Experience Magazine Fall 2022

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In this ISSUE

2022-23 Board of Trustees

President Sandy Doyle-Ahern P’20 ’22

Vice President

Tanisha Lyon Brown P’20 ’22

Secretary Susan S. Williams, Ph.D.

Treasurer Christine Freytag P’18 ’20 ’22

Immediate Past President Jonathan Kass ’85, P’19 ’21

Kimberly Allison P’26 ’28

Kevin Barney P’21 ’27

Ted Carlin ’89, P’17 ’22

Beth Fisher P’09 ’19

Ronda Gaiser P’19 ’22

Ching-chu Hu P’25 ’30 ’32

Karen Jennings P’22

Ramon Jones P’22 ’23

Paul Judge P’33 ’35

Kevin Malhame P’28 ’30

Jessica Chi Nimjee P’29 ’33

Niles Overly ’69 Bill Porter ’74

Jennifer Salopek P’24

Michael A. Schlonsky ’84, P’17 ’19 ’25

Dr. Pankaj Tiwari P’22 ’25

Patti Zettler ’98, P’32 ’35

Alumni Board Representative Dr. Scott Gurwin ’82, P’14 ’25

PACA Representative Jennifer Nester P’21 ’25

Experience magazine is published by Columbus Academy.

4300 Cherry Bottom Road Gahanna, Ohio 43230-0745

Phone: 614-475-2311 Fax: 614-475-0396

Web: columbusacademy.org

Editor: Bob Lee P’25 ’28

Contributors: Becky BargerAmato, Melissa Clarke Beckett, Emily Campbell, Erich Hunker ’81, P’16 ’20, Suzanne Lucas P’24 ’27, Jeremy Morgan and Bryane Roberts P’28

Photographers: Cynthia Wilson P’87, Dr. Andy Morris ’85, P’16 ’18, Ralph Schudel, Doug Melvin and Irish Eyes

Proofreader: Shannon Nelson Strategy, Design & Writing Services:

in The Vikings have a lot to be proud of beyond trophies, titles and records. What makes athletics at Columbus Academy stand out? High performance meets character-building guidance from coaches. Sportsmanship takes on a bigger meaning here. On the RISE Meet two student-athletes and hear what advice some of our coaches have to offer 4 10 Decades of HARD WORK –and it shows Vikings have been performing exceptionally well since the early 20th century. Today, the momentum is building as teams and athletes increase the pace of winning. We take a look at the highlights. SPORTING traditions Competition draws us together to cheer from the stadium. But that’s only one way our community bonds over sports. See some of our favorite moments of celebration and recognition that happen each year. TEACHER FEATURE: Miranda Bring ’03 Back in the day, this fourth grade teacher was a successful varsity girls lacrosse and field hockey player. Now she’s a coach herself. 12 20 36 THANKS, Coach Horton –and all of our coaches As we bid farewell to Anne Horton, one of the most important figures in CA athletics history, we also celebrate our extraordinary lineup of coaches – past and present. 16
Inc. Printing: Kenwel

I arrived in the mid 1980s at Middlebury College as one of two recruited field hockey players and was immediately plunked on the JV. So was the other recruit, a great athlete from Connecticut, and we were sour and indignant for part of the season even as we scored hat tricks and got pulled up to varsity for a few games.

Much later, after a successful career and captaincy for both of us, I learned our coach thought we each needed to “grow up” (she didn’t mean improving our skills and abilities) in ways that would make us better judges of what-to-do-when and better teammates to those around us. She wanted us to develop a level of determination and perseverance that came from frustration and setbacks. She wanted us to be hungry to make the team, and while it still tweaks me to admit she was right, the role she played in our lives then most certainly impacted each of us to now run independent schools that have robust athletic programs centered around

building good students into sturdy people.

A historic part of the country day school tradition, athletics at schools like Columbus Academy are an extension of the promise the school makes to develop mind, body and character. Healthy competition on open campus fields and packed gymnasiums has been a key component to an American style education – testing one's mettle against peers from similar schools as a form of teasing out character in the face of adversity.

And while the desired personal growth of scholastic athletics remains the same, the world of sports has changed dramatically – even since the early decades of Title IX when I was playing – in what we know about our bodies, our equipment and our ability to compete. At times even a school like ours, one that yearly brings home state championships and has excellent facilities, can appear to be out of date as we stress sportsmanship over gamesmanship and academic success over athletic stereotypes. Of course, Columbus Academy would have sports no other way than to provide children the opportunity to practice the character qualities of fairness, honesty, integrity and responsibility in daily drills and games.

One of the great perks of working in schools is the wonderful chance to watch any team, from our earliest grades to our seniors, win with a combination of luck, training and devotion to each other or lose with dignity and grace. Our students continue to surprise me with how much effort and intensity they can bring to their games. Much credit for their success can and should be attributed to their families and coaches. But what our athletes – and Academy students as a whole – are known for is that they work hard. And it’s especially gratifying when we know they also are upstanding individuals and wonderful representatives of our school.

Hail the Viking Spirit!

Melissa Soderberg P’18 ’20, Head of School Head of School Melissa Boocock Soderberg (right) earned New England All-American and Team MVP honors following her senior season at Middlebury College when she served as team co-captain with Megan Kemp Harland, who is now head of school at Fountain Valley School in Colorado Springs.



Pep talks in locker rooms. Triumph and turmoil. High fives and low huddles. And lots and lots of sweat. When a Columbus Academy student-athlete walks into the arena – be it field, court, track or mat – it isn’t just about the cheers from the crowd. The cheers from teammates and coaches push them to perform. Cheers that remind them of everything they’ve put into this moment. All the hard work.

Athletics has always been an integral part of the Academy experience. Since the school first opened in 1911 as an all-boys institution, physical fitness has been treated as one of the most powerful ways to learn and grow.

Playing sports does more than cultivate physical fitness and health in students. It helps them perform better in the classroom, too. They’re more alert. More disciplined. And more confident.

“Look at our mission, look on the quad, where our motto’s displayed: In Quest of the Best,” says Jason Singleton, Director of Athletics since 2019. “In every aspect, from the English department to theatre to music, everyone is striving for excellence. The athletics department is no different. It’s all connected, and it’s all part of the big picture of making students complete individuals.”

“Every aspect of the Academy experience is all part of the big picture of making students complete individuals.”
JASON SINGLETON Director of Athletics
Girls golf head coach Maggie Freytag with seniors Samantha Frickel and EJ Jenkins


Like other aspects of the Academy experience, athletics foster a sporting attitude about life’s many important lessons – all integrated into the framework of CA’s distinctive mission and values.

Jason – who was a four-year member and captain of the Ohio State University Buckeyes basketball team and later played professionally in Australia for the West Sydney Razorbacks – thinks a lot about Academy’s mission and how it applies to the athletics program here.


The aims of this School… include a large personal interest in the DEVELOPMENT of the wills and the truth-loving traits of the students, and also in the physical development of their bodies – providing for, and directing, their sports. This last should not be thought of as gained at the expense of SCHOLASTIC training; but, undoubtedly, boys work better with well, strong bodies… it is true that by team play there is germinated in boys’ minds, ideas of self restraint, good SPORTSMANSHIP and common undertakings.

There are new sports clinics popping up that provide kids with an early start in the Lower School.”

That early start is a key to success thanks to the burgeoning program under the direction of Assistant Director of Athletics for Youth Sports, Mary Deeds.

Academy students are exposed to lots of sports in the earliest grades. Before they ever join a team, they’re participating in youth clinics, meeting older peers and learning how different sports work. By the time most students enter Upper School, they have playing experience on numerous middle school sports teams. And the results are clear on and off the field.

Part of that mission speaks of “a broad diversity of students as it seeks to develop the complete person: mind, body and character.” Participating in athletics cultivates all three. The mission speaks of fostering values such as compassion, respect and moral courage. It speaks of insisting on integrity and fair play. Athletics here checks those boxes, too.

In so many ways, CA athletics programs cultivate a community of thoughtful, responsible, capable and confident citizens (you’ll meet a few of them in this issue).


In the more than a century since CA was founded, the school has had its share of historic moments: going coed, earning trophies and breaking records. Today, the school’s athletics offerings are more robust than ever before.

“Things have been ramping up in recent years,” says JoAnne Adams, P.E. Department Chair and a P.E. teacher in the Lower School. “We have so many options for students, and not just the two dozen boys and girls teams from fall through spring.

“Participating in sports pays off in the classroom,” JoAnne says. “When students are active at least for 30 to 45 minutes a day, their test scores go up. Their cognitive abilities go up. Their alertness goes up when they’re headed for their next class.”

In that sense, athletics programs at CA are about more than team spirit, physical training and championships. They equip students in myriad ways to be fit for success and lead healthy lives. Time spent in practice and competition shapes how students perform off the field – fostering compassion, respect and moral courage. By insisting on integrity and fair play. By cultivating self-confidence. Graduates take those lessons with them far beyond commencement. And learning how to be fit doesn’t start and stop with team practice.

P.E. Department Chair JoAnne Adams is Academy’s Wexner Chair in Elementary Education in addition to coaching middle school field hockey and girls lacrosse. Her daughter Charlotte is a 2021 Academy graduate.

Continues on page 8

Generating Early EXCITEMENT for Sports

More than 50 years ago, Academy Physical Education (P.E.) teacher and coach Jim Stahl developed an approach he called an “adaptive P.E. program” based on the Perceptual Motor Survey Curriculum he’d studied. This approach involved encouraging fourth grade students’ improvements in fitness level, balance, hand-eye coordination –all skills that would support their athletic pursuits as they advanced to Middle and Upper School.

Coach Stahl, who served at CA from 1967 until his retirement in 1999, passed the torch to JoAnne Adams, who now leads the P.E. department in addition to her middle school coaching duties. JoAnne has continued Stahl’s curricular focus and added programs of her own, such as the third grade’s Little Dribblers, which offers kids an early introduction to basketball.

It's all part of keeping the curriculum fresh and relevant – and cultivating an interest in athletics.

“As a department, we do regular curriculum review,” JoAnne says. “We look at what we’re teaching and how we’re teaching it. We want to help lower-schoolers to find a sport that excites them and inspires them to eventually join a team.”

Inspiration doesn’t always come directly from learning a sport.

“For a long time, we were very skill-unit oriented. But now, we’re looking more at larger concepts of spatial awareness and playing defense,” JoAnne continues.

“It’s about recognizing when you have a good shot or when someone else on your team has a better shot. This approach can help kids who might not have otherwise thought they’d be interested in a sport.”

