Columbia May 2013

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KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS M AY 2 0 1 3 ♦ V O L U M E 9 3 ♦ N U M B E R 5



8 We Are Here To Serve Knights bring hope, assistance to homeless men in North Carolina. BY SUEANN HOWELL

12 The Fortnight Continues Amid growing threats to religious liberty, Catholics are invited to join in prayer and reflection about our first freedom. BY ARCHBISHOP WILLIAM E. LORI

16 A Column of Strength and Devotion The Knights of Columbus helps to restore a muchvenerated, centuries-old fresco painting of Mary at St. Peter’s Basilica. BY PIETRO ZANDER

20 Our Eastern Brothers An interview with His Grace Archbishop Stefan Soroka about Eastern Catholicism, Orthodoxy and traditions. BY ALTON J. PELOWSKI

24 What’s In a Name? Pope Francis’ unique choice of papal name highlights his pastoral focus. BY FRANCIS M. KRAKOWSKI

An icon of the Our Lady of Kazan is featured in an exhibition of Russian iconography at the Knights of Columbus Museum in New Haven, Conn. The exhibit runs until April 2014.


Building a better world


In solidarity with Pope Francis and those in need, Knights are called to practice faith-inspired charity. BY SUPREME KNIGHT CARL A. ANDERSON

AD DESIGN: Justin Perillo


Learning the faith, living the faith The Blessed Virgin Mary leads us to her son and is a model for the Church’s mission and life of worship. BY SUPREME CHAPLAIN ARCHBISHOP WILLIAM E. LORI

Knights of Columbus News


Order Files Formal Comment on HHS Mandate • Knights in the Philippines ‘Walk for Life’ • Order Mourns Former Deputy Supreme Knight


Ecclesia in America Living and promoting the Gospel in the modern world requires that Catholics work together across borders. BY CARDINAL SEÁN P. O’MALLEY

Fathers for Good Mother’s Day reminds a husband of his duty to cherish his wife and to lead, protect and provide for his family. BY PETER C. KLEPONIS


Knights in Action


Columbianism by Degrees

PLUS Catholic Man of the Month

M AY 2013


Our Mission of Charity SINCE THE ELECTION of Pope Francis on March 13, there has been much news about the new pontiff ’s emphasis on poverty and charity. As archbishop of Buenos Aires, Argentina, he was known for his compassion toward the sick, the poor and the imprisoned. Through words and actions during the first days of his pontificate, the pope has continued to express his solidarity with those whom Christ calls the “least” among us (cf. Mt 25:40). His simplicity and sincere gestures of affection toward everyone he meets have endeared him even to critics of the Church. At the same time, in the analysis of the first days and weeks of Pope Francis’ pontificate, many have attempted to draw a sharp distinction between the new pope and his predecessors. And in some cases, the contrast has implied that recent pontiffs have shunned austerity, have failed to emphasize the corporal works of mercy or have had the wrong priorities. However, we only need to review the writings and pastoral actions of Blessed John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI to realize that this is far from the truth. Consider, for example, the fact that two of Benedict’s three encyclicals — Deus Caritas Est and Caritas in Veritate — include the word “charity” in their very titles. Benedict’s first apostolic exhortation was likewise titled Sacramentum Caritatis (Sacrament of Charity) and explained that Christ’s self-giving love in the Eucharist “gives rise to a service of charity toward neighbor.” When Benedict established norms for the Church’s charitable initiatives in November 2012, he wrote that “the various Catholic organizations should not limit themselves merely to collecting and distributing funds, but should show special concern for individuals in need.” He added, “The Church’s charitable activity at all levels must avoid the risk of becoming just another form of organized social assistance.” 2 ♦ COLUMBIA ♦

Does this sound familiar? In Pope Francis’ first homily as pope, which was published in last month’s issue of Columbia, the Holy Father warned that without Jesus Christ, the Church would become just a “charitable NGO” rather than “the Bride of the Lord.” After all, charity is a theological virtue that finds its source and inspiration in God. The Church’s inseparable duties of proclaiming the Gospel, celebrating the sacraments and exercising charity have not changed (cf. Deus Caritas Est, 25). Pope Francis may bring with him a new energy and style, but if there is anyone who thinks that his mission or teachings are going to be fundamentally different than those of his predecessors, they are mistaken. Rather, faith-inspired charity has been integral to the Church’s identity from the beginning, just as it has been the first principle of the Knights of Columbus since the Order’s founding in 1882. Therefore, the task before the Church today is to live and witness to the perennial message of the Gospel. Washing the feet of the Apostles, Jesus said, “I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you, so you also should love one another” (Jn 13:34). It is a simple message, but it is also a challenging one that can easily be lost amid the noise and distractions of the world. It is thus understandable that the Gospel mandate requires constant repeating and new expressions in order to be heard clearly. On the morning after his election, Pope Francis visited the Basilica of St. Mary Major to ask for Our Lady’s intercession. During the month of May, we also turn to Mary in a special way so that she can lead us more closely to her Son and inspire us in faith and charity.♦ ALTON J. PELOWSKI MANAGING EDITOR

COLUMBIA PUBLISHER Knights of Columbus ________ SUPREME OFFICERS Carl A. Anderson SUPREME KNIGHT Most Rev. William E. Lori, S.T.D. SUPREME CHAPLAIN Dennis A. Savoie DEPUTY SUPREME KNIGHT Charles E. Maurer Jr. SUPREME SECRETARY Logan T. Ludwig SUPREME TREASURER John A. Marrella SUPREME ADVOCATE ________ EDITORIAL Alton J. Pelowski MANAGING EDITOR Patrick Scalisi ASSOCIATE EDITOR Steve James DESIGN ________

Venerable Michael McGivney (1852-90) Apostle to the Young, Protector of Christian Family Life and Founder of the Knights of Columbus, Intercede for Us. ________ HOW TO REACH US MAIL COLUMBIA 1 Columbus Plaza New Haven, CT 06510-3326 ADDRESS CHANGES 203-752-4580 OTHER INQUIRIES 203-752-4398 FAX 203-752-4109 CUSTOMER SERVICE 1-800-380-9995 E-MAIL INTERNET ________ Membership in the Knights of Columbus is open to men 18 years of age or older who are practical (that is, practicing) Catholics in union with the Holy See. This means that an applicant or member accepts the teaching authority of the Catholic Church on matters of faith and morals, aspires to live in accord with the precepts of the Catholic Church, and is in good standing in the Catholic Church.

________ Copyright © 2013 All rights reserved ________ ON THE COVER A crowned image of the Madonna of the Column at St. Peter’s Basilica is pictured after its recent restoration.

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COVER: M. Falcioni, Fabbrica di San Pietro in Vaticano



Protectors of God’s Gifts In solidarity with Pope Francis and those in need, Knights are called to practice faith-inspired charity by Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson

THREE DAYS AFTER the election of Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio as Pope Francis, my wife, Dorian, and I made a pilgrimage to the tomb of St. Francis of Assisi to pray for our new Holy Father. In the Basilica of St. Francis, surrounded by the beautiful 700year-old frescoes of Giotto depicting the life of the great saint, we meditated on St. Francis’ commitment to a life of poverty and solidarity with the poor. Those of us who live in the United States sometimes fail to realize that most Catholics throughout the world are actually very poor. We need to be ever mindful of the words of Pope Benedict XVI in his great encyclical on charity, Deus Caritas Est: “The Church is God’s family in the world. In this family no one ought to go without the necessities of life” (25). As Dorian and I walked in Assisi, it occurred to me that the cardinals of the conclave must have been reading this encyclical when they elected Pope Francis. As archbishop of Buenos Aires, then-Cardinal Bergoglio provided an extraordinary witness of solidarity with the poor. And soon after his election, Pope Francis told media representatives, “I would like a Church that is poor and for the poor!” But building a Church “for the poor” can only happen if we strive for a deeper communion and solidarity among all Catholics — especially those on the American continent. For the first time in history, we

have a pope from the Western Hemisphere. Nearly 500 million Catholics live in Latin America and approximately 50 million Hispanics — most of whom are Catholic — live in the United States. Pope Francis can open up the possibility of a great renewal among Catholics in our hemisphere in a way similar to the experience of Catholics living behind the Iron Curtain when Pope John Paul II was elected in 1978. Last December, the Knights of Columbus joined with the Pontifical Commission for Latin America in sponsoring a historic meeting at the Vatican to observe the 25th anniversary of Ecclesia in America, John Paul II’s watershed document following the Synod for America. That document, like the synod itself, called Catholics in our hemisphere to a greater “encounter with the living Jesus Christ” as “the way to conversion, communion and solidarity in America.” While much has been accomplished in this regard, much more still needs to be done. The Knights of Columbus has been promoting greater solidarity throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico and the Philippines for more than a century, and we can be authentically proud of the tremendous charitable work that is accomplished every day by our Order. Last year alone, we provided 70 million hours of personal service and $168 million to charity. But there is much more to be done and all of us can do more.

As I stated during last year’s Supreme Convention in Anaheim, Calif., if 30 million Catholics in the United States and Canada would join us in providing one hour of charitable service each month — just two minutes every day — the value of that commitment would be worth nearly $8 billion. As Catholics, though, we are called not just to volunteer service. In the words of Pope John Paul II, we are also called to practice “a charity that evangelizes” by revealing to others in our concern for them the love of Christ. This, too, is the deeper meaning of our Order’s founding principles of charity, unity and fraternity. During his inaugural Mass homily, Pope Francis spoke of the example of St. Joseph and challenged all of us to “be protectors of God’s gifts!” How are we to do this as Catholics and as Knights of Columbus? The pope’s answer was clear: “Let us protect Christ in our lives, so that we can protect others.” From the balcony of St. Peter’s Basilica the night he was elected, Pope Francis told us that as Catholics we are all on a journey together. As Knights of Columbus, the signposts for our journey have always been clear: charity, unity and fraternity. Let us continue on our path now under the inspiration of our new guide and pope. Vivat Jesus!

