The College Tribune Volume 23 Issue 8

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College Tribune investigates sexual abuse

Fionn Regan interview inside

Page 10-11

The College Tribune

February 9th 2010

The Difference is we’re independent

Issue 8 Volume 23

Teanga Agus Anam

Profs hit out at O’Keeffe l Clash over lecturing hours l Job “more than teaching” Niall Dolphin UCD professors have come out in defence of their jobs after comments made last week by Minister for Education Batt O’Keeffe. O’Keeffe once again created consternation among Ireland’s elite educators when he criticised their workload. He accused some university professors of teaching as few as four hours a week. The Minister said he would like to see university professors spend more time teaching in the classroom, irrespective of the amount of time spent conducting research and administrative duties. In comparison, O’Keeffe cited the fact that lecturers in institutes of technology are contracted to at least sixteen class-contact hours per week plus administration. The Minister expressed concern that university professors were being paid between €120,000 and €143,000 a year. He has asked the Comptroller and Auditor General to take the light teaching load into account in a value for money audit of higher education. Several UCD professors have spoken in defence

of their positions and workloads. Professor Gerard Casey, who lectures in Philosophy, said that it is only professors at the top of the academic hierarchy who are earning the salary mentioned by the Minister. “This position is reached usually after a minimum of twenty years of service. Very few academics attain this rank or this salary.” Casey believes the Minister is also negating the importance of conducting research in the day to day work of a university professor. “Once you have a job, if you want to advance towards the mythic heights of professordom, you have to do things that get you promoted, and in today’s academic world, that’s primarily research.” In addition to teaching, research benefits students directly, according to Casey. “The quality of your degree depends on the quality of the institution granting it, and the quality of the institution depends on the quality of its academic staff, and the quality of its academic staff is achieved and maintained by their research and publication profile.”


Analysis, pg 3

UCD is set for its biggest Seachtain na Gaeilge ever with over 1,000 people signing up to speak Irish this week

CAO points to climb Karl O’Doherty The increased number of applicants in this year’s CAO will drive points substantially higher and will mean more intense competition for university places this Autumn. The initial deadline for applications to the Central Application Office (CAO) for the next academic year passed on February 1st with a record numbers of applicants. Further education is now more popular than ever before with an estimated 72,500 applications submitted to the Galway office. This figure represents an increase of about

l Record number of CAO applicants l HEA directive to cut staff by 6% means numbers of courses may be reduced

10% on last years initial application by 66,500 people seeking courses. The number of applicants may still rise though, as the final deadline for late applications to be submitted is May 1st. The rise in points is expected to be seen in Arts, Business and Science based courses following the trend from last year. Broadranging courses have gained popularity over the last few years due to uncertainty in the job market for more specialised degree holders. Courses related to the building industry are expected to be even lower than last year, where demand for some courses fell by 40%. There are several reasons according to

education and careers experts for this increase. This year sees an unprecedented number of mature students, more than 15 000, applying for places. There are new social welfare rules that mean some people on jobseekers allowances risk losing their benefits unless they are in education or training. Also, there are an estimated 2,000 more Leaving Certificate students than last year. AS well as this, students that would previously have entered the workforce after second level education have been left with little other choice than to apply for third level courses. A steadily increasing number of courses

and other options available to prospective third level students have contributed to a decline in points required for a large number of courses. Due to a Higher Education Authority (HEA) directive to cut staff by 6% in the period from December 2008 to December of this year, numbers of courses may be reduced. This combined with the above mentioned factors, could produce an increase beyond even what is expected. System-wide, students accepted 45,582 places for this academic year, displaying an increase of more than 8% on 2008, which itself was an increase of 6% on 2007.



College Tribune

February 9th 2010

Vox Pop

Are Professors value for Money?

Universities purchase luxury digs l l

Universities purchasing luxury developments for student accommodation Win-win strategy for developers and students, states USI Philip Connolly

Students may be availing of more luxurious accommodation as cash-strapped developers look to colleges to fill empty properties. University College Dublin, University College Cork and The Dublin Institute of Technology are among the third-level institutions that have block-booked student accommodation at a discount in luxury developments aimed at professional homeowners. The payback for developers is a reliable source of income to repay bank loans. UCD booked fourteen two-bedroom apartments at Beechwood Court in Stillorgan last Summer for two years. The complex has landscaped gardens, parkland with water features, designated car spaces, and balconies. Students are renting twobedroom apartments for €7,280 a year, paid in four installments; the equivalent of

€140 a week. Carol Chubb, whose company leases private property, believes owners and developers will have to adjust their perception of students as tenants if they want to meet loan repayments. “Students used to be at the bottom of the pile and now they are moving up,” She said. The Union of Students in Ireland (USI) believes this is a win-win strategy for developers, colleges and students, with a record number of college applications this year and 300,000 empty houses and apartments. The Dublin Institute of Technology, which doesn’t have on-campus accommodation, has booked apartments in the Herberton complex for 230 students, and is in talks about leasing entire apartment blocks. Herberton was built on the site of Fatima Mansions in Rialto, with Dublin city council providing the land. In return, developer Maplewood Elliot demolished 300 old flats and replaced them with 614 new homes, a leisure centre with a swimming

pool, shops, a crèche and all-weather pitch. Some 230 of the apartments were reserved for former tenants of Fatima Mansions and affordable homes, and the remainder were put up for sale. Since the market collapsed, prices for a one-bedroom apartment have fallen from €295,000 to €154,000 and the developer is leasing unsold units to DIT students for €130 a week. “We’ve had a few builders coming to us asking if we were interested in leasing their developments,” said Deirdre Corcoran, DIT’s student-accommodation officer. “There is a shortage of student accommodation.” University College Cork has reserved twenty two-bed and three-bed apartments for its post-graduate students in the Yarlington building of Orchard Gardens, a development built for sale to private investors by Frinailla in 2007. Two-bed apartments were on the market for €395,000. Rent for students is now €75 to €150 a week.



1st year Science

1st year Actuarial and Finance studies

I guess not really for 1st years. Maybe if you’re older, and you’re doing the balls of you’re degree, they put in extra time so that’s fine. But for me, I only get two hours with a lecturer.

I think they are value for money. They’re not just being paid to teach, they do research as well so they’re contributing something.



2nd year Arts

3rd year Arts

I think so as 2nd years have more seminars and tutorials but in first year, they were also very helpful. I suppose it depends on your course as well, different though as different subjects offer more hours.

I saw two for the price of one in Lidl, so indeed they are!

The College Tribune

The Difference is we’re independent

LG 18, Newman Building (Arts Block) Box 74, Student Centre, UCD Email: Tel: 01 716 8501 Editors: Cathy Buckmaster Philip Connolly Design: Philip Connolly News Editor: Karina Bracken Turbine Editor: James Grannell Sports Editor: Colman Hanley Dep. Sports Editor: Eoghan Brophy

Music Editor: Jim Scully Arts Editor: Katie Godwin Features Editors: Sisi Rabenstein Eileen Gahan Fashion Editor: Aoifa Smyth Photography Editor: Barry Hennessy Irish Editor: Eoin Ó Murchú

Contributors; Niall Dolphin, Christina Finn, Ian Mulholland, David Tracy, Laura McGlynn, Conor McKenna Katherine Creagh, Ashling Maguire

Fiona Kennedy, Aine Keegen, Cathal O’Gara, Aoife Hamill, Kathleen Henry, Noreen Maloney, Caoimhin Millar, Mark Hobbes, Ryan Cullen, Frank Black, David Murphy, Danny Wilson, Caragh Hesse Tyson, Aisling Kennedy, Roe McDermott Jennie Moles, Erika Meyers , Treasa Dalton, Amy Walsh Special Thanks; Huw and Mark at NWM, Amy and Chantal at Universal, Danielle, Colm and Rory at MCD, Colin Glesson and Caitrina Cody, Asya, Maximillian Connolly, Eddie Buckmaster and Corah Lanigan, Jim Henderson, Dan Oggly, Jordan Daly, Simon Ward, Roe McDermott, Carol Parrington, Dan McDonnell

The College Tribune Wants You If you are interested in writing for this newspaper please do not hesitate to contact us, no experience is required

College Tribune


February 9th 2010


News in brief Compiled by Cathy Buckmaster Confusion over direction of grants The ERSI study released recently confirmed that one in five children from professional families gets a maintenance grant to go to university. It also shows that over half of farmers’ children get higher education grants. Under the current system, families with three or fewer children and with income of below €41,100 get a full grant for a child attending college. However, this option is not available to PAYE taxpayers. At present, around 52,000 students a year are receiving a full or partial grant. A full grant is worth €3,420 for a student living away from home and €1,370 for a student living at home. 50% of CAO applicants will not attain place It has recently been reported that only half of this year’s record number of third level applicants will get a college place next year. Recent evidence suggests, there are just under two candidates for every place in the country’s universities. This huge increase in applications is assumed to be a reaction to the Recession which has spurned unprecedented numbers of unemployed adults to attain more education. After the CAO deadline, it was recorded that 71,232 had applied online compared with 67,634 at the same time last year. The national strategy report is likely to re-open the issue of some form of student contribution to third level education costs.

Dispute leaves students waiting for exam results After a dispute between WIT and their lecturers over payments, many third-level students faced delays getting exam results. Lecturers were withholding the results because they said the college had cut the fees for doing the corrections. Over 84% of lecturers voted to continue withholding results. According to the Teachers’ Union of Ireland (TUI), WIT cut the payments for marking exams by about 50pc, down from €8.13 per script. The exams have been marked but those marks will not be given to the students until the dispute is resolved. Universities admit student charge is an unofficial fee University heads have admitted publicly for the first time that student registration charges are fees by any other name. It was also disclosed that they had not sought the huge rise in the charge from €900 to €1,500 this academic year, and claimed the decision was taken by the Government. UCD Students’ Union president Gary Redmond commented: “This is nothing other than creative accounting to justify the introduction of third-level fees by the back door,” he said. The Higher Education Authority is now looking at the use of the service charge by thirdlevel institutions.

Minister misses the point l Continued from front page l Rocky road to professorship Niall Dolphin Professor Casey does not believe that the Minister is qualified to make a judgment on the work of university professors. “With all due respect to the Minister, he has no particular expertise in the academic requirements of third level. His own experience was at an IT and - intending no disrespect to those institutions - they are not universities. Staff in IT’s are expected to do little or no research,” Casey stated. The academic believes that the work of a professor is not limited to the classroom. “One cannot judge an academic’s work rate by asking how much teaching that academic does, any more than you can judge the work rate of a TD by asking how much time he spends in the Dail Chamber.” “Universities have been around longer than the modern state and have a better track record. We’re capable of managing our own affairs if others will get out of the way and let us get on with it,” Casey said, challenging the increasing integration of politics and education. Professor Hugh Campbell, who lectures in ar-

chitecture, was similarly critical of O’Keeffe’s comments. “It seems like the Minister has been very poorly briefed. His comments show a limited understanding of the duties of a fulltime academic.” “The job of a professor is to be active across the fields of teaching, researching and leading. IT’s close their doors from May until September. In a university, we are here twelve months a year, and are operating at the forefronts of knowledge.” “I suggest the Minister takes a look at the job description of a university professor. Our job is to foster, develop and look after the spread of knowledge,” said Campbell. Casey ultimately stressed the lengths that one has to go for a career in academia. “I was thirty two when I got my first academic job. That means I was about ten years in earning potential behind someone who went into employment straight after university.” “There was no guarantee that I would ever get a job. I know many people who have spent a miserable period after their postgraduate training trying to get employment and not succeeding.”

College Tribune

February 9th 2010



Singing a spell for Haiti l Student reunites with Pogues l Alternative charity single Aisling Molloy A UCD student hopes to put a spell on music lovers in aid of those affected by the recent earthquake in Haiti. Psychology student Cait O’Riordan is playing bass on a new remake of Screamin’ Jay Hawkins ‘I Put a Spell on You’. The song has been covered by artists such as Nina Simone, Tom Waits and now Shane McGowan has led a group of artists in recording it. O’Riordan is now a mature student at UCD, but at seventeen she was the original bass player for the Pogues and was once married to Elvis Costello. “Last week I got asked by my old boss, Shane MacGowan, to go over to London and be the bass player on a session to record a single to raise money for Haiti,” she explains. The single features a mix of legendary musicians. “Shane’s girlfriend Victoria has a big, very cool address book so they managed to get Nick Cave involved, Bobby Gillespie from Primal Scream, Chrissie Hynde from The Pretenders, Nick Jones from The Clash, Glen Matlock from the Sex Pistols, and me on bass,” said O’Riordan. O’Riordan immediately thought of her studies when asked to perform on the single. “Even though it involved getting up very early and having to miss labs on Thursday, I went over to London and did the track.”

The song is billed as a Rage Against the Machinestyle alternative to Simon Cowell’s cover of REM’s ‘Everybody Hurts’ which features Kylie Minogue, Mariah Carey and Susan Boyle. O’Riordan highlighted, however, that the motivation behind the single is “obviously not to take sales away from Simon Cowell’s one, but to provide an alternative… if the Simon Cowell cover of REM’s ‘Everybody Hurts’ isn’t your bag maybe Shane McGowan and Nick Cave doing ‘I Put A Spell On You’ will be.” “The point is: please give and listen out for it, and raise money for Haiti by buying some cool music,” O’Riordan concluded. O’Riordan will be returning to play with her former band mate and a host of other music stars at the NME Awards in the Brixton Academy on the 24th of February, where the song will be debuted. The proceeds of the single’s sales will go towards Dublin charity Concern’s work in Haiti. It will be released at the end of February. Other UCD students have already engaged in fund raising efforts for the stricken nation. In the immediate aftermath of the earthquake, members of UCD Volunteers Overseas who had just returned from Haiti were out on campus collecting donations. Furthermore the proceeds of Seachtain na Gaeilge’s ‘No Béarla’ hoodies and an upcoming benefit gig in the student bar will go to Haiti.



