Mistake You Make the First Time You Remold Your House

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Mistakes You Make the First Time You Remold Your House So that the interior decoration turns out as you imagine it in your head, when you face a complete or partial reform you have to take into account some essential aspects in the preparation and execution process . If you don't, you will be making frequent mistakes that usually appear the first time you do reform. Errors related to the previous one to the reform (during its planning) and in the same process of the work . So avoid headaches, unnecessary expenses and disappointments with this list of mistakes to avoid.

Not Developing a Project Prior to the Reform Starting with this list of errors that are made the first time a home is reformed due to the absence of a previous project. "One of the most common mistakes is to start the comprehensive reform of a home without a previous project and study . It is vitally important to spend time analyzing it through an architect or interior designer to plan the development of the comprehensive project and organize all the trimmings. In this way, future problems will be avoided and the reform will be adapted to the demands, personality and lifestyle of each client",

the Combit-Construction professionals explain in this regard. This image is of a work carried out by them, as well as the kitchen which opens the article. Carrying out a comprehensive reform is one of the most important investments we make in our lives . To have it fully controlled, one of the most recommended points is to have a budget itemized for the project as a whole, taking into account the items that are going to be executed in reality. "In this way, we will know all the costs that we are going to have to face and we will be able to invest a certain amount of money in choices of materials or qualities of the house itself. This point is very important so as not to take any financial risk during the process.

Do Not Visualize the New Distribution on a Plane The plans help to see the result of the reform. A common mistake when doing one for the first time is not seeing the result on a drawing. It is essential when the distribution is modified, but also, to see the layout of the furniture , how the circulation spaces are, the sizes, the free areas. The plans are provided by the studio you hire for the reform, but you can also start planning with one by hand and scale yourself.

Not Having a Planning of the Works to be Developed An error that is made when reforming for the first time is not having a planning of the works to be carried out or a site manager who coordinates them within the agreed deadlines. "Everyone knows that the execution of a comprehensive reform project is stressful both because of the management of all the unions and suppliers involved in it, and because of the adaptation to the agreed execution deadlines. For this reason, having an architect-head of work is essential when it comes to controlling the execution, coordinating all the members involved and carefully adapting to the deadlines established in the project. You will have fewer headaches because it is a job that you have to dedicate time to.

Condition the Aesthetics of the Home to Current and Passing Fashions We always advise our clients to try to get out, in a certain way, of the aesthetic line marked by trends and passing fashions. In this way, our team advises and accompanies in the choice of materials, combining the tastes and lifestyle of the client with the latest developments , thus achieving spaces full of personality and with timeless lines that last over time". So don't make the mistake of sticking to trends if they don't go with your style. The house must reflect personality and comfort. Incorporating trends is correct but as long as they meet other requirements.

Laws, Permits and Community of Neighbors Another mistake that is made when carrying out a reform of a certain magnitude for the first time is not requesting the necessary permits established by Law. The processes and permits themselves, as well as the fees to be paid, vary from one community to another . So it is advisable to inform yourself in time. If you hire a company to carry out the reform, you must specify with them if they are in charge of the request, a step that facilitates the task, since they usually know the conditions of the area in which they work.

Take into Account a Distant Future More than Current in Needs A very common mistake is to face a comprehensive reform thinking about the future. That is, projecting the reform in view of what is to come.This is a very common mistake and one that conditions the reform a lot, when we should think much more about practicality and the current moment in which we live".

Not Developing the House Based on an Aesthetic Line One of the most frequent mistakes when renovating a house for the first time is forgetting the aesthetic line that the house should follow. Colors, materials, shapes, distribution, finishes, etc. they are essential for day-to-day well-being . "A correct study of the space and the development of an interior design project associated with the reform, enhances our sensitivity and makes us live in a home in which to find balance and well-being.

Focus on Materials and layout and Forget About Lighting The location of each light point and plug is essential to achieve an ideal decorative environment after the reform. And many times the mistake is to focus on what is most visible, on the materials and the distribution when, in order to have the appropriate aesthetics, that distribution marks the location of the points of light. Know which plugs where a table lamp will go, if the table lamps will be pendants or wall lamps, if you want ambient lighting on the ceiling with a led strip.

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