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Mary and the New Evangelization The Blessed Virgin Mary leads us to her son and is a model for the Church’s mission and life of worship by Supreme Chaplain Archbishop William E. Lori

MAY IS a beautiful month. As the sea- closer to Christ. As I proceed through son of spring comes into full bloom, each decade, meditating with Mary the month of May is marked by con- leads me to Jesus and helps open my the Cross. From the Cross, Jesus enfirmations, first holy Communions, heart more widely to the mysteries of trusted John to Mary as her son, and Mother’s Day, graduations, and so Christ’s life. he entrusted Mary to John as his much more. May is also a time to Think of it this way: Christian per- mother. Scripture says, “And from that honor the Blessed Virgin Mary. Many fection consists in becoming like hour the disciple took her into his parishes schedule May crownings or Christ. This is not something we can home” (Jn 19:27). Later, Mary prays special times to recite the rosary as we take for granted. To attain this goal, with the Apostles in the upper room in fittingly associate this lovely time of we need to pray each day and spend anticipation of the coming of the Holy year with the beauty and grace of God’s time reflecting on who Jesus is and Spirit. She surely also joined the Aposmother, Mary. what he did and said to save us. No tles in prayer at the earliest celebrations Of course, devotion to Mary of the Eucharist. Even today, should be a regular part of our the Eucharist is never celefaith lives. Sometimes, though, brated without invoking people claim that popular prayers The Blessed Mother is intimately Mary’s holy name. dedicated to Mary somehow cloud the centrality of Christ in connected with the mission that THE CHURCH’S our lives or obscure the overarchMEMORY Christ entrusted to the Church ing role of the Church’s liturgical In several places, St. Luke’s and sacramental life. I assure you — namely, to preach the Gospel Gospel tells how Mary carethat the opposite is true, for the fully treasured in her heart Blessed Virgin Mary always leads those events she witnessed in to the ends of the earth. us to Christ and provides us with the life of Christ (see Lk 2:19, the model for the Church’s life of 2:51). This gives us the sense worship. Furthermore, Mary is that Mary’s heart was like a inseparable from the Church’s mission one was more closely associated with repository where she could return of spreading of the Gospel. those saving events or more closely again and again to encounter and ponconformed to the will of Christ than der what Jesus said and did. ‘TO JESUS THROUGH MARY’ Mary. The more our hearts are conseWith the coming of the Holy Spirit In his Treatise on True Devotion, St. crated to Mary, the more they will be at Pentecost, the Church’s own memLouis de Montfort taught that we are consecrated to Christ our Redeemer. ory and life of worship has become led “to Jesus through Mary.” He wrote, In addition, Mary provides us the like Mary’s heart, a treasure house of “You never think of Mary without pattern of the Church at prayer. To un- the living memory of Christ and his Mary’s interceding for you with God. derstand this, we need to reflect on the mysteries. Overshadowed by the Holy You never praise or honor Mary with- fact that Mary prayed with the apos- Spirit, the Church in her liturgy “reout Mary’s praising and honoring God tles, as well as on the way in which she members” all that Christ did to fulfill with you.” remembered all that happened in the his Father’s promises. Like Mary’s Praying the rosary is one way that I life of Christ. Mary was present with memory, the Church’s memory is alive have experienced Mary drawing me the beloved disciple John at the foot of in the Holy Spirit, such that when the 4 ♦ COLUMBIA ♦

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Church remembers events in the life of Christ, they are present before us. We, in essence, can share in these mysteries, becoming actors in the great drama of our salvation. Whenever we go to Mass and truly enter into the Scriptures proclaimed and the offering of the eucharistic sacrifice, Mary’s memory sets the pattern. Not surprisingly, then, the Blessed Mother is intimately connected with the mission that Christ entrusted to the Church — namely, to preach the Gospel to the ends of the earth. St. Louis de Montfort notes again that the Christian faithful ask that Mary, “exalted as she is above all the angels


Offered in Solidarity with Pope Francis GENERAL: That administrators of justice may act always with integrity and right conscience.

FATHER KAPAUN: CNS photo/St. Louis Review — POPE FRANCIS: CNS photo/Paul Haring

MISSION: That seminaries, especially those of mission churches, may form pastors after the Heart of Christ, fully dedicated to proclaiming the Gospel.

and saints, intercede for us before her Son in the fellowship of all the saints, until all families of people, whether they are honored with the title of Christian or whether they still do not know the Savior, may be happily gathered together in peace and harmony into one People of God” (Treatise on True Devotion). In accord with this teaching, Blessed John Paul II referred to Mary as “the Star of the First and New Evangelization.” And we, the family of the Knights of Columbus, have become familiar with how the Americas were evangelized through the apparition of Our Lady of Guadalupe to St.

Juan Diego. In the years following Mary’s visitation on Tepeyac Hill, the Gospel spread rapidly throughout the New World. From time to time, as supreme chaplain I am privileged to bless the rosaries that are distributed to members of the Knights of Columbus. As May dawns upon us, let us resolve to increase our devotion to Mary, the Mother of God, by praying the family rosary and by asking Mary’s help in all of our needs. Most especially, let us ask her to intercede for the Church that her mission of evangelization may be blessed with fresh energy and effectiveness in this Year of Faith.♦


Father Emil J. Kapaun (1916-1951) BORN TO A FAMILY of Czech immigrants in rural Kansas on Holy Thursday, Emil Kapaun wanted to be a priest from childhood. He was ordained in 1940, at age 24, and joined the U.S. Army Chaplain Corps in 1944. He was assigned to Camp Wheeler, Ga., and then served the remainder of World War II in Burma and India. Father Kapaun reenlisted in 1948 and, after the Korean War began two years later, was sent into action with the 1st Cavalry Division. Father Kapaun selflessly ministered to his men during the war, celebrating the sacraments and attending the wounded, often at great personal risk. During the Battle of Unsan on Nov. 1, 1950, Father Kapaun ministered to men in their foxholes and aided the wounded, despite being surrounded by Communist Chinese forces. On Nov. 2, after refusing all chances of escape, Father Kapaun was captured as a prisoner of war. From the long march to the POW camps through the time of his captivity, Father Kapaun ceaselessly served and led his fellow prisoners. He was

punished severely for his defiance, but rejected any assent to a Communist “re-education” program with calm assurance and even dared to celebrate Mass in the camp on Easter morning, 1951. As his health began to deteriorate, Father Kapaun was moved to the camp’s so-called hospital. He asked God to forgive his captors and exhorted his fellow soldiers to persevere in their faith. He died alone on May 23, 1951. In 1993, Father Kapaun received the title “Servant of God” and last month, on April 11, he was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor in a White House ceremony.♦

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Order Files Formal Comment on HHS Mandate

The headquarters of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is seen in Washington, D.C. Although the administration issued revised regulations related to the contraception mandate Feb. 1, the U.S. bishops maintain that the mandate still violates religious freedom. broad bipartisan support, the Church Amendment protects health care providers so that no individual or entity is required to violate his or her religious beliefs or moral convictions as part of a government program. The full text of the letter is available at In addition to the letter from the supreme knight, thousands of individual Knights of Columbus and their family members have also filed comments.♦

Knights in the Philippines ‘Walk for Life’

Members of San Mateo Municipal College Council 15660 in San Mateo Rizal, Luzon, carry signs during a pro-life march in their community. In March, Council 15660 joined other Knights and pro-life advocates throughout the Philippines who participated in “walk for life” events in Luzon, Mindanao and Visayas. Thousands of Knights in the three jurisdictions participated in the activities, which were held in support of the culture of life and in opposition to legislation that promotes abortion and contraceptives. 6 ♦ COLUMBIA ♦

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Order Mourns Former Deputy Supreme Knight MEMBERS of the Order mourn the loss of Former Deputy Supreme Knight Ellis D. Flinn, who died April 6 in Charlottesville, Va. He was 78. Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson said Flinn “was a man devoted to his family, his community and his faith. He will be sorely missed, and our condolences go out to his family.” Born in 1934, Flinn was a native of Woodward, Iowa. He served as deputy supreme knight for the Order from 1984 until his retirement in 1997. He was active in Father Justin Cunningham Council 11324 at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville.♦

HHS: CNS photo/Nancy Phelan Wiechec

THE KNIGHTS of Columbus filed formal comments with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services April 8, calling on the administration to rescind the unpopular health care mandate that will force Americans of faith to cover medical services that violate their consciences, without regard for their First Amendment rights. The letter, signed by Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson, urges “the administration to rescind the mandate altogether and chart a new course.” It adds: “lf, however, the administration refuses to do so, we urge it to expand the religious exemption so that objecting individuals and organizations do not lose their conscience rights and are not forced to cooperate in actions that genuinely violate their religious beliefs and moral convictions. Our nation’s history of bipartisan respect for the consciences of its citizens instructs us to do no less.” In the letter, the supreme knight noted that the mandate still fails to protect the rights of religious believers because “individuals and entities that object to paying for abortioninducing drugs, contraception and sterilization must pay for these interventions either directly or indirectly, and they must initiate coverage for these interventions, either directly or indirectly.” The letter also points to a way forward and joins the U.S. bishops in recommending “that the approach found in the Church Amendment to the Public Health Service Act” be adapted to the current mandate. Enacted in 1973 with


Collaboration and Communion Living and promoting the Gospel in the modern world requires that Catholics work together across borders by Cardinal Seán P. O’Malley, O.F.M. Cap. EDITOR’S NOTE: The following text was adapted from a keynote address that Cardinal O’Malley delivered in Spanish Dec. 12, 2012, at an international congress on Ecclesia in America. The congress, which took place at the Vatican, was sponsored by the Pontifical Commision for Latin America and the Knights of Columbus.

erodes the Christian values that have been the foundation of our countries. Certainly, one of the areas where we can work together is in our efforts to promote the Gospel of Life and the family, which is the sanctuary of life. The task is twofold. First, we must call people to a profound conversion and an understanding of the Gospel message; and secondly, we must promote lessed John Paul II’s document Ecclesia in America (1999) laws and structures that will protect innocent human life. speaks often of the need to promote friendship among In a speech to U.S. bishops in January 2012, Pope Benedict Catholics in the Western Hemisphere, reminding us that con- said, “The preparation of committed lay leaders and the presversion leads to communion and solidarity. entation of a convincing articulation of the Christian vision of Historically, the peoples of man and society remain a primary North and South America have task….” If we fail to prepare been separated by geography Catholic leaders, we will see the and language. Today, there is a continued erosion of religious freevery different reality. The world dom, social justice and public has grown smaller because of morality. Just as we have an urgent modern transportation and new need to prepare men and women forms of communication. Likewho aspire to public office, we wise, language is not as much of must also work together to prepare an obstacle as it once was. competent and articulate Catholics The cooperation between the who can present the teachings of churches of our hemisphere the Church in a convincing and must begin with the great comattractive way. This is especially mandment, which Jesus gave at true in the world of media, which the Last Supper when he has an immense influence in shapCardinal Seán P. O’Malley (left) delivers a keynote address washed the feet of his disciples: ing public opinion. Dec. 12, 2012, in the Vatican Synod Hall. Also pictured is “As I have loved you, so you also We must face these challenges Cardinal Marc Ouellet, president of the Pontifical Commission should love one another. This is together, in a spirit of solidarity. for Latin America. how all will know that you are There is no doubt that only faith my disciples, if you have love for can overcome borders, ideologies, one another” (Jn 13:34-35). The love and unity that should racism, class divisions, economic inequalities and the extreme characterize our lives as disciples are essential to the task of evan- individualism propagated by secularism. The words of Jesus gelization. from the Cross are also meant for each of us: “Behold, your John Paul II wrote, “Taking the Gospel as its starting-point, mother” (Jn 19:27). Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mother of the a culture of solidarity needs to be promoted, capable of inspiring Americas, is mother of us all, as we are brothers and sisters in timely initiatives in support of the poor and the outcast, espe- one faith, one baptism. cially refugees forced to leave their villages and lands in order to When God knocked on the door of humanity, the Blessed flee violence” (Ecclesia in America, 52). Virgin Mary opened it in our name. And now she, the Virgin The bishops of the border dioceses between Mexico and the of Tepeyac, will help us to open the door of faith. Among the United States have met often to discuss immigration issues. On- first words of Mary in the Gospel is her fiat, her “yes” to God going communication is essential if we are going to be able to (Lk 1:38). The last words of Mary that appear in the Gospel promote just immigration legislation and serve the immigrant are: “Do whatever he tells you” (Jn 2:5). With this, Mary is populations that cross our borders each year. telling us that together we have to say “yes” to God and open Ecclesia in America also speaks eloquently about the need to wide the door to Christ.♦ respect and defend human life and to resist the culture of death. We face a growing secularization as extreme individualism CARDINAL SEÁN P. O’MALLEY is archbishop of Boston.


