February/March 2024 Valley Parent

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Positive Dental Visit LOCAL STUDENTS

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Valley Parent 2 P A R E N T Parent


orking in the publishing business you always have your eye on the future. That’s why this cold, 164th day of January doesn’t feel too bad. Plans are afoot for February through April with our publications, and the full editorial year is mapped out, too. So, my mindset is thinking Spring and getting organized. In sharp contrast, outside my window the temperatures are dropping rapidly, and we’re about to have a spell of below freezing nights and days. Unfortunately, no precipitation means no snow. There’s no shortage of options for indoor activities if the weather is keeping you indoors. We have tickets to give away for the RiverCenter’s Disney Princess: The Concert AND 360 ALLSTARS. It’s also the launch of our Fresh Faces Cover Contest. Four winners will grace the cover of this magazine, and an additional child will be our readers’ choice winner. Get clicking away! Have you been to the new Highside Market yet? Check out the article on page four about the collaborative art project with students from Wynnton Arts Academy and Charity Hamidullah—better still go see it for yourself alongside the numerous eateries and retail options to explore. It’s a great after school or weekend option for families. Is it a coincidence that February brings us the sweet, treat holiday of Valentine’s along with National Children’s Dental month? Dental hygiene is important to foster in your child as well as creating a great relationship with your child’s dentist. One of these Valentine’s Days, your child will be winning somebody over with a great smile. Education options are top of mind for any parent throughout the stages of their child’s school years. We look at the reasons for choosing private school education. With our local private schools entering admissions open house season, you may decide that now is the time to explore if private education is the best fit for your child and family. Stay warm, get outdoors, explore what’s new and have some fun!

Jodi Saunders Editor & Publisher

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Editor JODI SAUNDERS jodi@columbusandthevalley.com

Advertising Sales MARGIE RICHARDSON margie@columbusandthevalley.com JULIE JERNIGAN, sales assistant salesassistant@columbusandthevalley.com



Photography RITCHIE WHITE PHOTOGRAPHY __________________________ P. O. Box 229 Columbus, GA 31902 706-324-6214 • fax 706-324-6216 www.valleyparent.com __________________________ VALLEY PARENT MAGAZINE is published monthly by Valley Life Ventures, LLC, dba COLUMBUS AND THE VALLEY MAG­A­ZINE, P. O. Box 229, Columbus, GA 31902. The cov­er and contents are fully protected and may not be re­pro­duced in whole or in part without the writ­ten con­sent of COLUMBUS AND THE VAL­LEY MAG­AZ ­ INE. We are not responsible for loss of unsolicited inquiries, manuscripts, pho­ to­ graphs or other materials. They will not be returned un­ less accompanied by re­ turn post­age. Editorial con­tri­bu­tions and let­ters should be addressed to VALLEY PARENT MAG­AZ ­ INE, Post Office Box 229, Columbus, GA 31902. Copyright ©2024 by Valley Life Ventures, LLC trad­ing as CO­LUM­BUS AND THE VALLEY MAG­ A­ ZINE. Subscriptions for VALLEY PARENT MAG­A­ZINE are available by mail for $25 per year. Call 706-324-6214 to subscribe. Postmaster: Please send address corrections to: Post Office Box 229, Columbus, GA 31902.

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March 22

at RiverCenter

April 11

at RiverCenter

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L E T ’ S TA L K A B O U T

SELF HARM What is self harm or self injury? According to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry “self-injury is the act of deliberately harming body tissue, at times to change a way of feeling. Some forms may include carving, scratching, branding, marking, picking and pulling skin and hair, burning/abrasions, cutting, biting, head banging, bruising, hitting, tattooing and excessive body piercing.”

Are teens the only people that self harm? One in five children suffer from self harm. Teens are the highest percentage of population that seek care for self harm, therefore are more recognized by mental health professionals. Self harm typical age of onset is 13 years old with rate peaking at age 29.

Are those that self harm suicidal? No, not all teens that struggle with self harm are suicidal. Self harm should still be deemed a serious symptom necessitating professional attention. These professionals are not able to predict suicide in those that engage in self harm. They are able to provide a risk analysis through assessment and recommendations for making the environment a safer place.

