Columbia September 2011

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COLUMBIA We Remember

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SeptembeR 2011 ♦ Volume 91 ♦ NumbeR 9


10 The Other Heroes of September 11 Ten years later, K of C Insurance agents recall delivering aid to the families of those who sacrificed their lives on 9/11. BY PATRICK SCALISI

16 To Be Sure We’re Taken Care Of A Knights of Columbus Insurance agent extends a hand to a member and his family. BY JOSEPH P. HERNANDEZ & BRIAN DOWLING

20 Helping a Church Grow Through ChurchLoan, developing Catholic communities find financing for expansion. BY GERALD KORSON

24 The Saints’ Guide to Charitable Estate Planning The lives of the saints provide lessons about generosity in this world as we prepare for the next. BY PATRICK GALLAGHER

Emergency workers comb the tangled remains of the fallen World Trade Center towers in New York City Sept. 13, 2001. Read how the Knights aided families of fallen first responders on page 10.


Building a better world


The Shrine of Blessed John Paul II will keep the late pontiff’s vision alive for future generations. BY SUPREME KNIGHT CARL A. ANDERSON

CNS photo from Reuters


Learning the faith, living the faith The “four pillars” of faith presented in the Catechism are interconnected parts of a whole. BY SUPREME CHAPLAIN BISHOP WILLIAM E. LORI

PLUS Catholic Man of the Month

Knights of Columbus News Order Plans Shrine of Blessed John Paul II in Washington, D.C. • New Initiative Helps African AIDS Orphans • New Supreme Officers Appointed, Directors Elected • Knights Mourn Passing of Supreme Secretary


Columbia Conversation An interview with Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson about strength, security, confidence and Knights of Columbus Insurance.


Fathers for Good Knight Alfredo Fuentes remembers his 9/11 ordeal.


Roman Missal In the Nicene creed, we profess our personal belief in the one faith of the Church. BY BISHOP THOMAS J. OLMSTED


Knights in Action



Prepared to Respond THROUGHOUT human history and in our own time, examples of heroic virtue and extraordinary selfsacrifice abound. Consider, for instance, the martyrs who have suffered and died in witness to Christ; the incredible survival stories of those who endured Nazi death camps; or even the perseverance exhibited in the rescue of Chilean miners in late 2010. Likewise, as we observe the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, we recall the heroic actions of the passengers of United Airlines Flight 93 in Pennsylvania and of the first responders in New York and Virginia. In each case, it is clear that a person’s virtue is proved in difficult situations. On the one hand, the fortitude exhibited by those who risk or sacrifice their lives for the sake of others can be seen as evidence of a person’s natural virtue. One might argue that character traits such as bravery, magnanimity and generosity simply need an opportunity to be manifested, and it is often in times of tragedy and unforeseen circumstances that such an opportunity arises. On the other hand, those who engage in acts of heroic faith often express an acute awareness that their strength of will is not merely natural, but is also a supernatural grace from God. Proverbs 17:3 states, “The crucible for silver, and the furnace for gold, but the tester of hearts is the Lord.” Similarly, the Apostle Peter referred to various trials that early Christians had to endure, which allowed “the

genuineness of [their] faith” to be tested (1 Pet 1:7). Indeed, saints have always considered their sufferings to be a gift through which they could grow in faith. But because faith, too, is a gift, it would be presumptuous to seek circumstances that will test our faith or fortitude. We express this sentiment in the Our Father when we pray, “lead us not into temptation.” Even though tragedy can present an opportunity for extraordinary service and can lead otherwise irreligious people to turn to God, both the practice of charity and the practice of prayer should be cultivated at all times. This twofold way of life is integral to the work of the Knights of Columbus, as every member is called to live the Columbian virtues and to grow in faith. When faced with tragic circumstances caused by terrorist attacks or natural disasters, it is therefore natural that Knights are among the first to offer relief (see page 10). And although the recently announced Knights of Columbus Disaster Response Program will help to facilitate works of charity when and where tragedy occurs, it would certainly be inaccurate to say that Knights seek out or wait for such events to happen. Rather, if we practice our faith and the virtue of charity everyday, in countless small ways, we will always be prepared to respond to the Lord and the needs of those around us. ♦ ALTON J. PELOWSKI MANAGING EDITOR

Knights of Columbus Book Club — September 2011 IN SEPTEMBER, the Knights of Columbus Book Club is proud to feature The Mass: The Glory, The Mystery, The Tradition (Doubleday, 2011) by Cardinal Donald Wuerl and Mike Aquilina. In The Mass, the authors present an authoritative explanation of all the elements of the Mass, and place them in historical and spiritual context, inviting the reader to a deeper appreciation of the Eucharist, the most vital sacrament of the Church. 2 ♦ COLUMBIA ♦



Venerable Michael McGivney (1852-90) Apostle to the Young, Protector of Christian Family Life and Founder of the Knights of Columbus, Intercede for Us. ________ HOW TO REACH US MAIL COLUMBIA 1 Columbus Plaza New Haven, CT 06510-3326 ADDRESS CHANGES 203-752-4580 OTHER INQUIRIES 203-752-4398 FAX 203-752-4109 CUSTOMER SERVICE 1-800-380-9995 E-MAIL INTERNET ________ Membership in the Knights of Columbus is open to men 18 years of age or older who are practical (that is, practicing) Catholics in union with the Holy See. This means that an applicant or member accepts the teaching authority of the Catholic Church on matters of faith and morals, aspires to live in accord with the precepts of the Catholic Church, and is in good standing in the Catholic Church.

________ Copyright © 2011 All rights reserved ________ ON THE COVER Firefighters and rescue workers stand in the rubble of the World Trade Center Twin Towers in lower Manhattan.

u.S. Navy — digital version copy/Science Faction/Corbis



Preserving His Legacy The Shrine of Blessed John Paul II will keep the late pontiff’s vision alive for future generations by Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson

LAST MONTH, I reflected on how throughout North America will enwe have all had the privilege to see counter the mission and legacy of one and hear Blessed John Paul II, either of history’s greatest popes. It will be a in person or on television. We have place where they will continue to exknown him to be a special friend of perience his blessing and a place Vatican secretary of state, expressed the Knights of Columbus. We have where our children and grandchildren his support for our initiative, saying, been inspired by his many messages will learn about their great heritage as “I offer heartfelt good wishes for its successful realization. I am particuto us and by the privilege to support Catholics. so many of his pastoral initiatives. To this end, we will purchase the larly appreciative of the desire of the I think future generations will look Pope John Paul II Cultural Center in Knights not only to cultivate devotion back on us with envy that this was so. Washington, D.C., located just down to the late pontiff, but also to advance And I think that if they envy us, they the street from three other institu- his insightful teaching on the complex will also ask us what we did to keep tions that the Knights of Columbus and fruitful interplay of faith and culhis memory, his legacy and his vision has long supported: the Basilica of ture in the New World. I am deeply alive. the National Shrine of the Immacu- gratified that your Order has wished Now, because of recent actions at late Conception, The Catholic Uni- to carry forward that vision as part of your commitment to the new our 129th Supreme Convenevangelization.” tion, we will be able to say Pope John Paul II visited that the Knights of Columthe United States seven differbus will be at the forefront of During this fraternal year we ent times. He visited Mexico preserving John Paul II’s will establish in Washington, D.C., five times, Canada three times legacy for generations to and the Philippines twice. Income. During this fraternal a national center and shrine cluded in his trips was his paryear we will establish in ticipation at World Youth Washington, D.C., a nadedicated to Blessed John Paul II. Days 18 years ago in Denver tional center and shrine dedand nine years ago in Toronto. icated to Blessed John Paul His first international trip as II. It will include a permanent museum on the life and pontifi- versity of America and the U.S. pope was to this continent as well — cate of this great pope with special Conference of Catholic Bishops. I to Mexico City to visit America’s emphasis on his visits to countries in hope the new Shrine of Blessed John mother, Our Lady of Guadalupe. Because of his tireless evangelizawhich the Knights of Columbus are Paul II will have a special relationship active. And it will give a lasting ex- with each of these institutions and tion, an entire generation of pression of his desire to foster unity also with the new John Paul II Center Catholics has become known as the and solidarity among all the people of presently under construction in “John Paul II Generation,” and certainly we are honored to continue to our hemisphere. Krakow, Poland. With this initiative, we will also esTrue to Blessed John Paul’s vision, spread his powerful message of hope tablish a new museum to celebrate and using the story of his life as an in- for our country, our continent and the 500-year Catholic heritage of spiration, the shrine will be an oppor- our world with the same energy and North America. This shrine will be a tunity to evangelize and spread the devotion that is the hallmark of the place where English-, Spanish- and Good News of the Gospel. In a recent Knights of Columbus. Vivat Jesus! French-speaking pilgrims from letter, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the




The Truth is Symphonic The “four pillars” of faith presented in the Catechism are interconnected parts of a whole by Supreme Chaplain Bishop William E. Lori

AT THE CONCLUSION of our acted upon, then it would be burdenstudy of the Compendium of the Cate- some. As it is, far too many people see chism of the Catholic Church, let us ex- the faith in this way. But by presenting amine again the purpose of this project. the “four pillars” of the faith, the CateSimply put, the article series aimed to chism of the Catholic Church and its should live and what our ultimate deshelp Knights of Columbus and their Compendium show us how all aspects tiny is. As the Second Vatican Council families grow in understanding of the of the Church’s faith are interrelated in said so profoundly, “In reality, it is only in the mystery of the Word made flesh faith and engage in the new evangeliza- truth and beauty. What we believe (the Profession of that the mystery of man truly becomes tion. After all, a genuine understanding of the Church’s faith enables us to read the Christian Faith) gives rise to how clear” (Gaudium et Spes, 22). To clarify this point, I would like to Scripture with greater insight and to we worship as a Church (the Celebraborrow an idea from the title of share more deeply in the Mass and a book by the late Swiss theolothe sacraments. It helps us live acgian Hans Urs von Balthasar: cording to the Gospel and guides Truth is Symphonic. The us in the ways of prayer. Christianity sheds the light Church’s faith might be comBy knowing, loving and living pared with a beautiful symthe faith, we are better prepared and beauty of God’s truth on phony. Often, each movement to invite others to return home to Christ and the Church and are why we were created, who we are, of a symphony has a leitmotif, a fundamental musical theme better able to attract those searchhow we should live and that recurs with variations. ing for the fullness of truth. We Sometimes the theme is played thereby impact individual lives what our ultimate destiny is. softly, sometimes dramatically, and build up the Church as the sometimes jarringly, but the Body of Christ, transforming our ears of an attentive and inculture from within. Yet, all these goals will elude us unless tion of the Christian Mystery), and to formed listener can pick up the theme, we step back to look at the faith, not just how we live (Life in Christ) and pray absorb it, participate in it, and come away with a unified sense of the genius in its component parts, but as a whole. (Christian Prayer). Far more than an onerous checklist, of the composer and his composition. The fundamental theme, or leitmoTHE MYSTERY OF FAITH Christianity is a way of life. It sheds the If our faith was simply a long checklist light and beauty of God’s truth on why tif, of the Church’s faith is what St. Paul of unrelated items to be believed and we were created, who we are, how we refers to as “the mystery” — the plan of creation and redemption that the Triune God, shrouded in glory, set into motion. God is love, and he created the This is the 40th and final installPurchase a copy of the Compendium world so that human beings, created in ment of Supreme Chaplain Bishop (#30503) for $13.50, including his image and likeness, could enter into William E. Lori’s faith formation S&H, from the Supply Department. a communion of love with him. Howprogram on the Compendium of the Send check, money order or credit ever, after we had estranged ourselves Catechism of the Catholic Church. card information to 78 Meadow from him and from one another Archived articles are at Street, New Haven, CT 06519. through sin, God revealed himself to 4 ♦ COLUMBIA ♦



the chosen people. From this people, he chose Mary, who became the earthly mother of God’s divine Son. GOD’S PLAN AND OUR RESPONSE By his preaching and miracles, and ultimately by giving his life for us and in rising triumphant from the dead, Jesus revealed that the Father’s love, for which we were created, is stronger than sin and death. Jesus established the Church so that, in the power of the Holy Spirit, we could share in his redeeming love until the end of time. This mystery is God’s masterpiece in which the great themes of creation and