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We Are Here to Serve

Knights bring hope, assistance to homeless men in North Carolina by SueAnn Howell


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Photography by Mitchell Kearney

n a rundown industrial area just east of uptown Charlotte, N.C., lies the Men’s Shelter of Charlotte, where hundreds of men line up three times every day for a hot meal and come for a safe place to sleep at night. For the past 15 years, the Knights of St. Matthew Council 10852 have worked to make a difference in the lives of the men at the shelter by preparing and serving dinner at the facility on the first Tuesday of every month. The Knights took their outreach efforts one step further on Holy Thursday, March 28, by sponsoring a joint project with St. Francis of Assisi Circle 4466. Partnering with the nonprofit group Samaritan’s Feet, the Knights and Squires gave away more than 150 pairs of shoes and socks after washing the men’s feet in imitation of Jesus washing the feet of the Apostles. The men who come to the shelter are from all different walks of life, and their stories are as varied as their backgrounds. Many have suffered from longterm unemployment, while others have health, abuse or addiction issues. Some are veterans struggling with post-traumatic stress from their service in the military. Whatever their story, these men are seen as brothers in Christ by the Knights.

The plan for the Holy Thursday event came about during a conversation about spring service activities, explained Rick Caron, family director of Council 10852 and chief counselor of Circle 4466. “The thought came about for a father-son project,” he said. “[We thought] we could do something around Easter — a project at the Men’s Shelter, maybe serve dinner together. Then, a Holy Spirit moment happened, and we came up with the idea to wash the feet of the men at the shelter on Holy Thursday.” The experience was moving for all those involved, including the Knights, their ladies’ auxiliary and the Squires. For the volunteers, it was more than just an opportunity to provide the men with much-needed footwear; it was a chance to be Christ to those men, to show them compassion and to live the Knights’ core principles. “I think this (outreach) reflects all four principals of the Order,” Caron said. “Charity, to serve those men providing them new socks and sneakers; unity, giving us the strength to speak out and be here as Catholic men; fraternity, as a band of brothers coming together as a team to make this happen; and patriotism, as citizens that serve and witness our devotion to Left, and above: Members of St. Matthew Council 10852 in Charlotte, FOLLOWING God and country.” N.C., provide ongoing assistance to the Men’s Shelter of Charlotte by offering CHRIST’S EXAMPLE For Knight Ed Craig, the encouragement to residents. In addition to serving dinner at the shelter once In undertaking their routine Holy Thursday effort was an a month, the Knights prayed with men at the shelter, washing their feet, and acts of charity, the Knights opportunity to emulate the distributed 150 new pairs of shoes and socks on Holy Thursday. of Council 10852 work in example set by Jesus at the teams, with a group of six Last Supper. Craig greeted people preparing food on each man at the shelter Monday and a group of 12 warmly, introducing himself serving the dinner on the following night. In the summer and inviting the men to allow the Knights to wash their feet. months, Knights serve about 250 meals per night; in the win- “We’re washing your feet as Jesus washed his Apostles’ feet,” he ter, that number increases to 300. explained. “We’re all children of God. We’re all equal.” “We have more volunteers than we can use, so we work on Craig said he hopes the men at the shelter and the Knights a first-come basis,” said Bob Wilcocks, the council’s coordina- realize that they are not so different than each other. Like many tor of the monthly outreach. “Everyone leaves with a warm of the Knights, he also asked if he could pray with the men feeling in their hearts and is impressed with the outpouring of before they left, bowing heads and joining in a prayer of thanks from the clients.” thanksgiving to God. M AY 2013


Richard Caron, a member of Council 10852, prays with a man at the Men’s Shelter of Charlotte and washes his feet.

“Being part of the Knights of Columbus is all about charity and giving,” Craig later reflected. “We do a lot of fundraising, but this is where the rubber hits the road. I feel this is so close to what we’re really about.” In one moment of prayer, Craig and a well-dressed young man named Javonte gave thanks to God for the gift of a job, as Javonte had just come from a successful job interview. He had been coming to the men’s shelter for the past year and was looking forward to getting back on his feet. After their time together, Javonte said, “I’ve never had anybody do this for me. It was nice.” JOYFUL SERVICE AND WITNESS The smiles on the men’s faces and the camaraderie in the room during the Knights’ visit spoke volumes about the success of the outreach. Michael, a Vietnam War veteran who is now in a wheelchair, greatly enjoyed the interaction with the Knights. “I am blessed,” he said. The shelter staff was also very grateful. Throughout the day, Julie Putnam, community development relationship volunteer coordinator at the shelter, stood in awe watching the interactions between the Knights and the men. “I think this is remarkable,” Putnam said. “One of the guys just said to me, ‘My feet have been hurting me all week long and I walk in tonight and you guys are giving away shoes.’” She noted that all the men were smiling as they came out after having their feet washed and receiving new shoes, adding that the staff had never seen or heard so much joy from the men. Squire Craig Curtis, 13, had the duty of providing clean water and emptying the basins. “I think the washing of the feet was very inspiring to do,” he said. “As I waited for the 10 ♦ C O L U M B I A ♦

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Knights to wash the feet, I heard some very sad stories, and it made me think how lucky I am to have a home.” In addition to the 151 pairs of shoes given away on Holy Thursday, the Knights and Samaritan’s Feet were able to leave 79 pairs of shoes and socks for additional men in the future. Brian Becker, a member of Council 10852 and a seminarian for the Diocese of Charlotte, explained that the event provided a learning opportunity for the volunteers. The goal was “to mold ourselves into the mission that Christ gave us in the Last Supper,” he said. “This gives us a chance to actually realize what Jesus did apart from the ceremonial foot washing that happens during the liturgy.” Grand Knight Chuck Elgin likewise noted that while the washing of the feet during the Mass of the Lord’s Supper is symbolic, publicly washing the feet of men at a shelter “makes it real.” Elgin added that he hopes that his council’s outreach efforts will encourage more Knights and their families — both in Charlotte and throughout the world — to become actively engaged in service programs. According to Caron, the charity demonstrated by the volunteers was a form of Christian witness. In thanking the volunteers for their participation, he said, “Please pray for the men at the shelter, that we may have given them some hope and confirmed in their minds that they are not alone and Jesus loves them very much.” He added, “Hopefully, we may have helped some return to the Church and grow closer to Christ!”♦ SUEANN HOWELL is the senior reporter at the Catholic News Herald, the official publication of the Diocese of Charlotte, N.C.

CHARITY FOR THE LEAST AMONG US IN ADDITION to its who serves as the secretarywork at the men’s shelter, treasurer of Operation ExoSt. Matthew Council dus Inc. “Giving to the 10852 supports two charcommunity in this way is itable endeavors that serve just one other manifestation persons with physical and of the Knights’ call to be in intellectual disabilities. service to one and to all.” Together with other counThe LAMB Foundation, cils in North Carolina, the meanwhile, helps North Knights provide assistance Carolina Knights support through Operation Exocharities that serve people dus and Least Among My with intellectual disabiliBrethren (LAMB). ties. Begun as Operation Operation Exodus began LAMB in 1969 by Past in 1990 when St. Vincent State Deputy William de Paul Council 9560 in Scott and his wife, MauCharlotte responded to the reen, who had two children needs of a family whose with intellectual disabiliteenage son was confined ties, the program provides to a wheelchair. Under the a way for local K of C direction of Operation Excouncils to collect funds on odus founder Joe Moore, a volunteer basis to benefit Knights built a handicap children with special needs. access ramp at the family’s In 1974, the Knights home. began handing out Tootsie What started as a oneRolls® to raise money, and time project turned into a since that time, 120 counministry and non-profit, cils statewide have set aside legal entity of the North time each year to don yelCarolina Knights of low vests and give out Columbus. Members of candy as they conduct Knights pose with a family during the construction of a wheelchair Council 10852 have been curbside collections. ramp for their son, a project of Operation Exodus. • North Carpart of Operation Exodus In each of the past six olina Knights also conduct fund raisers to support persons with from the early days and years, Council 10852 has intellectual disabilities. have assumed greater redonated a total of more than sponsibilities for its opera$50,000 to LAMB-supThe Knights donate 100 percent ported organizations, such as Special tion over the years, adopting full leadership in 2007 when Moore of the labor for Operation Exodus, Olympics, Holy Angels in Belmont, collecting donations and hosting N.C., and the Allegro Foundation. passed away. Over the past 23 years, Knights fundraisers to obtain materials. They The LAMB Foundation has raised have built handicap access ramps for normally complete between five and more than $20 million in the past 53 people with disabilities, including 10 ramps per year. years, with annual North Carolina “It is so heartwarming to see the donations totaling more than senior citizens, victims of urban violence and children with congenital look of joy on the faces of those for $900,000 for the past several years. illnesses. In April 2012, several whom the ramps are built when they Ninety-three percent of all the funds councils cooperated to build a ramp realize the newfound sense of freedom raised go directly to assisting those for a Marine from Statesville, N.C., of being able to come and go with far with intellectual disabilities. who lost both of his legs while serv- greater ease than ever before,” said Bob For more information, visit Desch, a member of Council 10852 – SueAnn Howell ing in Afghanistan.

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The Fortnight Continues Amid growing threats to religious liberty, Catholics are invited to join in prayer and reflection about our first freedom by Most Rev. William E. Lori

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ast year in Baltimore, after the opening Mass of the 2012 in their employee health care plans. So-called accommodaFortnight for Freedom, I stood on the portico of the tions proposed by the administration to allay the religious Basilica of the Assumption to greet members of the congre- freedom concerns of religious organizations have not imgation as they exited the church. A young girl with her parents proved the situation and may even make it worse. came up to me, handed me a little American flag and said, Further, if potential Supreme Court rulings legally redefine “That was fun! I hope we do this a lot!” marriage or otherwise contribute to the redefinition of marEveryone laughed, and I went on greeting the many people riage throughout the United States, they could cause serious who had attended Mass. Later on, though, I thought about religious freedom issues for adoption agencies run by the the little girl’s reaction. Although her reasons for enjoying that Church and other religious groups. Such rulings could also Mass were probably not the same as mine, I do know that raise concerns for immigration and humanitarian services ofCatholics need to gather yearly to pray for religious liberty — fered by the Catholic Church and others. not only for my generation but also for that little girl’s. That The Fortnight for Freedom is an important opportunity to is why I was delighted when the highlight these and other immediate U.S. bishops decided to organize religious liberty issues in the United the Fortnight for Freedom again States. It offers a sobering moment this year — a 14-day period of for all of us to realize how religious prayer, reflection and action to profreedom has eroded over time and to mote a greater understanding of reask for God’s help in protecting such HE TRUTH ABOUT ligious liberty in the two weeks a precious gift. leading up to Independence Day. But the Fortnight is an occasion THE HUMAN PERSON IS The Fortnight will officially for even more than that. It also repbegin with an opening Mass in Balresents a chance for us, as citizens THE FOUNDATION OF ALL timore’s Basilica of the Assumption and believers, to take stock of the OUR RIGHTS, INCLUDING on June 21 at 7 p.m. and end with importance of religious freedom in a closing Mass on July 4 at noon at the American experience. Our First RELIGIOUS FREEDOM.” the Basilica of the National Shrine Most Cherished Liberty, a document of the Immaculate Conception in from the U.S. bishops’ Ad-Hoc Washington, D.C. During this peCommittee for Religious Liberty riod, the Church celebrates the feast that was published in April 2012, days of two saints who are champisums it up this way: “By the end of ons of religious freedom: St. Thomas More and St. John Fisher. the 18th century, our nation’s founders embraced freedom of This year, dioceses across the United States will again be or- religion as an essential condition for a free and democratic ganizing Masses, prayer gatherings, study groups, rallies and society.” It goes on to implore us to protect the gift of freemany other activities in observance of the Fortnight. dom “not only for ourselves, but for all nations and peoples who yearn to be free.” REFLECTING ON FREEDOM Why is it so important to continue the Fortnight for Free- TRUTH AND DIGNITY dom? Some of the reasons are short-term. For example, most The American experience of freedom and the Church’s teachreligious organizations will be forced to comply with the U.S. ing on human freedom and dignity are not identical. However, Department of Health and Human Services’ contraceptive the Church’s social teaching equips us as both citizens and bemandate on Aug. 1 of this year. This will compel religious or- lievers to participate robustly in our democratic form of govganizations, regardless of their teachings, to include coverage ernment and to evangelize our society with the truth about the for abortion-inducing drugs, sterilization and contraception human person and the conditions for human flourishing.


