Nov. 7, 2012

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the butler

Sports: See what it takes to keep Butler’s spirit running high with a look at the cheerleaders. Page 5



Arts, Etc.: Learn what it’s like to be the man behind the bells. Page 8


Opinion: Butler should tailor the core to fit students’ majors. Page 10


Photo by Rafael Porto

The robber chase caused the Butler University campus to be locked down for about two hours.


Formal charges will likely be filed against a man who was involved in a CVS robbery just outside Butler University’s campus, while another remains at large. Michael Hewitt, an Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department officer, said in an email that the case would be screened tomorrow at the Marion County Prosecutor’s Office. This allows formal charges to be filed. Dallas Beard, 38, was arrested


following a police chase that spilled onto campus. He has been charged with robbery, resisting law enforcement, criminal recklessness and possession of marijuana. Another man involved in the robbery escaped during a foot chase with IMPD and Butler University Police Department forces. The man was described as a 6-foot, 200-pound white male with short brown hair. He was wearing a burgundy-colored shirt and blue jeans.

The chase started with a robbery at the CVS on 56th Street and Illinois Street Photo by Colin Likas

see lockdown page 2



see parking page 4

Butler University students received an email warning about an armed robber “running towrad the camel.” About 15 minutes after that email, the @ButlerCamel Twitter account had already gained about 100 followers. The account, which, as of press time, boasts 1,031 followers, live-Tweeted Sunday’s events as they unfolded. “I’m not a mascot, I’m just a camel trying to make his way in the world—an innocent bystander, uncovered by BUPD,” @ButlerCamel tweeted. —Jill McCarter


Garage won’t solve existing parking woes

If Butler University builds a parking structure as discussed, it will not solve the parking problem as it currently exists. The Collegian’s analysis of information provided by Ben Hunter, executive director of public safety, shows that as many as 850 current permit holders would have no place to park if Butler proceeds with plans to build the garage and beautify campus. At last week’s Student Government Association meeting, President Jim Danko said he hopes to move some cars out of the area near Sunset Avenue and 46th Street and into the hypothetical parking garage or other undetermined spaces, to make way for a plan to beautify campus entryways.

Butler Camel tops Twitter talk



Photo by Marais Jacon-Duffy Sophomore Alyssa Hayes casts her vote on Tuesday afternoon. Lines at some polling places in Indiana forced some voters to wait up to two hours to vote in the general election.

Barack Obama will serve four more years as the president of the United States. After winning the state of Ohio, most major media networks called the race in favor of Obama. Butler University students voted both absentee and at the Marion county polls today. Sophomores Chris Morano and Matt O’Brien said they voted absentee fo Obama in their home states. “I’m from New York, so we’re generally pretty liberal,” Morano said. “But I want the country to continue to move forward, not backward.” O’Brien decided to vote for Obama in his home state of Ohio.


“I voted in Ohio, which they keep calling a battleground state,” O’Brien said. “I voted for Obama because Mitt Romney wants to turn the country into a business. That’s not going to work. You can’t take care of people that way.” Female students expressed support for Obama based on his support of women’s rights. Junior Kate Newman said she voted for Obama because of his stance on women’s issues but also his efforts to ease financial burdens of college students. “I feel like Obama has my own interests at heart as a woman and as a student,” Newman said. “He’s pro-choice, which I personally see election page 3



Students hunger for dining changes Fed up with “poor dining quality,” some students are boycotting Aramark ALLISON HALL AAHALL1@BUTLER.EDU


Freshman Kathryn Cleary started Dawgs for a Cause two weeks ago to show Butler University’s dining services what students really have a taste for. Cleary said she immediately saw the food offered by dining services was not up to par. After starting the group, Cleary tried boycotting dining services for eight days. During her boycott, she said she ate bagels, cereal, Easy Mac and food from Starbucks instead. After eight days, she went back to eating in the dining halls because relying on other options became too difficult. To meet its goals, the group has made a Facebook page, gone to the presidential student forum and had a meeting with faculty. The meeting was attended by student affairs staff, members of the dining services and Student Government Association. The Facebook page discusses “Issues At Hand,” which include dining options being open later, healthier and more diverse food and greater emphasis on cleanliness and proper handling of food by employees. The Facebook group has 568 members. Sophomore Sara Doverspike is on the Dawgs for a Cause committee and joined after seeing her fellow students’ enthusiasm. “Kathryn was really passionate about it, and it made me realize that if students have passion about something and if we can stand together for a common cause, we can see the changes that we want to see in the school,” Doverspike said.

AMOS CARPENTER Amos Carpenter, served as head of the math department for more than 10 years, died Oct. 30. Colleagues and students remember him for his big smile, extensive knowledge and kind personality.

If we can stand together for a common cause, we can see the changes that we want to see in the school. SARA DOVERSPIKE SOPHOMORE Freshman Amanda Mansard, who is also on the committee, said there is room for improvement in the food, and the group can be a form of communication. “It’s just a great source for feedback, especially for the SGA so they can see where the people’s thoughts are about the food on campus,” Mansard said. Mansard also has personal reasons for joining the group. “I’m gluten-free and soy- and dairy-free as well, so I know how hard it is to find different options to eat here,” Mansard said. Scott Nemeth, SGA vice president of administration, was in attendance at the presidential student forum. Nemeth took an interest in the group and connected Cleary to the Council on Presidential Affairs. “I think that Dawgs for a Cause is going to produce a lot of student leaders on campus,” Nemeth said. Sally Click, dean of student services, said dining services has existing ways for students to provide opinions, one of them being the Butler Cuisine Bureau, and there is a possibility of the two groups working together. Cleary said the group hopes to expand in numbers and to promote student awareness. More information on the group can be found on its Facebook and Twitter pages.

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Butler University colleagues and students remember Amos Carpenter as a man of knowledge and humility. An extremely organized person (though it wouldn’t look that way, according to faculty in the math department), Carpenter was kind, and he encouraged others’ input and questions. “He always had a great, big smile with a twinkle in his eye,” Bill Johnston, chair of the math department, said. “He was kind and upbeat. He went on to influence others by that. It was his own Butler Way.” Carpenter died in his home Oct. 30, after his battle with pancreatic cancer. His wife of 46 years, Della, and his daughter, Boi Carpenter-Mellady, survive him. Carpenter was born in Sierra Leone, West Africa. He went to England to attend Durham University and University of Leeds and then to the United States to study at Kent State University. Carpenter came to Butler in 1984. He was the head of the math department from 1992-2000 and again from 2007-2011. “He was a rock that stabilized the department and upheld the high standards of this department,” Johnston said. Carpenter was a member of the Mathematical Association of America and received the Distinguished Service Award for the association’s Indiana Section in 2008. “He was so smart,” Johnston said. “He had a thoroughness that is enviable.” At the weekly math department meeting, Lacey Echols, coordinator of math support services, remembered Carpenter as someone who loved cheesecake and New Orleans food and who was a wine connoisseur. She also said he was someone who took an

VISITATION SERVICES FOR AMOS CARPENTER Saturday, 10 a.m. FUNERAL SERVICES 12 p.m., followed by a burial and reception Crown Hill Funeral Home 700 West 38th St., Indianapolis

interest in his colleagues. “He was good at seeing other people’s talents,” Echols said. “He really knew people.” Kathie Freed, mathematics and actuarial science instructor, said Carpenter not only knew people, but he put everyone at ease. “He was open to listening,” Freed said. “He never made you think your input wasn’t welcome. “He would stay with students after class for two hours if he had to. If the student needed another hour, he would stay another hour. It was a part of his giving.” Junior Lauren Nasci said Carpenter was all about putting students’ learning first. “You could ask him anything,” said Nasci, who had Carpenter for a complex analysis class. “He was very approachable and amiable. He wanted students to understand the material.” Sophomore Nathan Ellingsen said he will remember Carpenter for his knowledge. “There wasn’t something you could ask that he wouldn’t know the answer to,” Ellingsen said. “I really enjoyed having him as a professor.” Ellingsen said it is unfortunate people won’t be able to take Carpenter’s classes anymore. “Butler is losing a key component to the math department,” he said. Nasci said she agreed. “Butler is losing a great logician, a very friendly man and a math mentor,” Nasci said. “He would find a thousand different ways to teach something to help you understand. He wanted people to learn.”

