Reform your house with little money? we explain how to do it

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Reform your house with little money? we explain how to do it The return of summer is presented with curves. Economists and organizations agree in pointing out complicated autumn with increases in the prices of products and services in general. Therefore, you have to sharpen your ingenuity to try to save as much as possible. From the kitchen to the living room and even the bedroom, renovating a house cheaply or even at zero cost is possible, even when it is very old or apparently in need of renovation. We explain how.

7 ideas to renovate your house without spending too much Stored and forgotten objects, pallets, paint for furniture and walls, plasterboard and small modernization works (even DIY) are the essential elements to pivot on to renovate your home without spending too much. Here are 7 ideas to inspire you.

1. Renew your home at zero cost with recycled materials Cupboards and drawers are inexhaustible sources of stored and forgotten objects that can be given a new and different life. A ladder, for example, can help you renovate your home at zero cost by becoming a very special recycled chandelier to place in the living room or on top of the kitchen island.

2. Do it yourself: renovate your house with pallets The pallet is an almost zero-cost DIY solution for home renovation. In fact, it can be salvaged from store shelves and used as a bed frame and headboard, painted your favorite color after careful sanding, or left in its most rustic natural state.

3. Renovate the house with little starting with the kitchen Rejuvenating your house does not necessarily mean renovating the entire floor: you can limit your investment by initially renovating only the most inhabited rooms. For example, to renovate your house on the cheap, you can use slate-colored paint on a kitchen wall, which will give it a completely new and modern look.

4. Renovation of a house from the 70s: polish the floor Black marble flooring is something you might find when buying a 1970s home, expensive to take down and seemingly unattractive to maintain. So what to do to renew without spending too much? All you have to do is sand the floor, an inexpensive professional task that will leave it shiny and perfect for a vintage or industrial style decoration.

5. Shabby chic style for a low-cost renovation of grandma's house The furniture inherited along with the grandparents' house tells the story of good quality wood, which only needs a coat of paint to give it a second life and tell a new story. White paint, water-based polish, and sandpaper in hand, and the home renovation is done fast.

6. Plasterboard for the low-cost reform of the house Plasterboard is a widely used material in construction, which allows you to renovate your home with little money. Quick to install, it can be used in a bedroom to give a headboard a whole new look, especially in combination with warm light fixtures.

7. Renovate the house without renovations with adhesive tiles Adhesive tiles are the secret to renovating a house without the need for renovations: they are available at low prices, in different sizes and colors, and are designed to effectively cover both old walls and floors.

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