College Tribune February 9th 2010

A morning with mature students l Karina Bracken goes along for coffee with the Mature Student Society “We do tend to be the ones sitting at the top of the class and asking a lot of questions,” admits Martin Lawless, when asked about the mature student stereotype. Lawless is the Auditor of UCD’s Mature Student Society and UCDSU’s Mature Student Programme Officer. The Mature Student Society offers an “orientation of sorts” to new mature students coming to UCD. Lawless explains that some mature students coming to university will be at a social disadvantage and not sure what is going on around them. “We would mainly cater for middle-ages, but there are people of all ages. There maybe mothers whose children are gone to university or guys who just want to scratch the education itch. There are some in their 50’s and 60’s and they are unsure about how they are going to integrate socially, financially and emotionally.” “It takes a lot of guts to come back to university in your 50s or your 60s,” believes Lawless. Some mature students also have children in UCD or other colleges. “There is one guy, 59, who has come to UCD having never been in university before. He has a son who has recently graduated and his daughter who is in first year with him.” “It’s a bizarre situation when you think about it: he is sitting in class with his daughter. Then they go home and talk about the course. Besides that he is also dealing with the natural feelings of a fa-

ther when his daughter is growing up.” Lawless says that one member of the society was previously part of the university’s academic staff. “I think he is a retired lecturer and he is now back doing a PhD.” The society caters for all ages of mature students. “Our oldest student is actually in his 80s and on the other hand, our youngest member has just turned 23.” One 24-year-old woman was originally at UCD when she was seventeen. At the time she could not handle the pressure and the workload, so she dropped out after her eighteenth birthday. In the mean time she spent six years travelling the world, working in places like Australia and Indonesia. Now she has returned to university and feels ready to do a degree. Regarding the financial problems that some mature students face, Lawless has noticed that women tend to handle this better than men. “I’m not completely sure why this is. It may be a question of women being more able to go and talk to somebody about whatever the problem is. A man would tend to internalise it and not ask for help. This is a real problem so we try to spend more time with the guys, make them feel like they can open up and talk to us. This is a university, not a secret society or a workplace. Everyone is dealing with similar problems.” Lawless says that there are many challenges for mature students when it comes to studying. “On an academic level, ma-

ture students tend to be more enquiring. It is difficult to come back to study when you haven’t done so for maybe ten or thirty years. They are at a distinct disadvantage. Most undergraduates come straight out of school so they are used to working so many hours a week, timetables, classes and exams.” In the beginning, mature students often find it hard of delegating time to study. Many still work to support themselves and their families, or if they do not work, they may have families to look after. “The Access course does help to get people in the frame of mind,” says Lawless. However there are about 400 mature students at undergraduate level and 1,000 who go into postgraduate courses and only about 60 or 80 of these are access students. “So you can see the disadvantage. They are the ones sitting at the front of the class, asking the questions. This can isolate them from other students who feel like they are taking up too much of the lecturer’s time. Which they probably do, but they need to catch up.” Today’s reliance on technology as a study aid can also be daunting for some mature students. Lawless himself did an MBA in Trinity in 1989. “Of course there was no internet back then, so the whole area of research has changed dramatically with new technology. A lot of the mature students coming in will probably be com-

puterate but they may not necessarily be that literate in research or even things like library searches.” Lawless returned to university principally to enhance his work prospects. “When work diminishes, as I know being selfemployed, myself, like many others decided to take the down time to up-skill. I qualified as an engineer from Queens University years ago and worked in the fire area. I later did an MBA for the busi-

ness side of things. Now I am doing an MA in Health & Safety and I hope to do a PhD in some form of occupational safety.” “There are people studying alongside me who are in exactly the same position. Through education we are hoping to be in a good place when there is an upturn in the economy and the recession ends.”

UCD Campus is a great place to be. Enjoying student life is a big part of going to university. But being safe is vital. Take care of yourself on and off campus! •Stay alert •Walk in groups after dusk •Use walking escort while on campus (ring 716 1200) •Look after your valuables (cash, laptops, MP3 players etc.) •Tell a friend where you are going on your night out For more safety tips visit


College Tribune February 9th 2010


An education for all ages As Ireland’s economic situation worsens and unemployment rates peak, the number of mature students participating in higher education is set to increase this year: Karina Bracken looks at mature student life in UCD. Ronan Murphy has been UCD’s Mature Student Advisor since 2004. As somebody who went back to university as a mature student, he knows the territory well. Murphy spoke to the College Tribune about the difficulties faced by those returning to college and how they overcome them. There are more mature students in UCD than ever before. “Last year UCD offered about 440 places to mature students. This is a record number as it is the first time over 400,” explains Murphy. This represents a huge difference from the situation in the early parts of the decade. “If a mature student wanted to come into UCD, they were often told they could do it part-time or in the evening, which could’ve taken up to eight or nine years, and you’d pay for it.” Murphy’s office was set up to cater for the various needs and situations that mature students bring with them in coming to college. “The largest majority of mature students coming to university would be in the age range of 23-33. Then there is a whole other group of people who we accommodate in their 30s, 40s, 50s and 60s.” According to Murphy, once mature students settle into university they have the same success rate or persistence as traditional students. Persistence is how a student keeps themselves in college. In UCD, mature student persistence is equal to - if not marginally better - than the traditional student. “We achieve at the same rate and there is no difference in ability; however there are certain differences as a student.” Mature students often face more complicated lives than the average eighteen-yearold student and can be juggling a number of things like mortgages, family commitments and jobs. Murphy does not dispute the widely held generalisation of mature students. “In general, we tend to sit at the front. We are interested in what is being taught. We are there to get the information, to get an education and to try to move into a new field, a new career or to better our salary opportunities or any number of things. Usually people who do go back to education have a real desire to do well.” “This is as opposed to some younger people who are only in university because they think they should be there or somebody wants them to be there.” There are difficulties in being a mature

student even before coming into college. “The competition for places for mature students, even more than for Leaving Cert students, is huge. The system is quite heavily weighted to the latter. Once you do apply, there may be 70 places on one course but mature students will only be allotted something like five of them,” says Murphy. “It is tough for mature students that want to participate in a publicly-funded higher education institution paid for by the taxes of adults who have jobs. Oftentimes they get locked out of institutions because of a number of quotas.” Presently there isn’t a defined quota for the amount of mature students UCD accepts. Murphy says he would like to see one instituted, ideally at fifteen per cent of places for mature students. “My understanding is that this year fifteen percent of all DN entry code courses will be allotted for access

students. This includes mature students, students with a disability and those coming in from the HEAR programme. At the moment the average participation for mature students in degree courses is eight per cent, if we even get this to ten per cent this would be great.” The biggest problems for mature students are often financial. Murphy believes that the last budget also made things more difficult for those hoping to return to college. “Mature students can get a Local Authority Grant. This helps but it isn’t much money for an adult. Most cannot live on the grant alone, so many mature students work as well. Traditional students are told that you shouldn’t be working over twenty hours in a week in addition to studying, but mature students often have to work over twenty hours to meets the costs associated with having a family.” “If you have been out of work, there is also the Back to Education Allowance which

you can get if you are on any type of Social Welfare payments and decide to take up a place in university. You used to be able to get the Local Authority Grant as well, however this was overturned in the last Budget.” Murphy believes that this was a hypocritical movement by the Government. “On one hand the Government is telling us to prepare for the new economy and to up-skill. They are encouraging us to use a time of unemployment to return to education, yet they are taking away the financial support necessary in order to be able to do this.” There is also the dilemma that faces parents. “If people have university-age children and they have to choose between themselves going to college and their children, they will naturally choose their children.” Murphy says that starting university is invariably daunting for traditional students, but mature students face added isolation as they don’t see themselves mirrored in terms of numbers. However, most mature students settle in after the difficult first semester. “The first year experience is the one my office focuses on, as if you can get through this you can get through the rest of university.” Socialising within the university is important for the integration of both types of students. Murphy cited the upcoming L&H comedy debate “Mature students are a waste of space.” The mature students’ society will argue for the motion. Mature students and traditional students’ social lives may never be fully integrated. Murphy doesn’t see a problem with this. “Overall, with mature and traditional student integration, there are parts of it that will never work. Eighteen-year-olds often don’t want to hang out with people that are much older, even for example 27-yearolds.” “On the other hand, mature students often have their own social circle outside of university and they are not looking to make a new one. They may have already done the partying thing.” However, Murphy says that being a mature student can affect your social life outside of college as friends may find it difficult to accept the person’s return to education. “If you go to a pub with old friends they may not feel like talking to you. They may think that you are trying to get above yourself or

your class by returning to college, or just trying to be somebody different.” Martin Lawless is the Auditor of UCD’s Mature Student Society and UCDSU’s Mature Student Programme Officer. He

explains why it can be difficult for mature students to integrate. “Quite a few undergraduates come to UCD in groups, with people from school. In this respect, a lot of mature students know no one and are therefore very isolated. Then if they are having problems with college life, they don’t know where to go.” “It is true that many mature students are guilty of not getting off their backsides. Some of us have no problem walking into a crowd of twenty-year-olds and talking, but then not all people are that outgoing. Some will only do it if they are with people they know.” Lawless says that the aim of the society is to try to offer support together with the network that is in place within UCD to support mature students - such as advisors, societies and the Union. “The problem is not enough people know about it, so we are trying to spread awareness.” At the start of the new academic year, the society tries to integrate new mature students with people who are in their second or third year, who have been in their position. The society has mature student lunches every month, and then clinics with tea & coffee every Thursday 12-2pm. “The lunches are quite well attended, averaging about 70-80 people,” says Lawless. The society runs events so that mature students can overcome that barrier between themselves and younger students who may have a different attitude to socialising. University is typically a time to party and drink, an atmosphere that can

be daunting for mature students. Lawless believes that mature students should be able to attend these events and the society can offer support. “It can even be a case of ringing around to see who is attending and then going in a group. You can share the experiences.” “There are also the deals we do with the different societies. For example, every Monday the mature students are invited to go along to the Trad society sessions. We try to organise social events, table quizzes and nights out such as that in Dundrum with the Students’ Union.” Lawless works with UCDSU and USI to create an awareness campaign about mature students. “In the Equality Week coming up, one of the days will be a Mature Student or Ageing Day. Even within the mature student group there are different ages and this has its own impact on intermature student integration.” “In my experience of sitting on Council, I noticed that there was very little catering for older students, mature as well as postgraduate. Especially now that the Postgraduate Officer is gone, I deal with a lot of their enquiries.” “When you think about it, there are about 7,000 mature students in UCD. This in the extreme obviously, as it includes everyone over 23. This is practically every postgraduate student. We are trying to integrate these people and get them involved more in societies, social and union activities as they tend to be quite isolated. Postgrads generally work alone or in small groups, especially at PhD level.” Ultimately, the existence of both traditional and mature students in a classroom can be mutually beneficial. “Younger students often seek mature students out for advice and assistance. Mature students often really like the energy level that younger students bring to the university. There is a great buzz that you can feed off of,” says Murphy, the Mature Student Advisor. Mature students invariably bring a different way of life and knowledge into a university. There are huge benefits from student diversification in universities, and this includes different ages. Mature students recently received bad press in a much publicised article in the Irish Times. Murphy believes that is it false to assume that mature students are going to college just to meet younger students. “As guy said to me, ‘If we were here to ogle the young ones, we wouldn’t be sitting in the front!’”



Staid na hIomána

Rianaíonn Eoin Ó Cróinín scéal is cás na h-iomána ó aimsir anallód anonn agus cíorann fios fátha a suíomh comhaimseartha. Cé acu an pheil mhealltach nó an sliotar sleamhain féin a fhágann in áit na leathphingine í?