Offered in solidarity with Pope Benedict XVI GENERAL: That all teachers may know how to communicate love of the truth and instill authentic moral and spiritual values.

pope: CNS photo/paul Haring — ANDReW KIm: CNS photo from uCAN

MISSION: That the Christian communities of Asia may proclaim the Gospel with fervor, witnessing to its beauty with the joy of faith.

redemption sound in harmony. Here the love of an eternal God and the meaning of human history are given voice. As this mystery unfolds in human history, it is full of drama and diversity, and rife with the discordant notes of human infidelity. But the love of God always prevails. By catching sight of God’s plan of creation and redemption, we also see how Scripture and sacred tradition speak in human terms with one divine voice; we see the unity of the Scripture itself; and we grasp how both faith and reason lift up the human spirit. So, too, we perceive how our worship in the Mass and the sacraments is like a counterpoint, a graced response to the gift of God’s love.

In the same way, Christian morality is not merely a jumble of rules like random notes on a musical score, but is rather the coherent way in which the theme of Christ’s goodness and love is to resonate in our intentions, decisions and actions. Finally, in Christian prayer, we are given the grace to respond, intimately and personally, to Christ’s love echoing in the depths of our being. The faith of the Church is indeed unified, true, beautiful, good and life-giving. Let us, the Knights of Columbus, stand united in love in proclaiming and living the faith for the glory of God, for the salvation of our souls and for the good of the Church and the world.♦


St. Andrew Kim Taegon (1821-1846) Feast Day: Sept. 20 ANDREW KIM TAEGON was the first Korean-born Catholic priest, and the kind of pastor who scribbles an encouraging letter to his community while awaiting martyrdom with 20 other believers. Kim’s father was part of a group that brought Christianity to the isolated nation of Korea in the 18th century. A member of the noble ruling class, Kim’s father — along with several other nobles — brought Christian writings from Jesuit missionaries in China and later led the first Christian communities in Korea until missionary priests were sent decades later. A convert like his wife, Kim’s father took the name Ignatius — because of the saint’s influence — and was later martyred. Baptized at age 15, Kim followed his father’s lead — both in terms of his faith and his martyrdom. Ordained to the priesthood in Shanghai at 24, Father Kim returned to Korea soon after and began preaching and evangelizing alongside other priests sent by the Paris Foreign Missions Society. Nonetheless, Christianity was sup-

pressed and prohibited in some areas during Korea’s Joseon Dynasty. Not long after the start of his ministry, tribesmen captured the 25-year-old Father Kim and brought him to be beheaded near Seoul. While awaiting his death, Father Kim wrote to his parish: “Since we are now close to the struggle, I pray you to walk in faith, so that when you have finally entered into Heaven, we may greet one another. I leave you my kiss of love.” In May 1984, Pope John Paul II canonized Father Kim in Seoul alongside 103 other Korean martyrs.♦




Order Plans Shrine of Blessed John Paul II in Washington, D.C.

IN HIS ANNUAL REPORT delivered at the 129th Supreme Convention in Denver Aug. 2, Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson announced that the Knights of Columbus will establish a shrine of Blessed John Paul II in Washington, D.C. Preliminary plans for the site include exhibits on the life and legacy of John Paul II and on the Catholic heritage of North America. The shrine and museum will be located at the present site of the John Paul II Cultural Center. “We have the opportunity and privilege of protecting [John Paul II’s] legacy through this shrine, of continuing his mission and of continuing to form the next generation of Catholics, the John Paul II generation,” the supreme knight said during the convention’s closing remarks Aug. 4. “The Knights of Columbus will be the guardians of that legacy for years, for decades to come because of this shrine. It is fitting that one of the great popes of history will be now aligned with one of the great Catholic organizations of history.” Proceeds from the sale will go to



the Archdiocese of Detroit to repay funds advanced to establish and operate the cultural center and to The Catholic University of America, which has a secured interest in the property. Archbishop Allen H. Vigneron of Detroit expressed his gratitude to the Knights for “stepping forward to make this transaction a reality.” He also applauded the intent of the Knights to “strengthen the vision of the center and continue the intended purpose for the building and land.” In expressing his support for the initiative, Cardinal Donald W. Wuerl of Washington declared that the site will be an official archdiocesan shrine, noting that “the beatification of Pope John Paul II has focused increased attention on the great gift that he is for the Church. … This shrine will provide a focal point for increased devotion to Blessed John Paul II and an ongoing recognition of his legacy.” Cardinal Wuerl, who is a member of The Catholic University of America Council 9542, also serves as the chairman of the board of directors of

the Pope John Paul II Cultural Foundation. The Knights of Columbus worked closely with Blessed John Paul II throughout his papacy, from co-sponsoring his Mass at Aqueduct Racetrack in New York in 1995, to assisting with other papal trips, to providing support for restoration projects at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome and for papal communications initiatives. The Order also supported the establishment of the U.S. session of the Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family, now located at The Catholic University of America.♦

CultuRAl CeNteR: CNS photo/Nancy Wiechec — JpII: CNS photo/bob Roller

Above and right: The Knights of Columbus will open a shrine dedicated to Blessed John Paul II at the current location of the Pope John Paul II Cultural Center in Washington, D.C.


New Initiative Helps African AIDS Orphans THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS recently announced a new outreach program that will provide care and shelter for the millions of children in Africa who are orphaned because of AIDS. To undertake this initiative, the Order will align itself with the Apostles of Jesus, a missionary order established in 1968, the first religious order of missionary priests and brothers founded in Africa. The partnership will expand and deepen existing services for orphaned children in Uganda and Kenya. In Uganda, the Apostles of Jesus and the Knights will complete a boarding school for children. Most of the children became orphans when AIDS affected their families, but in Uganda, some families were split by

the recent civil war, according to Father Paul Gaggawala, the religious order’s regional superior for the United States. Additionally, of the estimated 1.8 million AIDS-related deaths worldwide in 2009, more than 7 in 10 — a total of 1.3 million — occurred in sub-Saharan Africa, according to United Nations estimates. Those estimates show that there are now nearly 15 million orphans in sub-Saharan Africa as a result of the AIDS crisis. Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson explained that, in pursuing this program, the Knights will be continuing the mission of Venerable Michael McGivney, who founded the Order to help the widows and orphans of 19th-century Connecticut.♦

New Supreme Officers Appointed, Directors Elected

Charles E. Maurer Jr.

Logan T. Ludwig

Meclea L. Casavant

Supreme Secretary

Supreme Treasurer

Supreme Director

Arthur J. Harris

James R. Scroggin

Brian W. Simer

Supreme Director

Supreme Director

Supreme Director

AT AN AUG. 1 MEETING immediately preceding the 129th Supreme Convention, the Order’s Board of Directors appointed Charles E. Maurer Jr., a past state deputy of Indiana (1996-1998) who has served as supreme treasurer since September 2010, as supreme secretary, filling the vacant position left by the late Emilio B. Moure. The Board also appointed Supreme Director Logan T. Ludwig, past

state deputy of Illinois (2004-2006), as the new supreme treasurer. At the Aug. 3 business session, convention delegates also elected four new members to the Order’s Board of Directors. Newly elected supreme directors are Past State Deputies Meclea L. Casavant of Alberta, Canada, Arthur J. Harris of New York, James R. Scroggin of California, and Brian W. Simer of Idaho.♦

Knights Mourn Passing of Supreme Secretary

THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS mourns the loss of Supreme Secretary Emilio B. Moure, who passed away at his Connecticut home July 23 after a battle with cancer. He was 54 years old. Moure began working at the Supreme Council headquarters in April 2007 as executive vice president for business process management. In September 2010, he was named supreme secretary. “We mourn deeply the loss of an exemplary Catholic gentleman and proud Knight of Columbus, who was also a dedicated husband, father and grandfather,” said Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson. “Emilio was a trusted colleague and a good friend who always had the growth and welfare of the Order at heart. In his time at the Supreme Council headquarters, he was a dynamic force for improving and updating all of our operations.” Born in Havana, Cuba, Moure came to the United States at age 11 with his family. He helped to organize and implement programs such as the Order’s Marian Congress on Our Lady of Guadalupe and subsequent Guadalupe Festival in 2009. In addition, Moure played an important role in forging the Order’s relationship with the Global Wheelchair Mission and was a leader in the Knights’ recovery efforts in Haiti after the devastating earthquake in January 2010. He is survived by his wife of 31 years, Rebeca, their two sons, and one granddaughter.♦




A CLASS by ITSELF An interview with Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson about strength, security, confidence and Knights of Columbus Insurance


n recent years, Knights of Columbus Insurance has seen record growth, and last April, the Order surpassed $80 billion of life insurance in force. Although the life insurance industry as a whole has seen almost a 7 percent decrease in sales over the past five years, the Knights’ life insurance sales have grown by 20.7 percent during the same period. On July 22, Standard & Poor’s gave the Knights of Columbus its top rating of “AAA” for the 19th consecutive year. The report said the rating was based on “the Society’s extremely strong capital, very strong competitive position, historically strong profitability, and extremely strong liquidity.” This assessment came just a few weeks after another ratings agency, A.M. Best, gave the Knights of Columbus its highest rating (A++) for the 36th consecutive year. In an unprecedented action two weeks later, on Friday, Aug. 5, Standard & Poor’s downgraded its long-term sovereign credit-rating on the United Sates for the first time. The following Monday, the agency likewise downgraded the five AAA-rated U.S.-based insurance companies — including the Knights of Columbus. In light of this news, Columbia magazine recently spoke



with the supreme knight about why members can remain confident in the Order’s financial strength. Columbia: We are in the midst of a time of financial uncertainty with the United States itself recently downgraded by Standard & Poor’s, how will this affect the operations of the Knights of Columbus? S UPREME K NIGHT: First let me say that even with the action by S&P, there continues to be no higher rated insurer in the United States and Canada today than the Knights of Columbus. The recent downgrade was a result of the performance of the U.S. government — it was not about our performance. In fact, S&P’s latest release cites the “very strong financial profile” and “favorable business profiles” of the Knights of Columbus. The downgrade of the U.S. government will have absolutely no effect on our business operations — except in one regard: We are more determined than ever to aggressively maintain our superior position in the life insurance industry. Last year, we had a record year for sales, and in just more than 10 years, we have doubled the size of our insurance in force. We did all of this with a busi-


ness approach that has positioned us to excel in good times and bad. People know that, and that is why they are drawn to the safety and quality of Knights of Columbus Insurance. Our brother knights and their families can continue to have the highest confidence in our performance as a company and in the safety of the money that they have entrusted to us.

moving the top insurers into an already occupied tier. Columbia: How has the economic crisis of the past several years affected the Knights of Columbus? SUPREME KNIGHT: We need to keep in mind that economic ups and downs are a fact of life. In the 19 years that S&P has rated the Knights of Columbus, there have been three recessions. In the 36 years that we have been rated by A.M. Best, there have been five recessions. And in every one of those years we have earned the highest rating possible from both those companies — and still do today. If anything, during the recent financial crisis the Knights of Columbus has emerged stronger and more competitive. Not only has our strength relative to the industry improved, we actually increased to number 900 on the Fortune magazine list of the 1000 largest corporations this year.

