St John Bosco Strategic Development Plan

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2023 - 2028

An organisation built on the principles of Catholic Social Teaching


This is the second strategic plan for the St John Bosco Catholic Academy and in writing it many things have changed since the last plan.

Our multi academy has significantly grown from its initial three schools to eight. Serving considerably more families and now working across four local authorities.

The first plan served our multi academy well, it sought to strengthen and embed those new schools who joined, looked to support more ably our most vulnerable students.

This plan has been developed following a realignment of our vision and values. As we have grown we have changed, new schools have brought a different dynamic and it felt time to work together as a family, to look at ‘Why’ we do what we do, ‘How’ we will deliver and ‘What’ that looks like for the communities we serve.

Our refocus on the ‘Why’ has led to a vision for our family of schools that has evolved from the thoughts of our school leaders and directors.

We believe that this plan will provide our schools and the communities they serve the best opportunity to meet our vision.


Together, we develop the whole child made in the image and likeness of God.

We nurture the unique gifts and talents of every individual: providing ambitious Catholic education for our diverse family of schools and the communities they serve.

Through the teachings of Jesus, our children know that they are loved, protected and valued equally. This empowers them to make a positive difference in our world.





As a Multi Academy Company we have clear strategic aims which are founded in our vision and values. The Strategic Plan 2023-2028 outlines the goals and targets of the St John Bosco Catholic Academy over the next five years to ensure that as a MAC, the public, parents and stakeholders have confidence in our approach.


- Shares and defines the vision for the MAC over the next five years.

- Is developed in line to support the achievement of the MAC vision.

- Defines the key goals and performance measures that will demonstrate our successes and the success of our individual schools.

Underpinning the Strategic Plan will be an annual operational and financial plan including budget forecasts and a robust school improvement plan. These plans will be monitored throughout the year.




To deliver the expectations of the Catholic church, where education is paramount to the formation and development of the whole child. Placing Christ and the teaching of the Catholic Church at the centre of children’s lives. “Education is integral to the mission of the Church to proclaim the Good News. First and foremost, every Catholic educational institution is a place to encounter the living God who in Jesus Christ reveals his transforming love and truth.”


Through the implementation of a discrete strategic plan linked specifically to this priority which sits separately. Development of all staff within their roles to ensure confidence and effective resourcing to allow children to experience the fullness of our Catholic faith.


To embed the principles of effective Catholic Life and Mission across the MAC

Success Criteria

Year 1-2

MAC led formation opportunities for all staff.

MAC induction for all new to the MAC.

Engagement with external organisations to develop senior staff and future leaders.

Strategic training and support plan to develop and retain quality Catholic leaders.

Governor support and training

Develop programme of reviews to enable peer reviews.

MAC wide opportunities for student leadership.

Secondary schools are first choice for students leaving our primaries.

Success Criteria

Year 3-5

Named spiritual directors for school and MAC leaders.

All schools have completed the application for the Live Simply Award.

Shared collective policies developed by systems leaders.

MAC to MAC work for external validation.

Development of a careers and vocations programme linked to Catholic organisations.

Development of RE as a MAC wide approach engaging with systems leadership.

MAC leadership linked to Religious Education through RE Leads –sharing best practice

MAC led moderation for RE.

Peer review forms part of the subject improvement process.

Development of policy for RE documenting consistent approaches.

Support provided for governors in fulfilling their strategic responsibilities.

Prepare schools for the launch of the Archdiocese RE curriculum directory.

Support and development in the celebration of prayer and liturgy across the MAC.

Designated lead practitioners for prayer and liturgy, coaching and training across the MAC. Support provided for all staff in prayer and liturgy. Virtual gatherings across MAC. MAC wide policy for the development of prayer and liturgy.

MAC wide timetable of shared prayer and liturgy.




We are ambitious for every child to be provided with the opportunity to succeed no matter what their background or beliefs. We aim to provide the best education and experiences to the children in our care through staff and students driving the highest standards of accountability and bringing out the best in each other.


The development of MAC policy and school improvement strategy will support our schools to continue to improve and develop in line with best practice. Providing opportunities to work collaboratively with internal and external advisors. The central team will monitor and evaluate individual school approaches to developmental objectives linked to educational priorities.


Development and implementation of MAC School Improvement Strategy over three years.

Success Criteria

Year 1-2

Implementation of the MAC School Improvement Strategy.

Impact of school improvement strategy evaluated at the end of each academic year.

Review of strategy in line with evaluation and findings prior to the start of each academic year.

Coaching method and impact of coaching on professional development of school leaders.

