Colby Magazine vol. 86, no. 1

Page 7


woyear-;;agoAhigail Rome '78wa ready to

known of the natural history and ecology of these

A well-traveled consen·ationcome home.

"In order ro manage them well. area ,"Rome said.

1st and former Peace Corps \'Olunteer. he

we must know more."

had )LIS[ finished leading a Colby Jan rlan

Rome is currently coordinating a oil ecology

Now she un ecology and consen·ar1on in Ecuador.

re,earch project in which scientist� from the Uni­

, per­ wa lollking torward to ettling in rhe U ..

\ er,iry nfGenrgia and the Uni\'ersity of Chicago

haps even buying a hou-e.

are parti ipacing._he and her raff are frequent

But then she recei\'eJ an offer: How would she

ho-rs to scientists from throughout the world and

like to be the director of Maquipucuna Re·en·e

want ro encourage e\·en more to come and u e

high m the mountain of Ecuador.To Rome, the

their first-cla·s research station and laboratory.

dream-to actually help -a\-e some tropical rain­


forest.The iob, she say-, was simply "roo glxi.:l to

ecornuri ts, and since then Rome ays there has

turn do\\n."

been a steady stream of student , conservarioni ts

ntfer wa, an opportunity ro fulfill a long-time

Today, Rome i · cmwinced raying in Ecuador

But cientists aren't the only one- to vi it the Last year Maquipucuna opened to

and other \·acatinners.

or only does ecotourism

was the right decis1 )n. Not only is she lh·ing and

generate much-needed income for the re en-e, it

workmg in rhe heart of one of the country' last

al ·o pre·ent:i an opronunity to teach other about

remammg stretches of cloudfore t, she also is

tropical forest consen·ation.And in a country

helpmg to lay the foundation for protection of

11·here rouri:im ha_ long been a leading- ·er n t

-imtlar habitat e\'er)where. D1rectmg b1olog1cal

alwavs nature-friendly-indu:itry, Rome has helped

re earch and environmental education and

make Maquipucuna a model of what ecotourism is

ecotounsm programs, Rome is using her wealth of

meant to be-respon·1ble tra\·el that helps u rain

�kill- to literally a\·e the ramforesr.

local economies as well as natural area .

That ts no �mall ta k. Located two hour north-

Henry Terper, director of the New Hamp hire

we tnfQuito, Maquipucuna Re-er\'e encompa� e

Office of The

more than 10,000 acres of largely undisturbed

�1aquipucuna for the fir r time m the spring of

ature Consen·ancy, visited

fore t and rugged mountainous terram. Rich in

1995. Ar that time, he ays, it was a new and

pecies, many of which are

"tentati\·e" operation, a place he would "not ha\·e

endangered, the re�en·e is connected to a region

recommended to the average touri t." One year

animal and plant


later he returned, rhis

mo·t b1olog1cally di\·erse

time leading a group of

considered one of the lil the world.

But it al o i

25 ecotourists, and ays one of

he wa- ama::ed at what

the mo·t endangered. All

he aw. From self-guided

around Maquipucuna,

nature trails to delicious

timber cumng, agricul­

Ecuadorian cuisine and

ture, catrle grazing and

the beautiful ecolodge,

charcoal rroduction are

built of all-natural ma­

cau ing the tropical for­

terials, Tepper say the

est to di appear. In the

operation had improved


bination of Abi and her

race to hair the Je truc­

t1on, Rome, who ha

master' degree in plant

ecology, ay it 1 1mpera­ ttve that be and other

learn a much a po ible

immen ely. "The com­


running the

ecotouri m ide of the reerve i

working ex­

tremely well," Tepper

about the e preciou re­

aid. "They have come a

source . "There is little

long way in a very hort

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