CORRECTIONS The Collegian corrects errors of fact. The story “Sandy Impacts Butler Students” incorrectly identified Emily Hogg as an intern at the White House Official of Presidential Correspondents. Hogg is a Correspondence Volunteer Associate at the White House Office of Presidential Correspondence. The Collegian regrets the error.


POLICE FIND DRUGS, WEAPONS FROM PAGE ONE IMPD officers responded to a robbery in progress at the CVS located on 119 W. 56th Street around 11:30 a.m. last Sunday. Vicky Lobb, CVS assistant manager, said a man entered the store and produced a note that demanded drugs from the pharmacy A BUPD vehicle eventually spotted the getaway car, a black 2006 Ford Mustang, and pursued it. After a brief police chase, the two men abandoned their vehicle just south of Atherton Union and the Mall. Beard, who, according to the report, was driving the vehicle, was captured by police forces. Nick Frisone, a Butler parent on campus for the school’s Family Weekend, chased Beard, knocking him over and allowing police to apprehend him. Officers recovered a bottle of Oxycontin, a bottle and pill of Adderall, three bottles of Opana and a bottle of amphetamine mix. Brass nunchucks, a 10-inch knife and a baton were also taken from the Mustang. A black, long-haired wig was also discovered in the vehicle. In September, IMPD arrested a man who robbed three Indianapolis CVS stores a total of four times while wearing a black, long-haired wig. That man stole Oxycontin and Oxycondone. There have been 11 drug-related robberies and attempted robberies at Indianapolis CVS stores in 2012, according to IMPD’s Facebook page, IndyUnsolved.





support, and he doesn’t plan on taking away Pell Grant funding, which I currently enjoy. But he also has the best interests of people I care about that sometimes can’t help themselves, like the poor and immigrants.” Junior Lauren Brodeur said her views on abortion and women’s health led her to vote for President Obama at Hinkle Fieldhouse on Tuesday. “I voted for Obama because of his stance on women’s health,” Brodeur said. “I’m pro-choice, and Romney’s stance on abortion concerns me.” Sophomore Brock Brothers said he was worried about Romney’s change in opinion and policy during the last few years. “Romney had more flip flops than Panama City Beach on spring break,” Brothers said. However, Romney supporters said their support was based primarily on a dislike for Obama’s financial decisions. “I want Romney to win because I don’t like Obama,” sophomore Alex Cairns said. “Four more years of lessening the economy won’t help. I think

Indianapolis residents waited in line for up to two hours in the Irvington neighborhood. Photo by Marais Jacon-Duffy

Romney will know how to create jobs.” Sophomore Anna Zeller said she supported Obama in spite of the backlash he received for his stance on social programs. “I don’t like the idea that some people deserve money and others don’t,” Zeller said. “Granted, I don’t pay taxes yet, but I do know that there are people that need assistance.” Romney was projected as winner of Indiana less than an hour after the polls closed at 6 p.m. At press time, Romney won the state of Indiana by 54.4 percent, with 91.8 percent of precincts reporting. Many major new networks closely watched the Indiana senatorial race to replace Richard Lugar’s seat. Democrat Joe Donnelly won the seat over Republican Richard Mourdock with 49.8 percent of the votes counted at press time. Brodeur said she voted for Donnelly because she strongly disliked Mourdock’s statements about abortion and rape. “The comments Richard Mourdock made about rape and pregnancy were awful, so I definitely didn’t vote for him,” Brodeur said. Republican Mike Pence won the Indiana gubernatorial race.

INDIANA VOTING BREAK DOWN President Romney: 54.4 percent Obama: 43.7 percent Johnson: 1.9 percent

Senate Donnelly: 49.8 percent Mourdock: 44.4 percent Horning: 5.8 percent

Governor Pence: 49.7 percent Gregg: 46.3 percent Boneham: 4.0 percent

House of Rep.-District 7 Carson: 62.4 percent May: 37.6 percent





Jobs and the Economy Iraq Health Care Education Immigration Environment Government Corruption Gas Prices Homeland Security Federal Deficit 05

TOP ISSUES FOR 18-29 YEAR OLDS IN THE 2008 ELECTION source: Rock the Vote



Percent of respondents who said this was most important issue






Clowes Memorial Hall is slated to undergo renovations this summer in preparation for the theater ’s 50th anniversary celebration in October 2013. Starting next June, Clowes will go recieve a nine-week renovation during which seats, roof, floor and walls will be repaired. The renovations are possible due to a $2 million grant from the Allen Whitehall Clowes Charitable Foundation, named for the son of the man responsible for Clowes’ founding. “We knew that we needed to have something look nice for the 50th anniversary,” said Elise Kushigian, Clowes Hall executive director. Kushigian said the renovation schedule needs to be strict given time constraints. “We don’t have much leeway if anything has a problem,” Kushigian said. “We need to have it look decent for the opening of orientation in the fall.” This summer ’s renovations are part of a 10-year plan to update various aspects of Clowes, including the heat, ventilation and air conditioning system. Other past updates include a total renovation of the venue’s façade, gutting of the bathrooms and future plans to upgrade the theatrical lighting system. “We’re doing it in chunks to be efficient,” Kushigian said. “We can’t afford to close this building down for a long period of time, so we’ve planned this all out.“ Kushigian said both she and Karen Steele, Clowes Hall

Photo by Rafael Porto

Clowes Memorial Hall received a $2 million grant, which will be used to replace the carpet and roof and update the walls. operations director, are grateful for the grant. “We wouldn’t have been able to do this interior renovation if we hadn’t received this grant,” Kushigian said. “That would’ve been just too big a loan to pay off.” Kushigian said renovations in the past were made possible through advancements from the university, with the exception of the heat and ventilation system that was made possible with a $500,000 grant received in 2009. Each ticket sold at Clowes includes a $2 renovation fee in its price, which all goes to paying back those loans. Renovations include getting a new roof, repainting and

plastering the walls that have been damaged throughout the years, and completely redoing the carpet. Steele said these changes will help improve the quality of the theater. “It will change the acoustics by adding carpet up there and will change the amount of audience noise we get,” Steele said. “There’s a lot of noise that pops off of that tile.” Kushigian said they are still deciding whether to refurbish the existing chairs or purchase brand new chairs. Each chair, she said, will cost around $500 to complete, given the amount of labor and material that will go into taking some

2,200 seats out in such a short work time. “It’s kind of a domino effect of how all these projects go together,” Steele said. “To go back and do these things at another time would cost a lot more money, so it’s more cost effective to do it all at once.” Joshua Lingenfelter, Clowes Hall marketing director, said he’s looking forward to plans for the anniversary. “We are thankful for this gift from the foundation and their continued support,” Lingenfelter said in an email. “Clowes Memorial Hall has been an Indiana treasure for 50 years, and we are excited to continue in that tradition.”



