508) 366-5500 • FAX (508) 366-2812 TWITTER: @ CommunityAdNews FACEBOOK.COM /CommunityAdvocateNewspaper EMAIL FOR SUBMITTING CAMERA-READY ADS: EMAIL FOR NEWS-RELATED MATERIALS: EMAIL FOR CLASSIFIED ADS: EMAIL FOR CALENDAR ITEMS:
NORTHBOROUGH – Drone photographer Tami White spent time taking photos of the fall
foliage around the region. This
photo shows the changing colors around the Aqueduct Bridge,
which runs over the Assabet
out more photos
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The Community Advocate’s Policy on Letters to the Editor All letters should be 350 words or less. Letters should be emailed to news@communi and or mailed to Managing Editor, Community Advocate, 32 South St. Westborough MA 01581. Letters must have the name, address and phone number of the person submitting it (only name and town will be printed.) Letters will be reviewed and printed at the discretion of the Editor as they are deemed suitable and as space allows. Letters that contain personal attacks will not be printed. Opinions expressed in the letters to the editor do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Community Advocate or its advertisers. HOURS: MON-SAT 9am-9pm • SUN 10am-7pm 140 Turnpike Road, Rt. 9E, Westborough 508-366-1942 •
If you
article every week, check out our radio show & podcast –It’s
Ryan Maloney, owner
Letters | from page 2 Letters | 4

or permits to illegal aliens. If a yes vote is made, the law will stand and licenses will be is sued to illegal aliens. If a no vote is made, the law will be repealed and illegal aliens will not be able to obtain a Mass driver’s license. The propo nents for this law argue that it will keep the roads safe.

In reality, the Registry of Motor Ve hicles does not have the capability or expertise necessary to verify any type of foreign documents that the illegal aliens could possibly give them as to their identity. Mass drivers’ licenses would no longer confirm that a person is who they say they are. The law also specifically restricts the Registry’s ability to share citizenship informa tion with groups responsible for ensuring only citizens reg ister to vote in our elections. This would increase the chance that noncitizens will register to vote.

Even Governor Baker was

against this new law. A no vote would repeal this law and in sure that Mass drivers’ licenses would not go to illegal aliens.

Carole A. David Northborough


I have known Mike Vul cano for over 30 years, during which time I have witnessed his conscientious dedication to his family and community and business acumen. When he told me he was running for state rep, I very enthusiastically encouraged him, knowing that this fearless individual would do everything he could to rep resent the people in our district.

But I hadn’t heard much about his opponent, so I looked up her record on billtrack50. com: Meg Kilcoyne voted YES on:

Increasing taxes on entrepreneurs and businesses; licenses to illegal immigrants; sanctuary state status; End charitable tax deductions; Green New Deal for Massa chusetts; gender-affirming

services a right for minors.

Meg Kilcoyne voted NO on: Term limits for the House Speaker; publishing fill com mittee votes online and making testimony part of public record; publishing bills 48 hours before a vote (so pub lic can read legislation and comment); penalties for voter fraud; voter id; block vaccine mandates at polling loca tions.

I asked Mike how he would have voted and his answers were exactly the opposite. He explained his reasoning on many, including our dire need to be energy independent; the importance of parental rights; the fallacy of increased safety provided by driver’s licenses for illegal immigrants (which include drug dealers and hu man traffickers); and more.

Ms. Kilcoyne’s website lists her endorsers, which include about 10 unions and Planned Parenthood.

I then understood why Mike was running and support him 100%.

Warm Regards, Michael L. Durkin Northborough

Yes on Three, the Free Market Should Benefit Everyone

Watching only one corpo ration from Maryland, owned by a Congressman, pump over $3 Million Dollars into vote no ads in my state has raised my eyebrows.

Politics is not the cleanest of arenas; that is why I left it almost ten years ago. But watching and talking to friends and family about the ballot questions made me realize very little has changed. So I did some research.

The Yes on Question Three movement has true bipartisan support. Yes on Three also is endorsed by the Massachu setts Package Store Association in Massachusetts. They repre sent every license holder.

The only store against it is Total Wine and More, from Maryland, owned by a Mary land Congressman and his brother. Their opposition to this is based on wanting more than 9 liquor licenses in Mas sachusetts. Most readers, like myself, probably are unaware that 9 is the most of any state currently. Total Wine and More is also pumping millions

of dollars into a similar effort in Colorado.

Voting Yes on Question Three would protect the small er mom and pop stores from being gobbled up by all the corporate giants.

But a yes vote also does so much more; it ensures “No self check out on Alcohol” at Supermarkets and other stores. I was shocked to see this had not already been banned.

The ballot question would also increase fines and penal ties if stores sell alcohol to mi nors. and allow out of state IDs to be used when purchasing alcohol, helping our tourism industry. Our Commonwealth is the only one where this is not allowed.

Buying legislation that lit erally only helps one corpo ration, should be opposed at every turn.

Vincent A.J. Errichetti

Former Political Director of the Massachusetts Republi can Party, Retired Political Consultant, and current owner of Errichetti Media, a Digital Marketing Company managing Taste Of Massa chusetts Brands

4 • COMMUNITY ADVOCATE • Friday, November 4, 2022
COMMUNITY VIEWPOINT Dr. Karen Patti Call Dr. Karen Patti for appointment 617-939-8172 • Mobil veterinarian care in the comfort of your own home! • Serving Metrowest! • Veterinary care for a variety of pets • Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, practicing since 2005 Mobile Veterinary Services Wellness Routine Surgery Dentistry Diagnostics Home Euthanasia @artemisveterinary Letters | from page 3 letters to the editor
Letters | 6 NEW STUDIO LOCATION NEW CABINETS, COUNTERS, CABINET PAINTING, REFACING... 298 Boston Tpke., Suite #5, Shrewsbury 508.842.6677 | Studio Hours By Appointment Only Quality Work, Affordable Prices & Senior Discount 508-395-8831 Phelps Painting & Carpentry • Power Washing • Carpentry & Repairs • Roofing • EXTERIOR & Interior • Fully Insured

Enroll Today! The Medicare Advantage Annual Enrollment Period has begun.

With Mass Advantage, you won’t have to choose between high-quality care and accessible care. That’s because UMass Memorial Health providers helped us design Mass Advantage to provide enhanced care coordination and streamline access to the resources of UMass Memorial Health – the largest healthcare system in Central Massachusetts. You’ll enjoy $0 monthly premium* HMO and PPO plans, PLUS benefits like:

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Auburn Auburn/ Webster Elks 754 Southbridge St. November 9, 2 p.m.


Tri-River Family Health Center 281 E Hartford Ave. November 15, 10 a.m. December 1, 10 a.m.

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Worcester Worcester Business Center 67 Millbrook St. November 17, 10 a.m. November 30, 2 p.m. December 2, 2 p.m. December 6, 10 a.m.

Virtual via Zoom

November 8, 4 p.m. November 28, 4 p.m. December 5, 4 p.m.

Are these locations/dates not convenient for you? We also o er virtual seminars and personal consultations. Visit for more information.

Visit for enrollment options and to register for an Informational Seminar or call our Benefit Information Center to schedule a one-on-one conversation with a Mass Advantage Medicare Solutions Advisor at 844-513-0529 (TTY:711).

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**Premium and coverage may vary based on plan selection. For a complete list of benefits, visit

**The parking benefit mentioned is part of a special supplemental program for the chronically ill. Not all members qualify. Mass Advantage is a Medicare Advantage organization with a Medicare contract o ering HMO and PPO plans. Enrollment in Mass Advantage depends on contract renewal. Other providers and physicians are available in our network. For accommodation of persons with special needs at meetings, please call 844-514-0674 TTY:711.

H7670_23540_M Accepted

COMMUNITY ADVOCATE • Friday, November 4, 2022 • 5
H9904_23541_M Accepted > Olga Lopez, Member Since 2022
009_MassAdvantage_CommunityAdvocate_FP4C_1104_EnrollNow_vM // 10.25”w x 13.35”h // CMYK // Full Page // Community Advocate (11.04.22 insertion) 009_MassAdvantage_CommunityAdvocate_FP4C_1104_EnrollNow_vM.indd 1 10/25/22 1:04 PM

NO on Question 4

I am not sure how many people realize what is going on at the border. To make it sim ple to understand, thousands of people are coming into our country illegally. Some of those people are nice and harmless, I am sure, despite the fact that they broke the law by entering without go ing through the proper channels.

But those people are being brought to the border by bad people — i.e. drug cartels and human traffickers.

This is a big problem for our communities for so many rea sons, and it seems that there is nothing we can do about it. But there is. We can Vote on November 8th and vote NO on question number 4.

How could that possibly help? Question 4 allows Mas sachusetts to legitimize peo ple who are here illegally. It gives the job of vetting people

(determining who the people are and whether or not they are who they say they are), to the Registry of Motor Vehicles. If you have been to the registry over the past 50 years, you might come to the conclusion that they have enough to do. There is no way that the RMV can tell a criminal from a nice person. It is impossible. So, they will inad vertently give criminals a license and therefore allow them to vote in our elections. And then, all of their friends will also want to come here too.

Don’t we have enough problems? Do we really want to entice drug dealers and hu man traffickers to our state?

Please do your research and realize what is going on. Our children’s and grandchildren’s futures are at stake. That is all there is to it. If you don’t want to waste time doing research, just take my word for it and PLEASE VOTE NO on 4 Susanne Kasaras Northborough

And no better person with the life experience to pull this off than Mike Vulcano, who is running for State Representa tive. After all, this is no longer politics. This is life. There are so many issues on the table. So many things that need to be straightened out. No better person to be involved in the conundrum that is our state and country than Mike.

After graduating from Southern Connecticut State University, Mike hung up his football cleats and began his career with Subway, which was still in its early stages. He was responsible for develop ing and selling franchises (5-10 per year); training; lease negotiation; state/federal food industry regulations, etc. This took him up and down the east coast and he finally settled in Northborough to raise his family.

Mike was also a member of the Northborough Recreation commission for 10 years, dur ing which he helped head an effort to create the area’s first turf field known as the 911 field in Southborough for youth and High School sports of both towns. This involved collaboration between the surrounding towns and all the local business that stepped up and donated their time and money to do this project with little to no cost to the towns. Mike worked with Joe Kacevich of the Southborough recreation commission who received a grant from the state to get the project started.

tening to his constituents and committing their needs and concerns to the legislature and collaborating with his colleagues to achieve success ful results for all of us.

Join me and Vote for Mike Vulcano for State Representative!

Sincerely, Michael Lyons Northborough

Vote NO on Question #4

Another Non-Politician entering politics! Music to my ears!

Mike was able to rekindle his interest in football when he founded the Northbor ough-Southborough youth Football program that he ran for ten years. He was then recruited as head coach at Algonquin High School.

While maintaining a Sub way franchise, Mike contin ued his involvement in his beloved sport by coaching at Assumption College, where he stayed for 10 years, and moved to Holy Cross football operations in 2019.

There is no doubt that, be cause of Mike’s experiences, he has become an expert problem solver, collaborator and communicator. What better skills could a state rep need. He is committed to lis

Entitlements given to il legals will ONLY bring more illegals. In the past 12 years American citizens have spent well over 220 billion dollars on ‘Boarder Security’ with almost zero overall effect. Two million plus illegals just this year alone. Drug over dose deaths from smuggled fentanyl is increasing by leaps and bounds. America cannot sustain the overloaded courts, the ramped criminal activity and the financial burden of medical and welfare costs the illegals put on the backs of Americans.

6 • COMMUNITY ADVOCATE • Friday, November 4, 2022
COMMUNITY VIEWPOINT Julio’s Liquors Tatnuck Bookseller & Café Three Gorges & Mayuri Mandarin Mexicali Cantina Grill Stop & Shop Marshalls Staples Progressive Realty Consultants NOW LEASING 1,695 - 13,383 SF available For leasing information call Dona Colangelo, RPA 508.366.4163 • Westborough Shopping Center CONVENIENT TO ROUTES 9, 495 AND THE MASS PIKE Office tenants may select from a variety of floor plans and rental options in and adjacent to the Westborough Shopping Center. Single offices short or long term MIXED USE OFFICE Subway Drive by traffic of 90,000 cars per day! letters to the editor Letters | from page 4 Letters | 7

letters to the editor

Legislators write laws that are seldom enforced, thus the problem America has to day with 15.5 million illegals Who are they, where do they live and a multitude of un answered questions our gov ernment is unable or unwilling to answer. Our federal gov ernment has written 136 pieces of legisla tion since 1940, few if any of these are known or understood. Massa chusetts legislators have writ ten UNCONSTITUTIONAL LAW, which if not repealed, will only create more confu sion, chaos and expense to the taxpayer.

NO Driver’s Licenses for Illegal Immigrants.

Vote NO on Question #4

The Massachusetts ‘Driv er’s Test’ is given in 25 dif ferent languages — just how safe does that make you feel? Courts, hospitals, etc. require an interpreter for every per

son who does not speak Eng lish, which is funded by our taxes or insurance premiums. Next, they will ‘demand’ to VOTE. Will that be in 25 dif ferent languages as well?

Wake UP Massachusetts!