College Tribune February 9th 2010 Is seoid náisiúnta í an iomáint. Cluiche na laochra a bhí ann sa litríocht agus sa bhéaloideas a mheall Gaeil mhisniúla chun spairne lena chéile. Bhíodh an-iomrá ar na báireoirí ab fhearr agus leagtaí béim i dtólamh ar spreacadh agus scil na n-iománaithe. Bhí “an cluiche lúibe agus liathróide” faoi bhláth ar fud na hÉireann go dtí dhá chéad bliain ó shin. Timpeall na tíre ar fad ba nós ag fir na camáin a bhreith leo chun na hoibre faoi choinne báire ar na goirt dá héis. Bhíodh tiarnaí talún an 17ú agus 18ú haois an-tógtha ar fad leis an iomáint – ba iadsan a chuaigh i gcúram cluichí a eagrú go tráthrialta i measc na dtionóntaí. Ba dheas leis na tiarnaí geallta troma a chur ar na báirí chomh maith agus bhíodh bairille mór leanna ina luach saothair don drong buacach! Bhí an oiread sin geana ag na tiarnaí ar an iomáint gur imir deascán díobh sna báirí iad féin. Tá tuairiscí iomadúla ann le heachtrannaigh a thaithigh an iomáint ina gcamchuairt in Éirinn agus is cosúil go ndeachaigh sí go mór i bhfeidhm orthu. Chuaigh gaiscí na n-imreoirí i gcion chomh mór sin ar chuairteoir amháin gur shíl sé nach raibh “ a leithéid de chluiche áit ar bith san Eoraip, an cluiche is fearúla ar domhan”. Ach más fíor dea-theist na n-eachtrannach seo ar an iomáint, más fíor go n-aithníodh í sa litríocht agus sa bhéaloideas mar spórt eipiciúil corraitheach, agus más rud é go raibh an oiread sin ceana ag an mbuíon mhór in Éirinn uirthi tráth dá raibh, cén fáth nach bhfuil an iomáint faoi réim ó cheann ceann an oileáin ar na saolta deireanacha? Cén fáth a bhfuil sí ag imithe ar bóiléagar san iliomad ceantar ar fud na tíre? Leathadh na peile gaelaí – sin é príomhfhreagra na gceisteanna sin. B’fhéidir go raibh sé de cheart ag tacaithe na hiomána cluas a thabhairt do dhea-chomhairle Christy Ring: “cuirtear scian phóca i ngach liathróid peile sa tír!” D’aithin an t-iománaí oirirc

úd gurbh í an pheil an mhór-chonstaic a bhí le sárú ag an gcamánacht. Sa lá atá inniu ann is í an pheil i gcónaí an gad is giorra do scórnach na hiomána. Tá an choisliathróid faoi lán seoil leis na blianta beaga anuas i mórán áiteanna ina gcleachtaítí an chamánacht sa seanreacht. Is mairg go bhfuil an cás amhlaidh toisc gur cluiche bacach mall í an chaid i gcomparáid le cluiche gasta ársa ár sinsear. Tá blas na fírinne ar bhriathra Alan Titley – “Ealaín is ea an iomáint, agus tógann blianta lena foghlaim. Útamáil ar an gcuid is fearr é an rud eile”. Is riachtanach don imreoir iomána troid leis le luas lasrach chun an ceann is fearr a fháil ar a chéile comhraic. Is streachailt thaghdach í idir na báireoirí agus is é an té is láidre agus is sciliúla a fhaigheann an lámh in uachtar i ndeireadh na dála. Is éigean don fhoireann a dúthracht a chaitheamh ag tabhairt faoi ionsaithe meara, ach ní mór do na himreoirí géarintinn agus smacht a choinneáil fosta chun amais na mbáireoirí eile a chosc. Is é dearcadh an churaidh iomána “Mura rachaidh tú ar aghaidh rachaidh tú ar gcúl”. Dealraíonn sé gurb é an cluiche páirce is tapúla dá bhfuil ann. Is pléisiúr é breathnú ar chluiche iomána - comórtas idirchontae ach go háirithe - de dheasca dheaslámhaí agus oilteacht na n-iománaithe. Ach, faraor, níl ach deascán beag contaetha sa tír faoi láthair a sholáthraíonn iománaithe ar an gcaighdeán is airde. Tá an iománaíocht teoranta do líon réasúnta beag ceantar ar na saolta seo. Is cloíte an cás é nach bhfuil ach méid beag ceannasach contaetha ann a bhfuil seans dá laghad acu Corn Liam Mhic Chárthaigh a sciobadh leo an bhliain seo chugainn. Cé go mbítear ag gabháil don iománaíocht i ngach contae, ní chleachtaítear í le díograis agus flosc na seanlaethanta ach i ndornán beag acu thall agus abhus. Tréigeadh an iomáint laistigh d’aon ghlúin amháin, faoi mar a ligeadh an Ghaeilge le sruth. Tháinig an choisliathróid chun tosaigh, maille le

spóirt eile. Ba é an iarmhairt ná gur tugadh an iomáint don díobhadh sa dúrud ball ar an oileán. Cé is moite de threise na peile gaelaí, bhí cúiseanna eile a raibh droch-thionchar acu ar fhorás na hiomána in imeacht aimsire. Sna contaetha sin inar sheas an iomáint an fód, ní haon chomhtharlú go bhfuil machairí cothroma iontu le draenáil mhaith orthu don chuid is mó – rud a bhí riamh tábhachtach do pháirceanna míne a d’oirfeadh don bháire. Thar a cheann sin, is ceantair iad ina mbíodh fáil fhairsing ar an bhfuinseog - adhmad is gá i ndéantús na gcamán féin. Is doiligh an iomáint a mháistriú, agus is fadhb eile í seo i scaipeadh an spóirt. Is fóirsteanach an seanfhocal – “Mura bhfuil sé agat ón gcliabhán, ní bheidh sé agat go deo”, i dtaca leis an mbáire a imirt. Fágann sin gur deacair d’éinne an iomáint a fhoghlaim le blianta na hóige caite acu, murab ionann is an chaid. Duine ar bith a bhfuil féith an spóirt ann, is fusa go mór dó tabhairt faoin liathróid a chiceáil in áit dul i mbun na lúibe is an tsliotair. Más olc maith linn, tá an chamánacht á brú faoi chois i mórán contaetha ag rabharta spórt eile. Is trua é nach dtugtar an deis do thuilleadh malrach sa tír an báire a imirt i mbláth na hóige. A Éireannaigh, oscail bhur súile - ní sháraítear an iomáint. Gluais amais - aimsiú ar mharc (iol) Cé is moite de – seachas, diomaite de Deascán - gasra (daoine) i dtólamh – i gcónaí imithe ar bóiléagar - ar bóiléagar (in abairt) ar fán, ar seachrán malrach - garsún óg. Oirirc - cáiliúil, clúiteach, mór le rá. Spreacadh – bíogúlacht, díocas éachtach Taghdach – Luaineach- guagach

College Tribune


February 9th 2010

Nach Aoibhinn Saol an Mhúinteora Tógann Aoibhinn Ní Shúilleabháin briseadh ó cháipéisí bréagscrúdaithe a cheartú chun labhairt le hAindriú Ó Faoláin faoina ról mar ambasadóir do Sheachtain na Gaeilge, mar láithreoir an chomórtais Eolaí Óg, agus mar mhúinteoir. Le h-ildánacht na mná seo a léiriú, sa chomhrá gairid a bhí againn luadh an consairtín, seomraí foirne scoile, dátheangachas, Danny O’Reilly agus viscous fluids! Nuair a labhraím léi, tá sí díreach tar éis 80 cáipéis bréagscrudaithe ardteiste a bhailiú. Ach níl gnáthshaol an mhúinteora mhata ag Aoibhinn Ní Shúilleabháin in aon chor. Ó gur bhuaigh sí an comórtas Rose of Tralee i 2005, is beag seachtain nach raibh sí le feiscint ar an teilifís idir The Panel, Questions & Answers agus Podge and Rodge. Céard iad na tionscnaimh atá ar bun aici faoi láthair, mar sin? I mbliana, tá sí féin agus príomhamhránaí The Coronas mar ambasadóirí ar Sheachtain na Gaeilge, féile náisiúnta a bheidh ag tosú an tseachtain seo chugainn (murb ionann agus Seachtain na Gaeilge UCD atá ar súil faoi láthair dar ndóigh!). Deir sí gur aidhm na féile ná daoine a spreagadh le níos mó Gaeilge a labhairt ó lá go lá. “Má tá tú amuigh i gcóir chupán chaife, abair ‘go raibh maith agat’. Má tá tú ar an mbus, abair ‘Dia Duit’”. Creideann sí chomh maith gur féidir leis an bhfeachtas seo an teanga a athmhúscailt i ndaoine. “Foghlaimíonn an chuid is mó dúinn í ar

feadh na mblianta ar scoil. Má dhéanann tú iarracht Gaeilge a labhairt le do chairde, tiocfaidh sí ar ais chugat i 30 soicind!” Agus má tá tú ag léamh an ailt seo, tá leat! Labhraímid faoina seal i UCD, a thaitin go mór léi. Deir sí go mbíodh burgair sicín den scoth ar fáil ón mbialann sa bloc eolaíochta an tráth úd ar €2! (Níl trácht cloiste ag an bhFisiceoir ar Elements!) Cuimhníonn sí go ceanúil ar an dá bhliain a chaith sí ar an Scéim Chónaithe, an Teach Gaelach i Merville a eagraíonn Bord na Gaeilge. “Bhíodh muid ag eagrú imeachtaí an t-am ar fad. Bhíodh seisiúin cheoil sa bheár ‘chuile Luain. Uaireanta bhíodh suas le 20 ceoltóir ag seinm ag aon am amháin!” Thug an scéim deis di bualadh le daoine ó réimse leathan cúrsaí. “Déanann tú cairdeas le daoine nach mbeadh aithne agat orthu murach an scéim – daoine ó chúrsaí eile agus ó áiteanna eile”. Ba mhór an buntáiste é seo di ach go h-áirithe toisc go raibh a rang féin chomh beag sin. Tá sí sásta fós féin gur roghnaigh sí Fisic Theoiriciúil a dhéanamh. “Is céim iontach í. Cé gur múinteoireacht a roghnaigh mé ar deireadh, bhí neart postanna eile le

fáil as, agus deiseanna dul thar lear. Bhí buntáistí againn sa chaoi is go raibh an cúrsa an-bheag agus bhí na léachtóirí go h-iontach”. Leis an meascán seo de cháil agus taithí sna meáin agus den chúlra eolaíochta,

ní h-aon ionadh é gur iarradh uirthi an Taispeántas Eolaí Óg (BT Young Scientist Exhibition) a chur i láthair san RDS, post atá á dhéanamh aici go fonnmhar le 4 bliana anuas. “Tugann an taispeántas dóchas dom i gcónaí go mbeidh na h-eolaíochtaí láidir fós sna blianta atá romhainn. Tá an méid oibre a chuireann na scoláirí isteach sna tionscnaimh do-chreidte. Bíonn an mhata agus an eolaíocht féin sna tionscnaimh thar barr chomh maith.” Creideann sí chomh maith go mbeidh éifeacht ag cúinsí eacnamaíochta na linne seo ar thóir na n-eolaíochtaí ar an 3ú leibhéal. “Tuigeann daoine go bhfuil céim láidir ag teastáil sa lá atá inniu ann. Tá postanna ar fáil fós le céimeanna eolaíochta.” Is duine í atá ildánach ar fad, idir cheol, phearsantacht agus eolaíocht, is iomaí ceird a bhfuil máistreacht aici orthu. An rud is mó a chuaigh i bhfeidhm ormsa, áfach, ná go raibh sí díreach chomh deas sin! Rian den mhórchúis níl aici, ach ina h-áit, gealgháire nádúrtha agus teacht-iláthair aoibhinn ar fad.

Seachtain na Gaeilge 2010: 8-12 Feabhra UCD - Gaeltacht Bhaile Átha Cliath ar feadh seachtaine Le Aoife Nic Shamhráin An féidir leatsa dul gan Béarla a labhairt ar feadh seachtaine? Sin í an cheist a cuireadh ar mhic léinn UCD le coicís anuas. Fáilte isteach go UCD 3 Ghaeilge, áit ina bhfuil an saol is a mháthair ag glacadh páirte in imeachtaí Sheachtain na Gaeilge agus an fheachtais NO Béarla! Creid é nó ná creid, tá duine as gach fiche i UCD ag déanamh iarracht a dteanga a úsáid nó a gcúpla focal a úsáid! An bhfuil tú ag glacadh páirte san fheachtas dochreidte seo?!? Gach bliain bíonn Seachtain na Gaeilge eagraithe ag Oifigeach Gaeilge Aontas Na Mac Léinn mar aon leis na Cumainn Ghaelacha. Is éard a táthar ag iarraidh a dhéanamh le Seachtain na Gaeilge ná spreagadh a thabhairt daoibhse, muintir UCD, úsáid a bhaint as cúpla focal in

bhur saol agus taitneamh a bhaint as an nGaeilge. Tá beagnach gach siopa i UCD ag glacadh páirte sa tseachtain chun cinnte a dhéanamh go bhfuil mic léinn in ann dul gan Béarla a labhairt don tseachtain. Thosaigh Seachtain na Gaeilge le luas lasrach ar an Luan seo agus bhí neart imeachtaí ar siúl. Tharla lainseáil an fheachtais Please Talk as Gaeilge chun tús maith a chur leis an tseachtain. Lean sé ar aghaidh le 600 balún glas ag dul in airde spéire le Micheál Ó Muircheartaigh! Anuas air sin, dóibh siúd a bhí ag iarraidh duine deas a aimsiú do Lá Fhéile Vailintín, bhí scóráil sciobtha ar siúl leis an spéirbhean Aoibhinn Ní Shúilleabháin (féach an t-agallamh); bhí agus beidh an iliomad imeachtaí eile ar siúl i rith na seachtaine

seo; díospóireacht in aghaidh Choláiste na Tríonóide ar an gCéadaoin, na Coronas, Hiopnóisí Gaelach; Zak Powers, lón le Daithí Ó Sé, Peilfield, Tráth na gCeist, My First Gaeilge srl. Níl ach Seachtain na Gaeilge amháin i UCD ach ní stopann na himeachtaí agus an chraic a bhaineann leis an nGaeilge. Tá neart imeachtaí eile ar na bacáin tar éis na seachtaine. Bainigí taitneamh as an tseachtain, caithigí bhur ngeansaithe glasa agus ar ndóigh bígí bródúil an cúpla focal nó níos mó a fhoghlaim agus a chleachtadh i rith na seachtaine seo! Go n-éirí libh! Tá Aoife Nic Shamhráin mar Oifigeach na Gaeilge in Aontas na Mac Léinn i mbliana.


