7 Reforms to Carry Out in the Winter Months

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7 Reforms to Carry Out in the Winter Months

In general, it is thought that summer is the best time of year to carry out renovations in a home. But the truth is that there are certain integral and partial reforms, for which cold weather and winter weather conditions may be ideal. Next, we are going to see some of the main reforms that can be done during the winter months and obtain excellent results.

Benefits of Making Reforms in Winter

Before talking about the reforms that can be done in winter, we must know the benefits of this time of year to make changes in a home. Some of the main benefits are:

Deadlines are reduced : in the summer months, it is common for the works to be interrupted by holidays or for the materials to be delayed as a result of the

holidays of the establishments. In winter this is less common, so it is possible that the season impacts that everything can be done more quickly.

Good drying of materials : although it is true that materials with an aqueous component may have more difficulties in winter, there are others, such as cement, varnish or plaster, which dry better in winter temperatures. In addition, if the reform is interior, it is likely that it can be done without problems or consequences due to the weather.

Greater speed in building permits : with the exception of the weeks of the end of the year holidays, during the winter it is possible to obtain the building permit much faster. This has to do with the fact that the brakes linked to vacations and summer closures are avoided. Future problems are detected much faster : during the winter months, where there are few hours of sun and where the rains are more frequent, they are the ideal moments to observe problems in the house, such as leaks, humidity problems, among other things. This can be given a quick response with a reform , making the house ready for the summer.

The Most Common Winter Reforms

The most common reforms for the winter months are those that take place inside the house, thus not being affected by weather conditions. Some of the best reform options to do in winter are the following:

Improve Insulation

Thermal insulation is one of the most demanded reforms in the winter months . Depending on the geographical location of each home and the climatic conditions of said location, different types of works will be needed to improve insulation. In addition, it is the time of year when problems with current insulation can best be detected in order to provide an effective response to it and improve not only convenience and comfort inside the house, but also energy efficiency and energy savings. Energy.

Place Underfloor Heating

One of the most popular solutions today for the cold is underfloor heating. It is an innovative air conditioning system that consists of the placement of pipes through which sanitary hot water passes and that run under the floor. Thus, the heat rises towards the roof, maintaining a suitable and uniform temperature in the property.

Put Parquet

Although it is true that parquet does not always manage to dry very quickly, today we can access fast-drying mortar. In addition, using a dehumidifier can evaporate the water used. For this reason, changing the floors to parquet floors is an excellent alternative for these winter months.

Change Walls

Another of the most common reform options to do in winter is the redistribution of the walls. It must be taken into account that one of the most used materials to make plasterboard plates is plaster, which dries better in the cold weather

months without causing cracks. Thus, it is possible, in these months, to redistribute the room, generate new walls and partitions, among other things. This can not only produce a substantial change in functional and aesthetic terms in the home, but can also improve the thermal and acoustic insulation of the different spaces in the house.

Renew the Roof

It must be taken into account that, especially in European countries, winter is the time when the presence of rain and snow is more frequent. Therefore, that the roof is in good condition is essential. What is important to be able to do this type of reform in winter is to think about dry solutions , such as waterproofing plates under tiles or sandwich boards, among other options.

Install air Conditioning

Installing an air conditioner is a simple job. One of the reasons for doing it during the winter has to do not only with leaving the house ready for the summer, but also with the fact that the prices of these equipment are usually cheaper at this time of year.

Make Exterior Enclosures

While this is something that can be done during the summer months, winter is also a good time of year to do exterior siding. These are an excellent alternative to protect the home from changes in the climate, achieving greater insulation of the house from the cold. In addition, it is a way of generating environments in which to enjoy the sun and the outdoor landscape even in times of the worst weather


Do you want to make reforms in your house this winter? At Combit Constriuction we are a company specialized in comprehensive reforms and construction in North london and the province. We carry out integral or partial reforms taking into account a study of the needs of each particular client.

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