Vote passed to address holidays

CPA prioritizes campus projects

MAGGIE MONSON JSTANICH@BUTLER.EDU ASST. NEWS EDITOR Faculty Senate passed a proposal Tuesday to revise the university policy concerning students’ rights to request accommodations for religious observances. “There was an effort to clarify the language of the policy,” said Margaret Brabant, Faculty Senate chair. “It also helps to reiterate the very important message of student responsibility.” The new policy requires students to warn their professors two weeks in advance. The proposal provides steps both faculty and students should take when determining the best course of action. Judith Cebula, director of the Center for Faith and Vocation, advised the senate on what content the policy should contain. “The role of the center was encouraging the Faculty Senate to be clearer with their faculty colleagues about students who want to participate in particular religious observances and how the observances might affect their academic work,” Cebula said. Cebula said both students and faculty benefit from the clarification, as they need to work together to create a plan. This policy clarification was important at this time because Hanukkah falls during finals week this semester. Sophomore Mallory Russikoff, a Jewish student, said she has already rescheduled one final. “I think it’s a two-way street,” Russikoff said. “I don’t think it’s the job of just the student or just the professors. They need to work together.” The proposal for accommodation will benefit everyone involved, Cebula said. The clearer steps will help the plan work for all.

RYAN LOVELACE RLOVELAC@BUTLER.EDU ASST. NEWS EDITOR The Student Government Association’s Council on Presidential Affairs has developed a wish list for this year, but Christmas is still more than a month away. CPA outlined 35 objectives it wants to work on as it starts projects for the academic year, including an underground tunnel system connecting every building on campus, a sports bar built on top of Starbucks and a Brita hydration station on every floor of every building. CPA president Scott Nemeth said he knows he won’t achieve everything he wants. “We’re not going to get all of them done, but we’re going to look into all of them,” Nemeth said. “I think that you’ll be surprised at how many we do end up getting done.” Nemeth said he expects CPA to complete 20 items on the list, but this ideal will depend on the

resources made available to CPA by the university and SGA’s rollover budget. “Normally, we advocate for the projects,” Nemeth said, “then, the university usually funds them. “If we get told ‘no’ on something, we’re not going to just put it off and say to the assembly that we can’t get it done. We’re going to try as hard as we can to find a middle ground with the university on making that possible.” CPA may need to find more than the middle ground if it plans to dig tunnels beneath campus. “The underground tunnels—I’m not sure that anyone would want to fund that,” Nemeth said. “They’d hand us a shovel to go out and start, probably.” Nemeth said the sports bar on top of Starbucks may never be possible, and having a Brita hydration station on every floor of every building probably won’t happen either. But Nemeth said doubling the number of Brita stations at Butler

to eight, and placing them in residence halls, and making sure every building on campus stays open 24 hours are all realistic goals. Nathan Holt, operations committee coordinator for CPA, said adding keycard access is a priority, and he is looking at adding access to the Fairbanks Building. “My ultimate goal would be to see the majority of all exterior doors to academic buildings on a keycard-access system,” Holt said. SGA president Mike Keller said CPA’s goals were written broadly so the administration could better understand student concerns. “When you speak in very big terms like that, it’s easy for the administration to understand sort of what the students are really trying to say,” Keller said. Nemeth said it is hard for him to determine what will ultimately happen. “I’d expect that every month that we come back,” Nemeth said, “we’ll have a couple more projects done.” Nemeth said.


“Something that’s unsightly, frankly, about our campus that makes it look like an urban campus is all the parking that happens along Sunset Avenue,” Danko said. Butler officials have discussed plans to build a multi-use facility on the lot behind Clowes Memorial Hall that would add about 1,000 parking spaces and hold 300 beds, Hunter said. The parking garage would add approximately 400 spots, after accounting for spaces filled by residents in the facility and the loss of pre-existing spots in the Clowes lot. The details of the facility have not been set in stone because it is still in the planning process and must be approved by the Board of Trustees. Hunter and Danko have each said a new facility would ease a parking problem on Butler’s campus. BUPD sold 1,184 more parking permits to faculty, faculty-inresidence and students than there were available spots for the 2012-13 school year. The number of spaces Danko would like to eliminate along Sunset Avenue remains unclear, but if he eliminated every spot on the street after the garage’s construction, the university would have a net gain of about 300 spaces. Those unfilled spaces would leave about 850 more decaled cars than Butler-permitted parking spaces, if the number of decaled cars were frozen. If increasing enrollment brings more cars to campus, the number of students without a parking spot would increase. Hunter said the plan to beautify campus entryways and eliminate some parking is conceptual, unfunded and has only been discussed for the longterm. Hunter said that any parking eliminated by the plan would be made up in the hypothetical parking structure. The only parking that would be eliminated in the current plans, Hunter said, would be the spots taken from the Clowes lot. “We won’t have any less parking with the structure,” Hunter said. “It would be plus 600 to 700 spots, but no one knows because we’re still in a planning stage.” Hunter said that he did not know which permits would be allowed in the new facility and would not speculate what types of parking permits would gain or lose spots on campus if the structure was built. The Board of Trustees will likely choose a proposal for the parking structure in either December or February, but things could still change after that deadline, Hunter said. “There could be design changes up until the week before you open the structure, I guess,” Hunter said.

We won’t have any less parking with the structure. BEN HUNTER EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC SAFETY


Fountain receiving repairs JEFF STANICH JSTANICH@BUTLER.EDU ASST. NEWS EDITOR Butler University’s sidewalks are being renovated, with the current construction surrounding Star Fountain. Located in the center of the Mall, the construction has caused closure of passageways from Irwin Library to Atherton Union. Jerry Carlson, director of maintenance services, said this is one of many sections that will fall under one renovation project. “Wherever you see white lines on the sidewalks are areas that need repairs,” Carlson said. “The sidewalks are old and have become tripping hazards and damaging to snow plows.” Carlson said the Capital Work

Group, a group that consists of Butler faculty and a student representative, approved a $75,000 renovation to areas of sidewalks all over campus. Some students said the construction has been an inconvience on campus. “The ground is almost always wet here,” junior Kevin Oblinger said. “So I basically have to walk through the mud now.” “I have to reroute now on my way to class,” sophomore Sara Doverspike said. “I usually have this plan where I go straight from the library to Starbucks, and I just can’t do that anymore.” Carlson said construction aims to be completed this fall, weather permitting. The project will be finished in the spring if there is not enough time.

All paths leading to the Star Fountain have been closed due to contruction on the surrounding sidewalks, causing students to alter their walks between classes. Photo by Jeff Stanich





The Butler cheerleaders are at every basketball game, from the opening tipoff to the final buzzer. They are at every football game from kickoff until the teams files into the tunnel at the end of the game. They were there in Houston and Indianapolis when the men’s basketball team was playing for a national title. The cheerleaders are an integral part of the athletics program at Butler. “I love being a part of the university,” senior cheerleader Mark Abarca said. “The cheerleaders are part of the Butler brand, and being in that spotlight is always really exciting.” While the cheerleading team is usually seen down on the field or court cheering, the group does much more. “There is so much to this squad,” senior cheerleader Hannah Ucchino said. “We are more than the peppy faces on the sidelines every game.” The team cheers during most volleyball matches, the men’s and women’s basketball games and football contests. “I love, during the basketball games, watching all the alumni and seeing how excited they get when we go out and do the war song, or something happens on the court,” Ucchino said. The team also cheers during Welcome Week events, Spirit Week events and alumni association events. “On top of volunteering, all of the cheerleaders are very involved with different activities on campus as well as their studies, ” Ucchino said. “We are always

there to help each other out. We love Butler, and we love what we do.” The team spends time making appearances around the Indianapolis community, helping with local high school cheering squads, participating in charity walks and interacting with alumni. All of this time is on a volunteer basis. “I still think that there are people that are out there that think the kids get scholarships and (get) paid,” spirit coordinator Jamie Troyer said. “It’s strictly volunteer. “They get a little bit, but the time they are putting in is pretty much volunteer.” Troyer said the team typically consists of 23 to 28 cheerleaders, with eight to 10 males and 14 to 18 females. This year, the team has 28 members. The team practices twice a week for two to three hours during the fall semester. During the spring semester, practice drops to about two hours. Practices consist of conditioning, stunts, pyramids, and individual practice with stunt groups or partners. Some Butler cheerleaders have gone on to work for professional teams in Indianapolis. A few work for a new Indiana Pacers spirit group, and others are flag runners for the Indianapolis Colts. Troyer said several of her former cheerleaders have also gone on to coach at the high-school level. Troyer said that her favorite part of it all is the tradition and the excitement for sports. “Something about Butler, the cheerleaders really love their school, and they love cheerleading for Butler” Troyer said. “It’s just the pride that the students take in being a cheerleader and supporting their school.”