The P.E. curriculum also meshes well with the social-emotional aspect of learning.

“We see student’s social-emotional development taking place every day. Being kind to others. Pushing yourself when you don’t want to,” JoAnne says.

“Our P.E. teachers pay attention to what’s going on behind the scenes. How are students treating each other? If you’re going to play on a team, you have to understand your own strengths and help other people find their own strengths. That’s really stressed starting in the lower school curriculum.”

Beyond curriculum, numerous youth programs have sprouted at CA that encourage lower-schoolers to explore sports early and often. Long before they join a team, kids have a chance to attend special sports nights and clinics – from hockey to basketball, tennis and more – where they learn from Academy’s coaches and older student-athletes.



Academy’s strength and conditioning coach since 2020, Shelby trains athletes in grades 6-12 in the weight room in a program recognized by the National High School Strength Coaches Association. And in her time at CA, Shelby has sought to increase the use of strength training among girls and to shift everyone’s thinking about the role of the weight room in sports.

“I seek out coaches during their season and ask them to make sure strength training is an integral part of practice,” Shelby says. “This physical training adds to the mindset that we at CA are pursuing excellence. It's evidence of that mindset, and it supports students in all their other pursuits in school.”

It takes a little nudging sometimes, but the results are worth it.

“Most middle-schoolers and girls are hesitant to be in the weight room,” Shelby says. “But once they walk in and they have a good experience with their teammates, they look around and see that it’s clean and bright and there’s new equipment and it’s empowering for them.”

Weight room usage is continuing to gain in popularity among student-athletes, even when they’re not gearing up for competition.

“We have a ton of off-season training, and it’s purely by choice,” Shelby says. “And we have so many middleschoolers and girls who come now. It’s exciting.”

The increasing use of the weight room by girls is serving to dispel the myth that strength training is just for boys. Shelby has worked hard to overcome that perception, and it’s working. She wants the weight room to be seen as a vital part of every student-athlete’s overall training program.

“If you play a sport at Academy, you’re not only attending practice, you're hitting the weight room twice a week,” Shelby says. “That’s what we’re moving toward because we want students to see the weight room as a part of their training. It’s an integral part of the athletic experience at Academy, no question.”

The fitness lessons in the weight room are ones every student can take with them for life. Especially when it comes to proper form.

“Strength training with Shelby Reichle has been huge,” JoAnne says of Academy’s strength coach.
“She understands that the earlier in life students learn proper technique in the weight room, the higher the ceiling for their growth and development.”

“In the weight room, student-athletes learn how to lift weights safely and effectively. Many will not be athletes after CA, but I’ve been able to train them on proper technique so that when they work out at the gym throughout their lives, they'll be getting the maximum benefit.”

The simple power of hard work. Whomever you talk to at CA about athletics – and what sets the school’s approach apart – you’ll hear a common theme: hard work. It’s not sophisticated or even elegant. Just a simple value that runs through every pursuit here.

“Hard work pays off,” Jason says. “What you put into your craft. Whether you play the piano, you’re in theatre, or athletics, you have to put the time in to be great. It builds character. Learn how to persevere, how to work with other people. With anything you do in life, you have to understand the rules and prepare to work with others.”

The simple

of hard work

“We want students to see the weight room as a part of their training. It’s an integral part of the athletic experience at Academy, no question.”

A fond farewell to Coach ANNE HORTON

This South Carolina native has called Columbus Academy home for 31 years. And while she’s now retired, she doesn’t plan to be a stranger. Watch for her at games.



Class of 2022 Celebrated at 109th Commencement

Columbus Academy graduated its largest class in early June as 112 seniors received their diplomas.

It was a lighthearted morning of hugs and laughs with a short rain delay thrown into the festivities.

“Tim Robbins, Christopher Meloni, Will Ferrell, Adam McKay… ladies and gentlemen, I am one degree away from Kevin Bacon,” joked guest speaker Bob Turton ’01 about his acting career during the Commencement Address. “If someone told me all of this when I was sitting in your shoes right there on graduation day, I think my head would have literally exploded. I actually make a living doing what I love. And all of that started right here.”

While sharing some of the lessons he learned as a student at Columbus Academy, Bob stated: “I had so much fun at this school, and I’m so deeply grateful for every single memory I have, friendships that have lasted my entire life, memories of football games that still feel like they happened yesterday, and incredibly unique teachers that changed my life forever.”

He also praised the new graduates for the stories he has heard about them. “Not only is this the largest and most diverse class in our school’s history, I’ve been told that you might be the most kind, empathetic, creative and intelligent group of students we have ever had.”

In his Valedictory Address, Cary Cup recipient Devan “Davey” Agrawal ’22 shared advice for college that he and his fellow seniors recently received from their kindergarten buddies – both helpful and humorous – such as “Don’t hit people and study hard!” Davey also recounted many of his favorite memories from his 14 years at Academy, pondered the path to happiness and fulfillment, and praised his classmates. “Each year, I’ve had the privilege of discovering truly just how beautifully unique each and every one of you is,” he told them. “You have shown me what it means to be kind, caring and genuine. And our positive virtues have influenced the other classes, producing a profound effect on the student body. Let us never underestimate our power to set precedent for kindness and compassion because we have. And through this, we will change the world for all the right reasons.”

The ceremony began with faculty and staff followed by the Board of Trustees entering the outdoor quad to the sound of bagpipes. The music then switched to a pomp and circumstance march by our concert band as the Class of 2022 walked down the center aisle.

After everyone was seated, Head of School Melissa Soderberg and senior class president Sidd Amirneni ’22 provided warm welcomes to the crowd of almost 1,000. Halfway through the Valedictory Address, the ceremony was paused to allow the audience to seek cover from a surprise popup shower that lasted only a few minutes.

After the Commencement Address, each graduate’s name was announced by Head of Upper School Cory Izokaitis so that the new alumni could cross the stage and accept their diplomas.

The school’s Camerata then sang “Go in Peace and Love” and the Columbus Academy Alma Mater before the recessional marking the event’s conclusion.

Our 112-member Class of 2022 matriculated to 72 colleges and universities and 24 different states.

Faculty Bestows End-of-Year Honors

Near the conclusion of the 2021-22 school year, the following students earned recognition at the Upper School Honors Assembly and Middle School Awards Assembly.

2022 Upper School Honors 2022 Middle School Awards

Hamill Award

Carolyn “Gurby” Vaziri

Andrew William Cary Cup

Devan “Davey” Agrawal Faculty Prize

Sarah Albirini

Charlie Stoner Alumni Cup

Janet Li

Cum Laude Society

Devan “Davey” Agrawal

Russell Ahmed

Sidd Amirneni

Alexandra Butnariu Janet Li Raaghav Malik Lindsay Sutherland

Amiya Tiwari

Carolyn Vaziri Maya Walter Ethan Weiser

Spandana Amirneni Lindsey Butler McKenna Chow

Julia DeVore

Mya Falkenhain

Cyrus Hannallah Quinn Hulme

Cyrus Richardson Charlotte Rose

Christopher Shen

Malachy Sullivan

Jaswanth Vandrasi

Samuel Braveman

Grace Luo

Laine Massick

Kendall McGraw

Adeti Mohanselvan

Alexander Nanda Ashley Tu Cory Wu Nicole Young Maxwell Zhang English Award

Russell Ahmed Janet Li History Award

Janet Li

Malachy Sullivan

Carolyn “Gurby” Vaziri Mathematics Award Janet Li Raaghav Malik Science Award

Sidd Amirneni Lindsay Sutherland World Languages Award

Talia Lopresti Brooke Tumeo Ethan Weiser

Visual & Performing Arts Award

Chase Chavarria

Anna Linder

Madeline Proctor

Brooke Tumeo Theatre Award

Madeleine Kazatsky Carlile Award

Andrew Barren

Carolyn “Gurby” Vaziri Junior Speech Award

Colin Harrison Grace Luo

Jacob Mowery Rebecca Sun

Sumner F. Dennett Cup

Cyrus Hannallah

Sari Shocket Service Board Awards of Merit

Russell Ahmed Spandana Amirneni

Hannah Bajaj

Charlie Belford Saanvi Billikanty

Vivian Bradner-Young Lindsey Butler Alexandra Butnariu Andrea Chen McKenna Chow Aniah Crockett Mya Falkenhain

Liesel Goldfarb

Cyrus Hannallah Tara Hoffman

Annabelle Huyghe Kennedy Jackson Soham Joshi Claudia Klingbeil Charlotte Rose Liam Ross

Christopher Shen Sari Shocket

Malachy Sullivan

Lindsay Sutherland Yashvi Tanneru Jaswanth Vandrasi Aleeza Yakoob

Margaret Plessinger Cup

Sophie Spolter James W. Stahl Cup Gyvnn Mendenhall Zach White

Twelve Season Athletes Kyle Bernstorf Jake Carlin Carter James Kennedy Jackson Gyvnn Mendenhall Maximos Popp Mary Kate Prall Henry Rubey Diana Ulbrich Emma Yakam

Frank B. Rasor II Cup

Allison Frickel

Robert Smith Character Award Chris Hill Mathematics Award Ella Tang

Science Award

Bittania Teferi Social Studies Award

Krish Bakhru Language Arts Award

Miranda Bradner-Young Chinese Award

Sabrina Allison Latin Award Madelyn Esposito Spanish Award Ella Tang Technology and Engineering Award Bebe Smith Choral Music Award Jon Proctor Orchestra Award Sophia Wu Drama Award Simren Bath Visual Arts Award Simren Bath Band Award Adam Aikins

Physical Education Award Allison Frickel Chris Hill

“I’m not saying that you shouldn’t adhere to tradition, to rules, convention or protocol,” stated lower school art teacher Lloyd Cicetti in his Cum Laude Address at Honors Assembly. “I’m just saying that if you play it safe and take no risks in life, you are destined to lead a dull one.”

Top middle school honors went to Robert Smith Character Award recipient Chris Hill (left) and Frank B. Rasor II Cup recipient Allison Frickel.


Academy Celebrates Strong National Merit Results

In this year’s National Merit Scholarship Program, 23 seniors from Columbus Academy have earned either Semifinalist or Commended Student honors. The 13 Semifinalists – Sam Braveman, Anna Chang, Alicia Deng, Saketh Gudimetla, Grace Luo, Lainie Massick, Kendall McGraw, Adeti Mohanselvan, Alex Nanda, Cory Wu, Nicole Young, Max Zhang and Alan Zhu – are among less than one percent of high school seniors nationwide who have the opportunity to continue in the competition for some 7,250 National Merit Scholarships worth nearly $28 million that will be offered next spring.