Mise, Tusa agus Ruball na Muice Cathal Mac Dhaibhéid Is iomaí duine atá i mbéal an phobail a tharraing drochchlú orthu féin le tamaillín anuas: John Terry agus a chaidreamh seachphósta, Easpaig Átha Cliathacha, a bhí cosúil le Manuel i Fawlty Towers ‘We know nothing”, Gerry ‘ní admhaím a dhath’ Adams, Iris Bean Peter Robinson, Bean Kirk Mc Cambley, Bean athair Kirk Mc Cambley, bhuel, liosta fada le bheith fírinneach… An-seans, ar ndóigh, go bhfuil an drochphreas seo tuillte acu. Ar a laghad, áfach, tá siad in ann iad féin a chosaint, fiú más fánach a leithscéalta laga. Ach céard faoin ainmhí beag aon-siollach ruball-chatach a raibh an domhan anuas air le déanaí: an mhuc! An banbh bándearg a thug an fliú marfach dúinn, más fíor? Tá fliú na muc (nó fliú mucúil víreas H1N1 chun a bheith beacht) san áit ina raibh fliú na n-éan tá dhá bhliain ó shin. Más cruinn na ráflaí, tá an mhuc ciontach as faitíos ár gcraicinn a chur orainn; na mílte a chur san otharlann; na céadta a bheith ar shlí na fírinne; agus mar bharr ar an donas, Cúrsaí Gaeltachta a bheith curtha ar ceal. Dar liom, áfach, tá sé ró-éasca an locht a chur ar an mhuc. De réir seanchais is ainmhí cáidheach lofa é, ainmhí ‘neamhghlan’ fiú de réir an Bhíobla Naofa. Is fíor é an seanfhocal, ‘An té atá thíos - buailtear cos air.’ Ach, i mo bharúil féin is mamach mánla múinte é an mhuc. Smaoiním féin ar leithéidí Muc na gCaorach ón scannán gleoite ‘Babe’, an carachtar cainteach Miss Piggy, nó ‘an phigín seo a chuaigh chuig margadh’ nó na Trí Mhuc a bhí cliste go leor leis an mac tíre a chur ó dhoras. Feictear dom nach bagairt í an mhuc ach peata – ainmhí soineanta saonta go bunúsach. Agus¸ cé nach bhfuil an bia ‘kosher’ cá háit ina mbeadh béiltí na hÉireann gan liamhás Luimnigh, ispíní Cookstown nó bagún blasta Galtee? A léitheoirí, an dtig libh ‘mixed grill’ a shamhlú gan gríscíní muiceola ar do phláta? Tar éis an tsaoil, nach bhfuil sí mar dhlúthchuid dár noidhreacht? – luaim An Mhucais i dTír Chonaill, Rosmuc i nGaillimh, Loch Mucnú i gCo. Mhuineacháin agus Mucros i gCiarraí. Idir mise, tusa, agus ruball na muice, má ligtear do dhochtúirí ceap milleáin a dhéanamh den mhuc, cad é an chéad targaid eile a bheas acu? An lao? An lachán? An leanbh fiú? I ndiaidh feachtas clú mhillte, ní ábhar iontais é, a chairde, fearg na muc. Seasaimis mar sin léi - cosa le crúibíní! Ruball- eireaball



National Science Coming back from the brink

College Tribune February 9th 2010 A survivor of sexual abuse talks to Eileen Gahan about her journey towards healing and her decision not to bring her abuser before the courts The issue of rape and sexual abuse, particularly of children, is one that has been before the eyes of the public a great deal in the last few years in Ireland. Yet while most of the focus has been on the abuse that was carried out by the Church and in Institutions it is also important to remember that the majority of these appalling crimes take place much closer to home. Thankfully Irish society has become more open about discussing the abuses that took place at the hand of public authority figures, yet most cases of rape and sexual assault in fact take place at the hands of acquaintances, former or current partners, and relations or family friends. Sexual violence is such a heinous topic that we understandably would rather not consider it too closely. It may be easier to imagine such terrible things happening at a distance rather than in a sphere that is familiar to us, and far easier to discuss crimes that have happened to strangers than consider the possibility that someone known to us may have experienced a crime of sexual violence, or committed one. This was exactly the attitude encountered by Maire, a woman who was sexually abused by a relative as a child. Her decision not to bring her case to the Gardaí was a difficult and emotional one. “It was the fact that it was a family member that had abused me, and I wasn’t the only member of the family affected. Then when it all did come out into the open several years ago I would have very strongly wanted to go to report it and press charges.” “But other members of the family were not ready and did not want this coming out into the open, because of the stigma that was attached to it, the shame that it would bring on the family.” It was a decision Maire struggled with, particularly because of the fear that others would suffer the same abuse. “That is a dilemma. I think particularly if it is a family member it is very difficult, because there is a whole myriad of emotions and ties and duties and values and responsibilities and it is very hard to break yourself out of that chain.” “You look at the Church, and how they covered up and moved people around when things like this happened, but there is also an awful lot of the same sort of

thing going on with a lot of families in Ireland. People just don’t know how to deal with this.” “Eventually what was decided was to confront him, to make sure that no-one else in the family like the next generation of children would be affected. We decided that his wife would be informed and she would then be able to decide how safe her own children would be.” “So it was decided that if wasn’t affecting anyone else then there was really no need to let anyone else know about it. Two members of my family would have been quite willing to come with me and press charges but the rest of them felt that it was have been a step too far. That was very difficult, but maybe in hindsight that was probably the best thing, for me personally.” The process of bringing the terrible of events of her past out into the open was a painful one for Maire and ultimately she feels that it was less traumatic for her not

“But wounds like that have a way of festering and it did affect a lot of my life” to have gone through the judicial system, but to be able to focus on her personal healing. “That system can be a very difficult one for victims, especially because it takes so long. I didn’t want to have to keep going back and bringing all that up when I was trying to move on with my life, because it could take several years. Also because it all happened so long ago, I wasn’t sure if there was even a case to bring.” explains Maire. It took several decades after the abuse took place for Maire to even discuss it with her family, because she was so overwhelmed with feelings of guilt. “When something happens to a child that young you are sworn to secrecy. There are subtle undertones that this was your fault, so

you have this notion all along that you allowed this to happen.” “And the perpetrator is able to project all the guilt and wrongdoing onto the victim. They can’t see where they’ve done wrong. So it is hard to go along the legal road.” However Maire still felt the effects of the abuse even years later. “I had never really looked at how it had affected me or how much damage had been done. I tried to push it to the back of my mind, and pretended to myself that I had put it all behind me. But wounds like that have a way of festering and it did affect a lot of my life.” “I would have suffered from a lot of depression, and I’m sure my own children would have been affected by it, by outbursts of anger and things like that. I tried not to let it affect them so I would have internalised it a lot, and it would have affected me and my mental health. But eventually I did go for counselling and healing.” Yet despite the dark times that Maire went through, her ultimate message is one of optimism. “There is so much hope.” she says, with great intensity in her voice. “Even though there were times when I considered ending it all, and considered suicide, through counselling I was able to put myself together again. It’s a gradual process.” “I cried and cried, and cried for the first three or four sessions, I hardly spoke at all just cried and that release of energy was huge. I went back in there and found that little girl and rocked her back to health again. And it can be done. It is an amazing process, it’s very painful but very worthwhile.” “I would really advise people who have been through this to seek help and find a safe place to come to terms with what they have suffered. Because no matter what has happened to you, you can go back and you can heal it. You can bring yourself back from the brink and find a joy in living again. The world around you won’t have changed awfully, much but you are able to handle it again.” “You regain that core strength that was taken from you. I have a deep sense of peace now, knowing that I can roll and tumble with the ups and downs of life. It doesn’t always end in tragedy. You can be whole again.”

A violent They say that comedy is used to challenge the taboos of a society; if this is so then we can see from some of the cruder jokes making the circuit that rape, incest and other acts of sexual violence are among the only taboos left. The argument can be made that these jokes are destructive and disrespectful, making light of events that should be met with sorrow. However, the main thing shown by the proliferation of these sorts of jokes is the public awareness and preoccupation with themes of sexual violence hopefully stemming from an underlying sense of horror. Under questioning, TJ Carroll, the head of a prostitution ‘Empire’ using trafficked women to staff brothels in rural Ireland, stated “Ireland is very beneficial at the moment. It’s a sex-starved country and always has been.” Carroll brings up the issue of sexual conservatism and repression in Ireland and whether this can be named as a cause of sexual crimes committed. It seems that a country that could probably better own the phrase ‘No Sex Please, We’re (not) British’ is doomed to resort to illegal, immoral

College Tribune


February 9th 2010


The road to justice

The C.E.O. of the Dublin Rape Crisis Centre, Ellen O’Malley Dunlop, talks to Eileen Gahan about the difficulties in bringing rape cases before the courts Rape may be one of the most serious of criminal offences, yet it has recently been highlighted that only 7% of rape and sexual assaults reported to Gardaí result in a conviction. This figure is made even more shocking when it is remembered that only an estimated one tenth of these crimes are reported in the first place. The first issue is a complex one, as Ellen O’ Malley Dunlop, C.E.O. of the Dublin Rape Crisis explains. “The figure of 7% is from a person reporting the crime to Gardaí to actually getting a conviction, so there is a whole process in between whereby a case might be delayed for a whole number of reasons.” “But research that has been done comparing eleven European countries and that showed that Ireland had the highest fall out between actual reporting and getting conviction. So that’s quite shocking.” The rate of fall out between the reporting of a crime and a case coming before a court is known as the rate of attrition and recent research has shown that in rape cases 80% of fall out is based on the victims’ decisions. It may be that victims of rape have anxieties about the legal process and what they might go through in the law courts. As O’Malley Dunlop elaborates, “a lot of people fall out of the system when they realise that it’s the state and the D.P.P. bringing the case against the accused. In that instance the victim is a witness and doesn’t

have legal representation in the court system. That can be extremely off-putting for a complainant.” She continues, “There is only one place where they are allowed to have separate legal representation and that is if the defence require to cross-examine the witness, for example about their sexual history. That is something they are not allowed to do unless they can prove that it is especially pertinent to the case and in that instance the victim is afforded a barrister to argue the case not to cross examine them and that is not done in front of a jury.” “The parameters for allowing are very tight. He or she has to apply for that to the judge but since that law changed in 2002 there have been 70 cases where the witness has been cross-examined.” This cross-examination of rape victims has led to concern that in some cases he, or more usually, she, will have to contend with age-old prejudices to prove their good behaviour prior to a sexual assault. This issue was recently discussed at a conference on the 16th of January called ‘Rape Law-Victims on Trial’. Some of the research on reasons why an application might be made to cross-examine a victim about their past sexual history showed some very unpleasant stereotypes still present within our judicial system. In 40 cases studied applications to crossexamine the victim were made on the grounds that they had behaved provocatively or had promiscuous habits, that

they had a previous or current sexual relationship with the accused, that they had engaged in prostitution or even that they were taking the contraceptive pill. These were all cases that occurred between 2003 and 2009 yet they seem to display nineteenth century attitudes. In the course of the ‘Victims on Trial’ conference it was also suggested that allowing separate legal representation for the victims might help to modify the affects of the trial on the victim, and explain all the complex processes involved. O’Malley Dunlop agrees that attitudes to rape are a serious problem in reporting cases and achieving justice. “I think we have a long way to go to changing attitudes. We saw a case before Christmas where we had a very negative attitude to the victim demonstrated clearly down in Listowel.” “We also had a case at our conference where we had a victim who stood up and said that she had been so victimised in her community, and was treated more like an accused than the victim she was, that she had to leave her community.” “I think that’s to do with the attitude of women being seen as the temptress, it’s the old Judeo-Christian idea of Eve tempting Adam. Attitudes are not changed over night, they are very embedded in our society. I think it’s only by talking about it and having it open and discussed that we can shift attitudes.” O’Malley Dunlop also talked about other

means to an end and inhumane measures to sate their repressed sexual appetite. Since the emergence of the incestuous case of the Fritzl family in Amstetten, Austria in April of 2008, numerous other cases have been announced and likened to the Fritzl case, such as the ‘Australian Fritzl’, the Alvarez case, the Mongelli case and most recently the case of the ‘Polish Fritzl’, Krzysztof Bartoszuk, who kept his daughter captive for six years and fathered two sons with her. The latest statistics from the Rape Crisis Network of Ireland (NCRI) show that 97% of childhood rape cases were perpetrated by ‘a family member or friend of the family’. They also showed an 8.4% rise in women seeking help, from 2007

to 2008 and nine out of ten of these had been victims of sexual violence. In addition to this, the results revealed that 95.7% of perpetrators were male and in the case of children this rose to 98%. In 2003, Charlize Theron portrayed a woman raised by a rapist who went on to become a serial rapist and murderer (based on a true story) in the film ‘Monster’. High profile female on male rape cases tend to be statutory rape and are often teachers that have sex with students, but non-statutory male rape has been successfully proven in a number of cases. Interestingly, most of these cases were won in Sweden. Many have questioned whether male rape is physically possible but these

reasons why victims might fall out of the system. “A person who reported to the Gardaí might not have met a Garda who was sympathetic. We would be calling for specialist Gardaí in this area. There can be a lot of delays in getting to court.”

“Applications to cross-examine the victim were made on the grounds that they had behaved provocatively or had promiscuous habits” “I think the average was 26 months between reporting and getting to court, though that has improved. That is a very long time because a victim might be coming to a Centre like ourselves and getting the support they need, getting counselling and have got their lives back again and they don’t want the trauma of going to court.” There are also many complex reasons why

a victim would not report the crime at all, as O’Malley Dunlop explains, “We know that in cases of rape and sexual abuse, contrary to the popular myth that rape is only committed by some one you don’t know, rape or sexual assault is usually committed by someone known to the victim.” “That is a deterrent. In some cases the victim is in a relationship with their abuser. Also shame and the effect that the crime has on the victim may prevent them reporting it. It violates a person to the core of their being, it totally traumatises a person and their judgement can be affected. A person is thrown into huge confusion and doesn’t know what to do. That is another deterrent.” “The automatic response of a victim is to blame themselves and that’s why it’s very difficult for people to report it because they feel that they are to blame and of course they’re not. Nobody would bring that crime upon themselves no matter what the behaviour or what the circumstances.” “This is why it’s terribly important for people to know that nobody brings this type of thing upon themselves. And I think that’s one of the big advantages when a victim comes to see somebody who understands the effects of this crime.” There is a National 24 hour Helpline for victims of rape and sexual assault and there is always a trained person at the end of the line to talk to at 1800 77 88 88.