A large U.S. flag hangs from the Knights’ Tower at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C., welcoming pilgrims to a Mass and Pilgrimage for Life and Liberty Oct. 14, 2012. Archbishop William E. Lori of Baltimore celebrated the Mass, which was attended by nearly 6,000 people from throughout the region.

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Right: Archbishop William E. Lori delivers the homily during the opening Mass for the U.S. bishops’ Fortnight for Freedom campaign at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Baltimore June 21, 2012. • Below: A girl distributes American flags at the Rally for Religious Freedom June 29, 2012, at the state Capitol in Topeka, Kan.

Because this principle applies to all people, the bishops have expressed their support not only for religious organizations that are in court fighting to preserve the freedom of church institutions from government interference, but also for private employers who are in court seeking to retain the freedom to run their businesses according to Christian principles. UNITED IN PRAYER There is an increasing tendency on the part of many in our society to reduce religious liberty almost solely to freedom of worship. This we must resist. Religious freedom surely includes freedom of worship, but it also includes the freedom for private individuals to live their faith in the workplace and to advocate in the public square those truths and values that flow from faith. Moreover, authentic religious freedom includes the freedom of churches and church organizations to conduct their schools, social services and other activities in accordance with their beliefs and teachings. Precisely because of this tendency to reduce religious freedom to freedom of worship, we need to come together in prayer. We need to pray as individuals and families. We need to pray in our Knights of Columbus council meetings and at conventions. And we, the family of the Knights of Columbus, need to make every effort to participate wholeheartedly in the national and local activities of this year’s Fortnight for Freedom. May we unite in protecting our first and most cherished freedom, religious liberty!♦ ARCHBISHOP WILLIAM E. LORI of Baltimore is the supreme chaplain of the Knights of Columbus and chairman of the U.S. bishops’ Ad-Hoc Committee for Religious Liberty.

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GIRL: CNS photo/Lori Wood Habiger, The Leaven — ARCHBISHOP LORI: CNS photo/Tom McCarthy Jr., Catholic Review

Dignitatis Humanae, the groundbreaking Vatican II document on religious freedom, explains that the principle of religious freedom is rooted in the dignity of the human person, who is “endowed with reason and free will and therefore privileged to bear personal responsibility” (2). This principle is known not only by revelation, but also by reason, and it allows human persons to fulfill their obligation to seek God. Hence religious freedom is rightly identified as a civil or constitutional right that is grounded in the truth about the human person. According to Dignitatis Humanae, all persons “should be at once impelled by nature and also bound by a moral obligation to seek the truth, especially religious truth. They are also bound to adhere to the truth, once it is known, and order their whole lives in accord with the demands of the truth” (2). To be sure, the freedom to embrace truth might sound like an odd idea in a culture that increasingly values opinion over truth and even rejects the very idea that truth about the nature of things is both knowable and binding on our consciences. Yet when the very notion of truth, especially the truth about the inviolable dignity of the human person, is denied, democracy itself begins to falter. The truth about the human person is the foundation of all our rights, including religious freedom.


Say It with Actions Mother’s Day reminds a husband of his duty to cherish his wife and to lead, protect and provide for his family by Peter C. Kleponis



lowers, a beautiful card, a fancy restaurant. While these traditional Mother’s Day gifts are all very appropriate, I’d like to suggest other ways that men can go the extra mile to show love and respect for their wives this Mother’s Day — and every day. As men, God has called us to be leaders, providers and protectors of our marriages and families. Let us resolve to live out these roles in a loving and consistent manner. Leader. As husbands and fathers, we must lead by service to our families. Pope Francis has set for us an example. Speaking of the “power” of his office during his inauguration Mass homily, the Holy Father said, “Let us never forget that authentic power is service.” For us fathers, this means showing our wives how much we love them each day. Don’t take it for granted that she knows how you feel; take the lead by scheduling date nights, picking up groceries or dry cleaning on the way home, and looking for ways to help without being asked. In doing these things, men also become good role models for their children. If a man treats his wife with love and respect, his children will do the same. Provider. If a man provides his family’s primary income, his obligation doesn’t end with paying the bills. There are other needs that a husband must provide for, such as his wife’s emotional well-being. Women typically work many more hours taking care of the family than men do. A woman may work outside the home and then come home to cleaning, cooking, laundry and children. Men must make an effort to share the load. You can also provide for your wife’s emotional well-being by giving her some time away from the children each week. Take the kids out for a few hours on Saturday to give mom a few hours of peace and quiet. Your wife can relax, read, take a bath or go to the gym. Giving her time each week to collect her sanity will contribute greatly to harmony in the home. Protector. In today’s world, where there are many attacks

against marriage, family and women, men must also be strong protectors. Protecting your wife means ensuring that no one treats her with disrespect, including you and your children. You must always view yourself as her “knight in shining armor.” If anyone speaks disparagingly of her, you defend her. If one of your kids acts defiantly toward her, you’re there to correct. One of the greatest attacks against women today is pornography and a culture that over-sexualizes women. Men need to let their wives know how cherished they are, especially in a world where immodest sexual images abound. This means letting your wife know that you “only have eyes for her.” You can also protect your wife by avoiding pornography at all costs and ensuring that no inappropriate media ever enters the home. By teaching your sons about the dangers of pornography, you are protecting them from objectifying and using women. When a woman feels safe and protected by her husband, she naturally feels loved and respected. In addition to being a great role model for your children, being involved in their lives is a wonderful way to show how much you love your wife. In essence, you’re saying, “I love you so much that I’m not only caring for you, but also for the ones you brought into the world.” Tangibly showing your wife how much you love her speaks louder than words ever could. When a man embraces his God-given call to be a leader, provider and protector of his marriage and family, his wife will never doubt his love and respect for her. So this Mother’s Day, buy your wife flowers, find the right card, remember the name of her favorite restaurant — and make reservations! Then find ways to show her you love her every day through your words, thoughtfulness and actions. She’ll never forget it.♦ PETER C. KLEPONIS, PH.D., is a licensed clinical therapist specializing in marriage and family issues, in West Conshohocken, Pa.


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A Column of Strength and Devotion The Knights of Columbus helps to restore a much-venerated, centuries-old fresco painting of Mary at St. Peter’s Basilica by Pietro Zander


uring this Year of Faith, the Knights of Columbus was proud to support the challenging restoration of the ancient and venerated fresco painting of the Madonna of the Column, also known as Mater Ecclesiae (Mother of the Church), at St. Peter’s Basilica. This important initiative gave back to the faithful an ancient and highly venerated image of the Blessed Virgin Mary — a symbol of hope amid the challenges facing the Church today. Beginning Dec. 8, 2012, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, experienced restorers Lorenza D’Alessandro and Giorgio Capriotti, in cooperation with the Fabbrica di San Pietro, the administration charged with maintenance of the basilica, started work to refurbish the painting. The restoration concluded on Ash Wednesday, Feb. 13. 16 ♦ C O L U M B I A ♦

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Photos by M. Falcioni, Fabbrica di San Pietro in Vaticano

Dating back approximately 600 years, the Madonna of the Column is closely linked with the history of St. Peter’s Basilica. The image was originally painted in the early 15th century by an anonymous, talented artist — possibly from the Tuscan school. It was located on a left-side column of the central aisle of Old St. Peter’s, which had been constructed in the 4th century. Tiberio Alfarano, the great expert on St. Peter’s, and Giacomo Grimaldi, a notary and member of St. Peter’s clergy, wrote in the 16th century that the Madonna of the Column soon became the object of a special and growing devotion, related to the many miracles that took place through her intercession. Grimaldi noted that Ludovico Bianchetti, a canon of St. Peter’s, had an altar built in front of the Madonna of the Column in 1579 at his own expense, framing the image with “precious fine marbles and splendid porphyry columns.” Grimaldi also recounted a story about a priest celebrating Mass at the altar of the Madonna of the Column in September 1605 when a large piece of marble cornice fell off the wall. The celebrant and faithful who were present were miraculously left unharmed. On Sept. 26 of that year, at the consistory that was held at the Quirinal Palace, Cardinal Archpriest Giovanni Evangelista Pallotta told the story of this incident. The dilapidated condition of Old St. Peter’s and the need to finish construction on the new church in the Vatican led Pope Paul V to order the demolition of the remaining part of the old basilica. Consequently, the many altars and funerary monuments within the basilica had to be dismantled. The altar of the Madonna of the Column, built only 27 years earlier, was taken down in 1607. The shaft of the ancient column of Porta Santa marble, more than one meter in diameter, was then cut into pieces to save only the part with the venerated image of the Virgin. During this complex project, which took workers several days to complete, the part of the fresco with the face of the Christ Child was damaged beyond repair. It was thus repainted by an unknown artist. On Feb. 2, 1607, the column fragment was solemnly brought into the new Vatican Basilica and placed over the altar built for it by the architect Giacomo della Porta. It was placed in the chapel of the southwest corner of the basilica, behind the so-called pillar of St. Veronica, where it remains to this day. The Vatican Chapter, an administrative entity founded by Pope Leo IX in the 11th century, ceremonially crowned the Madonna of the Column on Jan. 1, 1645. The painting was among the first to receive this distinction, as the Vatican’s practice of placing precious gold crowns on venerated images of the Blessed Virgin Mary had begun only 14 years earlier. However, the precious golden crowns were torn from the venerated image on June 2, 1798, and the painting bore the marks of this misguided and sacrilegious act. In 1825, the sil-

versmith Francesco Ossani created new golden crowns to replace the original diadems that were cast during the turbulent days of the Roman Republic. On Nov. 21, 1964, at the conclusion of the Second Vatican Council’s third session, Pope Paul VI solemnly proclaimed the Virgin Mary as “Mother of the Church” to the applause of the council fathers. The inscription Mater Ecclesiae was later added in 1970 above the Madonna of the Column. Finally, after the attempt on his life on May 13, 1981, Blessed John Paul II wished to place a mosaic of the Virgin Mary outside the basilica in place of one of the windows of the Apostolic Palace. The mosaic was inspired by the ancient and venerated painting of the Madonna of the Column, as a witness to and pledge of Our Lady’s motherly protection of the pope and of the whole Church. The talented craftsmen of the Mosaic Studio of the Fabbrica di San Pietro created the

Opposite page: Cardinal Angelo Comastri, archpriest of St. Peter’s Basilica, symbolically crowns the venerated image of Our Lady of the Column, Mother of the Church, at the end of the restoration Feb. 17. • Above: Dr. Lorenza D’Alessandro works on the restoration project. mosaic, which measures more than eight feet tall and features the crest of the late pope and his motto “Totus Tuus.” The newly completed restoration of the Madonna of the Column was preceded by several laboratory analyses using infrared, florescent and ultraviolet photography. Scientific survey and multi-spectral imaging, combined with the use of lenses and microscopes, revealed important parts of the painting that were previously hidden: the Christ Child’s feet and left hand; a golden star; part of the face, bonnet and left sleeve of the Virgin; and finally, the lower part of the 17th-century oval frame. The anchoring holes of some lost chains were also identified and the 15th-century pictorial fragment was delimited with a M AY 2013

