Colby Magazine vol. 87, no. 2

Page 50





ning an Outward Bound-type activity (age ap­ physically, mentally and spiritually . . . . Brian J udy, celebrated their 2 7th anniversary recently. propriate) for Saturday afternoon in Waterville. McAlary lists his professions as physician and They moved from Hartford, Conn., to ew Please do plan to be there. Kim said that his Pop-Pop, and wife Susan's (Sawyer '64) as ad­ Bern, N .C., in January 1 997. Judy is a Teddy wife, Gail ( Price), recently received her real Bear and doll collector . . . . Bob Marr ends m i n istrative assistant and G randmother. estate license and sold her first house. Con­ Hmmm, guess they have reached that special kudos to J udy Hoagland Bristol for keeping us gratulations! Kim also told me that Meg Wall stage of their l ives. Brian, who has reduced his all in touch over the years. Bob and his wife, Sheldrick died of cancer back in November. Patricia, live in the .Y.C. area, where he is a clinical practice and increased his consulting Meg had visited Gail's greenhouse last summer, and educational activities, still wishes he were supervisor at Camp LaGuardia . . . . Hank Phillips and Gail said that the disease was taking its roll. teaching at Colby. Sue and Brian spent May '96 and wife Dedra are living in Pottstown, Pa., We'l l surely miss Meg in J une . . . . That's all our taking her mom to Scotland and Ireland for her where Hank is a trade marketing manager. They news for now. See you when the have two daughters and an 1 8daffodils are blooming on May­ month-old grandson, a great joy, flower Hill. says Hank. They recently visited N EWS MAKERS -Barbara Haines Chase Scotland and would like to explore Susan Ferries Moore '63 has been named vice president-environ­ Elderhostels upon retirement . . . . mental affairs of the Georgia Pacific Corp. Since 1 993 she has It is January, and Dusty Dick Poland writes from H iram, served as the company's director of environmental policy, training and I are j ust back from 1 0 days in Maine, that his daughter, N icole, and regulatory affairs . . . . G. Arthur Brennan '68 was unani­ the British Virgin Islands. On a joined the Class of 200 1 at Colby mously endorsed by the Maine legislature's j udiciary committee for sunny afternoon, deep in the grot­ this fall. Hurray! . . . Dick Mittle­ reappointment to a third seven-year term as Maine superior court man, an attorney in Providence, and toes of The Baths on Virgin Gorda, j udge. Newspapers report high praise for his fairness in the court­ wife Linda, a real estate broker, have we encountered a nice-looking room. . . . Joan Gutman Kidman '68, past chair of the family law two married ons and three grand­ party of people. After cheerful ban­ section of the Maine State Bar Association, is one of the first children. They celebrated their 3 5 th ter, we discovered that no less than caseworkers in a new Maine family court division that will focus on wedding anniversary in June. Con­ five of them were Colby graduates, paternity suits and divorces involving children. gratulations! . . . Anne Ticknor classes of '58 and '88 among others.