In light of the Fritzl case and reports on the Catholic Church, sexual violence and its affects may finally be receiving the attention they deserve says Sisi Rabenstein

legal cases have proven that the male erectile response is non-voluntary and based on stimulus reaction. In one case in Russia, 32 year old Valeria K, also known as the ‘Black Widow’, drugged and raped ten men, using rope to stimulate their sexual organs. While the social taboo of being bested by a woman inhibits both the reporting of female on male rape and the conviction of female rapists, the aftermath of physical and psychological abuse is still evident. Trauma, such as sexual abuse, has a lasting affect on its victims. The main psychological aftermath of rape is selfblame where upon the victims allocate blame on their actions preceding the event or their own character for causing

the attack. In psychological terms the victim can respond to an attack with ‘blame or shame’. The latter is a state of deep embarrassment verging on anger which can lead to aggressive or violent tendencies and sometimes a need for revenge. In some cases the opposite is true, with the victim retreating into themselves in a state of depression, which can lead to suicidal tendencies. Evolutionary psychologists Craig T. Palmer and Randy Thornhill have written a paper explaining the evolutionary drive behind rape detailing it as a ‘reproductive strategy’ for when all else fails or a by product of other strategies like a higher sex drive in males and the ‘desire to mate with a variety of females’.

‘Living Dolls: The Return of Sexism’ by Natasha Walter is a recent publication which details the rise in pornography and the inherent sexism in influencing women to strive towards an often unattainable ideal and makes suggestions which generally receive no credibility. Walter says that this abnormal aesthetic is the root of the sexism; she states “You’re encouraged to look like dolls. No wonder men don’t see you as people.” It seems, as usual, better education is needed to inform adolescents and adults alike, about sexuality, criminal penalties and the danger of apathy.



College Tribune February 9th 2010


The New Wonder Drug? With the advent and subsequent popularity of the cervical cancer vaccine, Cathy Buckmaster talks to a student who chose to be immunised and Dr. Marian Reilly about the ups and downs of getting the jab After the much debated coverage of Jade Goody’s battle with cervical cancer, over 50% of women were more likely to go for smear tests. It appears that since the reality show about her death, cervical cancer has taken centre stage for women’s health issues. However, with the recent advent of the cervical cancer vaccination, a medical breakthrough was discovered. The first of its kind, this injection shows this illness is preventable. However, the immunisation has not been without controversy. Despite claiming it prevents the onset of cervical cancer, there have also been rumours about side affects including paralysis and even death. Judy, a second year Arts student recently chose to get the cervical cancer vaccine. She explains her reasons why. “I come from a medical family and my father has never been the over protective stereotype, but he basically said that anything we can afford as a preventative measure, will be taken.” She felt the need to get the vaccination after the surge in her awareness of cancer

in the last year. “I feel very concerned by the rise in Cancer patients so I think that one of the major causes of female deaths should be taken very seriously. I don’t want to become a statistic.” As for the rumoured side affects, Judy doesn’t think there’s much truth in them. “Other than a bit of a sore arm for a little, I felt absolutely fine. But I found I almost convinced myself of symptoms because I was expecting them.” There has been a lot of confusion between the two types of vaccine available, Gardasil and Cervarix. Judy clarifies why she chose to get the Gardasil jab. “I was vaccinated with Gardasil because my Dad thought it was more effective and it protects against two more types of the Human Papillomavirus, the ones which cause genital warts.” “I realise that not every drug is perfect but this seems to me to be one of those wonder-drugs that is being hindered by conservative ideas of sexual morality. The drug is a preventative one and thus must is more affective when administered before sexual intercourse.” The cost of the vaccine has been a hot

topic of debate considering certain age groups are getting it free but the cost to go to the doctor to get it privately is upwards of €200. “I think it’s ridiculous that the vaccine is so expensive. Thousands of women die from cervical cancer every year and my vaccine protects against the main cause of more than four types of cancer and some sexually transmitted diseases also.” Dr. Marian O’Reilly, the head of Cervical Screening in St. Joseph’s hospital in Limerick discusses the nature of this Cancer. “Cervical cancer has a direct causal relationship with the HPV virus, the human papillomavirus. We know that this virus is sexually transmitted. So, it’s a danger as soon as embarking on sexual activity. In our twenties, the vast majority of women will be positive for this virus; that’s normal. Usually our immune system flushes out the virus by 30 but it only becomes a problem if it’s persistent after that age.” O’Reilly goes on to explain the importance of the vaccine. “There are two vaccines that are licensed in Europe now.

This is the only vaccine available against a typical cancer in the world, which is very significant. The course of the vaccine is three shots and all are needed to get the full cover.” O’Reilly also explains the reasoning behind the Irish government’s decision to only provide the vaccination for thirteen year olds; “The minister announced recently that the programme will be introduced this year into secondary schools at first year. Social studies would show that the average age of first sexual activity in Ireland is seventeen so that’s why the introduction of the vaccination is much younger than that was decided upon.” O’Reilly explains the difference between the more widely known Gardasil and the one used in the UK; Cervarix. “Cervarix protects against two sub types and Gardasil protects against the same two but also the two others which protect against genital warts.” “Both are available at the moment because they’re licensed privately. I don’t know what one is going to be selected for our

country but the discrepancy between the cost to get it in the UK and Ireland is all down to the pharmaceutical firms.” “The bottom line is that the vaccines don’t cover against all the known types that are associated with cervical cancer; they only protect about a max of 70%. So, even if a girl has the full schedule of the vaccine and it’s working for her, there’s still the possibility of cervical cancer so she should continue having screening checks.” There has been a lot of controversy concerning side affects but O’Reilly explains that they are not directly a result of the vaccine. “The usual side affects of a sore arm is quite normal. But certainly for the number of women who have been vaccinated across the world, it seems to be a very safe vaccine which is a great thing. Any adverse reaction to any shot is always reported in every country and investigated.” She concludes reassuringly.

Dean of Medicine Professor Bill Powderly and Lecturer on Infectious Disease, Professor Patrick Mallon, talk to Aoife Ryan about the dangers of avoiding vaccinations

A shot at good health

In 1998 Dr Andrew Wakefield published a report in the respected Medical Journal ‘The Lancet’ that argued a link between the MMR vaccination and autism. His suggestion that parents choose a single jab instead of the three-in-one injection led to a serious decrease in people opting for the vaccine. Late January this year saw a retraction of his study by ‘The Lancet’ and the complete marginalisation of Dr Wakefield within the medical community on the whole. Despite the refutation of his work by the General Medical Council in Britain, the damage may already be done, with sometimes tragic results. Since the article it has been a struggle to maintain the numbers of vaccinated people. “Some parents were too afraid to immunize their children and now that these infants have grown up, they are spreading the diseas.” Dr. Patrick Mallon states. In 2000 two children in North Dublin died as a result of an outbreak of measles. Doctors said that the outbreak was a result of low up-take of the MMR vaccine, which was around 76% instead of the recommended 95%. There has also been a reported worldwide increase in cases of mumps, which is now being felt in UCD since last spring. This all may be a delayed result of the headline-favourite Wakefield case. Although his work has been recognised by his peers as unethical, the mental link between the MMR and autism was made in the mind

of the public with ‘The Lance’ article twelve years ago. Trying to change this ingrained attitude some people have may prove extremely difficult. “Of course the Irish attitude towards authority is always a factor.” Professor Bill Powderly acknowledges in consideration of the task the HSE face. “In medicine, we use the term ‘herd immunity’. This means that a population can manage to protect themselves against such infections as long as a certain number of people are vaccinated.” “This community of vaccinated people stops the spread of the infection and the entire herd is protected. The problem now is that this vaccinated community has become too small, leaving us at risk.” Mallon explains. Fear over any possible side effects due to the Wakefield case is not the only reason for insufficient proportions of vaccinated people however. “Some people have become too complacent about the vaccination. There aren’t people dying on the streets or losing their children due to mumps so they don’t view it as a threat”, asserts Powderly. “Twenty years ago people felt the full effects of these diseases but we’ve now forgotten.” “The percentage of vaccinated people in Irish society isn’t too bad but it simply isn’t high enough. It could be easily improved,” Mallon states. There is no harm in receiving another dose as a precaution if you are still unclear, the professionals attest. As Mallon emphasises, “the important thing to remember is that these diseases never go

away, medicine has just suppressed them. We need to remain fully aware.” In reality the only proven side effects of the vaccine are fever and tenderness for up to a week, and this has only been reported in five percent of the world’s population. “Some people think that doing nothing means they will be less likely to contract an infectious disease.” “Of course this is completely wrong. No serious side effects have ever been proven in the case of the MMR. It is much less dangerous to receive the vaccination than the mumps, or the other major concern, the measles”, ascertains Powderly. “This must be tackled quickly as mumps can have serious consequences for adults as the infection becomes more severe it may cause meningitis. The measles could be the next outbreak. The HSE is currently monitoring these outbreaks to ensure it does not worsen,” Powderly explains. Although the general public are at risk, communities of young adults such as universities are more likely to spread infection. “Proportionally, young adults are more likely to develop the more extreme effects of mumps, which is on the rise, than a child of five.” “This is a major concern for medical students now as they visit hospitals and clinics regularly. This is why we have a new policy in UCD. All medical students in UCD now have to have proof that they have been vaccinated, and if they aren’t they must do so immediately.” Powderly concludes.

College Tribune


February 9th 2010



For all in tents and purposes Festival Feast: Ireland has far more to offer festival goers than just Oxegen and Electric Picnic, Sean Bonner investigates When it comes to festivals, the Irish are more than spoiled for choice. We have the two main ones, Oxegen and Electric Picnic, and low air fares make it easy and affordable to attend festivals all over Europe; a lot of them being cheaper than both of our two flagship festivals. Take Sonar, a dance and drum and base festival held in Barcelona every year. It costs only €165. Far cheaper than either Oxegen or Electric Picnic, with acts just as good. However, one doesn’t need to look far afield for alternative festivals. There are a

plethora of smaller festivals taking place all around the country every year. A lot of these festivals have been springing into action over the past five or ten years but there are a few that have been around for a lot longer. Take the Puck Fair for example; it is not known exactly how long this festival has been in operation but the general consensus is about 400 years. The more commonly accepted origin story is that the English ‘Roundheads’ were pillaging the countryside when one male goat, a puck, broke away and ran to Killorglin where he alerted the natives to the impending danger, who then set about protecting themselves. Regardless of the origin, there’s always plenty of fun to be had. Along with a king of the fair, King Puck, there’s also a queen, chosen from the local children. This year it’s Cassie O Grady. Reasons behind choosing a little girl to be queen are still unknown.

At the opening of the festival they hoist King Puck up high in a cage so everyone can cheer him, possibly one for the record books. Along with these traditions, the other great Irish traditions are also upheld at the festival such as drinking, along with much music and merriment and best of all, it’s free ( Another festival that may be more relevant to this time of year is the Matchmaker festival, Ireland and Europe’s biggest singles event. This festival takes place during the weekends in September and beginning of October.

Traditionally, this was because by this time the harvest had been finished and a large number of the eligible bachelor farmers of Ireland came to the town in search of a wife. These days up to 40,000 people flood the small spa town of Lisdoonvarna to partake in the events in pubs and venues throughout the town, enjoying the dancing, drinking and ceol, in search of their soul-mate or just a bit of craic. Though matchmaking happens throughout the course of the festival, there are designated times when you can get in touch with Lisdoonvarna’s last Matchmaker, Willie Daly, the proprietor of the riding centre outside Ennistymon. I’m not sure if that’s a euphemism or not but you can find out if you decide to go. It’s said that he currently deals with anything up to 700 people who have tried in vain to find love. He get’s requests from all over, the world, from the USA to Latvia, for help in finding a match, and he is particularly busy

at the festival. Many are now turning to Ireland in search of what Willie described as men who could sing a bit, dance a bit, fight a little and drink a lot and hopefully Willie can find such men for them. (www. for details). Unfortunately, you’d be hard pushed to find any Irish singletons at this love fest but fortunately not everyone is looking for the accompaniment of a good man or woman. There are a load of other festivals for any other tastes, even the more bizarre ones. Such as the new-ish festival that occurs every year at the end of February in celebration of everyone’s favourite clerically themed program, Father Ted. Yes ‘Tedfest’ has been running for the last 3 years, this year being the 4th, on Inis Mór off the coast of Galway. It’s arguably the greatest amount of fun you can have on an island. “The best bit of the festival is simply the camaraderie with random strangers” says Mick Corcoran, a previous punter who made the pilgrimage to the island. From first hand experience, I have to agree with him. Every year fans of the show arrive, dressed as priests, nuns and other characters from the show ready to take part in activities such as buckaroo speed dating, tea and sandwiches, Priests Vs Nuns beach volleyball and of course, the Craggy Cup, which is held to decide which island will be called Craggy Island and which will be Rugged Island. Perhaps one of the funniest bits of all is

the look on tourist’s faces when they see several hundred priests and nuns walking around the island drinking after they disembark from the ferry. Truly priceless

traditional music (You thought it was tea, didn’t you). Or how about the World Bodhran Championship from 4th to 7th of June, or even

and well worth a trip to the island. (www. for details). Now along with the old Irish, slightly less old Irish and ridiculously weird Irish festivals there are of course a rake of music festivals to choose from. Ignoring the big two, Oxegen and Electric Picnic, there are plenty of others such as Cois Farraige, a surfing and music festival, as well as Castlepalooza and Roryfest, celebrating Rory Gallagher. “Its cheap and cheerful with great music, great company in a brilliant .” says Ger Calis who attended Roryfest last year. Another is Dylanfest, celebrating Bob Dylan, Beatlesfest, and there’s even a Cup of Tae festival, celebrating, you guessed it.

head over to the Cliffs of Moher for valentines day. The aforementioned Matchmaker Willie Daly will be on hand in O’Brien’s Tower on the 13th and 14th February should you need help finding someone to kiss. Then of course there are the film festivals such as the recent Jameson Film Festival here in Dublin, jazz festivals; even Ballydehob has one, wine and food festivals, arts festivals, theatre and sport. Although festivals usually mean days without washing and drinking someone else’s can only to find out it’s the ashtray, the wide range of festivals available mean you can even enjoy some in the comfort of your own town. Two of the my favourite Dublin festivals are the Street Performance World Championships held in Merrion Square at the end of June ( for details) and the Dun Laoghaire Festival of World Cultures in July ( for details). Basically, if you can’t find a festival to go to on any given weekend, especially during summer, then you’re doing something wrong because the above are only a few of those worth mentioning. So get going and make a break for the countryside before the all numbing pressure of exams force you into doing things you’d rather not.