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DR. PIETRO ZANDER is the chief archaeologist of the Fabbrica di San Pietro, the 500-year-old pontifical organization that has the task of overseeing the preservation of St. Peter’s Basilica, including, since 1950, the Vatican Necropolis. 18 ♦ C O L U M B I A ♦

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Photos by M. Falcioni, Fabbrica di San Pietro in Vaticano

very slight incision. In this way, the image of the Madonna was almost miraculously preserved intact on the purple background, reproducing the color of the column. Also restored was the marvelous altarpiece made of rare and precious marble inlays that frame and enclose the ancient painting like a treasure chest. On Feb. 17, 2013, the first Sunday of Lent, Cardinal Angelo Comastri, archpriest of the Vatican Basilica, celebrated Mass at the Altar of the Chair of St. Peter. Together with Bishop Vittorio Lanzani, delegate of the Fabbrica di San Pietro, and the clergy of the Vatican Chapter, he then processed to the altar of the Madonna of the Column. After they intoned the Salve Regina, Cardinal Comastri incensed the restored image of Our Lady. In its newfound integrity, the Madonna of the Column will no doubt invite pilgrims and observers to greater devotion for centuries to come.♦

Left: The fresco is pictured before and after restoration. • Above: Cardinal Comastri, joined by Bishop Vittorio Lanzani, delegate of the Fabbrica di San Pietro, and the clergy of the Vatican Chapter venerate the image of Our Lady.

NECROPOLIS: CNS photo/L’Osservatore Romano via Reuters

POPE VISITS ST. PETER’S TOMB BENEATH BASILICA Dr. Pietro Zander of the office in charge of construction matters related to St. Peter’s Basilica shows Pope Francis an image on a tablet computer as the pope visits the necropolis below the main basilica at the Vatican April 1. Looking on, at right, is Bishop Vittorio Lanzani, delegate of the Fabbrica di San Pietro. The necropolis is where St. Peter’s tomb has been venerated since early Christian times and where the first church dedicated to him was built. The tomb is two levels below the main altar of the modern basilica. Cardinal Angelo Comastri, archpriest of

St. Peter’s Basilica, also accompanied Pope Francis on the late-afternoon tour. He told Vatican Radio that the pope, kneeling before the tomb of St. Peter, repeated the three professions of faith the Gospels report the apostle making: “Lord, you are the Christ, the son of the living God,” “Master, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life,” and “Lord, you know everything; you know I love you.” The tour of the excavated necropolis also included the Vatican Grottoes, which have been restored with support from the Knights of Columbus. – Catholic News Service

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Our Eastern Brothers An interview with Archbishop Stefan Soroka about Eastern Catholicism, Orthodoxy and traditions by Alton J. Pelowski


ince Roman Catholics comprise the vast majority of the world’s more than 1 billion Catholics, most people today think the Catholic Church and the Roman Catholic Church are synonymous terms. However, there are some 22 Eastern Catholic Churches, which have their own ancient traditions and customs. In the early centuries of Christianity, disagreements and controversies regarding authority, traditions and theological nuances began to grow between the Greek-speaking East, centered in Constantinople, and the Latin-speaking West, centered in Rome. This eventually resulted in the East-West Schism, also called the Great Schism, of 1054. Because the Eastern Catholic Churches were once associated with the Eastern Orthodox Church, they share common elements with Orthodoxy in things like language, liturgy and artistic traditions. Nonetheless, they remain in full communion with Rome.

In recent decades, Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI have encouraged a greater appreciation of Eastern traditions among Latin-rite Catholics and have also sought to improve dialogue with Eastern Orthodox leaders. With this in mind Columbia’s managing editor, Alton Pelowski, interviewed Archbishop Stefan Soroka of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Eparchy of Philadelphia. Archbishop Soroka is a native of Winnipeg, Manitoba, and a member of Bishop Stephen Soter Ortynsky Council 14088 in Philadelphia. COLUMBIA: What is the distinction between Eastern and Western Catholicism? ARCHBISHOP SOROKA: Essentially, the faith that Eastern Catholics proclaim is the same as that of the larger Catholic Church, but we convey our faith, our spirituality, in a different way. For example, there are differences in the way our liturgy is celebrated and in our liturgical vestments. There are differences in the architectural style of the churches. When our church, the Ukrainian Catholic Church, came back under the Holy Father in 1596, there was a provision in the agreement which stated that the Ukrainian Catholic Church’s rites and traditions would be respected. COLUMBIA: How does Eastern Orthodoxy differ from Eastern Catholicism? ARCHBISHOP SOROKA: The major issue pertains to the role of Peter, the Petrine tradition and how the bishop recognizes the primacy of the pope of Rome. There are also minor theological differences. For example, Orthodox don’t look at purgatory in the same way that Catholics do. Beyond that, the faith that we proclaim is essentially the same. In fact, the Eastern Ukrainian Catholic Church meets annually with the Ukrainian Orthodox Church for a few days. Theologians focus on what we have in common as opposed to where we’re different. It’s amazing how our perceptions are perhaps more of a blockade than any real differences. COLUMBIA: What are some of the more common Eastern Catholic Churches, particularly in North America? ARCHBISHOP SOROKA: Interestingly, America is quite unique in the world. We have 18 of the 22 Eastern Catholic Churches, which come from different traditions. Most have bishops, and some of them serve as bishop of all of America, even Canada. Others have a number of eparchies, or dioceses, within the United States. The largest tradition is the Byzantine tradition. There are also the Syro-Malankar and the Syro-Malabar Churches from India, and different smaller churches. We gather annually at the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and now have a separate region. We also gather annually for a meeting in April at the Maronite Center in St. Louis.

A number of Eastern-rite bishops were among the nearly 200 members of the hierarchy who gathered to concelebrate the opening Mass of the Order’s 126th Supreme Convention Aug. 5, 2008, in Quebec City. • An icon of Christ the Pantocrator, or All-powerful, is currently featured in a Knights of Columbus Museum exhibition of Russian iconography. M AY 2013

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Left: Pope Francis receives an icon of Mary from Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople at the pope’s inauguration March 20. Patriarch Bartholomew was the first leader of the Orthodox Church to attend the inauguration of a Roman Catholic pope in nearly 1,000 years. • Above: A girl receives Communion from a Ukrainian Greek Catholic priest in the village of Krylos, Ukraine.

COLUMBIA: Iconography is prominent amid Eastern Christianity’s rich liturgical and artistic traditions. What exactly are icons? ARCHBISHOP SOROKA: In today’s sense of the computer world, everybody knows what an icon is, right? You click on it, and it’s a portal to something else. I like to use that imagery even for religious icons, in the sense that they are a portal to the heavenly kingdom, a peek into the divine, a window into heaven. Icons very much invite us, as we sit and meditate and pray before them, to see through them, to see what they’re portraying to us. 22 ♦ C O L U M B I A ♦

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COLUMBIA: The Blessed Virgin Mary seems to play a prominent role in iconography. Are there differences between the portrayal of Mary in the East and West? ARCHBISHOP SOROKA: There are some differences, such as the colors that are used to represent Our Lady. In Eastern icons, Mary is usually wearing a blue garment and is covered with a red cape — the blue representing humanity and the red representing divinity. If you look at icons of Christ, he is wearing red, the divinity, and he puts on the blue cape, which represents the humanity that he takes on. In the East, in particular, the Mother of God is portrayed holding Christ Jesus in a way that her arms become the seat of wisdom. In Latin traditions, you will often see her portrayed by herself. In the Eastern churches, however, she almost always has Christ in her arms, and she is always looking to him as he looks to us, to the world. We always see Mary as the Theotokos, the bearer of God. The tradition to venerate Mary in a special way during the month of May is very much a Latin tradition. Our churches have taken on that tradition, but Mary is always part of the entire journey throughout the liturgical year. If you walk into any (Eastern) church, you see that Mary is predominant in all of the imagery and icons. In the liturgy, after the words of consecration, for example, the first prayer is commemorating the Mother of God.

POPE FRANCIIS: L’Osservatore Romano — COMMUNION: CNS photo/Gleb Garanich, Reuters

COLUMBIA: You are currently serving as Ukrainian Catholic archbishop of Philadelphia. Unlike a Roman Catholic diocese, your archeparchy spans a much larger area. How does that work? ARCHBISHOP SOROKA: As archbishop, I cover a territory from Eastern Pennsylvania down to Virginia. I’m also the metropolitan for the U.S.A. We have four eparchies. I have 70 parishes spread over six states, so it is more difficult to build a sense of community. Our communities are also dispersing. With the new immigration that has been coming from Eastern Europe, people have tended to settle in different areas where we often don’t have parishes. We’re developing some new mission parishes, which is exciting, but we are also seeing that our membership is slowly decreasing in some population centers.

They are teaching images, too. They may portray something from Scripture, a feast or a saint — teaching and evangelizing through the symbolism they depict, while at the same time taking us to the other world, in a sense.

COLUMBIA: Are there other notable differences of emphasis in Eastern iconography and traditions? ARCHBISHOP SOROKA: The art of the Latin Church, it might be said, stresses the humanity of Jesus, whereas we stress the divinity of Jesus; it comes across differently. Even in the feasts, there is a slightly different emphasis. Eastern churches celebrate the Annunciation of the Mother of God, putting emphasis on who is receiving the message. The Latin Church refers to the Annunciation of Our Lord. Similarly, we have the feast of the Conception by St. Anne on Dec. 9, as opposed to the feast of the Immaculate Conception on Dec. 8. There are some cultural differences even among the Eastern churches. In Eastern Europe, for example, we use gold more often as the background of the icons, stressing the heavenly light of Christ. In the Middle East, on the other hand, you have more use of the color green, which is a sacred color of that area. COLUMBIA: Pope John Paul II emphasized that the Church must breathe with “two lungs.” What did he mean by this statement? ARCHBISHOP SOROKA: I think what Blessed John Paul was trying to get across was the idea that the Eastern and Western traditions are dependent on each other. The Church is richer for it; we have something to offer one another in our spirituality, our prayer and our journey to come closer to our Lord. It’s important for Eastern Catholics to take on our duty to inform the Latin Church more, and for the Latin Church to become more aware of this other “lung” of the Church. This would also then help us ecumenically with the Orthodox world. Many Latinrite Catholics do not know that, in certain situations, according to the Code of Canon Law, they can receive sacraments from the Orthodox Church. The fact that Catholics are allowed to do this says so much about what we have in common. COLUMBIA: How have recent popes emphasized dialogue and ecumenism with Eastern Orthodox Churches that are not in communion with Rome? ARCHBISHOP SOROKA: I think John Paul introduced much of that dialogue to create mutual understanding and respect between the churches, and Pope Benedict very much encouraged it. As a result, we have come to understand one another better, and have come to understand that our misperceptions are perhaps greater than the real differences. Pope Francis, during his ministry as cardinal in Buenos Aires, certainly conveyed openness to the Eastern churches. They say that when he was a young student, he would make a point of getting up and serving as an acolyte for a Ukrainian Catholic priest. He learned our tradition, our rite, at a young age. Eventually, he was appointed the bishop for all the Eastern churches in Argentina until, in some cases, their respective bishops were assigned. He is very aware of the Eastern churches, and that’s tremendous. The presence of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople, who is called “first among equals” in the Eastern Orthodox churches, at Pope Francis’ installation Mass was a very hopeful sign. This never happened since the split in 1054. Nearly 1,000 years! And actions sometimes speak a lot louder than