McNeece is a special educator in Had I a pencil and paper in my M I LE POSTS Boxborough, Mass. She and Rob, a bathing suit, I would now be able to systems analyst, have six children tell you who they are, but alas, just Deaths: Margaret Wall Sheldrick '63, Nov. 6, 1 997, in Worcester, and three grandchildren. They have be content that our good colleagues Mass., at 5 5 . . . . Shepard J. Kantor '65, Aug. 28, 1 997, in New added on to their second home on can be found almost anywhere. York, N.Y., at 53 . . . . Charles C. McDowell '65, Mar. 9, 1 998, in Cape Cod and are now spending . . . Mail has been sparse this month, Tempe, Ariz., at 54 . . . . Karen C. Jensen '66, Sept. 1 4, 1 997, in mo t weekends there. Anne says the final mailing of the 1 997-98 Anchorage, Alaska, at 52 . . . . Catherine Hennings Anderson that, as a teacher, she loves summer questionnaire containing questions '67, Dec. 2, 1 997, in Rockland, Maine, at 5 1 . more with every year that goes suggested by you. A quick response by . . . . Rollie and I are off to e cape from Bob Gelbard, currently in the snow and ice with a Caribbean cruise­ 80th birthday. ( What a great idea! Think I ' l l Washington, D.C. , as special representative of celebrating 3 5 years of wedded bliss. Keep the mention it r o m y son-in-law . ) Brian defines the President for implementation of the Dayton letters, notes and news coming. success as "Looking forward to the next day." Peace Accords, states that he and wife Alene -Patricia Farnham Russell Terrific outlook on life . . . . From Tallahassee, have a daughter, Alexandra. . . . Sue Sawyer Fla., Anita Nourse Largent sends sad news of McAlary never expects to retire but is learning This may well be my last column, and the unexpected death of her 22-year-old daugh­ to be a good grandma these days, with both I look forward to reading news gathered and ter, Amanda, from an asthma attack. To help daughters and their three grandchildren nearby. written by my successor, Karen Forslund Falb. keep her memory alive and continue her inter­ They also have two horses and eight cats! . . . It has been an interesting experience, and it's ests in social work, Anita and her husband, Dawne Wiswell Unruh has moved to Yankton, fun to get news firsthand from far and near. . . . Wayne, are providing every child who goes to S.D. Her son Rick graduated from Colby in Jay Fraze writes from Denver that he has re­ the local Refuge Hou e with a stuffed animal. 1 997. On the question of how far women have cently joined Verio Colorado, an Internet solu­ We extend our sympathy to you both . . . . Bill progressed she answered, "We have come far, tton company that owns more than 25 local and I had an interesting and fulfilling experi­ but still need to find a balance of home and Internet companies in the U . . Jay welcome ence in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, in mid Novem­ career. C h i l d care is by far the m a j o r anyone who visit Denver to call him. or ber. Haiti i the poorest country in the Western concern." . . . E-mail from Barbie Carr Howson Hemisphere, with little or no infrastructure, but happy With the two feet of snow that fell there brings news that she has a new job as coordina­ last ovember, he much prefers golfing weather. the people are beautiful and appear happy in tor of the college and career center in the A Red ox fan, though geographically removed, spite of the condition under which they live. guidance department at Meadowbrook High We worked a part of a group of seven in several Jay defme ucce a domg better m baseball School. . . . And Jack Ryan reports that he ran medical institutions and cl inics, providing basic than they have done recently . . . . Byron into Mark Benbow, now living in a retirement care to children and familie . The need is great, Petrakis and h1 w1fe, Gayle, are ttll m the home in Maryland, and believe it or not he is and we will certainly go again sometime. We re taurant bu me m ew Hamp h1re. He ay teaching courses to fellow residents. The guy returned from the tropic to full-blown winter. he never antt 1pared that thi would be h1s lme doesn't know when to quit. The resident I know Gue s you've heard it's been a bit icy and brisk of work when he left Colby. Though Byron at the home says he is brilliant and that he gets hereabouts . . . . I poke With Ralph Kimball last wmes that the grey hair m h1 beard have a lot out of the discus ions. evenmg ro check m on reunion plan . The almo t enmely replaced the black one , he trav­ -Sara Shaw Rhocules econd pre-reumon gathenng for New England eled ro A them, Greece, m ctober of 1 996 ro alum wa on February 7. K1m ays that motiva­ run m the l OOrh anmver ary of the fir t Modem In motion! . . . Randy Williams and tional speaker Thomas Moore has been secured Olympic Marathon Quite an a compli hment Mary Jane left their Marblehead, Mass., home a; our peaker for aturday mght f Reunion for a gray-bearded guy He 1 IIvmg up ro h1 with a homemade chocolate birthday cake to Weekend and that Penn Williamson is plande mmon of ucce. : raymg f1t and healthypresent to their daughter Ali in Casablanca,



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