The Blue Mountain Review Issue 7

Page 118

Because there is nothing to fear! I heard once that nothing real can be threatened, and my writing is my absolute truth and soul, so hey universe, take it away! I am a woman with a voice and a story and because of that I deserve to be heard BECAUSE everyone deserves to be heard! I believe in sharing our absolute truths, so we can all see how connected we really are. Whether that is through memoir, poetry, fiction, music, theater - it is all the work of our big hearts trying to reach out and connect to one another and I believe that kind of truth deserves to be elevated because it is bonding. 7) Tell the BMR readers some quirky things about yourself. So often we are seen as brooding, dour, and incapable of laughter. I know that isn't the truth. What are a few of the hold-overs from childhood you keep alive to prolong essential innocence? I still move worms back to the dirt after they have been washed up on the sidewalk from the rain, like I did as a kid. I don’t know if this is quirky or stupid, but I feel a deep connection to every animal I come in contact with, though I have learned to respect their space (because I know the feeling IS NOT MUTUAL) and I will never try to hold a kangaroo’s hand at the zoo ever again, or pick up a snapping turtle. Most proud quirk: I can rap the entirety of, “My Shot” from Hamilton: the Musical. In our home, I go by “One Sip Sam,” a title given to me by my boyfriend because I waste his beer. Oh, and I kiss animals sloppily on the mouth. Mostly dogs, but I’m open. Links:

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