As Commended Students, Saagar Arya, Tiko Bdoyan, Casey Cai, Tyler Ferris, John Hu, Yiling Hu, Stephen Ma, Jacob Mowery, Imani Munene and Ashley Tu are also being recognized for their exceptional academic promise. The National Merit Scholarship Program honors individual students who show exceptional academic abilities and potential for success in rigorous college studies based on results from the PSAT exam they took as juniors last fall. “We are so proud of these students because they each represent what is best in young people today,” stated Head of School Melissa Soderberg. “They work very hard on behalf of others, develop lots of skills in addition to academic and intellectual ones, and they admire their family members as some of the most inspirational people in their lives. We look forward to seeing their successes in the world.”

This year’s National Merit honorees were also among the 119 upper-schoolers who earned AP Scholar recognition last spring. That total included 63 members of our Class of 2022 as well, meaning over half (56.25%) of the last graduating class earned AP Scholar distinction. In addition, eight of those recent graduates – Davey Agrawal ’22, Spandana Amirneni ’22, Julia DeVore ’22, Soham Joshi ’22, Maddie Kazatsky ’22, Raaghav Malik ’22, Lindsay Sutherland ’22 and Stephen Wright ’22 – were National Merit Scholars. One of them, Raaghav, was named 2022 recipient of the National Merit John M. Stalnaker Memorial Scholarship, awarded each year to the most outstanding National Merit Finalist planning to pursue a career in mathematics or science.

Seniors (standing, from left) John Hu, Tiko Bdoyan, Jacob Mowery, Imani Munene, Saagar Arya, Max Zhang, Yiling Hu, Alex Nanda, Sam Braveman, Saketh Gudimetla, Nicole Young, Anna Chang, Kendall McGraw, (sitting, from left) Ashley Tu, Adeti Mohanselvan, Cory Wu, Alicia Deng, Grace Luo, Tyler Ferris, Lainie Massick, Stephen Ma, Alan Zhu and Casey Cai earned either Semifinalist or Commended status in this year’s National Merit competition.

McMenamy and Mason Honored at Holiday Luncheon

At Columbus Academy’s annual Alumni Holiday Luncheon last December, Bill McMenamy ’58 was honored as the 2021 Distinguished Alumnus and Kay Mason received the Alumni Service Award.

“Columbus Academy was and still is an outstanding school,” stated McMenamy, whose granddaughters are current CA students. “I am proud to be an alumnus of the Academy and that my parents believed in its value. It prepared me to further my education and to be successful in my career.” Bill was introduced by his classmate Steve Brown ’58, who included a message from former Headmaster Bo Dixon in his heartfelt tribute. According to Mason, who started as a first grade teacher at Academy in 1991 and served in many other roles before relocating to New Orleans in 2018: “My goal was to create classrooms where real conversations could be explored safely, where questions could be asked without judgment, where laughter and joy were certainly always present, and where personal connections were created and developed and maintained.” She received a warm introduction from her childhood friend and former Academy colleague Deidre Hamlar

In all that has changed at Columbus Academy over the decades, including effects of a pandemic over the past two years, one tradition that has strongly endured is the Junior Speech. For that reason, Jacob Mowery ’23 was invited to share his recent speech pondering the question of whether robots can write poetry. “His story is certainly one I hope we see more of at Academy,” said Head of School Melissa Soderberg in her introduction of Jacob. “Students from all over different parts of the city finding their way to us and giving us what they have to offer and hoping that we get to be part of developing them.”

Distinguished Alumnus Bill McMenamy ’58 (left) and Alumni Service Award recipient Kay Mason (right).

Columbus Academy Begins 112th School Year

“The various paths that you will take to get from where you are now to becoming an accomplished graduate of the school is the reason all your teachers devote so much time and investment in your growth and development,” said Head of School Melissa Soderberg to students during Columbus Academy’s Convocation on August 26. “We love watching each of you becoming who you’re going to be.”

The school began its 112th year on August 22 with 1,170 students – ranging in age from 3 years old to grade 12 – from all across Central Ohio. That total included a class of 101 seniors who will graduate in the spring. Two of those Class of 2023 members, Student Council co-presidents Alicia Deng and Sam Braveman, also spoke at Convocation.

“Nowhere else have I met a group of people so kind, compassionate and respectful as the people I’ve met here at Columbus Academy,” Alicia shared. “There is always someone there holding the door for the next person, someone cleaning up a mess that isn’t theirs, or someone just comforting someone when they’re not having the best day. Whether it’s a student, teacher or anyone from this community, there’s always a shoulder to rely on.”

The welcome address concluded with Sam adding: “Whether this is your tenth year here or your first, I encourage all of you to go into this year as a fresh start – a time when you can develop new bonds, try something new, learn from mistakes and become the person you want to be.”

Three faculty and staff members were honored in the middle of the ceremony for reaching significant milestones in their careers at Academy. Stacy Nockowitz, our middle school librarian, was recognized for reaching 20 years of service while chief financial officer Maggie Koerner and assistant director of admissions Lisa Spolter were both celebrated for their 30-year tenures.

The last half of the ceremony involved the much-anticipated pairing of kindergartners to their senior buddies. As each kindergartner’s name was announced, one or two seniors stepped forward to take their hand and walk out together through the center aisle on their way to the playground. Their bonding has continued with monthly activities throughout the school year.

New faculty and staff members this year included (in alphabetical order by last name) MS science teacher Genevieve Adkins, first grade associate teacher Debbie Asirifi, accounting assistant Jamie Beach, school nurse Teresa Bowman, assistant director of college counseling Karla Crucke, assistant director of athletics Jacque DeMarco, head athletic trainer Jake Devlin, US counselor Taylor Dillon, LS speech/language pathologist Kate Dudenhoeffer, orchestra director Nathan Greenwood, security officer Jonathan Hall, LS art assistant Kathy Harrison, buildings and grounds administrative assistant Andrew Holman, PreK associate teacher Mollie Hong, choir director Ryan Jenkins, security manager Rick Kirby, admissions data analyst Anika Latelle, second grade associate teacher Molly Lausch, MS learning styles specialist Kelsey Pecenka, MS library assistant Charlotte Price, US math teacher Kimberly Reiner, US English teacher Memory Risinger, art teacher Beth Rusnak, MS administrative assistant Michelle White, LS learing styles specialist Sarah Wolff, MS Spanish teacher Rachel Youssef and first grade associate teacher Tracy Zinn.

Family and friends gathered in the Morris Hall Art Gallery to honor Susan Carter for her 35 years of service to Columbus Academy.

Susan Carter Retires After 35 Years at Academy

Family, friends and colleagues of Susan Carter gathered in our art gallery near the end of May to celebrate her 35 years of service to Columbus Academy. Susan stepped down from her leadership role as Dean of Middle School at the end of the 2021-22 school year to transition to a part-time role that is still being determined.

She began her tenure at Academy in 1987 by initiating and developing our after-school program (CASE). In addition to those duties, she held several long-term substitute assignments in both the Lower School and Middle School, including a two-year stint as a lower school science teacher. In 1997, Susan moved fully into the Middle School as a social studies teacher while also directing the MS after-school program. After 20 years of leading CASE, she turned over those duties and was appointed the Dean of Middle School while teaching a full load of fifth grade social studies and sixth grade Quest classes. Over the years, Susan has also taught writing workshop and communications courses. For one school year in the mid-1990s, she was elected president of the Mothers’ Association, which carried a position on the Board of Trustees.

Her sons both graduated from Columbus Academy including Ed ’96, who was inducted into the school’s Athletic Hall of Fame in February, and Matt ’00, who has taught social studies in our Middle School since 2005. “I cherish my time at Academy,” Susan stated at the celebration. “It’s been a wonderful ride!”

Pedro Mena Takes on a New Role

Pedro Mena began his role as our new Director of Student Outreach this past summer. He continues to teach art and serve as an assistant diversity director but stepped down as Fine Arts Department Chair to successfully take on this new position.

In addition to recently completing the Leadership Columbus Signature Program – a 10-month experience designed to give participants the tools they need to become active and influential leaders in the community –Pedro had an artwork selected by Columbus City Council for an exhibit featuring the works of Latine and Hispanic artists based in Columbus, attended the Congressional Hispanic Leadership Institute’s Future Leaders Conference in our nation’s capital, and hosted a summer event for the school’s HOLA affinity group at COSI’s exhibit on Cuba.

Pedro Mena receiving his Leadership Columbus Signature Program certification award from Leadership Columbus Executive Director Shannon Lee.


Colorful Holi Celebration

Fifth-graders ventured out to the oak orchard, just beyond the prairie pond in the front of campus, in late April for a celebration of Holi, the Hindu Festival of Colors. The group was joined by Academy parent Dr. Ashish Shah, who shared family traditions and the history of Holi with the students.

Students then spread gulal, a rainbow of colored powder, in celebration of the arrival of spring and the triumph of good over evil, according to Hindu tradition. Then, on the first Sunday in May, our CAPSA (Columbus Academy Parents of South Asia) parent affinity group welcomed all Academy families for the Holi color throw and festival that featured delicious food, Bollywood music and dancing!

Fifth-graders in Vanessa Taglia’s class toss rainbow-colored powder in the air after learning about the Hindu Festival of Colors.

Students Compete in Artificial Intelligence Competition


Annual Third Grade Wax Museum a Hit

The annual Wax Museum is a third grade rite of passage in which students read an autobiography of a historical person, write a speech as that person and then dress up to share their speech at a public event in our gyms. Last year’s group of third-graders set up in the Jones Gym and welcomed guests to push a faux button to start their speech on the history of life and times of the historical figure they were impersonating, much to the enjoyment of everyone in attendance!

As a sophomore, Joseph Sardo (holding trophy) won our computer science program’s eighth annual artificial intelligence contest.

Each year, Columbus Academy students in Honors Computer Science classes study artificial intelligence and participate in a contest to see who can program the most effective “bot” to play a common game. Past contests have been centered around Battleship, UNO, poker, Stratego, Clue and Risk. Last spring, students chose the card game Baloney for the eighth annual bot competition. “I’m proud that all 47 students successfully programmed a competitive bot that ran without any errors,” computer science teacher Dave Feinberg stated. “Students who coded the best bots experimented with many strategies and tested them thoroughly.”

Eight upper-schoolers – Sean Jackson, Grace Luo, Jim Phieffer, Joseph Sardo, Maya Walter, Tiko Bdoyan, Nicole Young and John Hu – qualified to compete in the finals, which were held in the dining hall during a lunch period. With peers cheering him on at the conclusion, Joseph was presented with the AI champion trophy by Mr. Feinberg.