Richard Mangus Hudson

Dear Editor:

It is with pleasure that I write in support of my friend Hannah Kane for re-election as State Representative from Worcester’s Eleventh District. I have known Hannah for many years and have worked with her on committees and fundraisers well before she entered public service. She is, without a doubt, the hardest working person I know and it would be an impossible task to quantify how valuable she is on Beacon Hill serving on behalf of Shrewsbury and a portion of Westborough.

Hannah has been instru mental in raising much need ed funding for the Shrewsbury Public Schools, Shrewsbury Youth and Family Services,

Inc. (SYFS), the Shrewsbury Public Library and has lead a host of successful Proposi tion 2 1/2 overrides and debt exclusions. Additionally, she worked successfully to ad dress traffic and safety issues along Shrewsbury’s Route 20 Corridor.

Through her annual Han nah Kane Charity Classic golf tournament, over $450,000 has been raised for SYFS, St. Anne’s Human Services and the Westborough Food Pantry. The Classic has also supported addiction prevention, relief for first responders, Veteran’s Inc. and both Shrewsbury and Westborough Education Foundations.

As State Representative Hannah has served on the Ways and Means Committee, Joint Committee on Health Care Financing and the Joint Committee on Public Health. She has championed women’s rights and, as a State Direc tor for the National Women in Government Foundation, she continues to empower women. Food insecurity is sues are also a priority. She co-founded and co-chaired

the first in the nation Legisla tive Food System Caucus on Beacon Hill.

Public service is her nature and works collaboratively and collegiately with Democratic State Senator Michael Moore and Congressman Jim Mc Govern.

I say if it isn’t broke don’t fix it because our representa tion on Beacon Hill is anything but broke. It would be a tre mendous loss if she is not reelected. Join me in supporting Hannah Kane for another term on November 8.

Sincerely, Melanie Petrucci Shrewsbury

cause it wasn’t political! It was about how we all want to live our lives in happiness, safety and prosperity. Maybe that is because Lisa has never been a politician. She is a small businesswoman, wife and mother who decided she needed to step up and help to solve problems which will impact the futures of her fam ily and friends.

Lisa explained what she thought was wrong with some of the policies in our state and how she would very sensibly and coherently engage with her constituents and other legislators to move things in a better direction. She touched on the economy, health care, education, pov erty, drug crisis and more.

Lisa Mair — Independent for State Senate

Recently I had the plea sure of meeting Lisa Mair at a gathering in Berlin. I was impressed by her sincerity and concern for people, so I decided to attend one of her political events...I am so glad that I did.

This was the best political talk I have ever heard — be

I had no doubt, after listen ing to Lisa, that I could trust her to do what is best for my family.

Without taking up more space, I would suggest go ing to her website Lisafor and see what you think.

COMMUNITY ADVOCATE • Friday, November 4, 2022 • 7
COMMUNITY VIEWPOINT GIFT CARDS n award winning beer ! Thursday: 4:00pm – 9:00pm Friday: 4:00pm – 9:00pm Saturday: 2:00pm – 9:00pm Sunday: 2:00pm – 8:00pm Flying Dreams Brewing Co. & Taproom Marlborough 277 Main St., Marlborough (508) 251-0484 GIBSON’S NATURAL PET Boarding • Grooming • Training • Daycare Dog Daycare Club Training - Basic Intermediate Rally Retail Supplies Store Professional Grooming 139 Upton St. • Rte. 140 • Grafton BOARDING Like us on 508-839-1757 Proud Members of the APDT Starting at $27 per person Granite Marble Quartz, Soapstone Fabricators and installation of Kitchen Countertops, Vanity Tops, Fireplaces and Outdoor Kitchens. FREE SINK WITH PURCHASE 184 Stone St., Ste 6 • Clinton MA 01510 508-308-6040
Letters | from page 6
graphi cs by t i n a Sponsored by Chief Joseph Robert J. Terkanian, P.O. Box 808 • Northborough, MA 01532 Be sensitive to the whisperings and stirrings of the Holy Spirit in your life and face the future with Faith and Hope. Lord, let your kindly light guide me. Help me to understand that I should take life one day at a time and seek your guidance in everything I do. ~ Grace for Today Let Jesus Guide You


The Emotional and Non-financial Benefits of Homeownership

With higher mortgage rates, you might be wondering if now’s the best time to buy a home. While the financial aspects are important to consider, there are also powerful nonfinancial reasons it may make sense to make a move. Here are just a few of the benefits that come with homeownership.

Homeowners Can Make Their Home Truly Their Own

Owning your home gives you a significant sense of ac complishment because it’s a space you can customize to your heart’s desire. That can bring you added happiness.

In fact, a report from the National Association of Realtors (NAR) shows making updates or remodeling your home can help you feel more at ease and comfortable in your living space. NAR measures this with a Joy Score that indicates how much happiness specific home up grades bring. According to NAR:

“There were numerous inte

rior projects that received a per fect Joy Score of 10: paint entire interior of home, paint one room of home, add a new home office, hardwood flooring refinish, new wood flooring, closet renova tion, insulation upgrade, and attic conversion to living area.”

And as a homeowner, unless there are specific homeowner’s association requirements, you typically won’t have to worry about the changes you can and can’t make.

If you rent, you may not have the same freedom. And if you do make changes as a renter, there’s a good chance you’ll need to revert them back at the end of your lease based on your

rental agreement. That can add additional costs when you move out.

The Responsibilities of Homeownership Give You a Greater Sense of Achievement

There’s no denying taking care of your home is a large re sponsibility, but it’s one you’ll take pride in as a homeowner.

Freddie Mac explains:

“As the homeowner, you have the freedom to adopt a pet, paint the walls any color you choose, renovate your kitchen, and more. . . . Of course, along with the freedoms of homeown ership come responsibilities, such as making your monthly mortgage payments on time and maintaining your home. But as the property owner, you’ll be caring for your own invest ment.”

You’re not taking care of a liv ing space that belongs to some one else. The space is yours. As an added benefit, you may get a return on investment for any upgrades or repairs you make.

Homeownership Can Lead to Greater Community Engagement

That sense of ownership and your feelings of responsibil ity can even extend beyond the walls of your home. Your home also gives you a stake in your community. Because the aver age homeowner stays in their home for longer than just a few years, that can lead to having a stronger connection to your local area. NAR notes how that can benefit you:

“Living in one place for a longer amount of time creates an obvious sense of community pride, which may lead to more investment in said community.”

If you’re looking to put down roots, homeownership can help fuel a sense of connection to the area and those around you.

Bottom Line

If you’re planning to buy a home this year, there are incred ible benefits waiting for you at the end of your journey, includ ing the ability to customize your

8 • COMMUNITY ADVOCATE • Friday, November 4, 2022
This is a paid advertisement
Elaine Quigley, CBR, CRS, GRI Cell: (508) 735-5161 Commonwealth Real Estate
T O T A L H O M E C O M F O R T 508-393-6200 • • Heating System Upgrades • Automatic Oil Delivery • 24 Hr. Emergency Service • Diesel Fuel • Convenient Payment Plans • Air Conditioning 247 West Main Street • Northborough NORTHBORO OIL CO. A Full Service Fuel Oil cOMpANy Family Owned & Operated for Over 60 Years Progressive Realty Consultants For leasing information call Dona Colangelo, RPA 508.366.4163 • Westborough Office Space Office tenants may select from a variety of floor plans and rental options. 24 Lyman Street Wonderfully appointed space ideal for office or medical tenant. Building features underground parking. 33 Lyman Street 4 floors of first class office space with a soaring atrium foyer and ample parking. 8 Lyman Street Beautiful contemporary building located directly above bank tenant. 2 Vacancies 4 Vacancies 1 Vacancy Convenient to Routes 9, 495 and the Mass Pike Your resource for beautiful floors 950 Chestnut Street, Franklin 1276 Worcester Street, Rte 9, Natick *See Store for Details TAKE UP TO 36 MONTHS TO PAY WITH NO INTEREST!* CORK • HARDWOOD CARPET • AREA RUGS LUXURY VINYL PLANK 30 DAYS ONLY! 508-366-5087 24 HOUR SERVICE SAVE $50* FLOORS THAT PERFORM Sale

Education Foundation to hold Annual Trivia Night

SHREWSBURY - The Shrews bury Education Foundation will hold its Annual Trivia Night on Saturday, Nov. 5 at Borgatti Bar inside Whole Foods Market.

Registration for the event begins at 6:30 p.m. It will in clude a “happy half hour” and a cash bar, followed by trivia at 7 p.m.

The event will also feature

pub snacks and pizza, which are available for pre-order dur ing online registration.

Registration costs $20 per person. There is no formal team registration this year, but players can form teams of up to four upon arrival. Players can also choose to play solo, in pairs, or in triples as well.

Non-playing spectators are allowed to watch at $10 each.

Hank Stolz, radio host of “Talk of the Commonwealth” on Radio Worcester, will emcee the event.

Players can be creative with their team and are welcomed to attend the event in cos tumes.

All proceeds go to raising funds for educational grants for Shrewsbury Public School educators.

Girl Scout candy drive Nov. 1-14

REGION - The Shrewsbury, Northborough and Grafton Girl Scouts will be hosting a Halloween candy drive Nov. 1 to 14.

If you wish to drop off candy in Shrewsbury, dropoff locations include the Shrewsbury Town Hall and Papa’s Hardware Store.

If you are donating candy to the Northborough Girl Scouts, dropoff locations in Northborough include the Town Hall and the Public Library.

If you decide to donate candy to the Grafton Girl Scouts, dropoff locations in Grafton include the Public Library and Koopman’s Hardware.

All candy will be given to local veterans organizations.

Seniors on the move


hanging any type of long-held habit is difficult for most of us, but even more so as we age, and especially when it comes to food. However, if your goal is to stay healthy, active, and live longer, there are changes you should make after age fifty. Refined, processed sugars and simple carbohydrates should be minimized to avoid blood sugar spikes and replaced with foods high in insoluble fiber to slow digestion, lower blood sugar, and work with healthy gut bacteria to improve the way insulin works in the body. Lean proteins also need to be increased to help prevent muscle loss. Adding an extra portion of chicken or fish to breakfast or lunch can be very helpful.

Many people experience a loss of appetite with age. You need to get enough calories and nutrients to maintain healthy organs, muscles, and

bones. At NOTRE DAME LONG TERM CARE CENTER, we understand that our residents’ needs can change overnight. We can provide the necessary care to help them maintain the best quality of life possible To learn more, please call (508) 852-3011. You can also schedule a tour of our facilities at 559 Plantation Street.

P.S One’s daily calorie count needs to drop by about 200 calories after the age of 50 as weight gain is inevitable in those who do not adjust their diets.

MariAnn Paladino, Dir. of Admissions, Notre Dame Health Care Center, Inc. Long Term Care Center 559 Plantation Street, Worcester, MA 508.852.3011

Notre Dame Health Care

COMMUNITY ADVOCATE • Friday, November 4, 2022 • 9
WWW.SALMONHEALTH.COM ASSISTED LIVING & MEMORY CARE Cottages ~ Apartments Assisted Living ~ Memory Care Services Available Call us at… 508-852-2670 On 50 acres in Worcester & West Boylston Healthy Senior Living at its BEST! A Legacy of Providing Exceptional Senior Care Since 1874 For information contact Tracey King at (508)868-0967 A caring community for elders Goddard / Homestead INDEPENDENT LIVING • REST HOME • RESPITE CARE 99 Pleasant St., Marlborough Let us do the work! 508-281-8001 An Assisted Living Community Trusted Like Family Home Care, Inc Trust Our Family With Your FamilyTrust Our Family With Your Family Are you or a loved one in need of top-quality home care services? • Offering in-home care services to seniors and disabled adults in Worcester County • Employing only the finest caregivers • Locally owned and managed fully insured and bonded • Client satisfaction and service are our top priorities! Contact us today to see how we can help! 508-579-1890 C
MariAnn Paladino, Director of Admissions

Tom Petty tribute band with local ties won’t back down

REGION - Petty Larceny, a pop ular local tribute band focused on Tom Petty’s music, is aiming to win “Best Tribute Band” once again in the upcoming Worces ter Music Awards.

The band has been touring New England extensively to garner support, playing at one point four shows in eight days across three states.

“It’s a lot of work, but it’s a lot of fun, too,” said drummer Brian Lizotte. “When we have a week off, we usually add a rehearsal.”

By the end of 2022, the band will have played more than 40 shows, including concerts in Maine, Rhode Island and Con necticut.

As of last year, Petty Larceny had been nominated for “Best Tribute Band” five years run ning in the Worcester Music Awards, so they weren’t expect ing to snag the title. Lizotte and Anderson attended the cer emony convinced they’d have another near-miss.

“I felt like jumping up and down when they read our name,” said Lizotte. “This area has a lot of excellent tribute bands, and excellent musicians generally. So it means a lot.”

Meet Petty Larceny Petty Larceny, has ties to Shrewsbury, Westborough, Worcester and other Central Mass towns, was founded just

over 10 years ago.

The band was met with suc cess, thanks to the chemistry of the players and the popu larity of Tom Petty’s music. The band’s name even caught the eye of Worcester Mayor Joe Petty, who met with band members last year to celebrate their shared moniker.

“It’s a great group,” said lead singer Scott Edman, who also plays guitar and harmonica. “We are all focused on creat ing a professional experience, whether we’re on-stage or in the practice room. We want to make it easy for people to have fun at our shows.”