Photo by Heather Iwinski


Team finishes preseason 2-0 AUSTIN MONTEITH AMONTEIT@BUTLER.EDU ASST. SPORTS EDITOR The Butler men’s basketball team will begin its regular season Saturday against Elon at Hinkle Fieldhouse. The game is scheduled to tip off at 2 p.m. The contest is one of the opening games of the Maui Invitational. Elon went 9-9 in the Southern Conference last season and 15-16 overall, finishing second in the North Division of the conference. The Bulldogs will then travel to Cincinnati on Tuesday to face Atlantic 10 rival Xavier in a 4 p.m. game that will be broadcast nationally during ESPN’s Tip-Off Marathon. The game is considered a nonconference matchup due to a prior agreement the schools had before Butler joined the A-10. Xavier will be missing its top scorer from last year’s Sweet Sixteen squad,



Butler sports this week.

Tu Holloway. The Musketeers will be without six players from last season and have been predicted to finish ninth in the A-10 preseason coaches’ poll as a result. The Bulldogs won their exhibition game against the University of Indianapolis 63-47 Saturday. Senior guard Rotnei Clarke led the team with 18 points and eight rebounds. Junior forward Khyle Marshall finished with 14 points and nine rebounds. Butler was sloppy early, as the team committed 12 turnovers in the first half alone due to the stingy Greyhound defense. Coach Brad Stevens said the style of play utilized by Indianapolis coach Stan Gouard will help the Bulldogs in conference play. “We scheduled Indianapolis because we went to the A-10,” Stevens said. “Stan (Gouard) has always been aggressive in his coaching at

FRIDAY Cross country at NCAA Great Lakes Regional 1:45 p.m.

UP NEXT The Bulldogs will play Elon at home on Saturday with tipoff at 2:00 p.m.

Indianapolis, getting up and down the floor, getting into guys. “They always have quick athletic guards. We scheduled this game for Marquette, UMass, VCU—teams that will extend the floor.” Indianapolis led by five points with about two minutes remaining in the first half, scoring 12 points off Butler turnovers. With the game tied at 27 and just seconds remaining before halftime, sophomore guard Alex Barlow stole the ball and drove nearly the length of the court for a layup at the buzzer. Barlow was fouled on the play and made the free throw to complete the see basketball page 7

Photo by Heather Iwinski

Senior center Andrew Smith, seen battling for the ball, helped lead Butler to a win over Indianapolis, finishing with five points and five rebounds.



Women’s volleyball Saint Louis at Butler 5 p.m.

Football Butler at Drake 2 p.m.

Women’s Men’s basketball basketball Elon at Butler Butler at Marquette 2 p.m. 8 p.m.

Swimming Butler vs. UIC, Illinois Tech at UIC

Men’s basketball Butler at Xavier 4 p.m. Women’s basketball Butler at Ball State 7 p.m.




Butler wins exhibition game MARKO TOMICH MTOMICH@BUTLER.EDU



Butler travels to Marquette Saturday. Tipoff is 8 p.m. “It’s nice to finally play against someone else other than ourselves all the time,” sophomore guard Taylor Schippers said. “Exhibition games are (used) to see what rotations work best and for us to get all our nerves out before going into regular-season play.” Neither team took control of the game in the first half and they headed into the locker room tied 31-31. “At halftime in the locker room, coach was calm and just said we need to play with more energy now that the nerves are out, we need to go out there and put them away,” Schippers said. “Our defense and energy in the second half is what let us pull away from the Panthers.” The Bulldogs’ pressure held the Panthers scoreless for the first seven minutes of the second half and let Butler extend its lead. Butler’s defense forced 17 Kentucky Wesleyan turnovers. The Panthers shot 18 percent from the field in the second half after shooting 40 percent in the first half.


Bulldogs’ semifinal loss ends season Butler’s season came to an end on Friday. The Bulldogs lost 1-0 to top-seeded La Salle in the Atlantic 10 tournament semifinals. Redshirt junior Leigh Gray scored the Explorers’ (17-4-1) lone goal in the 38th minute. A-10 Rookie of the Year and freshman midfielder Sophie Maccagnone was held to two shots in the loss.

The Bulldogs finished their inaugural A-10 season with a record of 12-5-4. The 12 victories Butler earned this season are the most for the program since it went 15-6 in 2002. Maccagnone also broke Butler’s single-season shots record with 97 shots. The previous record of 96 shots was accomplished by Amy Morrison in 2002. La Salle went on to defeat VCU in the A-10 finals, 2-1 in overtime.

BUTLER VS. LA SALLE, NOV. 2 TEAM 1st 2nd Final Butler 0 0 0 La Salle 1 0 1

Photo by Rafael Porto

The Butler women’s basketball team listens to a coach during a practice last week at Hinkle Fieldhouse.


Butler ends season with loss to Billikens The men’s soccer team won’t be making a run at the Atlantic 10 conference championship this year. The team saw its first season in the A-10 come to an end with a 4-0 loss to Saint Louis last Sunday. Only the top eight seeds in the conference advanced to post-season play. The Bulldogs finished tied for ninth in the overall

standings with a 3-5-1 conference record. Butler had many opportunities to score with a total of 13 shots in the match. Sophomore Zach Steinberger led the Bulldogs with four shots. The team finished with an overall record of 5-8-5. The squad will lose four seniors in 2013: Jared Isenthal, Justin Sass, Tyler Pollock and student manager Jack Morlock.

BUTLER AT SAINT LOUIS, NOV. 4 TEAM 1st 2nd Final Butler 0 0 0 Saint Louis 2 2 4


Team wins pair of home matches Butler hosts its season finale against Saint Louis on Saturday at 5 p.m. at Hinkle Fieldhouse. Butler lost a tough match at Saint Louis on Oct. 6, 3-1. The Bulldogs (16-11, 6-7) must win the match to keep their hopes of qualifying for the Atlantic 10 tournament alive. The Bulldogs defeated Temple (17-10, 7-6) three

sets to one Sunday for their fourth consecutive win. Leading the Bulldogs was junior Maggie Harbison with 16 kills and sophomore Brooke Ruffolo with 19 digs. Junior Claire Randich and sophomore Erica Stahl each added seven blocks. Butler also defeated La Salle (4-24, 0-12) in straight sets on Friday. Junior Morgan Peterson finished the match with nine kills, and Stahl added six blocks.


1st 14 25

2nd 19 25

3rd 25 20

4th 8 25

5th — —

Final 1 3

The legal age for alcohol use in Indiana is 21-years-old. Consuming too much alcohol can put you and your friends in danger. The Collegian encourages you to drink responsibly.

Butler women’s basketball begins its regular season by traveling to the Al McGuire Center in Milwaukee to take on Marquette Saturday. The two teams last met in the 2009 Women’s National Invitation Tournament. The Golden Eagles prevailed 58-49 in a second-round game played in Milwaukee. The Bulldogs will also play at Ball State Tuesday night. Butler defeated the Cardinals 55-43 last season in a December contest at Hinkle Fieldhouse. “The first two road games will give us a chance to see where we stand as a team, and we all are excited about that opportunity,” junior forward Daress McClung said. “I am feeling confident in how hard we’ve worked as a team and am looking forward to testing what we’ve practiced against great competition.” Butler wrapped up its first win of the year against Kentucky Wesleyan, defeating the Panthers 68-53 in an exhibition matchup last Friday. McClung led in scoring with 18 points. Freshman forward Katie Brewer snagged 13 rebounds for the Bulldogs.