Sixteen Vikings Continue Careers at Collegiate Level

Over the course of three Athletic Signing Day Celebrations last school year, we recognized sixteen student-athletes who committed to play sports at the collegiate level: Blake Skilken (Ohio State University diving), Drake Bellisari (Trinity College football), Zach White (University of Utah lacrosse), Aditya Reddy (Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology golf), Henry Rubey (Hamilton College football), Johnny Hill (Hobart and William Smith Colleges baseball), Carter James (Marist College football), Parker Logan (University of Mount Union football), Sophie Spolter (Bates College basketball), Evie Gee (Radford University lacrosse), Kevin Reeves (Bowdoin University basketball), Gyvnn Mendenhall (Washington University in St. Louis football), Ella Morris (DePauw University field hockey), Kerry O’Connor (DePauw University volleyball), Mary Kate Prall (Ashland University swimming) and Lauren Klinefelter (The College of William and Mary swimming).

A total of 16 Academy studentathletes from the Class of 2022 signed to play collegiate athletics in 11 different sports at 14 different colleges and universities.


First United CA Luncheon a Success

Last April, our Office of Diversity and Community Life hosted its first United CA Student Luncheon recognizing our many student-led affinity groups on campus. Led by Student Equity Specialist Nyima Porter, the groups gathered in an outdoor tent to celebrate the year's accomplishments from “Assembly of the Year” to “Emerging Leaders” and more.

Director of Diversity and Community Life Dr. Pascal Losambe and Assistant Director Pedro Mena helped to emcee the event alongside upper-schoolers Amiya Tiwari and Yassah Tommy, other faculty/staff leaders and parents.


in late April.

The first United CA Student Luncheon hosted by our Diversity & Community Life Office outdoors underneath a heated party tent
Third-grader Michael Penney presents as former Major League Baseball player and civil rights icon Jackie Robinson to a group of students.

Theatre Lobby Dedicated to Susan Neal

“My favorite memories of all are of standing in the theatre lobby after a show and seeing the pride and joy on the faces of the cast and crew as they greeted their friends and families.” That was a quote from the late Susan Neal, so it is fitting that the area outside our Schoedinger Theatre is now named in her honor.

The dedication of the Susan Neal Lobby took place on January 29 and included an introduction by now retired middle school dean Susan Carter followed by remarks from Head of School Melissa Soderberg, Susan’s husband Scott Neal and daughter Jenny Neal Bardavid ’97. The program also included a performance by Maddie Kazatsky ’22 accompanied by music assistant Jenni Kristoff. The piece – “Flight” by musical theatre composer Craig Carnelia –was selected by choral music director Amy Brooks, who shared that the lyrics made her instantly think of Susan and how she always lived her life to the absolute fullest.

After the dedication, a reception took place in the Morris Hall Art Gallery that included a special toast to Susan by faculty member Amy Seymore, a longtime colleague and close friend of Susan’s.

Susan began her Academy career as a kindergarten assistant in 1994 and then spent over two decades teaching music, drama, step and stomp, study skills and creative expressions to middle-schoolers until her retirement in 2016. She directed the middle school musicals from 1995’s “The Wizard of Oz” to 2016’s “The Little Mermaid” and the upper school musicals from “Guys and Dolls” in 2008 to “The Addams Family” in 2015. Her husband Scott re-retired last year after briefly returning to campus as a part-time art teacher and now resides in Athens. They have two daughters who both graduated from Columbus Academy: Jenny ’97 and Miranda ’99

Family members of the late Susan Neal gather around the plaque unveiled in her honor in the theatre lobby including (from left) daughter Miranda ’99, granddaughter Estella, grandson Neal, daughter Jennifer ’97 and husband Scott.


Fourth-Graders Host Young Changemakers Fair

In April, our fourth-graders hosted a Young Changemakers Fair where they reflected on and presented about what they learned regarding kindness and service. “Throughout the school year, we have focused on acts of kindness, inspirational quotes and service-learning with our students,” wrote the fourth grade teachers in their community announcement about this event. “We hoped to open their eyes to the many challenges individuals in our world face and then encouraged students to do something about it.”

Fellow lower-schoolers visit fourth-grader Malak Ahmed’s display on the nonprofit charity My Very Own Blanket at the Young Changemakers Fair.


Carter and Walker Inducted into Athletic Hall of Fame

The Columbus Academy Athletic Hall of Fame added two new members on the evening of February 5 as Ed Carter ’96 and Katie Walker ’02 became the 44th and 45th inductees, respectively.

Alumni Board President Dr. Scott Gurwin ’82 kicked off the event held on the fireside room of the dining hall by welcoming the crowd and inviting Matt Carter ’00 to the podium, who presented his brother Ed, followed by former Academy head varsity girls basketball coach Joe Dudas, who introduced Katie. Both Ed and Katie received their hallof-fame plaques from Dr. Gurwin before giving an acceptance speech.

Director of Athletics Jason Singleton (left) and Head of School Melissa Soderberg (right) stand alongside newly-inducted athletic hall-of-famers Katie Walker ’02 and Ed Carter ’96 at halftime of a varsity boys basketball game.

Ed, a four-sport athlete in tennis, cross country, football and basketball, remarked during his speech of the role that the many coaches and faculty members played in his development as an athlete at Columbus Academy. “I was a lifer at Academy and had some really great teachers and coaches over the years who all contributed to teaching me how to be a better athlete,” he said. “I was always proud at Academy and to be in this hall of fame now is extraordinary, it’s humbling, and it’s an honor to join this group.”

Katie, a three-sport athlete in basketball, track and volleyball, noted the impact of her family’s legacy at Columbus Academy and traced its important history leading up to her induction.

“My uncle James ’68 and dad Charlie ’69 were two of the first Black graduates at Academy,” Katie said. “I was the first Black legacy graduate at Academy, and my uncle James was the first Black person inducted into the Athletic Hall of Fame. And as I join those who came before me – the nine women, the nine Black men and all of the other hall-of-famers – I am very honored, humbled and proud to be the first Black woman inducted into the Columbus Academy Athletic Hall of Fame.”


2021-22 Winter Sports Recap

Last winter’s sports season was highlighted by several swimmers and a wrestler reaching state podiums as well as a pair of notable milestones in basketball. In the pool, our AquaVikes sent six individuals and five relays to the state meet. For our boys, who were league and district champs as a team, three relays and two individuals earned points for the squad, which placed 12th overall. Our girls finished 14th in the state following runner-up performances at the league and district meets. They were led by Lauren Klinefelter, the MSL’s Co-Most Valuable Swimmer who placed sixth in the 200 IM at states and swam anchor for the 200 medley and 400 free relays that finished fourth and seventh, respectively. Gyvnn Mendenhall achieved his goal of earning All-Ohio honors in wrestling by placing seventh in the state as a heavyweight. He earned 41 wins during his senior campaign, bringing his career record to 120-20 overall. Parker Knapp, Tiko Bdoyan and Levi Mendelson joined Gyvnn at the district meet with Parker also qualifying for states. Also, Ceci Reitter and Nina Kim became the first girls wrestling state qualifiers in school history. They both won a match at the state meet after finishing second and third, respectively, at districts.

On the hardwood, All-Ohio special mention Sophie Spolter surpassed the 1000-point mark for her career while leading our girls basketball team to a 13-10 record. She was a first-team selection in both the district and MSL-Ohio, where teammates Claire Cahall and Claudia Warstler earned all-league second team and honorable mention honors, respectively.

On the way to a 17-6 record, boys basketball coach Jeff Warstler collected his 150th career win. His squad tallied victories in 10 of their final 12 games before falling 62-47 to Harvest Prep in the district semifinals. Kevin Reeves, who paced the team in scoring (13.9), rebounding (9.8) and blocked shots (2.1), was named first team all-league and second team all-district. Tanner Compton followed with second team all-league and honorable mention all-district honors while Johnny Hill was an all-league honorable mention.

Our boys and girls bowling squads placed 21st and 22nd, respectively, at the Division II sectional tournament. The boys picked up three wins and landed a pair of all-league performers: first-teamer Jacob Mowery and honorable mention Ryan Reagan. The girls earned four wins and were led by all-league honorable mention Tara Hoffman and Sarah Albirini, who finished 59th at sectionals.

On the ice, our hockey squad placed third in the Capital Hockey Conference (CHC) Blue Division with a 5-8-1 overall record. Highlights were an 8-3 win over DeSales at Nationwide Arena, an 8-4 victory against Troy in the OHSAA tournament and a 3-2 defeat of Springboro in the CBJ Cup. All-CHC second-teamer Max Walker was joined by Jake Carlin and AJ Bradley on the CHC Blue Division first team.

District qualifiers (from left) Parker Knapp, Tiko Bdoyan, Gyvnn Mendenhall and Levi Mendelson with wrestling head coach Paul Bukky.

AquaVikes holding their rewards from a successful district meet. Sophie Spolter with former girls basketball head coach Ashar Harris after scoring her 1000th career point.


Spring 2022 Sports Season Highlights

Our spring sports featured an All-American and Academic All-American in boys lacrosse, league titles in girls lacrosse and boys tennis, two school records in track and field and an All-Ohio first-teamer in baseball.

Zach White repeated as an All-American and state player of the year for our boys lacrosse squad, which finished 17-3 following a loss to DeSales in the regional finals. Joining Zach on the all-region first team were Drake Bellisari (also an all-state firstteamer), Henry Rubey and Charlie Stoner Davey Agrawal earned Academic All-American honors.

In her first season as our head coach, Academy alumna Victoria Foreman ’07 guided our girls lacrosse program to a league title and 15-4 overall record. MSL-Ohio Player of the Year Evie Gee joined Region 7 Defender of the Year Sophie Spolter and Emma Yakam on the all-state first team while Avery Mitchell was an All-Ohio second-teamer.