The band consistently renews itself. In 2021, the last two founding members stepped down. While there have been changes in the band, many members have been with Petty Larceny for eight to nine years.

“We played at a club outside Fenway Park both before and after Tom Petty’s last concert there in 2017,” said guitarist Phil Maltais. “Brian and I went to the concert, too. It was an amazing

event, and people were going crazy for Petty’s music at our shows before and after. What a night.”

The pandemic was a low point for the band after their busy schedule was suddenly curtailed and the future un certain.

“We were lucky in that we had saved a little money, which we were planning on using to buy our fans t-shirts,” recalled Lizotte. “We ended up needing it all to pay rent on our practice space, month after month. And when that ran out, we weren’t sure we’d be able to keep going.”

The band was able to resume performing in May 2021, and their community of fans rallied.

Keyboardist Kent Anderson remembered the first show he played with Petty Larceny.

“We mentioned in passing that we’d faced a lot of down time and lost some income during the pandemic, nothing too obvious,” Anderson said. “We found hundreds of dollars in our tip drum at the end of the night. That let us replenish our coffers. People have been so generous. I think live music matters more than ever after the pandemic.”

“After the pandemic, we

were fortunate to get underway sooner than some other bands,” said singer and guitarist Matt Bruce, who plays guitar and sings. “We’re all pretty serious about music and playing live, so we pushed ourselves. We didn’t back down, as Tom might say, and we knew people needed to hear this music played live again.”

Frank Christy, the band’s bassist and newest member, said their busy schedule has led to some unusual hours this past year.

“I’m not used to playing so many early shows, that’s for sure,” Christy recalled. “We supported a charity run at Lord Hobo Brewing in Woburn, and that show started at 11 a.m. We’ve done similar things at Patriot Place, some festivals, and some farms. It’s tough for a band mostly consisting of night owls.”

Kendra Bruce, who sings Ste vie Nicks’ parts and background harmonies, agreed.

“The morning shows are a push,” said Bruce. “My voice isn’t ready that early. But when we hear the cheers and see people dancing, it’s all worth it.”

Learn about Petty Larceny at

10 • COMMUNITY ADVOCATE • Friday, November 4, 2022
COMMUNITY NEWS Dr. Eric Bryan FULL SERVICE FAMILY DENTISTRY • PATIENTS AGES 3 YEARS TO SENIORS 48 Maple Avenue, Shrewsbury . 508.842.0941 Mon - Thurs 7:30-6:00 B RYAN D ENTAL A SSOCIATES Dedicated Staff, Modern Facility, Convenient Location, Easy Parking Celebrating 40 Years of Family Dentistry We accept most insurance & major credit cards Accepting New Patients OPENING SOON! 820 Boston Post Road, Marlborough Stay Tuned, we look forward to serving you. REGISTER NOW FOR WINTER CLASSES! INFO@KEITHSMUSICSCHOOL.COM KEITHSMUSICHOUSE.COM
Left to right: Kent Anderson (keys), Phil Maltais (guitar/vocals), Kendra Bruce (vocals), Matt Bruce (guitar/vocals), Scott Edman (lead singer, guitar, harmonica), Brian Lizotte (drums), Frank Christy (bass) View from Petty Larceny stage at the Madison Beach Hotel, sunset on Long Island Sound.

Former Westborough resident remembers the 1953 tornado

WESTBOROUGH - Irma Aron son recently came back to town to revisit her alma mater, West borough High School, but to her surprise the school looked nothing like she remembered.

The building that used to serve as the high school is now the police station and the land that the current high school sits on used to be the home of the Aronson family.

“I am fortunate to have come back to see how my town grew up,” Aronson said. “One of the interesting things about growing up is that you realize that every decade there is a change. I still can’t believe I’m 95.”

In the early 1920s, the fam ily bought the property, which served as their home and a farm where they held cattle auctions.

Aronson recalled the deadly tornado that swept through the town in 1953.

Her family had moved out

before the tornado struck the farm. However, her uncle, Charlie Aronson, was still working on the farm and was killed by the tornado, along with two other family mem bers and a farmhand.

She said Charlie used to travel West to purchase cat tle for the farm. He had seen plenty of tornados and knew the signs when one was ap proaching.


Her uncle had noticed the changing weather patterns. When he saw a tornado, he alerted the farmhands to take shelter in the barn, Aronson recalled.

One of the farmhands fled into the barn, while Charlie and the other farmhand ran into the house to alert the family. Once they gathered the family and opened the door of the house to run into the barn,

they were blown away.

The farmhand who re mained in the barn lived to tell the story.

“I adored Uncle Charlie, so I was so upset; it was pretty bad,” Aronson said.

Growing up in Westborough

She reminisced about her time growing up in Westbor ough. She remembered the town to be much smaller at that time with a population of about 5,000 residents.

While attending Westbor ough High School, Aronson always looked forward to the dancing lessons that were pro

vided on Friday nights.

“We learned how to do ballroom dancing. It was very formal, none of that rock and roll stuff. It was very special,” she said.

After a night of dancing with her classmates, she said they would head downtown to the Grange Hall, which was a place for farmers and other residents to socialize, dance and enjoy other activities together.

Once the teenagers entered the hall, instead of continuing to practice ballroom dancing, they let loose and squared danced with each other.

“We loved it. We were there so late,” she said.

Scalp Micropigmentation

COMMUNITY ADVOCATE • Friday, November 4, 2022 • 11
COMMUNITY NEWS 508.523.1314 Helping Buyers and Sellers Adoptable Pet of the Week Biscuit is a gentle Beagle/Collie/Hound mix whose adopter recently passed away. He is 9 years young and still very active. He loves his walks. Available at: Save A Dog Inc. Contact: Meet
30 Lyman Street, Westborough 774.275.4294 • Includes: Office Equipment, Free Wifi, Daily Sanitation, Security System. Private offices starting at $399/mo (Includes access to community work area) Zachary Kelley Kelley Commercial Office Your home office away from home Westborough @ 30 LYMAN No one is more cherished in this world than someone who lightenes the burden of another. - anonymous Brought to you as a community service by Robert J. Terkanian ~ ad design by Lynne Fountain, Community Advocate art dept. (508)753-2253 Shrewsbury,MA01545 98BostonTurnpike Worcester-Shrewsbury 22 08/31/23 For Bakery Use Only
Irma Aronson smiles for a photo at the picnic tables in front of Westborough High School
“ One of the interesting things about growing up is that you realize that every decade there is a change.
Irma Aronson
Symmetry Ink Scalp & Beauty • 101 Coolidge St. Suite 125, Hudson • 774-318-4767 • Brow Microblading My name is Victoria… and I help women highlight and enhance their natural beauty. My mission is to help women take care of themself and do it well. As a Permanent Makeup artist, I am here not to change you or who you are, but to compliment your own beautiful natural features by enhancing the features that make you, YOU! Microblading is a technique in which pigment is applied to the brows using either a manual tool. Microblading makes it possible to create the most natural and realistic-looking, perfectly tailored eyebrows to wake up to every day!” I believe inner beauty shines through and confidence amongst us is very valuable! I am here to create a life-changing service experience for every one of my clients and help you be the best version of yourself inside and out. Honey, I am here for ALL of you.
People struggling with thinning hair, receding hairline, alopecia, and overall hair loss can benefit from different types of scalp micropigmentation treatment. This non-surgical procedure works effectively to improve the appearance of your scalp. Scalp micro pigmentation or SMP is a medical, non-surgical, cosmetic tattoo that gives the illusion of a close buzz cut hairstyle on a bald head or adds density to a thinning hairline. The procedure can also be used to conceal scars from hair transplantation, hide the visual impact of burns or scars on the head. Scalp micro pigmentation can be performed on all skin types and colors SMP uses the Micro needle to place pigments in a right place, Epidermis.

Despite praise, Northborough’s Zach Newbould loses “The Voice” battle

NORTHBOROUGH - North borough native Zach New bould’s journey on “The Voice” came to an end Oct. 26.

“This is a great experience. I feel like I’ve grown so much from it. Thank you guys so much,” Newbould said before exiting the stage for the last time.

After performing Whitney Houston’s “I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me)” against teammate An drew Igbokidi in a battle round, their coach Camila Cabello ultimately chose Ig bokidi.

Though Cabello did not choose Newbould, he received a “yes” from Blake Shelton and praise from all of the other coaches.

“Zach came through the best in this performance for me, so I’d go with Zach,” Shel ton said.

Gwen Stefani said New

bould’s voice “shined” and John Legend called his voice “really lovely.”

Cabello said she saw “a lot of growth” from Newbould, noting that he was “consis tent” while performing on stage.

“I am really, really, really proud of you,” she said.

Cabello added that New bould and Igbokidi are “really

talented” and are growing as performers.

After the audience gave one last round of applause for Newbould, Cabello said, “Zach did a great job, but I have to go with Andrew because An drew’s voice and tone is so special.”

In a previous interview with the Community Advocate, Newbould said he wants to

use the “momentum” from the show and continue to “push on” toward a career in the music industry.

Among the ways Newbould said he will use the “momen tum” is by “gigging around” Northborough.

“There is definitely a lot of feedback around here and awesome people who are just very supportive. I have a lot of very supportive friends and family in the area. It [North

borough] is just a great crowd of people,” he said.

Newbould added, “I love to write music and to be able to tell people my stories. It [sing ing] is a great way to show your emotion, rather than speaking a story, that way you can almost like, yell your story out, so people can really feel what you feel.”

“I love that the emotion I have can be translated to other people,” he said.

Harvest Craft Fair comes to Melican Nov. 5

NORTHBOROUGH - The Annual Harvest Craft Fair is returning to Melican Middle School on Nov. 5.

This marks the 45th fair, which is sponsored by the North boro Junior Woman’s Club and will feature products from over 70 crafters.

The fair will run from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Admission costs $5 for adults and $2.50 for seniors. Children under 12 enter for free.

For more information, visit https://www.northborojuniors. org/craft-fair.html.

12 • COMMUNITY ADVOCATE • Friday, November 4, 2022 258 Walnut Street, Shrewsbury 508-882-7390 All about choice: Independent, Assisted & Memory Care Living An LCB Senior Living Community: Over 25 Years of Excellence Residents work with our Engagement Director to craft programming that celebrates lifelong learning, arts and culture, holistic wellness and fun!’s Senior Living your way! Choice is Lifestyle... Contact us to reserve your spot on our Priority Waitlist. Now, and always, we’re here for you. Stop by our new Westborough branch located at 35 Lyman St. Member FDIC $2501 $3002 when you open a new Free or Complete Business Checking account with an initial account opening deposit of $1,000 Earn Earn Take advantage of one of our EXCLUSIVE OFFERS To learn more, visit one of our branches or give us a call at 508.329.1207. #1 in Customer Satisfaction with Retail Banking in New England3 when you open a new personal checking account by December 30, 2022 and use your new Rockland Trust Debit Card to make at least 15 purchases of $10 or more within 60 days of account opening. 1. Limit one promotional personal checking account per household. Individuals who currently own or have had a Rockland Trust checking account are not eligible. Rockland Trust employees are also not eligible. To be eligible for the $250 bonus you must open a new checking account between October 2, 2022 and December 30, 2022 and use your new Rockland Trust Debit Card to make at least 15 purchases of $10 or more within 60 days of your account opening date. ATM transactions do not qualify. The bonus will be paid directly to your account by March 31, 2023. Account must be open and have a positive balance at the time the bonus is credited. Bonus payment will be reported to the IRS for the tax year in which it is paid. Checking account must be opened at our Westborough branch location. O er not valid for Renew Checking accounts. O er may be discontinued at any time without prior notice. 2. Limited to one bonus maximum amount of $300.00 per common ownership or customer. Businesses which currently own or have had a Rockland Trust Business Checking account are not eligible. Rockland Trust employees are also not eligible. To be eligible for the $300 bonus you must open a new Free Business Checking or a new Complete Business Checking account with an initial account opening deposit of $1,000 of new money to Rockland Trust between September 1, 2022 and November 30, 2022. Initial account opening deposits funded by loans from Rockland Trust do not qualify. The bonus will be paid directly to your account by February 28, 2023. Account must be open and have a positive balance at the time the bonus is credited. Bonus payment will be reported to the IRS for the tax year in which it is paid. For new accounts funded by new money to Rockland Trust. O er may be discontinued at any time without prior notice. Business checking account must be opened at our Westborough branch location. 3. Tied in 2022. For J.D. Power 2022 award information, visit
Andrew Igbokidi battles against Zach Newbould Oct. 26. PHOTO/ELIZABETH MORRIS/NBC)

Health Department shuts down Casa Vallarta following

NORTHBOROUGH - The North borough Health Department has ordered the closure of Casa Vallarta after the fire depart ment documented three illegal bedrooms, water leaking from the basement ceiling and stand ing water.

The notice of suspension of Casa Vallarta’s food permit and order of closure, which is placed on the front door to the restau rant, is dated Oct. 20.

The suspension went into ef fect immediately upon posting the notice at the entrance.

According to the notice, the health department responded to a complaint from the fire department regarding the res taurant on Oct. 20 at 1 p.m.

“The fire department were responding to a fire alarm at the site and documented standing water in the bar area, water leaking from the basement ceil

ing, and three illegal bedrooms in the basement,” it read.