College Tribune

February 9th 2010

Comment & Debate Evolution: theory and fact

Evolution refers to the process of inheritable change in a population over time. It is important to understand that individuals don’t “evolve”; populations do, sometimes over very long time frames. Evolution is both a theory and a fact. It is a fact that there has been life on earth for billions of years, but many life forms (like dinosaurs) have disappeared, and others (like mammals) appeared recently. It is also a fact that all life existing today evolved from a common ancestor. Evolution is a theory because scientists are not sure of all the details of the mechanisms involved. This is best explained by the well-regard-

ed biologist Stephen J. Gould, who stated in Evolution as Fact and Theory, “Facts don’t go away when scientists debate rival theories to explain them. Einstein’s theory of gravitation replaced Newton’s … but apples didn’t suspend themselves in midair, pending the outcome. And humans evolved from ape-like ancestors whether they did so by Darwin’s proposed mechanism or by some other yet to be discovered.” It can be somewhat harder to define creationism. It is sometimes a literal belief in the description of creation from the Book of Genesis, or derives from the belief by some Muslims that there are no random

events. “Young earth” creationists believe that God created the earth in six days, just a few thousand years ago. In 1650, an Irishman, Archbishop James Ussher used the bible to calculate that the first day of creation began at nightfall, preceding Sunday October 23rd, 4004 BC. Those who still accept such a literal interpretation of creation are ignoring much scientific evidence (including radiometric measurements of the oldest rocks on earth and of material from meteorites), which show us that the earth is around 4.5 billion years old. One variation of creationism is intelligent design, which suggests that features of the universe and of living things are too complex to be explained by an undirected process, and are most likely to have an intelligent cause (presumably God). I cannot accept “intelligent design” as a scientific theory, because it is impossible to propose hypotheses that can be tested. Other creationists accept that distinct modern species are descended from a common ancestor, but still assert that some structures (such as a bacterial flagellum) are so “irreducibly complex” that they must have been designed as stated in Darwin’s Black Box by Michael Behe. Scientists have shown that flagella vary a lot between bacteria, so the designer must have been busy. In addition, many of the components of the flagellum are not unique, and are used for other func-

tions in the cell. They are therefore not “irreducibly complex”. Charles Darwin addressed some of the same points when he discussed how a complex organ like the eye could have arisen from a simple light sensitive cell. Much of understanding of evolution comes from Charles Darwin, especially his theory of natural selection. This is the process – “survival of the fittest” – by which natural genetic variations that make it more likely that an organism will survive and reproduce will become more common in a population over many generations. Over time populations may adapt and gradually produce new species. Natural selection isn’t the only evolutionary process; sometimes genetic changes don’t confer an advantage, and they are retained by random events in small populations. Early proponents of evolutionary theory used evidence from observation and from the fossil record. In my own field of molecular genetics it is impossible to ignore the overwhelming evidence. Examining similarities in DNA sequences shows us that all organisms are related. The genomes (DNA) of human and chimps are around 98% identical because they descended from a common ancestor, probably about 6 million years ago. We can see DNA changes that happened during the evolution of chimps and different ones that occurred on the human branch.

Humans have accumulated mutations in olfactory receptors much more frequently than chimps or gorillas, probably because they rely less on their sense of smell. It is difficult to imagine a designer that inserts pieces of non-functional DNA in a human, but it’s easy to accept that both the chimp and human descended from an ancestor that had a functioning gene, even if we don’t exactly understand what happened on the human branch. Chimps and humans also share defective genes, and in particular genes that are defective in the same way. How did they acquire the same changes unless they inherited the defect from a common ancestor? Every day I compare genomes (of diseasecausing yeasts, not primates), and every day I am presented with evidence of evolution. It’s impossible to draw conclusions from DNA comparisons unless we accept that organisms have shared ancestry. Professor Geraldine Butler BA, PHD Prof. Butler received a BA in Genetics before attaining her PHD in Genetics, both at TCD. Beginning her career as a college lecturer in the dept of Biochemistry in UCD, she then became a senior lecturer in the School of Biomolecular and Biomedical Science in the Conway Institute of UCD where she an associate professor and the head coordinator of Genetics.

Creationism and the presupposition in evolution As a teenager, I was always interested in science. It was, after all, science that explained everything about the world – how it worked and how it had come to be. While I had a church-going background, religion was clearly true in a different way from science. It didn’t contain hard facts about the origins of life, the universe and everything, did it? These musings coincided with the broadcasting of David Attenborough’s famous TV series, Life on Earth. As my interests lay mainly in the repeatable experimental nature of the physical sciences, I was struck at how different evolutionary science was. If there was an assertion in chemistry that two chemical reacted just so, this could be seen to be a repeatable event, and the hypothesis tested in the laboratory. The idea that one life form had evolved from another was a different type of science – such an event was unrepeatable and unique. Proof of biological evolution is stated by analogy. We see certain organisms change in laboratory conditions and assume that these changes are somehow extrapolated to large scale situations, over immense periods of time. But are we comparing like with like? It turns out that we are not. The laboratory changes occur by rearrangement of genetic information. But the large scale changes required outside the laboratory require the addition of

new information, which must have been generated spontaneously. Darwin was not aware of genetics, and particularly not aware of DNA. DNA is often described as a code – a language of four letters that provides information about the organism and its behaviour. It is non-random, and rarely repeating. It differs, therefore, from the structure seen in simple chemical crystals, where the shape is informed merely by the physical arrangement of atoms. The language of the DNA follows the principles of information science. To suggest that the information in – for example – human DNA could arise by spontaneous mutations is similar to the argument that if one was to leave a blank CD on a desk, it would spontaneously ‘burn’ itself to take on the code of a well known computer operating system. The information on the no-longer blank CD is not inherent in the substance of the CD. The CD efficacy, therefore, does not exist merely in its molecules, but in the information it contains. That information required an information giver to put it there – in the first instance, a programmer; in subsequent instances, someone to cause copying of the information. The realisation that great changes in evolutionary biology are not susceptible to normal scientific analysis led me to see that it is more logical – more rational – to believe that such things were created. Changes

can occur by rearrangement or loss of information– new species developing within kinds over time. But Dawkins’ ‘Mount Improbable’ cannot be climbed. Dawkins argues that the giant leap up the cliff face of evolution is not necessary – around the other side of Mount Improbable is a gentle slope of single simple steps. But each of these single simple steps requires a process that is never actually seen in real science. However gentle the slope, the evolutionary climber remains at first base. The mechanism of Darwinism may be simple, but it is unrealistic. It merely fulfils a need to try to explain life, the universe and everything without reference to God. Yet the concept that the God of the Bible created all the information and all that goes with it is actually more scientific, and better explains the evidence, once the paradigm shift of disbelief in evolutionism has been achieved. Paul Taylor BSc, Med. Paul Taylor is the Senior Speaker and Head of Media for Answer in Genesis; the ministry of Creation Science Foundation. It is a nonprofit, Christ-centred, non-denominational, evangelistic ministry dedicated to upholding the authority of the Bible from the very first verse.

College Tribune


February 9th 2010




Placing the blame on others

The Minister for Education, Batt O’Keeffe, should properly inform himself before pointing the finger of accusation. His recent claim that university professors do not earn their wage is unfounded and unfair. O’Keeffe criticised academics for not being value for money after accusing university professors of taking huge salaries while only teaching as few as four hours a week. Although Professors do receive a very large salary, I feel the allegation that they spend too few hours working is speculative. Even as a professor may only have four hours of lectures a week, this does take into account the office hours, tutorials they also take on, not to mention the copious amount of research that is expected of them. As well as the contribution this research makes to the academic world, disregarding the importance of conducting it is thoroughly unfair considering this is the main route an academic must take if they want to be promoted. As one of the main elements considered in the league tables, research also plays a huge part in where a university is ranked. Due to the importance placed on the league tables in modern society, there is more pressure put on the shoulders of professors to publish research. The more papers published means the higher a university will be ranked and as a result, the college’s degree will become more valuable. It must also be taken into consideration that the path to academia is tough and often unreliable. Very few ever make it to becoming professors but those who do, spend many years working at it without any promise of stability or a job at the end of it. Only a limited number of academics ever attain this kind of salary. As well as this, from my time as a student and from my time spent working within UCD, in the most part, I always found lecturers to be very helpful and obliging should a student ask for help or advice with the course or issues within the college.

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In the past and in numbers, mature students have been the exception rather than the rule. The overwhelming majority of students in universities and Institutes of Technologies have been school leavers right out of the Leaving Cert. Invariably this makes sense, as they are well-adapted to the education system and usually have little in the way of proper work experience so their job prospects are few and far between. Even students that may have once gone straight into work, had it been available to them, are now considering third level education instead. With increased numbers of mature students in college and forecasts of even bigger numbers applying, the system is going to have to expand or change to accommodate more of them. The country can hardly turn its back on those that have paid for, in taxes, the very same education they wished to now avail off. Education should be available to all; it is not solely an entitlement of the young. This places university admissions between a rock and a hard place. Who do you give the places to? A youth that may very well be tempted to immigrate if there are no job or educational prospects, or an out of work middle-aged workforce with families and mortgages that have no choice but to go on the dole and scrape a living that way. If Ireland really is moving to a socalled ‘smart economy’ then its need to think of a smart answer to this question.

Think you can do it better?

The Editor(s) of The College Tribune has full responsibility for the administration of the newspaper. This includes the management of both the editorial and financial sides of the newspaper. Job Description This is a full time and extremely demanding job which requires the publication of 10-12 issues of the College Tribune during the academic year. This involves highly unsociable hours under a pressurised environment. The candidate should have experience in journalism as well as being a highly motivated individual. External applications outside the current College Tribune staff are encouraged.

The Editor(s) are responsible for the appointment and management of an editorial staff in addition to the recruitment of the new contributors during Fresher’s week and throughout the year. Wages The Editor(s) will be paid depending on the surplus amount of income raised from advertising for each issue once printing and other costs have been met.



The College Tribune is a completely independent newspaper and receives no source of regular income. Therefore in addition to an edition of the newspaper every fortnight, the editor(s) are responsible for sourcing sufficient advertising to fund the print run of the publication.

As editor of the College Tribune you will gain important experience in the world of journalism and the year is an excellent stepping stone for anyone hoping for a professional career in journalism and the media. Previous editors have gone on to have successful careers in various national media outlets. In addition to

this, the experience of running a self sustaining business is important to anyone going forward in a professional career in many different sectors. Applications All interested applicants should submit a detailed proposal to the editor; including their experience and suitability for the job, how they would improve each section of the newspaper and any new ideas or suggestions they have for the College Tribune. Applications should be sent to Cathy Buckmaster and Philip Connolly, College Tribune, Box 74, student centre, Belfield Dublin 4, or submitted in person to our office LG18, lower ground floor of the arts block, beside the trap; no later than 5.30 pm Monday 22nd of March

If an error or omission is made in this newspaper, please contact us at and we will endeavour to clarify and mistakes made


It’s Satire Stupid!

Apple e c u d o r int d a P i new

Corduroy pillows are making headlines Suicidal twin kills sister by mistake Clairvoyant’s meeting cancelled due to unforeseen events Energizer Bunny arrested; charged with battery Despite the rising cost of living, it remains as popular as ever Support bacteria - they’re the only culture some people have

Turbine Investigates: Mass Exodus It seems the January blues proved too much for many Irish citizens. The Passport Offices on Molesworth Street are overwhelmed with Passport applications and full to capacity with queuing applicants. Could this be a repeat of Irish Diasporas of past generations? The Turbine went undercover last week to find out what all the fuss was about. It was chaos. Pensioners repeatedly missed their ticket calls and butted in at other counters in the way only elderly people can get away with. One would be forgiven for thinking it was a conspiracy of some sort, however not to worry, they had merely “been called to Lourdes by Our Lady”. Girls tramp stamped to the max - the kind that wear leggings as a lighter alternative to “play time” tracksuit bottoms - occasionally shouted such delightful things as “Aah, get up will yeh, Rihanna. You’re some fucking eejit.” to their unfortunate offspring. No doubt

needing a passport to flee a life of crime and prostitution. A “Loyke! Oh! My! God!” girl, flounced in, in Uggs and Guess bag in hand, and was clearly horrified at having to actually queue, like everybody else. “I don’t see why it matters that my passport is out of date loyke, it’s not loyke I’m out of date.” She then proceeded to flirt her way up the queue. Enda Kenny came to show his solidarity with the people. He was however largely ignored and left shortly after his arrival. He has since highlighted the peoples’ dissatisfaction with Ireland. Among his recommendations to the Government were towing Ireland further down nearer the equator, legalising and endorsing cocaine, and renaming the country Mayo. The suggestions are to be debated in the Dail this week.

