Colby Magazine vol. 91, no. 1

Page 50

Alumni at Large

1 960s- 1 9 70s

found i t more touristy and de\·eloped

daily journals and photos. I ' m sti l l in

now, but the people were j ust as

Colchester, \'t., where I live with my

wonderful. . . . And then in J a n uary

husband, John '66. Since he teaches

1 took my first ttip ever to I ndia and

a t St. ,\ lichael's College, we have time

:\'epal , where I was equally i mpressed.

to trave l . John's Spanjsh has i mproved

Does an)'One remember the story

(mine has not) as we have traveled to

President Strider used to tel l about meeting Christie Higginbottom '66

i\1exico, Costa Rica and Puerto Rico.

on a passing elephant a t Tiger 1ops

\'enezuela and El Salvador. Each time

On his own he has been to Guatemala,

i n :\" epaP Wel l , I finally ful filled a

we travel south we look at possi bili ties

dream and made it there. (Looked

for retirement. Six months in \ ermont

for both of them, but to no avail . )

and six in Central America are starting

I enjoyed I n d i a so m u c h t h a t I ' m

to sound l i ke a good plan. It's tough

organizing my own trip . . . a n d have 1 5 friend who want to go. \\'e ' l l

to believe that retirement is in the

b e spending a couple of weeks in

have ever thought we'd be this ol d ? 1

southern I ndia i n J anuary, and the trip involves another elephant safari . I ' l l keep my eyes peeled for R E L S or

In m y lim ited spare time I read and ride my bike. In the last two years I 've taken up dressage riding. I ' m sti l l at the most basic level, but I ' m having a

Christie' I ' l l be at Col by's graduation ceremony next .\ fay. If anyone from our cla s is there, I ' d love to say hi." . . . J o h n B i rkinbine writes, " I continue

my work as a parmer of ,\ lulti State Associ a te , which is the country's largest state and local government re l a t i o n s m a nagement fi rm. ( I 've '' ondered a t times what percentage of American go,·ernmem majors actually end up working with our various Je,·els of government.) Our daugh ter, Kristen, and her h usband have blessed us \I ith our second grandchi l d , and of course they are the cutest of all time. .\ 1 ) n i ece, Katie \\'elch (daughter of F ranny Birkinbine \ \'e l ch ' 7 2 ), has just begun her freshman year at Col by, making her, by our count, the eighth family member to do so. ,\ ly '' i fe, arah, and I get to Orr's [sland, .\ l aine, at least once a year to get together '' ith family and friends and get our ,\ l a i n e ' fi x . ' \\Te see Rick .\ l a n s fi e l d and his wife, .\ l a rylou, \\ h e n h1'> bu i n ess brings h i m to Ch icago, mine takes me to Boston, or the) wander north to Orr's Island. \\'ould lm e to hear from classmates and hope to make a reunion oon." . . . Betty avicki C a rve l l a '' rites, " I 'm entering Ill) Hth ) ear of teaching, and I .,ull lcl\ e it. I get the chance to \I ork '' 1th wonde rful students .i nd great colleagues. The reaching profc.,.,1on ha'> been good ro m e . l \ c tra, eled a l l O\ er t h e ,,orJd on education- or <,c1ence-relared trips. J .a.,t .. um mer I \1 J'> in the rain forests and di") forc'>t'> of Co.,ta Rica, and '><>meume ne\t ) ear (an) ame from \ L m .:h through �eprember) I ' l l be a part of a re.,earch team headmg '>Ollle\1 here I ll the \retie. \n) one \1 ho \1 am .. to foll()\\ Ill) \retie ad' en tu re<, can log on to h r tp://t e a . n c e . e d u . O n ce in the field, I ' l l be pmt 1 n g



B l' · W


R 2

nor-too-distant future. \Vho would

great time! I may be at the age when retirement is a possibi l i ty, but I'm enjoying myself and my work too much to think about it yet."

C o l by 's H e ritag e C l u b : A M atte r O f Wi l l Powe r

-1\nncy Dodge 81yn11


Greetings to a l l . This column is a short one due to the l i m i ted amount of news I have received. If you would like to see a longer column, then it's up to you to drop me a couple of l i nes about yourself and any other classmate. You know I can turn it i n to a work o f fiction a n d begi n to make up stories about you1 Ines Ruelius Altemose continues to work as the senior director of clin ical operation fo r a contact resea rch organization. She recently marked 2 0 years of marriage to her lucky husband, David, and plans a trip to Egypt and Kenya to celebrate. I nes en joys ''isits from daughter Kristen a n d her fa m i l y a n d goes boogie boarding with her gran dki ds. Go Granny . . . . S haron Timberlake is back to school. She entered a P h . D . program i n sustainable economic de\'elopmenr a t the ,\I uskie School of Public Sen' ice at the University of Southern ,\ laine. She freq uently \'isits with Diane Kindler and her son and enjoys l i fe in the Portland <lrea . . . . ff you need to borro'' money, Peter Brown is your man. He is the president and CEO of Ledyard ;-(ational Bank and recently '' a' elected chairman of the board. Peter h as spent the last 2 7 years 1 11 b a n k i n g a n d fi nance in :\' e '' I l a mpshire and also has been acti,�e in man) ci' ic and community organiza­ t1om in the area . . . . Sue Newbert oodrich is sti l l \1 orking as a media production specialistat the lJ nl\ ersit) of Southern \ laine. I ! er daugh ter, •

The beautiful Mayflower H i l l campus and the endowment that underpin Colby's academic excellence were b u i l t largely by thoughtful bequests from alumni and friends. And the need cont inues. obo<ly but you needs to k now exactly what you've put in your w i l l , trust or other l i fe i ncome arrangement. But wearing the Heritage Club pin says you've made a permanent commitment to the fi nancial support of the Col lege. There are many ways to structure your bequest. You can specify a dollar amount, a fixed percentage or particular items of real or tangible property. You may provide income to a loved one before benefiting the College, and you may even derive extra benefit during your l ifet i me by mak i ng a "planned gift" now. If you've already put Colby in your w i l l or a special trust arrangement, p lea e tell u so we can officially welcome you into the Heritage Club. For more i nformation on how to make a beque t, write

teve Greave , d i rector of capital giving, or

ue Cook '75, as ociate d irector of p lanned giving, olby College, Waterv i l le, Maine 0490 1 . phone: ( 207) 8 7 2 - 2 1 0 e-ma i l :

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