WINDOWS INTO HEAVEN The renowned tradition of icons in Russia has endured for more than a millennium. Following the Byzantine practice from which it originated, Russian iconography was introduced in the 10th century as a means of fostering religious understanding and developed over time with its own distinctions and styles. The Knights of Columbus Museum in New Haven, Conn., is pleased to share more than 225 examples of Russian Orthodox iconography, along with other liturgical and devotional items, in a new exhibition. Titled Windows into Heaven: Russian Icons & Treasures, the exhibition runs through April 27, 2014.♦

words. I think it was a loud proclamation expressing openness to ecumenical dialogue with the Holy Father and with that whole journey that John Paul and Benedict initiated and supported. COLUMBIA: What has been your involvement with the Knights of Columbus, especially in relation to Eastern Catholics? ARCHBISHOP SOROKA: I’m from Canada, and there we had tremendous involvement with Knights. The service they render to the Church is amazing. It has been a little bit more of a challenge for me to persuade Ukrainian Catholics and clergy here about the value of the Order, but I’m making headway on it. The Knights have been a tremendous support for me and for pro-life programs and vocations. Even when our synod was held here in Philadelphia in 2007, welcoming Ukrainian Catholic bishops from around the world, the Knights came forward and helped. It was the first synod outside of Ukraine, and the Knights assisted all of the bishops who were challenged to pay the airfare, bringing them here for that meeting. They stepped forward far beyond what one could expect. I have been a state chaplain and very much value the work of the Knights. I don’t think they ask much of us, and frankly I don’t think we give them enough love and support for what they do. And I’m very pleased about how receptive Knights have been to know more about Eastern traditions. Even at the state convention once, there was provision for our liturgy in English to be celebrated as a state liturgy. That kind of openness is so inspiring. It speaks of breathing with two lungs. COLUMBIA: Do you plan to be involved with the next World Meeting of Families, which will be in Philadelphia in 2015? ARCHBISHOP SOROKA: Very much so. I’ve written to the cardinal in charge of that gathering and have also met with Archbishop [Charles J.] Chaput. We are very much committed to being fully involved and anticipate walking away from that gathering with even more energy and resourcefulness.♦ M AY 2013

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What’s in a Name? Pope Francis’ unique choice of papal name highlights his pastoral focus by Francis M. Krakowski

oughly an hour after white smoke billowed from the SisFrancesco was quite the bon vivant for most of his younger tine Chapel on March 13, French Cardinal Jean-Louis life thanks to his wealthy family and the permissive times in Tauran stepped onto the balcony of St. Peter’s Basilica to an- Italy. Around age 25, after a series of setbacks as a soldier and nounce in Latin: “Habemus papam.” while praying for direction, Francis had a spiritual awakening Minutes later, the world met Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, and chose to forego his worldly wealth. He was then called by previously archbishop of Buenos Aires, Argentina, but now the Christ in a vision to “repair my house, which, as you can see, is 266th pope, the earthly falling into ruins.” At first, shepherd of the world’s 1.2 Francesco thought Christ billion Catholics. The conmeant for him to rebuild the clave of cardinals decided walls of the dilapidated in just two days and five church in which he was votes to make the 76-yearpraying. He eventually realold the first Jesuit pope, the ized that he was called to refirst from the Americas and form the Church herself, the third consecutive nonwhich was mired in worldly Italian. concerns. There was another first, as With the permission of well, in Cardinal Bergoglio’s Pope Innocent III, Francesco taking the name Francis. formed the Franciscan order Since none of his predecesof itinerant friars to care for sors had chosen this name, the poor and spread the mesmany speculated that the sage of Christ. Although new pope would be unique. never a priest (he was orPope Francis washes the foot of a prison inmate during the Holy Thursday Mass One wonders just how dained a deacon), Francis eaof the Lord’s Supper at Rome’s Casal del Marmo prison for minors March 28. long Cardinal Bergoglio had gerly preached the Gospel to ponder his choice of a throughout Italy and went as papal name. In a press interfar as the Holy Land, atview three days after his election, Pope Francis said he was in- tempting to convert Muslims during the Fourth Crusade. spired to take his name shortly before his election was St. Francis of Assisi loved nature, giving affectionate names confirmed. As two-thirds of the votes accumulated in his favor, to God’s creatures and expressing solidarity with the created one of his closest friends, Brazilian Cardinal Claudio Hummes, order. He also embraced poverty, passing offerings on to others who was seated next to him, embraced him and said, “Don’t for- with greater need. A man of lofty ideals and practical action, he get the poor!” was simple in the way he lived, yet could be quite complex spirPope Francis recalled, “That is how the name came into my itually, going to great lengths and enduring rigorous penances heart: Francis of Assisi. For me, he is the man of poverty, the to follow God’s will. His final years were marked by suffering, man of peace, the man who loves and protects creation.” blindness and illness. A few years before he died in 1226, while praying to share in Jesus’ Passion, he received the stigmata that A MODEL OF POVERTY mirrored the wounds of Christ’s crucifixion. St. Francis of Assisi, one of the Church’s most beloved saints, Surely, the pope’s choice of the name Francis was no accident, was born in the Umbria region of Italy in 1181 and baptized nor was it made lightly. Following his election, the Associated with the name Giovanni, after St. John the Baptist. The son of Press quoted his official biographer, Sergio Rubin, as saying, ‘‘He a wealthy merchant who often traveled to France, Giovanni was believes the Church has to go to the streets, to express this closenicknamed Francesco (Francis) and schooled to become a busi- ness of the Church and this accompaniment with those who are nessman like his father. suffering.’’ 24 ♦ C O L U M B I A ♦

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CNS photo/L’Osservatore Romano via Reuters


St. Francis is pictured preaching to the birds in this fresco in the upper church of the Basilica of St. Francis in Assisi, Italy.

CNS photo/Octavio Duran

Pope Francis’ Argentine flock began calling him their “slum pope” out of respect for his remarkable history of service to the sick and impoverished in his country, where he regularly visited hospitals and hospices, and often washed patients’ feet. Stories spread about his chosen life of humility and simplicity — staying in a small apartment rather than the cardinal’s palace; riding by bus and subway; cooking for himself rather than maintaining a house staff; and many other acts that endeared him to his flock. To many Church scholars, the fact that a Jesuit would choose a Franciscan name was shocking because Franciscans and Jesuits often clashed ideologically with one another in the past. Pope Clement XIV, himself a Franciscan, actually suppressed the Jesuit order, or Society of Jesus, in 1773 in response to political pressure. Some of Cardinal Bergoglio’s colleagues joked that he should have taken the name Clement to even the score a bit. He showed instead a spirit of solidarity and reconciliation, signaling that prior enmities should be put to rest. TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH While the pope has claimed St. Francis of Assisi as his patron, other saints named Francis will likely have a place in his life as well. There are, in fact, more than 50 Catholic saints with the name Francis, including St. Francis Xavier (1506-1551), the Spanish-born co-founder of the Society of Jesus, and St. Francis de Sales (1567-1622), the beloved bishop and doctor of the Church. St. Francis Xavier demonstrated exceptional missionary zeal and charity in tending to the sick, two priorities of Pope Francis. Xavier traveled to India, Southeast Asia and Japan, baptizing thousands, building numerous churches and sometimes walking the streets ringing a bell to call children to catechism classes. He died on an island off the coast of China and holds the title copatron of foreign missions. In his planned apostolic voyages, including a trip back to South America for World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, this summer, Pope Francis will take on the role of a modern missionary. As a 21st-century pontiff, he will have technology to assist him in this important mission, but his most effective witness will be the great pastoral gifts he has already shown in the

first weeks of his papacy. Just as his namesakes boldly brought the faith to the world, Pope Francis will need to re-present the Gospel to a world that has heard the name of Jesus but has often failed to embrace him. The pope will need all of his pastoral experience, intellectual abilities, compassion and political savvy to deal with the multitude of moral, social and political problems confronting the Church and the world today. We can have confidence that the simplicity, charity and quiet peacefulness of St. Francis of Assisi, as well as the intense missionary zeal of St. Francis Xavier, will have a tremendous influence on the pope’s decisions and actions. Many blessings will surely flow from the hand of God through such excellent patrons who share his name.♦ FRANCIS M. KRAKOWSKI is a retired physician and past grand knight of St. Theresa of the Child Jesus Council 14990 in Hellertown, Pa.

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dinner. Sixteen Knights cooked and served more than 110 dinners to those in attendance. Along with a 50-50 raffle and a raffle for a new iPad, the event raised more than $850 for the council’s charitable fund. RECTORY PAINTED

Jerry Ramirez (far left) of St. Vincent de Paul Council 13927 in Austin, Texas, calls for more food while serving lunch to construction workers at St. Vincent de Paul Church. Knights served lunch to the construction crew that was building the new church, which was dedicated in December 2012.


St. Joseph Council 443 in New York, N.Y., hosted a chicken barbecue to raise money for a new organ at Visitation Church in the Bronx. The barbecue raised $2,250 to help purchase the new organ. 40 ROSARIES FOR LIFE

St. Anthony Council 12482 in Des Moines, Iowa, launched an initiative called “40 Knights Rosary for Life” to correspond with a local 40 Days for Life campaign. Knights and their families signed up to pray the rosary on particular days during the length of the campaign to bring awareness to prolife issues. NURSING HOME ASSISTANCE

Risen Saviour Council 8741 in Albuquerque, N.M., and Boy Scout Troop 200, which is sponsored by the council, volunteered for several projects at St. Mary’s Nursing Home. Volunteers painted 26 ♦ C O L U M B I A ♦

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Our Lady of Fatima Council 3118 in Fergus Falls, Minn., painted the new rectory at Our Lady of Victory Church. Fourteen Knights and two wives volunteered alongside Father Greg Paffel, pastor of Our Lady of Fatima Church, to get the rectory ready for occupation.

Members of Christ the King Council 6863 in Tago, Mindanao, physically lift and transport a steel-reinforced bamboo pavilion that was used during a community celebration. Knights provided support to the event in multiple ways.


funds will be used to establish and maintain a honoris (a place of honor) to Father McGivney at St. Patrick Basilica in Ottawa. Both the committee and the agency aim to increase devotion to Father McGivney through this site.

the facility’s porch and moved materials in and out of storage. Knights and Scouts frequently work at the nursing home by painting, performing yard work, pruning trees and more.

Virgin Islands Council 6187 in St. Thomas, USVI, sold rice at the St. Peter and Paul Hospitality Lounge. Proceeds from the sales were added to the council’s charitable fund.


General Agent Marc Madore donated $2,000 to Michael O’Neill, chair of the Venerable Michael J. McGivney Honoris Committee. The


St. Eugene Council 14417 in Chepachet, R.I., hosted a clothing drive to benefit Big Brothers and Big Sisters. Knights collected 325 pounds of clothing worth approximately $1,000. WEEKEND BACKPACKS

St. Paul the First Hermit Council 14222 in Summerfield, Fla., adopted Lake Weir Middle School to supply the school with 20 backpacks for needy children. Although the children receive free meals at school, the backpacks are filled with food for them and their siblings to eat on the weekend. SPAGHETTI DINNER

Our Lady of Victory Council 5613 in Tallmadge, Ohio, hosted its annual spaghetti

Members of San Juan Bautista Council 1543 in San Juan, Puerto Rico, participate in a pro-life march in Old San Juan. The goal of the twomile march, which featured participants from several area churches and organizations, was to bring awareness to pro-life and pro-family issues. An estimated 4,000 people took part.