Our boys tennis squad won its third-straight league title on the way to a 15-5 overall record in dual matches. Although the Vikes were edged out by Bexley for a spot in the OTCA team state tournament, Lucas Xue in singles and the doubles tandem of Ryan Panley and Rowen Lo reached the OHSAA state tournament. Highlighting our track and field season were a pair of new school records: Alli Klinefelter clearing 5-6 in the high jump – an event in which she won the league title and placed fourth in the state – and Zoya Arnold running 48.93 in the 300 hurdles. In addition, Samantha Frickel won a district title in the 800 with teammate Olivia Lewis as runner-up. Our boys, meanwhile, were led by Gabe Eribo, who raced to the district finals in both the 100 and 200 and also helped the 4x200 relay team of Alek Balaloski, Carter James and Zech Kim place third at the MSL-Ohio Championships. Our baseball team finished with a 13-14 record despite outscoring opponents by a 219-134 margin. Leading the way was All-Ohio

and fellow senior co-captain Tanner Compton. They both earned all-league honors along with Theo Falkenhain

first-teamer Johnny Hill and Dylan Ritzenthaler Baseball co-captains Johnny Hill and Tanner Compton pose together on their Senior Night. Doubles partners Rowen Lo (left) and Ryan Panley celebrate a point won during the state tournament in May. Alli Klinefelter placed fourth in the high jump at the state championships.

2022 Fall Sports Recap

Cross Country

Our varsity cross country teams raced to a handful of standout results this fall, resulting in five All-MSL Ohio selections between our boys and girls squads. First team all-league pick Melanie Qin advanced to the Division II regional meet after placing 10th at districts and helping our girls finish fifth overall. Our girls also posted a secondplace outing at the Watkins Memorial Invite before racing to fourth place at the MSL-Ohio Championships where Sophie Lichten and Clara Stevens earned second team all-league accolades. On the boys side, Dane Chaky was awarded first team all-league honors and Elliott Schehl was tabbed honorable mention after the group placed fourth at the MSL-Ohio meet. Two other noteworthy outings for both teams were the first-place finishes on Senior Night against Newark Catholic, plus 13th place for the boys and 23rd place for the girls at the Centerville “Saturday Night Lights” Meet where over 250 runners competed in both races.

Members of our cross country team and coaching staff support Melanie Qin (center) at regionals, where she placed 53rd.

Field Hockey

A new era for our field hockey program began as new varsity head coach Jacque DeMarco took over for the recently retired Anne Horton. The Vikings posted a 10-5 overall record and 6-2 mark in league play, winning their first six games of the season with four shutouts over that span. After dropping four of five matches toward the end of the season, the Vikes rebounded with back-to-back wins over Magnificat and Bexley to end the regular season. A 3-0 victory over CSG in the opening round of the tournament secured a spot in the regional semifinals at top-seeded Upper Arlington where the Vikes fell 2-0 in a hard-fought match. Lia Hempel and Adeti Mohanselvan earned second team All-Ohio and first team all-league honors. Second team all-league selections included Maren Lawrence and Megan Klingerman, while Lauren Golden and Tori Raiken were tabbed honorable mention. A total of 16 players were also recognized on the Academic All-Ohio list.

Girls Tennis

A sixth consecutive trip to the OTCA team state tournament was the result of another impressive season for varsity girls tennis under head coach Marc Wurtzman. Academy defeated Bexley 4-1 for its seventh district title in the last nine seasons, this after registering a 16-match win streak during the regular season which included eight shutouts. At the state tournament, the Vikes dropped a 3-0 decision to Cincinnati Hills Christian Academy in the semifinals before rebounding with a 4-0 victory over Bryan to place third in Division II. As individuals at the OHSAA state tournament, it was the district-champion duo of Yasemin Bilgin and Arya Chabria that went 1-1 overall in doubles. Joining Yasemin and Arya on the all-league first team were Anna Chang Grace Philip and Tamanna Arya while Malia Chow and Sophia Wu earned second-team honors.


Another trip to the postseason was the result of our varsity football team’s 2022 campaign under head coach Robin Miller, who steered the Vikes to six wins and a 5-3 record in MSL-Ohio play. After falling in five of their first six games, the Vikings won their final three games of the regular season, including retaining the Mayor’s Cup with a commanding 37-6 defeat of archrival Bexley. Academy then slid past Whitehall-Yearling 20-19 in the regular-season finale to punch its ticket to the playoffs at third-seeded Centerburg, where the Vikes pulled off a 36-14 upset before ending the season with a 21-0 loss at Portsmouth West. MSL-Ohio Lineman of the Year Harold Hacker was joined by Jake Calodney and EJ Jenkins as all-state honorable mentions and first team all-district and all-league honorees. Miles Friedman and Sean Michael Gouhin were voted second team all-district and joined all-district honorable mention Greyson Thomas as all-league second-teamers. MJ Jackson, Nick Tiberi and Ryne Whitt were all named honorable mentions at both the district and league levels, and Abe Ulbrich was awarded MSL-Ohio Kicker of the Year.

EJ Jenkins evades a tackler in the Vikes’ 36-14 road upset over Centerburg in the opening round of the playoffs. Lia Hempel navigates around a defender to move the ball upfield in Academy’s 9-0 win over Granville. Yasemin Bilgin (left) and Arya Chabria won the district doubles title and went 1-1 as a duo in the OHSAA state tournament.

Girls Golf

In just its fourth season as a team, our varsity girls golf squad won the Division II state tournament by 23 strokes over Garaway. Led by second team all-state and first team all-league performers Angela Hu and Grace Luo – who finished seventh and eighth, respectively – the Vikes built a 20-stroke lead after day one before cruising to victory in the final round. Head coach Maggie Freytag also helped lead the team to its second district title in as many years, this after being crowned sectional champions by a wide margin and going undefeated in MSL-Ohio play at 15-0 to become winners of that trophy as well. In addition to Angela and Grace, league award winners also included first-teamer Caroline Zeiger, second-teamers Eva Baker and Eliza Freytag , plus honorable-mention pick Morgan Crain

Boys Golf

Boys Soccer

Our girls golf program won its firstever team state championship and the boys were state runners-up.

Our varsity boys golf team finished the year with its seventh consecutive MSLOhio crown, sixth district title in a row and a state runner-up finish at the Division II tournament. First team all-state and MSL-Ohio Player of the Year Stephen Ma enjoyed a memorable senior campaign as he set a new school record for a single round with a 66 (6-under-par) at the MSL-Ohio Midseason Tournament. Arvind Rajagopalan, who garnered first team all-league and second team all-state accolades, was medalist with a score of 70 at the Sycamore Invite where the Vikings placed third as a team. At the district tournament, a six-stroke win over Jonathan Alder advanced Academy to states thanks to strong outings by Stephen and All-MSL Ohio second-teamer Jack Woods (tied for third), allleague honorable mention AJ Bradley (tied for fifth), Arvind (seventh) and second-teamer Matthew Fang. In the state tournament, the Vikes finished second to Kettering Alter with a two-day team score of 634. Stephen led the team in third place while Arvind and Matthew tied for ninth and 11th, respectively.

Girls Soccer

Following district titles in two of the previous three seasons, our varsity girls soccer team fielded a young roster that included 13 underclassmen and just four seniors, resulting in three wins and a tie including two victories in league competition. AllMSL Ohio second-teamers Allison Chen and Jasmine Evans helped the Vikings hold opponents they defeated to just two goals and also shutout Marion Pleasant 8-0 late in the year. A first-round postseason matchup at Liberty Union concluded the season for Academy following a 4-3 loss. All-league recognition was also earned by honorable mentions Allison Frickel and Samantha Whitson

Boys soccer celebrating the program’s 15th district title after a 5-4 victory against Bloom-Carroll.

After posting a 12-5 overall record in the regular season, Academy won 14-1 over Highland in the opening round of the postseason, outlasted Bishop Watterson 4-3 in double overtime and then prevailed 5-4 over Bloom-Carroll – thanks in part to Charlie Tuckerman netting four goals – to capture the program’s 15th district championship and first under second-year head coach Jaden Lunger. The Vikes edged out a hard fought 1-0 win over Dayton Oakwood in the regional semifinals before falling 6-0 to defending Division II state champion Cincinnati Wyoming in the finals. In addition to Charlie’s second team all-state and first team all-metro, alldistrict and all-league honors, Leo Kass collected second team all-district status and was named first team All-MSL Ohio alongside second-teamers Ethan Thompson and Gabe Eribo


A 3-1 upset on the road for our 12th-seeded varsity volleyball team over ninth-seeded Madison-Plains in the opening round of the postseason boosted the Vikes’ win total to nine on the year. Academy then took the first set 25-23 in round two at higher-seeded Worthington Christian before dropping the next two and then rallying in set four 25-18 to force a decisive fifth set, where it lost 15-11. As a team, the Vikings put together a pair of three-match win streaks throughout the season and placed Sophia Costantine on the all-league first team while Bittania Teferi was second team and Eliora Teferi honorable mention. Also, 11 players were named to the Academic All-MSL Ohio list.

Eliora Teferi (28) celebrates with teammates after tallying a point in the Vikes’ 3-0 victory over Whitehall.

Lily Lundberg celebrates a postseason goal.


Students from the Class of 2022 gather in the Morris Hall Art Gallery prior to the opening reception of their Senior Art Show. Davis (left) and Josie Malhame played Alex the Lion and Marty the Zebra, respectively, in last year’s fourth grade musical “Madagascar, Jr.” The cast of “Mamma Mia!” poses on stage prior to opening night of the upper school spring musical. Kennedy Jackson ’22 (front) and Charlotte Rose ’22 participate in pysanky – the decoration of Ukrainian Easter eggs using beeswax and dyes – during last year’s return of ArtsMania, a day-long celebration of many art forms taught by experts in their fields. Choir seniors had a memorable night performing at Cabaret last spring.

At our Lower School’s end-of-year concert, each grade sang a special song for families and friends followed by a collective performance of “Miles of Smiles” and a farewell tune for the fifth-graders.

Middle-schoolers and their families enjoyed beautiful weather in the Senior Quad for their final band concert of the school year in May.



THE 40s

THE 60s

Don Casto III ’62 (partner of CASTO), Joel Pizzuti ’90 (president and CEO of the Pizzuti Companies), Jim Merkel ’92 (CEO of Rockbridge) and current board president Sandy Doyle-Ahern P’20, P’22 (president of EMH&T) were named to the Columbus Business First 2022 Power 100 list of Columbus’ most influential leaders.

Photographs by Jim Friedman ’68 from his “Interior Design” series revealing the insides of golf balls were featured in the March 14, 2022, issue of Sports Illustrated Germany. These photos were acquired by the Swedish Golf Museum at the new museum in Landskrona, Sweden. View photos from this series on Jim’s Instagram feed @jamesfriedman_interiordesign.

“The Best Team Over There: The Untold Story of Grover Cleveland Alexander and the Great War” – a book by Jim Leeke ’68 – was nominated for the 2022 Larry Ritter Award by the Society for American Baseball Research (SABR). His latest work – “The Turtle and the Dreamboat: The Cold War Flights That Forever Changed the Course of Global Aviation” – is also available through Potomac Books. Jim is a former news journalist, a retired copywriter and creative director, and a U.S. Navy veteran.

