Standing and Delivering: Experiential Learning through Library’s partnership with the HSHC
t h e pa s t t wo y e a r s , t h e
J o h n B u l ow C a m p b e l l L i b r a ry
s ta f f h a s b e e n a c t i v e ly i n v o lv e d i n d e v e l o p i n g a p a rt n e r s h i p
H e a lt h y S e m i n a r i a n s - H e a lt h y C h u r c h I n i t i at i v e (HSH C ) , a n o n - p r o f i t o r g a n i z at i o n t h at i s h o u s e d at C o l u m b i a T h e o l o g i c a l S e m i n a ry . with the
The mission of the HSHC is to help seminary communities, clergy, and church members think theologically about health (in all aspects of the word) and learn practical ways of living into the abundant life Jesus came to offer his followers. Since the library serves as a central campus location for experimentation with various initiatives, the CTS Library and HSHC have worked cooperatively to help the CTS community become more aware of healthy practices. In order to improve the health of the library environment and to help the CTS community at large, the library instituted several health initiatives suggested by Karen Webster, the Executive Director of the HSHC. Based on Karen’s recommendations, the library purchased health-oriented resources for the CTS community and its guests to explore. The new acquisitions included resources one would typically expect to find in a seminary library — books on food and faith as well as materials on Christians’ perspectives on health, the body, and the environment. However due to the HSHC initiative, resources on stretching, balance, VANTAGE Winter/Spring 2016