Many exercises available for non-gym rats LUKE SHAW

Photo courtesy of Sean Meaden

Butler University students try to sink each other’s “ships” during a game of Battleship. The event is now offered at the HRC. Battleship will be offered as a spring intramural sport.


HRC brings board game to life MARKO TOMICH


Butler’s Health and Recreation Complex has been sporting a new water-bound game called Battleship. The game has been played at Spring Sports, Late Night at the HRC and during Family Weekend. The objective of Battleship is simple: sink or tip the opponent’s canoe. Four teams play at once in a round. The teams are not allowed to bail water or touch other teams’ canoes. Each team, consisting of three or four members, receives a shield, bucket and a water gun to try to outlast the other opponents. Sophomores Eric Medrano, Joe Kahles and Sean Meaden won Battleship during Late Night at the HRC. Their prize consisted of bragging rights and being the first team to sign the “Battle Boats Paddle.” “We used the strategy of synchronization and teamwork to coordinate everyone in the heat of battle, especially knowing the strength of each player and determining what position they would be best at,” Medrano

said. “One of our teammates is a farmer and has been bucketing compost all his life. (Kahles) is one of the best bucketters and one of the main reasons we won.” Freshman Ben McSwain was able to experience this game for the first time during this year’s Family Weekend because his sisters really wanted to try it. “Everyone was pretty competitive, and teams even formed alliances,” McSwain said. “I teamed up with Madeline Schmitz’s team in the championship round, and we got second place to her team. “Overall, it was an awesome experience, and I would recommend it to others.” The game is exciting and action-packed, but that is not the only reason Meaden enjoyed playing Battleship. “Not only is it an opportunity to battle for your canoe-sinking dominance, but it becomes an opportunity to meet new people from all over campus that you might not have met before,” Meaden said. “I really enjoy going and letting off tension from studying and working all the time with my friends.”


Team clinches share of PFL title KYLE BEERY


Photo by Jaclyn McConnell

Junior quarterback Matt Lancaster, seen dropping back for a pass, has led the Bulldogs to at least a share of the Pioneer Football League championship.

BUTLER VS JACKSONVILLE, NOV. 3 TEAM 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Final Butler 0 7 6 6 19 Jacksonville 3 10 3 0 16


three-point play and give the Bulldogs a 30-27 lead going into the locker room. After letting the lead slip away from them early in the second

half, Butler went on a 14-2 run to pull ahead with about 12 minutes remaining in the game. Clarke struggled in the first half, shooting only 12.5 percent from the field. He was able to break his drought after halftime, scoring 15 of his 18 points in the second half and making all eight shots from the foul line. He shot 25 percent from behind the three-point line.

Butler will play for sole possession of the Pioneer Football League title on Saturday in Des Moines. The title, which Butler already owns a share of is the Bulldogs’ first since 2009, marking a big turnaround over the past two seasons. Redshirt junior quarterback Matt Lancaster’s outstretched arms were the difference-maker Saturday as Butler completed a 19-16 come-from-behind win over Jacksonville. The victory, Butler’s first ever against Jacksonville, kept the Bulldogs (8-2, 7-0) undefeated in PFL play and secured them at least a share of the conference title. “All three phases had their points in the game where they made key stops or stands or plays to get us to that point with the touchdown late,” Butler coach Jeff Voris said. “It was a great team win and one that we need all hands on deck and a full 60 minutes to get it done.” Lancaster’s final score capped

little more aggressive,” Clarke said. “Obviously, shots weren’t really falling, so I was just trying to maybe get my groove at the line possibly and just get something

UP NEXT The Bulldogs will play at Drake Saturday at noon.

a 95-yard drive and kept the Bulldogs’ perfect league season alive. “It was wild,” Lancaster said. “We’ve had that the last couple games, and it just shows how much heart that we have as an offense and as a team.” Lancaster finished with two touchdowns and 260 yards through the air. The game marked the last home game for seven seniors, including co-captain and linebacker Jordan Ridley. “Every senior wants to win on Senior Day, and the fact that we’d never beaten that team is an added bonus,” Ridley said. The victory is Butler’s seventh straight and second-consecutive comeback win at home. “This team never quits,” Ridley said. “They always fight. That’s led to us pulling out a lot of victories that a lot of people wouldn’t think we’d be able to pull out.”

going.” Sophomore forward Kameron Woods and Marshall led the Bulldogs with nine rebounds each.

BUTLER VS INDIANAPOLIS, NOV. 3 TEAM 1st 2nd Final Butler 30 33 63 Indianapolis 27 20 47

ONLINE Visit for a complete analysis from Asst. Multimedia Editor Matt Rhinesmith.

Not all exercises are created equal. Fitness fanatics and gym gurus throw countless routines into media circulation every day, making simple, fun workouts rarer than the Butler Camel. Fortunately, fun fitness alternatives to pumping iron or hitting the treadmill do exist. Below are four physical activities that exercise amateurs and experts alike will enjoy. YOGA Yoga combines strength, balance, flexibility and mental awareness to create a uniquely relaxing workout. The unity of body and mind emphasized in yoga makes it a great college-friendly exercise. “It’s perfect for any student because it builds physical and mental strength,” said junior Hayley Jones, fitness instructor. Jones said yoga sessions’ lowkey feel provides a welcoming atmosphere for exercise amateurs. The stretches performed may also reduce soreness and prevent future injury. ROWING Students looking for a highintensity workout can grab an oar, hit the canal and try their hand at rowing. Rowing is a total-body workout students can utilize. “People think rowing just uses your arms, but it comes down to about 80 percent legs and 20 percent arms,” said junior Izzie Rosich, Butler rowing team president. “If you’re using correct form, you’ll work on muscles you didn’t even know you have.” Rowing blends anaerobic and aerobic exercise. Athletes with no rowing experience should not be discouraged from hopping in a shell and giving the sport a shot. Rosich said Butler’s team is always looking for new members. AEROBIC DANCE Music, muscles and movement meet to make aerobic dance, a fun workout for people who like to move their bodies. The Health and Recreation Complex offers a variety of aerobic dance classes ranging from Latin Challenge—a form of Zumba—to more intense courses like Turbo Kick. Junior fitness instructor Kelsey Lindsay teaches Core 30, Latin Challenge and Turbo Kick. She said the classes simultaneously serve as social outlets and fitness challenges. “It’s an encouraging environment, and you have an instructor motivating you,” she said. “Instructors cue and offer modifications to different moves to fit your fitness level.” Aerobic dance classes are offered weekdays at the HRC. SWIMMING Swimming may seem an obvious alternate exercise, but the benefits the pool offers are too great to glide under the radar. “I love swimming because you’re kind of working out without really knowing it,” said sophomore Stephanie Shoults, a member of Butler’s swim team. “You’re using your entire body to get an overall great workout.” Shoults said the advantages of swimming are two-fold, citing mental clarity as well as physical fitness. “Once you get in the rhythm, you’re really mentally focused and not thinking about anything else,” she said. Swimming is also a prime exercise for those suffering from joint pain or rehabilitating injuries. The resistance created by the water is easier on the body than traditional running or weightlifting.




From a small room tucked away at the bottom of the hill in Holcomb Gardens, a smiling man delicately strokes the keys of a converted organ console, as he has done for over forty years. The sounds of bells ring from a cabinet in front of him, and the music falls on the malls and halls of Butler University. “A lot of people come out and sit in their cars and listen,” William Engle said. “They don’t really care if it’s human or not, it’s just a lovely sound. They don’t care how it’s made, just the fact that it is made.” Engle is the man behind the bell tones ringing through campus each week. He is Butler‘s carillonneur, the man who has controlled the bells since 1972. A carillon is the instrument that makes the bell sounds heard from the Mrs. James Irving Holcomb Memorial Carillon Tower. The bells can be played just in the small carillon room, or played to the whole campus through the tower’s speakers. When he first stepped on Butler’s campus as a part of the class of 1965, the sound of the bells caught Engle’s attention. Intrigued by the sound, he took a class for four semesters teaching him how to play the carillon. During the summer, his professor allowed him to play concerts.