Brothel set to raise more than eyebrows As UCD is wracked by debts the SU have combined their single brain cell with that of the formidable president Brady to come up with several ingenious methods of making a bit of cash for the college. Chief among the new enterprises is the allocation of several rooms in the new student centre, for use as a brothel. The SU president Gary Redmond has shown great enthusiasm for the project, seeing it as a wonderful opportunity to raise drooping spirits in the college as well as an ingenious method of getting his own rocks off. A source within the university has stated “recent studies of students mental health has shown that many are suffering from a terminal dry spell that has resulted in immense sexual frustration. This in turn has had a detrimental effect

on the grades of many students which is also rocking UCD’s position in the league tables.” Our source went on to claim that Brady and the SU began working together on the brothel scheme after some of the boys in the SU realised their “unique” looks weren’t really doing it for the ladies. It seems power doesn’t get you everything. The SU had clocked up immense bills on taxi fares to Lesons st. last semester in search for some release after a hard days work. As the bills came in they realised how lucrative such an industry would be for the college. They ran the idea by the college authorities and an agreement was reached over the Christmas break. It is presumed that the brothel will be staffed by the hard-working ladies of Quinn School,

who have long been known for their loose morals and even looser knickers. It wasn’t so long ago that it was reported that they had set up a points system for bedding the most men, now it seems they will be rewarded financially for their valiant efforts to keep our future businessmen in a state of bliss. The new brothel is set to cater for the most fundamental needs of the student body. Redmond is reported to be hotly anticipating it’s opening day as SU members will be receiving a 50% discount. For now however it looks like he’ll be spending this Valentines Day like so many others, sitting in his room alone, watching murder she wrote while getting to know his right hand on a more intimate basis.


College Tribune February 9th 2010


the college tribune


The College Tribune 9.02.10 Down the Line

Brian O’Driscoll preferred to focus on the positives in the wake of Ireland’s flawed 2911 win over Italy. The Irish captain insisted it was a “good workout” ahead of the daunting trip to Paris next weekend. O’Driscoll admitted his side were “rusty” after only coming together late and will need a major improvement when they take on France. Workout is perhaps the best way to view Ireland’s clash against Italy at Croke Park on Saturday, as a spectacle the game left much to be desired. In the wider context of the championship the game was a success, Ireland came away with the points and no major injuries, along with another 80 minutes to shake off the dust. Nearly 80,000 spectators sat patiently as Ireland, having built up a 20-point lead inside 35 minutes with a reasonably effective dismantling of the Azzurri, then sat back and waited for the Italians to roll over, which, of course, they never do. Once Ireland let standards slip, it couldn’t end quickly enough, zero suspense, zero quality. From the start the atmosphere was flat, while the meteoric rise of the Irish side has given us some wonderful moments, the games against Italy and Scotland have now become routine, and the Croke park crowed responds thusly, waiting for victory rather than celebrating it too voraciously. Not that they were given too much to cheer. A few neat touches from O’Driscoll, and Trimble’s break for the opening try aside, this was routine all over the park. Ireland played within themselves, and became sloppy after the result became a formality. Even the normally unshakeable Rob Kearny made an uncharacteristic error leading to an Italian try, made perhaps out of boredom more than anything else. Regardless of Ireland’s limited preparation, to score a mere six points in the second 40 minutes should leave them feeling a touch embarrassed. They can’t blame it entirely on Monsieur Poite, but he can’t be said to have enhanced the spectacle, getting in the way in more senses that one. O’Driscoll admitted that he didn’t even realise that Gonzalo Garcia was harshly binned for supposedly spear-tackling him, stating with a wry smile that he never felt in any danger. When Paul O’Connell was led from the pitch midway through the second half, suffering from blurred vision, he looked relieved to be put out of his misery. But the biggest bonus for the champions was the scrum, where Gert Smal’s work in the preceding 12 days or so transformed the creaking unit we had seen during November into a model of solidity. The scrum was a triumph for Cian Healy in particular. Paris next Saturday will be a severer test again but whatever is said about this turgid scrap, it may well be remembered as the day when Healy came of age as an international scrummager. By Philip Connolly

Super League

Sunday’s 2pm match was a valiant fight, ending in a tremendous arse raping, much like a Saturday night in Coppers in fact. Actually as this reporter reflects further on the dire situation, that Saturday night in Coppers might have been the problem. The clash took place between Bitches Aint Shit and Inter Yer Ma, but before the match report begins, a word of thanks is in order for the fixing of the nets on Astro pitch 1. This completely eradicated the need for the reporter to run and fetch balls when he should have been watching the beautiful game taking place on the pitch, thus making the whole thing a more pleasurable experience. The game opened with some good and

It’s football… but not as we know it

lively play, it would seem that the afternoon matches are the ones to see. The players, like the reporters, are more awake after midday. Inter Yer Ma were the best side in the opening minutes of the game, expertly passing the ball throughout their team and up the pitch. This paid off with them getting the first score of the game when Harry O’Donohoe planted the ball in the net after some great play from his team. Inter Yer Ma’s defenders had to work hard to keep back the advances of Bitches Aint Shit’s forward line. Bitches Aint Shit eventually made the breakthrough in the 24th minute of the game when Mark O’Neill got their first goal of the match. Inter Yer Ma soon re-

UCD Clubhouse

plied however with their second goal of the game when Evan Courtney hit the net. Inter Yer Ma lead 2-1 at half-time. Now, something strange happened in the second half, something this reporter finds hard to explain. All it can be likened to is Alexander the Greats taking of the city of Tyre in the year 323BC when he changed the very geography of the region to achieve his goal. Against all odds Bitches Aint Shit turned out to be far from shit. In fact they were the shit. From this point onwards there will be no mentioning of names, if we were to credit each goal in the second half the list would take up half a column. It would be as long as a list of Liz Taylor’s ex-husbands!

Handball claims more success UCD continued their intervarsity sports success with Marianna Rush claiming the Women’s Open Intervarsity title in Handball. This is the second year in a row that Rush has won the title, this year defeating IT Tralee student Shauna Hillary in the final. Hillary stayed in contention in the first game before Rush swept into a 1711 lead. She eventually took the first game by 21 points to 15 and life was made easier in the second with Hillary only managing 8 points. In the Men’s contender title UCD’s Declan Smith took the title defeating DCU’s Shane Broidy in the final, 21-19, 21-12. Sailing Success at Westerns UCD’s sailing club came away with success at the Irish University Sailing Association Western Championships. UCD’s five teams, compromising of 30 students, competed against over 24 teams representing Irish Universities and IT’s in Kilrush, Co. Clare. UCD3 won the silver fleet after a dramatic series of events of black flags and cancelled redresses to get to the final, where they beat the talented CIT1 team, recently returned from the Student Yachting World Cup. UCD2 pulled back two wins to reach a semifinal against UL2 and ended up third overall. Commenting on the club’s success, UCD Sailing Club’s commodore Eoin Duggan commented, “With the Intervarsities coming up in three weeks time its nice to have two teams up there in the running and we will be going to the Varsities looking for our first title there since 2002.”

In the second half Bitches Aint Shit managed to score 10 goals as compared to Inter Yer Ma’s single score of the half. This left the final score at 11-3 with Bitches Aint Shit running away with the game. At times it actually became hard to tell whether it was football or a game of pinball. The game descended into a comedy sketch as the pitch became filled with laughter, at least it showed that everyone was having fun though. Perhaps the only advice this humble reporter can offer to Inter Yer Ma is that they should spend less time in my poor aging mother and more time training for their matches. That’s it until next week folks.

UCD2 Gold Fleet: Simon Doran/ Christine Lynch, Nick Harger/ Katie Curtin, Andrew O’Donoghue/ Gillian Condy. UCD3 Silver Fleet: Alyson Rumball/Elaine Farrell, Dan Mc Carthy/Mary Lucey, Cathal Leigh Doyle/ Jodie Jane Tingle. Futsal finals for UCD Ladies With all the hype surrounding the Men’s senior soccer team, the UCD women were keen to ensure that they are not left forgotten about and proved their worth with an impressive showing in the WSCAI Futsal finals out in NUI Galway. After coasting through their group undefeated with 3 goals from Louise Quinn in three games, UCD came up against the hosts in the semi finals. With the scores deadlocked at the final whistle, penalties decided who would claim the silverware. Goals from Quinn, Kellen Brink and Rita Connaughton were enough to see the Dubliners through to the final where they were unlucky to lose out 1-0 to UCC. It seemed as though the final was destined for penalties too, until Alsion Roche slotted home for UCC. Despite their best efforts, heroics from Cork keeper Megan Morris kept the students out. Kellen Brink took home the player of the tournament award to leave UCD with some consolation, in what overall was deemed a successful weekend for UCD women’s soccer. UCD Team: Lisa Geiran (C), Louise Quinn, Victoria Swan, Kellen Brink, Jay Molloy, Geraldine Buttle, Aisling Sealy, Shona Hanlon, and Shannon Ryan. By Eoghan Brophy



College Tribune February 9th 2010

UCD’s Ruddock leading the way

With all the focus on the senior team, UCD scholar and Irish under 20 captain Rhys Ruddock talks to Colman Hanley about his side’s campaign While nearly everyone’s attention seemed to be focused on the events at Croke Park last weekend, Ireland’s Under 20’s recorded a fantastic 39-0 win over their Italian counterparts at Dubarry Park seemed to go slightly unnoticed. The display of a side featuring UCD’s Ben Marshall, John Cooney and David Doyle from the bench was hugely impressive. However, the performance of skipper Rhys Ruddock, a 1st year commerce student in UCD and sports scholarship recipient, was particularly impressive. Ruddock led the side from start to finish, and he clearly is a name to remember not only for the future, but for the present time as well. In the aftermath of the win over Italy, Ruddock spoke of his delight with the result. “Yeah, we’re really happy with the win. Not everything went to plan but we’re delighted to get the first win and to get off to a good start to the Six Nations. It was our first international game together, but it was good to get some mistakes out of the way and we can now look forward having learned from them.” Ireland completely dominated the first half, but in spite of that, only led 13-0 at the break. Ruddock was unlucky not to score a try, denied by the video referee who could not award him a try due to insufficient camera angles of Ruddock’s grounding of the ball at a ruck. Aside from his frustration at not scoring a try, Ruddock admitted the first half was scrappy and paid credit to the opposition. “They’re always a very physical team, always show a lot heart and as we learned last year when we only beat them by six points, they are difficult to put away. This year though, we were really happy at not

Kerr’s gives Ireland hope

letting Italy score any points.” “We showed a lot of control, it would’ve been easy to throw the ball around after getting a few scores and play ‘hail Mary’ rugby. Instead, we managed to keep control of the game and play it in the right areas.” Despite the French’s 8-8 draw with Scotland in Inverness during the opening weekend, the game in Mazamet near Toulouse is sure to be a test for the Irish. Ruddock recognised this fact and downplayed any notion that the French were weak. “We haven’t really looked into that result too much because their Under 20’s are very similar to the senior team, you don’t know whether an away result can be much of an indicator on what they’re going to be like at home. As well as that, Scotland has a very strong team. Last year we played France at home in Dubarry Park and that was a really big help. France will be a really tough challenge.”

Aside from the success with Ireland though, it’s been a huge year for Ruddock with Leinster. Rhys, the son of former Welsh Grandslam winning manager Mike Ruddock, made his debut playing 80 minutes away to Newport Gwent Dragons in the Magner’s League. He has also been picked for a few Heineken Cup squads too. The UCD star admitted, it’s been a really big year for him. “Yeah, I’m really delighted to have been given the opportunity with Leinster to play senior rugby. But for now, the focus is with the Under 20’s and trying to do our best in the championship.” Modesty is clearly a trait of Ruddock’s, and it seems as though that ‘Declan Kidney’ style of answering questions has spread throughout the IRFU set-up. The time could be fast approaching when people may have to be playing down just how good Rhys Ruddock really is.