Is self harm only for attention? The mental health community does not consider self harm solely attention seeking behavior due to the negative stigma and not encompassing the breadth of why a teen may harm themselves. In teenagers, self harm SHOULD gain our attention as parents and lead to an open dialogue between parent and child/teen. Unfortunately, if self harm is dismissed as only attention seeking, this can lead to worsening depression, and perhaps more urges to self harm. Self harm should be taken seriously, every time, due to the incidence of accidental death. Hence, disclosures or discovery of self harm

should be taken genuinely, to allow your teen the timeliest help possible.

What should I do if my child struggles with self harm? First, assess if the injuries require emergent care and seek care, if needed. Second, avoiding the inquisition and listen. Promote dialogue about your teens’ thoughts, feelings and actions without grilling them about WHY they harmed. Third, thank them for being honest with you about their struggle. This can allow them to feel comfortable and perhaps proud that their parent respects them. Fourth, seek a mental health professional that can advise healthy strategies to employ when the urge to self harm arises. Parents can start with their pediatrician for recommendations or asking friends who have had a positive experience. Lastly, have a conversation with your teen about how, together, you all can make the home a safer place. It doesn’t have to involve extreme and rash restrictions; however, be honest with your teen that there will be changes in the home to maintain their safety.

by Dr. Britney Farmer these items locked in the trunk of their car or a small toolbox with a locking feature to limit access to these potentially harmful materials. If the teen takes their own daily medication, a pillbox with 3 to 4 days of their medication available can be a compromise to allow for safety and to reestablish trust. The length of time these items need to be locked away is an agreement between your family and the mental health professional. These interventions may seem extreme in the moment, however, nothing is too extreme when it comes to your teen’s safety.


If you or your child are struggling with suicidal thoughts, please try seeking help first: call the crisis line at 988; text HOME to 741741 or go to your nearest emergency room. Take care. vp Dr. Britney Farmer is a Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist originally from California currently living in Columbus, Georgia. Practicing at Martin Army Community Hospital, she takes care of Department of Defense soldiers and their beneficiaries. Dr. Farmer has a passion for children with mental health disorders, learning disabilities and autism.

What needs to be done to create a safer home environment? There are a few dangers that often parents overlook within the home. It is recommended to lock all knives and sharps (shaving razors and blades from pencil sharpeners) in a lockbox. Hiding sharps is not as effective as locking them up where they cannot be accessed. When the knives are needed for cooking or outdoor work, the lock can be opened by a trusted adult, or caregiver. If your teen struggles with burning of the skin, it is recommended to search the home alongside the teen to remove lighters, matches or any incendiary device. Searching the room with the teen allows them to recognize the seriousness of their actions while also respecting privacy. Lastly, it is recommended that stockpiles of medication (value sized over the counter pain relievers) be locked away as well. Some parents keep FEBRUARY-MARCH 2024 | Valley Parent


Feb./Mar. 24


D E PA R T M E N T S Party Guide VP Fun Page Family Fun Calendar VP Locations Valley Smiles

7 10 12 12 13

F E AT U R E S Let’s Talk About Self Harm


Why children/teens self harm and how to create a safer home environment.

Community Collaboration for the Arts


On the Go?

Local students complete mural at Highside Market.

Preparing Your Child for the Dentist


Read Valley Parent everywhere on your mobile devices.

Help your child avoid anxiety about dental visits.

4 Reasons to Consider Private School


Learn if private school is right for your family.

ON THE COVER Greyson Sanders, 5, loves checking out the new Highside Market. He is the son of Shane and Katy Sanders of Columbus. photos by Ritchie White Photography

Q&A 2

Do you like sunny days or cloudy days? Sunny days

Valley Parent | FEBRUARY-MARCH 2024

What do you like to do on weekends? Eat donuts

What is your favorite color? Red and blue

FEBRUARY-MARCH 2024 | Valley Parent


Muralist Charity Hamidullah helps the students with their paint.

