Welsh CP election manifesto

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Y Blaid Gomiwnyddol Gymreig Welsh Communist Party

Con-Dem con-trick The Con-Dem government is telling a whole lot of whoppers as they slash public services, jobs and benefits. Whopper number 1: ‘Britain faces the biggest debt crisis in its history’. The truth: Britain’s National Debt is lower today than in 70 of the last 100 years.The USA and Japan have much higher levels of National Debt, while Britain’s is no higher than France or Germany. Whopper number 2: ‘The only way to close the government’s budget deficit is to cut public spending’. The truth: Economic growth means more work, more wages, more spending, more production – and more in taxes for the government. Slashing public spending means the opposite. Taxing the rich and big business would raise more than enough to balance the budget. Whopper number 3: ‘We’re all in this together – it’s the Big Society!’ The truth: It’s mass redundancies, benefit cuts, tax rises and worse public services for workers and their families – but tax cuts and bonuses for big business and the bankers.

Cameron’s ‘Big Society’ is the ‘Big Business’ society, where everything not owned by big business and the rich is dependent on them for donations and sponsorship. That is why the Communist Party says: ★ Defend jobs, services, wages, pensions and benefits. ★ Build broad-based campaigns against the cuts. ★ Unite behind coordinated strikes in the public sector, leading to general strike action and community solidarity. Bring down this Con-Dem government elected by nobody!

Policies for a people’s Wales ★ An economic plan for Wales based on democratic participation and the extension of cooperative, municipal and public ownership of industry and development land. ★ Public investment in small, cooperative and municipal enterprise not bribes for foreign multinational corporations.

★ A coordinated public transport network for Wales. ★ A north-south rail link through midWales and and electrification of the whole south Wales line. ★ Powers for the National Assembly to take the railways, gas and electricity services into public ownership. ★ Harnessing Severn tidal power through underwater turbines and coastal lagoons. ★ A massive programme of public sector housebuilding. ★ Controls on empty commercial property and second homes including compulsory purchase to meet local need. ★ The phasing out of privatisation in the NHS and prison service. ★ Reorganisation of Welsh higher education to meet the economic, social and cultural needs of Wales. ★ A network of refuges and support services throughout Wales for victims of domestic violence. ★ A Welsh Broadcasting Authority and full home-made television services in both languages. ★ Free facilities for all children and adults who wish to learn Welsh.

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