Dialogue Magazine - Issue 33

Page 17


Experience Durham...

The closing weeks of Michaelmas term is always a busy period for student music in Durham, as each orchestra, choir and soloist sparkles during the festive period. Under the leadership of student President Jessica Lawrence, the renewed energy and ambition of Durham University Music Society (DUMS) provided a packed and exciting programme as 2013 drew to a close. Festive spirit was boundless from Durham University Big Band in their Christmas special, featuring renditions of all our Christmas favourites as well as classic big band hits, while the Chamber Choir created a striking seasonal atmosphere in the Cathedral Chapter House with Poulenc’s winter cantata Un Soir de Neige and Byrd’s Mass for Five Voices. A new challenging repertoire featuring works from Dukas, Vaughan Williams and Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker made for a stunning concert from the Orchestral Society’s Symphony Concert and more classical music came from the Chamber Orchestra’s concert under the baton of Alexander Robertson, with a varied programme including works by Debussy, Ravel and a spectacular solo of Nielsen’s Flute Concerto by Becky Durose. Durham Opera Ensemble’s (DOE) first show of the year Darkness and Light was a spectacle for all, from the Black Tie dress code to the incredible series of opera scenes based on the prayer of St Francis of Assisi. Highlights included pieces by Purcell, Monteverdi and Mozart; watch out for DOE’s production of The Magic Flute this Epiphany Term on 12 - 16 February 2014 at the Great Hall in Castle. The Choral Society presented one of Handel’s greatest choral works, Messiah, conducted by Michael Summers, with Charlotte La Thrope, Harriet Beckham, Hugo Hymas and Aaron Prewer-Jenkinson performing beautiful solos. You can see the Choral Society perform Mozart’s Requiem when they are back in action on Friday 14 March 2014. In addition to the vast array of concert performances, DUMS have established an excellent array of masterclasses and lunchtime recitals for their members. To date, Durham’s musicians have enjoyed a masterclass with distinguished conductor and alumnus Ralph Allwood (Music, Van Mildert, 1969-1972), and a piano recital and masterclass with Nigel Allcoat, one of the world’s finest classical improvisers.

Find out more...

about DUMS, visit www.durham.ac.uk/music.society

ROUND-UP FROM EXPERIENCE DURHAM Team Durham had a record-breaking first term. We held the number one position in the BUCS points table for a short period of time and have given our great rivals Loughborough a comprehensive challenge, beating them both at home and away in a variety of sports. We hope to hold on to our number two spot in BUCS for the third consecutive year and you can follow our athletes’ weekly progress at www.teamdurham.com Many students took to the stage throughout Michaelmas term, with productions including Jerusalem, Mikado, The Furies, and a Murder Mystery. Epiphany Term is no different, and Durham University Light Opera Group (DULOG) will once again be back at the Gala Theatre in January, with their production of Guys and Dolls. Keep an eye on the What’s On Guide for more information about performance details. Staff and student volunteering goes from strength-to-strength and Student Community Action (SCA) are gearing up to SCA Week in mid-February. The New Year too is a great time for staff to get involved in new volunteering and outreach activities, so get in touch with community.engagement@durham.ac.uk for the latest events.

Find out more...

visit www.durham.ac.uk/experiencedurham

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