Community Collaboration by Jodi Saunders

for the Arts


hen Wynnton Arts Academy recently began the process to become a STEAM certified school, they kicked off the school-wide campaign with a unique and experiential learning project. Partnering with Chris Woodruff of the Cotton Companies, this community collaboration lives at their newly opened Highside Market in Uptown Columbus. An advocate of the arts and supporter of STEAM initiatives, Chris saw the mural as an opportunity for engagement and reached out to Jackie Mumpower, principal at Wynnton Arts Academy, and Virginia McCullough, content specialist for art education at Muscogee County School District as well as Sally Bradley, Adjunct Professor of Art at Columbus State University. Students were able to work alongside Charity Hamidullah to add to her existing mural that she painted in October of 2023. On a sunny, Saturday afternoon in January students and families of Wynnton Arts Academy enthusiastically worked with Hamidullah to leave their own depictions of HOPE—Harmony,


(L-R) Sally Bradley, Virginia McCullough, Sally Baker

Valley Parent | FEBRUARY-MARCH 2024

Optimism, Peace and Empathy which is the driving purpose behind the Academy’s STEAM certification. Hamidullah is known for her collaborations with young children, and the students were given free-rein to create their own art which Hamidullah then incorporated into the mural within an overlay of daisies. Sally Baker, a STEAM specialist with the Georgia Department of Education was at the event to watch the students in action. Check out the completed mural as well as the retail, restaurants and community spaces at Highside Market. vp Students worked on the bottom of the mural that was started in October 2023 by Charity Hamidullah.

Valley Parent

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Cover Contest

Here are some helpful hints to get the judges attention:

Send in your child’s photo for a chance at a cover shoot. Four winners will be chosen to appear on future covers of Valley Parent.

OFFICIAL RULES • Send only ONE recent photo per child, age 13 and under. Additional photos will not be considered. • Only one child per photo unless multiples. Twins, triplets, etc. should appear together. • Photos and completed web form must be completed. • Entries must be received by April 29th.

Good luck and thank you for entering!

• Be sure your child’s face is clearly visible in the photo you choose, i.e. no icing covered faces, no hats or masks that obscure the face, no silly faces, no side profile shots, etc. • Photos sent in are used for judging purposes only. The photos themselves will not be used on the cover, so do NOT choose a photo based on the interesting background, funny pose or artsy flair. The judges look for a winning child, not a winning photo. • Send a high res photo file large enough for print. File should be over 1 MB (300 dpi for you techy types out there). Small photos are hard for the judges to see and hard to print. • Children chosen will need to do a photoshoot, so avoid shots that make your child seem brooding or shy. • Professional photographs are accepted, but not preferred.

FEBRUARY-MARCH 2024 | Valley Parent




by Kimberly Blaker

Usually, children’s visits to the dentist are a positive experience for parents and children alike. Despite this, between nine and 15 percent of adults fear dental visits, according to Cleveland Clinic. When parents are anxious about the dentist, that can instill fear and anxiety in their child. People may fear going to the dentist for several reasons. Cleveland Clinic explains that perhaps a negative dental experience or other’s horror stories exaggerate their fears. The most common cause of anxiety is the fear of pain. Also, some worry about the effectiveness or side effects of anesthesia or have a fear of needles. A negative experience at the dentist as a child can result in continued anxiety over routine dental care into adulthood. So, to ensure a positive, successful experience, know how to prepare yourself and your child for their first and subsequent dental visits. Doing so will pave the way to a lifelong devotion to regular and consistent dental care when your child becomes an adult.

Your Child and the Dentist— Building a Positive Relationship Early on The earlier your child begins visiting the dentist, the better. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends your child's first visit by the age of one or within six months of when the first tooth erupts. At this stage, your child's visit will be quick, simple and painfree. Providing your child early positive experiences will help your child develop trust in the dentist. Be aware that depending on your child’s age and the dental office policies, many dentists will ask you to remain in the lobby during your child’s checkup. This is the typical recommendation for children over the age of three. There’s a good reason for this. Separating a child from parents usually results in fuller cooperation from children. This can go a long way toward a more positive experience for your child. When your child is placed in the care of the dental staff, they'll try to make your child’s first experience fun and informative. The dentist will explain and demonstrate routine procedures to your child and then perform those procedures. Your child quickly learns the dentist is someone to trust. Down the road, if your child needs non-routine dental work, the dentist will similarly work with your child to help alleviate fears. If you’re still concerned with sending your child in alone, call and ask to speak with the dentist or hygienist. Make the call in private so your child doesn’t pick up on your anxiety. Explain your specific concerns so the dentist can address and alleviate your worries. 6