Faroe Islands manager Brian Kerr talks of his side’s tough draw and Ireland’s fortune’s to Colman Hanley Last Sunday’s European Championship draw left Ireland unsure of their 2012, as they were drawn against Russia, Slovakia, FYR Macedonia, Armenia and Andorra. However for one proud Irish man, his first thoughts were not of the ‘Boys in Green,’ but the Faroe Islands. On completion of the draw in Warsaw, former UCD trainee technician Brian Kerr turned his thoughts straight away turned to plot how his Faroese side would overcome current World Champions Italy, Serbia, Slovenia, Northern Ireland and Estonia. He admitted his side were given a tough draw. “We were never going to get what we wanted. Obviously we wanted the weakest teams in each pot, but overall we’re quite happy as travelling wise it’s not that bad for the team and some of the supporters. We’ve a couple of teams we might be able to surprise, but we’ve some difficult and stiff opposition too. Northern Ireland is an attractive proposition for me, I used to bring Saint Patrick’s Athletic teams up there during the troubles, and I’ll also be travelling back to where my parents were born.” The Faroes drew with Northern Ireland 1-1 in Belfast in 1991, ran Italy close twice in games in 2007 and narrowly lost to Serbia in the previous World Cup campaign. But Kerr is still realistic of his side’s chances. “Everything needs to fall into place for us to have a chance; we’re the third lowest ranking side in Europe. The reality is they haven’t had many good results in the last ten years. We will be underdogs in every single game, so for us to get any good result, it’ll be a shock or surprise.” While Kerr’s thoughts drifted off towards try-

ing Italy and the rest of group C, he gave his opinion on his former side, The Republic of Ireland. “Ireland’s draw is good from a football point of view. As a manager, you’d be saying to yourself that we should be capable of getting at least second place, and possibly winning the group. I don’t see any other team that should cause us great problems. Macedonia, Armenia, Andorra; they’ve done nothing in the last few qualifying competitions to scare us by any means, so it’s an attractive draw.” Kerr’s opinion is backed up in the recent games against Ireland’s group B opponents. Under Steve Staunton for the Euro 2008 campaign, Ireland defeated Slovakia 1-0 win in Croke Park, but the 2-2 draw in Bratislava will be remembered for a late Marek Cech equaliser and the final appearance made to date by Stephen Ireland. The last campaign Ireland were paired with Andorra, they won both games and qualified for the World Cup. The memories of Macedonia are not so good however, Ireland did win at home twice against the FYR in the World Cup 98 and Euro 00 qualifying competitions. But the away defeat in 1997 (remembered for Jason McAteers red card and kung-fu kick) and late 1-1 draw in Skopje in 1999 will remind this Irish side not to take the Macedonians lightly. Ireland’s history with

Armenia is very limited. When Kerr took charge of the Irish team in 2003, he was given the task of saving the Euro 2004 qualifying campaign. “The team lost the opening game 4-2 in Moscow, but when we played Russia when I was manager, we drew 1-1 in Lansdowne Road having had the majority of the play. But Russia is a power in football, make no doubt about it.” However, Kerr was quick to point out the major down side to the draw. “Football wise it’s a good draw, but commercially it’s a bad draw. Russia and Croatia were the top seeds everyone wanted to avoid as there’s no television value in those games. As well as that, I don’t see Irish people jumping off their armchairs and going out to buy tickets for those matches.” The Irish and the Faroes both have tough examinations in front of them, but with two shrewd managers in charge of them respectively, success is a real possibility for both sides.


College Tribune February 9th 2010


Colman Hanley UCD began their 2010 Fitzgibbon Cup campaign with a terrific win away to Cork IT (CIT) last Thursday. A four point haul from Dotsy O’Callaghan proved crucial, as UCD recorded six points unanswered in the final 20 minutes of the game. CIT proved to be the superior side in the opening half, points from Tony Murphy and Cork senior hurling star Patrick Horgan gave the Cork side a three point lead at the half-time break, 0-5 to 0-2. In the second half, Horgan notched a further two points in reply to UCD scores from O’Callaghan and skipper Maurice Nolan. However after Adrian Mannix gave CIT a 0-8 to 0-4 lead on 40 minutes, UCD’s domination began. Points from O’Callaghan, UCD sports scholar John O’Loughlin, Liam Rushe (twice), and Joey Boland (twice) secured a fantastic away victory for UCD. With two games in Dublin remaining, NUIG at home this Wednesday at 2pm, and DIT away on the 16th of February, UCD now have a decent chance of topping Group B and gaining a home quarter-final. The exit of the footballers in the Sigerson Cup will also strengthen the David O’Callaghan, seen here in action vs Antrim, starred in UCD’s Fitzgibbon win over CIT hurler’s chances. Players like O’Callaghan, O’Loughlin, the winning theme continue as senior counterparts by recording Ryan, E O’Shea, S Cummins, O O’Carroll brothers Rory and Ross, UCD’s camogie side defeated what possibly could be the second Gough, N Prendergast, D Kenny, and Wexford’s Ciarán Lyng can NUIG. UCD’s freshers hurling victory over CIT in the space of D Langton, L Ryan (D O’Connor now concentrate solely on repre- team will also begin their champi- six days. 59), Rory O’Carroll, M Nolan senting UCD in the Fitzgibbon. onship campaign today, they will (c), J O’Loughlin, J Boland, D Elsewhere, last Sunday saw the hope to repeat the feat of their UCD Fitzgibbon Team vs CIT: J O’Callaghan, L Rushe, P Atkinson

Ultimate Club have mixed weekend Colman Hanley

Hurlers off to a flyer in Fitzgibbon Cup (Ross O’Carroll 60). Scorers: D O’Callaghan 0-4, J Boland 0-2, L Rushe (0-1f, 0-1 ‘65’) 0-2, M Nolan 0-1 (1f), John O’Loughlin 0-1. Referee: D Copps.

First Years conquer Harding UCD’s first years were out in Galway to compete in the Irish Universities Football Union (IUFU) Harding Cup last weekend, and came away with the silverware following a 3-0 victory over last year’s champions, University of Limerick. They comprehensively defeated University College Cork in the semi-finals by six goals to one, and started the tournament off by avenging last year’s shock first round defeat by putting four past the hosts, NUI Galway. UCD showed their intent with the strength of the squad named to compete, including a few first team squad members including goalkeeper Ger Barron and midfield ace Paul Corry, both instrumental in college’s promotion to the premier division. With the first teams first friendly match of the 2010 season against Wexford Youths called off last Friday, the Harding Cup provided vital preparation before the start of the new season. With a mixture of League of Ireland and Leinster Senior League squad members, the Dublin team ensured that they would be up with a strong chance of victory. The competition takes place every year over four days with teams playing a 90-minute match each day. However for UCD it started on the Friday, gaining a bye through the first round. UCD started strongly against the Galweigans, three goals inside the first fifteen minutes gave the Dublin team a commanding lead, with the goals coming from Samir Belhout, Tyrone McNellis and Danny Fallon. The task was made easier for UCD when Galway were reduced to ten men. However, it did come at a cost, Paul Corry on the receiving end of a dreadful challenge and sustaining a shin injury that kept him out of the rest of the tournament. Substitute Cormac O’ Brolchain scored a fourth for UCD to see them through Photo taken by Ed Scannell the first round with a 4-2 win.

Eoghan Brophy discusses how UCD came away from Galway with the Harding Cup, their third piece of silverware in three months

UCD’s winning run continues, after claiming the league of Ireland

In the semi final the game looked a contest at half time with UCD 2-1 up with another two goals from Belhout. However it quickly ended in the second half with Belhout completing his hat-trick, a brace from Brolchain and another from McNellis. So UCD had gotten through the first two rounds and scored ten goals and with Belhout on form UL were up for a tough fight. And so it proved with Belhout putting another past Limerick and taking the player of the tournament award, Belhout ending the tournament with five goals. McNellis and Fallon added to their tally for the tournament and it could have been more with the Dublin team also missing a first half penalty. And so the trophies keep coming in for the students. The first team gained promotion, the U20s won their league and now the fresher’s have continued to show the upcoming talent in UCD that will help them with their chances in the upcoming premier division campaign. While influential ex-captain Ronan Finn has left the students the Harding Cup has given more proof if it was ever needed that UCD is the place to be to see the up and coming stars of the future for the league of Ireland. After seeing the breakthrough of players such as Corry, Dave McMillan and Peter McMahon, the Harding Cup squad will take confidence from the fact that these progressed to become first team regulars. Competing in the premier division will no doubt have aided UCD in helping them keep hold of some of their bigger players and with the uncertainty surrounding Cork and problems in many league of Ireland clubs continuing UCD’s premier division season, set to get under way in a month’s time may not be another fight against relegation.

Last weekend saw the UCD Ultimate Frisbee club compete in a five team tournament on the grounds of Trinity College. The event proved to be a success for the five colleges involved, UCD, University College Cork (UCC), Trinity College (TCD), University of Limerick (UL) and Dublin City University (DCU). UCD’s first game saw them come up against UCC. The game proved to be a very one sided affair as a well prepared UCC side dominated, winning out on a score line of 15-0. The second game for UCD pitted them against their rivals Trinity College. UCD started off well, and after the early stages of the game, Trinity held a close 3-2 lead. However, as UCD began to tire and make mistakes, Trinity’s performance levels improved and they punished the silly mistakes made by UCD. In the end, Trinity ran out easy winners, 15-3. The game of the day came next as UCD faced off against UL. UCD got off to bad start by conceding two early goals, but soon afterwards, they settled and got into their rhythm. An increased rate of closing down their opponents led to UCD soon dominating and leading 8-3 at the half-time break. UCD lead 9-4 early on in the second half, but as they started to take their foot off the gas, UL came fighting back and the score was soon pegged back to 9-6, and UL were found guilty of not converting further chances. UL’s mistakes were to prove costly as UCD eventually regained their first half form and won out 11-7. UCD’s final game of the weekend was against their other Dublin rivals, DCU. The previous win against UL stood to UCD, and they quickly raced into a 3-0 lead over DCU. DCU eventually registered their first score, but as half-time came, UCD held a narrow lead at 4-3. UCD continued to play well into the second-half, leading 7-6 going into the final quarter of the game. However, energy levels were at a minimum in the final stages, and three goals unanswered gave DCU the win, 9-7. All in all, the weekend showed what the Ultimate club is all about, participation, fair play and respect to others, and most of all, the enjoyment of the sport. Meanwhile, the Ultimate Club have announced they are to take place in the University Ultimate Tournament in Amsterdam on April 17th and 18th.

Ucd’s Rising star

On foreign soil

Interview Page 18

Interview Page 18

U20 Rugby Captain Rhys Ruddock

Brian kerr speaks to the tribune

the college tribune


The College Tribune 9.02.10

UL Eagles 87 UCD Marian 75 Colman Hanley

UCD’s midfielder Niall Corkery battling for possession in the Sigerson Cup defeat to DCU

Photography by Barry Hennessy

UCD Fall to DCU in Fitzgibbon Cup Michael Vaughan DCU Sportsgrounds DCU 2-6 UCD 0-9

UCD suffered a disappointing exit in the second round of the Sigerson Cup. Their departure at the first hurdle of the competition will come as a bitter blow, goals at key stages of the game punishing Malachy O’Rourke’s side. UCD took an early lead in this all Dublin encounter through points coming from Kevin McGourty and Francis McGee. DCU soon settled though, two frees coming from Cavan forward Seanie Johnston. On twelve minutes, DCU raised the first green

flag of the game. Meath born full-forward Brian Sheridan, brother of inter-county star Joe, pounced to score after Dermot Sheridan’s goalbound shot was saved by UCD keeper Michael Savage. To their credit, UCD didn’t let their heads drop, McGee landing a long-range free, but DCU maintained the upper hand with points coming from Flynn and Flanagan. Another fine point from McGee was registered late in the opening half to leave UCD trailing 1-4 to 0-4 at the interval. But sadly for UCD, their opponent’s momentum continued straight into the second half. A brilliant passage of play by the home team shortly after the resumption ended in Brian Sheridan netting his second goal of the game, punching in Dermot Sheridan’s high ball into the square. With a commanding six point lead, UCD were always going to struggle. But UCD displayed great heart to stay in touch of their north Dublin rivals

through McGee’s frees and a point chipped over by David ‘Dotsy’ O’Callaghan with just 15 minutes remaining. However DCU tagged on further points by Flanagan and Flynn knocked another two points over to hold the gap at five points for DCU. Despite the efforts of McGee who tagged on two further points, UCD couldn’t get the goal they needed to tie the game. DCU’s dominance was typified by the commanding display put in by centre-half back Bryan Cullen, a captain of the DCU side that won the Sigerson Cup in 2005. His role in the DCU backline restricted UCD to just three scores from play in the game. For UCD, the performances of McGee, Niall Corkery, Mick Fitzsimons, Rory O’Carroll and Cian O’Sullivan (the latter two who featured for Dublin’s National Football League clash against Kerry in Kilarney last Sunday) will give them en-

couragement for next year’s campaign. With the Sigerson final pencilled in to take place in Croke Park next year, UCD won’t need any more motivation. For DCU however, they now face a quarter-final tie at home to the reigning Sigerson champions, Cork IT. UCD: M. Savage, M. Fitzsimons, Rory O’Carroll, Peter Kelly, Ross O’Carroll (C Forde 37), C. O’Sullivan, J. Fitzpatrick (R Maloney 50), J. O’Loughlin, N. Corkery, M. McGowan, Paul Kelly (D O’Connor 35), K. McGourty, C. Lyng, D. O’Callaghan (B ORorke 57), F. McGee. Scorers: F. McGee 0-7 (0-5f, 0-1’45), K. McCourty, D. O’Callaghan 0-1 each. Wides: 5 (3+2). Booked: McGourty (13), O’Callaghan (22), McGowan (30), Lyng (50). Referee: G. McCormack (Dublin).

Bhí drochoíche ag UCD Marian arís ar an Satharn nuair a chaill siad i Luimneach in aghaidh na nIolar (Eagles). Bhuaigh UL an cluiche seo sa chéad ceathrú i ndáiríre, bhí siad chun tosaigh 27-8 ag an am sin. D’imir UCD i bhfad níos fearr sa dara ceathrú, ní raibh aon difríocht ann idir an dá fhoireann, 50-31 ag leath ama. Lean UCD ar aghaidh sa dara leath, ach fós, in ainneoin na sár-iarrachta a chur said isteach (bhuaigh siad an dara leath 44-37), chaill UCD. D’imir na deartháireacha Conor agus Niall Meaney, an Meiriceánach Luke McCrone agus Neil Baynes an-mhaith, agus ag an am céanna, bhí na hógánaigh Cathal Finn agus Paddy Young go maith freisin. Sa tsraith, tá Marian fós sa cheathrú háit sa North Conference, agus beidh siad ag imirt in aghaidh Killester an Satharn seo chugainn i gCluain Tarbh ar a hocht a chlog.

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