The Messenger

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From Lakan... Continued from page 1 She also used to cut pictures out of magazines and paste them on cards she made and send them to people for encouragement. I was with them on one occasion at the hospital waiting room when Mary saw a distraught family. She asked Roy, whom she affectionately called “Rev,” to wheel her to the family. She visited with the family and led them in prayer. She and Roy would call people if they did not see them at the worship service to make sure they are doing okay. Roy at 90 still goes to church every Sunday and Wednesday. He still leads a Bible study at the

County jail. I could sense his heart breaking as he talked about his neighbors who do not know our Lord Jesus. It did not surprise me that his passion for the Lord has not diminished over the years but has in fact intensified. Like so many times in the over twenty years that I have known Roy, we bowed our heads in prayer before I left. There was a sacredness about that place, about that moment, because for me it was a familiar experience and place with God. I cannot remember the number of times Roy and I had been on our knees, while Mary sat on her wheel chair, as we prayed for our churches, for people, for family. Now with a quavering

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voice and a heart that more than ever beats strong for his Lord, Roy prays that God will not allow his life to be in neutral. That God will let him continue to share Jesus with his neighbors, with others. Roy could have prayed for a lot of things. He could have prayed for an even longer life. But he prayed that his life will not be in neutral. He prayed to be used of the Lord until his dying breath. Roy is “good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith, and a great number of people were brought to the Lord.” (Acts 11:24) King Jesus, grace your Church with more Roy Heimbeckers.


Our Preteen Students are having a fundraising Garage Sale to help them raise funds for their Summer Retreat! If you have items you would like to donate for the sale, please bring them by the church. If you need help getting them here, please contact Philip Cross at the church office.

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