It’s a part of the spirit life at Butler, just like the marching band and the basketball band are, just a different kind of ‘rah’. WILLIAM ENGLE UNIVERSITY CARILLONNEUR Engle was eventually asked to succeed his professor when he died. “I said, ‘Yeah, why not?’” Engle said. “I didn’t know that years and years and years later, I’d still be here doing it. I love playing just because of the people I meet.” Now the carillonneur takes requests and performs a concert every Sunday at 5 p.m., June through September. Meeting people and sharing in their lives is what brings Engle so much satisfaction. People listen to his music for many different reasons, and he has many stories to share. Engle was once asked to play a special carillon concert for a woman’s dying relative, who lived near campus and listened for the bells each day. He played her a special concert, and the same songs were used at her memorial service.

Another family brought their mother to him because she listened to him play for years, and she asked Engle to play a few songs for her. Three weeks later, the family came back without her. While Engle was playing his normal Sunday evening summer concert, the family walked around the gardens spreading her ashes. Engle keeps a scrapbook of all the letters and pictures families send him. He has multiple scrapbooks because he has received so many letters of gratitude. “People write about their families and things, just being here in the gardens, and what playing for them means,” he said. The carillon at Butler is special in that there is someone to play it regularly. There are eight sets of carillon bells in Indiana, and only one other carillon in the state is played regularly. Engle said the worst thing about keeping a carillon around is when it tells you that you’re going to be late for class. When asked why he still plays, Engle said, “It’s becoming a collective memory. I’ve always done this. It gives people such pleasure. It’s part of the spirit life at Butler, just like the marching band and the basketball band are—just a different kind of ‘rah.’” A little-known treasure on campus, the carillon and Engle continue to bring the bells to life every day.

the bells

Photos by Gerrald Vazquez

William Engle, Butler University’s carillonneur, said he continues to play the carillon not for himself, but for the enjoyment of others.




Time capsule holds secrets from past SARVARY KOLLER SKOLLER@BUTLER.EDU ARTS, ETC. ASST. EDITOR Think “Indiana Jones” on Nov. 14, when the Butler University Student Foundation opens an ancient(ish) relic unearthed from the depths of Jordan Hall during recent renovations. Junior Julie Robinson, BUSF co-director of student relations, said construction staff recently discovered a date stone containing a time capsule deep within the bricks of the building. The exact age of the time capsule is a mystery, but it is estimated to be between 20 and 30 years old. Robinson said not much is known about the capsule or the artifacts that have been locked within it for decades. BUSF will open the time capsule on Nov. 14. Robinson and Ryan Love, the other co-director of student relations, are organizing the event. “It’ll be interesting to see what past classes thought was important to Butler,” Robinson said. “Nowadays, a lot of us think of Blue or Trip or basketball as what really defines our Butler experience, so I am curious to see what Butler meant to people in the past.” Love said BUSF hopes to continue the time capsule tradition

It’ll be interesting to see what past classes thought was important to Butler. JULIE ROBINSON BUSF CO-DIRECTOR OF STUDENT RELATIONS by putting the BUSF traditions book back into the capsule to be buried for another class to find. Love said working on the traditions book and engaging in BUSF gave him a personal connection to the book. He said he hopes this same personal connection is mirrored in the items left in the capsule by students, faculty or staff from the past. “I want a personal perspective of the history of Butler,” Love said. “You can go online and find the facts anywhere, but I’m hoping for something that’s handwritten and really gives a better view of what Butler was like 20 or 30 years ago.” In addition to the traditions book, Robinson said Butler students have the chance to put some of their own memories back into the capsule.

She said students are encouraged to take pictures of what Butler means to them throughout Spirit Week, and those pictures will be considered when the capsule is once again filled. Students have the opportunity to become a part of Butler history in the making, Love said. Anyone with a love for Butler and its history is welcome to join the event. “Contribute to something that is much bigger than yourself,” he said. “Give back to Butler what it has given to you.” Sophomore BUSF member Jaci Turner said the time capsule event adds a different component to Spirit Week. “On the surface, Spirit Week is getting pumped for basketball season, but overall I think it creates a deeper sense of community within the Butler community,” Turner said. “I think it fits in great with understanding how the campus works together.” Spirit Week kicks off Saturday with a tailgate party at the Health and Recreation Complex. Monday through Wednesday, there will be tables at the gazebo outside Starbucks hosting different activities in the afternoon. The time capsule revelation will conclude Spirit Week on Nov. 14 at 4 p.m. in Jordan Hall. It will be on the east side of the first floor, by the Office of Student Accounts.

Photo by Sarvary Koller

Construction staff found the time capsule deep within the brickwork of Jordan Hall while working on renovations.

300 MILES Nashville to Butler

> 8000 MILES

Kakamas, South Africa to Butler university South African leader to speak MARIA LEICHTY MLEICHTY@BUTLER.EDU STAFF REPORTER

Students have the chance to hear an anti-aparteid activist and internationally-recognized leader as part of Butler University’s Celebration of Diversity Distinguished Lecture Series on Nov. 12. Rev. Allan Boesak is an established theologian and author and spoke out against the South African apartheid as a patron of the United Democratic Front from 1983 to 1991. Boesak teaches in the philosophy and religious studies department this semester as a visiting professor and will be working at the Christian Theological Seminary in the spring semester. “We could not have someone of his stature here on campus and not have him be a part of the diversity lecture series,” said Valerie Davidson, director of diversity programs. The title of his lecture is “The Righteousness of Our Strength: Reconciliation, Justice and the Historic Obligation of the Oppressed.” Boesak was born in Kakamas, South Africa, in 1946. He studied at the University of Western Cape and received his Ph.D. in theology from the Protestant Theological University in Kampen, the Netherlands. His voice was first heard in the 1980s while he was an outspoken

BOESAK: Theologian, author and activist speaking this week. critic of the National Party’s policies in South Africa. In 1991, he was elected chairman of the African National Congress. “The ANC is the people’s government. It is our liberation movement,” he wrote in his book “The Fire Within: Sermons from the Edge of Exile.” He is globally recognized—along with Archbishop Desmond Tutu— as one of the most influential voices of the anti-apartheid movement. “I am hoping students will leave having a better understanding of what Boesak has achieved and accomplished in his commitment to human rights and diversity and have the opportunity to experience his legacy,” Davidson said. Some of his achievements include publishing his doctoral dissertation, “Farewell to Innocence,” writing 17 books and holding the office of president of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches.

There will be a meet and greet in the Efroymson Diversity Center from 6 to 7 p.m. for people to get to know Boesak on a personal level. His lecture starts at 7:30 p.m. in the Reilly Room. Davidson said the diversity lectures try to give students the opportunity to have a conversation with the speakers prior to the event. Sophomore Lea Levy attended the last diversity lecture with Lt. Dan Choi and said the diversity series benefits students because of the interesting speakers it draws. “They talk about current issues that we as Americans or as people residing in the country should know more about,” Levy said. This event also counts toward the cultural requirement for students.

IN BRIEF: Celebration of Diversity Lecture Series Monday Meet and Greet 6 - 7 p.m. Efroymson Diversity Center Lecture 7:30 p.m. Reilly Room The event is free and fulfills a Butler Cultural Requirement.