THE 70s

Ronda and John Fergus ’70 hosted a mini-reunion in March at their home in Naples, Florida, that included Nancy and Dave Edwards ’70, Ronna and Charles Adams ’70, Joyce and Dr. Michael Hallet ’70, and Marilyn and Tom Beaman ’70. The evening included a visit to the Naples Sailing Yacht Club and was filled with plenty of reminiscence of years gone by with a promise to repeat this occasion in future

Robert Turton ’47 with Bob Turton ’01, Larry Turton ’72 and Joe Turton

years. According to John, the setting was magnificent, and he hopes more classmates can attend future gatherings at his Naples home.

Bill Schottenstein ’72 and his son Ari Schottenstein ’97 were featured in the February issue of Columbus Monthly that included a complete family tree of the Schottensteins tracing the origins of what the article states as perhaps the city’s last dynasty. This inside story of the family’s extraordinary history is traced back through six generations and highlights prominent members including builders, CEOs, lawyers, merchants, a deli owner and many more.

THE 80s

John Wuorinen ’80 was featured in the June 2, 2022, edition of the Columbus Jewish News. In an article about factors parents should consider when choosing a school, John is quoted as saying: “Families really need to take a look at a school’s mission statement to see what the school’s ultimate educational goals are.”

Jim Bowman ’84, senior vice president of investments and managing director at Raymond James in Bexley, wrote about estate planning in a recent edition of the Columbus Jewish News

“We’re flipping the script on what it is to live in senior housing,” stated Columbus entrepreneur Tom Manning ’84 in a recent Columbus Business First article about his company’s plans to renovate three residential properties in Dublin, Worthington and Powell. Hallmark Properties hopes to develop similar facilities in Bexley, Upper Arlington,

Shortly after celebrating his 93rd birthday, Robert Turton ’47 returned to Columbus Academy in June to watch his grandson Bob Turton ’01 (see story on page 22) deliver the Commencement Address

Grandview, Westerville and New Albany before spreading across the Midwest in the next five years.

In October of 2021, Darrell Davis ’87 was named the new director of Community Revitalization and Housing Affordability in Charleston County, South Carolina.

Bob Eckhart ’87 and his wife Brieanne Beaujolais (Ph.D., Social Work) have received Fulbright U.S. Scholar awards to teach and conduct research in Moldova for the 2022-23 academic year. Moldova borders Ukraine to the west and has received 500,000 refugees so far. As Fulbright Scholars, Bob and Brieanne will help address the humanitarian crisis in the region resulting from the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

A behind-the-scenes look at director Spike Lee’s 2020 film “Da 5 Bloods” – the 2021 Clio Entertainment Gold winning entry – was produced and edited by Glen Wilson ’87 and Jay Nelson ’88

THE 90s

Donald Brown ’90 (EVP/CFO of NiSource, Inc. and president of NiSource Corporate Services) and Ryan Vesler ’01 (founder and CEO of HOMAGE retro and vintage clothing) had their respective organizations named to the list of 2022 National Philanthropy Day Honorees recognized by the Central Ohio Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals. This year’s AFP awards also included Emily Campbell, Columbus Academy’s director of development, who was named Outstanding Fundraising Professional.

Todd Park ’90, co-founder and executive chair at Devoted Health in California, was elected to a six-year term on Harvard University’s Board of Overseers – the university’s second-highest governing body – in May. The Board of Overseers provides input on decisions about the direction of the University, advises top Harvard administrators, and approves certain actions by the University’s highest governing board, the Harvard Corporation.

In March, Todd Taylor ’91 was able to catch up with classmate Tamre Edwards ’91 in London. Todd also enjoys going on runs and swimming in cold ponds with Katherine (Miller) Denmead ’93 Tamre Edwards ’91 and Todd Taylor ’91

At the 2022 World Athletics Championships in July, Alex Kuss ’93, Hilary (McHugh) Kuss ’95 and Dr. S. Heath Ackley ’93 happened to be sitting next to the family of college counselor Jen FitzPatrick at Hayward Field in Eugene, Oregon. “We had so much fun talking,” reported Jen, “and they all had such great things to say about their Academy experience!”

As president and co-owners of E.E. Ward Moving & Storage Co., Brian Brooks ’87 and his wife Dominique were inducted into the National Civil Rights Hall of Fame in June. E.E. Ward, which dates back to the 1800s as the oldest Black-owned business in the United States, expanded its footprint in the Carolinas with new offices in Charlotte and Raleigh. Brian was also recently featured in several news outlets, including on the April 29 cover of The Columbus Dispatch.

Bob Eckhart ’87 and Brieanne Beaujolais Alex Kuss ’93, Jen FitzPatrick, Molly FitzPatrick ’25, Hilary (McHugh) Kuss ’95 and Dr. S. Heath Ackley ’93 at legendary Hayward Field

Dr. Jane (Park) Sando ’98, a pediatrician at Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital, was recently featured in the news about how her career transitioned to pediatrics as well as her life outside of healthcare. “In my fourth-grade autobiography, I stated I wanted to become a physician, inspired by my father who was an anesthesiologist,” replied Jane to a question about why she chose a career in medicine. “My athletic injuries and affinity for math and science further fueled my interest in medicine.”

Bro Krift ’95 was named executive director at The Indianapolis Star in February after serving in the role on an interim basis since July 2021. The paper was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for national reporting in 2021 and was a 2022 finalist in local reporting.

Ed Carter ’96, a 2022 inductee into the Columbus Academy Athletic Hall of Fame (see article on page 29), was featured in a Columbus Dispatch article in late December about the rise of “platform tennis,” which is played with a rubber ball yearround outdoors on an aluminum surface approximately one-third the size of a regular tennis court.

published in China in 2020. When he sent a special launch edition to Columbus Academy, he included a note that read: “Special thanks to Ms. Krell and Mrs. Driscoll, who instilled my appreciation for the written word.”

David Salvage ’97, a composer and pianist in Bologna, Italy, released his new album “Felsina” in October of 2021 through Deux-Elles Records, a British classical music record label. According to David, it contains an hour of original solo piano music inspired by the city where he lives and can be listened to on all major streaming platforms including Amazon Music, iTunes, Spotify and YouTube. In March, David was invited by the head curator at the Collezioni Comunali d’Arte di Bologna – the city’s showpiece art museum – to lecture on some of the pieces in the album. Watch a music video featuring David at https://youtu.be/liXU8MGehQg.

Banner of Ed Carter ’96 at the Arizona State University tennis courts

Last winter, Jennifer Neal Bardavid ’97 was named a partner at Cacace, Tusch & Santagata Attorneys at Law in Stamford, Connecticut. Jennifer represents her clients in the negotiation and litigation of all areas of family law including divorce, custody, alimony, child support, property division, post-judgment matters and orders of protection.

On January 24, the Tacoma City Council in Washington state appointed Adam Cook ’97 – son of Herb Cook Jr. ’60 – as director of venues and events. Adam is responsible for management of the 23,000-seat Tacoma Dome, the Greater Tacoma Convention Center, Cheney Stadium and three downtown theaters.

“X Thinking: Building Better Brands in the Age of Experience” – a book co-written by Michael Lai ’97 – is now available in English on Amazon.com after first being

Rick Ricart ’98, president of Ricart Automotive, was named to the Columbus CEO Future 50 Class of 2022 and received the Kent Clapp CEO Leadership Award for his work with Ronald McDonald House Charities. Rick also expanded his footprint in the car industry to the Dublin, Ohio, area last December with the acquisition of the Dan Tobin Dealership Group and its two stores on Billingsley Road, which adds Chevrolet, Buick, GMC and Hummer brands to the company’s portfolio of manufacturers.

An article in the April 2022 issue of Columbus Monthly discussed the legacy of the late Ben Sippel ’98 and shared details about his business, Ohio’s award-winning Kokoborrego Cheese Company.

Patti Zettler ’98, an associate professor at Ohio State University’s Moritz College of Law, was appointed to the Board of Directors for the Food and Drug Law Institute in January. Her research and teaching focus on FDA law and policy, torts, and legislation and regulation.


Rachel Carpenter ’01, COO of global technology partnerships at Citi and Columbus Academy’s 2019 Young Alumni Award recipient, recently was named to the “Inspiring Female Leaders” list by NYC FinTech Women, an organization with the mission to connect, promote and empower women to advance their careers in financial technology.

A February article in Essence – a monthly lifestyle magazine covering fashion, beauty, entertainment and culture – declared that Morgan Harper ’01 could become the only Black woman in the U.S. Senate prior to her Democratic primary race against Tim Ryan for the Senate seat being vacated by Rob Portman.

“Dream On” – the second novel written by Angela (Phillips) Thomas ’01 under her pen name of Angie Hockman –was featured in July issues of USA Today and Women’s World Magazine. Her debut novel was named one of the best romance novels of 2021 by Entertainment Weekly. According to Angela: “I honestly feel like I would not have reached the place I am today with my writing without the incredible foundation that CA provided and the love of literature my 12th grade English teacher (Pat Hogan) inspired in me.”

The vintage clothing brand HOMAGE, founded by CEO Ryan Vesler ’01, signed a multi-year deal with the NFL to produce shirts, hoodies, sweatpants and other clothing

items with team logos. “This is transformational,” said Ryan in a Columbus Business First article that noted it was years in the making. “The demand for the NFL is massive. This is a big opportunity for us. We had to convince them we had the creative firepower and distribution capabilities to make this work.”

Dr. Ryan Seibert ’03 was recently promoted to associate chief medical officer of clinical informatics at the Lahey Hospital Medical Center, a large hospital system with over 1,900 doctors and five hospitals in the Boston area. Ryan is a graduate of Boston University School of Medicine and completed a residency in internal medicine at Stanford University Hospital and subsequently a fellowship in general internal medicine at Boston Medical Center with a focus in preventive medicine and public health. He also holds a master of science degree in health services research from Boston University School of Public Health.

Steve Curry ’04 and his wife Caitlin, along with daughters Cici (4) and Simone (2), welcomed baby boy Callen Shea Curry to the family on January 18, 2022.

Dr. Ben Bring ’03, a board-certified sports and family medicine physician at OhioHealth, was presented with the Team Physician Award by the Ohio Athletic Trainers’ Association last April. In addition to also serving as the medical director for the 2022 Arnold Sports Festival, the OhioHealth Capital City Half and Quarter Marathon as well as this past fall’s Columbus Marathon, Ben is now the team physician for all of Academy’s sports teams.