Northborough Health Agent Michael Seager reportedly doc umented food code violations in a report that was shared to the owner.

“The Board of Health or its authorized agent has deter mined that an imminent health hazard exists, which requires the immediate suspension of the food establishment per mit or the operation of one or

more particular op erations at the food establishment,” the notice read.

Specifically, the notice said the sew age back-up poses “an imminent health hazard.”

The notice states that the closure will remain in effect until the septic system is repaired and correc tions are confirmed by either the Board of Health or its agent through either re inspection or other appropriate means.

The Board of Health was scheduled to meet on Oct. 25 and discuss the suspension. However, the meeting was can celed.

Casa Vallarta is located at 45 Belmont St.

The Community Advocate has reached out to Casa Vallarta via social media for comment.

Hometown Heroes parade returns Nov. 6

NORTHBOROUGH - The com munity is invited to show their support for local veterans by at tending the Hometown Heroes Rolling Rally Parade Nov. 6.

The parade will kick off at noon. It starts at the entrance of Algonquin Regional High School and will end at the Vin cent F. Picard American Legion Post 234 at 402 West Main Street.

As part of the parade, veter ans and their families will drive down Main Street and view the

150 Hometown Hero banners on display.

The public is encouraged to dress in red, white and blue and wave American flags.

The parade is held by Boros Cares 4 Troops. In the past, BC4T founder Michelle Gil lespie said that she and Leslie Arsenault started the Home town Heroes Program after seeing banners dedicated to individual veterans in Bolton.

For more information, visit

COMMUNITY ADVOCATE • Friday, November 4, 2022 • 13
illegal bedrooms, leaks 21 APEX DRIVE | MARLBOROUGH, MA 115 APEX DRIVE | MARLBOROUGH, MA 142 APEX DRIVE | MARLBOROUGH, MA 63 Main St., Hudson Jewelry & Craft Classes Wed & Thurs evenings 6-8 pm Saturday mornings 11 am Please call 978-562-7756 in advance to reserve a spot in our workshops. 11/10 Sea Glass Trees (make 2) $58 11/12 Aromatherapy Gift Trio $48 11/16 Gobble, Jingle, Pop! Serendipity NOVEMBER WORKSHOPS jewelry, art & whimsy! Holiday kick-off party and sale Eat, kiss, and smile with more confidence. FAMILY AND COSMETIC DENTISTRY | 235 Main Street, Shrewsbury | 508-842-8100 WE HAVE MOVED! A new, state-of-the-art facility to better serve your dental needs SONGBIRD DENTAL IS NOW OFFICIALLY LOCATED AT 235 MAIN STREET HAPPILY ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS 57 E Main St., Suite 134 Westborough, MA (Across from CVS in the Downtown Crossing Plaza) Spiritual Practitioners Workshops & Classes Metaphysical Shoppe Online Directory & Store *Visit us at the Natural Living Expo (Booth# 1211) on November 12th and 13th in Marlborough, MA *Please join us for our first annual psychic fair and market place December 3rd and December 4th • 508-810-3700 Free Gift with purchase of $75 in-store and online through end of November COMMUNITY NEWS A “closed” sign stands in front of Casa Vallarta. PHOTO/LAURA HAYES
People wave flags during last year’s parade. PHOTO/CHERYL ARSENAULT

Complete Streets projects include street lights, bike lanes

Complete Streets | from


think of safety, health, econom ics — all different things that makes your community more livable,” said McDevitt.

The Massachusetts Depart ment of Transportation (Mass DOT) oversees the Complete Streets Funding Program. The Board of Selectmen took the first step earlier this year and adopted a Complete Streets policy.

Northborough received a grant to develop a prioritization plan, which is a list of projects in order of priority and a schedule for implementing the projects.

Back in August, the town launched a survey to gauge feedback from residents on both prioritizing projects and identifying future projects.

According to Planning Direc tor Laurie Connors, the overwhelming response from resi dents identified pedestrian and bike network connections as the most important type of eligible project. It constituted 49.4% of results.

Residents said the top im pediment to walking was the lack of sidewalks, and side walks that linked neighbor hoods to downtown Northbor ough, commercial areas, parks and playgrounds were among the pedestrian amenities high est ranked as most needed.

“People want sidewalks that actually go somewhere,” Con nors said.

Further, respondents said that dedicated off-road multipurpose trails and on-road bike lanes were the most needed bicycle amenities.

Proposed projects

Town staff presented a list of 25 proposed projects through out Northborough:

• New sidewalk on Allen Street from East Main Street to the sidewalk on the bridge

• Two projects involve a multi-use trail on the Aq ueduct Bridge and on the Aqueduct Trail

• New bike lanes on Bartlett

Street from the high school to the town line

• Intersection improve ments at the intersection of Bartlett and Maple streets

• New sidewalks or bike path along Bearfoot Road from the industrial park to Solo mon Pond Road

• Street lighting and street trees from on Blake Street

• Pedestrian improvements at the intersection of Ches terfield Road and Northgate Road

• Replacing sidewalk on Church Street from Howard to Pleasant

• New sidewalk on Davis Street from Lanthorn Road

to existing sidewalk on Hamilton Road

• New sidewalks, street light ing and street trees on Gale Street

• Replacing sidewalk on Howard Street in front of Zeh Elementary School

• New sidewalks on Hudson Street from Trinity Church to existing sidewalks on Centre Drive

• Replacing sidewalk on Lin coln Street

• New bike lanes on Lyman from Bartlett Street to Wat son Park

• New sidewalk on Maple Street from Ridge Road to Bartlett Street

• Add street lighting and street trees and replace sidewalks on Pierce Street

• New sidewalks on Pine haven Drive

• Replace sidewalk on Pleas ant Street

• New sidewalk on River Street from Main Street to the bridge

• Add shared-use arrows on South Street from Main Street to Ellsworth McAfee Park

• Replacing sidewalks on South Street

• Adding bike racks at the library, fire station, Town Hall, Watson Park, Assabet Park and Memorial Field

After the meeting, Woodard and Curran and town staff will rank the projects, which will be presented to the selectmen for approval.

Once approved by Mass DOT, Northborough will be eligible to submit funding re quest to construct the projects not to exceed $500,000 within four years.

The 12 passenger handicap accessible shuttle connects local commuters between three stops at the Southborough MBTA Commuter Rail, the Apex Center of New England, and the business park located at 200 Forest Street This option provides free public transportation for those who take the train to and/or from Boston and Worcester

Monday through Friday

Morning Trips: 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.

Afternoon/Evening Trips: 3:45 p m to 6:46 p m

Any questions or concerns,


at 508 229 2010 or

14 • COMMUNITY ADVOCATE • Friday, November 4, 2022
REGISTER ONLINE TO RESERVE A SPOT For a complete schedule and link to registration, go to shuttle The Marlborough Commuter Shuttle is back in service!
“ These are streets that are designed to think of safety, health, economics — all different things that makes your community more livable.
Megan McDevitt Project manager

Brooke, who was dressed as an avocado.

Over on West Main Street, the Coop handed out candy while the smell of barbecue must have made some adults think of dinner.

“It’s a blast,” said own er Angelo Tsetsos. “The kids are having fun.”

For information on up coming recreation pro grams, visit westboroma.

Select Board approves licenses for Subaru dealership

Subaru | from page 1

Attorney Richard Ricker, general man ager of Patrick’s Motors Jason Patrick and Boch Shrewsbury representatives went before the Select Board on Oct. 25 to ask for a garage and Class 1 license for the new site, which the board ultimately approved.

“This new building will bring, I believe something along the lines of a 20-milliondollar project to town. I don’t need to say anything about [the] tax revenue for some thing like that,” Ricker said.

He added, “The Patrick organization is qualified and meets the threshold to be a dealer for this particular license.”

Residents voice concerns at ZBA

The new 57,862 square-foot automobile dealership includes a showroom, offices, service bays and a reconditioning section, according to engineer Patrick Healy.

In addition, Healy said there would be 600 vehicles stored in the parking lot.

The new site will be one of the “largest and most advanced retail automotive des tinations in New England,” said Subaru of New England Vice President of Market De velopment Bryan Dumais in a press release.

The dealership is anticipating that it will

employ about 100 people.

The project recently went before the Zon ing Board of Appeals (ZBA) on Oct. 24. At the ZBA, the project also requested a special permit and variance.

During the ZBA meeting, residents voiced their concerns about the proposed site.

Resident Martin Green, who lives near the site, said when he and his wife moved to the area 20 years ago, there were no car dealerships, which he said allowed them to “maintain the quiet enjoyment” of their property.

He added that he believes the dealership would increase the already “very, very dif ficult traffic situation.”

Resident Carol Barton, who also lives near the site, said she is concerned about the increase of congestion.

“Attorney Riker said there is no negative traffic impact based on the traffic report. I am just really curious how you have a state-of-the-art car dealership and you have over 500 cars parked on this facility, how does that not negatively impact traf fic?” she asked.

During the Oct. 24 Zoning Board of Ap peals meeting, the board voted to continue the public hearing for the dealership to Nov. 28.

COMMUNITY ADVOCATE • Friday, November 4, 2022 • 15 A sweet time at annual Trick or Treat in downtown Westborough
COMMUNITY NEWS RENTALS & SALES • CLASS A, B & C MOTORHOMES • • TRAILERS • PROPANE • FULLER RV Celebrating 38 Years in Business Family Owned & Operated 150 Shrewsbury St., Boylston 508-869-2905 • Jenny’s Place On the Corner Breakfast, Lunch & Catering 774-247-3008 Gift Certificates 162 Church St. | Marlborough Home Cooked Daily Specials! 3.25 % APY 24 MONTH CD UP TO Go ahead, save like you mean it with a great rate. Learn more at or stop by your local branch *Annual Percentage Yield (APY) assumes funds remain in CDs until maturity. $500 minimum deposit to open CD account. 3.00% for 24 Month CDs/IRAs. 3.25% APY for 24 Month Relationship CD/IRAs. Relationship CD/IRAs require maintenance of a Relationship Checking account, which includes minimum balance of $2,500, a combined average daily balance of $20,000 between all SMCU deposit accounts, eStatements enrollment and direct deposit. APY is effective October 6, 2022. Rates vary and may change at any time without notice. Dividends are compounded daily and credited monthly. Early withdrawal penalties apply. There may be tax consequences. IRA annual contribution limits may apply. Contact a tax advisor for information. Deposits cannot be made during the term of the account. CDs will automatically renew upon maturity. Consumer accounts only. Membership eligibility required. Details of rates, requirements, and terms and conditions are provided at account opening.
Trick or Treat | from page 1
Top: Faris Farm Flowers converted part of its store into a spooky scene with an “Alice in Wonderland” theme. It was a big hit with kids and adults alike at the annual Trick or Treat on Oct. 25. Left: Santa Grinch with treats for visitors to Town Hall during the annual Trick or Treat on Oct. 25. PHOTOS/MAUREEN SULLIVAN

Symphony Pro Musica begins 40th anniversary

REGION – Symphony Pro Mu sica presents its first perfor mance of its celebratory 40th anniversary season on Satur day, Nov. 5 at 7:30 p.m. at the Hudson High School, and on Sunday, Nov. 6 at 3:30 p.m. at St. John’s High School in Shrewsbury.

The program is titled “Tak ing Off!” and features cellist Thomas Mesa.

Mesa has been called “one of the most charismatic, inno vative and engaging perform ers of his generation.”

“I look forward to perform ing with Thomas Mesa. This marks his first appearance with SPM, and it’s our privilege to work with such a gifted mu sician,” said Mark Churchill. “Mesa has been given the exclusive rights to debut the young American composer Jes sie Montgomery’s new work, ‘Divided,’ for cello and strings in its inaugural season, and we are delighted to host one of its first performances.”

In addition to “Divided,”

Cellist Thomas Mesa, winner of the 2023 Sphinx Medal of Excellence award, joins Symphony Pro Musica for the first concerts of the orchestra’s 40th anniversary season.

the orchestra will also perform George Chadwick’s “Jubilee,” Tchaikovsky’s “Pezzo Capriccioso” and Arnold Schoenberg orches tration of Brahms’ “Piano Quartet No. 1.”

“The Piano Quartet as orchestrated by Schoenberg provides a new and sumptuous take on a Brahms chamber classic, using a full orchestra — it’s a stunning piece,” said Churchill.

Adult tickets are $25, senior tickets are $20, and group rates are available. Students and first-time attendees can attend for free.

Tickets to the performances may be found on Eventbrite (www.symphony, or from the SPM website, www.symphonypromu

Local scouts to hold bottle and can drive

REGION - Across the region, local scouts will be holding a bottle and can drive on Nov. 5.

Shrewsbury Scout Troops 114 and 7114 along with Pack 114 will be holding a drive at the Shrewsbury Town Hall from 9 a.m. to noon. with proceeds going to their scouting activities.

Grafton Boy Scout Troop 107 will hold its bottle drive from 9 a.m. to noon at the Grafton Municipal Center.

The Grafton troop is taking the following precautions for everyone’s safety. They ask people to rinse and pre-sort the bottles and cans. When people arrive at the Grafton Mu nicipal Center, they will be directed where to leave their cans and bottles. After they leave, the scouts and parents will retrieve them for processing.