Columbia: S&P also downgraded all AAA-rated insurers in August. What was the cause of this and what is its effect? SUPREME KNIGHT: Supreme Knight: S&P’s methodology dictates that an insurer based and operating in a country cannot have a higher rating that the country itself. So, when S&P downgraded the United States, their methodology dictated that they place all of the toprated insurers at the same level as the U.S. governColumbia: What is it ment. Their decision had that you think gives the nothing to do with our Knights of Columbus an business operations or those edge in this uncertain enviof the other four insurers ur brother Knights ronment? that had AAA status. In and their families can continue SUPREME KNIGHT: One of fact, our investment portfothe most important factors lio is actually stronger now to have the highest confidence is our conservative investthan it was when S&P reaffirmed our AAA status a few ment strategy. Our disciin our performance as months ago. In other words, plined approach has helped a company and in the safety S&P’s decision was based us avoid many of the mison where we do business, takes made by companies of the money that they not how we do business. that heavily invested in the As S&P’s own statement high-risk assets that colhave entrusted to us. indicated, the Knights of lapsed in 2008. In a tough Columbus is in a class by iteconomic environment, self. There are two compopeople naturally seek safety, nents to this, beginning and Knights of Columbus with the Order’s “affinity reproducts are just that: safe. lationship” with our memBrother Knights know that bers. A second very important factor is that unlike any they can have confidence that the money they entrust to of the other top-rated insurers whom S&P’s action af- the Knights of Columbus is money that will be invested fected, the Knights of Columbus does not issue bonds. wisely and prudently. Another very important factor is the quality of our We have never done so, and we don’t plan to do so. This is because we are in such excellent shape financially that field agents. I have spoken with hundreds of our agents we finance our operational expenses and our large surplus about the importance of ethical standards and professionalism to our brother Knights and their families. I know with our own cash, not debt. While we certainly share some of S&P’s concerns about many of them and I am convinced that their committhe U.S. government’s debt crisis, we disagree with their ment is second to none today in the life insurance indusdecision to adjust our rating and that of the other insurers try. Their dedication is a fundamental reason why our previously rated AAA to match the new governmental rat- maxim of “insurance by brother Knights for brother ing. As a result of this decision, the Knights of Columbus Knights” is not just an ideal — it is a reality. These are two basic reasons why in the past decade alone, now have the same rating from S&P as companies to which we remain superior. To be fair, S&P should have more than half a million people have come of the safety of downgraded all insurers by one notch, rather than simply the Knights of Columbus for their insurance needs.♦




The Other Heroes of September 11 Ten years later, K of C Insurance agents recall delivering aid to the families of those who sacrificed their lives on 9/11 by Patrick Scalisi

10 ♌ C O L U M B I A ♌



wo steel girders from the World Trade Center, set in concrete blocks, adorn one hallway of the Knights of Columbus Museum in New Haven, Conn. Distorted from the intense heat and retrieved from the Fresh Kills Landfill in New York, the brown girders look like a piece of modernist sculpture, the metal waving as if caught in an upward gust of wind. Nearby, a golden plaque lists the names of the 45 Knights who were killed in the attacks: 11 firefighters, six policemen and 28 civilians, including one member who was a passenger on American Airlines Flight 11, the first plane that hit the Twin Towers. To be sure, Sept. 11, 2001, was not a K of C tragedy or even a New York tragedy — it was an American tragedy, one that brought out some of the best that U.S. citizens had to offer. Knights were among those who did their part, actively embodying the Order’s principles of charity and patriotism. Across the country, K of C units sponsored prayer vigils, fundraisers and blood drives. One council in Sequim, Wash., even sought out and offered financial assistance to the family of a member who died at the World Trade Center. On a national level, the Order’s Board of Directors voted within one day of the attacks to create the Knights of Columbus Heroes Fund, a program wherein the families of any first responder who died in the terrorist attacks at the World Trade Center or the Pentagon were given an emergency payment from the Order, regardless of the family’s membership in the Knights or even of their religious tradition. The men responsible for delivering those stipend checks were the Knights’ very own professionally trained insurance force.

A New York City firefighter calls for more rescue workers to make their way into the rubble of the World Trade Center Sept. 15, 2001. SEPTEMBER 2011

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mately $3,500 in total. For many families, this was the first support of any kind that they received. In eastern Nassau County, Edward Dioguardi’s agency delivered between 40 and 50 Heroes Fund checks. For his part, Dioguardi delivered about 20 checks personally. “It was an honor,” recalled Dioguardi, “because I just wanted to do something to help out. And the people, once they heard that I was calling on behalf of the Knights of Columbus and that we had a Heroes Fund check to deliver to them, there was instant trust on their part.” In most cases, the recipients were not members or the widows of members. Many, though, were familiar with the Order or knew someone who was a Knight. When contacting recipients, Dioguardi emphasized that he was not promoting insurance or membership in the Order, but instead that he just “wanted to give them something to help them out financially and just show our concern as representatives of the Knights of Columbus.”

A FUND FOR HEROES American Airlines Flight 11 hit the World Trade Center’s North Tower at 8:46 a.m. on Sept. 11, 2001. Within ‘A VERY GIVING 26 hours, the Executive and Finance ORGANIZATION’ Committee of the Knights of ColumAmong the early Heroes Fund recipibus Board of Directors had convened ents was Kathleen Ganci, the widow of for a special meeting to approve a $1 Chief of Department Peter J. Ganci. A million fund to assist the families of 33-year veteran of the fire force, Chief emergency service personnel who had Ganci, 54, was the highest-ranking died in the attacks. Dubbed the “Heuniformed officer to die in the attacks. roes Fund,” it was the first time in the In addition to his wife, he also left beOrder’s history that such an account hind a daughter and two sons. had been created in response to a naTo this day, Kathleen Ganci is extional tragedy. tremely humble about her husband’s At a news conference on Sept. 13, sacrifice, even though the anniver2001, Supreme Knight Carl A. Ansary inevitably dredges up painful derson formally announced the foremotions. mation of the Heroes Fund and “He was very well respected, very New York Fire Department Chief Peter J. Ganci’s helmet well liked,” she said. “He’s still rememrevealed that the first three checks had been processed and paid to the is carried into his funeral at St. Kilian Catholic Church bered, and that’s what’s very important families of New York Fire Department in Farmingdale, N.Y. to me.” personnel. While Chief Ganci was not a memValerio had been a field agent for only five months when the ber of the Knights of Columbus, Kathleen’s father was — and she attacks occurred, yet he was suddenly on the front lines of the has fond memories of the Order from throughout her life. 9/11 disaster. A former captain in New York City’s Department “The Knights of Columbus was always very important to me of Corrections, Valerio delivered approximately 70 checks to the because my dad was a Knight,” she said. “I remember going to families of deceased emergency service personnel — more than the council where he was a member and, in fact, I had my wedany other K of C representative. ding reception at the Knights of Columbus hall in [Amityville].” “It was part of the calling for some reason,” said Valerio. The money Kathleen Ganci received from the Heroes Fund, “Knowing many of the men that were killed, it hit home. It hit delivered by Dioguardi, was more than just a check to help pay home big time.” the bills, she said. Instead, it was symbolic of the charity that she Although the Heroes Fund started with $1 million, donations knew was a hallmark of the Knights. started to pour in from throughout North America, the Caribbean “It was nice to get the check, and I understand that that’s imand the Philippines. The largest contribution — $20,770 — came portant to a lot of people, but it was the emotional connection from the Michigan State Council, while the smallest — $1 — that I needed, that I felt at that time,” Ganci explained. “Anybody came from a 92-year-old woman who heard about the fund and who’s familiar with the Knights of Columbus knows that it’s a wanted to help. In total, nearly 5,000 individuals and organiza- very giving organization.” tions donated an additional $491,661 to the fund — enough so These days, Ganci cherishes the memory of her late husband that each of the 419 Heroes Fund recipients received approxi- while spending time surrounded by her family. Her children have 12 ♦ C O L U M B I A ♦


pReVIouS SpReAD: CNS photo/u.S. Navy photo, Journalist 1st Class preston Keres/Reuters — GANCI: ReuteRS/mike Segar

“Some of [the families] were wondering how they were going to meet their mortgage because the city stopped their payroll,” said Vincent P. Valerio, an agent at the time with the Bambace Agency in New York. “Some people didn’t know where the next rent check was coming from, and the Knights of Columbus was there for that, was there to help them with their groceries. However much it was, it was enough to show them that somebody out there cared.” Between September 2001 and July 2002, the Order’s field force delivered 419 checks to the families of firefighters, law enforcement officers and emergency medical personnel who perished in the attacks. For many agents, this was a natural part of the job — as natural, at least, as the first responders who ran fearlessly into a pair of burning skyscrapers to save the lives of others.

DIoGuARDI: photos by Chas orrico

Edward Dioguardi (above), a Knights of Columbus field agent in North Bellmore, N.Y., distributed about 20 Heroes Fund checks. His schedule for the week of Sept. 24, 2001, (below) shows when he delivered a check to Peter Ganci’s widow, Kathleen. (Personal information has been removed.)


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all married, and she now has seven grandchildren that range from six months to 6 years old. The anniversary of 9/11 brings its share of sorrow, but Kathleen is determined to remain above the emotional abyss that she experienced in the years immediately following the attack. “As anybody would in any great tragedy, you can’t go on if you always live in those sad times,” she said. “There’s a lot of happy times in 10 years, and that’s what I try to focus on now.” As for the Knights, she remains thankful for the support that the Order provided in the days following Sept. 11, 2001. “I hope we never have another tragedy like we did, but if we do, it’s nice to know that there’s an organization such as the Knights of Columbus to remember people. They don’t discriminate on religion or on age or on gender — they just give where there’s a need.” REMEMBERED ALWAYS When the Heroes Fund was officially closed in July 2002, it marked the end of one of the Order’s most noteworthy programs in recent memory. Ten years later, agents like Valerio and Dioguardi look back on the weeks following Sept. 11, 2001, with a mixture of solemnity and pride. “There’s so many things that the Knights did for everybody … who died on 9/11 that it touched a lot of these people in a lot of

good ways,” said Valerio. “There were barriers broken down, I believe. The heart of our organization is charity.” Dioguardi agreed: “Normally we go to see the 80-year-old widow whose husband had lived many, many years and passed away and it was kind of the natural events of life. To go on these [visits] and see so many young people and young families and young children … it was a good feeling to know that I was doing something to help them.” For the recipients, too, healing continues with each and every day. “I know it sounds strange because it’s been 10 years, but it’s still a big wound in my heart,” said Kathleen Ganci. “As time goes on you learn how to stay away from things that are painful and evoke memories that make you really sad or depressed because that’s not where you are now and you don’t want to go back there.” Though Father Michael J. McGivney witnessed plenty of misfortune in 19th-century New Haven when he founded the Knights of Columbus, he likely could have never imagined an event like the Sept. 11 attacks. Nonetheless, there’s little doubt that he would have been proud of what his Knights accomplished on that clear September day and in the months — and years — that followed.♦ PATRICK SCALISI is the associate editor of Columbia.