Epiphany Council 11033 in San Francisco held a health fair with medical professionals from the Seton Medical Center in Daly City. About 50 people attended the event to avail themselves of free information, x-rays, consultations, blood pressure checks and haircuts. The Knights served as runners, accompanying patients between the cafeteria and various stations. YEARLY CENSUS

At the request of their pastor, members of St. Philip Council 11087 in Greenville, R.I., conducted the yearly Mass census that is required by the Diocese of Providence. Knights covered each of six weekend Masses to ensure an accurate count.



Padre Francisco Garces Council 9378 in Yuma, Ariz., donated funds to Immaculate Conception Parish to purchase a new copy machine after the one in the parish office broke down. OUT TO THE BALL GAME

• On Nov. 3, 2012, members of Woodlawn Council 2161 in Aliquippa, Pa., joined pilgrims in Rome for an international pilgrimage to celebrate the fifth anniversary of Pope Benedict XVI’s apostolic letter, Summorum Pontificum, and to open the Year of Faith. In the morning, the pilgrims gathered in the Church of San Salvatore in Lauro, across the Tiber River from the Vatican, for exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and silent prayer. Shortly thereafter, the pilgrims began their procession to St. Peter’s Basilica, with Knights carrying the Order’s flag. • Bishop Griffin Assembly in Mercer County, N.J., Bishop George W. Ahr Assembly in Allentown and Anima Christi Assembly in Berlin provided an honor guard for a High Latin Mass that was celebrated at St. Hedwig Church in Trenton. Broadcast by EWTN and held in honor of the Year of Faith, this was reportedly the first Mass of this kind celebrated in the diocese in more than 40 years. • In honor of the Year of Faith, Upper Hamilton (Ontario) Council 5860 sponsored the Vatican International Exhibit of the Eucharistic Miracles of the World at its council hall. The exhibit was open to parishioners from five area churches and 200 schoolchildren. In addition to providing a venue for the exhibition, the council also provided funding for a “children’s version” of the exhibit.

The Knights of Columbus Queens County (N.Y.) Conference hosted a fundraiser at Citi Field. Knights sold tickets to a baseball game between the New York Mets and the Baltimore Orioles, raising $15,000 for St. Mary’s Health Care System for Children in Bayside. HAMBURGER BARBECUE

Southwest Council 3910 in Houston hosted a hamburger barbecue at St. Thomas More Church. Knights served burgers to approximately 300 parishioners and area residents, with proceeds from the event added to the council’s charitable fund.

Al Patin (left) and Joe Connelly of Transfiguration Council 10362 in Marietta, Ga., prepare to spread wood chips at a nature trail that the council created at Transfiguration Church. Thirty-two Knights worked seven weeks to clear a path and spread mulch along a creek bordering church property.

year raising funds to purchase a statue of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton for St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church. Knights led the fundraising effort among four other groups, including the council’s own ladies’ auxiliary. Father Francis Deignan Assembly provided an honor guard for the statue’s blessing and dedication.


Our Lady of Lourdes Council 9731 in Magna, Utah, volunteered to remove paint splatter from the windows of Our Lady of Lourdes Church. Knights also repaired a broken sprinkler head, fixed several damaged window frames, spread fertilizer on the front lawn and cut down an overgrown tree. TABLETS FOR STUDENTS

St. James Council 4949 in Vernon, British Columbia, donated $3,500 to St. James School to purchase tablet computers for students with special needs. STATUE DONATED

Msgr. Gregory Kennedy Council 10499 in Ocean Springs, Miss., spent nearly a


Karl A. Christ Jr. Council 12778 in Heber Springs, Ark., installed underground drains for the downspouts along the portico of St. Albert Church, diverting the water from the walkway in front of the church. This eliminates a hazard created by precipitation, freezing rain and snowmelt. BREAKING THE CYCLE

Msgr. Joseph O’Keefe Assembly in Akron, Ohio, attended a dinner at the Interval Brotherhood Home, a residential drug and alcohol abuse clinic that primarily serves the indigent population of the area. Knights presented a donation to the

facility at the event. Over the past 25 years, the assembly has donated more than $60,000 to the home. MEALS FOR FOOD BANK

Our Lady of Peace Council 11378 in North Brunswick, N.J., partnered with a local restaurant to host a fundraiser for the North Brunswick Food Bank. In the wake of the economic downturn, the food bank has seen a significant uptick in clients. Knights sold more than 280 tickets to the fundraiser, which raised approximately $2,400. SQUIRES CONSTRUCTION

South Plainfield (N.J.) Circle 5295 constructed a wheelchair ramp for Richard Yurek, a member of South Plainfield Council 6203 who uses a wheelchair. Under the supervision of several Knights, 22 Squires undertook the project from inception to completion. Circle 5295 is no stranger to construction projects. The circle has built three wheelchairs and painted a number of houses.

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ping bags to parishioners, which the council members asked churchgoers to fill over a two-week period.

St. Dominique Council 9619 in Sudbury, Ontario, hosted a roast beef dinner to help a neighboring parish, St. John Bréboeuf, make repairs to its church. The dinner raised $2,000.


Blessed Trinity Circle 5146 in Greer, S.C., donated $500 to Habitat for Humanity of Greenville County.


St. Christopher Council 4295 in Union Center, Wis., sponsored a respect-life fundraiser for the councils of Wisconsin District #20. The council screened the film October Baby and hosted a spaghetti dinner at St. Patrick Church. These events, coupled with donations from the councils throughout the district, raised $3,100 for the Women’s Care Center in Madison. TRIVIA NIGHT

South Plainfield (N.J.) Council 6203 held its annual


Members of Onawa-Blencoe (Iowa) Council 6249 use concrete forms to decorate the base for a Ten Commandments monument at St. John Church. Knights undertook the construction and placement of the monument, preparing the site with a concrete base that will be lighted and landscaped.

trivia night fundraiser at the South Plainfield Senior Center. More than 70 people attended the event, which raised about $2,000 for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. The winning team, The Green Machine, also donated its winnings back to the council. APPRECIATION EVENT

Roberto Canales (left) of San Juan Bosco Council 10087 in Miami looks on as council member Evert Barrera fits a new bicycle helmet on Roberto’s son, Fernando. Knights teamed with the Epilepsy Foundation of Florida for a helmet drive titled “Use Your Helmet, Not Your Head,” which distributed helmets to 200 people ranging from toddlers to adults. 28 ♦ C O L U M B I A ♦

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Members of Father Pauwelyn Assembly in Billings, Mont., and their families volunteered at a military appreciation event at a local restaurant. Knights offered beverages and snacks to the more than 1,700 veterans and military personnel who waited in line to receive a free meal. Knights also thanked all of those in attendance for their service. BONE MARROW REGISTRATION

In conjunction with the Be the Match Foundation, St. Joseph Council 4599 in Smyrna, Ga., undertook the “Leah Anderson Bone Marrow Drive” at St. Joseph Church. Knights helped add more than 80 people to the

bone marrow registry and served a pancake breakfast to everyone in attendance. Donations to benefit Leah Anderson, a local girl with leukemia, and Be the Match exceeded $1,000.

Members of Moose Mountain Council 10317 in Carlyle, Saskatchewan, spent two days removing old cement from the front of their church and creating a new sidewalk in front of the church and rectory. The town of Carlyle paid for the cement while council members provided the physical labor.


Our Lady of Vietnam Council 11769 in Silver Spring, Md., volunteered at a Vietnamese dinner for local seminarians. Knights, under the direction of seminarian Philip Phan, helped serve a traditional Vietnamese meal. The evening also included the screening of a film about the Vietnamese Martyrs. RUMMAGE SALE

St. Michael Council 12820 in London, Ontario, hosted a rummage sale that raised $3,000 for its parish. GROCERIES FOR THE NEEDY

St. Vincent de Paul Council 9528 in Windsor, Ontario, hosted a food drive at its parish that netted approximately 4,000 pounds of food for a local food bank. Knights distributed 200 reusable shop-

Deacon Joseph Beebe and Father James Dabrowski look on as a young parishioner rings the new bell that was donated to St. Simon Stock Church by Archangel Council 7429 in Berlin, N.J. St. Simon Parish was established in 2009 after two local parishes were forced to merge. In 2011, Knights transported the 250-pound bell from one of the old churches and worked over the next two years to raise $4,500 to construct a new bell tower at St. Simon.


The team “Samson’s Strongmen,” comprised of members of Our Lady of Hope Council 12791 in Potomac Falls, Va., strains to pull a FedEx plane 12 feet during the annual Plane Pull at Dulles International Airport. Knights pulled the 160,000-pound plane in 7.014 seconds, raising money for Virginia Special Olympics in the process.


St. Peter Council 12588 in Slinger, Wis., co-sponsored a 5K walk/run to raise funds for a local pregnancy resource center. The event saw 130 participants and raised about $1,300. WHEELCHAIR DRIVE

Shaun P. O’Brien-Prince of Peace Council 11716 in Plano, Texas, held a wheelchair drive at its parish over two weekends to benefit the Global Wheelchair Mission.

The drive raised $25,796 — enough to purchase 171 wheelchairs for needy recipients in Mexico. Meanwhile, St. Timothy Council 12834 in Laguna Niguel, Calif., hosted a similar fund drive at its parish. Knights placed a sample wheelchair in their church along with a collection basket seeking donations. In all, Knights raised enough money to purchase 72 wheelchairs for veterans in Orange County.

TOP: Gerald Martineau/The Arlington Catholic Herald


Members of Western Batangas (Luzon) Council 4668 and Immaculate Conception Circle 1704 hold a giant rosary made of balloons during a rosary celebration. Knights and Squires took to the street to pray the rosary before releasing it into the air.

St. Kieran Council 13983 in Shelby Township, Mich., conducted a prayer service for priestly vocations at its parish. More than 70 people attended the service, with representatives from four nearby K of C councils also present. The prayer service included a rosary and reflection, followed by light refreshments. EDUCATION SUPPLIES

Father Irenee Bouchard Council 8189 in Beresford, New Brunswick, donated

$5,000 and $3,000 to two area schools. The funds will be used to purchase an interactive smart board and to cover the cost of student activities, respectively. CAPITAL CONTRIBUTION

Father Maurice J. Wolfe Council 11372 in Abingdon, Md., donated $1,500 toward the capital campaign at St. Francis de Sales Church. The funds will be used to renovate the church to accommodate its growing number of parishioners.

life and a statue of Blessed John Paul II. TREE FELLED

Members of Brother Mathias Barrett Council 10560 and St. Joseph the Worker Assembly, both in Albuquerque, N.M., felled a dead tree for the St. Thomas Aquinas Newman Center, located on the campus of the University of New Mexico.


Columbian Council 2191 in Batavia, Ill., worked with the Respect Life Committee at St. Peter Church to finance and build a respect-life garden at the church. Knights and parishioners raised money for the project by selling memorial bricks. Knights also assisted with construction and landscaping. The final garden features a low stone wall with plaques depicting the various stages of

Martin Troncoso II of Good Shepherd Council 6358 in Schertz, Texas, paints the outside of a new home at a Habitat for Humanity project in San Antonio. Knights assisted with all aspects of building the home, their 14th in recent years.

