Comic Book Therapy Magazine July

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Comic Con 2011 – What to expect… Much has been made online and offline that this coud be the end of Hollywood’s interest in the San Diego Comic Con. Reasons have been suggested in the range of movies failing to keep the hype after the event (Scott Pilgrim vs. the World) to it becoming increasingly more difficult for studios to organize talent for the days they will need to be at the convention. I have even heard theories that because Disney has it’s own D23 Expo to showcase and control everything they want for fans and the fact they will not be upstaged by another studio, that more studios might hold their own convention eliminating the need for Comic-Con being a hype driver for them. For the time being, two weeks out until the largest pop culture event every year, it seems the demise of studio’s SDCC participation has been greatly exaggerated. So as we gear up for this year’s event we have decided to let you know with some help from THR and their great SDCC pre-coverage and the fact that SDCC has just released it’s official Thursday (July 21) schedule. What Is Disney/Dreamworks Bringing? Things seems to be pointing at a presence from The Avengers.


It will be a lot of viral stuff supposedly ranging from SHIELD set pieces abound including a Hellicarrier. We also heard that some of the cast, including Chris Evans (Cap), Chris Hemsworth (Thor), Robert Downey Jr. (Iron Man), Scarlett Johansson (Black Widow), Jeremy Renner (Hawkeye) and Mark Ruffalo (Hulk), might show up for signings at Marvel’s booth. Of course, with any actor, their availability changes in an instant (especially considering they’re all still shooting Avengers) and I’m sure we’ll hear more closer to Comic-Con. Perhaps the biggest news is a possible Avengers teaser trailer reward coming from the viral marketing. The only other piece we know that is coming is from the Dreamworks side with Fright Night, getting it’s release on August 19, it fits the right into the promotional window and talent (Colin Farrell, Dave Tennant, Anton Yelchin) is available. Unfortunately no Muppets and I have that on confirmation from Disney. Sucks because we were hoping to hang with Kermit and Fozzie and do some fun videos. Other possible shows could be John Carter but we aren’t going to bet on it.

Comic Book Therapy Magazine

July 2011

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