6 Ideas to Renovate a Room by Changing Just One Thing

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6 Ideas to Renovate a Room by Changing Just One Thing If you could change one thing in a room to make it look different, what would you change? Here we bring you, not one, but 6 ideas to renovate a room by changing just one thing, so you can choose according to your taste and budget.

Paint Painting is one of the cheapest, fastest, and easiest ideas to renovate a room. Of course, if you consider painting the whole room it can be more complicated and laborious, but why not try changing the color of a single wall? You will see how the 'look & feel of the room immediately changes completely!

Incorporate a mirror It's amazing what a mirror can do in a room. If you have a large mirror, take advantage of it to give the room a feeling of spaciousness. And if the mirror is small, use a striking frame and place it in a strategic position so that it reflects the light and changes the appearance thanks to its decorative contribution and lighting.

Add wallpaper Like painting, if you can wallpaper the entire room, you will undoubtedly achieve a radical change. But you don't need to invest so much money or go through so much work to give it a special touch; just wallpaper a single wall, or add a strip of wallpaper as a border all around the room, and you can enjoy a major makeover.

Add trim Wall moldings are the latest trend in interior design. Not only do they add architectural interest, but they also allow you to play with textures, dimensions, and colors in a way that a plain wall would never allow.

Change the cushions Just about any room looks different when you add a few throw pillows here and there. And best of all, they're cheap and easy to change! You can have themed cushions for different celebrations of the year, as well as in different colors according to the season. With cushions, your imagination is the limit!

Order or Disorder If you are one of those who have totally clear shelves and surfaces, in the best minimalist style, try changing them and filling them with memories, photographs, decorations, and flowers. On the other hand, if you are one of those who have everything everywhere, try keeping everything in boxes for a while and enjoy the minimalist style leaving only one or two pieces visible. How easy it is to renovate a room when you only have to change one thing! And if you're feeling bold, try combining these ideas with these 6 big little changes to freshen up your living room.

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