People who need assistance removing the bottles and cans can signal an adult leader.

If you can’t make the dropoff, the Graf ton Boy Scouts can pick up at your home in Grafton only.

Contact the troop at graftonbsa to schedule this and include your name and address.

Money raised from bottle drives supports the scouts’ campouts, activities, community service projects and routine expenses. In addition, 10% of bottle drive earnings are donated to a local charity.

16 • COMMUNITY ADVOCATE • Friday, November 4, 2022 ORDER YOUR HOLIDAY PIES TODAY! For pick-up 11/25 PRE-ORDER HEAT & EAT THANKSGIVING DINNER! FULL SERVICE Indoor & Outdoor Dining & Patio* New Hours: Mon. - Thur. 11am-8pm • Fri. 11am-9pm Sat. 9am-9pm • Sun 9am-8pm Breakfast on Sat. & Sun 9am TAKE-OUTS WELCOME!508-366-8302 HARRY’S RESTAURANT WWW.HARRYSRESTAURANT.COM 149 Turnpike Rd. (Route 9W) • Westborough (single serving) *weather permitting • ELECTROLYSIS • AESTHETICS • LASER HAIR REMOVAL LAUREN DAVID, R.E. ESTHETICIANS: JESSICA SOLIGON • STEPHANIE PAGLIONE @LUXE_STUDIOMA LOCATED INSIDE NORTHBOROUGH MEDICAL CENTER 112 MAIN ST · SUITE 101 NORTHBOROUGH 508-393-2517 · LUXEELECTROLOGY.COM • Estate Planning • Elder Law • Trusts • Power of Attorney • Health Proxy IT’S NEVER TOO EARLY… It’s Only Too Late! Mention this ad for a free consultation LAW OFFICE OF Carolyn R. Spring 508-898-1835 1900 West Park Drive Suite 280 Westborough Follow us on HIC#200337 Remodeling, Garages & Additions Marlborough, MA
Mark Churchill has conducted SPM since its founding in 1983. The orchestra regularly partners with choral groups, dance ensembles, opera companies, and others, and features both rising young and established soloists.

Blackstone River in Grafton and beyond helped kickstart the Industrial Revolution

GRAFTON - The year is 1789, over 150 years after the earliest settlement in America. A man named Samuel Slater, an Eng lish immigrant, would arrive to America with hopes to make it big in milling.

ridor was created in 1986 to preserve the significant value of the Blackstone Valley. It includes cities and towns in Massachusetts and Rhode Island and nearly one million people. These volunteers work together to protect the Valley’s unique identity and prepare for the future.



This was not only an impor tant time for Slater, this was also an important time for many im migrants and Americans. A new story would begin for the Blackstone River.

With an industrial revo lution in their midst, many people in America would soon join forces with the 45-mile long river for the common goal of running mills. By 1844, the river would power about 100 textile industries in 25 com munities. It became known as the “hardest working river.”

In places like South Graf ton, enterprises such as the

Fisherville, Farnumsville and Saundersville mills were born by the 1800s.

Many Polish and FrenchCanadian immigrants were attracted to the area for work opportunities. The mills had a lot to offer the immigrants, who made a whopping $6 per week. The mill owners also owned the rental properties

where the workers lived and the stores where they shopped. They also provided recreation al areas such as the Fisherville Ball Field.

Slater had a vision that started in England and ex ploded in New England thanks to the power of the Blackstone River. The river in the stories of Grafton’s early milling days

is comparable to Shel Silver stein’s book “The Giving Tree.”


The river provided the en ergy to kickstart America’s In dustrial Revolution and unfor tunately, humans and industry have not treated the river well in return, by polluting it over the years.

The Blackstone River Val ley National Heritage Cor

Podiatrists answer foot related questions

We want to hear from you! What is your foot, ankle, toenail, shoe or sports related question? Is there a foot diagnosis or condi tion that you would like to learn more about? A foot product or device that you wish you would have an input from a podiatrist? Point you phone camera to the QR code in this page or visit and send us all your foot questions and concerns.

Each week, one of our top foot and ankle surgeons will choose a

topic to write about (tip: check our website for previous content).

Meanwhile, if you have foot or ankle pain call 508-757-4003 or TEXT 508-625-7775 for a visit with the best team of foot and ankle specialists. In Worcester and Westborough, our patients have access to quality care and the most advanced treatments.

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Thanks to the mighty Black stone River, America’s Indus trial Revolution began. In the earlier days of America, the river brought people together for the common goal of run ning the mills. Now, all of these years later, people have come together again in an effort to clean the Blackstone and to finally give back to the river that gave them so much.

As far as the river goes, it just does what it always does: it brings people together for a common goal.

Kristen “Kricky” Remillard is a mother, friend to all and a small business owner in Grafton. She volunteers with the Grafton Historical Society and the Grafton Land Trust.


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COMMUNITY ADVOCATE • Friday, November 4, 2022 • 17 COMMUNITY NEWS
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The Wuskanut Mill on the Blackstone River in the village of Farnumsville in Grafton was one of the many enterprises that harnessed the river’s current to power the Industrial Revolution.


Apex Entertainment is the go-to place for fun in New England

MARLBOROUGH - Nowhere in New England is there a fun destination quite like Apex En tertainment. With 4 stories of recreational and sports activi ties, Apex Entertainment has something for everyone.

“We’re 100,000 square feet of pure fun,” said Director of Field Marketing, Rob Luzzi. “We offer bowling, sports sim ulators, indoor go-karts, an arcade, a full restaurant menu, and an 18-hole glow-in-thedark mini-golf course. The best part is, the customers can choose which activities they want. It’s a la carte, so you only pay for what you want to do. There is no admission fee.”

The fun is also evident in the food that Apex Entertainment serves.

Luzzi said, “All of our food is fun and shareable. We serve New England’s largest pretzel,

and we have a 2-foot long hot dog called The Big Dog. We’ve elevated our food service to offer items that no place else offers.”

It is no surprise that families are frequent visitors to Apex Entertainment. For kids 10 and under, Apex has a play place in Apex Kids with an indoor jungle gym and inflatables. The play place is frequently reserved for birthday parties.

“Each party is assigned an Apex party host so the parents can relax,” said Luzzi. “They pick the activities that they want included in the party, and the kids have a great time.”

Apex Entertainment has earned a reputation as a venue for concerts, athlete appear ances, and other large-scale events. Its dueling pianos show is a big draw for audiences, as are the athlete appearances which have included former Bruins defenseman Zdeno Chara, former Celtics player Tacko Fall, and former Patriots linebacker Dont’a Hightower.

The 4000 square foot event space at Apex Entertainment is available for holiday par ties, seminars, and business meetings.

“Companies love us for team-building events. A busi ness will typically hold a meet ing in the morning, then have team-building after lunch,” said Luzzi. “The bowling, gokarts and the indoor Full Swing Golf simulators are very popu lar with our business-oriented customers.”

Apex’s sports simulators

offer 14 sports experiences, including golf, soccer, lacrosse, football, rugby, baseball, bas ketball, and dodgeball.

The Marlborough site is one of Apex Entertainment’s four locations. There are three others in Syracuse and Albany, New York, and its newest site in Virginia Beach.

Apex hosts school events throughout the year and is highly visible in its support of local charities and non-profit organizations.

“We host the Apex 5K race in September, which supports The New England Center for

Children and the Hole in the Wall Gang in Connecticut,” said Luzzi. “The 5K this year was followed by our indoor Beer Summit to benefit Clear Path for Veterans. We also partner with Crossroads Con tinuum in Hudson. We’re a boots-on-the ground destina tion with a dedicated mission to support our community.”

Luzzi recalls how Apex had to shift gears during 2020 dur ing the pandemic.

“The local community kept us going during COVID, and we are grateful to give back.”

Apex Entertainment is part of RAVentures Hospitality Group, which also owns the brands of Evviva Trattoria, 110 Grill, Kelly’s Roast BeefFlorida, and Willie Jewell’s Old School Bar-B-Q.

For 2023, Luzzi and the Apex team plan to continue to grow the Marlborough lo cation and stay active in the community.

“People come to Apex from all over New England,” said Luzzi. “People hear about us and see us as a destination. We want to be the go-to place for fun, and we want everyone to come here and have a great experience.”

Apex Entertainment is lo cated at 21 Apex Drive in Marl borough, MA. Visit their web site at

Business Profiles are advertising features designed to provide in formation and background about Community Advocate advertisers.

Phelps Painting says honesty and integrity guaranteed for every customer

WESTBOROUGH - Phelps Painting & Carpentry is a team of five who have expertise in all areas of home improvement.

They work together seamlessly to ensure cus tomers are satisfied.

The company offers a wide range of home improvement services from exterior and inte rior painting, siding, roofing, deck construction to detailed interior carpentry and Power Washing Homes.

It’s all about integrity that starts with free cus tomer consultations on plans and budgets, accord ing to owner Darren Phelps.

Before the winter is upon us, contact Phelps Painting & Carpentry at 508-395-8831 or at https://

18 • COMMUNITY ADVOCATE • Friday, November 4, 2022 Expert Hand Climbing Crews Removals • Pruning • Stump Grinding • Cabling Fully insured • Workman’s Comp FREE ESTIMATES 508-366-7693 / 508-839-5961 owner Steve Stratton Full Service Tree Removal Company Since 1980 Be Prepared For Storms A Full Service Tree Removal Company The professionals at Templeman Tree Service can talk to you about tree structure and how to prevent damage before it happens Call Templeman Tree Service Today To Schedule Your Fall Tree Clean-up! COMMUNITY
Danny Gomes, Meg Barnard, Susan Orchard, Brett Bovio and Rob Luzzi pose for a photo. Phelps Painting & Carpentry offers a range of services. PHOTO/KATHRYN ACCIARI
COMMUNITY ADVOCATE • Friday, November 4, 2022 • 19
Ed Josh Kimberly Amy Belkis Nicole’s Assistant
Check Out Our Reviews Online!Our Customers Say it Best! Does Your Current Insurer Make You Feel Like A Number? Want To Feel Like A Person? 5 Locations To Serve You: Westborough • Shrewsbury • Grafton • Southborough • Whitinsville (508) 234-6333 Custom Insurance with a Personalized Touch Home Auto Life Business


The Community Advocate will post obituaries online (and in print, as space allows). Please send information (and a picture if desired) to tracy@communi Here is a complete list of individual obituaries posted on the Community Advocate website (www.


Anthony, Dr. George of Northborough and Naples, Fla. Banks Sr., Raymond formerly of North Grafton Bayrouty Jr., Philip of Westborough Boniface, James of Marlborough Bradley, Jami Lee of Marlborough Chaves, Maria of Hudson Daigle, Norman of Grafton/Auburn Dalton, Clare of Shrewsbury DiPilato Jr., Nicholas of Shrewsbury Gallagher, Marylou of Northborough Goddard Jr., Charles formerly of Westborough Hennessey, Frederick of Hudson Kneeland, Ellen of Grafton Madden-Young, Irene of Westborough Matheson, Bernadette of Hudson McGoldrick, Terrence of Westborough Millay, Patricia formerly of Northborough Razzano Jr., Vincent of Westborough Strom, MaryLou of Grafton Sullivan, Linda of Marlborough Tortora, Kathleen of Northborough Vincequere, Marine of Shrewsbury

Linda Sullivan, of Marlborough

MARLBOROUGH - Linda Sul livan (Starner) was a caring wife, mother, grandmother, sister, aunt, daughter, and friend. She left this world on October 20, 2022, after 71 years of caring for others and touching so many lives.

She was born in Cambridge, MA on September 15, 1951, to Dorothy and Evert Starner. It was in high school that she met her husband Ray, not knowing that they would be together for 55 years and 50+ years of marriage. The true storybook tale of high school sweethearts who lovingly walked through life together.

After high school, she em barked on a nursing career that would span her final days. She dedicated her life to caring for others as a nurse, head of nursing, and legal nurse con sultant. But anyone who knew Linda knew that her most important role was caring for her family and friends. And she did it all with selflessness and grace.

Linda loved the beach, cooking, and the news (no body’s perfect). She loved bragging about her sons and grandsons. She loved spend ing time in Maine with her husband…or wherever life took them.

Paul, and a life’s worth of cherished friends.

Linda will always be re membered for her tireless work ethic, staunch loyalty, enormous heart, limitless compassion, and undying love for family and friends. She always saw the best in people and would walk a mile to bring someone an ounce of joy.

Per Linda’s request, no ser vice or funeral is planned. She hated being the center of attention while alive and had no plans of changing that after she passed. You can celebrate Linda’s life through more frequent acts of kindness and taking a little extra care of someone in need.

Maria Chaves, 92

HUDSON - Maria Jesus (Bra ga) Chaves, 92, of Hudson, MA, passed away peace fully, sur rounded by her loving family, on Friday, Oct 21, 2022, at Marlborough Hospital, after a period of declining health. She is reunited in heaven, with her beloved husband of 47 years, Joao Chaves, who predeceased her on Novem ber 14, 2003.

Jose Braga. She was raised in Santa Maria, where she com pleted school and later mar ried the love of her life Joao Chaves on September 6, 1956. Together they immigrated to Hudson in 1966. Maria was a lifelong devout catholic and long time member of Saint Michael Parish in Hudson.

