Bathroom Renovation Ideas: Some Hot Trends For 2022

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Best Bathroom Renovation Ideas: Some Hot Trends For 2022 So you’re wanting to update your bathroom and scratching your head on where to start? Wondering which renovations really add value to your property and what trends are going to hit the fan in 2022? We get it: getting the best bang for your buck can be a bit tricky. And making sure your new bathroom is right on trend and adds significant value to your property is super important.

That’s why we’ve taken a few mins to share our top #5 tips for bathroom renovations 2022. Before we get cracking, here’s a quirky fact: between showering, shaving, cleaning our teeth, enjoying relaxing baths, and using the toilet, we spend more than 800 days of our life in a bathroom. That’s more than 2 years over your lifetime! Given how often we find ourselves in a bathroom for whatever reason, it stands to reason that this space is one of the most important in our lives. And that’s why it should be open, welcoming, and stylish.

If you’re ready to transform your bathroom, check out these 5 hottest bathroom renovation ideas for 2022:

1) Trendy Tiles: Unique and modern bathroom tiling is becoming a staple when we think of bathroom renovations 2022. Hexagon tiles, both large and small, are becoming super popular. If you want to push the creative boundaries during your bathroom remodel, you can also consider combining several different tile forms such as herringbone, subway, and hexagon for a dynamic look. Creating zigzag and V-shapes along your walls is another hot bathroom renovations 2022 trend to spruce up what can be a bit of a boring space. Like a more organic look? What about an earthy slate tile or wooden tile? We’re also seeing an uptake in the intricacy of bathroom tiling with complex detailed tiles along floors and walls.

2) Choosing the Right Colour: One of the simplest renovation options to completely transform your bathroom is a colour change. And few of the most popular colour schemes heading into 2022 include: • • • • •

blacks for a moody, broody atmosphere blue shades from classic navy to baby blue classic white or cream for a clean aesthetic colour combos such pink and blue for a chic, energetic feel monochromatic colour scheme that provides a stylish interior accented with patterns and texture for interest.

3) All-in-One Shower and Bath / Wet Room: Though not a new concept per se, the all-in-one shower and bath design is reaching new heights in the best bathroom renovations we’re seeing for 2022. This style can also be expanded into a full wet room in which the shower isn’t enclosed with walls, screens, or trays. Instead, there is a single drain in the bathroom that the water flows down while you shower.

Usually, a bathtub is situated against the far side of the wall as well for the all-inone experience.

4) Showerheads: In 2022, single showerheads are old news. And although they’re only possible in larger bathrooms such as master baths, the multiple showerhead trend is picking up steam in 2022 as well. There are many options here to choose from: from twin showerheads opposite each other, to 4-sided showerheads for water from every direction. Many modern bathroom renos taking place in 2022 will also feature water-saving showerheads, LED showerheads, and multi-showerhead options that include various spray modes and jet options for a spa-like experience at home.

5) Indoor Outdoor Merger: 2022 will see a lot more focus on bringing natural elements into our bathrooms. Whether that be natural skylights installed above showers, rough natural tiling or timber tiles on the floors and walls, and larger glass walls that invite the outside in. What could be better than enjoying a relaxing bath while watching birds and squirrels in your backyard? The addition of indoor plants is also a creative and modern idea, so what about installing a full-on planted garden box in your bathroom? There are plenty of plant species that thrive in a warm, humid indoor space, so get your creative hat and create your own little tropical paradise inside!

We Combit Constructions, specialist builders in North London, excited about your new-look bathroom. And our team is right here to help you every step of the way to a beautiful bathroom in 2022. If you’re ready to get the ball rolling, feel free to give us a quick call and book your complimentary consultation with Igor or one of our trusted sales personnel. We’re as keen as you are to get your project underway!

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