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hosted its seventh “Columbus Cup” soccer tournament, which drew six teams representing both public and religious schools. At the event, Knights also served more than 300 hot dogs to players, their families and other spectators.

St. Wenceslaus Council 10909 in Omaha, Neb., sponsored a weekend retreat at St. Benedict’s Retreat Center in Schuyler for the men of St. Wenceslaus Parish. Fortythree men participated in the event, which featured time to reflect on one’s faith and the new evangelization.



St. Anne Council 8709 in Lodi, Calif., hosted a priestly appreciation dinner-dance that raised $3,200 for St. Anne Church. A CLEAR SIGNAL

Bryan (Ohio) Council 1915, along with Redeemer Radio, celebrated the blessing of a radio tower that will bring the Catholic radio station to listeners in Northwest Ohio and Northeast Indiana. Knights rent space on the tower and own a building

Members of Miraculous Medal Council 11188 in Columbus, Ohio, haul a load of new shingles onto the roof of a garage at the Church of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal. Knights, along with Squires from Miraculous Medal Circle 4624, repaired the garage’s leaky roof in the course of a single day. Proceeds from a benefit dinner prior to the project were used to purchase building materials.

and transmission equipment there, valued at $105,000, which support the station’s broadcast. Money for the equipment was raised after a year of fundraising. DINNER FOR SENIORS

Father Alexander C. Denis Council 7087 in Kiln, Miss., and Sacred Heart Council 12331 in Dedeaux co-sponsored their annual dinner for senior citizens. More than 150 seniors attended the event, which also featured musical entertainment and games of bingo. PRO-LIFE BILLBOARDS Members of Cotabato City (Mindanao) Council 3504 distribute medication to two boys at a council-sponsored feeding and medical event. Knights and Squires from Cotabato City Circle 1515 co-sponsored the event, in which they fed and provided medication to more than 500 children from area day cares and villages. 30 ♦ C O L U M B I A ♦

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Salina (Kan.) Council 601 erected two permanent prolife billboards along I-70 and I-135, respectively. MARIAN GROTTO

St. Joseph the Worker Council 13356 in Victoria, British Columbia, built a new Marian grotto at St. Joseph the Worker Church. The shrine includes memorial plaques, granite benches, and trees

and plants purchased in memory of loved ones to help defray the cost of the grotto. HEALTH WATCH

Malolos (Luzon) Council 3710 spearheaded a health watch program at its council hall with support from a local medical service provider.

Bienville Assembly in New Orleans hosted a talk by Bert Stolier, a warrant officer from the U.S. Marines who survived the attack on Pearl Harbor and who went on to have a distinguished career in the Pacific theater during World War II. SOCKS FOR SIBERIA

Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Council 11080 in West Brookfield, Mass., held a charity dinner to benefit Socks for Siberia, an organization founded by Knight Wallace Connor and his wife, Michele, to support the needs of orphan children in the Khakassia and Krasnoyarsk regions of Russia. The dinner netted $875 for the organization. COMPUTER CAFÉ


James Madison University Council 9286 in Harrisonburg, Va., hosted a student social to raise funds for postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome research. After learning that a council member’s sister-in-law had been diagnosed with the littleknown disease, Knights stepped forward to help. With the support of the campus community, the event raised $200 for the Mayo Clinic to continue its research into a cure. COLUMBUS CUP SOCCER

San Pedro and San Pablo Council 15218 in Matamoros, Mexico Northeast,

Santa Clarita (Calif.) Assembly sponsored the creation of a cyber café at the VA Sepulveda Ambulatory Care Center in North Hills. Knights donated $3,000 to outfit the café with computer hardware that will allow veterans at the center to surf the Internet, check email and keep track of medical records. exclusive See more “Knights in Action” reports and photos at knightsinaction



THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS In compliance with the requirements of the laws of the various states, we publish below a Valuation Exhibit of the Knights of Columbus as of Dec. 31, 2012. The law requires that this publication shall be made of the results of the valuation with explanation as filed with the insurance departments.

ASSETS — Actual and Contingent 1. Admitted Assets of the General Account Fund, item 26, page 2 of Annual Statement: $19,401,741,303




LIABILITIES — Actual and Contingent 2. Old System Reserve — including additional reserve: $ 860,043 3. New System Reserve — including D.I. and Dis. W. (net of reins): $ 11,069,047,300 4. Reserve for accident and health certificates: $ 245,157,697 5. Total per item 1 and 2, page 3 of Annual Statement: $ 11,315,065,040 6. Deduct liens and interest thereon, not included in Admitted Assets, and not in excess of required reserves on the corresponding individual certificates: None 7. Balance — Item 5 less item 6 above: $ 11,315,065,040 8. Liabilities of the General Account Fund, except reserve (items 3 to 22 incl. page 3 of Annual Statement): $ 6,250,716,917 9. Liabilities — Actual and Contingent — sum of items 7 and 8 above: $17,565,781,957 10. Ratio percent of Dec. 31, 2012 — 110.45% Assets — Actual and Dec. 31, 2011 — 110.52% Contingent (Item 1) Dec. 31, 2010 — 111.43% to liabilities — Actual Dec. 31, 2009 — 111.85% and Contingent (Item 9) Dec. 31, 2008 — 113.02%




Columbia® Fishing Shirts: (A.) White long-sleeve Bonehead™ shirt with several pockets and utility loops. Embroidered with “Knights of Columbus” on left breast. Available in: M (PG-506), L (PG-507), XL (PG-508) and XXL (PG-509) — $55 • (B.) Khaki short-sleeve Bonehead™ shirt embroidered with “Knights of Columbus” on left breast. Available in: M (PG-570), L (PG-571), XL (PG-572) and XXL PG-573) — $55 • (C.) Blue short-sleeve Bonehead™ shirt. Available in: M (PG-536), L (PG-537), XL (PG-538) and XXL PG-539) — $55 D. Igloo® Cooler. 16-quart capacity to hold (22) 12 oz. cans plus ice or 2- to 3-liter bottles upright. “Knights of Columbus” printed on lid. PG-397 — $34 E. Cufflinks. Emblem of the Order (PG-11) or Fourth Degree Emblem (PG-12) — $45

The above valuation indicates that, on a basis of the A.E., A.M. (5), 1941 C.S.O., 1958 C.S.O., 1980 C.S.O., 2001 C.S.O., 1937 S.A., 1971 Individual Annuity Table, Annuity 2000 Table and 1983 “a” Tables of Mortality with interest at 9%, 8.75%, 8%, 7%, 6%, 5%, 4.5%, 4%, 3.75%, 3.5%, 3%, 2.5%, the future assessments of the society, at the net rate now being collected, together with the now invested assets of the General Account Fund are sufficient to meet all certificates as they mature by their terms, with a margin of safety of $1,835,959,346 (or 10.45%) over the above statutory standards. STATE OF: Connecticut COUNTY OF: New Haven The officers of this reporting entity, being duly sworn, each depose and say that they are the described officers of the said reporting entity, and that on the reporting period stated above, all of the herein described assets were the absolute property of the said reporting entity, free and clear from any liens or claims thereon, except as herein stated, and that this statement, together with related exhibits, schedules and explanations therein contained, annexed or referred to, is a full and true statement of all the assets and liabilities and of the condition and affairs of the said reporting entity as of the reporting period stated above, and of its income and deductions therefrom for the period ended, and have been completed in accordance with the NAIC annual statement instructions and accounting practices and procedure manual except to the extent that: (1) state law may differ; or, (2) that state rules or regulations require differences in reporting not related to accounting practices and procedures, according to the best of their information, knowledge and belief, respectively. Furthermore, the scope of this attesta-tion by the described officers also includes the related corresponding electronic filing with the NAIC, when required, that is an exact copy (except for formatting differences due to electronic filing) of the enclosed statement. The electronic filing may be requested by various regulators in lieu of or in addition to the enclosed statement. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15th day of February 2013. MARYANN LUCZAK Notary Public CARL A. ANDERSON, President CHARLES E. MAURER JR., Secretary LOGAN T. LUDWIG, Treasurer SEAL


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State Code


Promotional and Gift Department 78 Meadow Street New Haven, CT 06519-1759 PHONE: 203-752-4216 or 203-752-4425 FAX: 1-800-266-6340 All prices in U.S. currency — No C.O.D. Products available in the U.S. and Canada only NAME



Item No.

Price Each





TOTAL Check/Money Order No.*


* Make check or money order out to: “Knights of Columbus Supreme Council”








CT residents add 6.35% sales tax




Expiration Date: Month






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Charity MEMBERS OF McGonagle Council 12321 in Griffin, Ga., work with volunteers from Habitat for Humanity, Square Foot Ministries and the Oak Hill Baptist Church to replace the roof at The Caring House, a pregnancy resource center. When Knight John P. Devlin realized that the facility needed a new roof, he mustered his fellow council members, along with other volunteers and contractors, to get the work done at a fraction of the cost.




KNIGHTS FROM Church of the Nativity Council 11067 in Leawood, Kan., and St. Mary’s Council 14096 in Joplin, Mo., transport a piece of altar furniture from the St. Mary’s Church parish hall to the newly renovated church proper. Most of St. Mary’s was destroyed when a tornado ripped through the town in 2011. In response to the tragedy, Church of the Nativity in Leawood donated altar furniture and other worship items for use in St. Mary’s temporary worship space. Council members then transported these items to the main church when the building had been repaired.

PAST STATE DEPUTY Leo Hanus (left) and Jose Escobar of Denton (Texas) Council 4771 stand with Father Manuel Holguin and his new Knights of Columbus license plate. The three Knights of Columbus councils from in and around Denton worked to purchase K of C license plates for all the priests in the city. Father Holguin’s plate was funded by Council 4771.

FAITHFUL COMMANDER Jason Kwok and Faith Navigator Ken Ranghel of Blessed John Paul II Assembly in Markham, Ontario, prepare to lay a wreath at a veterans memorial as part of a ceremony honoring past and present military personnel. In addition to the wreath-laying ceremony, the event also included a parade.

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Building a better world one council at a time Every day, Knights all over the world are given opportunities to make a difference — whether through community service, raising money or prayer. We celebrate each and every Knight for his strength, his compassion and his dedication to building a better world.




Jerry Gulliot of Msgr. Tjebbe Bekema Council 12060 in Thibodaux, La., uses a lift to replace the 100-year-old cross atop St. Charles Borromeo Church after it was knocked down some years ago during a hurricane. Knights supplied use of the lift and volunteer manpower to replace the cross at absolutely no cost to the church.

“K NIGHTS IN A CTION ” H AVEN , CT 06510-3326


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SISTER CHRISTINA OF PROVIDENCE Capuchin Sisters of Nazareth Williamsport, Pa.

Photo by Karey Dean Photography

As a young girl, I always saw myself traveling the world as an accomplished gymnast or professional soccer player. I dreamed that I would be married at 21 — the age my parents were when they got married. But when I looked to the future I had planned for myself, I felt a deep emptiness inside. Then, during high school, I met the Capuchin Sisters of Nazareth. While visiting their convent, I realized it is not in doing what we desire, but only in doing what God desires of us, that we truly find fulfillment. I entered the convent after graduation and, during my novitiate, I met the Knights of Columbus from our diocese who supported me in my formation. I remember one of them embracing me and saying, “We’re so proud of you.” I love being a Capuchin sister. My greatest joy was the day I made my vows. Jesus made my dream come true: I was 21 on my wedding day!

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