KNIGHTS ANNOUNCE NEW DISASTER RESPONSE PROGRAM ONE MONTH BEFORE the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, the Supreme Council introduced a new initiative called the Knights of Columbus Disaster Response Program that will provide support to the victims of natural or manmade disasters. Announced Aug. 2 by Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson at the 129th Supreme Convention in Denver, the Disaster Response Program will help local councils prepare to serve as “second responders” by providing food, clothing and shelter to those affected by disasters. Retired New York Fire Department Capt. Alfredo Fuentes, a Knight who survived the 9/11 attacks in New York City, will serve as the program’s director. “With Capt. Fuentes’ leadership, it is my hope that every state will develop a strong disaster response team, made up of current and retired first responders and other volunteers who will be able to deliver hope when it is needed most,” said Anderson in remarks about the program’s inception. 14 ♦ C O L U M B I A ♦


At present, program organizers are working to establish a framework for the initiative as Fuentes and other members of the Supreme Council staff identify individuals and K of C units that would be willing to assist if and when a disaster occurs. “It has always been my belief that we have an unbelievable untapped resource, and that untapped resource is the retired firemen, policemen, EMS people and skilled people such as nurses, doctors, etc. And I just felt that if we used this resource to assist during a disaster, it would just be invaluable to the federal government and to the citizens themselves,” said Fuentes. Some councils, based on their geographic locations, already have some experience dealing with disasters, Fuentes added. For instance, councils in Florida are often adept at hurricane preparedness, while those in the Midwest may have experience with tornadoes. Though still in its early stages, response to the program so far has been overwhelmingly positive, according to

Fuentes. For now, organizers are limiting the initiative to the United States, though Fuentes would like to see it expanded in the future to all the countries where the Order is present. In addition, there is virtually no limit to the amount of aid that the Knights can offer, from providing food and water to rescue workers, to granting use of council halls as forward operating bases, to keeping tool depots in each state that are accessible to first responders and volunteers. “I like to say that we’re building the bridges we walk on,” said Fuentes. More information about the program will be made public as it becomes available. In the meantime, Fuentes is thrilled to be combining two of his great passions: disaster response and the Knights of Columbus. “Coming on the 10th anniversary of 9/11, it’s just wonderful to know that we don’t forget,” he said. “It’s wonderful to know that we’re prepared and that we’re getting even more prepared, that we’ve learned some lessons. That’s a wonderful thing.”♦


The Captain’s Story Knight Alfredo Fuentes remembers his 9/11 ordeal


en years ago, New York Fire Department Capt. Alfredo Fuentes was in his Brooklyn office overlooking New York Harbor when news came that one of the World Trade Center Towers was ablaze, struck by a commercial airplane. As acting battalion chief for the department’s Marine Division, he mobilized three fireboats, with his own in the lead, and grabbed a walkie-talkie, which would soon prove to be his only lifeline. With his boat speeding toward Manhattan’s West Side, Fuentes saw flames shooting high from the North Tower and knew that many lives had likely already been lost. He thought to himself, “We’re not going to be able to put this fire out.” Fuentes returned to Ground Zero recently to record his memories for a forthcoming documentary that is being co-produced by the Knights of Columbus and Quiet Consensus LLC, and starring actor Matthew Marsden. Fuentes agreed to return to the World Trade Center site only because of his dedication to the Knights as a member of George W. Hudson Council 3701 in Woodside, N.Y. These are his remembrances recorded near the 10th anniversary of 9/11. As Fuentes’ boat approached the Twins Towers, he saw another low-flying aircraft. “I figured [the pilot] was getting a close look at the burning North Tower. But then he turned and headed back from the south, and I heard the engines roaring even more as he increased speed. … All of a sudden he banked his wings and crashed into the South Tower. “I grabbed my aide, and this was the first time it sank in. I screamed, ‘We’re under attack here.’ … We’d faced some disasters in our lives but we never faced anything like this.” Fuentes gave the command that only he and his aide would go ashore. They found wounded people racing from ground zero and bodies falling from the towers. He connected with fellow firefighters and began to make plans for

search and rescue, but soon the South Tower began to tilt. “Everybody started running,” he said. “There was this covered driveway where I ran, and I knew I didn’t have much time, so I put my hands on my head and started saying a Hail Mary. I remember thinking, ‘I can’t believe I’m going to die here.’ Saying the Hail Mary, I didn’t feel alone for that moment of time. The noise got so loud it was unbelievable. After a while it was all quiet. But I couldn’t breathe; there was smoke and soot everywhere.” As he climbed through the debris, Fuentes felt like he was in “a combat zone.” “I couldn’t believe my eyes. There were mounds of debris 20 feet high, and suddenly I was hardwired to rescue people. We had to do something. We had to get people out of there,” he recalled. “Then, I heard a noise and looked up and the North Tower started coming down. I knew I couldn’t get out. So I knelt down, put my hands on my head and said the Hail Mary one more time. And that was it — silence.” Fuentes was eventually found because his radio continued transmitting after the tower’s collapse: “Two hours after the tower fell, someone heard radio static and looked down a hole and said, ‘Who’s there?’ I said, ‘It’s me.’” Weeks after being placed into a drug-induced coma, Fuentes began to regain consciousness. “I started opening my eyes, and I looked and saw my wife there on a cot,” he said. “She’s everything to me. I’m alive because of her. She was my rock. Our family was always close; we became even closer through this. Character is developed during times of challenge.” One decade later, Fuentes continues to deal with the aftermath of Sept. 11. “I saw great courage that day,” he said, “and we lost many good men. My mission is that they not be forgotten, and also to prepare our first responders to deal with this … if this ever happens again.”♦



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he end of my first month as a field agent was nearing Around that kitchen table, we sat and talked a bit more. The when I finally met Mario Gonzalez and his family near Gonzalezes spoke about going to Disney someday, fixing their Pearland, Texas, about 15 miles south of Houston, in a brick roof, redoing their kitchen and having (future) grandchildren. two-story house with a modest front yard and shade tree. Ar- Recently, they celebrated their daughter’s quinceañera. riving that sunny Saturday morning, I walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell. With no answer, I thought that A HOSPITABLE AGENCY Mario might not be there. I could reschedule the appoint- Not two weeks later, Frank Serenil Jr., the council’s financial ment, but didn’t know when we’d be able to find another secretary, called me. Frank is also Karen’s father, and he said time to meet. that Mario was very sick. I cleared my schedule and rushed Our meeting had to be on a weekend because the family’s over to the hospital, but before I got there, Frank called again work schedule was a bit complicated then. Mario worked to tell me that Mario had passed away. nights for UPS as an operations supervisor, and his wife, I rushed to St. Luke’s Hospital anyway and went to the Karen, worked days as a loan officer for JP Morgan Chase. front desk for information. The receptionist told me where I Throughout the week, Karen would sometimes get glimpses could find the family, but out of curiosity asked what “field of Mario, but he would usually be sleeping when she got agent” meant, per the name badge on my lapel. I explained home. that I was the family’s insurance agent. The staff said they After a final ring of the doorbell, one of Mario’s sons came had never seen an insurance agent from any other company to the door and called for his mother. She was apologetic and explained that Mario forgot about the meeting and was at a football practice with two of their boys. He’d be back soon, she said. I sat inside, and over a cup of coffee, Karen and I talked for a half-hour. She was full of questions about the Knights, about the insurance, about what I did. “What exactly is a field agent?” she asked. My job, I said, is to make sure all of the families I serve have the protection they need to proA Knights of Columbus insurance agent vide for their families, whether in death or extends a hand to a member and his family retirement. I can help plan a funeral. I can work with the cemetery to make all final arrangements. I can help negotiate benefits or work on probate by Joseph P. Hernandez & Brian Dowling needs. “Nobody offers that kind of service anymore,” she said. When Mario returned, he apologized for being late and come to the hospital. A man shook my hand. And a woman walked to the kitchen. Before we talked about insurance, he actually hugged me. made a generous breakfast for the family of eggs, potatoes, The family was surprised to see me as well. I went over to bacon, chorizo and tortillas. Karen to offer my condolences and was introduced to the enMario was born in Monterrey, Mexico, because his parents tire family. “This is Joseph,” Karen said. “He is our insurance — Texan residents originally from Mexico — returned the agent with the Knights of Columbus, and he is here to be family there when he was born. He had short, black combed- sure we’re taken care of.” Over the course of the day, more back hair that framed his face and kind, direct eyes. At 40 than a hundred people visited Mario’s room. years old, he was athletic, healthy. When he finally sat down, After the hospital visit, I drove back to the office to talk to Karen peppered him with a series of questions, many begin- my general agent. In 28 years, he said, his agency had never ning, “Mario, did you know that the Knights …?” had a member die with temporary insurance, before the polAfter breakfast, the Gonzalezes had concerns about icy was fully underwritten. Later, Karen’s sister, Elaine Grawhether they would qualify for a policy with the Knights. cia, called and asked if I’d help Karen make arrangements. Money was a bit tight, and they had been denied policies by Karen, her family and I met for breakfast the next day to a number of other companies. walk through funeral planning at a small diner nearby. After Crunching some numbers and after a bit of research, I talking with Elaine the previous night, I found out all that I found that there was nothing that would automatically deny could about the funeral home: services, packages, the differthem a policy. “It’s still possible that the application won’t go ence between a sealed and unsealed casket, the different linthrough,” I said, “but we won’t know until we submit it.” ings available, etc. Mario and Karen purchased insurance for themselves and all At the funeral home, we were ushered into a conference four of their children. room with the funeral director. He introduced himself to

To Be Sure We’re Taken Care Of

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photos by eric Kayne

In Houston’s St. Frances Cabrini Catholic Church, Karen Gonzalez holds a framed photograph of her late husband, Mario, who died weeks after purchasing life insurance from Knights of Columbus Field Agent Joseph Hernandez. SEPTEMBER 2011

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Joseph Hernandez stands in St. Frances Cabrini Church in Houston. everyone, but when he came to me he had a puzzled look on his face. Karen told him that I was a family friend. He looked at my badge and asked what “field agent” meant. I explained that I was an insurance agent, and, in response, he removed the large options binder and pricing guide from the table saying, “We won’t need those today.” On our way to St. Frances Cabrini Church to make preparations for the service, Karen’s father commented that he had heard of Knights of Columbus field agents doing things like this, but had never seen it until now. At the church, we began to piece together what the celebration would look like. I assisted the grand knight in praying the rosary since they wanted it said in both Spanish and English. The following day, along with at least 500 of Mario’s closest friends and family members, I attended the funeral Mass at the church and went to the cemetery for the burial.

On the way to St. Frances Cabrini Church, Karen’s father commented that he had always heard of the field agents doing this, but had never seen it until now.