Valley Parent | FEBRUARY-MARCH 2024

Approaching a Scared or Uncooperative Child For a variety of reasons, some children become fearful or uncooperative during their dental visit. If your child arrives unprepared or senses your anxiety, your child may develop undue worry. Previous experience could also cause stress. Kids who are ill or have a physical or mental disability, a behavioral disorder or developmental delay may also be challenging to treat. Whatever the reason, the way your dentist handles your child’s behavior is vital to your child’s emotional well being and ability to cope with future visits. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry has guidelines for behavior management that dentists should follow. Dentist also learn helpful communication techniques in dental school including: positive reinforcement, distraction, voice control, non-verbal communication and the tell-show-do approach. In most cases, these approaches are sufficient, leading to visits that end on a positive note. If a practitioner lacks the expertise for handling a situation, he should refer your child to a dentist with the appropriate skills.

Prevent an Anxious Experience for Your Child by Being Proactive • Contact your state’s board of dentistry when choosing a dentist to make sure there have been no disciplinary actions. • Inform your dentist of any medical, behavior or other conditions that might affect your child’s visit. • Pediatric dentists have specialized training for dealing with situations that can arise with children. If you suspect your child may have difficulty with dental visits, seek a pediatric dentist.

Tips to get your child on the right track Tell your child about the benefits of going to the dentist, such as to help keep their teeth strong and healthy, and so they’ll have a beautiful smile. Share a DVD with your child, a good option is A Trip to the Dentist Through Pinatta’s View. Read a book about the dentist’s office to your child before their first visit. Try one of the following: • Why We Go to the Dentist by Rosalyn Clark • The Berenstain Bears Visit the Dentist by Stan Berenstain and Jan Berenstain • Celebrate! Going to the Dentist by Sophia Day • Dentist Trip (Peppa Pig) by Scholastic • Curious George Visits the Dentist by H.A. Rey Also, express positive feelings about your own dental experiences. Don't discuss non-routine procedures such as fillings. Explain to your child the necessary procedures he can expect. For example, the dentist will count your child’s teeth and look at them with a tiny mirror. Avoid frightening terminology. As your child grows, if you have concern over a possible cavity, don’t give your child too much information. This can result in undue anxiety. Your dentist should have the experience and expertise to talk to your child about

The Perfect




such procedures in a manner that alleviates any stress your child might experience. If your child is anxious, don’t try to soothe your child by lying about a procedure or possible pain. Instead, try to alleviate fears that may be out of proportion to the situation. Finally, offer coping strategies to your child. Have them practice taking long deep breaths. If you’ve confirmed with your child’s dentist that you’ll be attending your child throughout the procedure, you can offer your hand to squeeze. vp



FEBRUARY-MARCH 2024 | Valley Parent


by Pam Moore From the moment our kids are born, we’re tasked with deciding what’s best for them. All that decision-making can be exhausting. So we offer some suggestions to help you make an informed decision about whether you should consider private education for your child.




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Valley Parent | FEBRUARY-MARCH 2024

1 Smaller Classes

One of the greatest strengths of any private school is smaller class sizes. Smaller classes ensure each child’s needs are being met, and they are encouraged to meet their potential. Every child can have attention in a safe environment that is more conducive to learning by way of smaller class sizes, more challenging curriculum and more individualized attention and teaching. Meanwhile, in the age of information, it’s becoming increasingly more important to give children the skills to think for themselves when

consuming social and news media. Through more individualized instruction, students can easily gain the ability to become critical thinkers.

2 Social-Emotional Learning

Social-emotional learning (SEL) gives children the skills to manage their own emotions so that they can ultimately make better decisions and be better citizens. According to the Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning, it’s based on five core competencies: selfawareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills and responsible decision-making. And data shows that it’s effective. According to a 2011 metaanalysis published in Child Development, students who were exposed to school-based SEL curricula demonstrated notable improvements in social and emotional skills and behaviors as well as improved academic performance. Meanwhile, a 2017 Society for Research in Child Development study showed that children who participated in school-based SEL programs had higher graduation rates and safer sexual behavior that their peers—even 18 years post-intervention. Many private schools emphasize SEL curricula.