Maria had many hob bies and interests including sewing, cooking, crocheting, puzzles and watching her soap operas. She also enjoyed socializing with her friends and most of all spending time with her children and grand children.

gional Funeral Home of Hudson assisted with arrange ments.

Marine L. Vincequere, 78

Scan QR code to read all of this week’s obituaries on our website.


The information in the police

directly from the

at each police station in

Those arrested are innocent until proven guilty. The Community


She is survived by her hus band, Ray, her sons Jake and Jason, her daughters-in-law Lori and Amy, her grandsons Cole and Max, her brother


Sunday, Oct. 23

6:33 a.m. Arrested , Luis Fe lipe Coyoy, 44, of 9 High St., Apt. 1, Marlborough, on true warrant.

Monday, Oct. 24

Maria was born in Santa Maria, Azores, Portugal, on New Years Eve of 1929, the only child of the late Maria Virginia (Andrade) Braga and

Maria is survived by her six children, Maria F. Chaves and her husband Jorge Chaves of Hudson, Natalia M. Moreira and her husband Manuel of Hudson, Rosa M. Fredette and her husband Jerome of Hudson, Carlos B. Chaves of Hudson, Tony B. Chaves and his partner Julie Bisson nette of Hudson and Diane B. Sullivan and her husband Michael of Pennsylvania, her grandchildren, Jenni fer Chaves, Nicole Moreira, Sydney Fredette, Dominic Sullivan, Hannah Sullivan, Sarah Sullivan, and Noah Sullivan, her great grandson Cristiano; her sister-in-law, Valentina Chaves and many nieces, nephews and cousins. In addition to her parents and beloved husband, Joao Chaves, she was also pre deceased by her grandson, Manuel Moreira, Jr.

The Tighe Hamilton Re

SHREWSBURY - Marine L. (Pellegrino) Vincequere, 78, of Shrewsbury, passed away on Saturday, October 22, 2022, at Memorial Hospital in Worcester. Marine was born in Worcester, daughter of the late, James Pellegrino and Dora Mangan ello, and has been a life-long resident of Shrewsbury.

Marine is survived by her loving husband of fifty-eight years, Anthony “Butch” Vince quere, Jr.; three sons, Anthony M. Vincequere, III and his wife Robin of Shrewsbury, Scott J. Vincequere of Millbury, and Nicholas D. Vincequere and his wife Christine of Worces ter; a brother, James Pellegrino and his wife Christine of Lake Worth, FL; a sister, Janet Vu ona and her husband Dick of Shrewsbury; her adored seven grandchildren, Anthony Mi chael, III, Cole James, Thomas Francis, Mario J., Dominic M., Alyson Marine, and Natalee Lynda; her grand dog, Luna; nieces and nephews. She was predeceased by a sister, Diane Gaffney.

The Mercadante Funeral Home & Chapel of Worcester assisted with arrangements.

Scott Robinson, 59, of 38 Au drea Rd., Framingham, for OUI liquor, neg operation of MV (operate to endanger).

Sunday, Oct. 23

Worcester, on warrant.


Sunday, Oct. 16

a copy of court

news of acquittals upon notification


Scan QR code to read this week’s police and fire news on our website.


Sunday, Oct. 16 12:34 p.m. Arrested, Robin El len Grant, 61, of 24 Forest Ln., Apt. A, North Grafton, warrant/ fail to appear.

2:28 a.m. Arrested, Erick Bru no Ferreira-Barros, 33, of 65 Alvarado Ave., Worcester, for OUI-liquor or .08%, speeding in viol of special regulation, marked lanes violation, fail to stop for police, possess Class B drug.

11:59 a.m. Arrested , Jose Al berto Lamboy Velez, 52, of 276 Main St., Apt. 37, Marl borough, for open and gross lewdness (2 cts).


Wednesday, Oct. 19

1:57 a.m. Arrested, Larry Fran cis Rogers, 64, of 25 Gilbert St., Framingham, on warrant. Thursday, Oct. 20 6:54 p.m. Arrested, Janice E. Santiago, 31, of 380 Southwest Cutoff, Apt. 214, Northbor ough, for possess cocaine to distribute, shoplifting $250+ by asportation, warrant.

Friday, Oct. 21

2:48 a.m. Arrested , William R. Nunes, 23, of 27 Westview Dr., Oxford, for OUI-liquor or .08%.

5:12 p.m. Arrested , James Woodberry Nolan III, 36, of 14 Duxbury Rd., Apt. 25, Worces ter, on warrant.


Thursday, Oct. 20

6:34 p.m. Arrested , Roger

12:37 a.m. Arrested, Andrew R. Hurd, 44, of 490 Massasoit Rd., Worcester, for OUI liquor 2nd offense, marked lanes violation, speeding.

Thursday, Oct. 27

3:27 p.m. Arrested, Oren Rob ert Locke, 39, of 12 Medfield St., Worcester, for OUI drugs, operation to endanger, pos session Class B substance.

6:08 p.m. Arrested, Nicholas Maurice Soucy, 34, of 140 E Main St., Marlborough, for OUI liquor, neg operation of MV (operate to endanger).

Friday, Oct. 28

2:31 a.m. Arrested , Philip T. Kargbo, 38, of 24 Sigel St.,

4:36 p.m. Arrested, Dylan M. Kane, 37, of 2 Rogers Rd., Apt. 33, Westborough, for violate abuse prevention order, B&E building daytime for felony.

Monday, Oct. 17

12:37 p.m. Arrested, Yorleni E. Perez-Chacon, 22, of 297 Turn pike Rd., Apt. 725, Westborough, on Section 35 warrant of appre hension.

Thursday, Oct. 20

7:14 p.m. Arrested, Ruben A. Santana, 45, of 27 Summer St., Apt. 2, Lawrence, on warrant.

Sunday, Oct. 23

3:46 a.m. Arrested, Corey M. Gale, 31, of 107 East St., North Grafton, for possess Class B drug.

20 • COMMUNITY ADVOCATE • Friday, November 4, 2022
log is obtained
official records maintained
our circulation area.


Scan QR code for rate information or to email your legal notice.


garage keeper’s lien thereon for towing charges, storage, care, and expenses of notices and sale of said vehicles: VIN# 1C6RR7KT2HS512539, 2017 Ram 1500, Last Registered Owner: Christopher Crow ell; VIN# 5NPEU46F89H475389, 2009 Hyundai Sonata, Last Registered Owner: Jamaal Sanpon.





Public Hearing –Special Permit

Applicant: 272 Lincoln LLC

Locus: 272 Lincoln Street Map 69, Parcels 523 & 523A

Notice is given that the City Council of the City of Marlborough will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on Monday, November 21, 2022, at 8:00 PM in City Council Chambers, 2nd floor City Hall, 140 Main Street, Marlbor ough, Massachusetts, on the Application for Special Permit from Attorney Terrence Morris, on behalf of 272 Lincoln LLC, to build a 12-unit multi-family dwelling with accessory parking to be located at 272 Lincoln Street.

The application materials and plans are available for viewing in the Office of the City Clerk, City Hall, 140 Main Street, Marlborough, MA 01752, Telephone 508460-3775. In addition, the plans and ap plication will be available online at www. under Public Hearing Notices.

Per Order of the City Council #22-1008709



Public Hearing –Special Permit

Applicant: Dish Wireless Locus: 860 Boston Post Road East Map 61, Parcel 16

Notice is given that the City Council of the City of Marlborough will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on Monday, November 21, 2022, at 8:00 PM in City Council Chambers, 2nd floor City Hall, 140 Main Street, Marlbor ough, Massachusetts, on the Application for Modification of Special Permit from Brian Martinelli on behalf of Dish Wireless, to install three (3) new antennas on the ex isting cell tower along with a 5x7 platform, at 860 Boston Post Road East.

The application materials and plans are available for viewing in the Office of the City Clerk, City Hall, 140 Main Street, Marlborough, MA 01752, Telephone 508460-3775. In addition, the plans and ap plication will be available online at www. under Public Hearing Notices.

Per Order of the City Council #22-1008710



(Sale of Motor Vehicle under G.L. c. 255, Sec. 39A) Notice is hereby given by CEN TRAL AUTO REBUILDERS, INC., 53 CEN TRAL STREET, MARLBOROUGH, MA 01752 pursuant to the provisions of G.L. c.255, Sec. 39A, that on November 22nd at 11:00 am at C.A.R. Towing, 55 Central Street, Marlborough, MA 01752 the following motor vehicles will be sold to satisfy the

Notice is hereby given in accordance with the provisions of General Laws, Chapter 131, s. 40, that Paul and Wendy King, 20 Stoneland Road, Shrewsbury, MA, has filed a Request for Determination of Applicability for the removal of dead trees at 20 Stoneland Road.

A public hearing will be held on the above notice at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday Eve ning, November 15, 2022, in the Shrews bury Public Library, 609 Main Street Shrewsbury, MA 01545.



Notice is hereby given in accordance with the provisions of General Laws, Chap ter 131, s. 40, that Victoria Vikhrev, 417 Springfield St, Unit 108 Agawam, MA, has filed a Request for Determination of Applicability for the removal and replace ment of an existing deck at 15 Quail Hol low Drive.

A public hearing will be held on the above notice at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday Evening, November 15, 2022, in the Shrewsbury Public Library, 609 Main Street Shrews bury, MA 01545.



Notice is hereby given in accordance with the provisions of General Laws, Chapter 131, s. 40, that Anton Orlik 212 South Quinsigamond, Shrewsbury, MA, has filed a Notice of Intent for the replacement of a retaining wall along the edge of Lake Quinsigamond at 212 South Quinsigam ond Ave.

A public hearing will be held on the above notice at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday Evening, November 15, 2022, at the Shrewsbury Public Library, 609 Main Street Shrews bury, MA 01545.



Notice is hereby given in accordance with the provisions of General Laws, Chapter 131, s. 40, that Fay Laramee 356 Walnut Street, Shrewsbury, MA, has filed a Notice of Intent for the repair of a septic system at 356 Walnut Street

A public hearing will be held on the above notice at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday Evening, November 15, 2022, at the Shrewsbury Public Library, 609 Main Street Shrews bury, MA 01545.



Tree Hanger Removal Services In the event of a Storm, Town of Shrewsbury

Sealed bids will be accepted from quali fied firms or individuals to provide “Tree Hanger Removal Services in the event of a Storm” under the direction of the Highway Division Manager. The Highway Division Manager has estimated that 275 trees will require hanger removal.

Sealed bids marked “Tree Hanger Re moval Services in the Event of a Storm” submitted in accordance with the specifi cations will be received until 2:00 p.p. on Tuesday, November 22, 2022 in the Office of the Town Manager, 100 Maple Avenue, Shrewsbury, Massachusetts 01545 at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read.

Specifications may be downloaded from the Town’s Website https://shrewsbury

Attention is called to minimum wage rates to be paid on the work as determined as determined by the Department of Labor Standards under the provisions of the Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 149 Section 26 to 27H inclusive.

The Town of Shrewsbury acting through its Town Manager reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to award the bid it deems to be in the best interest of the Town pursuant to MGL Chapter 30B.


Storm Debris Chipping and Removal Services, Town of Shrewsbury

Sealed bids will be accepted from quali fied firms or individuals to provide “Storm Debris Chipping and Removal Services” under the direction of the Highway Divi sion Manager.

Sealed bids marked “Storm Debris Chip ping and Removal Services” submitted in accordance with the specifications will be received until 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, No vember 22, 2022 in the Office of the Town Manager, 100 Maple Avenue, Shrewsbury, Massachusetts 01545 at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read.

Specifications may be downloaded from the Town’s Website https://shrewsbury

Attention is called to minimum wage rates to be paid on the work as determined by the Department of Labor Standards under the provisions of the Massachusetts Gen eral Laws, Chapter 149 Section 26 to 27H inclusive.

The Town of Shrewsbury acting through its Town Manager reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to award the bid it deems to be in the best interest of the Town pursuant to MGL Chapter 30B.

Kevin Mizikar, Town Manager



November 4, 2022

Commonwealth of MA Dept. of Housing & Community Development (DHCD) 100 Cambridge Street, Suite 300 Boston, MA 02114

This notice shall satisfy two separate but related procedural requirements for activi ties to be undertaken by DHCD.


On or about November 20, 2022 DHCD will submit a request to the HUD Boston Regional Office for the release of; HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) funds - Title II of the Cranston Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act of 1990, as amended; the release of Housing Choice Voucher Program (HCVP) funds under Section 8, The Housing Act of 1937, as amended, and Section 811 Project Rental Assistance Demonstration (PRA Demo) funds, for the purpose of attach ing project-based vouchers to be utilized in a project known as The Pointe at Hills Farms, located at 526 Hartford Turnpike, Shrewsbury MA. The project consists of the new construction of (93) ninety-three units of affordable rental housing. The project will use the following estimated sources of federal funds: $750,000 in

HOME. Expected additional public funding includes state AHTF and HSF funds and federal and State low-income housing tax credits. The project sponsor is Winn Devel opment. The total estimated project cost is approximately $30.7 million.


DHCD have determined that the project will have no significant impact on the human environment. Therefore, an En vironmental Impact Statement under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) is not required. Additional project information is contained in the Environ mental Review Record (ERR) on file at DHCD, Bureau of Rental Assistance, 100 Cambridge Street, Boston, MA 02114 and may be examined or copied weekdays from 9am to 4pm.