NEXT STEPS As things quieted down, I kept in contact with Karen. The following week, we had a meeting with UPS’ human resources department about continuance of Mario’s benefits, final paychecks and bonuses — everything that could help Karen. Karen and I were to meet with the human resources representative at a library close to her house. In keeping with company policy, UPS asked Karen to return Mario’s work keys, work cellphone and other company material. “They asked for his uniforms,” Karen said, visibly upset. “Did you at least keep one?” I asked. “Yes.” Within the week of Mario’s passing, the death benefit from the Knights of Columbus policy reached Karen. (Mario’s company benefit arrived later.) Even though Mario passed away unexpectedly within days of writing the application, the Order paid based on the temporary insurance we provide while a policy is in underwriting. Karen was so relieved. The 18 ♦ C O L U M B I A ♦


following week, I made an appointment for her to meet with an attorney to help her set up a will and take care of her probate needs. By September, everything was taken care of. With her four children, Karen made it through the next six months, through Thanksgiving and Christmas, through New Year’s and Valentine’s Day. And in February, we met again. Seated once more around her kitchen table, we determined what she should do with the money she received from the K of C insurance policy. I helped her look at a number of banks and investment options, but she decided to invest a portion of it back with the Knights. With the money she kept, Karen finally took care of a few plans that Mario and her gushed about months ago: The roof was fixed and the siding replaced. She spent time painting both inside and outside. She had an alarm system installed. And the kitchen will be remodeled soon, she said. Karen’s sister, Elaine, told her husband about the whole experience, and he joined the Order as a result. And Karen’s family mailed me several letters, one invit-

ing me over for dinner. It’s been a year this August, and Karen is doing well. She was promoted to being a home lending manager and oversees loan officers in 22 bank branches around Houston. We have met for lunch once or twice since then, too. Karen recently said that if her other insurance rep had shown up at the hospital room that day, she would have been a bit uncomfortable. But with me, it felt all right, she said, because over Mario’s breakfast and conversation that sunny Saturday morning in July, talking about the sort of security we all want in the future, we sort of became friends.♦ JOSEPH P. HERNANDEZ is a Knights of Columbus field agent with the Thomas A. Rangel Agency in Houston, Texas. BRIAN DOWLING is creative and editorial assistant of Columbia magazine.


Professing Our Faith In the Nicene Creed, we profess our personal belief in the one faith of the Church by Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted EDITOR’S NOTE: This is the fourth in a series of articles on the Roman Missal in anticipation of the new English-language translation, effective in the United States beginning Nov. 27.

CNS photo/Gregory A. Shemitz, Long Island Catholic


hen we begin to use the new English translation of the Roman Missal this year, we will notice a few changes in the wording of the Nicene Creed. These changes, though not many, are significant. For example, the first word will not be “we” but “I.” Throughout the creed, wherever previously the language read “we believe,” “we confess” or “we look forward,” we will now say “I believe,” “I confess” and “I look forward.” Why the change? First of all, it is a more accurate translation of the Latin word “credo,” which means “I believe.” Secondly, while it is true that we profess the creed together with other believers, the singular pronoun emphasizes a key aspect of faith — namely, that it is a deeply personal decision in response to a wondrous gift from God. No one else can make this decision for us. As the philosopher Josef Pieper said, “Belief can never be half-hearted.” Faith rests on an act of the will. Throughout the creed, then, the word “I” will be used in place of “we” to express this profoundly personal decision of each person present at Mass. Furthermore, God mysteriously raises each person’s freely offered “I believe” into the “I” of Jesus Christ during the celebration of Mass. At this moment, each person discovers that his or her own “I” is not alone and forgotten among a sea of individuals, but is expressed in union with the living Body of Christ, the Church, which forms the one new “I” of faith in the Body of the risen Jesus. Another word that will stand out in the new translation of the creed is “consubstantial,” which takes the place of “one in being.” Both translations point toward the same reality that the Church defended and defined nearly 1,700 years ago. The Catechism of the Catholic Church explains, “The first ecumenical council of Nicaea in 325 confessed in its Creed that the Son of God is ‘begotten, not made, of the same substance (homoousios in Greek) as the Father’” (465). The new translation reflects the desire of the Church to point to the precise meaning of her doctrine: that the Son is a divine person with the same divine nature

(or substance) as God. This more clearly links us, theologically and linguistically, with the creed as professed in Latin and Greek for 17 centuries. A third change to the creed is that instead of saying that Jesus was “born” of the Virgin Mary, we will now say that he was “incarnate” of her. At first glance, it may seem that the Church is just using an archaic word in place of a familiar one. But what is at stake here is much more consequential than that. We confess that Jesus was not just “born of the Virgin Mary,” but that he is “born of the Father before all ages.” He is the only-begotten Son of God, and at the moment of Mary’s “Fiat” in response to the Angel Gabriel, he took on human flesh through her free cooperation — that is, he became incarnate. As the Catechism explains, “the Church calls ‘Incarnation’ the fact that the Son of God assumed a human nature in order to accomplish our salvation in it” (461). Moreover, “Belief in the true Incarnation of the Son of God is the distinctive sign of Christian faith” (463). Finally, you will notice the replacement of the phrase “suffered, died and was buried,” with “suffered death and was buried.” Again, the change in emphasis here is subtle but important. Recall the words of St. Peter: “Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example that you should follow in his footsteps” (1 Pt 2:21). The greatest suffering for human beings is death. In becoming incarnate, Jesus entered into the depths of all human experience, even death itself. By suffering death on the Cross and rising again in glory, he conquered death and opened the way for all to eternal life. Faith in God is a pearl of great price, a precious treasure for which it is worth sacrificing all else to obtain. When we profess our faith together, as we do when praying the creed, we express what unites us. The few but significant changes of the new English translation of the creed will help us to do this with greater meaning and gratitude.♦ BISHOP THOMAS J. OLMSTED of Phoenix is a member of Sts. Simon and Jude Cathedral Council 12708. In February 2011, he became vice president of the Vox Clara Committee, formed to oversee the new English translation of the Roman Missal.


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sgr. Bill Schooler’s parish had a problem. St. Pius X in Granger, Ind., was located in a rapidly developing community and desperately needed to expand its facilities to include a new Catholic school and catechetical center. When all the studies and surveys were completed, it was determined that the land purchase and building project would cost around $12 million. The Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend gave permission to build, but the diocese itself didn’t have the liquid cash available to offer a long-term loan for the construction. That’s when Msgr. Schooler called the Knights of Columbus about ChurchLoan, the Order’s mortgage-lending program designed to help Catholic parishes and institutions thrive, grow and meet their ministerial goals. “We were referred to the Knights and were absolutely delighted,” said Msgr. Schooler. “We got a great rate. If it hadn’t been for the Knights, we couldn’t have done this.” In Birmingham, Ala., Father (now Msgr.) Pat Cullen and his finance council also turned to the Order for the funds necessary to construct a new church and parish center for St. Mark the Evangelist Parish. When all was said and done, ChurchLoan provided nearly half of the project cost at a very competitive rate. “We felt we got a good price, and we gave the Knights some visibility in this part of the country,” said Msgr. Cullen, now pastor at St. Aloysius Parish in Bessemer. “We have plenty of Knights of Columbus councils in the various churches, but in terms of their loan program, this was the first funded project for this area.” A CENTURY-OLD PROGRAM St. Pius X and St. Mark are just two of the hundreds of parishes, schools, hospitals and other Catholic institutions in the United States and Canada that have benefited from the ChurchLoan program. The program has its origins in an informal loan tendered by the Supreme Council to St. Rose of Lima Church in Meriden, Conn., in 1896. Since that time, the Knights of Columbus has approved about $600 million in loans. The ChurchLoan name was branded in 2000, at which time the mortgage initiative — always for capital projects, never for operating budgets — took on a more official capacity under the K of C investments umbrella. Today, there are nearly 100 accounts active on the ChurchLoan books, financing more than $100 million in Catholic capital projects across North America. ChurchLoan offers competitive terms for secured loans (those backed by assets as collateral) and unsecured loans with fixed rates that last anywhere between five and 20 years. These loans don’t directly finance construction, but are designed to replace all or part of a construction loan once the building project is completed. The loans may also be used to consolidate or refinance existing debt, to purchase property, or to make capital renovations. ChurchLoan comprises part of the investment strategy of the Knights of Columbus in support of its policyholders. The loans benefit Church institutions through their attractive terms while at the same time helping to maintain the solid growth of the K of C investment portfolio, which backs the company’s life insurance and annuity products. The K of C never sells off these loans but retains them on its balance sheet as assets of the Order’s insurance program. All ChurchLoan requests are underwritten because they are commercial transactions and are entirely separate from K of C philanthropic initiatives. At St. Pius X, the $2 million ChurchLoan in 2009 replaced the short-term bridge note tendered by the diocese. The balance of the project was funded

St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church in Birmingham, Ala. 20 ♦ C O L U M B I A ♦


HELPING A CHURCH GROW Through ChurchLoan, developing Catholic communities find financing for expansion by Gerald Korson

St mARKS: photos by Joseph DeSciosephotos by Joseph DeSciose photography

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photo by Scott leonard

St. Pius X Catholic School in Granger, Ind.

through a successful capital campaign and a parish deposit account. “Our parish is now at 3,000 families, and our facilities were designed for 1,400, so we were bursting at the seams,” said Msgr. Schooler. “We couldn’t accommodate even our present catechetical program, so we had to do something.” A parish committee study confirmed the need for a catechetical center. Meanwhile, a separate committee determined that the parish should also establish a Catholic school. Robert J. Andrews Sr. of Father Stephen T. Badin Council 4263 in Granger, assisted then-Grand Knight Joseph F. Stazkowicz and field agent Robert Baloun in facilitating the loan process. “Our position as Knights of Columbus was to bring together members of the parish and to be helpful to the church community in order to get this project off the ground,” said Andrews, now grand knight of Council 4263. The parish conducted a massive capital funding drive that greatly reduced its initial ChurchLoan request, he added. After officials from the Supreme Council conducted a site survey, the loan was underwritten at the competitive interest rate of 3.5 percent. ChurchLoan often is able to offer a better rate than most other commercial lenders because of its lower cost of capital. (By comparison, commercial building loan rates in mid-summer 2011 ranged from approximately 4 percent to about 6.5 percent, according to one major business lender.) The project became an overwhelming success. Just three years after the school opened its doors, it is operating at capacity with 625 students — “And we’re out of room again,” said Msgr. Schooler. The parish is now examining options for further expansion of its facilities to meet the increasing need. “Our goal is to educate people from cradle to grave,” he added. “Now we have an education center that meets the needs of a parish of a few thousand families, and we have a Catholic school, too.” For Andrews, support for the project was a natural extension of the Knights’ mission. “We’re supposed to be the protectors of the Church, and we try to be that,” he said. “The best place to start is with Catholic education.” THE NEW ST. MARK Back in Alabama, St. Mark the Evangelist Parish is in effect the new incarnation of an older church by the same name that closed in 1997. The newer parish was established in Birmingham in 1999, and building plans commenced almost immediately. Msgr. Cullen continued the building project when he was named pastor in December 2000 after the founding pastor, Father Patrick Murphy, had passed away earlier that fall. St. Mark was among the more ambitious building projects in the diocese, with plans calling for a church and a combination office-and-catechetical building situated on 19 acres to allow for the option of later establishing a school. “The church was probably high-end because the driving force for the people was that they wanted something that looked like a church and felt like a church. They were reacting somewhat against the idea of an auditorium-style church, so that certainly increased some of the costs of the building,” said Msgr. Cullen. The eventual plans called for a Gothic design with high ceilings