Street Corner Symphony brings variety, melody GERRALD VAZQUEZ GVAZQUEZ@BUTLER.EDU STAFF REPORTER

It doesn’t take a drum set, a piano, some guitar and a bass to play Tears for Fears’ “Everybody Wants to Rule the World.” All it takes is a few voices and a mind for creativity. While these criteria sometimes yield the likes of singers found on “American Idol” audition bloopers, they occasionally produce some notably talented groups of a cappella artists who need no more than their voices to produce goose bump-worthy music. Street Corner Symphony, a contemporary a cappella group out of Nashville, Tenn., is performing at Clowes Memorial Hall this week. The group landed second place on NBC’s “The Sing-Off” and now tours globally. Music professor Tim Brimmer will be hosting a pre-performance discussion exploring the science of a cappella singing—whih is done without instrumental accompaniment. “The use of the human voice and what its capabilities are is really fully explored with this group,” James Cramer, Clowes Memorial Hall community relations manager, said. With six members—three of whom are siblings—the group performs a variety of music in a creative and reimagined style packed with charming melodies and awe-inducing harmonies. “We have a really broad set list,” lead singer Jeremy Lister said. “It’s a mixture of current pop music, classic rock and barbershop.”

IN BRIEF: Friday 8 p.m. Clowes Memorial Hall Student Tickets $10

Students who supported Street Corner Symphony during its run on “The Sing-Off” are excited to see them come to Butler. “I watched ‘The Sing-Off,’ and they were my favorite from the very beginning,” freshman Molly Grooms said. “They have this really cool, smooth vibe, and every single week I loved their song choices.” The group came together while the singers attended the University of Alabama and, as a result, formed Street Corner Symphony in 2010 to compete in “The Sing-Off.” The group performed a cappella covers of various pop and rock songs, including Radiohead’s “Creep” and Train’s “Hey, Soul Sister.” Making their way to the secondseason finale, Street Corner Symphony lost marginally to the first-place group, Committed. Regardless, the group was humbled by the experience, and their new career was launched as a result. “We really made some longterm friends,” Lister said. “It was like being at a summer camp with a bunch of music nerds.” For those who are unfamiliar with a cappella, the Street Corner Symphony concert will be a wonderful way to get acquainted with the art. “It’s a cappella at its best,” freshman Molly Kellner said. “Everyone has heard a terrible a cappella group, but Street Corner Symphony really knows how to do it well.” The Street Corner Symphony concert is in Clowes Memorial Hall on Friday at 8 p.m. Student admission is $10.


Have an opinion about the lecture or concert? Let us know by emailing the editor at or leaving a comment online at

PAGE 10 the butler

COLLEGIAN The Butler watchdog and voice for BU students

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Jill McCarter

Editor in Chief

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Managing Editor

Tara McElmurry News Editor

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Asst. News Editor

Jeff Stanich



CORE CURRICULUM SHOULD BE EVALUATED Each year, Butler University students spend an average of 15 hours a week sitting in classrooms. Even more time is spent outside the classrooms working on homework, cramming for tests or completing cultural requirements. For 16 weeks each semester, students are bogged down with college commitments. And while a heavy load is something each student agrees to do, it’s not something each student likes to do. If students are going to spend such a huge amount of time dedicating themselves to their schoolwork, they should have an opportunity to enjoy nearly every minute of it.


Administrators should evaluate the core to make sure there are courses that interest students. | 21-10-3

For some students, the core classes seem to drag on for all 16 weeks. When students register for classes for their first semester at Butler, they often find themselves scraping the bottom of the barrel to find a First Year Seminar to squeeze into their schedules. Those seminars are often about some microcosm of the universe that people rarely pay attention to. When students have to pick other core classes, like GHS or science courses, they often

find themselves in similar situations. The core should be evaluated to make sure that courses can hold the interest of students and teach something valuable along the way. More courses that interest students in their individual programs should be available. Students should be able to make their education interesting and rewarding. Sitting through a 32-week course about a topic that really carries no impact for

students often turns them off from the subject. It’s not fun for students or professors when students tune out during class time. No one benefits. Administrators should look into making classes more colorful, more relevant and more beneficial for students. Plenty of professors are dedicated to education at Butler. Some programs rank high above others in the nation. So why not make sure that students can benefit from more of those classes or programs? When students care, the entire Butler community benefits.

Asst. News Editor

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Advertising Manager Adviser: Loni McKown

The Butler Collegian is published weekly on Wednesdays with a controlled circulation of 2,600. The Collegian office is located in the Fairbanks Center in room 210. The Collegian is printed at The Greenfield Reporter in Greenfield, Ind. The Collegian maintains a subscription to MCT Services Campus wire service. The Collegian editorial staff determines the editorial policies; the opinions expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of The Collegian or Butler University, but of the writers clearly labeled. As outlined in The Collegian’s staff manual, the student staff of The Collegian shall be allowed the widest degree of latitude for the free discussion and will determine the content and format of their publication without censorship or advance approval. A copy of these policies is on file in The Collegian office. The Collegian accepts advertising from a variety of campus organizations and local businesses and agencies. All advertising decisions are based on the discretion of the ad manager and editor in chief. For a copy of The Collegian advertising rates, publication schedule and policies, please call 317-940-9358 or send an e-mail to the advertising staff at For subscriptions to The Collegian, please send a check to the main address above. Subscriptions are $45 per academic year.

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The Collegian staff makes an effort to be as accurate as possible. Corrections may be submitted to The Collegian and will be printed at the next publication date.

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The Collegian accepts letters to the editor no later than noon on the Sunday before publication. Letters to the editor must be emailed to and contain a phone number at which you can be reached. Letters can also be mailed to The Collegian office. The Collegian reserves the right to edit letters for spelling, style, clarity and length. Letters must be kept to a length of 450 words. Contact The Collegian for questions. Exceptions to these policies may be made at the editorial board’s discretion.

Comic by Audrey Meyer

Full liberal arts education needed Core courses greatly enhance students’ liberal arts education. The liberal arts focus at Butler University is an integral part of students’ educational experience. This becomes especially important during scheduling, when it is much easier to notice and disparage the problems with the core curriculum. Although the core curriculum needs some improvements, students must not forget the importance of a liberal arts education. The process of scheduling can be frustrating, but it can still bear worthwhile results if approached with an open mind.


The main point of education is to enrich one’s mind, explore multiple fields of thought and grapple with one’s own worldview. Unfortunately, many students tend to believe the purpose of education is to prepare for future jobs. In fact, 85 percent of high school students and 59 percent of college graduates list “qualifying for a better job/preparing for a career” as a primary reason to attend college, according to a study by Richard Hersh. Training and preparation for future professions should not be

condemned. But focusing solely on upcoming careers misses liberal arts educaton’s bigger picture and purpose. Students often disapprove of Butler’s core curriculum, especially when it involves courses that fall outside their majors or—put more directly—courses that won’t tie directly into their career paths. Instead of embracing opportunities to expand their minds, students write off these interdisciplinary courses. This is incredibly problematic and telling. Students receive this opportunity that a number of other people are shut out from, and they scoff at it. The core curriculum is wellpublicized before a student enrolls at Butler. In this sense, people should know what they are getting into when they enroll at Butler and have



“I did. I loved the professor, and the topic, art history, was relevant to me.” Brianna Nielsen Music performance Senior

no reason to complain because they chose to attend a liberal arts university. Students who have general knowledge about subjects outside their specialization will likely have a wider array of employment opportunities. That said, the core curriculum does have a few kinks that need to be worked out, such as limitations it puts on students’ schedules. But instead of decrying the liberal arts education or demanding the core be reworked for each major, students should think of ways to improve its current state. Otherwise, Butler students will miss out on one of the most enriching, positive experiences they could have: an eye-opening education.