Any individual, group, or agency may sub mit written comments on the ERR to Dan Tobyne, Bureau of Rental Assistance, 100 Cambridge Street Suite 300, Boston, MA 02114. All comments received by No vember 20, 2022 will be considered by DHCD prior to authorizing submission of a request for release of funds. Comments should specify which Notice they are ad dressing.


The Commonwealth of MA acting through DHCD certifies to HUD that Catherine Racer in her capacity as Certifying Officer, consents to accept the jurisdiction of the Federal Courts if an action is brought to enforce responsibilities in relation to the environmental review process and that these responsibilities have been satisfied. HUD’s approval of the certification satis fies its responsibilities under NEPA and re lated laws and authorities, and allows the project, to use HUD program funds for the purpose specified.


HUD will accept objections to its release of funds and the Commonwealth of Mass. certification for a period of fifteen days fol lowing the anticipated submission date or its actual receipt of the request (whichever is later) only if they are on one of the fol lowing bases: (a) the certification was not executed by the Certifying Officer of the Commonwealth of MA; (b) the Common wealth of MA have omitted a step or failed to make a decision or finding required by HUD regulations at 24 CFR part 58; (c) the grant recipient or other participants in the project have committed funds or incurred costs not authorized by 24 CFR Part 58 before approval of a release of funds by HUD; or (d) another Federal agency acting pursuant to 40 CFR Part 1504 has sub mitted a written finding that the project is unsatisfactory from the standpoint of environmental quality. Objections must be prepared and submitted in accordance with the required procedures (24 CFR Part 58, Sec. 58.76) and shall be addressed to HUD at the Boston Area Office, 10 Cause way Street, Boston, MA 02222. Potential objectors should contact HUD to verify the actual last day of the objection period.

For DHCD Catherine Racer, Associate Director



Notice is hereby given by Ted’s of Fay ville, 300 Turnpike Road., Southborough, MA 01772, pursuant to the provisions of G.L. c. 255, section 39A, that on Tuesday November 23, 2022 at 10 am an auction sale on the web based site of http://sta. the following motor ve hicles will be sold to satisfy our garage keeper’s lien thereon for storage, towing charges, care and expenses of notices and sale of said vehicles. Starting November 11, 2022 at 9 am, vehicles can be viewed at

This is not an absolute auction we reserve the right to set a minimum on all auction

vehicles. If a particular vehicle is not listed on call 508-4850503 for bidding instructions.

2017 Subaru Forester Vin: JF2SJAAC1HG482664

Owned by Juanita Damagnach

2008 Ford Taurus VIN:1FAHP28W38G134965 Owned by Julio Esparza

2010 Chevrolet Equinox Vin: 2CNFLEEW2A6252204 Owned by Theresa Nyekender

2007 Chevrolet Aveo VIN: KL1TD66687B727604 Owned by Jessica Valerio

2007 Chevrolet Cobalt VIN: 1G1ak55f777350843 Owned by Heather Beaudin

2001 Chevrolet Suburban VIN: 3GNGK26U71G239936

Owned by Larry Kaslov

2007 Cadillac CTS VIN: 1G6DP577970146097

Owned by Lucia Pedroza

2008 Dodge Avenger VIN: 1B3LC56R08N220407 Owned by Kimberly Plitnick or Yanira Perez-Hernandez



Notice is hereby given by Boulevard Tow ing of 550 Franklin Street Worcester, MA, pursuant to the provisions of Mass G.L c. 255, Section 39A, that they will sell the following vehicles on or after November 19, 2022 beginning at 10:00 am by pub lic or private sale to satisfy their garage keeper’s lien for towing, storage, and no tices of sale. Vehicles are being stored at Boulevard Towing.

1. 2010 Mercedes Benz GLK350


2. 2017 BMW X5 VIN 5UXKR0C58H0U55534

3. 2012 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 VIN 1GCNKPEA1CZ171981

4. 2008 Nissan Rogue

VIN JN8AS58V98W137284

5. 2015 Ford F-350 VIN 1FTRE3B64FEB84847


Docket No. WO22P3442EA

Commonwealth of Massachusetts

The Trial Court Worcester Division Probate and Family Court

Estate of: Donald M. Scheiner

Date of Death: June 20, 2022

To all persons interested in the above cap tioned estate, by Petition of Jonathan Jaffe of Ashland, MA

A Will has been admitted to informal pro bate.

Jonathan Jaffe of Ashland, MA. has been informally appointed as the Personal Rep resentative of the estate to serve without surety on the bond.

The estate is being administered under informal procedure by the Personal Rep resentative under the Massachusetts Uniform Probate Code without supervision from by the Court. Inventory and accounts are not required to be filed with the Court, but interested parties are entitled to no tice regarding the administration from the Personal Representative and can petition the Court in any matter relating to the es tate including distribution of assets and expenses of administration. Interested parties are entitled to petition the Court to institute formal proceedings and to obtain orders terminating or restricting the pow ers of Personal Representatives appointed under informal procedure. A copy of the petition and Will, if any, can be obtained from the Petitioner.

COMMUNITY ADVOCATE • Friday, November 4, 2022 • 21
Pat Assad, owner Boulevard Towing
Call 508.366.5500 to advertise your legal notice
22 • COMMUNITY ADVOCATE • Friday, November 4, 2022 Call Mary Ellen at 508-366-5500 or email Interested in placing a HELP WANTED • FOR SALE • SERVICE • YARD SALE • RENTAL • PRAYER? We’ll design it for you! Contact Mary Ellen at 508-366-5500 or send an email to: CLASSIFIED DEADLINE IS FRIDAY AT NOON, ONE WEEK PRIOR TO PUBLICATION DATE COMMUNITY CLASSIFIED Home Repair & Services $50 off Chimney Caps or Free Chimney Cleaning with any Masonry • Chimney roof water leaks solved • Walkways • Perimeter drainage • Foundation Repairs Quality Chimney 508-752-1003 Get your chimney cleaned for only $99 or Any 1 Flue Cleaned J&K ROOFING Perfecting the art of keeping your home dry! 508-393-1868 Lic # 134804 New Roofs Re-Roofs GutteR CleaNiNG iC e Dam Removal Call Ted Evangelous for a FREE ESTIMATE Office 508-485-ROOF Cell 508-400-0380 Owner on Every Job, No Subcontractors Lifetime warranty Most Jobs Completed in 1-2 Days Fully Licensed & Insured EVANGELOUS ROOFING ICE DAM REMOVAL RESIDENTIAL CLEANING Call Sue! (508)756-9842 FREE ESTIMATES GREAT REFERENCES SUPER CROSSWORDSIGN LANGUAGE Answers on the next page Find us on Facebook Instagram W.E.S. PLASTERING Small Repairs Ceilings • Re-Skimming Bill Speckman 508-366-3785 HOME REPAIRS WE ARE AVAILABLE AND RETURN CALLS SAME DAY 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE • Doors • Windows Closet Space • Garage & Basment Organizing • Most General Repairs Call Bob at 508-393-1698 Chimney & Dryer Vent Cleaning “Because soot happens” • Junk Removal • Tree Trimming Free estimates & affordable prices Call Randy 207-228-3760 CLEAN OUT Attics, Sheds, Garages, Basements, etc. DEMOLITION SERVICES Senior Discounts • Fully Insured call: 978-897-junk cell: 978-460-1192 QUICK REMOVAL SERVICE You Call John it Will Be Gone! MasterCard All Types of Home Repair & Remodeling Odd Jobs, Maintenance & Much More! Proudly serving you since 1996 (508) 366-3690 MA HIC #146014 / MA CS #107504 Licensed Bonded Insured Home Improvement Professionals Architectural Designs Including floor plans and elevations for new home • addition remodels • alterations Ron Sorgman 805-252-4656 Hudson, Mass 01749 Snow Plowing/Salting SERVING SHREWSBURY AND NORTHBOROUGH AREA 24 hour service/ 7 days a week Residential-Commercial Free Estimates Call Steve 508-926-8798 or 508-450-0803 508-250-2114 Cleaning Efigenia Free Estimates & Great References House | Office 774-275-0089 Licensed & Insured Shrewsbury, MA Finish Carpentry • Wood Rot Repair • Handy Man Service Storm Doors • Painting Tile Installation • Small Jobs Veteran owned and operated since 1980. CSCOTTSARPENTRY

the Sacred Heart


Heart of Jesus,

for us. St. Jude,

of miracles, pray for us. St. Jude, the

of the hopeless, pray for us. Say this nine times a

for nine days and your prayers will be answered. It has never been known to fail. Publication is necessary. My prayers were and are being an swered. ~ S.C.

COMMUNITY ADVOCATE • Friday, November 4, 2022 • 23 COMMUNITY CLASSIFIED Interested in placing a HELP WANTED • FOR SALE • SERVICE • YARD SALE • RENTAL • PRAYER? We’ll design it for you! Contact Mary Ellen at 508-366-5500 or send an email to: CLASSIFIED DEADLINE IS FRIDAY AT NOON, ONE WEEK PRIOR TO PUBLICATION DATE Call Mary Ellen at 508-366-5500 or email We recognize and reward talent with the highest wages in the industry. WANTED HIGH QUALITY PEOPLE FOR OUR 1ST AND 2ND SHIFTS Great benefits including medical matched 401 contributions and paid vacations. Located at 40 Hayes Memorial Drive, Marlborough, MA 01752. Tel 508-786-0309 fax 508-786-0310 Email resume to: • CNC programmer Amada & Haas • Press brake mechanic NC9EX Amada • Turret punch press set up/ operator • Methods Engineer (JOBBOSS shop control ) • Quality control inspector (flat pattern) • Welder (hielarc/mig) • Shipper/Receiver & shipping help • Customer service, sales & estimator • Working Forman all around mechanic • Book keeper/QuickBooks excel • Part time (general shop help) Media Transfer any format including Movie Film & Audio Tape. I can fix your broken tapes. Convert Your Camcorder Please call Jeff 508-393-9440 We do Pick-up & Delivery Family DVDs makeGreat Gifts Tapes to DVDs! CALL MARY ELLEN TO PLACE YOUR CAREER MARKETPLACE AD 508-366-5500 Answers to Super Crossword Rental PrayersFor Sale BANQUET HALL RENTALS For all occasions in Marlborough Call Steve at 978-310-7051 Events Services Calling All Marines! Celebrate Marine Corps Birthday 10 Nov 2022 at 1100 hrs Union Station, Worcester MA Lunch/Ceremony/Entertainment $65 Cash Donation paid-at-door Please contact us with any questions at Business Attire/Jacket/Tie Target More Local Consumers with CA COMMUNITY ADVOCATE CALL 508.366.5500 FOR INFORMATION SUPPORT LOCAL BUSINESS CALLING ALL GROOMERS! EXCELLENT USED EQUIPMENT Groomer’s Best Hydraulic Grooming Table with Foot Pump $650 Includes new grooming arm, clamp, and nooses Flying Pig 3 Side Splash 50” Stainless Steel Professional Electric Lift Pet Grooming Tub $1500 Includes hose, spray nozzle, and faucet B-Air Grizzly Cage Dryer $200 includes the 3 hoses for cages Contact Susan at (508) 414-1932 PRAYER TO ST. JUDE May
be adored, glorified, loved and pre served throughout the world now and forever. Sacred
ALL METALS Aluminum, Stainless and Cast Iron. Small jobs while you wait. Northborough -(508)393-6816 WELDING Fun Fact! Did you know that the distributes more than 1 MILLION newspapers annually to the communities we serve? CommunityAdvocate Your Community. Your News. Your Paper. Find us on Facebook, Instagram and at Part-Time Office Support Growing manufacturer of foodservice equipment based in Hudson is seeking a permanent PT office support person. Monday through Friday 10am-2or3pm. Duties to include answering phones, data entry, filing, mail distribution, etc. Good written and verbal communication skills necessary. Must be able to multi-task, be organized and pay attention to detail. Quick Books experience a plus. Salary commensurate with experience. No benefits. Email resume and cover letter with salary requirements to

COMMUNITY ELECTION Candidates weigh in on ballot Question 1

This is a proposed consti tutional amendment, and it 8 would add an additional 4% state income tax on that por tion of annual taxable income in excess of $1 million. This income level would be adjusted annu

ally, by the same method used for federal income-tax brackets, to reflect increases in the cost of living.

Revenues from this tax would be used, subject to ap propriation by the state Legisla

ture, for public education, public colleges and universities; and for the repair and maintenance of roads, bridges and public transportation. The proposed amendment would apply to tax years beginning on or after Jan. 1, 2023.

Local candidates Stephen Fishman, Kate Donaghue, Jamie Eldridge, Meghan Kilcoyne and Robyn Kennedy support the ballot question with Fishman calling it “vital.”

“We need more money for education and infrastructure,” he said.

“While we’ve made strides to try to alleviate some of the un derfunding that education has had over the years, it’s just go ing to continue,” Kilcoyne said. “I think all of the schools could use more help, especially [since] we’re still trying to recover from the two years of the pandemic and how that impacted our public education.”