and a large sanctuary around the altar. The final price tag? Just over $13 million, of which ChurchLoan financed about half. The Knights were skeptical at first that collections could support such loan payments in the usually cash-strapped South. The ChurchLoan site study and underwriting of the loan application, however, confirmed that the parish was more affluent than average and that St. Mark qualified for the loan. The grand new church, dedicated in 2003, was furnished in large part with items from closed or renovated churches. Stainedglass windows along the nave were purchased from the old cathedral of Crookston, Minn. Clerestory windows of the sacraments and the furniture in the day chapel had been saved from the old St. Mark Church in nearby East Thomas. Another set of larger windows remains in storage, still to be installed when the funds become available. LONG-RANGE PLANNING In 2008, two years after Msgr. Cullen’s transfer to Bessemer, Father Joe Culotta was pastor of St. Mark when the parish found itself staring at a huge balloon payment. The original ChurchLoan was structured as a five-year loan with payments based on a 20-year amortization, which would have required substantial additional principal-only payments in order to avoid a formidable payoff balance at the end of the five-year term. The parish had committed to making these additional payments out of its typically generous Christmas collections, but these end-of-year donations had fallen drastically due to the economic downturn. What’s more, the parish had already swelled from 700 to 1,000 families and had been forced to expand its physical plant with the help of a diocesan loan. The parish went back to the K of C seeking ways to refinance its ChurchLoan in favor of more manageable terms with fixed monthly payments, taking advantage of historically low interest rates. “We just felt it was more beneficial to be able to predict what our debt would be as we planned long-range,” explained Father Culotta. Jon Gaston, a parishioner and certified public accountant who oversees the parish budget, developed a proposal for a 15-year refinanced loan, which the Knights accepted. “The Knights of Columbus were very gracious and very eager to refinance our loan,” Gaston said. “They gave us great terms, terms that we wanted. It’s good to do business with them — that’s the way we felt.” Father Culotta, who was one of the diocesan consultors at the time of the original loan, also expressed enthusiasm over his experience with ChurchLoan officials. “Whenever I had questions and called the Knights of Columbus office, it was as easy as can be,” he said. “They took as much time as we needed to feel comfortable with the entire process.” At St. Pius X in Indiana, Msgr. Schooler echoed these sentiments over his experience with ChurchLoan in assisting with his own parish church and school projects. “It’s been extraordinary,” he said. “We couldn’t have done it without the Knights, and I’m extremely grateful to them.”♦ GERALD KORSON writes from Fort Wayne, Ind.


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The Saints’ Guide to Charitable Estate Planning The lives of the saints provide lessons about generosity in this world as we prepare for the next by Patrick Gallagher


hile many people routinely support Church and charity during their lifetimes, the number who use their estates — wills, trusts, life insurance, retirement plans, etc. — for charitable purposes is much smaller. There are many ways to contribute from one’s estate, some of which even provide current financial benefits to the donor. In addition to consulting a financial advisor — such as your professionally trained Knights of Columbus Insurance agent — we can learn from the wisdom of the saints. After all, many holy men and women, even after a lifetime of charitable giving, benefited Church and charity through their wills. In other words, they continued their good works in this world after they went onto the next. ROYAL INHERITANCE Some of the earliest saintly charitable bequests came from members of the clergy. One of the first Doctors of the Church, Gregory of Nazianzus (died 389), was a brilliant theologian, bishop and poet. When his parents died, he donated much of his inheritance to the needy. Similarly, when Gregory came to the end of his own earthly life, he left much of his estate to the

Church for the relief of the poor. According to a 2001 biography of St. Gregory, he willed a villa to his deacon and a monk, “together with sufficient gold to maintain it as a monastic establishment in the future.” Another example is St. Perpetuus (d. circa 491), bishop of Tours. Born of a Roman senatorial family, Perpetuus owned several estates and directed their income to the Church. In his will, which he wrote 16 years before his death, Perpetuus gave his library and several farms to the Church. More poetically, though, Butler’s Lives of the Saints reports that he left the proceeds from the rest of his possessions to those whom he called “my children, O poor of Christ, needy, beggars, sick, widows, orphans.” Not surprisingly, many bequests came from royal saints. St. Pulcheria (d. 453), for instance, was the granddaughter of a Roman emperor and later married the emperor’s successor. A member of the royal court for most of her life, Pulcheria’s devotion to the Church and the poor played out in her will when she left the whole of her personal estate to the poor and religious causes. These bequests were reportedly carried out by her emperor husband in the “most scrupulous exactitude,” according to a 1907 work titled The Life and Times of the Empress Pulcheria. Likewise, the French King St. Louis IX (d. 1270) was a devout Catholic who built churches and monasteries, helped the poor, and led two Crusades. In his will, Louis left his library to the Franciscans and Dominicans in Paris, and made additional bequests to the Franciscans at Jaffa. According to a biography written in 1913, the king’s last will and testament “needed time and thought, that his works of mercy might endure after his demise. The magnificence of his bequests merely testifies to the lavish scale of his charitable expenditure during life. No detail was too trivial to be included, not even the thirty pounds a year to provide soup every day for his eighty blind pensioners in the hospice at Melun.” Other saintly royalty were also posthumously generous. The English king St. Alfred the Great (d. 899) bequeathed half of all his goods to monasteries that he founded and he gave additional revenue to the

(From left:) St. Philip Howard, St. Gregory of Nazianzus, St. Alfred the Great and St. Katharine Drexel.

poor. St. Mathilda (d. 968), the first queen of Germany, built convents and churches and tended to the poor. A biography titled Vita Mathildis, written in the early 12th century, stated that at the end of St. Mathilda’s life, “she paid out the abundance of riches which she still had to the bishops, priests, and the poor, and divided it among monasteries.” Lastly, St. Hedwig (d. 1399), the young queen of Poland who died during childbirth, endowed the University of Kraków. A MISSIONARY SPIRIT After England broke away from the Church of Rome in the 16th century, British anti-Catholic persecution produced many martyrs. Even in these circumstances, some mindful men and women still included Catholic causes in their wills. A member of Parliament, Blessed John Story (d. 1571) was imprisoned for opposing King Edward VI’s anti-Catholic laws. Under Queen Mary, who restored Catholicism, he prosecuted heresy, but he was arrested again when Elizabeth became queen. Story was convicted of treason and sentenced to death. In his will, he left bequests for convents and had a contingent bequest — which takes effect only

when a certain contingency occurs — for whatever convent his daughter entered if she chose a vocation to religious life. During the same period, Philip Howard led a very privileged life before his father was executed for treason by Queen Elizabeth in 1569. This didn’t prevent Philip from becoming a favorite in the queen’s court and consorting with the women there, despite his marriage. After a while, his neglected wife returned to Catholicism, and Philip followed. They were arrested trying to leave England and accused of praying for the Spanish Armada to defeat the British. Sentenced to death but never executed, Philip died in prison in 1595 and was canonized in 1970 by Pope Paul VI. St. Philip’s will included a bequest to the poor of London. He also reportedly ordered that, if Catholicism were restored in England, two of his homes should go to religious communities and all religious lands he owned be returned to the Church. More recently, in the late 19th century, St. Katharine Drexel developed a strong sense of service, watching her wealthy parents share food and money with poor people in their Philadelphia home. When her father, an investment banker, died in 1885, he left a $15 million estate (more than $250 million today). His will directed 10 percent to charity, then created what was essentially a charitable remainder trust, in which the three Drexel daughters each received about $1,000 per day for life. In an audience with Pope Leo XIII after the death of her father, Katharine expressed concern for Native Americans and African Americans, as well as her wish that a religious order would minister to them. The pope replied, “Why not be a missionary yourself?” With this, she entered a convent and ultimately founded the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament. In the end, Katharine personally saw little of her trust income. Instead, she put $20 million of her inheritance into her order. By 1955, when she died, the sisters had established 65 institutions in 21 states. So, what is to be learned from these saints? Simply put, it wasn’t the method of giving that mattered, but the mission. While these are stories of mostly wealthy saints, the opportunity to use one’s estate for charitable purposes isn’t limited to the very rich. Leaving a charitable bequest isn’t a sure path to canonization, but it might very well be evidence of a certain amount of holiness. These saints cared deeply about the Church’s ministries and the needs they saw, and they did something to help. In their compassion and generosity, they make great role models for us.♦ PATRICK GALLAGHER lives with his wife, Roberta, and their four children in Aberdeen, S.D., where he works for the Catholic school system.


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to take home. Each widow was also given the contact information of a council member in case she requires any assistance at her home. DEMONSTRATING GOOD

Members of Beatrice (Neb.) Council 1723 and other volunteers spread new wood chips at the playground at St. Joseph School. In order to get the playground up to code on the school’s insurance policy, Knights distributed two truckloads of wood chips, creating a layer that was six inches thick.


Sangamon Valley Council 5745 in Petersburg, Ill., conducted a used medical equipment drive with help from the key club at Port High School. Knights and students collected a number of used canes, walkers, crutches, wheelchairs and more for the

Hospital Sisters Mission Outreach program, which recycles used medical equipment for needy people around the world. WATCHING FOR THE ‘BELLS’

Pokrova Council 13561 in Bristol, Pa., hosted a screening of the 1945 film The Bells of St. Mary’s to help raise funds to restore the bells at St. Mary Ukrainian Catholic Church. The screening raised $480.

Cardinal Council 1691 in Cicero, Ill., held a food and clothing collection in conjunction with a council recruitment drive at St. Odilo Church. Knights collected two vans full of clothing and food for area shelters. PANCAKE BREAKFAST

Bishop McNamara Council 1622 in Frederick, Md., hosted a pancake and sausage breakfast that raised $372 for Birthright. STAYING AT DANIELLE’S PLACE

Slidell (La.) Council 2732 donated $1,000 to Danielle Inn, a home for unwed mothers in crisis pregnancies. The facility provides a safe home for women where they can learn social skills and are encouraged to choose life for their babies.


Sean Stull of St. Francis of Assisi Council 10994 at Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst in Wrightstown, N.J., drills holes for wall anchors while mounting a flat-screen TV at the base’s chapel. Long underutilized, the chapel needed to be made ready for a new influx of religious education students. Knights painted and carpeted the chapel and its 22 classrooms and installed televisions, DVD players, whiteboards and corkboards in each room.

