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ELSA K ULA is a Chicago designer and illustrator with a highly developed imagination. Her ability to visualize and transport objects out of context leads to design solutions that are exciting and effective. In her own promotional pieces, she adopted a theme of self-portraits, identified herself with a variety of techniques that were fresh, unexpected. Several of those shown are inserts bound into the annuals of the ((27 Designers of Chicago." This year, the rules committee decided that no portraits, photographs or drawings, of the designers were to be allowed. With this crimp in her running series, she went to a portrait by association (lower right). She has a reputation as a <<hat zany," designs her own, wears them all the time. Besides her free-lance work, Elsa also teaches Visual Design at Southern Illinois University. At left is a cover from a brochure she prepared for the University's 4th annual Fine Art Festival featuring Italian arts.

CA, December '60

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