Opponents have said the amendment would adversely affect small business owners and retirees,

“[Small business owners] have worked hard for years or decades to build their nest eggs and depend on their retirement investments. They do not regu larly have incomes exceeding $1 million, but would be sub ject to the increased tax when that are selling a business or seniors selling their home and assets to fund retirements,” said President/CEO of the Corridor 9/495 Regional Chamber of Commerce Karen Chapman in a letter to the editor.

Further, candidates Hannah Kane, Jonathan Hostage, Mike Vulcano and Lisa Mair oppose it.

“I voted against it in the legis lature,” said Kane. “My primary concern is that there’s no guar antee that the money for educa tion and transportation will be added to the investments.”

How candidates will vote on Question 4

REGION - Question 4 asks vot ers whether they approve of a recently-passed law allowing Massachusetts residents who cannot provide proof of lawful presence in the United States to obtain a driver’s license or permit if they meet the other requirements for doing so.

This law does not allow people who cannot provide proof of lawful presence in the United States to obtain a REAL ID, according to the Secretary of State’s website.

The law requires that ap

plicants for a driver’s license or learner’s permit shall attest, under the pains and penalties of perjury, that their license has not been suspended or revoked in any other state, country or jurisdiction.

A “yes” vote — which is supported by candidates Ste phen Fishman, Kate Dona ghue, Jamie Eldridge, Meghan Kilcoyne and Robyn Kennedy — would keep the law on the books. Supporters say this would improve public safety.

“It will be able to keep our roads safe,” said Donaghue. “It’s safer to have drivers who

24 • COMMUNITY ADVOCATE • Friday, November 4, 2022 We appreciate your business 197 Main St, Northborough next to Chet’s Diner 508-250-2922 • Professional • On Time • Friendly 109 Main St. Hudson 978.562.1068 TRADING Your Friendly Full Service Pawnbroker 9:30 - 3, Saturday to 2 WE SELL SILVER Now Hiring Caregivers! BENEFITS: Rewarding Positions Flexible Scheduling around Availability 401(k) & Company Match (up to 4%) Hiring Referral Bonuses Paid Continuing Education Paid Sick Time Competitive Wages Incentives Programs Gas Card Bonus Program Supportive Work Environment 978.287.2002 Each Visiting Angels agency is independently owned and operated. ®2022 Visiting Angels is a registered trademark of Living Assistance Services, Inc.
Question 4 | 25
REGION - With four questions on the November ballot, lo cal candidates weighed in on Question 1.
By Maureen Sullivan and Laura Hayes One resident in Westborough has a sign in their yard advocating for Question 4. PHOTO/MAUREEN SULLIVAN

Local retailer, candidates weigh in on Question 3

REGION - Voters will have an opportunity to weigh in a ballot question that would expand the availability of li censes for the sale of alcoholic beverages.

According to the Secretary of State’s Office, Question 3 proposes a law that “would increase the statewide limit on the combined number of licenses for the sale of alcoholic beverages for offpremises consumption … that any one retailer could own or control.”

Executive Director of the Massachusetts Package Store Association Robert Mellion, who wrote Question 3, said that a “vote yes” would al low for the “safe expansion of alcohol licenses in a manner that supports locally-owned stores and community in terests, such as safe retail of a highly-regulated product, which is alcohol.”

The law would increase the licenses from nine to 12 in 2023, to 15 in 2027 and to

18 in 2031.

Further, Question 3 would not allow retailers to sell alco holic beverages at self-check out, and it would have the retailers accept out-of-state identification and change the fine system.

“Question 3 is designed as a compromise or an olive

branch for a compromise that would expand consumer convenience but maintain safety because we’re having a lot of out-of-state bigger companies wanting to come in and sell alcohol in Massa chusetts,” said Julio’s Liquors Owner Ryan Maloney.

Maloney is one of the lo

How candidates will vote on Question 4

are tested and licensed, and safer when the cars are regis tered and insured.”

Kennedy said part of her support for the ballot question comes after talking to police chiefs, noting that people who need to get to their jobs, appoint ments or store needed to drive.

“It benefits all of us on the roads when everyone on the road has taken a driver’s test,

has a license and is insured,” Kennedy said.

Local candidates Jonathan Hostage, Mike Vulcano and Lisa Mair voiced support for voting “no.”

“I got 1,000 signatures to get that question on the bal lot,” Hostage said.

Mair noted that some busi nesses rely on undocumented immigrants.

“Undocumented workers

do play a valuable part in our communities. So, I would like them to be able to work and get to work legally and not be breaking the law, but I think there is a better answer than number four,” she said.

Mair noted that other states gave a permit, also voicing concerns about the possibility that they may enrolled to vote through the Registry of Motor Vehicles.

cal retailers who have voiced their support for Question 3.

He said that there were multiple bills filed last year, including about a dozen that would either get rid of caps on licenses or create new li censes for certain individuals. Question 3, Maloney said, is a compromise, but he added that it puts in safeguards for the community.

“The question is a little bit more complicated than that on the surface, but it’s actually a very common sense approach to fixing some of the inadequacies in the law to make everybody have an even playing field and keep safety in mind,” Maloney said.

He said it’s a “David versus Goliath” situation.

“This is an initiative that was started by Massachu setts-owned companies that are on Main Street, they’re the people you see every day — they’re convenience stores, they’re liquor stores, they’re grocery stores from the Berk shires to Boston that put this

together in hopes that you would vote ‘yes,’” Maloney said. “The only people who want you to vote ‘no’ [is] somebody who put $3 mil lion and is hoping they can persuade you that they’re the small guy and you should vote that way.”

Candidates weigh in Candidates who are run ning to represent the region in the state House and Senate are split on their support of Ques tion 3, however.

“I will vote YES on Question 3, to provide more economic opportunities not only for al cohol retail businesses, but for communities that see increas ing liquor licenses as a means to increase economic develop ment,” said Jamie Eldridge.

However, Jonathan Hostage said he plans to vote “no.”

“Simply said, there are al ready far too many locations to purchase alcohol and mari juana too for that matter. I see no reason to expand accessibil ity,” said Hostage.

COMMUNITY ADVOCATE • Friday, November 4, 2022 • 25 Still Locally Owned & Serving Worcester County for Over 60 Years! LOWEST PRICES • FULL�SERVICE • 24�HR EXPERT BURNER SERVICE 508-753-7221 • You can trust us to keep you safe and informed because we care. We accept most major credit cards
Question 4 | from page 24
A “Vote Yes” sign stands in Westborough. PHOTO/ELLEN BISHOP

Voters to decide on adopting Community Preservation Act

WESTBOROUGH - In addition to voting on local and state wide offices, Westborough will be deciding on whether to give final approval to adopt the Community Preservation Act. This will be Question 5 on

the state election ballot.

If Westborough adopts the CPA, the town will join neigh boring communities like Graf ton, Hudson, Northborough, Shrewsbury and Southbor ough in doing so.

The CPA was given initial approval at last spring’s Town Meeting.

Under the measure, there would be a 0.5% surcharge of the annual real estate tax levy against real property, starting in fiscal 2024. During past meetings, officials have said this would translate to an ap proximately $42 impact on tax bills for residential property owners.

tion of the first $100,000 of val uation for residential property owners; and an exemption for the first $100,000 of valuation for commercial and industrial property owners.

prove all expenditures, which must meet CPA criteria.

There would be exemp tions, including a complete exemption for low-income property owners and low- and moderate-income senior (60+) property owners; an exemp

Proceeds from CPA funds can be used for open space, historic preservation, recre ation and community hous ing. These funds are partially matched with funds from the state’s Community Preserva tion Trust Fund.

Funds are managed locally and Town Meeting must ap

As candidates representing Westborough vie for office, Stephen Fishman, Hannah Kane and Kate Donaghue have all voiced their support for Question 5.

“CPAs are a great idea,” said Fishman.

Jonathan Hostage has come out against it.

“Donations and volunteer ing should be enough. We don’t need another tax,” Hos tage said.

Residents pitch underground garage for Hyundai dealership

WESTBOROUGH - Parking and a letter took center stage at the latest public hearing for the proposed Hyundai dealership.

At the start of the hearing, Planning Board Chairman Mark Silverberg read a letter presented to the board that afternoon from Edmund A. Alcott, an attorney represent ing the residents of Villages at Walker Meadow.

The residential community abuts the proposed dealership, which would be developed at 180-182 Turnpike Road.

The residents opposed the project in the letter, citing the parking garage and the planned hours of operation, which would be daily from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.

“This looks like a Floridastyle project rather than a New

England-style project,” the letter said.

What is proposed

The developers are pro posing to demolish the exist ing buildings and construct a 46,843-square-foot building with a two-level parking deck.

The residents suggested the dealership have an under ground garage, or at least have the garage covered.

Walker Board of Trustees Chairperson Wayne Webster requested a clarification of the number of parking spaces at the site.

According to attorney Mar shall Gould, there would be 435 spaces — 237 surface and 198 parking deck spaces.

Planning Board member Hazel Nourse asked why so many spaces were required given that vehicles could be ordered and delivered without

the need to visit a dealership.

Gould replied that the site “was not being designed for the pandemic, but for the franchise.” He added that the spaces would reduce the need for off-site parking.

On the subject of an un derground garage, Gould said he didn’t know of any other dealerships between Route 20 and Lyman Street with an underground garage. He added that he was “aware of at least four dealerships with off-site parking areas.”

Silverberg asked whether the number of spaces could be reduced, or at least find a middle ground.

“You’ve made a lot of con cessions on this site, and we appreciate it, but we also have to think about the neighbors,” he said.

The hearing was continued to Nov. 15.

26 • COMMUNITY ADVOCATE • Friday, November 4, 2022 Hours Monday - closed Tues-Fri - 7am-4pm Sat-Sun - 8am-4pm @_thecoffeeloft_ Coffee Loft, Marlborough, MA love grows here " " Gift Certificates Available Peace of mind… is our policy. Getting the best insurance rates in Massachusetts is No Accident We Specialize in Personal Insurance including Coastal Locations and Prestige Programs for High Value Homes. NORTHEAST INSURANCE AGENCY Visit our website at Heritage Mall 567 Southbridge Street AUBURN 508-832-0404 Colonial Plaza 45 East Main Street WESTBOROUGH 508-898-2902 Northeast Insurance Agency, Inc. has five locations: Westborough, Auburn, Lexington, Needham & Falmouth. We represent many “A” rated insurance carriers, offering competitive rates and expert claims handling. AUTOMOBILE • HOMEOWNER • BUSINESS CONTACT US TODAY FOR A FREE INSURANCE QUOTE! COMMUNITY REGION
Call 508-393-9000 Today to RSVP! Capped at 20 attendees. Masks required. Following all CDC guidelines w: Northborough p: 508-393-9000 Hudson p: 978-875-7500 PHYSICAL
ARE YOU A PAIN IN THE NECK? NO, REALLY, DO YOU HAVE NECK PAIN? Then this free in-person workshop is for you! Saturday November 19th Hudson location 9 a.m. Northborough Location 11 a.m.

COMMUNITY SPORTS Westborough football falls to the Marlborough Panthers

WESTBOROUGH - The West borough Rangers faced off against the Marlborough Pan thers on the gridiron Oct. 28.

After going into the sec ond half of the game tied 7-7, Marlborough ultimately emerged victorious, beating Westborough 28-7.

“We came out slow, but we need to give credit to Westborough,” said Marlborough Coach Sean Mahoney. “They played really hard, then we figured things out in the sec ond half and played much better offensively.”

He added, “We didn’t play great offensively first half. But again, it’s credit to them. They [were] disruptive in the first half.”

“We played hard. We gave them a good half,” said West borough Coach Joe Beveridge. “Obviously, they found some holes in what we were doing offensively and defensively, and they took advantage.”

He continued, “You’ve got to give your hats off to them. They’re well-coached. Sean does a great job year in and year out. They have a very se nior-laden team, and they’re heading to the playoffs for a reason.”

Beveridge noted that the Westborough players were young and “learning how to finish for four full quarters.”

He hoped that his team took away that they could be competitive against an

Top: A Marlborough player pushes through Westborough defenders.

Left: A Westborough player looks for a gap in Marlborough

experienced team like Marl borough.

“We have them a good half, but we kind of ran out of gas in the second half,” Beveridge said.

The Panthers, who stand 6-2 on the season after fall ing to Nashoba and Grafton, will be heading to the MIAA playoffs.

Marlborough is scheduled to play against Tewksbury on Nov. 4.

“We’re pretty healthy, and we have a shot. We’re in the tournament, so we have a shot,” Mahoney said.

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Wael Youseff, D.M.D.

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COMMUNITY ADVOCATE • Friday, November 4, 2022 • 27 Metrowest Oral Associates Scan for more information
Milford • Northborough
First-time customers receive $40 off service The Unique Shop You’ve Been Waiting For NOW OPEN IN WESTBORO! Crystals Minerals Gifts & so much more! Hours: Tues -Sun 10-6 276 Turnpike Rd – Rt 9 East Westborough 24 Hours Everyday Call Dial-A-Friend (508) 852-5242 Need A Message Of Hope? 888-My-Policy 508-620-6200 GET THE COVERAGE YOU NEED WITH THE DISCOUNTS YOU’RE LOOKING FOR. Call us today for a no-obligation review of your personal insurance policies.
A Marlborough player runs the football into the end zone. PHOTOS/LAURA HAYES
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