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Immaculate Conception Council 14405 in Cainta, Luzon, collected and distributed used books and magazines to inmates at the Cainta Municipal Jail. LOOKING OUT FOR WIDOWS

Dupontaris Council 845 in Morris, Ill., hosted its annual dinner for council widows. What started 11 years ago as a simple event for council widows has expanded into a large dinner for widows throughout the parish and the community. Those in attendance enjoyed a meal prepared by the Knights and a tray of cookies



Msgr. Andrew McGowan Council 14095 in ScrantonDunmore, Pa., purchased Bibles for the religious education students at Immaculate Conception of Mary Church. HOME FOR A HERO

Father John C. Drumgoole Council 5917 on Staten Island hosted a charity breakfast to benefit Army Spc. Brendan Marrocco, the first veteran of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to lose all four limbs and survive. The breakfast raised $4,000 to help defray the cost of building a new

A technician from Alvair Medical Laboratory prepares to take a patient’s blood sample during a medical mission hosted by Lucena (Luzon) Council 3469. The council and the laboratory co-hosted the medical mission, which offered a variety of tests that ranged from blood screenings to x-rays to vision exams for nearly 500 people.

house for Marrocco, a project undertaken by the organization Homes for Heroes that will cost approximately $500,000. Among those in attendance at the event were former heavyweight boxer Gerry Cooney and Immediate Past State Deputy Arthur J. Harris. MASS WEDDING

As part of a project to promote family values and bring unmarried couples back to the Church, Sacred Heart of Jesus Council 14958 in Garchitorena, Luzon, hosted a mass wedding for 13 area couples. Each couple celebrated the sacrament of matrimony in an effort to build a more Christian-oriented community. ROOF RE-SHINGLED

Father Ben Mysliwiec Council 8806 in Gun Barrel City, Texas, volunteered to reshingle and perform other repairs at the St. Jude Church parish hall.


“Wheelchairs for Veterans” drive at three Sarasota-area parishes. Knights raised $31,800 during the drive — enough to purchase 212 wheelchairs for veterans with disabilities at the Bay Pines VA Outpatient Clinic in St. Petersburg. MOVE HELP

five churches a decade ago, the council has since expanded to serve 11 parishes, with an average $1,200-1,400 raised at each event.

While undergoing a capital campaign to fund a new church building, St. Jude Parish in Fredericksburg, Va., moved to a new transitional place of worship a few blocks away from its initial rental. St. Jude Of Massaponax Council 13599 in Spotsylvania provided manpower for the move by relocating the sanctuary platform, audio system, storage closet, pews, chairs, statutes and organ. The council also donated $3,000 toward the purchase of new audio system for the parish.



Msgr. Charles L. Elslander Assembly in Sarasota, Fla., held a two-month-long

Father Joseph Boehr Council 4753 in Tiverton, R.I., and its ladies’ auxiliary arranged to have blankets crafted for the residents of the Southpointe Rehabilitation and Skilled Nursing Center. Knights and their ladies donated funds to have 150 blankets made — one for each resident.

Mario Gonzalez and Rudy Lopez of John W. Adamson Council 5972 in Miami stand with some of the baby supplies that the council collected for the newborn baby of a needy family. Knights donated a carriage, carrier and other supplies to the family.


St. Mary’s Council 5406 in Longmeadow, Mass., raised more than $2,880 for Rylee Jewell, 4, who was born with a cyst on her brain that caused her head to develop much smaller than normal. The condition has resulted in severe disabilities for Jewell, who was also diagnosed with epilepsy. The funds will help purchase a new stroller for Jewell after she outgrew her old one. FOOD PANTRY DONATION

St. Vincent Council 1111 in Cape Girardeau, Mo., donated $754 to the food pantry run by Catholic Social Ministries. BENEFIT BREAKFASTS

Father Nouvel Council 4232 in Saginaw, Mich., started a charity breakfast program in 2000 that has raised more than $100,000 over the past 10 years. Each month, the council chooses a local parish to host a breakfast and donates the net proceeds from the event back to the church. After starting with a core group of


Staff members at Today’s Woman Health & Wellness Center examine some of the stuffed animals that were collected and donated by Santa Maria Council 2829 in Winston-Salem, N.C. Knights hosted a stuffed animal drive that netted more than 750 plush toys for the center, which provides health care services to low-income women and their children.

As part of its “Operation Knight Flight” program, Bishop William J. Power Assembly in Bellevue, Wash., delivered 400 care packages to the Madigan Army Medical Center in Tacoma. Each package contained personal items, games and snacks for injured soldiers returning from the Middle East. “Operation Knight Flight” regularly sends care packages to U.S. troops in Iraq, Afghanistan and area military hospitals.

By every measure, last month’s World Youth Day in Madrid was a rousing success. For pilgrims from North America, though, getting to Europe was an expensive trip. Here’s how some K of C councils helped: • Holy Cross Council 5423 in Burnaby, British Columbia, hosted a pasta dinner that raised $1,200 to send parishioners to World Youth Day. • St. John Council 5796 in Milpitas, Calif., donated $6,000 to the youth group at St. John Church to defray costs for the group to attend World Youth Day. • Joseph M. Amley Council 5083 in Oscoda, Mich., and its ladies’ auxiliary held a charity dinner to help send diocesan youth to World Youth Day. Knights served 135 meals and raised $800 to help defray travel expenses associated with the trip. • Through a series of fundraisers, raffles and donations, Archbishop Seghers Council 1760 and Bishop Kenny Council 11757, both in Juneau, Alaska, raised $2,500 to offset the estimated $30,000 needed for area pilgrims to attend World Youth Day.


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After Richard Akins of Knights of the Resurrection Council 13851 in Tualatin, Ore., and his wife saw several homeless people dragging blankets in Portland, he pitched an idea to his council to purchase sleeping bags for needy members of the community who often spend their nights on the streets of the city. Since starting the program, Knights have partnered with local parishes and civic groups to purchase 150 sleeping bags for area homeless.

Volunteers from Maynard (Mass.) Council 2121 man a welcome table while technicians from the American Red Cross collect blood from donors during a council-sponsored blood drive. Knights hosted and volunteered at the event, which collected 44 pints of blood.


West Frankfort (Ill.) Council 11111 donated $500 to the Knights of Columbus Developmental Center at the Cardinal Glennon Children’s Medical Center in St. Louis. Founded in 1981 with funding from the Knights of Columbus, the pediatric facility provides medical consultation for children with intellectual disabilities. WHEELS FOR FATHER

In 2009, Trinity Council 313 in Bethlehem, Pa., met Father Jim Kahakulya, a priest from Africa who spends his summers working with parishes throughout Pennsylvania’s Lehigh Valley. At the time, Father Kahakulya requested aid in purchasing a new car since he drives several hundred miles each week over poorly paved roads in Nairobi and Kenya to teach at area seminaries. Over the past two years, and through a variety of fundraisers, Knights raised $7,000 to purchase a new vehicle for Father Kahakulya. BREAD RUN

Each week, members of St. Victor Council 4112 in San Jose, Calif., pick up ap-

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volves charity dinners to benefit specific recipients. Launched initially to help a council member who needed a double knee replacement, Knights sponsor the dinners as needed to aid council members, parishioners or members of the community. Since starting, the council has raised more than $31,000 to help a family affected by layoffs; a 38-year-old man with terminal pancreatic cancer; a woman who risked losing her eyesight completely without treatment not covered by her insurance; and several others. FURNACE FUNDING

proximately 10 large bags of surplus bread from an area bakery and deliver them to a San Jose residential care facility. The bread, in turn, helps to feed people who are recovering from drug or alcohol addictions.

install a new sprinkler system and lay new sod for the entire church complex. Knights landscaped most of the church grounds with trees and shrubs donated by a parishioner, all of which will be irrigated by the new sprinklers.



During a major outdoor remodeling project at St. Jude Thaddeus Church, St. Jude Council 9363 in Livingston, Calif., offered its services to

Blessed Sacrament Council 11001 in Lincoln, Neb., held a sloppy joe night and pancake breakfast that raised nearly $1,400 for an orphanage in Ethiopia that is run by the Missionaries of Charity. Specifically, the orphanage cares for children orphaned by or diagnosed with AIDS. PIETA PURCHASED

William Bohns of Pope John Paul the Great Council 13859 in Middle River, Md., spoons out ice cream during an appreciation night for the altar servers of Our Lady, Queen of Peace Church. The evening included pizza and ice cream, popcorn and a movie, and games and awards for all those in attendance.


Barry’s Bay (Ontario) Council 6894 and St. Casimir Council 12218 in Round Lake Center funded a statue of the Pieta at St. Andrew Church in Killaloe. Bishop Smith Assembly in Pembroke provided an honor guard for the statue’s blessing and dedication. KNIGHTS OF CARING & SHARING

Big Thompson Council 3434 in Loveland, Colo., launched a program called “Knights of Caring and Sharing” that in-

St. Bernard Council 11072 in Elkford, British Columbia, donated $1,400 toward the purchase of a more efficient furnace at its parish. SPIRITUAL SEMINAR

Western Visayas College of Science and Technology Council 11517 in Iloilo City sponsored a life and spirit seminar at the Carmelite monastery in Palau. Knights provided snacks for all those in attendance and solicited 5,000 pesos (about $112) from participants. SHOES FOR YOUNG PEOPLE

Members of Father James J. Scanlon Council 6936 in Highland Springs, Va., collected and donated 94 pairs of children’s shoes to Commonwealth Catholic Charities for distribution to young people in need. exclusive See more “Knights in Action” reports and photos at knightsinaction


Supreme Council Awards $1.5 million in College Grants FOR THE 2011-12 academic year, the Knights of Columbus awarded scholarships totaling more than $1.5 million to 621 students. Most recipients are the children of Knights or Knights themselves attending Catholic universities or Catholic colleges in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico or the Philippines. These figures include $287,500 in grants to 115 seminarians in the United States and Canada. At the grassroots level, K of C councils and assemblies distributed more than $6.8 million in scholarships and more than $3.9 million in religious education grants during the 2010-11 fraternal year according to the 2010 Survey of Fraternal Activity. For more information about the Order’s scholarship programs, visit


A total of 161 U.S. students received Fourth Degree Pro Deo and Pro Patria Scholarships of $1,500 each. These scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic excellence to incoming freshmen in bachelor’s degree programs at Catholic colleges or Catholic universities. The recipients are Knights of Columbus or Columbian Squires, the son or daughter of a Knight in good standing, or the son or daughter of a Knight who was in good standing when he died. Contingent on satisfactory academic performance, these scholarships are renewed for a total of four years.