Contact opinion editor Reid Bruner at

Did you love your FYS? “I loved FYS because it challenged us to get out of our comfort zones.” Ian Smith English, Digital media production Junior

“Yes. Mine was about crime, so I enjoyed how different it was from my science courses.” Emily Bonn Pharmacy Senior



Students should take safety seriously Students and authorities: Learn from Sunday how to communicate better

Comic by Hali Bickford

BUPD acted correctly in chase Despite a few spelling errors, BUPD performed its duties appropriately Butler University students took to social media Sunday—about a camel. During the hunt for an armed man on and around campus, students received a message from Butler University Police Department stating the suspect was seen running “towrad the camel.” I could handle a few misspellings as long as they meant I was staying informed. BUPD is to be commended for keeping students in the loop about dangerous activity on campus. I received call after text after email from DawgAlert, and

students. And judging from the pictures and eyewitness tweets that filled my feed, BUPD posted guards and worked well with Indianapolis Metropolitan Police to apprehend the man—and more importantly, keep students safe. Ben Hunter, executive director of public safety, said he has never faced a situation like this in his four-and-a-half years at Butler. Still, he and his team responded admirably and did their job well. So continue to laugh about The Butler Camel. His tweets are great, and Assistant Police Chief Andrew Ryan is enjoying the hype, according to Twitter. But don’t forget the serious work that BUPD did in keeping us all informed and safe.


even more information came via BUPD’s constantly-updated Twitter account. Sure, the messages were repetitive and hastily written at times. But I would much rather have too many warnings than not enough, a misspelled warning instead of a delayed one. BUPD was quick to put campus on lockdown and deactivate ID scanners for buildings, preventing the fleeing man from hiding inside—or worse, taking aim at

Contact copy chief Lauren Stark at

Late Sunday morning, Butler University experienced a lockdown due to the presence of armed robbers on campus. The barrage of updates via text message, phone call and email alerted students of the suspects’ movements from the Atherton Mall toward the camel. Yes, the camel. The alert clearly meant the canal, but one typo turned a very serious situation into a joke. The whole situation highlights two major issues: how easily Butler students will trivialize a serious situation, and the importance of double checking spelling. Shortly after noon, a Twitter account was created called The Butler Camel, tweeting as an imaginary camel on campus. Within an hour of the account’s creation it had over 400 followers. And as of late Monday evening, it had 1,023 followers. I admittedly took part in mocking the absurd situation, tweeting about the “Butler camel” and posting memes about the camel on Facebook. However, both the Butler camel Twitter account and I addressed this was still a serious situation and that people needed to stay indoors. “(The camel joke) was a negative effect,” junior Brook Becker said. “It really took away from the seriousness of the situation. The typo also really created some confusion.” The alert read “The Butler University Police Department is investigating an armed robbery. The suspect was last seen running towrad the camel. Please avoid the area. Please seek shelter inside of a facility.” It is understandable that these alerts are sent out in a hurry, but


two very noticeable mistakes in one alert is an issue. Butler administrators need to make certain that information being sent to students is 100 percent accurate in situations as serious as Sunday’s. The administration cannot afford confused or misinformed students if dangerous people are roaming around campus. However, it is also students’ responsibility to realize the gravity of a situation. While the lockdown was in effect, I saw students heading to Atherton Union, presumably to get lunch. It is possible that these students did not know about the situation, but with the saturation of alerts from the university, that seems unlikely. Situations like Sunday’s lockdown should be taken with the utmost seriousness by students. When students don’t treat such situations seriously, they take their safety into their own hands. Students should not need to be reminded about incidents like the 2007 Virginia Tech massacre or the Aurora, Colo., movie theater shooting to take situations like this seriously. While the joke of the Butler camel is highly entertaining, I hope that Butler students and the administration take this situation and learn from it. Students should take security alerts seriously, and the university needs to make sure its message is always clear. Contact columnist Donald Perin at

Protest Aramark for the right reasons Students should research Aramark’s background and demand better Aramark Corporation caters not just to Butler University, but also to a vast network of other universities, sports stadiums and prisons. Butler’s students need to do their homework on this company and consider advocating for a change in its policies. According to Fortune Magazine’s website, the company was recognized as “One of the World’s Most Ethical Companies” by the publication in 2012. To suggest a protest or boycott against this well-awarded, lauded company might seem a little strange


at first. It might also be shocking to know that Aramark has a shaky record with its contracts. In 2002, The St. Petersburg Times documented hundreds of foodrelated incidents in prisons where Aramark provided food for inmates. Florida officers said they feared the low quality of food would cause riots. In 2008, The Palm Beach Post reported the state fined Aramark more than $250,000 for contract

violations in that year alone, including misrepresenting what kind of food the company fed inmates. In 2011, the Lexington HeraldLeader in Kentucky reported that the state attorney general had been asked to investigate Aramark’s work in prisons. One prisoner reportedly found a dead mouse in his food. A state representative alleges the company refused to disclose its costrelated records—and therefore, how much of the $12 million in contract money it was pocketing on the side. This past August, the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette reported the University of Central Arkansas faced a shuffling of leadership when Aramark offered $700,000 to renovate the school president’s home.

In exchange for this renovation, Aramark’s contract would be renewed there. The former University of Central Arkansas president was asked to resign and faces charges for withholding this information and “urging” a vice president to destroy a letter that implicates Aramark in the mutual exchange. The employees on Butler’s campus are not responsible for the unsavory behavior displayed by this company, nor are the administrators at the university culpable for what’s happened. The actual individuals on campus have not done anything related to the issues listed above. However, students have a unique opportunity to speak out against these problems. If the above track record bothers

students, they can make a statement through consciousness-raising, boycott and protest. This is a real cause affecting the entire Butler community. The student body can and should demand better standards from Aramark going forward. Butler students should also take the time to research what outside affiliations their educational institution makes. None of these relationships are made in a vacuum. Even though any given service on campus probably doesn’t have negative affects here and now, students need to be wary of the wider consequences abroad. Contact columnist Jeremy Algate at

Students should appreciate how far Atherton has come Atherton has undergone several reforms, so students shouldn’t boycott it A group of students recently decided to protest Aramark’s food quality by boycotting all the campus dining halls. Although the frustrations are understandable, students should be more patient and appreciate the changes made at the Atherton Union Marketplace. The dining hall has come a long way in the last year. Students fail to remember the sandwich bar, Mongolian grill, pizza bar and dish conveyor belt are all new features. From the food to the silverware,


Atherton is a completely new and improved place. In total, the school spent $2.5 million improving the dining hall’s options and atmosphere. Not only did Butler improve the dining hall, but administrators also took the feedback they were getting from students and changed the meal plan system to better accommodate student’s preferences. If students were to walk into Atherton around this time last year, it would be completely unrecognizable.

The quality of the food and the facility have both improved considerably. No, Atherton is not a five-star restaurant. It is a cafeteria, and the food is at the same level as most campus dining halls. To continue complaining is ridiculous, and students need to realize they cannot have everything they want. Students should not eat there with the expectations of a gourmet restaurant. With a television and homey setting, the Atherton environment is better than the boring setting of a standard cafeteria. It has also expanded food selections, adding the sandwich bar and Mongolian station. The cost to attend Butler is incredibly high.

But that money was and is still being put to good use, as seen in the improved dining hall and food options. Individuals—from secondyear students on up—who have overwhelming issues with Atherton can simply drop the meal plan and pay for their own groceries. And if students start buying groceries, they will likely save money in comparison to the cost of Butler’s average meal plan. Granted, first-year students cannot take this measure. Instead, they could voice their concerns in a productive, worthwhile manner. They could petition Aramark to improve their food quality and choices. They could set up a protest where their voices are directly heard by the community.

They can leave recommendations in comment boxes in the dining hall if they have concerns. Without giving any sort of feedback, students cannot expect Aramark or the administration to make any changes. In this sense, a student boycott of Atherton would not work because students still pay the fee for the meal plans whether or not they eat at the dining halls. If you make a comment, give administrators ample time to respond and examine the complaint. Changes do not happen overnight and it takes time, energy and money to improve the facilities on campus. Contact columnist Rhyan Henson at


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