Dr. Ben Bring ’03 and his wife Miranda (Leickly) Bring ’03

THE 00s
Rachel Carpenter ’01 Steve Curry ’04 with his wife Caitlin and their children Simone, Callen and Cici

Kate (Marotta) Hourigan ’04 and husband Michael welcomed baby girl Betty on November 2, 2021, in Stanford, California. She joins older siblings Charlie, Teddy, Frank and Maggie.

In February, Ray Jones ’04 joined African drummer Kaikpai Paasewe in teaching students in our Explorers program the basics of the “djembe” drum, which originated in West Africa and is often used to communicate with nearby villages. Ray’s son Wes was among the young students who had the opportunity to tap on the drums and dance while Kaikpai led the group with his harmonica.

Avishar Barua ’05, former “Top Chef: Portland” contestant, has been busy preparing for the opening of his new venture in the food business – Joya’s Café – located on High Street in Worthington. A contemporary BengaliAmerican daytime café, Joya’s is named in honor of his mother Jayasree who is known by that nickname. Avishar also announced to Columbus Monthly in June that he will be opening a second establishment, Agni, on South High Street that will be a live-fire restaurant inspired by Midwestern backyard barbecues.

Stephanie Brownstein ’05, an assistant scientist and research engineer at Illinois Sustainable Technology Center, was selected by her engineering group to meet with the United States Secretary of Energy Jennifer N. Granholm. While leading the secretary on a tour of a power plant in Illinois, Stephanie provided information about the work the group is doing on carbon capture.


In January, Evelyn Carter, Ph.D. ’06 was named the first president of Paradigm, a diversity, equity and inclusion training and consulting company. According to the company’s press release, Evelyn “will leverage her own research, our team’s expertise, and the data and insights we’re gathering from our clients to create and evolve Paradigm’s blueprint for effective DEI.”

Tracy Subisak ’05, a New York Times bestselling author and illustrator, received a Floyd’s Pick Book Award for her children’s book “Jenny Mei Is Sad” presented by The State Library of Ohio and Ohioana Library Association. At a book reading event in July, Tracy shared with recently retired middle school dean Susan Carter that she plans to visit with Academy’s lower-schoolers this fall.

Tracy Subisak ’05 with Sean Cullinan and Susan Carter at her recent book reading in Columbus

Ghosh ’05 married Niko Cheronis in Columbus on November 20, 2021. They were joined by alumni Naveen Saha ’02, Sharmeela Saha ’00, Theresa (Izzo) Pozan ’05, Avishar Barua ’05 and Bramha Ghosh ’94. In addition to Sohini’s sister Dr. Sumona Lester ’99, other Academy faculty members in attendance were Freda Eden, Dr. Amanda Bundy and Robin Miller. Students attending were then-senior Carolyn Vaziri, second-grader Leena Lester and kindergartner Kiran Lester. The couple resides in Pittsburgh. A large Academy contingency celebrated the wedding of Sohini Ghosh ’05 in November

An article in the January issue of 614 Magazine featured Lauren D’Souza ’10 and her road to becoming an entrepreneur and founder of the internationally sold hot sauce Ojjo. According to the story, Lauren “crafted her own recipe, launched a Kickstarter campaign, and now sells her hot sauce for coffee all of the world.”

“We had a fun event for the Class of 2006 at the Columbus Crew game on April 30,” wrote Kelly Hondros ’06 when she sent in this photo. “We had a great time getting together and catching up!”

Caroline (Nourse) Jeffers ’06 and her husband Ben moved to Phoenix in September 2021. She started a new job as Arizona State University’s director of compliance in October. On March 27, 2022, Caroline and Ben welcomed their first child, Amelia Rose Jeffers, who was born at 8:57 p.m. and was 6 lbs. 13 oz.

Dr. Basil Kahwash ’06 was described as a “young specialist in allergy and immunology at Vanderbilt” in a New York Times article about how he solved a patient’s rare allergic condition.

Joey Miller ’09 was featured in a Cosmopolitan article about the “Love Is Blind” television show’s second season. According to the February story, Joey and Caitlin McKee became engaged during the show, but the footage of them didn’t appear when the series aired on Netflix. The couple ultimately decided not to get married but they remain friends.

The Class of 2010 was well represented on August 21, 2021, when John Edgar ’10 married Molly Cull of Bexley at the National Veterans Memorial and Museum in Columbus. They live on the east side of Columbus and are both social workers. John is a therapist, and Molly works for Columbus Public Health.

Bethany Luzny ’10 married Gerard Mallon and moved to Athens, Ohio, where she is the director of Athens Area Mediation Services, which offers low cost, communitybased conflict resolution options to residents throughout the Southeast Ohio region.

Joey Vara ’11 became engaged to Chase Varga while on a cruise in the Caribbean on February 21, 2022.

Jon Michael Hilsheimer ’12 finished in third place as best individual oralist and was a member of the overall runner-up team at the National Moot Court Competition in Child Welfare & Adoption Law hosted by the OSU Moritz College of Law in March.

Eric Churches ’06, Sarah (Kropp) Walther ’06, Basil Kahwash ’06, Kelly Hondros ’06, Rachel Mozenter ’06, Allison Mautz ’06, Jeffrey Morosky ’06 and Dan Loper ’06 THE 10s Andrew Meiburg ’10, Kym Littlefield ’10, Jacob Peters ’10, Ryan Ahmed ’10, John Edgar ’10, Andrew Robie ’10 and Drew Yakscoe ’10 (Jeff May ’10 was also in attendance but not pictured)

Sandhya Ramaswamy ’12, a second-year global capital markets associate at Milbank LLP, helped the firm receive a favorable appeal decision in December 2021 for a pro bono client convicted in 2019 for criminal possession of a weapon in the third degree.

In June, when Will Westwater ’12 guest starred as a stormtrooper in a scene on episode 3 of the “Obi Wan Kenobi” television series on Disney+, he shared: “I remember, as a kid, pointing to the credits at the end of a Star Wars movie and saying to my mom: ‘I gotta believe I can be one of those names!’ Now I am. Honored to be a part of Obi Wan Kenobi.”

Courtney Deena ’13, a field hockey assistant coach at Hofstra University, was appointed as representative of the National Field Hockey Coaches Association’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee to the NFHCA Board of Directors.

Peri Kahraman ’13, a clinical mental health therapist, presented at the National Student Parent Support Symposium in May on parental stress and its impact on parent-child relationships.

Ezer Smith ’13 graduated magna cum laude from Georgetown University Law Center with a juris doctor degree and will work for a year at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau in Washington, D.C., before clerking for a federal district court judge.

SueSan Chen ’14, manager of brand environments at United Airlines, was selected for the INvolve’s Empower Top 100 Future Leaders 2022 list which showcases leaders who are breaking down barriers at work and smashing the ceiling for people of color within global business. SueSan was also featured on the Northwestern University website in February sharing how the company applies human-centered design principles learned in Northwestern's Engineering Design Innovation program to large-scale projects.

Courtney Gittins ’14 recently wrote an article comparing osteoarthritis with rheumatoid arthritis for OrthoNeuro, a team of orthopedic and neurologic healthcare professionals in Central Ohio.

When she graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law School last year, Brianna Johnson-King ’14 received the 2021 CLEA Outstanding Clinical Student Award recognizing her accomplishments and commitment to advocacy through her clinical work with the Food Law & Policy Clinic (FLPC) of the Center for Health Law and Policy Innovation. Brianna currently practices in the Individual Client Services Group at Schulte Roth & Zabel in New York City.

Brianna Johnson-King ’14

In May, Tom King ’14 earned his wings to become a naval aviator. His brothers Will King ’16 and Josh King ’24 joined him for the ceremony and celebration along with fellow alumni Alden Campo ’14, Tyler Kohman ’14, Atticus Lee ’16, Tyler Whitt ’17, Kristie (Hart) Bennett ’08 and Hamza Kashubeck ’17. Tom recently moved to Jacksonville, Florida, to train on the MH60-R helicopter –colloquially known as the Romeo – and it’s primary mission is to track and hunt enemy submarines and surface ships.

Tom King ’14 (top right) celebrating with his brothers and fellow Academy alumni

Conrad Wuorinen ’12 married Blair Hennessy on Bald Head Island in North Carolina on May 7, 2022. The couple resides on the Upper East Side in Manhattan, where Conrad is a global capital markets associate at Morgan Stanley.

A large Academy contingent attended the wedding of Conrad Wuorinen ’12

Sandhya Ramaswamy ’12

Abby Jeffers ’18 earned a prestigious international scholarship to create a podcast in Europe. According to an Ohio University press release, the recent journalism graduate from the Scripps College of Communication will relocate to Berlin for a year as a German Chancellor Fellowship for the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, which grants up to 50 fellowships annually.

Lauren Lane ’14 recently graduated with her Doctorate in Physical Therapy (DPT) from Boston University’s College of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences: Sargent College. She previously received two Bachelor’s of Science degrees in Kinesiology and Ballet from Indiana University. Lauren will be taking her PT licensure board exam in the state of Massachusetts and plans to continue living in the Boston area.

Lauren Lane ’14

Kristie Sun ’15, a 2019 graduate of Johns Hopkins University and current Case Western University School of Medicine student, served as a co-lead author on a COVID-19 study that received press from multiple news outlets. “We hope that these results can inform educators in developing appropriate testing procedures to keep children in school,” Kristie stated in a U.S. News & World Report article.

Brie (Abell) Williams ’16 was hired in March as Senior Recruitment Specialist at Donatos Pizza where she will recruit the company’s future team. Brie is the second of the family’s third generation to join the Donatos corporate office.

Brie (Abell) Williams ’16

Kevin Boyce ’17 recently earned his graduate degree in public affairs and was honored with Brown University’s Master’s Award for Engaged Citizenship and Community Service. According to the school’s press release, KJ is “a service minded, unapologetic justice oriented, and thoughtful student leader. He is being honored for his incredible commitment and dedication to creating a more inclusive community at Brown University, particularly for students of color.”

Chiru Gunawardena ’17 presented original research at Ohio Wesleyan University’s 2022 Spring Student Symposium using a poster report to relay how stress during adolescence affects anxiety-like behavior in adult mice.

Maddie DeAscentis ’18, who graduated from DePauw University last spring with a degree in education studies, was an honorable mention all-conference selection and one of 15 Tiger field hockey players to be named to the 2021 National Field Hockey Coaches Association’s National Academic Squad.