This academic year, 30 new scholarships were awarded, and 131 were renewed. The following are first-time recipients: Laura M. Aumen, Nicholas D. Brinza, Madeleine M. Curtis, Anthony E. DiCanio, Damaris A. Duarte, Paul M. Fortin, Wendy M. Gonzales, Lauryn M. Gregorio, Marina A. Hart, Lauren M. Heery, Maggie E. Jacobsen, Theresa A. Kinyon, Kathleen E. Krah, Kevin P. Krautscheid, Katherine M. Kreienkamp, Paul J. Kuczynski, Patrick N. LaPorta, Katherine Léon, Elizabeth M. Masarik, Sarah E. Moravsik, Joseph V. More, Michael M. Orr, Emma M. Parma, Daniel J. Petrocelli, Mary E. Redden, Anthony M. Shoulta, Olivia E. Skellie,

Anna M. Smith, Matteo L. Stohlman and Joseph A. Tomassi. FOURTH DEGREE PRO DEO AND PRO PATRIA SCHOLARSHIPS (CANADA)

These scholarships are for students entering colleges or universities in Canada, with requirements regarding K of C membership the same as for their U.S. counterparts. Ten new scholarships were awarded and 29 renewed for a total of 39 grants for the current academic year. New recipients are: Janelle M. Boudreau, Alexandre P. Coholan, Aaron J. Eckel, Melanie D. Flynn, Breanne K. Jamieson, Andrew T. Kraemer, Monique A. Lim, David C. McQuillan, Lily Trottier and Stefanie C. Yap. JOHN W. MCDEVITT (FOURTH DEGREE) SCHOLARSHIPS

This scholarship was established in 1998 in honor of the Order’s 11th supreme knight. Recipients must be enrolled at a Catholic college or Catholic university in the United States and be a Knight, the wife of a Knight, or the son or daughter of a Knight. Widows and children of members who died in good standing are also eligible. In addition to the 24 new recipients listed here, 91 scholarships were renewed, for a total of 115 awarded. New recipients are: Peter C. Atkinson, Meaghan E. Boyd, Paul J. Burghart, Eleanor M. Carrano, Stephen J. Charnley, Joseph H. Copp, Anna J. Crider, Kaitlin J. Fellrath, Mary C. Finnegan, Erin L. Foley, James T. Fox, Elizabeth M. George, Kaitlyn M. Hite, Levi N. Hopkins, Abigail E. Lown, Robert H. McGeehan, Sara C. McNamara, Stephen T. Michalak, Jacalyn B. Russ, Amanda J. Schockling, Shannon R. Stein, Carlene T. Syta,

Patrick T. Walsh and Lindsay M. White. ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP FUNDS

The Percy J. Johnson Scholarships are awarded to young men attending U.S. Catholic colleges or Catholic universities and are funded by a 1990 bequest of Percy J. Johnson, a member of Seville Council 93 in Brockton, Mass. Six scholarships were awarded and 15 renewed for a total of 21 awarded for the 2011-12 academic year. New recipients are: John J. Delac, Evan J. Graczyk, Peter M. Guthrie, Theodore J. King, Joseph A. Shorma and David L. St. Hilaire. In 2000, Knights of Columbus Charities Inc. received a $100,000 donation from Frank L. Goularte. A scholarship fund in his name was established to provide $1,500 in need-based grants that are administered, in general, according to the rules of the Pro Deo and Pro Patria Scholarships. One new scholarship was awarded for the current academic year and three were renewed. The new recipient is Mary E. Bucki. From 1995 to 1997, Knights of Columbus Charities Inc. received bequests totaling nearly $200,000 from the estate of Anthony J. LaBella. In his will, LaBella remembered the kindness shown to him by Knights when he was an orphan in Farmingdale, N.Y. The bequests have since been used to establish a scholarship fund in LaBella’s name. Earnings from the fund provide scholarships for undergraduate study in accordance with the rules and procedures of the Pro Deo and Pro Patria Scholarships. Three new scholarships were awarded, and eight were renewed for the current academic year. First-time re-


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cipients are: Megan L. Carrier, Shelby T. Franklin and Courtney M. Wright. In 1997, Knights of Columbus Charities Inc. received a bequest from Dr. Arthur F. Battista to establish scholarships for graduates of the Cornwall (Ontario) Collegiate and Vocational School. These $1,500 and $2,000 annual scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic merit, financial need, community service and extracurricular activities. Preference is given to Knights; to the children or grandchildren of members; to students recommended by the Ontario State Council; and to students bound for Catholic colleges or Catholic universities. For the current academic year, 33 new scholarships were awarded, and 27 grants were renewed. New recipients are: Brandon Acheson, Nazira Imtiaz, Brittney Price, Maryiam Ahmad, Mehak Irfan, Kayla Sunday, Anaam Anaam, Justin Kyte, Lauren Wheeler, Kyle Atwell, Samantha Lang, Valerie Williams, Shaunie Collin, Breanna MacDonald, Kelsey Winters, Christopher Cafariello, Alisa Kroon, Shakila Mohmand, Ashley Desrosiers, Yuxuan Lin, Rabia Nadeem, Philip Everson, Ryan Macdonell, Kristian Quosdorf, Nivethan Ganeshalingam, Morgan MacInnis, Lindsay Sayers, Ryan Hamill, Gowrishankar Mohanathas, Jensen Stanley, Kalynn Helmer, Saima Mohmand and Christian Zimmer. GRADUATE FELLOWSHIPS

The Order has an endowment at The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., that provides Knights of Columbus Graduate Fellowships. Two new fellowships were awarded and five renewed. The new recipients are Benjamin Block and James Crile.

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Two new fellowships for the John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family, on the Catholic University campus, were awarded for the current academic year. First-time recipients are Stephen McGinley and Grzegorz Ignatik. Full-time students in a master’s degree program to become teachers for people with intellectual disabilities are eligible for the Bishop Charles P. Greco Fellowship, named for the former supreme chaplain. However, no new fellowships were awarded or renewed for the current academic year. SISTER THEA BOWMAN FOUNDATION - K OF C SCHOLARSHIPS

This scholarship is named for Sister Thea Bowman (19371990), an African-American religious who inspired many people with her urgent and uplifting call for better education for children of the black community. In December 1996, the Knights of Columbus Board of Directors, in partnership with the Sister Thea Bowman Foundation, authorized a four-year grant in the amount of $25,000 per year to support deserving African-American students pursuing a Catholic college education. Periodically, the board has approved continuation of the grant program. In August 2005, the amount of the four-year grant was increased to $37,500 per year. For the 2011-2012 academic year, five students who were awarded scholarships in 2010 will continue their studies at Catholic colleges. MEXICO SCHOLARSHIPS

Nine new scholarships were awarded in the amount of $500, renewable for up to four years. In addition, six


Educational Trust Fund THE FRANCIS P. MATTHEWS and John E. Swift Educational Trust offers scholarships to the children of members who are killed or permanently and totally disabled by hostile action while serving with the armed forces during a covered period of conflict. In 2004, the Order declared that military conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan would be covered under the trust fund. Also eligible are the children of members who are killed as a result of criminal violence directed against them while performing their duties as full-time law enforcement officers or full-time firefighters. An application must be filed within two years of the member’s death or the determination of his total and permanent disability. As of June 30, a total of 805 children have been recorded as eligible for benefits from the trust fund since its establishment in 1944. Thus far, 342 eligible children have chosen not to use the scholarships, three have died and 125 who began college either discontinued their studies or fully used their scholarship eligibility before graduation. There are 45 future candidates. To date, 284 students have completed their education through the fund. During the 2011-12 academic year, six students will pursue undergraduate degrees through the MatthewsSwift fund — five renewals and one new recipient. The new recipient is Deirdre E. Hynes.

were renewed for a total of 15 scholarships. The new recipients are: Alejandra Delgado-Luján, Maythe LópezMartínez, Beatriz MagañaVelázquez, Sophia NavaGavaldón, José Rocha-Luevano, José RodriguézMéndez, José Rojo-Cuellar, Dalber Vázquez-Arias and Claudia Vázquez-Montes.

$500 each were awarded, and 27 were renewed. New recipients are: Jonahdimary R. Alilio, Mel I. Carballo, Catherine T. Casinillo, Niño B. Colminas, Abigiel R. Deonio, Jade V. Gako, Chane D. Menoria, Bonn A. Morastil and Mac M. Rondilla.



For the 2011-12 academic year, four new scholarships of $500 each were awarded and 12 were renewed. New recipients are: Noemi Cueto-Rivera, Reinaldo Díaz-Hernández, Miriam A. Figueroa-Santos and Yashaira Torres-Alejandro.

Scholarship applications for the 2012-13 academic year will be available after Oct. 1, 2011. To obtain an application or request more information, contact:


For the 2011-12 academic year, nine new scholarships of

Dept. of Scholarships Knights of Columbus P.O. Box 1670 New Haven, CT 06507 203-752-4332




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♦ C O L U M B I A ♦ 31


Patriotism CHARTER MEMBERS of St. Michael the Archangel Council 15250 at Fort Bragg in North Carolina stand with their council charter and with Past State Deputy David R. Jones (center, red jacket) during a ceremony June 19 at the Airborne & Special Operations Museum in Fayetteville. Council 15250 is the Order’s newest military council, located at one of the largest military bases in the United States. • St. Thomas Aquinas Assembly in Wimberley, Texas, hosted a casino night that raised $4,500 for the Warrior and Family Support Center at the Brooke Army Medical Center. The center provides support to soldiers who are wounded in combat and their families.




MEMBERS OF Whitman (Mass.) Council 347 examine the workings of the new boiler at Holy Ghost Church with Father Jason Makos (second from left). When the furnace at Holy Ghost Church suffered a catastrophic failure, members of Council 347 stepped in to investigate the cost of repairs or a replacement. In the end, Knights used the equity in their council hall to secure $48,000 to purchase a new furnace for their parish. Funds for the boiler were presented to Father Makos shortly after his arrival at Holy Ghost Church, which was his first pastoral assignment.

MEMBERS OF Bishop Davis Council 2818 in Williamsburg, Iowa, make repairs to the home of a parishioner from St. Mary Church. Knights volunteered 160 hours and donated $450 worth of materials to replace broken siding at the home, to paint, and to remove dead trees and shrubbery. • St. Cecilia Council 12613 in Pawtucket, R.I., distributed 300 rosaries and pamphlets on how to pray the rosary to religious education students at St. Leo the Great Church and St. Cecilia Church.

MEMBERS OF Blessed Trinity Council 12274 in Greer, S.C., lay the groundwork for a concrete walkway at the home of council member George Carpenter. Carpenter underwent several surgeries and was having trouble entering and leaving his house with a walker. Knights constructed the walkway to aid with Carpenter’s mobility during his recovery. • Msgr. Felix Donnelly Council 4371 in Warner Robins, Ga., raised nearly $10,000 to purchase and install a stained-glass window of the Order’s founder, Venerable Michael McGivney, at Sacred Heart Church.

32 ♦ C O L U M B I A ♦



We Remember On the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, the Knights of Columbus continues to pray for the more than 2,800 people who lost their lives in New York, Virginia and Pennsylvania. We also pray that the nations of the world continue to work diligently toward a lasting global peace that respects the rights and dignity of all people.


Members of Bishop Leo E. O’Neil Assembly in Epping, N.H., stand beneath the 30-foot by 57-foot Patriot Flag during its visit to New Hampshire. In anticipation of the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the Patriot Flag visited 50 states in 50 weeks before being flown in New York City and Shanksville, Pa. The New Hampshire visit was sponsored by Bishop O’Neil Assembly, St. Joseph-St. Raymond Council 6850 and the Raymond Fire Department.




♦ C O L U M B I A ♦ 33



‘I DREAM TO COMMUNICATE LOVE OF TRUTH.’ I am, like St. Augustine, a convert. Before becoming aware of Christ and his holy Church, I sought the truth with all my heart through the study of philosophy. This is how God attracted me to him. Shortly after my conversion and baptism, I was attracted to the monastic life, but I then came upon the Order of Friars Preachers through a meeting with a great Dominican whose wisdom, joy and goodness impressed me very much. Things started to move quite quickly, for I had finally found my vocation. Dominican life is centered on preaching, for which we are prepared through common life, prayer and study. Our motto is: “Contemplate and give to others the fruits of your contemplation.” This is exactly what I intended to do with my life. Today, I have two dreams: to communicate love of truth, by way of discussion and teaching, and to convert Canada by going from village to village, as the Apostles proclaimed the risen Christ to all men. FATHER JULIAN DUGAS, O.P. LAVAL COUNCIL 2721 IN QUEBEC (ORDAINED AUG. 28) Dominican Province of Canada

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