3 Extracurricular Opportunities

Oftentimes, parents gravitate toward private education because of the extracurricular activities it offers. Because private schools tend to specialize in specific areas (e.g. math and science or the arts), students get to enjoy more specialized after-school activities. That said, private school can also offer opportunities for a wide range of extracurricular options. The chance to expose kids to a wide array of experiences, starting at a young age, is a key advantage of private school.

4 Community

One of the top reasons many parents choose private school is the strong community it offers. The community and level of parental involvement in private schools is very special. Families who choose this option often have a lot in common, as they have made an intentional decision to send their child to a particular school (often for similar reasons) rather than base it on a neighborhood, etc. Meanwhile, that enhanced sense of community fosters deepened learning experiences. The close communication between school and home enables the school to be more responsive to students’ needs. vp

FEBRUARY-MARCH 2024 | Valley Parent



Word Scramble

Parent FUN PAGE Valley


What could these words be?

DUPCI ————— AHTER ————— CDAYN —————


FUN Fact

St. Patrick was actually known to wear blue, not green!

Lucky Word Search Find these words:



Valley Parent | FEBRUARY-MARCH 2024

So Funny! What kind of spells do leprechaun use? Lucky charms!

Why shouldn’t you press a four-leaf clover? You would press your luck!

What kind of bow can’t be tied? A rainbow!


Create Your Own Valentine Memory Book Materials Needed:

• 4 pieces paper. You can use construction paper, card stock or patterned paper used for papercrafts • Glue Stick • Scissors • Stapler or hole punch • Art supplies to decorate the pages: markers, ribbon, beads, stickers, paper doilies, patterned paper, whatever you enjoy!

Create the Book

Stack four pieces of construction paper together. Holding the paper horizontally, fold the stack in half like a book. Next, with the folded edge on the left, cut the stack of paper in half across the middle. You should now have two stacks of folded paper measuring approximately four by five inches in size. (If the two stacks don’t match exactly, you can trim the edges later). Place one stack inside the other so that the folded edges are together. This will give you 28 pages plus the front and back cover and a title page.

Bind the Book Two options!

Staple: Open to the middle and place two or three staples along the crease. or String: Open your book to the middle and punch one hole on either side of the middle fold near the top and bottom of the book. Fold book, and then use ribbon or string to tie it together. Thread one end of the ribbon through the top hole from back to front and repeat with the other end through the bottom hole. Bring the two ribbon ends together on the front of the book and tie in a knot.

Decorate Your Book

The book can be decorated before or after the Valentine cards are received. Be sure to write a title on the front cover with your child’s name, age and grade. Ideas: “mat” cards with patterned paper, embellish with stickers or add paper doilies. Than, simply attach the cards to the book pages with a glue stick and encourage your child to write a few words about who gave them the card. You can even add beads to the ends of the string or ribbon that you used to bind the book for extra bling. FEBRUARY-MARCH 2024 | Valley Parent


Calendar FEBRUARY 9 Kids Night Out with Just Breathe for Kids Info: JustBreatheForKids.com

10 Farm Fest at Fort Mitchell Info: Aces.edu

13 Giraffes Can't Dance: The Musical at RiverCenter Info & tickets: RiverCenter.org

17 Family Saturday at The Columbus Museum Info: ColumbusMuseum.com

25 Columbus Toy and Comic Book Show at Coca-Cola Space Science Center Info: CCSSC.org/ComicBookShow

27-March 1 Child Passenger Safety Technician Course Info: Cert.SafeKids.org Cost: $95

MARCH 5 Artful Babies at Columbus Public Library Info: CVLGA.org

5 Music Under the Dome at CCSSC Info: CCSSC.org/events

20 YOGC Pops Concert

8 The Little Mermaid at the Springer Opera House

Info: YOGC.org

Info & tickets:SpringerOperaHouse.org

23-March 3 HOLES at the Springer Opera House

22 360 ALLSTARS: Urban Circus at RiverCenter

Info & tickets: SpringerOperaHouse.org

Info & tickets: RiverCenter.org

24 Junior League Character Breakfast

30 Night Eggstravaganza at F.D.R. State Park

Info: JLColumbus.com/events

Info: Explore.GAStateParks.org/info/302499

See more local events at ValleyParent.com

Pick up your copy of the latest Valley Parent at one of these convenient locations:

Academy Dance Center Acute Care Express All About Kids Learning Center Devica Alappan, MD Angel Academy Aranas & Stitt, OB/GYN Bare Ware Pottery Basilio Pediatrics Behavioral Health Partners Bluebelle Artist Market The Blushing Brunette Boutique Julie Braddy-Roberts, MD Regina Carpenter, MD Center Pharmacy Central Christian Church Central OBGYN Chambers OB/GYN Ritu Chandra, MD Chick-fil-a Bradley Park


Childcare Network (Hamilton Rd) Clement Arts Columbus Children’s Dentistry Columbus Clinic Columbus Museum Columbus Pediatrics Columbus Public Library Columbus Regional Family Practice Columbus Roberts Center CSU Elizabeth Bradley Turner Ctr. Curves for Women (Phenix City) Curves for Women (Veterans) Dinglewood Pharmacy Divine Childcare Learning Ctr. James Dorchak, MD Easter Seals Miranda Y. Edwards, MD Fairview Baptist Preschool The Family Center Family Physicians of Columbus First Baptist Church Child Dev./PC Foot & Ankle of West Ga. Fort Benning Housing Services Fountain City Coffee Generations Knowledge & Care Ctr.

Valley Parent | FEBRUARY-MARCH 2024

Goo Goo Car Wash (Manchester Exp) Panvelkar & Panvelkar, MD Great Beginnings Child Care Pastoral Institute Greystone Falls Pediatric Rehab Greystone at Columbus Park Pediatrics at Brookstone Ctr. Greystone Inverness Phenix City-Russell County Library Growing Room Pierce Chapel Methodist Preschool Growing Room Too Polka-Dots Early Childhood Dev. Ctr. Hollywood Connection Preppy Pets Imagination Station Project Launch Imagination Station Too Puddle Jumpers Child Enrichment Ctr. International Friendship Ministries Rising Star Child Development Ctr. Joyful Journeys Childcare Rivertown Pediatrics Just for Kids Russell County DHR Kool Smiles Second Avenue Animal Hospital Mark Lawrence, DDS Jeffrey Serff, DMD La Bella Party and Tea Smile Doctors Lil’ Rascals Resale & Boutique Smiths Station Baptist Church Little Angels Child Dev. Ctr. Smiths Station Pharmacy Little Paws Preschool St. Francis Gift Shop James Lopez, DMD St. John AME Church Thomas Malone, MD St. Luke Early Learning Ctr. Mathnasium St. Mark UMC Child Dev. Ctr. Mica’s Child Development Ctr. Lisa Alexander Strickland, DMD Mickayla’s Place Summerville Baptist Preschool Midtown Medical Center Sylvan Learning Center Midtown OBGYN Nora Tan-Ngo, MD Mildred L. Terry Library Toni’s Dancing Studio My Gym TSYS Childcare Center Necco Foster Care Uptown Pediatrics North Columbus Library West Georgia Pediatrics Northside Recreation Center Wynnton UMC Pre-school OBGYN Associates ZÖe Pediatrics Lirio E. Palmos, MD Distribution sites committed at press time.

Valley Smiles

Send your photos and captions to ContactUs@ValleyParent.com.

Adriti Shrivastava enjoyed her 5th Barbie birthday at Chuck E. Cheese.

Piedmont Columbus Regional Auxiliary hosted its 40th annual NICU Celebration. Kids visited Santa while enjoying hot chocolate, humorology clowns, pet therapy dogs, face painting and more.

Ella Chandler, age 3, loves wearing tutu dresses to school.

The first baby born in the city of Columbus in 2024 is Eloise James Borum! She was born Jan. 1 at Piedmont Columbus Regional Midtown at 12:57 a.m. weighing 7 lbs., 6 oz. and 21 in. long. Congrats to proud parents Cason and Blair on the birth of their first child!

Local philanthropist Wanda Amos, with some help from Scott Ressmeyer and the Miracle Riders, delivered gifts to pediatrics patients at Piedmont Columbus Regional on Dec. 12. This was Wanda’s 23rd year providing gifts to children spending the holidays in the hospital.

FEBRUARY-MARCH 2024 | Valley Parent







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