Khloe Dubenion ’18

A trio of Academy alumni recorded notable finishes at the North Coast Athletic Conference (NCAC) Indoor Track and Field Championships in February. Khloe Dubenion ’18 of Ohio Wesleyan University set a new school record in the women’s weight throw, Angus Soderberg ’18 of Kenyon College placed fourth in the men’s 800-meter run, and Annalise Grammel ’20 of DePauw University won the women’s 800.

Ryan Mitchell ’18, who graduated from Otterbein University last spring, received second team All-Ohio Athletic Conference accolades for the Cardinals’ baseball


squad. Ryan started every game in the outfield, posted a .369 batting average, ranked third on the team with 55 hits and compiled a .972 fielding percentage with multiple highlight-reel catches.

Angus Soderberg ’18, who recently graduated as a double major in political science and environmental studies from Kenyon College, was one of seven football players from colleges and universities in Central Ohio to be recognized for his academic prowess as a National Football Foundation Scholar-Athlete. He was joined at the February ceremony by Academy football head coach Robin Miller and Gyvnn Mendenhall ’22, one of 13 high school scholar-athletes presented with John H. McConnell and Worthington Industries Foundation Scholarships, which he will use to further his football career on the collegiate level at Washington University in St. Louis.

After transferring from the University of Redlands, Hayden Compton ’19 made 10 relief appearances as a pitcher on the Florida Atlantic University baseball team last spring, He did not allow an earned run in six of those outings while also striking out a career-best three batters in an inning and a third against a Miami Hurricanes squad that was ranked #7 in the country near the end of the season.

THE 20s

Annalise Grammel ’20 earned all-conference honors after running on the winning 4x400 relay race and placing third in the women’s 800 at the North Coast Athletic Conference Championships in May. She followed that up by running the sixth-fastest 800 time (2:17.20) in DePauw history at her very next meet.

As a biomedical engineering major at Virginia Tech last spring, Spencer Kaswinkel ’19 was accepted for membership in the Phi Beta Kappa Society, America’s first and most prestigious academic honor society of which less than two percent of college juniors are accepted.

Jenny L’Hommedieu ’19, a senior at St. Lawrence University, participated in the Denmark off-campus study abroad program during the Spring 2022 semester.

Eliana Jenkins ’20, who is majoring in global cultural studies at Washington University in St. Louis, was one of 14 undergraduate students named a 2022 St. Louis Entrepreneurial Fellow by WashU’s Skandalaris Center. Over the course of three semesters, Eliana is exploring innovation and entrepreneurship, including a paid summer internship at a St. Louis startup.

Gyvnn Mendenhall ’22, Robin Miller, Angus Soderberg ’18 and Kenyon football coach Ian Good Annalise Grammel ’20

Ali Khan ’20, a redshirt sophomore on the Ball State University men’s golf team, won the Turnberry Men’s Amateur Golf Tournament in June after carding back-to-back rounds of 69 to finish 6-under-par for the two-stroke victory. During his spring collegiate season, he led the Cardinals by tying for 10th at the Mid-American Conference Championship.

Ali Khan ’20 used a 7 iron on the 192-yard 8th hole at Brookside Golf & Country Club to sink his first career hold-in-one on July 11

Simon (Iobst) Sadiković ’20 is now the assistant music director for the Berklee Motion Picture Orchestra and the student music director for St. John’s Episcopal Church in Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts. In July, Simon was invited to conduct the London Festival Orchestra at the Royal Academy of Music in London, England.

Kiersten Thomassey ’20, who is entering her junior year at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, was selected to play on Team USA for the U21 5-Nations Tournament in Dublin, Ireland, over the summer.

Kiersten was also the topic of a January article by VoiceInSport.com on health and wellbeing in sports.

Chloe Gouhin ’21, a sophomore at Columbia University, was awarded the Meade Anderson Spirit Award for instilling “positivity and energy” during her first season competing on the Lions’ fencing team.

At the 2022 Central Ohio High School Sports Awards Show in June, Russell Ahmed ’22 was named Top Male Scholar Athlete Honorable Mention and earned a $1,000 scholarship from The Columbus Dispatch. He also was recognized during the ceremony as an Athlete-of-theYear fiinalist along with fellow Viking standouts Evie Gee ’22, Stephen Ma ’23, Gyvnn Mendenhall ’22, Ryan Panley ’22, Zach White ’22 and Lucas Xue ’25

Sydni Ratliff ’21 was voted Big Ten Freshman of the Year for women’s tennis after earning Big Ten Athlete-of-the-Week honors three times for the Ohio State Buckeyes last spring. Overall, she was 28-10 in singles, ranking second on her team in wins and the fourth-most for a freshman in program history, and held a 25-17 doubles mark, which tied for seventh all-time for an OSU first-year player.

At her recent graduation party, Sari Shocket ’22 reconnected with her former senior buddy Alicia Tamarkin ’10 and her own kindergarten buddy Ethan Sklaw ’34. Sari and Alicia are still very close, and Sari was even in Alicia’s wedding!

Sari Shocket ’22 with her kindergarten buddy Ethan Sklaw ’34 and former senior buddy Alicia Tamarkin ’10

Sophie Spolter ’22 was honored in June with the Don Erkis & Lou Berliner High School Jewish Scholar/Athlete Award presented by Columbus Jewish News. She now attends Bates College, a Division III school in Maine, where she plays basketball for the Bobcats.

Aylah Mendenhall ’19, a musical theatre student at Kent State University, recently starred in the lead role of KSU’s production of Shakespeare’s “Much Ado About Nothing” that was framed in modern times and was loosely inspired by the “Gossip Girl” television show. Over the summer, Aylah portrayed Crystal (the Urchant) in “Little Shop of Horrors” and Celisse (“learn your lessons well”) in “Godspell” at Northeast Ohio’s premier outdoor summer theatre.


Retired science teacher MaryEve Corrigan was featured in a magazine article about her participation in an urban studies class with students at the University of Toronto during the pandemic. “In our initial exchanges, I was surprised to learn of MaryEve’s unique connection to China,” wrote Andrew Yin, the student with whom she was paired for a project. “In the late 70s, she and her students became pen pals with a group of students in Wuhan, China. She visited them in 1982, a time when few foreigners travelled there. I was enthralled by her stories. As I learned about MaryEve, I discovered more commonalities, despite our age difference.”

Kay Mason, parent of alumna Gabby Mason ’15 and a former Academy faculty member and head of lower school, recently became the head of school at St. Andrew’s School in Richmond, Virginia. Since leaving Columbus Academy in 2018, Kay had served as head of lower school at Isidore Newman School in New Orleans.

John M. Bobb III ’59

William W. O’Brien ’61

Theodore S. Hoster ’62

Robert W.H. Monsarrat Jr. ’66

Patricia Eisenberger (librarian 1980-99)

Carol Krell (teacher 1973-97)

Vicki Ross (teacher and librarian 1976-2010)

William E. Arthur P’82 (trustee 1981-82)

Dick Anderson P’83 ’84 ’88 (trustee 1983-84)

Robert D. Marotta P’94 ’00 ’04 (trustee 2000-06)

Individual obituaries can be found in our alumni newsletters, which are archived at www.columbusacademy.org/alumni-news.

Katie Schiano ’21 interviewed her father Greg Schiano for the Big Ten Network during the Rutgers University football spring game in April. Wilson “Roly” Nolen ’44 Donald H. Levy ’46 Dick H. Gurevitz ’56 David W. McCabe '57 Weston D. Bown '72 Dudley W. Jordan Jr. ’72 Peter W. Field ’76 Dr. Thomas B. Reed IV ’78 Alisha Zekrioui ’11 Also, please join us in sympathy for the families of these former faculty, staff members and friends.
In Memoriam
We are saddened to share this list of our alumni whom we recently learned have passed.

ALUMNI Weekend 2022 Recap

Nearly 200 people, including 150 alumni, turned out for Alumni Weekend 2022 September 2324. This year honored classes ending in two and seven, and special welcome receptions were held for the Classes of 1971 and 1972, both of which were celebrating their 50th Reunions.

Six decades of alumni were present on campus, from members of the Class of 1955 to a significant group of more recent graduates from 2012 and 2017. Prior to kickoff of the varsity football game against Buckeye Valley, members of the Class of 1972 served as honorary captains for the coin toss. Halftime of the football game also welcomed members of the 1995 state championship boys soccer team to midfield as the group was honored for its 25th anniversary victory over Kings Mills in the Division II state finals.

Saturday was filled with events starting with breakfast in the dining hall for both 50th Reunions followed by a campus tour for the Class of 1971 and a special roundtable discussion and “State of Academy” presentation by Head of School Melissa Soderberg and History Department Chair Tim Morford ’79 for the Class 1972.

One of the most attended events of the weekend was the Coffee with Columbus Academy Legends held in the Susan Neal Theatre Lobby. Nearly 90 alumni and 22 longtime faculty reconnected over gourmet cups of coffee.

A new event was added to the schedule this year: the inaugural MOSAIC & Black Alumni Luncheon, which was hosted by parents Patricia Abbey-Mensah P’29, Theresa Ankamah P’26’31, Natasha Davis P’25 and Alicia Donaldson P’24; and alumni Vanessa Butler ’07, Kevin Dubenion ’78, Khloe Dubenion ’18, Alicia Henson ’02, Vic Thorne ’92, Katie Walker ’02 and Lindsey Williams ’01. This special luncheon, which helped connect Black alumni with families in our MOSAIC parent affinity group, included an update on Academy’s ongoing work to foster a sense of belonging in our community offered by Dr. Pascal Losambe, our Director of Diversity & Community Life.

An all-alumni picnic served as a nice intermission before the Young Alumni Award Presentation, which this year featured remarks from Michael Corey ’01, the 2020 recipient, and Ryan Williams ’08, the 2022 award winner. Michael and Ryan, who were introduced by Alumni Board Vice President Mandy Mallot ’03, participated in a discussion, moderated by Alumni Board member Patti Zettler ’98, about the future of work and community building in a post-Covid world.

We thank all alumni, faculty and staff who participated in this year’s event and look forward to hosting Alumni Weekend again next fall, September 22-23, 2023!

1995 Boys Soccer State Champs

Young Alumni Awards

Black Alumni MOSAIC Luncheon

Coffee with CA Legends

Class of 2012

Class of 1972
Class of 1971

4300 Cherr y Bottom Road Gahanna, Ohio 43230-0745 614-475-2311 columbusacademy.org

Melissa Soderberg, Head of School

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