Success Criteria

Year 3-5

Robust and embedded approach to systems leadership.

School improvement strategy for all schools developed for delivery by school leaders.

Wider contribution to supporting underperforming schools outside of the MAC in the spirit of building a trust led system.

Development and implementation of a CPD strategy in line with school improvement strategy and individual school objectives

Clear and robust CPD strategy identified and implemented in each school to deliver school improvement objectives.

Leadership and key staff three-year development plans linked to MAC strategy.

Embedded best practice linked to recognised research.

Impact of Catholic Primary Partnership training evaluated.

Development of school leaders as coaches.

Development of career pathways for all staff informed by school improvement strategy and priorities.

Embedded and structured coaching model at all levels.

Continue our focus on inclusive practices to ensure that those who are most vulnerable within our schools are supported to make progress at least in line with peers.

Monitoring the curriculum to ensure it is well sequenced, resourced and supports all pupils in knowing and remembering more.

Adapted teaching techniques are monitored and shared where good practice is identified.

All children in our schools are making at least good progress through the embedded curriculum and quality first teaching. Identification and planning for SEND children as a MAC strategy and provision.

Ensuring the curriculum in all schools is suitably broad, balanced, well planned and in line with evidence-based research.

Pupils in identified groups as, and as a minimum those who are SEN, PP and in the bottom 20% remain a regular focus on internal monitoring and external monitoring.

Implementation of action plans linked to SEND reviews.

Impact of Pupil Premium funding in our schools.

Monitoring of internal data with a specific focus on groups and developing bespoke training and informing conversations with school leaders.

Regular monitoring of the curriculum by school leaders and members of the central team.

Support for subject leaders through the development of a network to share good practice.

Opportunities and directions to quality CPD to ensure subject leaders are strong in their subject knowledge.

A review in year 1 of the transition curriculum for KS2/KS3. Supportive of making continued progress for those pupils transitioning within our MAC.

Strategic vision and intent for sixth form curriculum offering.

Development of an all through curriculum which meets the needs of the individual schools and takes into account individual school context.

To develop the service offering of School Improvement complimenting the requirement to build a self-improving system

Explore and identify ways in which we can support other schools or MACs with our school improvement model.

Extension and recruitment of a School Improvement team.

Development of existing roles to expand into wider educational contexts.

Provision of an SLA service to support others and forage good practice through external links, training and research.




The success and ambition for all children and staff who work within our MAC should be without prejudice or disadvantage.


Our MAC standards and expectations for all will drive success and fully inclusive practices removing barriers and offering support. Our schools will allow all children to feel safe and secure at all times through compliance and meeting our statutory duties and embedding Catholic Social Teaching in all that we do.


Ensure that standards and expectations in MAC schools drive improvement.

Success Criteria

Year 1-2

MAC non-negotiables for staff and pupils.

Clear minimum expectations and standards set centrally.

Development of a curriculum for behaviour.

Development of a student charter for our MAC, committing to experiences and aspiration for all.

Success Criteria

Year 3-5

Embedding the student charter in all schools. Measuring impact overtime.

Securing a wider safeguarding commitment in all schools.

Clear monitoring and action plans linked to wider safeguarding practice.

Support for DSL/DDSL and school leaders from safeguarding experts. Securing full compliance in all areas linked to safeguarding, health and safety and training through coaching school leaders and AOMs.

Developing a MAC approach to safeguarding practices, driven and supported by a MAC safeguarding lead.

Prioritisation of key groups in our strategy and operational activities

Development of local and centralised reporting systems focusing on key groups including but not limited to PP, SEND, lowest 20% and ethnicity.

Developing discussion and questioning by leaders and governors for key groups.

Supporting leaders through training and best practice to develop a clear focus on equality and diversity to inform their roles.

Removing barriers to achievement for students from key groups, through development of policy, external advisers and sharing of best practice.

Development of a longterm strategy and nonnegotiables when working with key groups.

Identification and implementation of a MAC SEND strategy for provision in line with the Green Paper by 2030

Securing opportunity for all across our schools.

Hardship funding for all schools to support those most vulnerable. A rich and diverse wider curriculum opportunity which goes beyond the normal school day.

Aspirations are high for all students and supported through quality curriculum, transition, careers and opportunities.

Children from all age groups and across the MAC working together to inspire each other through shared experiences.

Development of a commitment through the student charter to wider experiences and opportunities at all age groups.



The development of our staff is our highest priority. Without highly qualified and motivated staff we are unlikely to be able to support our ambition for the children in our care.


