The Drift - Summer, 2019

Page 38


f you’ve fished in western North Carolina much at all, you’ll know that the Pisgah and Nantahala National Forests are home to many miles of outstanding trout streams. Later this summer, the United States Forest Service (USFS) will release its draft management plan which will serve as a roadmap for the next fifteen to twenty years in the management of these forests and their resources. The Nantahala National Forest and Pisgah National Forest encompass nearly 1.1 million acres of public lands in western North Carolina. The plan will provide a future framework and guidance for all the projects on both national forests, and is strategic, not project-specific, by intentional design. However, it will play a large role in determining


Summer 2019

priorities for years to come – including stream restoration, rehabilitation and p projects in which Trout Unlimited is h

Each United States national forest and across the country is required to update management plans every 15-20 years to accommodate changing needs and prio current management plan for Nantahal released in 1987 and amended in 1994.

In 2012 the USFS issued a revised plan that requires an emphasis on science-b collaboration from various public stake new plan and process comply with that

In 2013 a collaborative group, the Nan Forest Partnership (NPFP), was formed

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