Through investment in our staff and commitment to the People Strategy and working with our values and vision in mind at all times we will be able to deliver the best possible outcomes for the children in our care, whilst being seen as an employer of choice.


To ensure all staff irrespective of their location receives a consistent and fair experience.

Success Criteria

Year 1-2

Recruitment processes are secure and follow SOP consistently. Quality induction processes to be embedded in all schools and applied consistently. Secure, consistent and robust performance management process. Opportunity for feedback to be provided for all staff.

Development of an online portal for staff to access key information and training.

To develop and ensure the implementation of policy and procedure.

Success Criteria

Year 3-5

People strategy fully embedded and reviewed.

Secure quality professional development opportunities for all staff.

Clear career pathways for each member of staff, used to inform future staffing and wider MAC roles. Professional development and training are robust and focused linked to school development planning.

To promote and facilitate a strong culture of coaching to enhance the development of all staff in all our schools.

To have clear succession plans in place for each school and leadership.

MAC professional development offering to be secured through the SCITT and other external partners.

Development of early identification and scholarships to engage those who are within our school sixth forms.

Development of and embedding the Lead Partner role within the SCITT

Provision of opportunities to secure systems leadership across the MAC. Development of people specifically identified to meet the strategic needs of MAC schools.

Development of a 3-year strategy informing future staffing, subject specific roles and training plans.




Effective leadership and governance is paramount to the success of our organisation. The leaders of our organisation drive the culture and strategy of the MAC. Without effective leadership and governance our WHY would not be able to be achieved.


Our commitment to leadership at all levels ensures that we are meeting our charitable objectives. Through an effective governance system, we are able to secure leadership at all levels, with those serving at local level being able to focus more freely on each individual school.


To develop leadership and governance to the highest standard

Success Criteria

Year 1-2

Support recruitment and training of governors, through identification of gaps in knowledge.

Development of a communication strategy which works on a multi directional basis.

Ensuring clear ethical leadership and the Nolan Principles are fully understood and embedded.

To provide opportunities for courageous conversations and opportunities to be a critical friend. Succession planning and development opportunities are active and regularly reviewed.

Mentoring and coaching is planned and monitored.

Leaders are afforded opportunities to seek support and guidance from both within and outside of the MAC.

Success Criteria

Year 3-5

Clear strategy for governance for a period of 3 years. Early identification of barriers and recruitment needs.

Support for leaders to ensure they are equipped to meet the long term needs of the MAC and school

3-year strategy for supporting leaders through training in order to achieve MAC and school objectives.

Support for spiritual and faith formation.

Bespoke leadership performance management and coaching opportunities.

Securing the growth strategy and vision for our MAC

Continued engagement and dialogue with the Diocese Academisation Strategy.

Support for those schools identified as part of the growth strategy to engage with the MAC. Due diligence processes completed.



Our governing structures require our MAC to be fully compliant with statutory expectations. In line with our values and vision to support the best possible outcomes for our children. We work with other agencies to ensure that we meet our public duty and can demonstrate value for money, regularity and propriety.


Through the work of the central team we support the wider aims and vision of the MAC and external governing structures in meeting our legal requirements. We have high expectations for all. We monitor and support compliance and best practice to provide assurances to our Directors and Members. We commit to finding better more efficient ways in which to deliver our vision and our aims.


To ensure resources are effectively allocated to best meet the strategic objectives of the organisation

Success Criteria

Year 1-2

Monitoring of budgets in line with school improvement objectives. Setting of budgets in line with MAC policy and school improvement objectives.

Reducing the burden of financial pressures through the use of KPIs and benchmarking data.

Identification of risks and use of resources to address those risks. Allocation of resources in a fair and consistent approach to support all schools.

Use of external toolkits to inform progress towards improved use of resources.

Success Criteria

Year 3-5

5-year budget forecasting. Consideration for the impact of GAG pooling.

Centralisation of services in support of statutory expectations

Addressing outstanding or ongoing compliance issues with a centralised approach.

Monitoring of those centralised services for impact using KPIs and external audits.

To address barriers to meeting the ambition of the MAC through the provision of additional services sourced centrally.

Growth and centralisation plan.

To support our schools and MAC to become more sustainable through operational and strategic decision making

Monitoring of progress against MAC sustainability plan. Sharing good practice and literature to inform school leaders of choices. To ensure all work engaged is of a sustainable or environmental benefit.

To develop childrens and staff knowledge and understanding of our roles within the sustainability agenda.

Development of policy and action plan to lead to a carbon neutral MAC.


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